tv News Al Jazeera December 16, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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"sacred journeys"ing can be seen at pbs or online. >> that's all. we are on facebook, twitter, you can tweet me @amoratv. see you next time. this is al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler. pakistan mourns. worldwide reaction to the slaughter of schoolchildren by the pakistani taliban. body cameras. >> and i remembered "the camera, the camera", for one of the biggest police forces in the country. do they make a difference. america votes 2016. >> it's part of the process of seriously considering running for president. >> a big announcement from a
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republican favourite. and sony hacks. >> you never know, it may be playing a prank or might be real. why would i be there. >> why a threat of violence has sony reconsidering a holiday release. anger and outrage over the massacre over a school in pakistan. more than 140 killed, most of them children. victims of the pakistani taliban waging a war on education, in search of revenge. our coverage begins with this report from peshawar. >> reporter: vigils were held in peshawar for children and staff members killed at army public school. many in pakistan feared the taliban's revenge for launching a military campaign against the group. no one thought the target would be a school. >> the firing started suddenly. we ran. there were six or seven
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attackers, and they were entering the classrooms and shooting students one by one. >> more than 130 children are dead in one of the worst attacks in pakistan's history. some of the students were laying on the floor, terrified. listening to the gun fire. some contacting their families. >> my brother called me after he was shot, saying terrorists are taking over the school. they are firing on us. everywhere around me was dead. i had been shot. my other brother was shot in the head, he's in critical condition. >> this student says he was in the school hall when the firing started, and saw some children shot dead. he said his teacher was shot and body set on fire. outside the hospital parents checklists are. the taliban carried out the attack in response to the army's fight in north waziristan.
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>> they burnt our homes and we were forced to put their homes on fire. we have advised our comrades if there is an underaged child, even if he's a pakistani army's chief's second, he should be given a way out. there's a primary section in another section. there are no underage children there. >> in the 6-month long offensive, the military says it killed more han 1800 fighters -- more than 1800 fighters and destroyed weapons. >> the government and the army began results against militants. >> eight hours after it started, the siege was over. all nine taliban were kill. the group proved its point. yet again more pakistani civilians are dead. >> who are the pakistan taliban, and what do they want. >> jonathan betz is here with
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that. >> over the years, pakistan taliban grew as the u.s. weakens afghanistan's taliban. the groups work together, providing fighters and supplies over the border. and supporting each other as the attacks increase. >> the assault on the school is the latest and one of the most vital carried out by the taliban. the group launched attacks, including targetting a 15-year-old girl who would become a global icon, to bombing pakistani hotels and military bases. he influenced the man who tried to set off a car bomb in 2010. >> today was a warning sign that the taliban is eye live, active, capable of inflicting instability. >> pakistan's taliban killed tens of thousands. miriam loft a second, her other is disabled. she struggles to care for the
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family. >> at times we have no food. i know they have a miserable life. as many suffer the pakistan taliban have grown. >> the organization emerged in 2006 from the remnants of pakistan taliban. pushed out. it's an umbrella organization. composted of nearly 30 armed groups aligned with al qaeda. the focus is to overthrow pakistan's government and impose a harsh form of islamic law. >> while you have a secular government in this muslim country, there'll be an element of sharia law that should run it. >> pakistan's prime minister came to office promising to negotiate with taliban. at an attack, an airport ended the hope. targetting the taliban in tribal areas along the border. thousands have been killed. hundreds of thousands forced
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from the home. >> the army said the strikes were working. clearly not completely blunt in its power. >> it's a critical point in the history of the nation of pakistan. they have to maintain military pressure, the second thing is they have to have some talks with the elements. pakistan taliban has a strong following. >> critics say part of the problem is pakistan works with part of the taliban while fighting other elements of it. still the president insisted the military provisions will continue until the taliban threat is eliminated. >> a former pakistani ambassador to the u.s. says the tactics of the taliban go against the pakistani way of life. >> pakistanis... >> are essentially people aspiring to be muslims, but muslims in the 21st century. they do not believe in using force and caution. the islamic holy book says there
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is in no coercion in religion, you cannot force people to be biased. and if anybody thinks that by killing children and massacring them in a school they'll make society more bias, they were delusional. >> president obama called the attack an act of depp raf itty. it is said that it is acts of violence. jamie mcintyre has more. >> this attack is the latest in a number of attacks on both sides of the pakistan afghanistan border. u.s. officials say the fact that the children of military families were targeted shows that the taliban was feeling the pressure. >> the u.s. denounced the attack on a military-run high school. secretary of state john kerry said it was carried out by taliban assassins who serve a dark, almost mid evil vision. >> images are gut wrenching.
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young children carried away in ambulances, a teacher burnt alive. in front of the students. a house of learning turned into a house of unspeakable horror. >> the attacks in pakistan came as the taliban targeted the children of elites. in pakistan and in the afghan capital kabul. where last week a teenage bomb are blew himself up during a high school musical performance. they come as the u.s. ends a combat mission in neighbouring afghanistan, transitioning into a support role for a small number of u.s. and international troops, roughly 12,000. despite the stepped up taliban attacks, the white house said there'll be no further adjustment in the time line to bring remaining u.s. troops home over the next two years. >> the president is committed to ensuring that we remain on track for the responsible drawdown that the president outlined in terms of military presence in afghanistan. >> the president admits that
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unlike in iraq, where there was a melting away. afghan national security forces are up to the task of taking on the taliban. >> they are a bigger, more robust afghan security force ready and able to defend citizens and their people. they are doing it well. >> the pentagon revealed while the american combat role doesn't end for two more weeks, it is, in reality, already over. u.s.s. afghan forces conduct all the combat missions inside afghanistan. u.s. officials point to the meeting between afghan president ashraf ghani, and sharif as the ability to defeat the pakistan. >> the u.s. said it will help in any way it can to battle the taliban. pakistan has a capable military, and hasn't requested any
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assistance. >> jimmy mcintyre and hamad, a consule general from pakistan. - he is the consule general, sorry. let me get your rehabilitation to this event? >> well let me begin by saying this is a tragic, sad day for pakistan. in fact, it would not be wrong to say this is a sad and tragic day for mann kind. the event we have seen in pakistan yesterday have no parallel. we are in a state of shock and at a loss for words. >> why can't pakistan stop events like this? >> is is -- we have, we are doing our best. the pakistan military, air force, police, other law-enforcing agencies are
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moving ahead. moving into north waziristan, something which the international allies had been asking us to do over the last couple of years. this is an unfortunate tragic horrific, you no know, by-product of the assault that our military has been carrying out on the strong holds of these terrorists. >> when you say that some of your allies have encouraged you to do this for the last couple of years, the question is why hasn't pakistan moved sooner, and why did it get to this point. >> we formed a number of committees, trying to engage with these people, and tried to explain in this day and age they have to abide by state laws, can't enforce through weapons and violence, their vision of what they want pakistan to be.
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pakistan is a functioning democracy of 200 million people. we have a vibrant political culture, we have a democratically elected prime minister with provincial assemblies in place. you can't overthrow this because of a violently vocal minority has a different image of where pakistan needs to be in this day and age. >> do you think this event, where all the children were killed, will be able to unite pakistan, or is it divided. >> sir, i would say that this is a watershed event. in recent history, in memory, i have been serving my country as a diplomat for 22ors. -- 22 years. i find no parr real of barbarity, senseless, mindless action by man against children. i have no doubt that this is going to go a long way in
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further uniting - let me emphasis that the nation is united behind the government, and behind our brave armed forces, who are battling the menace day and night. if the people feel by committing the act of terror, no matter how shocking it is that we are going to back off or succumb to their pressure, they are wrong. this is going to increase our resolve. it will spur our armed forces on further, and we are going to pursue them. and wipe them out. >> so many have been killed, not just incident civilians, but members of the armed force. the groups continue to survive and some would say thrive and are able to carry out the most barbaric event like the one that happened in this school. so, you know, other than what you have been encouraged to push. you've encouraged to do on the part of the military, what else can be done? >> well, you note that in this
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latest attack, which is the worst one that we have ever had the misfortune of suffering. they have selected a soft target. how low can you go. you are attacking a school, a place of learning, with underage children there. this was no military installation, this was no military camp, this was no police office. so i feel that they are on the run, and we have made significant progress over the last couple of months with the military operation. we have been using every resource we have, including f-16s, we have conducted a couple of thousands of intelligence-based operations, including ground operations, chapper attacks, bombardment by aircraft. >> the last big attack, or major attack was at an airport. a hard target where they succeeded in doing an incredible amount of damage. i mean, i - i guess you would
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be - you can understand how people question whether pakistan is trying to get rid of these people. >> that is correct. i happen to have my last tour of duty in sydney, australia. let me share with you our offices were bang opposite the lindt cafe where the swags happened the other way. where you have people prepared to die for a luna tick cause, civilisation has little defense against that. you saw what one man was able to do in the heart of sydney. in australia, a peace-loving country, a fantastic place, this person was able to bring that city to a standstill. >> pakistan is a much larger country, we have been struggling for years. we have a much, much larger population. we have the tribal areas, and you huge porous border with afghanistan, and it's no secret over the last five or so, last
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decade, these terrorists, hues and colours, they have been smoking across the border when under pressure from the pakistanis. and vice versa, when they have been attacked aggressively. it's just the nature of the geography that makes our task so much more difficult. as far as the resolve of our armed forces is concerned, and i can quote my army chief, that this is an operation that we have undertaken, it is across the board, without fear or favour, and we are going to take it to the logical conclusion. we will not rest until we have uprooted this menace from pakistani soil. and let me add that this is a fight not just for pakistan and the people of pakistan, this is something that we do for mankind. today is not just a sad day for pakistan, this is a global tragedy that we saw today.
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>> good to talk to you tonight. thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> voices from every corner of the world are condemning the attack. none more powerful or poignant than malala yousessci. >> we unite and i call on the community that we should stand up and fight against terrorism and name sure every child has safe and quality education. >> she was shot in 2012 after peaking out for girls education, last week she was the youngest person to receive the nobel peace price. why would the taliban attack a school. the target was by no means random. nick schifrin reported in pakistan for years and explains why. >> schools for the taliban represent western values and the pakistani government. add the fact that the school is
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associated with the military and you get the pakistan taliban enemies. the west, u.s., girls education and pakistani government institutions. the pakistani government hit about 1,000 schools, but never ever on this scale. this will go down as one of if not the single worst attack on the school anywhere ever, it's so unprecedented, horrific, gruesome, even in a country used to many attacks. in the past the pakistan taliban launched high profile attacks. like the one against ghq. police training ground and headquarters in karachi this year. earlier this year, against the airport. over the last six months the military, operation in the tribal areas along the afghan border reduced the capacity to launch the attacks, and some are calling the attack like you saw
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a sign of desperation, a sign that they can't get to the high profile places that they used to. the other symbolism, the attempt by the pakistani taliban, the message they are sending is one of terror, one that pakistani parents and children are not safe anywhere. but today really, and this evening is about standing with pakistan. so many people coming out, so many minister, so many people, indian, historic pakistani enemies coming out saying we are shoulder to shoulder with pakistan on a horrific and brutal day. 132 children killed simply because they were going to school. >> nick schifrin reporting. >> coming up on this broadcast - the theatre threat. the group that claims to have hacked sony promises attacks inside the united states. plus, a day in the life of a police body camera. i'm allen schauffler in
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washington. l.a. will buy 7,000 body cameras for officers using money from private donation, call for the use took off in august after the police shooting death of michael brown in ferguson mississippi. president obama wants to spend $7 million for body cameras, we are taking a look at how they work, and the challenges they present. allen schauffler is tonight in seattle with more. >> john, it sounds great, documented it. put it all on video. we have to remember that we are dealing with portable digital camera systems with data storage and retrieval operated by human beings, so humans and machines, neither are infallible. there'll be rough spots along
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the way. the public should know how the systems will work. to find out more we visited a small police department near seattle. 15 on the force have been wearing body cameras for the last eight months. >> reporter: as his shift begins, canine officer nick takes the camera out of the holding station and puts it on his chest. it ride with him. >> it's a new thing to get used to. it's not hard. it's a simple on and off. it took a little training, not. >>. >> it's not always obvious when it's recording or not. >> the more we use it, the easier it is for the fers. officers. he let's everyone know they are on camera. >> this is being recorded. >> and says he never had a complaint about the interaction being recorded. >> can't hurt. >> i don't think it can hurt. >> reporter: police departments
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are trying to figure out rules on when to use cameras, and when not to. when to turn them on or off. what are the cases when you turn the camera off. >> we will not record eight calls if we insist a medical aid department or respond to a police jurisdiction. and they are predominantly taking over. we don't do that. >> what about criminal investigation, drug having. >> if it's a sense, someone that is an informant. we will not record that. >> you turn it off. and it's off. >> reporter: when it's on, the camera will not catch everything. >> i'm looking straight ahead and the camera is facing ahead. if i look over there, the camera is not seeing what i see. >> maybe you have to make it orange so people can really see it. you are on camera. >> at the end of the shift, there's work to do. >> uploading it can take 20, 30, 45 minutes, depending how many
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videos i have done. >> the camera goes back in the dock. uploads to the cloud for storage, and officers label date and categorise each interaction. >> they have no ability to change for modify the videos. >> andy is one of two sergeants who have editorial power. >> the only way to destroy the video is if i delete it. when i do the redactions, the original video is mained. >> we got the video by submitting a freedom of information request. redacting is part of the process before release. certain things like faces or documents are blocked out to guard privacy. that soaks up a lot of time. the department estimates a recent request for all body cam video would have taken through 2017 to pros. that request has been withdrawn, and the cameras here will keep rolling. >> it's part of a progressive and modern police department to
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record all this stuff. >> we are not going to stop, we'll continue to use them, we think it's important. >> a tool that could be used by 50,000 more police officers across the u.s. with funding from the obama administration. >> now, in this is the policy manual. seven pages, a lot of details, and the chief tells us that it is evolving, they are learning as they go. that's the case for a small town, and for other department across the country. this whole thing is a work in progress. >> allen schauffler, thank you. in california, officers have worn body cameras since 2012, it was one of the first departments in the country to put the technology into use. officers say they are seeing result. michael oku reports. >> reporter: what you are about to see happens every day across the country. an officer intense pursuit of a
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stolen vehicle. two suspects inside, showing few signs they intend to surrender. >> turn off the car. let's see your hands. >> the situation could escalate. if it does, it will be caught by the officer's body camera. this time there's no trouble. days later the body cam makes a difference. a realitio california officer confronts a wanderer accused of harassing defendants in nearby businesses. the officers extra eyes record the scuffle. >> realtor p.d. will be able to say the suspect threw the first punch. >> i think it protects me more than it protects the public. that area, a lot of stolen cars come through. >> we were on patrol with corporal gary cunningham. population 100,000. on the vanguard of law enforcements use of body
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cameras. police say they were the first force in the nation to deploy the cameras with uniformed officers department wide. a 25-year veteran, cunningham is sold school. >> can you say when they initially approached you with the need, that you were date day. >> reluct act. >> you were as embarrassing as you appear to be now? >> i thought they were going to use the camera to punish us more than to help us. then you wear it and say wait a minute, can you go to a domestic, and you have a girl crying, she has a big black eye saying he did this, he did that. she goes to court, changes the story "i didn't tell the officer that", let's play the tape. >> does it keep you in line? >> i had a trainee with me. the guy did something, he ran in the house, slammed the door in my face, i kicked the door open, and back in the day you get
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them, throw them down and do this... >> you rough them up. >> but having the camera on me, when i grabbed him and i remembered the camera, the camera. >> before implementing the programme, the realitio p.d. launched a year-long study in 2012, randomly deploying cameras to half the 54 patrol officers at a given time. the results were remarkable. the department saw an 88% decline in the number of complaints filed against officers. what is more, officers use of force dropped by 60%. >> after we got the data and sat down and went wow, look at the numbers, there's something to this. >> tony is chief of the realtor p.d. the programme is his brain child. >> i think we stepped out on a programme that we thought was going to be dynamic, that we thought would make a difference, and i think that we have proven
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that we have done that. in atlanta there's a debate on whether the police department should use body cameras at all. we'll look at that tomorrow night 8 eastern, 5 pacific. next on the broadcast - promising violence. hackers who hit sony, threaten to attack movie theatres. how sony is responding. plus. the currency crisis, what russian official are doing to hold off an economic disaster.
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this is al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler, coming up, movie threat. hackers warn of violence over a new sony release. tonight the studio weighs the next move financial crisis - how russian leaders are trying to save their currency. >> ready to run. jed bush the first billing name to take a concrete step to enter the race for the white house. >> there are new doubts tonight about the release of one of the most anticipated movies of the holiday season, "the interview" is due in theatres on christmas day. sony is said to be reconsidering
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the release because of a threat against american movie goers. jennifer london has more. >> the massive attack against sony targets sony pictures and current employees. the attack is threatening to go further. >> every night millions watch the show. >> it's news. >> the interview was supposed to be sony world photography awards's blockbuster of the -- sony's blockbuster, instead it's at the center of cyber attacks, forcing it into lockdown. >> movie reel: kim jong un wants to do an interview... >> three weeks after the release of sony employees social security numbers, salaries and emails, the hacking group guardians of peace, released more stolen internal feels in what it is calling a christmas gift. now something more ominous, a threat against movie goers, someone gaming to be from
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guardians of peace, hosted a warning on attack on people that go to see "the interview", a comdit depicting an as sass nation attempt on the leader of north korea. >> movie reel: take him out. >> the threat was posted on a file-sharing site. it reads: sony has not responded to al jazeera's request for comment. newly leaked documents show some sony executives were concerned "the interview" could inflame north korea. soeth rogan said he has no regrets about making the movie, and it was not meant to be controversial. he has cancelled one appearance. sony may pull the picture but may have to get creative with his release. >> maybe they'll do something
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different. releasing it on netflix and amazon. they have options to take the control away from people threatening safety and put it out so the public can enjoy the movie in a safe way. the fbi is aware of the threat against movie goers, and is continuing to investigate the hack. department of homeland security tells al jazeera: even if movie goers are not at risk, the wars may be to come. >> this malware has the capability to wipe drives clean, not just disrupt operation, but destroy data. north korea has most likely the capability to do that.
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whether or not this particular hack was by the north korean government is an open question. >> "the interview" is said to premiere in new york on thursday and will open on christmas day. >> sony's legal problems are beginning, two former employees, citing an epic nightmare are e suing sony pictures saying the company did not adequately protect their information, that now the information is out in the public, they were at risk of identity theft and fraud. apple shut an online store in russia. they raised the russian price of the iphone 6 by 25% to make up for the currency. this year the ruble lost 50% of its value against the dollar. the main reason, the drop in oil prices and western sanctions on
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russia, it's to bad russia's central bank raised the interest rate from 10.5% to 17% in an effort to prop up the ruble. rory challands has more. >> the russian central bank's huge overnight interest rate hike is an attempt to solve a savage problem. >> translation: 17% is the rate for banks that need their profit. for the final borrowers it's about 22%. at this rate the investment protest stops. except for a few big profit industries, and the biggest companies for whom independent rates are set. in germ. if the rate per sifts the process stops. the pain that the hike is likely to in-flight may be in fap, if all but a few hours of respite, and before tuesday morning was
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over, it continued its tumble. there's not much that individual russians can do about this. this website advocates a little calm. watch the ruble fall against the dollar and roouuble, in real ti with a soothing sound track. a ship is shape hitting an iceberg before the ruble sciption beneath the waves. "i dropped a rubble down there", let me down further, i can't see the bottom." >> despite the black humour, this is no laughing matter. the mortgages these people have is in dollars. this is a rare delay of public anger on the streets. the kremlin will watch to see this doesn't spread. >> they will take my flat. the fine is growing. i have to pay 2,828.
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it's unbearable how much it costs now. also, i have to pay in turns which is also in dollars. and the dollar grows so quickly. my mum and daughter will end up on the street soon. >> blink on the streets of moscow and currency boards change. russians can't see the bottom, but know they are not there yet. >> "real money" correspondent roxana saberi joins us now. they raised the interest rate from 10 to 17% in the middle of the night, an attempt at a quick fix, did it work. >> no, it didn't. it wreaked of desperation. russia's central bank spept $80 million defending the ruble. it has not stemmed the slide. the markets smell blood, wept in for the kill. to give you an idea of how it feels. imagine you go to bed and our student lone is at 4.5% and you
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wake up, it's 10%, 12%, 13%. >> is it sanctions, falling oil praises or have people lost confidence? >> it's all three of those things. let's start with oil. this is where russia derives the linon's share of the revenue. the kremlin counted on $100 for a barrel of oil. since june it's fallen 40% to $60 a barrel. that is a soars shortfall. it ties hands to manoeuvre around sanctions as they bite. >> which part of sanctions had the biggest effect? >> by far the biggest are sanctions that have targeted banks and energy firms, and defense firms that limit their objection to capital markets. this is making it really, really difficult for the firms that have debt. denominated in dollars, to refinance that. you can imagine as the ruble is weaker against the dollar.
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they go into the red. the thing that precipitated the rout in the ruble was what amend to a government bailout of roznest. a huge energy firm, raising the speck tore that more firms will go to the kremlin cap in hand saying bail us out. >> what is the impact on the u.s. economy. >> we are pretty insulated. europe is feeling the pain. europe has felt a lot of pain in some european countries, you are deflation. germany has been affected. here in the u.s. we are not feeling the pain. >> that's correct thank you. >> mama -- president obama sign add $1.1 trillion bill, keeping the country running through next september. many opposed the bill because it loosened banking regulations and allowed pension plans to cut
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current benefits the first primaries in the 2016 elections is more than a year away. today former governor jed bush took the first step towards throwing his hat in the ring. >> it was the announcement supporters had been hoping for. he pointed to discussions with his family saying: he will establish a political action committee, a vehicle for raising money and organising the presidential presidential campaign, over the weekend he detailed the yeches he's been asking himself. >> do i have what is takes to go through the campaign. it's a hum bling thought. is it the right thing for my
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family? >> it includes his father, former president george h.w. bush and old are brother, gush george w. bush who has been encouraging him. jed bush has concern over his wife colombus's privacy. >> she's is on board. i love her. she's my balance. >> reporter: jed bush is 61 and is likely to start as a favourite of the republican party establishment. his fundraising capabilities are second to none. he's fluent in spanish and popular with his panic voters, a democratic stronghold. in the republican primaries, he may be vulnerable to attacks from the right over support for comprehensive immigration reform and common core education guidelines. >> my beliefs are good solid
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thought. on monday after receiving an honorary degree in south carolina, a crucial conservative primary state, bush told students whatever action or path they choose, they should choose for themselves first. >> you can do what you want to do. life is a lot better if you find your own reasons to do your own things. still, the bush family name carries certain expectation bs, including that you will run, and not just explore. >> jed bush says his supporters will hear from him again soon. >> an al jazeera political contributor dave lefan that will is in washington d.c. you wrote a piece for the center of public integrity, that the announcement was made in an unusual way. why was it unusual? >> it was unusual, because when you expect someone to explore a presidential run, you expect
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them to form an exploratory committee. jed bush is forming a leadership pact. it may be a technical difference, it allows big dollar donors, if they want to come in, they can do so now and keep the powder drive and donate again to his presidential campaign committee if he decides to run for the presidency. >> let's talk about swing voters. can jed bush attract the voters? >> he can definitely attract swing voters but we are dealing with two different races, and a candidate that may be appealing may not be so appealing to voters who are voting in very narrow primaries, and a little state like new hampshire or a caucus in iowa or nevada. as a result many of the candidates will have to weigh a
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difficult calculus here, which is how can i appeal to the narrow slice of electorate in my own party, and if i do emerge from what could be an incredibly violently competitive primary, can i spin it forward and have sort of an appeal to all americans, swing voters included. >> he is the second of a president, brother of another president. give me a sense. obviously there are advantages to the bush name. what is the baggage? >> the bush name is the double-edged sword. like, for the republicans, what the democrat have. a little with the clinton name, potentially. absolutely it carries baggage, you'll have some voters say we have been there, and been there again and done that. third time is not a charm. we have to have someone new in here. we don't want a dynasty, we want
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fresh blood. >> also you have very strong vocal and active tea party contingency that is probably going to coalesce around a candidate. not like jed bush, but ted cruz or rand paul or ben carson who has been making a lot of waves, so if you have eight, 10 or 12 candidates, itself eidy for the vote to get wildly divided. jed bush will have to do more than have a lot of big donors, he has to find a way to appeal so have you four or five primaries into the season. >> dave levinthal, good to see you tonight the world health organisation says there's a killer bug gaining strength, and could kill more people than cancer. the drug resistant bug has been found at the site where brazil
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will host the upcoming olympics. morgan radford explains. >> that's right. brazil will host millions of tourists for the 2016 olympics. a recent discovery in the waters around rio could be a concern for the travellers. >> the waters of rio de janeiro. a vacationer's paradise for centuries, more recently the home of a superbacteria. brazilian scientists found a bug powerful enough to be resistant to antibiotics in a bay that will host the 20th summer games. it produces an enzyme called kpc. found in hospital waste. how exactly did it get into the waters of rio in. >> well, more than half of the water that flows into the bay is sewage. so far it's not causing much alarm among beach goers. >> i come to the beach all the time. i'm not worried.
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>> it's polluted, but is not a big deal. you jump in if you want to be refreshed. the world health organization is worried, issuing a warning about the rise of super-bugs. doctors say antibiotic resistant strains spread over the planet and can lead to a post-antibiotic era in which infection and injury kills. the world health organisation calls the problem so serious that it threatens the achievement of modern medicine. a report from the british government payments a frightening statistical picture. antibiotic drugs account for 23,000 deaths a year. the report says super-bugs could kill 10 million a year by 2050. the cost of treating the super bugs a potential $100 trillion. in the meantime researchers say doctors need to stop prescribing so many antibiotics. >> organs are adopting.
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we are running out of anti-biotics. if we treat with an antibiotic, we try to for the minimum duration. >> the bacteria is known to cause gas errol intest -- gas errol intestinal problems. >> ahead - tried up. an estimate on how much water california needs to end the draught. gallons by the trillions. a report card on american nuns, the findings of a vatican investigation. later - capturing the moment of a life time without getting caught. one photographer's eye for the newly engaged.
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it started as an investigation into 50,000 american muns. nuns. the catholic leaders worried they were too secular. a report cleared them of wrongdoing. >> reporter: tears of joy as the vatican praises their u.s. nuns at the end of a 6 year investigation. >> your message to us shows you understand our ongoing struggle to faithfully serve the church in challenging times. despite our short comings and limitations. >> the report notes achievements and challenges faced by america's 50,000 nuns, average age mid it late 70s, and the dwindling numbers down 125,000 sense the '60s.
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the report says. it offered prays for: praise for. born under pope benedict the report into u.s. nuns was billed as a look into their quality of life amid talk that many were too secular, too feminist. 350 communities of religious women were looked into. a team of 80 investigators paid on-site visits to 90 communities of nuns. most cooperated. some refused to talk about finances and assets, believing the vatican had one eye on appropriation. >> despite the apprehension, we are looking at an affirmative and realistic report which we know is based on the study of
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rein responses -- written responses and countless hours of attentive listening. >> reporter: tuesday's report is one of two. the other a probe into religious women, representing 80%, which the vatican accuses of breaking away from doctrine. that is not expected until 2017. >> today n.a.s.a. delivered a start thing look at how bad california's drought really is. the agency says california's river basins have a deficit of 11 trillion gallons of water. for the first time a scientific agency estimated the water needed to end the drought. n.a.s.a. was able to calculate the snow on a sierra nevada rain is half what it used to be. the storm jumped more numbers of of rain. that's the good news. kevin corriveau is here with that. >> that is good news. we are supposed to be the rainy
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season. this is normal. because we are behind all the rain, take a look at the rain we saw, going through san francisco. you can see heavy rain. this is normal for this time of year. for los angeles, or san francisco. they would see about four inches of rain every month all the way through march. if we get that amount of rain every month, then we will stay at status quo. we need to exceed that to be able to get into - reliving the deficit. >> what is the long-term forecast or is there? >> we made a good start. december looks good. the rainy season goes through march. we expect to see an improvement in the drought across parts of california. now, some other areas, such as nevada, the drought is looking like it is going to intensify. for california, the drought will remain, there'll be a good dent made in the draught.
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the holiday season is engagement season, christmas and new year's eve are two of the biggest engagement nights. one photographer says it's possible to capture the night. >> i am an engagement photographer. attack pictures of an engagement without a perp knowing. i have done this for nine years. i became a proposal photographer nine years ago. i'm like a spy. i take them secretly. for the last three years, i have
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down more than 200 proposals. i make a plan how it happen, i give directions to the guys, and i capture the moment. it's popular in the united states, especially in new york, because here people come from all over the world to propose. in russia people don't propose. they don't give a ring. it's not a big moment as in the united states. it is as exciting for me. i feel their feeling at this moment. i feel how they are, and how excited the girlfriend became or his boyfriend became when he get down on one knee. i feel all the feeling. it gives me a lot of energy. always very surprised about it. it's a huge deal for them. they can share this amazing pictures with their friends and family. >> now, the possibility of the day. hanukkah begins, with the
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lighting of the first candle. the freeze frame is from germany, brandenburg gate. that's the broadcast. thank you for watching. i'm john seigenthaler. see you here. "america tonight" is >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective. "consider this". monday through thursday, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
12:00 am
on "america tonight," eye to eye. we look at cops, communities, and cameras. how new mini cams worn by officers catch all the action and can keep cops in check. >> back in the day, you get them and throw them down and do all this, and they might have to rough them up a little bit. having that camera on me when i grabbed him, and i remember the camera, the camera, the camera. >> michael oku in a california community among the nation's first to get the action rolling, and the view fro
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