tv America Tonight Al Jazeera December 4, 2014 4:00am-5:00am EST
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answers, mexican families struggling to find what's become of their missing children take evidence into their own hands. >> to break the monopoly of the state, by doing this we're changing the rules of the game. >> and maybe finding clues that will give their mothers peace. and the burn pits that may have poisoned thousands of u.s. service men in iraq and afghanistan. not only did the u.s. outlaw them, but a safer alternative was available. >> they exonerated everybody, nobody was held accountable. no harm no foul. >> correspondent sheila macvicar with an exclusive "america tonight" report.
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>> and good evening, thanks for joining us, i'm joie chen. new york city shaken by the fury, in ferguson, now involved in another racially charged officer killing. the death of eric garner recorded on cell phone video looked to be a police choke hold in a petty crime. the medical examiner said it was a homicide. the officer offered an apology but a short time ago, garner's widow rejected it. >> when he was screaming 11 times that he can't breathe so there's nothing that him or his prayers or anything else would make me feel any different. no, i don't accept his apology. no i can't -- >> our coverage begins now with "america tonight's" sarah hoye who has been very closely following all of the developments since eric garner's death.
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she's on staten island this sarah. >> that's right, good evening joie. i'm standing feet away from where eric garner took his last breath. earlier a small gathering happened where people once again believed another man died at the hands of police. it started with a routine patrol on staten island. >> leave me alone. >> police accusing eric garner of selling cigarettes illegally. they tried to arrest him. a nearby cell phone rolling capturing the last seven minutes of his life. garner was held in what appeared to be a choke hold. police tactic that's been banned in new york for more than 20 years. >> back off and get on my side, okay? back up. >> the new york medical examiner later called it a homicide citing compression of his neck
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and chest and the positioning of his body both caused by restraight by police. >> none of your business! >> garner also had a history of asthma and heart disease contributing factors according to the final autopsy. with eight police officers, two thole eric garner's death. >> some of you may have heard, there was a decision that came out today by a grand jury not to indict police officers who had interacted with an individual named eric garner, in new york city. i'm not interested in talk i'm interested in action and i'm absolutely committed by president of the united states in making sure that we have a in the core principle that wees are equal under the law. breathe. >> in the weeks leading up to the decision garner became yet
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another symbol of a long and complicated relationship between the black community and the nypd. >> let me tell you something. if you have a bag of apples and there's a rotten apple in the bag, the only way to protect the good apples is to take the rotten apple out. if you don't take the rotten apple out, it's going to rot all the other apples. >> what's more, garner's case touched a nerve for so many people because so many people watched him die. >> i had to watch it five, six, seven times over and over again. i mean i literally sat in my house and started pausing it frame by frame, writing down the time that i seen certain things in it. so looking at the way they were treating him or wasn't treating him, it was really upsetting to me. as the story developed, it became pretty apparent that sometimes police officers can abuse their power.
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>> what was your initial reaction when you heard the news about erik garner? >> my first reaction was that yo, that could have been me. >> angel martinez was one of a thousand people who filed choke hold complaints against the nypd in the past ten years. >> i started tearing up. i was in the same predicament as him so i knew his fear. for that person to die because of that, it's just a shame. like i think what i really think about is, it makes me cry because i've been in the situation. and i know the fear that he must have felt, the not knowing, the not knowing why this is happening to me. maybe if somebody spoke up if maybe somebody had reported the incidents more, there would be probably more incidents, they probably would have looked harder into the choke hold, the choke hold would have been something they would not tolerate.
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>> two months after he was killed, friends and family of eric garner marked what would have been his 44th birthday, on the very corner where he died. now they are leaning on each other and their faith. right here, on staten island, things are relatively calm with the message, to keep the peace. >> "america tonight's" sarah island. there are concerns about protests at the rockefeller center where the annual christmas tree lighting is taking place and also protests on the west highway, keeping eye on those things. as we're reporting on "america tonight" a number of deaths involving officers over the last few years, have widened the gap between police and communities of color. police shot john crawford in the
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aisle of a walmart, ha he had an air rifle in his hand. and just a few days ago, 12-year-old tamir rice, officer shot rice within two seconds after he arrived on the scene. it's a series of incidents that have shaken the faith of minority communities all across the country, and the officers who have sworn to protect them. noel leader is a former nypd officer, the co-founder of 1,000 blacks. >> our organization have stated for years that whenever you have a police shooting like this there ought to be a special prosecutor that takes over the prosecution of the police officer. we've observed repeatedly over the years that because of the in
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incestuous relationship, they don't want a are conviction. the blame isn't necessarily on the grand jury. it ought to be on the district attorney's office, around when the dust settles, when we get the secretive questions that was asked by the district attorney, that's when the secret is going to lie. the district attorney didn't get an indictment because the district attorney of staten island didn't want an indictment. >> as you referred to there was video in this particular case in garner's death but the president has called for thousands of cameras, body cameras for officers . would additional video have made any difference? is this going to be the way? is this kind of technology going to make the difference in relations between communities and law enforcement? >> well, the technology the good. the cameras is fine. no argument against the cameras or the technology.
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but once again: it's the responsibility of the district attorney to prosecute criminals be they in uniform or out of uniform. in this case and similarly the rodney king case don't forget that in california. you have video, you have extended video that shows the incident from its inception until completion and as in this case, we have video for this but you have a district attorney that is not interested in convicting the police officer. so you know the video was fine. but the solution has to come when you have these prosecutors who have the responsibility to prosecute criminals, but they have a very difficult time in prosecuting police officers, when they kill black and brown individuals. >> can you look at the events, what you have seen on the video of eric garner's death and see any way that there was any justification for what happened there? >> there was no justification whatsoever. the number one priority of a police officer is the preservation of human life. if you
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have to effect an arrest you do so, with the preservation of human life. >> noel leader we have to let you go. thank you sir. >> thank you. >> if nypd will begin testing body cameras just as soon as friday, one of the reforms that the department hose will bring greater transparency. but the incident of eric garner was captured on a cell phone video, ramsey orta, he was thrown in jail, been released since but now awaiting trial. "america tonight" correspondent adam may spoke to him while he was still behind bars for the video and why he thinks it made him a target. >> you're taking it out on me. >> reporter: emotions ran high when chrisy ortiz got a call from her husband ramsey orta.
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orta is the staten island man who filmed the fatal encounter between police and eric garner. the at the time ramsey orta was hailed a hero for his video exposé, but that was before orta himself was thrown in jail. >> what are you going to do with the mess you're in today? >> i'm going to fight it. realizing that now i'm harassed. >> speaking to "america tonight" in august, orta says he was set up for illegally possessing a handgun. police said they saw him possessing a handgun. >> it was bowing us. they found him for -- they arrested him for finding a gun on him. >> we met up with his mother his
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wife and two children, down the street at a pizza shop, from where he filmed the video. interhave you ever seen him with a gun? >> never never. i said what are you talking about? i was in shock. orta's wife and mother said police had been following him around staten island ever since the video went viral. >> i have pictures of comes, looking and pointing and circle the block and shining the spotlight in our bedroom. >> chrisy ortiz told us she couldn't show us the pictures or video because an attorney advised her to keep it in a safe place. "america tonight" reached out to the nypd about ortiz's claims. they did not respond. >> i don't regret it. i wish the whole thing never
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happened. to decide that this man had to lose his life. but it's something that had to be exposed. but i hate the fact of what's going on, for ramsey, you know? >> this isn't the first time ranl i.s ramsey orta has been in trouble with the law. a 2013 arrest for allegedly menacing a woman with a handgun but his wife says that's irrelevant. >> regardless the worst person in the world, the video shows exactly what happened. >> orta tells "america tonight" he has no comment on the news. there with iting no indictment in the garner case, he's dealing with his own problems. released from rykers island, his court date scheduled for january 22nd.
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adam may, al jazeera, staten island. >> after the break, eric garner's death and the echo of another killing when nypd was involved. 41 shots and the case of amadu dialo revisited with his mother after the latest decision. >> indictment doesn't mean to condemn the officer. a trial would have been an opportunity for the community to have a sense of justice. >> and a note here: tomorrow on the program, the police shooting of another teen. unarmed, witnesses said. >> all i seen when he opened the door all i seen he got hit, hit by about four shots. >> thursday, "america tonight's" sheila macvicar shows us what happened after the shooting and even though officers were involved, the motto of houma, louisiana is we are not ferguson.
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>> the echo of what's happening on the streets of new york city brings us back to another officer related death and a another very grim noment in new york --moment in new york city. 41 white police officers fired on amadu dialo. they said he was reaching for a gun but he had nothing in his hand but his wallet. the grand jury indicted officers but the jury acquitted all of them. adiatu dialo wrote a
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book about hers feelings about the subject. >> sadly i'm devastated, and my heart goes out to his family. i've spoken -- >> you have spoken to eric garner's family? >> i spoke with them when eric garner was killed. as you said, i'm amadu's mom. his death impacted nationwide and worldwide, about the issue of police and community relations, i thought we were going backwards instead of forward. the decision today, i think indicated to the community there is no hope here, why not? because indictment doesn't mean to condemn the officer. a trial would have been an opportunity for the community to have a sense of justice to hear
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the case, to have all the evidence. so. >> 15 years though after your son's death you must have thought, you've written about it, you've spoken about it, there have been panels, discussions, given this but also the decision in the mike brown case would you think that things would have come further by now? >> that was my belief when amadu was killed, we went through trial of the officers who killed my son. i asked for calm and and for peace and i stood up with the community and work hard to bring changes positive changes. i thought that my son's legacy would have served to prevent these incidents from happening again. but now, i know we have more work to do. here is a reasoning again one more time for the people to understand this is not an isolated case. these cases are important. and now more than ever all
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stakeholders need to come forward and work together to stop this. people in law enforcement community, we are not against them. we need them. but however, our sons deserve to have their mistakes and deserve to have justice. they don't deserve to be profiled and stereotyped for no reason. the eric garner family will live with this, like i live with this, for the rest of their lives. their lives will never be the same. especially when you see this video. >> yes. >> you can view this, his children his mother his wife, they're looking at this video. this will haunt them for the rest of their lives. why not have the case in a court of law, and have the case being tried in the criminal justice system to understand what went wrong? even that could have helped the community of law enforcement to change their tactics.
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when we call about body cameras today, we are skeptical because body cameras for law enforcement to be using now, we understood that this is just one part. it is not going to solve the problem. >> there was video as you say, there was video of eric garner's death. >> yes, there was a video. theven the video did not help. so what else can we do? this is a question that every family must ask thems in america. is this the way we are supposed to do, by police relations and community, improving the relationship between community and law enforcement in the neighborhood in new york city or ferguson or florida or nationwide, it's happening. so 15 years later
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, amadu was killed 15 years ago, we march with civil rights lawyers and leaders, reverend al sharpton movement and senator hillary clinton then addressed the issue of bringing police and community relations and positive changes. but we pretended that everyone was okay. even my son was stereotyped as insignificant immigrant, i'm sorry, just as if he met his destiny on the tough streets of new york. sometimes they even portray him as someone who doesn't speak english. now, we know, it's validated again one more time. there's a reason for us to examine these tactics. and we cannot just turn around and pretend that everything is okay because it's happening. >> ms. diallo, we appreciate you being with us.
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tatialo lo diallo, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> later on "america tonight," the burn pits in iraq and afghanistan, not only were they illegal, but a safe option was available. why millions of american dollars went to waste while service members were put at risk. also detective work by the mothers of the missing, mexico's continuing crisis with young people vanishing from the street. what mothers are doing to find their own answers. and still later this hour, down under the cold north. >> see what we got, a little pumpkin seed, right? >> "america tonight's" adam may on these hearty souls fishing for fellowship on the ice.
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>> a conflict that started 100 year ago, some say, never ended... revealing... untold stories of the valor... >> they opened fire on the english officers... >> sacrifice... >> i order you to die... >> and ultimate betrayal... drawing lines in the sand that would shape the middle east and frame the conflict today >> world war one: through arab eyes only on al jazeera america
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>> now, a snapshot of stories making headlines on "america tonight." a texas appeals court halted the scheduled execution of a mentally ill inmate. who suffers from schizophrenia and his defense attorneys argues he's too ill to be put to death. the rape of a 16-year-old girl at a fraternity party, at a johns hopkins university fraternity party, two men forced that drunken teen to have sex in a bathroom during the party. killing of an american teacher stabbed in a shopping center restroom. the murder follows a warning about a web post that encourages assaults on american teachers at schools in the middle east. we first brought you an "america tonight" exclusive last
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night about veterans who believe they face serious illness. trash including toxic chemicals burned on u.s. military bases is what made them sick. already 25,000 have signed up on the va's online registry. "america tonight's" sheila macvicar now investigates. why they still used burn pits. >> for years the u.s. military burned its trash, everything from garbage to chemicals to tires to plastics and more in smoldering burn pits. burn pits that by law, should have been put out of business. a law passed by congress in 2009 designed to protect the health of service men and women and the them. >> if you have over 100 people at the base and you have them over 90 days you need to start
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developing plans to get rid of your birn burn pits. >> gene aloese was charged with getting rid of the burn pits. incinerators that burn at hire temperatures with less toxic pollution. but not only did aloese say the contractors didn't use burn pits. >> how do you properly get this done, what does proper oversight and management and how do you hold people accountable for when they screw up? it all goes back to one thing. poor management, oversight and holding people accountable by the army corps of engineers. >> the u.s. army corps of engineers issued contracts for 19 incinerators ton installed on
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u.s. bases in iraq and afghanistan. the u.s. office of inspector general is investigating why that didn't happen. >> it's no secret that burn pits were being used. the question is why, when you had an incinerator, perfectly good paid for incinerator that each of them cost about $5 million apiece could have taken care of the problem for you. >> susan burke is a lawyer representing former military and contractors, who say their health has been endangered by burn pits. >> the taxpayers, government paid all this money to a company kbr which was formerly halliburton, to dispose of trash which was safe. instead they used open pit burning which was only supposed
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to be used in exceptional cases. released reports on the continual use of open burn pits. while incinerators sat unused in the background. another report in december 2014 from forld operating base sharana found that incinerators were not being used. paid $5.4 million for the machines that reportedly had safety deficiencies. burn pits were still operational. a report from camp leatherneck in helman province, found continued use of burn pits while two brand-new incinerators sat unused and two others were not
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used to their capacity. the inspector general's report says more than $11 million was wasted. >> why do you think some of them were installed but not used? >> some were not installed correctly. some were not used. they built the incinerator in a poor location and they couldn't use forklifts to put the trash in. they had to pus it in by hand. improper planning operation and maintenance and not holding contractors accountable for poor and ship showed wor vhod work. were the reason we had these problems. >> they paid the contractors the full amounts of the contracts. >> why would it be that they paid contractors for work they hadn't finished? i wouldn't pay a contractor for work on my house if they hadn't
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finished. >> stymied the workers, why they would be paid if they hadn't fulfilled the requirements of the contract. we asked why the contractor was paid off. >> the result? >> they exonerated everybody. nobody was held account annal. it was like no harm no foul. >> still trying to find out why contractors got their full price more than $20 million. whether the army's own contract shows, the contractor was told to fix problems and didn't. >> it's inexcusable. >> their continued use is mind boggling. >> we're not dealing with some kind of you know novel environmental harmt that may or maharm that may ormay not be co. if you look add this situation, 50 years ago, people used to
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burn trash in their backyard. there was a lot of work done that said no you burn in the smoke from burning trash in your backyard you're going to cause injury to yourself. we outlawed the burning of waste about 50 years ago. >> dod has responded by saying it will further investigate why insin rairtincinerators were not used. further, the link between burn pits and long time health problems is not proven. the cost is borne by the taxpayer, the same taxpayer who bought and paid for those incinerators. >> the dod wrote the contracts for those incinerators. they were supposed to be used in a safe manner they didn't do that. who is responsible? >> they didn't perform on the contracts, they didn't bring in the the incinerators.
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wh who is responsible?they are pay. >> kbr one of the major contractors responsible for burning and m sin raters. the company failed to comment. >> the one thing we in the agency want to did is hold people accountable. that's the only way you're going again. it is the only way this won't happen again. >> as more and more veterans return home reporting illness. the legacy of the burn pits may be with us for years . >> "america tonight's" correspondent sheila macvicar, rodney is not the only one who's giving us complaints like this. >> no, there are 25,000 veterans since june who signed the burn registry, that's when it opened.
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we don't know how many contractors are ill because contractors are individuals, civilians. they don't have the veterans administration to go to to complain. we don't know how many are ill or how many will become ill in the future. >> and the kind of things they are complaining about fairly consistent already. >> there are some people who have some kind of lung problem. whether it's restrictive restrictive bronchiol it' olitis, very unusual very rare and very aggressive cancers and there are people who went away to war, healthy, fit, fit for military deployment who came homesick and who died. >> the inspector general, you have to wonder, he says people
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were exonerated, paid money out to contractors even though they were aware that work was not complete. >> there was no sense of accountability. as gene aloese says, when you screw up who is going to hold you accountable? it is part of his job to say, this isn't supposed to happen this way. not only congress but the dod didn't want it to happen this way. the bottom line is, why did you pay money to contractors who didn't do the work? that is what he's trying to find out. >> "america tonight's" sheila macvicar, thanks. when we return, the search for children and the answers. >> the state commits a crime and then you demand the state to bring you truth and put all the experts and that hasn't worked in our history. so we need to think of new ways to approach this problem. >> mexico's missing have long seemed removed from the
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capital. >> adam rainey, on the case that's forcing mothers to do >> you know how they say that everybody has a purpose in life? well, at one time i felt that selling cocaine was my purpose. >> we were starving just looking for a way to succeed. >> the first time that i seen rock cocaine was 1980. >> the murder rate was sky-high. >> south of the ten freeway was kind of a no-man's land. >> he said, "ya know, we're selling it to the blacks, you go into these neighborhoods, there's no cops, you can sell to who every you want and when they start killing each other no body cares. >> i was going through like a million dollars worth of drugs just about every day. >> that's like gold! we can make a fortune. >> he was maybe the biggest guy in la. >> freeway rick was getting his dope from a very big operator. i think we're into something that's bigger than us, something we really can't deal with.
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former fbi special agent ali soufan. >> if that specific information was shared with to the fbi agent 911 could have been stopped at its early stages. >> the ethics of torture, preventing terrorism and combatting isil. >> islamic state, their strategy differs from al qaeda because for the first time now they are controlling land. >> every saturday join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. >> only on al jazeera america.
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preventing terrorism and combatting isil. >> islamic state, their strategy differs from al qaeda because for the first time now they are controlling land. >> every saturday join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. >> only on al jazeera america.
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former fbi special agent ali soufan. >> if that specific information was shared with to the fbi agent 911 could have been stopped at its early stages. >> the ethics of torture, preventing terrorism and combatting isil. >> islamic state, their strategy differs from al qaeda because for the first time now they are controlling land. >> every saturday join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. >> only on al jazeera america.
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former fbi special agent ali soufan. >> if that specific information was shared with to the fbi agent 911 could have been stopped at its early stages. >> the ethics of torture, preventing terrorism and combatting isil. >> islamic state, their strategy differs from al qaeda because for the first time now they are controlling land. >> every saturday join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. >> only on al jazeera america.
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>> finally, this hour, it's a matter of perspective i guess. one man's frigid misery is another one's happiness, where an early winter is actually welcome. "america tonight's" adam may on lake minnetonka . >> fishermen travel from across the country to do this, sit and stair into is a hole. in subzero weather, waiting for the big one. lake minnetonka is one of the favorite ice fishing spots in the twin cities. the department of natural
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resources issues more than a million ice fishing permitser year. >> why are so many people into it here? >> it's something to do, we would be fishing open water if we could but it freezes and people love fishing in minnesota so we keep doing it. >> dan jasper has turned minnesota's favorite winter pastime into a successful business. the ice fishing tour guide drove us around the lake, covered in 26 inches of ice. the frigid freeway enough to hold our heavy suburban. >> you actually come out plow the roads here and then everybody uses them? >> yeah. >> that's pretty nice of you. >> the roads live to villages of ice fishing houses but some of them are not your simple shacks to get out of the cold. >> most ice fishing house he are not as nice as this one are they? >> no, this is one of the nicest ones on lake
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minnetonka. heater, refrigerator, stereo stove sink flat screen tv. >> deep friar, pizza -- fryer, pizza and you have all these amenities out here. >> we like it. >> his ice fishing house can sleep four comfortably from people around the world. to show his newest gadget. >> it's underwater camera, 19.4 feet down, we're able to watch our jig and the fish at the same time, watching the jig and the fish, by doing different tricks you know what the fish like what they don't like, the temperature of the water, how deep they need to be. all that stuff. >> it looks like a video game. you're not staring down that hole anymore? >> that's right, exactly right. >> a video game that makes catching fish pretty easy.
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>> you try aim for the big one? >> yes. >> you got the worm! little left? >> you got 'em? >> i got 'em. see what we got. just a little sunfish. little pumpkin seed, right? >> no just a sunny. >> we'll let him live another day, right? catch and release, bud, good luck. so out here on lake minnetonka, the fish come in every shapes and sizes. there is one we need to check out, the bellagio. >> wow, this is incredible. >> allen schaeffer's house has everything. >> an extreme ice fishing house. >> this is what we love to have you see. >> wow! so how many holes do you have in the fish house allen? >> there's ten holes. and we keep a full bar. >> a full bar. >> for everybody. >> every flavor imaginable. >> and the big screen tv so we can watch football out here.
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then we have a full bathroom in here, so -- we have a cupboard in here and all the novelties we give out. >> you actually have an oven? >> an oven with a stove top on it and that light that was over in spain and it's just for a deco and before we put in the fireplace we could bring a four-wheeler in, that door folds down and you can bring a four wheeler in if you want to. this is what i say about my wife, wow what a dream. >> oh what a dream ♪ i dreamed i walked in a field of flowers. oh what a dream snroat. >> how much fishing is taking place in these led illuminated holes. bus here's the proof. >> three species, muskies
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out of the lake. >> pulled it through the hole, bill wawbig walleye. >> he's retired now, you look at the flashing strobe light and you know visitors are welcome. >> why do you do it? >> i saw winter go fast and it's just plain fun. >> amidst this glam, there are some that do it the old fashioned way. >> summer fishing is great but nothing like ice fishing. >> this father and son have huddled in a small tent every winter for years. it's not fancy but to them that's the point. >> it's our time together. our bonding time. a lot of times you get wrapped up in a busy life. you're not able to see your parents and -- >> slow down like us. >> this is our time to spend together. it means the world to me.
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>> that's pretty nice to hear from your son, isn't it? >> yes, it sure is. people don't realize how much that means to a dad. and that's a good thing. >> even if the fish aren't biting, the memories can be unforgettable. adam may, al jazeera. >> unbelievable that is. that's "america tonight." remember if you want to comment on any of the stories, log on to our website, good night. we'll have more of "america tonight," tomorrow.
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