tv News Al Jazeera December 1, 2014 1:00pm-2:00pm EST
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elephants. >> this is al jazeera. and this is the al jazeera news hour. i'm david foster. good to have you along for the program. these are some of the stories we're looking into detail in the course of the next 60 minutes. the million and a half syrian refugees tell the u.n, we've run out of money to buy you food. the orphans of the boko haram conflict in. we have a special report as the attacks continue mountain north of the country. iraq's prime minister sacks
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dozens more army officers, after revealing rampant financial corruption in the ranks. >> i'm nick clark in peru, reporting how the country's tropical, climate change conference gets underway in lima. >> the food is running out for syria's refugees. the u.n. world food program says it just canned afford to feed 1.7 million of them anymore. the agency says it needs $64 million for those who fled syria and the camps in neighboring countries. kim vanel reports. >> this muddy field is home to more than a thousand people that have escaped war and left everything behind. but the fight for survival isn't over. >> oh god we are freezing to
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death. i don't have any blankets. a neighbor gave me a piece of foam for my baby to sleep on and another one on which three children sleep. >> here in lebanon's camp near the syrian border there is no running water, leverage or sewage. meelts ar-- electricity or sewa. the u.n. announcing it can no lot being afford to feed syrian refugees. the u.n. has been providing vouchers for syria, turkey and lebanon. they have been feeding 1.7 million people but the money has run out and the program is suspended for december. they have no choice. >> we are trying our best but this is an unfortunate situation where we have to find owr find s and the the story is very simple by the way.
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if the world food program is unable to deliver food to those people, if we cannot give them the voucher they simply will not eat. there is no other solution for them. >> translator: i've been in lebanon for one year. i survive only thanks to the u.n. food vouchers. i don't get anything else. >> the world food program says more than 64 million is needed to feed the refugees for december alone. families like this one could starve. kim vanel, al jazeera. >> inside syria president assad's forces has been trying to retake the damascus suburb of jobar. syrian regime uses barrel bombs and artillery fire to drive rebels away from the capital. a coalition of rebel fighters say the regime' regime's conducd another failed attempt to infiltrate jobar district.
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nigeria is reeling after major attacks in two state capitals. midugary, bombs repelled, and gunmen who raided the town before dawn. our correspondent joining us live from the nigerian capital, give us what you know, raya. >> yes, well the government of the state issued a statement about that raid. that is the more serious attack really that took place earlier today and the governor describing the attack as heinous and barbaric but more importantly assuring the public that damatoro the state capital remains firmly under government control. that was the main concern whether boko haram could potentially take over the town which is a major town. it is a state capital, not a town or village on the fringes
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like those territories that boko haram has been seizing over the past few months, that it does remain under government control and we understand that the security effort is still ongoing as we speak trying to track down and pursue any remnants of these fighters who may be still hiding in the town. at this point, people are trying to venture out, although they're still very concerned, and it is of course the situation all across the northeast, david, where we are seeing people pay the price or bear the brunt of boko haram's ongoing violence for the past five years and since the fight attack over the past few months here, primarily the children among them. we vistaed at amawa state one of the most affected states, we just came back from here. here is our report. >> watched from hiding as boko haram slaughtered his father and
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older brother. motor bikes seized his village. he struck out into the desert, before showing up at this camp for displaced people two days ago. >> i saw everything. i was crying, crying on the mountain. there are times i do not have food or water for up to two days. >> reporter: while amongst the thousands of people displaced are hurns o hundreds of unaccomd children. their parents are killed in the melee bu. pushing thousands out of school now as the group shifted tactics they include seizing territory many children are no longer spared even in their home. here at the largest camp for displaced in adamawa state,
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there are unaccompanied children some as young as two, at least 700 more are scattered in camps. they are assigned to foster mothers and provide food for other nations but some are calling pleading for help. >> there's some instructional materials and if possible extracurricular items like bowls or whatever that will engage the children. >> community leaders believe the camps hold only about 2% of the actual number of displaced people. the number of refugees seek help elsewhere. abigail ran one of the boko haram fighter fighters got dist. >> they don't know where i am. i don't know where they are. that's all i think of. >> most of the children have been dropped off here by total
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strangers. some are suffering from serious trauma. >> the area of consulate we don't have professionals who can invite in order to come and counsel those who have been traumatized. >> it has left them with no one and nothing. al jazeera, northeastern nigeria. >> the bigger picture now, nigeria is a vast country. something like 1200 kilometers from side to side. yola over in the east, adamawa province one of three parts of the country that's been in a state of emergency since may of last year. the u.n. refugee agency says that 700,000 people are now internally displaced by the violence. 140,000 have fled to niger and cameroon.
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niger the country that has borne the brunt. since boko haram has begun its violent campaign in 2009. analysts say the group's tactics have changed over the past months. changed from hit and run strike to suicide bombings and taking and holding on to territory. we'll hear now from mike, former head of nigerian security forces. he says that nigerians need to take security into their own hands. >> boko haram come from from with the international organizations. but one could say that the recent attacks could have come from various reasons. there seems to be an established trait, you recall when the
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former inspector general of police threatened, they went ahead and attacked the police headquarters. again, the chief of defense staff also did the deadline and they went and atackled this town. now the challenge the people to rise up to the taking the strength into their hands. so what it does happen, what happens now is that it calls for extra vigilance on part of the citizenry. everybody should be concerned and take steps to check the menace of boko haram. >> i want to keep you up to date on what the president has been saying in response to ferguson, missouri, where michael brown
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was shot and the grand jury decided not to indict the policeman who shot him. the policeman has since decided to resign from the police force. barack obama says there will be a task force set up in the wake of what happened in ferguson to look into 21st century policing. he has also said the body cameras, this was something that the parents of michael brown had asked for, body cameras will be used on policemen for expanding law enforcement training and obama's asking for $263 million for federal response to ferguson. not exactly sure quite what that means. but we will invigorate and bring you more details just as soon as we have them ourselves. the appeals judge at the international criminal court has upheld the conviction of the
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congolese president lubanga, charged and convicted of conscripting children, sentenced to 14 years in prison. the world health organization is saying that sierra leone is doing all the right things to tackle the ebola virus. >> the good news and there is good news is that in all three countries it's clear now that more than 70% of the ebola deaths that we know about are buried safely. and this is because of the past 60 days, the number of safe burial teams has more than doubled from probably less than 100 or thereabouts to nearly 200 or just over i think we're squeaking in at 202 today across the three countries. the obvious question then is well, that capacity great, it's sufficient for the burials and the ebola deaths that we know about but what about those that we don't?
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and working from the number of burials that these teams can do, working from the information we have about possible unreported burials very clear that there is now enough capacity across these three countries with the exception of a couple of districts here and there that are low-incidence areas. >> for the second time in less than a month the iraqi prime minister has fired dozens of army officers. this was after the government discovered that there are 50,000 so-called ghost soldiers in the army. these are absent names on the defense ministry's payroll. there are 800,000 in the iraqi army, more than half of those reservists, of that table 50,000 are so-called ghosts, their absence causing the iraqi army at least $380 million a year. they either don't exist or don't even bother to turn up and that is an average of $7600 for every
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single one of them. nicole johnston has more. >> at a time when iraq needs its army more than ever corruption has been revealed on a grand scale. 50,000 soldiers, the equivalent of four full divisions, are either not turning up to work or simply don't even exist. some officers may be pocketing the money, claiming more soldiers than they really have. whatever is going open, iraq's prime minister wants to find out and stop it. >> i'm sad that we pay the salaries during this period. all these salaries. as iraq doesn't have the money. while our soldiers were fighting some of them have been killed. these are people who receive salaries and are not present on the ground. that has been allowed to happen. >> new army recruits earn about $600 a month. so these so-called ghost soldiers can be costing iraq at least $380 million a year and
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this could be the tip of the iceberg. iraq's army is under scrutiny now more than ever. in june, four army divisions collapsed when they were confronted by fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant. or i.s.i.l. corruption was blamed as one reason for collapse. and with i.s.i.l. controlling large parts of northern iraq, the army is under pressure to perform. it also needs more money. almost a quarter of iraq's budget next year will go to defense and security. that's a seven fold increase on last year. >> the fighting against corruption is as important as fighting against i.s.i.s. and probably we could not defeat i.s.i.s. with a corrupt army or corrupt police or corrupt iraqi security forces. >> reporter: the u.s. plans to give iraq 1.6 billion to arm and train soldiers kurdish peshmerga
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fighters and tribes. right now some in washington may be wondering how wisely that money will be spent. nicole johnston, al jazeera. >> into iraq now and the war there. fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant have apparently killed at least 15 border guards i.t. it was at a remote post in anbar province. the government there still retains control over the border crossing. with this coming up in the news hour. russia and turkey signing a number of trade deals. taking a look at russia's influence over europe. the peruvian glass is disappearing at an alarming
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rate. and three man short list for fifa's footballer of the year. rest of sport in about half an hour. palestinian woman is in a critical condition after being shot by israeli security forces in the occupied west bank. she had been shot because she injured an israeli soldier with a knife. the latest in a string of attacks between israelis and palestinians. >> israeli army police say they shot at the junction in the occupied west bank after she scrafscratched an israeli soldir with a knife. he did not need million treatment. in her early 20s, she attempted to stab an israeli soldier
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before hitting the settler. >> the on scene, 20-year-old female that got shot by, i don't know by who but she had a shooting wound and we and the medical force from idf went to treat her, she was severely injured and the army ambulance evacuated her in very tough conditions. there following the shooting the army raided the family home they arrested her father a they ransacked the cub boards and broke the closets. they broke the computer and rifled through some papers. they even stepped on the koran after it fell on the floor.
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>> this is a popular hitchhiking spot for settlers. two weeks ago a palestinian man stabbed and killed an israeli woman here. three soldiers were kidnapped and found debt two days later. latest wave of violence in jerusalem has led to more revenge attacks here although israel has boosted security across the west bank and expanded its crack down on palestinians, it hasn't been able to stop these attacks. al jazeera, rah pla. ramalla. >> violins in ukraine. >> translator: we had a chance to discuss regional problems. terrorist organization he i.s.i.l. and the pkk. on that basis we discussed the
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problems in syria and iraq. this was a main topic of discussion after assessing the issues amongst ourselves, in. >> in consideration of our increasing cooperation oil and gas fears, we will discount gas prices by 6% and also discuss further lowering of prices. also discussing building a nuclear power station. i would like to emphasize we are not just building a power station in turkey. >> live for us in the turkish capital that are lasted about 45 minutes and it was pretty turgid stuff, bernard, but although they've got their disagreements over what's happening in syria they need each other.
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>> yes. they do. turkey needs russia's gas. turkey will be pleased that it managed to get a 6% discount on that gas. turkey relies on much of its energy needs on russia. and russia mrs. needs more friends. eu sanctions, u.s. sanction he because of ukraine are biting on russia. russia imposing its own retaliatory sanctions on vegetables and canned items. exports on fresh produce and poultry have gone through the roof since russia imposed those sanction he on the eu. so yes they need the agreements. >> there we have recep tayyip erdogan, the turkish president saying yes it was discussed. i didn't notice putin even referenced what's happening
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inside syria. have we ever the hope of getting what they discussed with one another other than an agie bagie? >> some of the journalists there did press both of them on syria and it was erdogan who was the more outspoken about it as always. he attacked the regime of bashar al-assad. he criticized assad and pointed out how many hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in that conflict in syria, blaming those deaths on assad. putin yes much more muted when he had to answer questions about syria. we know that both of them have argued about syria before. they have also argued about ukraine but principally about syria we know that. the point from this meeting, this meeting today with all these minister that both sides brought together as well is that they can gloss over that, they
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can put that to one side because really what's most important at the moment for both countries are these increasing economic ties. >> david we'll leave it there, thank you. russia says it will carry out more than 100 military drills next year. at the same time, rufers's russs attempting to regain military control in europe. >> a bit of christmas diplomas. install the 25 meter tree in paris. it's a message of peace said the russian ambassador. it's also another example of putin's campaign to garner influence across europe. earlier a moscow based bank lent
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marin lepenne's cash strapped organization $2 million. pulled back from a threat chemical weapons if france reneged on the deal. it's more than christmas trees and cash. vladimir putin couldn't fail to be aware of germany's added distance. finally run out of patience and putin is now paying court to the countries on the margins of europe looking to shore up old alliances. in serbia russian forces on maneuvers with the serbian army. the first joint drill with the country seeking membership in the eu. it rang alarm bells but an indication of russia's determination to extend sphere of influence to the countries
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along its border. syria, $11 billion has been invested over the last ten years italy, hungary negotiated deals at below market rates. and austria, imports 60% of its gas from russia. >> it's essentially for kremlin to have countries inside european union. he would try to invoke sanction he. but the maim battle which putin lost in europe is battle for madam merkel's heart. especially after their five hours meeting in brisbane, she's now just furious about putin. >> reporter: the german chancellor delivered this stark warning about putin's ambitions in a speech following g-20 in
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brisbane last month. this is not just about ukraine, this is about mu moldova. about bribing influence in the yeuzeu, the kremlin is convince, represents a threat to russian security. where the eu goes they tell you nato will follow. peter sharp, al jazeera, moscow. >> stay with us for the al jazeera news hour, coming up in a short while. charging the barricades, the most violent confrontation so far between police and protesters in hong kong. it is world aids day and scientists concerned about the drugs used by patients to keep the virus at bay.
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>> it's a chilling and draconian sentence... it simply cannot stand. >> its disgraceful... the only crime they really committed is journalism... >> they are truth seekers... >> all they really wanna do is find out what's happening, so they can tell people... >> governments around the world all united to condemn this... >> as you can see, it's still a very much volatile situation... >> the government is prepared to carry out mass array... >> if you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. >> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america
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>> good having you with us, this is the al jazeera news hour and i'm david foster. this is the headlines. the world food program has suspended food aid to 1.7 million syrians because foo mony has run out. what promises to be a harsh winter. two state capitals in nigeria attacked. rescue workers trying to find the dead and wounded in midugary. damaturu, soldiers reportedly managing to push back a force that attacked around dawn.
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looking at modern day policing, all this comes as a response to shooting of unarmed michael brown. kimberly halkett, cameras on police officers who are on duty? >> yes, that's really the headline in all of this coming out of the white house, senior administration officials telling al jazeera that the president through executive order will be making available $75 million over three years to see that in fact there will be in excess of 50,000 body worn cameras. these are cameras that officers would strap onto their body and this would eliminate some of those situations that we've seen not just in ferguson but around the united states where there are differing accounts of what actually trpped whe transpired e
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shootings or home invasion scenarios, where a swat team finds itself knocking on the door of an unsuspecting citizen, militarized situations that have been reported across the united states, may have the opportunity to be captured on film. >> we're talking about $263 million aren't we kimberly? 50,000 cameras, there will be an awful lot of money left over after that, where's the rest of it going to go? >> indeed, that's a small piece of what the president is announcing. through this executive order, it is $263 million, many no not jur body cameras, but the creation of a task force. the fact that there will now be an increased emphasis if you will on community policing in the united states. the creation of a task force to see that things could be done better in the united states, the appointment being made by the
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president of one very well respected individual, charles ramsey who is the police chief here in washington, d.c. for many, many years and now in philadelphia. he will be helping to oversee this pilot program that really will work on an emphasis of seeing that not only is there increased community policing but one other detail we need to point out, the fact that there will be increased emphasis on seeing that some of these police forces that are now using increasingly militarized forces, will also be used properly. a report that is sent out or requested by the president in august that report now in that there is a need for increased protection in that area as well. >> very interesting. kimberly we thank you very much indeed. china is not going to let british mps to enter hong kong. in relation to its former colony. hong kong just about 24 hours
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ago saw some of the worst violence since protests began two months ago. police moving into a protest site near government headquarters. a prominent leader joshua wong says he and two others will go on a hunger strike to try oforce talks with the chief executive of hong kong. the people want to be able to choose their candidates in elections in 2017 without interference from beijing. on the streets at the time of the protest is rob mcbride. >> as morning rush hour approached the police moved in scattering protesters and demolishing their tents. hundreds of officers in riot gear forced the demonstrators off the road. outside the main government buildings. the morning action followed a night of the most violence clashes, seen on the streets of hong kong during the two month long struggle.
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tched battles around the main government headquarters in the admiralty district which is home to the demonstrators main occupation site. student leaders have called for a big turnout for what they said would be a new tactic. telling protesters to come prepared with goggles and masks. then they revealed they would try to paralyze the government by laying siege to all the entrances of the government headquarters. police were just as determined to break the blockade using batten charges and pepper spray. numbers seemed to emerge out of not winning any concessions after two months of campaign and also out of anger at losing the opposition site of the kowloon demonstration site in hong kong. the main occupation site on hong kong island will not go the same
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way. rob mcbride, al jazeera, hong kong. while there have been protesters, we remind you that al jazeera is continuing to demand the release of our three journalists who have been held in prison in that country for 338 days. peter greste, mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed, were jailed on false charges of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood, they're appealing against their convictions. greste and fahmy were sentenced to seven years, mohamed an additional three years for picking up a spent bu bullet fra demonstration. >> what is buzzing in the capital, monteveio?
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>> the uruguayan capital, montevedeio, more than 50% of the vote, beating his opponent into a distant second place. he doesn't take over until the beginning of march. time to meet the outgoing president, two men from the same party but very different polls of that same -- poles of that same party. talking about the victory of vasquez, returning to power, age 74 years old, doctor, oncologist, a man sort of to the right of the left wing coalition of his party, a man very well-known by the uruguay annan people. from office from 2005 to 2010.
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the congratulations of neighboring presidents in latin america. those will come in during the course of the day but for now today, the day after the celebrations, the day after the elections, a day for rest, for contemplation, and for preparing for his second term in office. >> now, to the fight against hiv-aids and concerns about antiretroviral drugs. they have been a miracle for millions of sufferers but there is some concern that it could cause the virus to mutate. jake ward explains. >> typical of the front lines against hiv-aids. recently diagnosed and long time patients are all here for one vital thing, antireceipt strow viral drugs. >> the first time when they told me i had to take four different kind of pills i was really scared. because everyone knows that they
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bring a lot of problems. >> the drugs are chosen from 27 different types of medications, typically they are given as a cocktail, making transmission more difficult. but dr. jay levy, an american physician among the very first to discover the virus in the 1980s, believes that the unchecked use of antiretroviral drugs may help the virus mutate to a resistant form one we cannot treat. >> i'm quite concern that if we continue to advocate the use of the drugs in this country or europe where they have the funds to do it we may be breeding the eventualleventual emergence of s that will come back and haunt us. >> when they have too little of the drug in the body, an
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inconsistent amount or a single kind. that's why these are given in cock taims of threcocktail of t. most antiretroviral combinations remain effective. >> we're a long way off this situation where hiv will become significantly more difficult to treat. >> but the centers for disease control reports that only three in ten americans have the virus under control, and in milan the outlook is bleak. >> we are now in a phase where we don't have a lot of upcoming drugs. so the pipeline has been dry and the targets are different. >> in this moment drugs are working hopefully. i'm afraid of the future if some day maybe they will stop work, or they which bring me other
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problems -- will bring me other problems or you know future is the thing that most scare me now. >> reporter: for the moment the strategy is to medicate as many people as early in their infections as possible. essentially holding the virus off until someone has the answer to eradicating. something we are unlikely to see for decades. jake ward, a al jazeera, san francisco. >> coming up. i'm andrew thomas, sydney, one of the projects short listed, what is it that turns world class buildings, urban design. >> mark webb, the form he f-1 driver in this high speed car crash in brazil.
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now water has flooded the city of guinine. >> the nation should offer the citizens life with dignity. our nation does not do that. >> reporter: gomine is known as gateway to the desert. since the flooding began more than a week ago, the government has left them struggling to recover on their own. >> translator: god knows our future. we feel we were not taken care of and fear the consequences of some favoritism. >> reporter: at least 32 people have died in the region. rescue operations have saved hundreds and emergency warning systems have increased according to the government. officials are now working to restore electricity and other basic utilities. sherts have openesherltssheltere
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who have lost everything. people are contending for the deadliest flooding in years. in 1995 flash flooding killed hundreds. the recent flooding is shaping up to be the worst since then. natasha guinane, al jazeera. >> this is peru where a key u.n. climate meeting is taking place in the capital. 195 countries paving the way they hope for a new global agreement on climate change. it will take two weeks, could take years in many ways and it will aim to reduce carbon emissions before the leaders sign a deal in paris in 2015. we send our environment director nick clark high into the andes to see what he can see. >> for centuries, across the peruvian andes, the markets are
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full ever produce. but the water source is slowing disappearing. the rivers still run fast for now but the glasses that feed them are melting away. >> it was one of the most popular places for tourism in peru. >> benjamin moderately is moraa climatologist. >> one glacier until all these way until the houses. >> stretched all the way down? >> yes all the way down. >> now it's gone. >> we walk where once ice hundreds of meters deep lay. >> we are losing time, the glacier is going to the sea. >> it is a stunning sight but full of danger. new lagoonless are melted ice are forming, increasing the chance of mudslides and flooding
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disasters. >> they say this glass is melting at such a rate that it could be gone altogether in 40 years. and all across the area, the country's glaciers are disappearing ann at a huge rate and that is a problem for the food source. >> the crops are ripening, a successful organic farm, things are changing. >> translator: we've seen climate changes in the last four years. it's become much hotter and our soil dries out more quickly. there are cold winds from the mountains, plants is less adaption for climate change. >> built a reservoir so he can manage his water supply when the river runs low. farmers across peru have already started to adapt to the effects
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of climate change. the future here and across the world it seems is a looming uncertainty. nick clark, al jazeera, juarez, peru. >> reporting for the next few weeks. sport with raul. >> david thank you very much. the three man short list has been announced for the awards prize for the world's best individual footballer. one is the current holder, christiano renaldo. having won the prize when he was a manchester united player in 2008. all new territory for the third man on the short list, manuel noyer, german and by munich gold keeper, first to make it since
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2002, attempt to be the first goalie to win the prize until 1968. so illegalities have a closer look at that three man short list first of course we have the holder christina renaldo, scoring 55 goals incredible, and the highlight is winning that title for that year. lionel messey, what's more he was named the player of the world cup in brazil, that's the golden ball award as he helped argentina, get the title. the munich and germany goal keeper, in 2014 so far, your
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honor like his two rivals, he can boast a world cup victory. not only prize to be handed out. real madrid, boss carl carlo angeloti, the athletic owner madrid coach, also makes the list, the argentinian leader, and the champions leader, last season. hopefully he'll be allowed to is distance. spanish football finds itself at the center of an investigation, following death of a fan on sunday. died following clashes ever the police and the two football clubs have been meeting in
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madrid, athletica has described those murderers as radical. >> translator: this is an opportunity to condemn the evens that have taken place near the have havevicente carol stadium. both presidents want to make it clear that we have nothing to do with these acts. we always call for peace. interin serbia parties are in belbelgrade. because of fears about violence. the first staff had been hit off camera by a firing missile and in the first half he was sent off for arguing with the referee.
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lowest end of european football. credit now in huge problems, clock won the german title with dompman. lost to frankfurt, they are through to the knockout phases of the champions league. but this led to 22 points behind the current leader. brendan rogers has denied falling out with captain jerald. roger ss the 34-year-old can't play in every game at there taij of his career but jarrod has been offered a new contract. his contract expires at the end of this season. >> i gave him as long as it
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takes snoshed to discern what happens next. some things yesterday which was unfortunate in terms of the our rift between him and the ipad. the relationship would be honest and respect. >> in the wake of departure last week, they have appointed a player, also turkey's assistance arcoach. one point from five games, guaranteeing they'll finish last in their group and what's more they'll loo lose out on a place in yaw uepa europa cup. >> we will do everything we can to be successful. i want everybody to hear that.
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>> cricket australia and india have agreed to play their series despite batsman's death. now get under way on december the 9th in adelaide. all four test matches will be played as scheduled, former formula 1 driver mark weber last escaped injuries but has as he puffed it, a stinking headache. collided into the area years during the six hour endurance race in sao paulo. he was concussed and bruised after the smash and had no recollection of the didn't. have plots more sport on our website. get in touch with the team using
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twitter. that is all for sports now. >> thank you very much, indeed. what was once a lawn driz, became a creative space for students. short list for urban design project of the year, the winner will be announced later this week. let's get a preview from andrew thomas. >> it's become the busy hub of the university campus. the boiler house was the heating and learning center for a psychiatric spot in the university. a university opened around it but didn't use it. >> it was a have fairly dead camp. everyone was either in the library or tucked away or at home. >> the building was the starting point but the areas around it were just as importantly. informal places to sit, network
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helped create a space with character. >> well, the building subsequent did give identity to the space. we worked with the landscape architecture to actually make this the special place it is. the project last turned out to be a success. students and faculty feels the university has a hub and a heart. >> we don't have to be in a confined teaching space. over here you could walk away with a group of students, sit down over here have occasional talk. so this area promotes that sort of teaching. >> reporter: the boiler house has become a showcase project for world class international design and short listed for an international design. >> this has already won a number of prices for the way the buildings interact. against us in the category of
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completed projects is this innovative scheme in atlanta. the conversion of the former multistory, car park. also listed a regenerated housing system in have, as a residential and commercial community. >> the underlying infrastructure of the city, instead of bull doizing it and building something new, we're now working with it. >> there's separate designs, like this use of ans actuary for regeneration of a brewery as a housing milk in scout london and fomp the new campus at university of california, rks mexico. the win are will be announced on tuesday. andrew thomas, al jazeera, sydney. >> that's it for now.
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we are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. the u.n. says it's suspending a prom that needs more than 1.7 million syrian refugees. hello there i'm felicity barr. you're watching the news hour. two state capitals are attacked in northeast nigeria. a palestinian woman is shot by police after trying to stab an israeli in the occupied west bank.
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