tv Consider This Al Jazeera December 3, 2014 1:00am-2:01am EST
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>> new terror threats to international travel. also lebanon says it has the wife of isil's leader in custody. do they have the right person? >> the death penalty case in texas that has republicans and democrats calling for mercy. welcome to consider this, those stories and much more straight ahead. >> britain's sunday express said islamic sleeper cell terrorists would like to blow up five planes before christmas day. >> isil has called for followers to kill westerners.
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>> if a born fighter returns, they must be imprisoned. >> whether a mentally ill inmate can be put to death. >> texas would cross an irrevocable moral line. >> they believe he is faking his illness. >> as ferguson burns, an unarmed group known as the earth keepers has appeared on rooftop patrols. >> men have come to protect small businesses. >> are they really help to go keep the peace. >> a man stopped by police because he was walking outside with his pants in his pact. >> we have a racial profiling problem in america that needs to be resolved. >> it's an incredibly powerful image to see. >> self rams players making the gesture. >> some say it was anally police, but others say politics on the field is a tradition. >> we begin with reports of a potential plot for a holiday season attack by al-qaeda over
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the skies of europe. the terrorist group wants to target five commercial jet liners before christmas. among the possible counter measures, a ban on carry on backs and a requirement that electronic devices including lap tops, phones and tablets be checked in luggage. counter terrorism officials are concerned the thousands of u.s. and european passport holders fighting for both al-qaeda groups and isil could provide foot soldiers for an attack. >> for more, i'm joined by congressman bradsher man, democratic representing california's 30th district, a member of the subcommittee on terrorism. as i just mentioned, u.k. officials reportedly have intelligence that al-qaeda is planning and attack to take out five commercial airliners before chris mat. the express newspaper quotes an anonymous airport security force who said the threat is aimed at europe, the u.s. has improved
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their security over the summer, but we have not. should americans traveling overseas be concerned? >> we should always be concerned, but i think airport security is one of the things we've done well over the last 14 years. it's -- but there with him always be rumors. we had a rumor this morning that they were going to go after servicemen and veterans on leave at their homes, so we can't allow ourselves to be tied into knots every time there's a rumor. >> that hearing held tuesday had alarming testimony from the state department and homeland security on the threat to the u.s. from the hundred plus americans and 2700 people with european passports who could get into the u.s. without a visa after fighting for isil and al-qaeda in the middle east. the chairperson said that these individuals represent an
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unprecedented threat to u.s. national security. do you agree? >> i think it's one of many unprecedented threats to our national security, while isis may be able to strike at the american homeland and elsewhere outside the middle east, the enemies of isis, the shy right alliance of hezbollah, assad and tehran and al-nusra, wimp is also to say al-qaeda, which they are a branch of have already killed hundreds or thousands of americans outside the middle east. the -- you can't just aim at one target here. isis aspires to do to us what hezbollah, what iran and what al-qaeda have already done. >> the point that you made quite strongly in the hearing, you also took a tough stance in the statement you made saying westerners who fight for isil shouldn't just be monitored if
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and when they go home, they should be put behind bars. >> well, the u.n. security council said the same thing, and a u.n. security council resolution requires all member states to criminalize going to the middle east and fighting with isis and i don't think you can draw a line between somebody who's part of the isis army and somebody who shoots a gun as part of the isis army. this idea that isis soldiers could walk the streets of copenhagen while monitored is simply absurd. >> you noted that destroying isil is impossible without huge american casualties which you said was almost impossible in the present decade. what are we going to have to do, are we going to have to live with this threat? >> we have to minimize the threat, live with the threat and minimize the fear and the dislocation caused by the threat. we are not going to be living in
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an entirely peaceful world and certainly not this decade and it's not like destroying one enemy will solve the problem. the cyberspace, the ideological space and the physical space occupied by isis, even if isis were destroyed, might be occupied by other forces that also mean us harm, so we have to have homeland defense and we have to hit isis to control them to keep them from being able to take baghdad and other important targets. >> talking about the physical space is something that you raise that you question what would replace isil if we managed to destroy isil. you think that something worse could follow? >> well, keep in mind, isis or isil has seized territory from the assad regime, which is part of that hezbollah assad tehran
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axis wish has done us harm in developing nuclear weapons. the baghdad regime was virtually a satellite of iran until they faced the isis threat and turned to the united states for help and got hid of maliki. there are al-nusra elements, al-qaeda elements, iranian and hezbollah elements that may very well fill in and replace isis if you were to magically destroy it which i don't think we're capable of doing anytime soon. >> you made a point that the u.s. needs to hire people with expertise in islamic theology and law to get more muslim leaders to help in reducing the threat from worldwide terrific. haven't we talked about outreach and p.r. campaigns since the days after 9/11? is it just that those plans ever not been executed properly? >> we have the outreach, what we don't have is the research. the state department has a
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thousand lawyers. i think they ought to hire one or two experts in islamic jurisprudence, whether practicing muslims or others who have the expertise, because it's not enough to say look at what isis did, they beheaded somebody, it's evil. one must be able to turn to the koran, to turn to it and show how isis is making a mockery of a great world religion, and you cannot appeal to islamic jury i have thes unless you can cite koran, do all the things you would do in working before any other jurists anywhere in the world. you need legal expertise to get the islamic legal scholars to be on our side. >> congressman bradsher man, some very important and thought owe provoking points. thank you.
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>> for a deal in iraq that could threaten the group and more news from the middle east, i'm joint by dahlly beast reporter. let's start with something that affects paris, this conversation that i just had about this alleged al-qaeda plot to blow up five airliners before christmas, an article in the daily beast says that u.s. officials are not talking about this and that it's curious that they aren't. >> one of the problems with this is that there was a lot of news about a plot that sound add lot like this last summer. it got a lot of publicity and led to changes at the airport. >> led to changes at the airport, all kinds of security alerts. what isn't clear is whether the reports that have come out recently are sort of respinning that material in the press or whether there is really new information and that's what we're trying to find out. when you go to the government
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and ask can you clarify that for us, they won't talk about it. >> does that indicate there is a new threat. >> on the other hand, they haven't increased alerts. if they took it seriously, they wouldn't want to be in a position where they didn't start to enforce new measures or increase the alert and then have somebody make a bomb that blew up an airplane. >> a threat comes from al-qaeda, who for a long time has tried to put some sort of bomb on an airplane. these reports that we bombed in syria, going after the khorasan group, the sprinter al-qaeda group and may have killed a french man, how important was this frenchman to their efforts to create these bomb that is might pass airport detection? >> he was important in the sense he was a good technician, he knew how to make bombs. they are trying to develop bombs that can pass through airline security. sometimes they put them inside the bodies of the bombers,
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that's the idea. they've been trying to do that for a while. this competition continues between al-qaeda and isis or isil, the islamic state, and al-qaeda wants to put itself back on the map. it's not the kind of power in syria, in iraq that islamic state is, so it needs to do something big and it's whole philosophy is to talk the united states, to go after americans, to go after europeans, the brits and the french. if they can pull off a major airline bombing campaign, they'd be back. >> as number one. >> scary to talk about it in those terms. talking about isil, big deal in iraq between the iraqi government and the kurds to share royal revenues. this might lead for the kurds to finally get the arms they've asked for. the al-maliki government wouldn't share with them, the
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kurds, wouldn't give them -- >> and the kurds wouldn't share with them. >> true, but a lot of money supposed to be flowing from the iraqi government to kurdistan wasn't going through and they weren't getting arms that they were promised. how big is it that they seem to be cooperating? >> it's important certainly to have them cooperating more than they were under maliki, because we're relying on the kurds to be really the most effective fighters against isil at the moment. the problem though is not with the kurds. the problem is with the sunnis. the issue for the sunnis is not the question of treaty, about splitting oil revenues, dividing up the funds, which has been in play and the question in iraq for a very long time in which the kurds when they don't have a deal at baghdad just export the oil. for the sunnis, it's a question of survival in a very different context. they see baghdad still very much in the pocket of tehran.
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the interior minister, the guy in charge of the internal affairs of the government and policing done by the government is basically hand picked by tehran and by the moalas there. >> a lot of attention behind the american strategy was to create an iraqi government that was inclusive, includingle kurds, should not knee's and sheeties. >> that doesn't mean that's the reality. >> however has a body gone, the new prime minister, doing well with the kurds here, has he made progress with the sunnis? >> not a lot. there was an important gesture where he fired 24 senior officers if the interior ministry on charges of corruption, not of selling could not knees or being problematic in that way, but it's a statement that he's trying to do something to in form the interior ministry. as long as the head is someone who comes from the bottom of the
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organization, the sunnis are going to be very suspicious. we have not seen what we thought we would see, defectses, a lot of defectses from the sunni groups around isil that are not in fact part of it. >> to help feud against isil. talking about firing people, prime minister of israel fired two of his top ministers, leaders are other parties. what does this mean for israel? is it a hard turn to the right. >> it is. tippy was coming out of a much more liberal background. what he said was that, they were planning some kind of push against him. what he's doing is a fairly cynical political move. he's popular, has potential to win elections in a way that he won't have to deal with the liberal elements and israeli politics. he'll get more into bed with the
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ultra conservative and religious parties. >> his popularity numbers have been dropping. it will be interesting to see how that plays out. one more thing, news out of lebanon that the lebanese may have detained the wife or one of the wives, we don't know of the head of isil. they have obtained her and a child. do we have any sense of whether she is the wife and whether she'll bring with her any intelligence value? >> it's a very strange case. let's say that she is one of the wives of baghdadi, the head of isil, the so-called califf. let's say the child is one of his children, her name i guess the same also the name of a woman who was supposed to be his wife who was already captured several months ago in lebanon, then released in the trade for french nubs being held by al-nusra. it's a really, really murky
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situation. the question is would it make any difference to al baghdadi if his wife and son or daughter are held by the lebanese? >> i think not a huge difference. this is a man who believes everybody is going to go to heaven as a martyr anyway. >> always good to have you with us, thanks. >> thank you. >> more stories from around the world. >> we begin in kenya where people are on edge after the islamic extremist group al shabab massacred 36 quarry workers, creeping up on them while they slept in tents. after spriting the muslims from the non-muslims, the fighters forced the non-muslims to lie down and shot them at close range. two were beheaded. al shabab said they were pushing kenya for sending troops to fight islamists in somalia. 200 kenyans have been killed
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since last year, most notably in the west gate malin september of 2013. under growing criticism, the president replaced his interior minister and police safe saying kenya would not flinch in the fight against terrorists. >> next, qatar, the government lifted travel pans for americans mass thee and grace language after an appeals court overturned the decision. they'd been blocked since sunday. that secretary of state john kerry confirmed the ban on their travel has been lifted in a statement on tuesday adding that the wages would leave qatar wednesday. after spend ago year in prison, the couple will turn to california where they have two adopted sons. in washington, d.c., president obama has decided to nominate ashton b. carter as his next defense secretary.
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he served in the defense democratic in the clinton administration and was nobody two from 2012-2013. he was a candidate to replace panetta and has been on the short list since chuck hagel announced his resignation. president obama could formally announce carter as his pick by the end of the week. >> that's some of what's happening around the world approximate coming up, the death penalty case uniting democrats and republican to say call off the execution. >> who are the oath keepers? the controversial group patrolling in ferguson is raising a lot of questions. our social media producer is tracking the top stories on the web. >> a new blog is fighting racial speech by telling people, does it go too far. join the conversation on line. on tech know,
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>> texas has executed 518 inmates since the death penalty was reap stated, by far the most of any state. scott pinetti on death roll for killing his in laws in 1992 has become the most controversial death penalty case in years. death penalty opponents, mental health groups and prominent conservatives are calling for his life to be spared. >> if he is executed wednesday, we will be taking a step that in this country is virtually unprecedented. there is no one else on texas death row with his history of severe mental illness who was permitted to represent hips at trial. what this would say about the
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american justice system is that we've cross add moral line. >> prosecutors counter saying he is actually faking his illness and that ends the crime he committed and knows why he's being put to death. with the clock ticking, his last hope of avoiding execution now lice with the u.s. supreme court. to debate the issue, we are joined by a psychiatrist and resident scholar at the american enterprise institute. she wrote a piece titled mercy for the mentally ill. joining us from wisconsin, a associate political science professor. believes the execution should go forward. john, lawyers have asked the supreme court to intervene ocean that executing someone with such severe paranoid schizophrenia is unconstitutional, righting the eighth amendments ban on cruel and unusual punishment. they add that executing the mentally ill is considered a
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major human rights violation by most other civilized countries. you disagree? >> yes, there's a huge amount of uncertainty and doubt that he he's really as mentally ill as people say. for example, there's a 2007 recording of him talking with his relatives where he's talking very lucidly about his case, about his prospects, about his strategy, and he doesn't seem ill at all there. his death row guards say that he's been apparently lucid the whole time. he preaches to his fellow prisoners, which often irritates them, but one of the guards say that it's like you would see at any church. >> do you really doubt he was in sane? diagnosed at 20, hospitalized more than a dozen times before the murders. he represented himself in a crazy situation, wearing a purple cowboy costume and tried to call more than 200 witnesses,
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including the pope, john f. kennedy and jesus. >> first of all, it's perfectly possible to be clinically mentally ill and still legally sane. the bar is pretty high for being not guilty by reason of insanity. a lot of the stuff you're citing may simply show his sense of theatrics and his ability to seem utterly boniers when he wants to seem utterly boniers. no doubt at a certain point in his life, he was quite mentally ill. >> it raises the question whether a mentally ill person even if he's not guilty, even if he is found guilty should be executed or not. sally, you wrote on tuesday that when he represented himself back in 1995 that he rambled on in a trans-like state. you said it was evidence of his mental defect, not a show that
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he put on to appear irrational. as you heard john, prosecutors also say he was faking, the jury rejected the insanity plea, he lost an appeal. isn't he getting justice? >> no. you do have to take this in context and you earlier mentioned a whole string of sigh cottic symptoms that this gentleman has. when he killed his in-laws, he thought he was under the control of an alien personality named sergeant. this is a key distinction here. even though i find what's going to happen to him immoral, it's not illegal and that's because the state have texas and other states consider two things when determining whether a person is insane, and one of them is whether they have a technical factual knowledge of why they are going to be put to death.
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he does. he knows that the factual reason in the narrow sense that the state of texas plans his execution for tomorrow is because he killed his relatives, but he thinks that is a pretense for the true reason, and the true reason is that the state of texas in conspiracy with satan is trying to prevent him from preaching the gospel and that's why they're going to kill him. >> 21 conservative leaders, including some pretty significant names wrote governor rick perry of texas asking him to commute the sentence. they said that no one would accuse them of being soft on crime, but that it would be immoral for the government to take this man's life. does that argument sway your position at all? >> not particularly. the jury has heard the case, multiple appeals courts have considered all the evidence simply don't agree with him. a lot of times you'll have
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famous people taking positions without a lot of knowledge. they'll sign on to something. i think this is a case like that. >> actually. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say that in 2007, the supreme court actually addressed this case, and in a 5-4 decision, they did say that executing someone who is -- that states should not execute people who are mentally ill if they what they called a reasonable understanding, and a reasonable understanding was greater than this technical understanding and the reasonable understanding would be the connection between what the person did, the reason why the person did it and the crime. in this case, that linkage is absent, because again, while he knows narrowly that the cause of his pending execution is the murders, he has a whole psychotic elaboration built up
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around it that is his understanding of the justification for it. that is also the context in which he committed the murder. it was a product of psychosis. >> lower courts found with that standard approved by the supreme court that he should still be executed. sally, at what point, though, then, can a mentally you will person be executed or is it, you know, a get out of the death chamber card if at some point you'd been diagnosed with a serious mental illness. >> there are two issues, should a severely mentally ill person, not any mentally ill person, but a person who is psychotic, irrational, hallucinating and delusional and from those cognitions, their crime has flowed, should those people ever be considered insane, but if they are and he failed his insanity defense because he presented himself, so he's being punished.
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there's no question about that. does he deserve to be executed? i would say that someone who does not understand the reason for their execution even if they were sane when they committed the crime and that's what the supreme court addressed as well, even if sane while they committed that crime, i believe that crosses the moral line that his lawyer was talking about earlier. >> and john, a final word. >> in terms of executing him. >> a final word from you, the supreme court did find that people who were mentally disabled cannot be executed, so what is the difference between a mental disability and someone who has a severe mental illness? >> well, again, as you said, you have to not allow a mental illness to be a get out of the death chamber free card. the fact that he has a crack pot theory about how satan and texas authorities have framed him and are persecuting him it seems to me is not a good reason to let him go.
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he knows he killed the people. he knows the state of texas is executing him because the state of chicken holds that he killed those people and that does meet the legal standard. >> we will see what the supreme court rules. it's a pleasure to have you both with us, thank you. >> time to see what's trending on the web. >> there's a popular new tumblr page for getting people fired. if social media posts appear to be you a they wantic, the employer is listed on the blog and followers encouraged to reach out to the employer and request that the employee who made the comment be fired. the blog posted a man who posted several slurred protests about the situation in ferguson. he was later suspended without pay. >> using the n words and blaming it all on race, this is why we
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need the k.k.k. >> it looks like the user was terminated, featuring an email that says earlier today, brown's car stores was made aware of racist and inappropriate posts made by employee. we have taken immediate action and the individual is no longer part of the browns family. the site has has several successes, but in one case, they got the wrong person. it went off the a newer employee who appeared to have charged a racially charged message on her facebook account. it was not she, but her exboyfriend posedding as her on line. an immediate investigation confirmed the social he media count and highly offensive posts were fabricated by someone posing as away a.m.c. employee.
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after serving death threats from anonymous users on line, she is looking for someone else to run the page. >> let us know what you think, tweet us at aj considerthis. she received 5,000 submissions in the first eight hours. >> straight ahead, patrolling ferguson. are they keeping people safe or adding to concerns? how one man is using his experience of being wrongly arrested to help relations between police and african-americans. >> later, detroit's power grid shuts down. we'll tell you why it raises larger, national concerns. >> my name is elenor and for the last 25 years i was bernie madoff's secretary. >> an unimaginable story of betrayal. >> they lived this incredible life. it just never occurred to me that they were living on the dime of the clients.
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>> awoke after the grand jury declined to indict darren wilson in the death of michael brown, brown's stepfather is under investigation to determine if he was attempting to incite a riot when he screamed "burn this [bleep] down." as a crowd gathered to protest the grand jury's decision. >> the investigation was revealed at missouri governor said that he is significantly scaling back the national guard presence in ferguson after days of relatively peaceful protests. one organization is ready to fill that void, a controversial
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group of around citizens who call themselves oath keepers, fighting to stay on the streets and rooftops to protect people and businesses from further violence. >> the federal government and the state government have failed the people of ferguson. >> while the police say that the oath keepers will be arrested for going on armed patrols without obtaining a security license, the volunteers in ferguson say they are not going away. for more, we're joined from st. louis by a law school graduate and founder of the oath keepers, a group that is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving mil father police and first responders with like minded citizens to protect the constitution against all enemies. members of your group moved into ferguson almost immediately after last week's riots. your objective was to protect citizens and businesses, but
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have been accused of being vigilantes. should a group like yourself take matters into your own hands? >> we are just defending property. the only difference between us and a high will you expensive paid contractor is we're going it for free. we are protecting property and the property owners and lives. above the shops where we're at, there are apartments where people live. when you stop an arsonist, you're stopping a murderer. >> you've been ordered to stand down because you are not licensed at security guards. are you ready to go to court to keep police from stopping your desires to patrol? >> yes, if we have, we'll get an injunction. they are taking regulations for paid employee guards and saying those apply to us. we are unpaid volunteers. this is an absurd idea. if it applies to us, it applies
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to anyone who goes to visit a neighbor by guarding their house. the little old lady down the street, you can't protect her because you don't have a libs. it's ludicrous. people have a right to defend hem receives and each other. here in miss piss, they have a recent amendment that gives them the right to open concealed carry and the government cannot infringe upon that right. this is an outdated old, old regulation. only a person who was a licensed security guard could carry a gun, them and cops. now any citizen in missouri has that right. it's outdated. we contend even if it's not outdated, it doesn't to ply to us at all. >> some ferguson residents ever welcomed you, welcomed your help but there has been some negative reaction. there's an exchange on you tube between a ferguson resident and one oath keeper saying it was diabolical for him to be there
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and if he hurt or killed someone than he was no better man police. i know you are concerned about the reaction. you said some residents reacted emotionally and think you're a part of a racist organization. what would you tell them? >> i'm a squatters mexican. it's hard for me to be a supremacist. rewarding natalie's cakes and more, why would we he do that if we are a racist organization. people are just reacting to the fact that someone is protecting these businesses and a lady yelling at one of our volunteers, she is missing the point. there are apartments back there. this is about saving loves. i was a volunteer firefighter in montana and i can tell you a structure fire is dangerous thing to go into. you're likely have people die, children hide in beds, under closets. she doesn't
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want them to protect that building from arsonists. it makes no sense. >> you're group is described as an extremist organization. >> you're thinking of the a.d.l. >> sorry, i got that wrong. are you not concerned that your presence could in flame tensions, because you're volunteers are armed, could that in flame tensions? >> it hasn't. you've had them there for five, six days now and all they've done is stopped arsonists. arsonists have gone around them like water around a rock. they've gone to burn buildings to the north and south, but not that believe. our guys have not used force against anybody. just their presence has stopped crimes from happening. there were direct threats that tonight we are coming back here
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to burn this down. they did not do it. our guys were on guard. >> it's good to tell us about your group. appreciate your time. >> thank you very much, appreciate it. >> the outrage over ferguson is shining a harsh spotlight on the delicate relationship between police and african-americans. in august, producer charles belk was in beverly hills for preempt my awards events when he was arrested, police believing he matched the suspect in a crime. they put him in jail for six hours without allowing him to make a phone call. charles has turned that experience as an opportunity to help others and joins us from los angeles, california. it's great to oh have you back on the show. we'll get to turning the negative i have to to a positive in a moment. you've had a very long, successful academic career, never been in trouble with the
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law and suddenly treated like a criminal in a ritz town that likes to think of itself as pope-minded. i can only imagine how shocked you were at the treatment you received. >> absolutely. it was a life changing situation for me but opened my eye to say what a lot of citizens are faced with every day. >> beverly hills police did apologize, conducted an investigation and found a series of errors. officers had the bank surveillance video which would have proved it wasn't you but didn't review it. they violated your right to make a phone call and legal counsel. they maintain they stopped you because you matched the suspect's description. you teamed up with them to make sure it doesn't happen again. are the efforts enough? >> for this one department and
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we're not changing the word, but for this one police department, the police chief has been cooperative. he understands as a former navy or i'm sorry, former army general, understands and respects a process, and there were some great things in there, process with only me. they omitted that and put steps in place to resolve that. >> as you know, racial profiling has long been an issue across the country. recently in pontiac, mitch, a store clerk robbed seven times called police believing the black man was casing the store. that man taped his interaction when a police officer showed up. the police officer also tamed it from hissing a gel. here's some of what happened there. >> you're making people nervous. >> by walking by? >> yeah, they said you had your hands in your pocket.
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wow, walking by having your hands in your pocket makes you want to call the police when it's snowing outside. >> yes. >> how are you? >> i'm fine, how are you? >> there are tens of thousands of people with their hands in their packets. i had to get this on camera. i'm very respectable, you are, just the whole situation, i'm really mad at the situation of whoever called. that's crazy! >> how many of these types of stories of you heard since your arrest? >> well, believe it or not, i got sent that story about 15-20 times. i get facebook messages all the time of folks who had incidents. i got one from a guy who got stopped in a similar manager for crossing the street outside of the cross walk, more than a jay walking thing but he tell the he was being profiled for it. one of the things that we're
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going to try to do with the law enforcement agency when we do sensitivity traininging is that law enforcement agents don't completely i think understand that they become desensitized to it. this is part of their routine. some officer he was well and just and protecting the neighborhood and stopping and questioning this guy. i don't think they always understand that the innocent citizen who hasn't done anything feels violated, like why are you stopping me, targeting me. this is happening to them probably for the first time, and is not as routine when it happens to this guy or someone like myself. >> there was a first time for you, gave you an arrest record. it can have all sorts of consequences, negative consequences for a person's live. you found though your case was dismissed, it can cost $5,000 and six months to get an arrest record removed and you are working to change that.
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>> a lot of folks don't understand when they are arrested and released as innocent, they still have an arrest record. they think because they never got a ticket, that all is good. all is not good. once you get finger printed and photo shopped, that becomes part of a database. that is checked when you apply for a job, whenever you apply for a loan, if you are applying for a gun permit or sitting for the bar to get your law license, all of those things are going to affect you in the future. a lot of people don't understand that. >> you are pushing for this to be erased automatically and for people not to have a pay when a case is dismissed. i know you have a fitting the description organization trying to raise awareness about how police should be careful when they're going to arrest someone based on
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parenties. >> this is through individuals daily. one of the things officers, law enforcement officers, we understand they have a a hard job to do, but they need to become sensitized and understand when it's routine for them, it's non-routine for a person stopped for the first time and who knows hes innocent. >> best of luck with your efforts, good to have you with us again. >> coming up, the protests reach the nfl and there's a big dispute over whether the team apologized. >> first, detroit goes dark for hours. how it raises questions about former fbi special agent
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ali soufan. >> if that specific information was shared with to the fbi agent 911 could have been stopped at its early stages. >> the ethics of torture, preventing terrorism and combatting isil. >> islamic state, their strategy differs from al qaeda because for the first time now they are controlling land. >> every saturday join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. >> only on al jazeera america.
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>> today's date to drive tackles detroit going dark. the lighting grid suffered a power failure causing the grid to lose power for seven hours. people were trapped in elevators, highest level trauma patients had to be sent to other hospitals, and there were mass evacuations at museums, city hall and the home of the detroit redwings. still, there have been much worse outages in recent u.s. history. in 2003 he when a high voltage power line came in contact with trees causing a domino affect, many were lost without power. a transmission line failed at niagara false. super storm sandy left more than eight-mile people without electricity, many for more than a week. >> the 1977 blackout in new york
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city maybe the most notorious, leading to mass looting and rioting. 337 people were arrested, 1600 stores were looted and a thousand fires set. these case cases pale in comparison. passengers were stranded for thousands of miles from kashmir to the countries border with ma. there are long standing concerns about america's power grid, which is available in foul weather. coming up just days after raw rice is reinstated by the nfl, congress takes up the problem of
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>> the protests in ferguson spilled on to the football field when five members of the st. louis rams took to the field sunday in a hands up don't shoot pose that started controversy between police and team over an apology. a senate committee held hearings on violence in domestic sports as ray rice is preparing to play again in the nfl. to discuss both stories, we are joined by dave. dave, good to see you, the rams head coach stood behind his players right to express themselves. the league won't punish them, but the st. louis police officers association is not
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happy and now there is this back and forth over whether the team apologized, police want the players to she punished. do the police have a point in saying that the pose was anti police? >> the starting point is talking to the players them receivers and finding out why it is they did that pose. they said they were doing it because they wanted the people of ferguson to know that they were not forgotten, that it was a solidarity with ferguson pose. also, that pose has become now a symbol nationally, not for the case in ferguson in particular, but an international symbol for interactions with the police should not end in death. it's interesting, because the outrage by the st. louis police officers association has made this a much bigger story than otherwise. the secondary of the washington football team did this same gesture in the preseason approximate, they came out. michael brown was killed in
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august, it was a life story then, and no one even remarked twice about it. >> this is the hometown team and after all that violence last week, but the question is a valid one, did police overreact. >> they did and i'll tell you why. they didn't just overreact because it's not smart politically. the first amendment is meant to protect your speech from specifically government intrusion, not corporate intrusion, not your neighbor's intrusion, but government intrusion, and the police are part of the government. for them to come out and say they will boycott the nfl if players speak that struck a lot of people at tone did he have. >> the police as citizens also have first amendment rights, but they did practically threaten to
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use them againstle nfl. >> and we're talking about one individual in particular, jeffery rorda,s businessmanner of the st. louis police officers association using this opportunity to get full in the spotlight. i put it on him as the person who dragged this into high school, did they apologize, did they really apologize, like it's a soap opera or something. what it comes down to at the end of all of this, whether we feel the playing field is an appropriate place to express an opinion. >> that's one of the big discussions here. should athletes take political positions out on to the playing field. the most famous case was john carlos and tom my smith when they raised their fists. you wrote a book with juan carlos. >> i talked to him the next day. john carlos was inspired, not
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because he agreed with what he did, although he he did, but his point of inspiration was, he says look, athletes aren't just people with muscles and bodies. they have minds, too, there are people under those helmets. it's actually good for fans to raise that they're not just watching a video game populated by human beings, but there are real people with real feelings and sometimes those need to be expressed. athletes also and this is doctor she is carlos' words. athletes have a unique ability to start conversations that are worth having in a way i would argue no one else has. >> the flip side of that is police are people, too, and if they're upset and wanting to express themselves in certain ways. >> but that's the thing, though. i think police officers of frankly a different set of responsibilities and burdens. >> true.
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i want to move on to the senate committee hearing on domestic violence in sports. players union representatives for most of the big leagues testified tuesday about their plans for dealing with domestic violence. the government has injected itself into professional sports in the past most notably with steroids in baseball. is this an issue the government should get involved? rates are significantly different than those of the general public. why treat it like a problem in the sports world rather than society at large. >> this is the theater of the absurd today. domestic violence or intimate partner violence is a serious issue in the united states. given that the rates are significantly lower than the rest of the population, so me, the thing they should have been doing hearings about are why for so many decades has domestic violence been pushed under the
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rug, ignored, why did it take a videotape linked to t.m.z. to actually start this conversation. >> about ray rice, who was reinstated and just a quick final question to you. the nfl reasonable stated him, but will any team take him? >> i mean honestly, if he had averaged 4.5 yards a carry, i think there would be a line of 10 teams ready to take him. the nfl, it's a brutal league that in regard. last year, that with the public relation headaches, i think it's going to be tough to find a team. >> that's all for now. coming up wednesday on consider this, a tougher take from the host of meet the press. also plunging oil prices could destabilize the balance of power around the world. the effects that could have here at
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home. we're on facebook and twitter and you can tweet me. we'll see you next time. >> it's the new cold war and russian economy is taking a beating as vladimir putin takes on the west. plus giving pregnant workers protection from boss who is want to take them off the job. the supreme court is set to hear a case that may permanently change life for women in the workplace. had and i'll introduce you to the start ups in an effort to win the modern day space race. i'm ali velshi, and this is real money.
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