tv News Al Jazeera December 3, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EST
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space probe. there's been a large explosion in yemen near the residence of the iran yarn ambassador. iranian imoars. thambassador. from the capitol sanaa. what are you hearing h hakeem? >> windows or broken as well. targeted the newly appointed iranian ambassador who was just appointed two days ago. he was not at his residence during the attack but one of his guards were killed, according to the foreign ministry and also, three killed as of now and four injured on the attack.
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the new ambassador is known to have good links with the houthis who are now in control of sanaa. so this could be an queal al qaa link because of the houthi al qaeda link. >> it was very clear that al qaeda was behind it because such explosions, very huge explosion like the one today and the only enemies they have today is al qaeda. so i do expect al qaeda to announce responsibility for it in the next couple of hours. >> seeing as this took place near the iranian ambassador's house, you are saying he did escape unharmed, you would expect the diplomatic area to have heightened level of security. >> this area is one of the most
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secure in sanaa. so again, it is yemen. such things do happen. a car is parked outside your door, suddenly you hear an explosion. these things happen in yemen. this shows how yemen today is so tense. and the current situation is very fragile as well. >> you were telling us just a moment ago that there have been casualties. do we expect this to rise? what are you hearing about the situation there now if anything? i know you're not there at the moment.. >> there are expected rise in casualty. three killed according to the ministry and the people we talked to. there is one person in critical condition but hospital officials do not believe he will die. casualties are not expected to rise. but this is a series of 55
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houthi supporters were killed while protesting. houthis know that these series after tacks against them will continue -- series of attacks will continue against them and their american ally in yemen. >> thank you for giving us an update on the explosion that's taken place there. now four people have been killed in a suicide attack on a u.n. convoy near mogadish mogadu airport i. follows a third attack this two weeks by fighters from the somali based al shabaab.
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36 people were killed in a quarry. further attacks and headed for safety near an air force base. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry will host a meeting in brussels later. the countries have come together to try defeat the islamic state of iraq and the levant. military strategy will top that agenda but they will also be discussing how to stop the flow of foreign fighters into i.s.i.l. nearly four months after the first u.s. fighter bombs fell in iraq, patty culhane takes a look. >> captain william du bois was killed when his fighter jet crashtd. now u.s. secretary of state john kerry will bring together all of the 60 plus countries that the u.s. says is part of the antii.s.i.l. coalition.
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the vast majority of which have promised support, some with words, others with weapons or aid. 13 countries have carried out air strikes but the vast majority are th are being done h drones. 942 bombs in iraq and syria. the coalition, 149. former cia robert genier says it hasn't cost them territory. >> they're not going to lose substantial amounts of territory simply because of air strikes. those are going to be because of ground forces and not american ground forces. there are certainly not the right type of forces to roll them back. there a key part of the strategy in syria is to train opposition fighters hasn't even started. >> as we are developing the criteria, the guidelines and as
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we are finalizing the infrastructure requirements we also do need to get the funding that goes with the authorization to actually execute the vetting process. >> and in iraq, the pentagon says it is also waiting to send an additional 1500 u.s. soldiers to train that army and will continue to wait until congress approves the $5.6 billion the obama administration has requested. president barack obama said it will take years to fight i.s.i.l. it's been four months. as the ministers gather to gain stock of the operation they'll find the fight has barely started. patty culhane, al jazeera, washington. no doubt that iran has launched air strikes against i.s.i.l. inside iraq. close to its border.
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>> seeing the reports, we have no indication that the reports are not true. that iranian aircraft have conducted air strikes in the last several days against i.s.i.l. targets in eastern iraq. >> so you're saying they are true, the military person would know if those reports were -- >> no indication they're not true. no reason to believe they're not true, that iranian jets struck targets. you should speak to iranian government to speak to the conduct of their military. we are not coordinating with nor are we de he deconflicting with iranian military. >> taking you live to brussels, that is the u.s. secretary of state speaking, minister of the 60 member coalition of
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antii.s.i.lanti-anti-i.s.i.l. f. >> two and a half months ago this didn't exist. this is the work of two and a half months, and it reflects an extraordinary rapid coalescing of effort. and frankly is important that everybody reflect on the fact that this is not cosmetic. this is a reflection of actions that have taken and been taken by more than 62 countries and entities in order to respond to the challenge of dash. i'm very pleased that we're going to have a chance to hear from iraqi priems a prime minisr
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al-abidi. we're very grateful of the steps he has taken just yesterday, he announced a significant agreement, a long sought goal and it's a very significant achievement among many. in addition there have been significant visits in recent days fm abdalla ben zaid, minister ever emirates, and others have visited iraq and begun to signify a new moment in the region. we'll also hear from general allen our special envoy who will update us on the five public lines of effort that we are engaged in. and we will hear from many of you and we want to hear from people. we don't want this to be a
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speechifying session, we would lying to form a dialogue, about things that haven't been done that should be or things that could be done differently. we want to plan carefully from the months ahead, and we will hear from representatives from kuwait, bahrain, morocco, key issues like communications, money, foreign fighters. these gatherings are just one indication of the dynamic leadership role that the arab states are playing in the work of this coalition. the arab states are taking leadership. and this leadership is both necessary and appropriate, given that the geographic center of gravity of our global effort is in the middle east. one outcome of this meeting will be a statement that encompasses our message, that we are united, in moving ahead on all fronts
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and that we will engage on this campaign for as long as it takes to prevail and there's a reason that we are confident that we will and that is all of you around this table. the members of this coalition. our countries differ in geography, history, background, culture. but we all recognize a common threat, and dash is a danger and a threat to the interests and the values of all of us. in opposing these terrorists our diversity is in fact a sense of remarkable strength because it gives us the credibility and the breadth of reach to move against dash not only in iraq and syria but to counter any support that might exist for it around the world. our coalition has been together now for less than three months, as i mentioned. so we recognize the hard work that remains to be done. our commitment will be measured
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most likely in years. but our efforts are already having a significant impact. the roughly 1,000 coalition air missions that we have flown have reduced dash's leadership and inflicted damage on its logisticallal capabilities. in much of iraq, dash's tire tri, security perimeter around the baji oil refinery. in the north and west, troops are fighting valiantly. we also continue to strike targets in syria, oil sphrawrt
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damaged and its siege of kobani blocked. it is much harder now than when we started for dash to assemble forces and strength, to travel in convoys and to launch concerted attacks. no large dash unit can move forward aggressively without worrying about what will come down on it from the skies. in coming weeks, the coalitions train advise and assist mission for iraqi ground forces will expand. air strikes will continue as necessary. step by step rakes are mobilizing to reclaim the land they have lost and as the prime minister will attest to develop the kind of broadly representative government they must have in order to succeed. we are therefore encouraged by the significant process this government is making to implement its national program and to unite against dash. just yesterday the government reached a break through
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agreement with the kurdistan region managing oil ex portsdz t i mentioned earlier. it also released an order to release detainees held without formal charges. these initiatives take strong leadership as existed by prime minister abadi and they will help the work of our coalition. in many ways they will contribute to the work of this coalition. the united states is constantly looking for means to enhance the effectiveness of our actions and i'm confident that each of the coalition members represented here is going to do the same. this matters because the rise of dash was rapid, but it in fact has left those terrorists very exposed. what was relatively easy for them last summer has become more difficult. dash casualties are going up by the day.
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muslim leaders across the globe are speaking out against the killers who have sought to hijack a whole faith, and dash's repellent nature is becoming more evident with every ugly execution and every former recruit's admission of being duped into believing dash is something that it most clearly is not. the leaders of dash recently asked their followers to unleash volcanic eruptions of hate in every country. our own rallying cry is not so dramatic. but it is far more responsive to the needs of people everywhere. and especially in the middle east. where suffering and violence have gone on for far too along. our coalition do not summon hate. but rather, the courage to build a future that is based on shared interests, shared values, and a shared faith in one another. that contrast in goals marks the
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dividing line between barbarism and civilization. and it explains both why we dare not fail, and why we will succeed. now before i call on the secretary general to address the group i respectfully ask the press to leave the room. >> all right, so we were just listening into the opening remarks of the u.s. secretary of state john kerry. he was speaking out of brussels and there he is hosting a meeting of ministers from the 60 members of the u.s. led coalition fight be against i.s.i.l, the anti-i.s.i.l. coalition effectively. he is hosting a meeting that is taking place in brussels. just some of the things he said, he said the outcome of that meeting will hopefully be a
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united message that these countries will prevail in the fight against i.s.i.l. and he was noting the successes they have had, following up throughout the day here at al jazeera bringing you all the important news and then we do expect the u.s. secretary of state john kerry to be giving a press conference in a couple of hours time at 15 gmt, approximately. let's cross over now to iran and speak to anbar, one of the countries not part of that u.s. led coalition fighting i.s.i.l. not invited to the table in brussels, but there are reports that the u.s. is saying in fact it has no reason to doubt the reports that have been put out there that iran indeed is launching air strikes against i.s.i.l. inside iraq. so close to the border with
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iran. let's just start off on that and tell me what you're hearing. >> reporter: well, this is not surprising. we should be surprised if iran doesn't help and think about it. iran has a lot of borders and it doesn't tolerate any kind of insecurity in its borders. at the same time, iraq is an ally of iran, iran has an international obligation in helping these countries in -- >> without conditions frocoordi. >> against the u.n. forces there because they don't want to become a target -- assemble there were reports that iran has
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said that it completely rejects strongly rejects the reports of cooperation with.u.s. against i.s.i.l. >> this is a delicate matter. iran doesn't want to give the impression to the muslim world that this is a fight between sunnies and shias, iran is helping the iraqi government to fight these extremist groups. so they want to have this kind of delicate balance. that's why they don't accept or don't acknowledge that this is case. and think about it. top iraqi officials even the president have on several occasions thanked iran for helping them fight i.s.i.l. so if that is the case, so there's definitely some kind of iranian military assistance to the iraqi forces. because if it's not case, then iran is not you know a friend of iraq in this you know difficult war. so they are just trying to. >> from what we understand -- we are trying to say these strikes
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are focused on the border of anbar do we expect them to widen out? anyways, forces on the ground in iraq? >> no doubt they are there, we know they are there, cooperating with the military, they are having indirect coordination with the american forces and couple of days ago, remember what the iranian officials had to say. even the president said that. if baghdad and other holy cities come under direct attack by i.s.i.l, iran will take action. if that is the case then we should be expecting more involvement? iranian involvement on the ground in the coming weeks and months. iran doesn't have any reason why not to be there because if the iraqi cities fall like the holy studiecities we have tens of ths
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visiting those cities every month, iran will be there iran will continue to be there and iran will continue to support the iraqi government, the iraqi army and the volunteer forces. we should only be surprised if iran doesn't do that. >> just very briefly anbar, you keep referring to indirect involvement with the united states. can you clarify what exactly that means? >> well as i just said, iranian forces are -- iranian military commanders are there and they don't want to be a sitting duck. they have to let the others know that they are there and present on the ground. so they don't want to become a target. they want to make sure that you know there is no such a thing as collateral damage so they will let them know they are there. they are there. americans know that and they don't want to confront each other but they are helping each other indirectly to fight
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i.s.i.l. so i mean no doubt about it. >> as anbar nazari thank you very much for joining us from iran. >> thank you. >> israel is beginning the process of dissolving parliament. that after the prime minister benjamin netanyahu sacked two key ministers and announced a plan for key election two years ahead of schedule. andrew simmons reports from west jerusalem. >> reporter: it was a five party coalition that never got on and it all came to a head with angry accusations. benjamin netanyahu fired his critics. >> translator: in this government there was friction and there were opposing viewed. it is conducted under the threat of ultimatums, and attacks at the government and at me who stands at its head. >> reporter: cabinet meetings have been charged with divisions. smiling here in better time.
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finance minister has a showdown with netanyahu overnight. he accused him of dragging the country into an unnecessary election. >> translator: israel is not in an easy situation. our are relations with the united states are, we could have worked together to fix it. >> major disagreements with netanyahu were over the 2015 budget, defense spending and lapid's plan to cut tax for first time house buyers. defense minister has been an outspoken critic, largely described as criticizing against israeli citizens. netanyahu had partnered with centrist parties and yet this government had been the most
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extreme in history. his attempted fourth term, whatever, it is an election many israelis really don't want. >> the politicians have decided there are internal issues that are pushing them towards elections but it's not going to help the citizens of israel. >> i believe it is not right to have elections now, the country isn't in good shape anyway and many israelis are below the poverty line. >> faced with a constant of israeli politics. there may be 120 seats in the knesset but no firm guarantee it will all hold together. there is a lot of dealing ahead and with the major security issues that gloom over the chance of peace talks with the palestinians the timing of election isn't good. andrew simmons, al jazeera, west
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jerusalem. 30th anniversary of the bhopal disaster. thousands died after suffering long term sickness. many say that they consider the $470 million settlement between the company and the indian government to be an insult. >> a series of kidnappings of newborn babies from inside hops are being investigated in chile, many are being discovered to be sold people outside the country. >> maria rochas and her husband have left in this area when they were married. maria was 16 when she gave birth
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in a santiago hospital. >> i was in the recovery room and they didn't bring me the babies and then this nun showed up. i will never forget her face, her eyes. she said i have bad news. what i requested your children died, don't make a scandal or drama and shut up. >> it was july 1984. they were young, poor and frightened. the public hospital refused to give the father the baby's bodies for burial. when maria insisted the babies were alive the government threatened to lock her up as insane. until five months ago they heard a television report about a priest now under investigation for a newborn adoption scene. this is where it happened at the old maternity ward at the barros lucas hospital that has been
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closed for years. others have come forward alleging the same thing happened to them, that doctors, nurses and nuns had told them that their apparently healthy newborn baby had died but they refused to produce a death certificate or a body. the first time since giving birth to a son in 1976. this is where my baby was stolen she says. at the time not even her husband believed her. but now, they too have joined an investigation carried out by a special prosecutor that has shocked the country. attorney christian latalier represents 15 mothers. the last documented case in 1999. >> translator: for example, a midwife would say that a baby
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was to be born at such and such an hour and instead of putting the real name she'd write another name. in league with lawyers, doctors and nurses, it was a network. >> chile's government is cooperating in the investigation. a dutch nun acknowledged that she alone gave away around 100 newborns to childless couples in holland. >> at that time, a nun could enter a hospital and not ask her for identification or question why she was walking out of the maternity ward with a baby. >> in recent years, chile's adoption laws have become more scrutinized. >> son if you are listening, just a photo, i haven't been able to see your face in my dreams. i would settle for a photo if you don't want to meet me.
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