tv Consider This Al Jazeera December 22, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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would i do better? yes, but i don't spend time regretting. >> thank you for the television you have put on the air, thank you so much. >> your you're welcome. thank yothank you for being ther it. >> a tragic police killing, antipolice rhetoric dividing the nypd. is russia in a check mate position and a failing economy. and one of college football's biggest stars cleared of rape charges at least for now. i'm adam may in for antonio mora
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for "consider this," those stories and more after that, still ahead. >> murders of two police officers. >> that blood on the hands. starts in the office of the mayor. >> put aside protests, put aside demonstrations. let's focus just on these families. >> the russian economy on the brink of collapse. >> the ruble in free fall. not only because of the sanctions but also because of the very low price of oil. >> we shg thanking the saudis. >> the white house, the pentagon and the -- >> and be beji caid essebsi has won the election. >> florida state quarterback jameis winston.
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>> has been cleared of any charges of sexual assault. >> 2014 on track to be the warmest year on record. >> unless we do something soon we are not going to reverse this problem. >> we begin with anger, following the ambush murders of police officers. police say rafael ramos and wenjian liu were killed busy ismaaiyl brinsley. who also shot a former girlfriend, saying it was for revenge of the murders of michael brown and eric garner by
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police officers. >> i'm asking everyone and this is across the spectrum to put aside protests, put aside demonstrations. until these funerals are past. let's focus just on these families and what they have lost. >> but the demonstrations are coming in on all sides on saturday night new york police staged their own protests, turning their backs on the mayor when he arrived at the hospital where the officers were being treated. new york police commissioner bill bratton was asked about that silence when he was interviewed. >> i don't think that is appropriate but reflective of some of them. >> i'm joined by former nypd detective thomas ruskin. now president of the cmp protective investigative group.
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also joining us here is alex vitale, contributor to the nation. also author of city of disorder, how the political campaign changed. >> at the crux of this debate seems to be the attitude of the mayor right now as to what is happening to the police department. is the mayor anti-police in your opinion? >> i don't think he's shown support of the police. i don't know what's really in his heart and i don't know what's really in his head. i just know that the police feel that they don't have a mayor who's supporting them from day 1. and he's been very critical of them. he's basically worked against them. and policing in new york city. and they basically feel that when you have a mayor who says the two lieutenants who are assaulted on the brooklyn bridge bon videotape are allegedly
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assaulted, you don't run with that. >> what do we say about antipolice, if i call and say a swing is broken in the playground, does that make me anti-parks? if i call and say my garbage isn't being picked up does that mean i'm anti-sanitation? we're cutting off the avenues for discussion about very real concerns about the need for changes in the way policing is done. >> but not what he said but also the tone. what is being said and maybe what is not being said? >> listen, as a leader when you run for mayor or you run for president and you're leading a country or a city, hav you haveo show the leadership. if your city votes a no bill towards an indictment you can't go and heighten up the rhetoric by saying about how your biracial son is scared of the
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police. especially since your biracial son has a police protection of the same detectives you're saying that he's scared of or whether he should be scared of. you can't have that type of rhetoric. you have to lead. you have to say this is a system we live with -- >> but doesn't that heighten rhetoric? because for many people that is how they feel. >> i understand. but when grand jury made was perceived as a controversial decision, without the knowledge of that grand jury saw or analyzed in making that decision. >> was it appropriate in the video we just saw police officers turned their back on the mayor? >> i believe what we need to understand about the mayor, and some of the discourse coming from the union leaders is they have been without a contract for a number of years now. pat lynch head of the pda has not been able to deliver for his members and i wonder if that
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maybe is playing -- he's playing to a general audience other than the public, but to his members. my concern that in the process he is poisoning the conversation in some ways. >> when i walk down the street, people know me, people know i used to be a new york city detective. cops are coming up to me and complaining about the leadership they feel does not support them on the city, the leadership from the mayor on down. i want to play some sound from patrick lynch and get to what he said over the weekend. >> there's blood on many hands tonight. those that incited violence on the street under the guise of protest. that blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall. in the office of the mayor. >> blood on their hands. is that too bold of a statement? >> yes, i think that's really inappropriate. first of all, lynch is equating
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peaceful protest, calling for reforms of policing with the murdering of police officers by a kind of crazed spree-killer. this is completely unacceptable in my view and also seems to me ignorant of the nature of the crime that was committed against these officers. this was not a politically motivated attack and for lynch to come in and start saying that, anyone who criticized the police is embracing the murder of police sounds profoundly dishonest to me. >> do you agree this was not something organized? >> no, it wasn't organized. but when you have a mayor who is embracing leaders who are taking demonstrators out who say what do we want, we want police to be killed. and when do we want it? we want it now. this is the al harptons who is sitting with the mayor -- >> i don't think he said he wanted police officers killed.
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>> no but he said right after that, we are taking this to the street, we don't want black lives lost. if you have police officers walking alongside who are then being assaulted, it is upsetting to people going to work who want to protect the city and go home at the end of the day to their wives and families. >> the institution, we saw it in that one video where people were yelling death to police, on social media right now, there is a lot of vitriol right now would you both agree and when do we do about it? >> i think that is case and you're asking the right follow up question what to do about it. rather than pointing the finger at individual officers we need to ask tougher policy questions, what is it we are asking the police to do that is producing this massive racialed rift in society? maybe we need to reexamine the
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war on drugs. maybe we need to reexamine zero tolerance, policies that put police in a dangerous and sometimes untenable position that undermines community relations. >> you are set to bring community into the discussion. i agree with everything that you say. i think you have to bring the community into the conversation and i think that the community leaders have to be part of it. but whether someone like castle vin butts who is a very very -- calvin the butts who is a very, very liberal person in the city -- >> a heartbreaking message from a teenage boy who just lost his father, absolutely heartbreaking. let's take a look at what people are saying former new york city
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republican leaders. former governor george pataki tweet, sickened by these attacks, divisive of anti-cop rhetoric, ever eric holder, mayor deblasio. what was said. >> absolutely he did but so did the president of the united states. and so did holder. >> you might point your fingers to some liberals saying some things but republicans saying another thing. it's so polarized right now. >> at the scene of where these two officers were assassinated, you see the whole community, black, brown, every single nationality every diversity coming out putting flowers down crying that two police officers were executed in their city, that's what we need, and hopefully will drive the rhetoric in a positive way from
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here on in. and i'm hoping that the mayor really, when he came in that night, i have been there you know when other people have been killed, when eddie burn was killed, i was there that night. when be an execution during an undercover operation, i was there. it is a breathtaking stoic moment, when you see the families being brought in by highway cars, i'm hoping that this stops the rhetoric and drives us in a positive way. >> alex though, as we sit here and hear the rhetoric on both sides and we hear mayor deblasio in this press conference, it sounds like he's a little bit to the left like he's centralizing here. >> on the one hand, there has been very progressive reforms coming out of the deblasio system, keeping kids out of the
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court system and old people out of the jail system, but he remains committed to broken windows policing which i think many communities in the city see at the root of kind of racialized overpolicing. and it's not about the attitudes of individual officers. it's about a system of quotas and zero tolerance that is producing all these bad feelings. and until the mayor i think makes significant steps in dialing that back, he's going to continue to have a problem in communities of color. >> don't many police departments though credit broken windows policing policies to some extent to decreasing they have seen in violent crime? >> certainly in new york that has been the claim but crime is down in hundreds of cities in numerous cities that never heard of broken windows policing. it is an international phenomenon. but even if it's responsible for some important part of the crime ardrop the mass cause of crimins
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in these communities is not a worthwhile bargain. >> we're about out of time. both chime in for me what do we do to get city hall and police officers on the same page and move forward to provide better policing to our communities and trustworthy that everyone embraces? >> i would tell the mayor to walk into police precincts and take the gut wrenching truth of what these officerser feel, sitting down and having a frank conversation without the press and the media there, having a conversation what am i looking for my city and what are you looking from me as your mayor. it's going to be a frank and difficult question, the cops are going to beat him up not literally. >> what can he give them for tools to deal with the crime and
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disorder problems that don't solely rely on people with hand handcuffs and guns. >> two people lost their lives in the midst of this debate. thank you both. these assassinations have sparked some chilling posts online, as we just said. let's check in with our social media producer, hermela aregawi. >> one of them from a tennessee man who's being questioned about posting the following about this past weekend's murders. good job, kill 'em all, i'm on my way to new york. hshts shoot th#kill the police. there are calls for it to be blocked on social media sites. instagram has made the blog
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unfindable. previous users of #shoot the police, may have been suspected of misconduct but that particular campaign doa doesn't appear to have caught on. on twitter a lot of comments like these. cleverson says. this is an act of terrorism. and ray adds, let's cause positive claims. everyone look up hshts shoot the police. some of the comments on both sides are extreme and hateful but they represent a small minority of users. >> definitely a small minority.
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but the comments are so shocking to see. all right hermella. north korea might be experiencing the first retaliation with a widespread internet outage. who's behind it and what option he are really on the table for the u.s? also, russia says it's headed for a, quote, full fledged economic crisis. will it just be a matter of time before the country turns on vladimir putin? >> by the thousands, they're sending their government a message. >> ahead of 'em is a humanitarian crisis where tens of thousands of people are without food, water, shelter. o
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>> north korea threatens thewhin considers countermeasures. the sony hacking scandal has the u.s. getting tough on north korea. the isolated asian country has been experiencing widespread internet outages. now no one's claiming responsibility but it does come days after the president promised some kind of action to what he called cyber-vandalism.
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cord has written telephone on north korea and china. you know so much about this. let's start out by talking about internet outages in north korea now. how rare is that? what do you make of this? >> we haven't seen anything like this where the internet has gone down for a long period of time. and it comes after white house press secretary jeern josh earnt said, what might be covert. >> is this good tiding or the u.s. is behind this or why? >> i think united states is the prime suspect. actually i don't see any other suspects for this. we have been gloating about this. today state department spokes woman maria harf actually used the same expression, we could do things and you might not see it. we have the motivate and clearl-
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motive and clearly the means. no hearing group has come to claim responsibility. every time hacker groups are involved in these things they always said they did it. no one else has said that, there's one other suspect left in the room. >> the word coming out of washington, we're fairly certain, mostly certain, almost certain that north korea was behind the hackin hacking scand. doesn't that have a jaundiced eye to this situation? >> businesses in march and june of this year in south korea attributed those aattacks to north korea. officially deny that they were behind this and then they started themselves gloating. we know where these attacks came from routed through china, they
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started probably from the concentrations of north korean cyber-warriers based in the republic of china. >> we don't know what the u.s.'s response was going to be to this. state department went ahead, saying some of our action may be seen, some of it may not be seen. we have sanctions against north korea, what can we do, take down the internet, is there more that we can do? >> there is a lot more that we can do. we can impose sanctions that bush put in 2005, we could start enforcining some other regulations, china wa come expln
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helping north korea. >> we can't help this, this is stmg security council has talked about and i think essentially we need to do this anyway. but in any event there are so many things the united states can do to impose cost for north koreans for this devastating attack on sony. >> at one time they were the state sponsor of terror. we don't hear that terminology too much do we, why. >> took offer the state sponsored terrorism,. >> was it a mistake? >> i think it was a mistake. because for a number of reasons i don't think the north koreans deserve to be taken off because they were continuing with acts that really were sponsoring terrorism. clearly now with these threats to go after theater goers and theaters in the united states, that really is terrorism. that came from the north koreans
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they deserve to be put back on the list. >> what they are saying now, go directly to the white house, what that means, convolume you'ded statements. we hear these statements coming out of north korea all the time. big missiles that can reach california we can take you out. are they really more than a threat? >> go back six months ago, north korea was making the same threats against sony and sony didn't taking take it seriously then. as a matter of fact state department didn't take it seriously. sony talked to the u.s. government and they said don't worry about it. at this point north korea can surprise us. over the course of eight decades they have surprised us so many times. >> is this really about a movie? >> it's about a number of things but yes they are very concerned about the movie. because the movie would give the north korean citizens the idea they could change their government, could have a greater say in their lives, and that is
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inimical right now. kim jong-un is trying oconsolidattoconsolidate power. therefore you have got an insecure leader. >> as a result of that movie coming out, is satires that wee owner quite frankly ridiculous. would that back fire? >> south korean activists taking dvd of the movies of the moviesy north koreans picking up the dvds and watching them. north koreans are not going to go to a neighborhood amc. >> we're almost out of time. could be a pivotal day and china
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playing a role. talk to me about this. >> i believe the u.s. attacks on north korea used the chinese telecommunications backbone. the chinese are going to think that we have violated their sovereignty, i don't think so but that's the way the chinese think so we could see some sort of retaliation either from the chinese or from the north koreans. >> we could ask for public help, gets confusing. >> president obama said no other country was involved even when his administration was talking on background to all sorts of publications that this is a difficult diplomatic dance. >> thank you for joining us. turning to russia's economy, it keeps sliding into recession. alexi kudrin told that russia was heading into a full fledged
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economic crisis. collapse of russia's currency the ruble, and must address the most important factor, the normalization. president obama took almost a victory lap on sunday when asked if russian president vladimir putin had rolled him in the struggle over ukraine's future? >> right now he's presiding over the collapse of his currency, a major financial crisis and huge economic contraction. that doesn't sound like soak who has rolled me or the united states of america. >> for more i'm joined from washington, d.c. by ambassador kurt volker, currently executive director of the mccain center.
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i've seen one prediction by economists that they're predicting full fledged recession busy 2015. >> the ruble declined by half its value. because of oil prices, principal source of income for russia and the russian government. three to 5% decline in gdp in the coming year after being fairly flat for this year. >> do you agree that it is the oil prices there ambassador? why are they in this position, there seems to be debate right now, especially when you look at the comments from the foreign minister who say the sanctions may be more responsible in fact than the oil prices. in fact this is what senator mccain had to say on this on sunday. >> we should be thanking the saudis who have allowed the value of a barrel of oil to the point it is affecting vladimir putin's economy. it doesn't have anything to do
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with any action taken by the president of the united states. >> is is it the oil, is it the sanctions, is it a combination? >> you heard from former finance minister kudrin, it's a combination. the price of the ruble goes down, you add onto that a flight of capital out of russia and those people are trying to sell rubles and buy hard currency. that is depressing the value of the ruble. >> then what's happening? >> then that is triggered in part by a perception that western sanctions are going to persist for some time. people want to get their money out someplace safe. there is an impact of sanctions in an indirect way as well. conflagration of aspects that have affected the ruble. russia is not a democracy, putin
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is not responding to the issues the way a republican leader would. as you heard on his speech last week he is blaming all of this on the west, he is reinforcing his nationalist rhetoric. it is true that the economy is hurting but we haven't seen him change his decision making on ukraine one bit. i think putin is still prepared to ride this out on the back of his own people. >> he continues to blame the west, his popularity there remains ar enormous more than 8. is there anything that could make them turn on their leadership? >> i 30 if there were a -- i think if there were a real crisis in the streets of russia and putin seemed incapable to respond to that, there are two
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ifs, you could even have a crisis but if he dispenses some of the currency reserve that russia has amassed, he could still control that. you may remember he reengineered the constitution of russia to allow him to stay in power till 2024. the last year of president obama's successor's second toor and i think he intends fully to took to that time line. >> how severe would that time line have to be? we are talking about recession, bank bailouts, what happened here just a few years ago. how bad would that crisis have to get, what would we have to see? >> the recession would have to get a lot worse, nothing approaching that yet, not to say it couldn't happen but putin is counting on oil prices rebounding at some point, not tomorrow but at some point they'll rebound and russia's money will start flowing again.
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he's countering on russian leaders being concerned, lifting sanctions and driving a wedge between european cubs. and he has a massive amount of foreign currency reserve. he could have tried to defend a falling ruble but chose thought to in order to hoard these reserves and buy himself a couple of years where he has a cushion. >> talking about putin what is his next course of action? i mean we have seen these ramped up military exercises, some which we have not seen since the cold war. anything more he could do to put pressure on the west on europe? >> i don't think there's much he could do to really pressure united states or europe except cutting off gas supply to europe, which he doesn't want to
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do, and continu continue to sew. he is part of russian greatness narrative. and he has made his bets and going down that road and for him there's no turning back. >> we have heard that the chinese foreign minister is considering helping russia, saying they could do something, not specifically what they would do, could that be a game changer the involvement of china? >> russia has certainly looked to increase its own exports, to china, get an alternative revenue stream to europe. it doesn't have the money to invest in the infrastructure now. china has the money to invest in that infrastructure, it would take time but too high for russia. what you could see is the russian he more willing to pay a
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higher price for that chinese support if they feel they need it. >> ambassador kurt volker, thank you. >> thank you. >> now for more stories around the world. we begin in pskt pakistan wherex inmates have been executed. officials say up to 500 inmates on death row could be handing including 55 in the next days. pakistan banned capital punishment in the wake of the school massacre. they're concerned that inmates not related to terrorism charges could be killed. next we head to tunisia where beji caid essebsi won 85%
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of the vote, nation that set off the arab spring. critics believe the election represented a return to the old ways, essebsi served in the governments of both of tunisia's former dictators. he thanked the citizens for the votes, saying i will be president for all tunisians. british musician joe cocker passed away on monday. known for his husky voice, a career that spanned 40 years, his duet with jennifer warne won him his only emmy and oscar.
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not the absolutely hottest year on record. ominous flat line there. joining us in new york is emmy ward winning meteorologist, analyzed analyzing on climate science. byrne, thank you for joining us. the current trajectory and the limited number of days that we have is that 2014 will be the hottest year ever on the planet. slightly conflicting by university of alabama huntsville that is maybe the third warmest. where is the dispute here? >> it comes down to how you process data. what we have gotten from noaa thus far, there is nasa, there
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is the hadley office in u.k, the japanese meteorological society, but overall they are all telling the same thing. maybe not the hottest but one of the hottest. >> the way they measure temperature, surface temperature, speaker spheric -- atmospheric temperature? >> these organizations add up their numbers. however the one you're talking about in huntsville alabama that takes satellite measurements, goes a little higher in the atmosphere. these are very small nuances because overall, the story is still the same, one of the hottest if not the hottest years on record. pollution we see mounting body of evidence of all these hot
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years building up together in the overall record. >> well as we just saw in that little animation we had bringing us into the segment, it says if the numbers continue to climb and climb and climb especially in the last few years, there it is again. so minuscule a century ago. this must have climate scientists extremely concerned. did anybody predict this, that this would be this bad? >> this is why climate scientists have been concerned for decades. they are seeing this already. in the best of worlds you would see this balance out, this focuses on records, the animation that we're seeing. the last record you saw was 1911 for a cold global year. that's the last record cold. we've had so many warms that people are getting immune to the fact that it is another record warm year. so that's why it's so note
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worthy. >> it's even as seasons have shifted, white christmas, so many people want that. are the odds of a white christmas going down in the u.s? >> we will always get weather, especially the northern tier of the united states, when precipitation comes down it will come down in the form of snow but there will be tipping points. >> we are already seeing severe druts idroughts in california, n arizona, extreme heat, warming oceans and rising sea levels what is the long term forecast, what is going to happen if this path continues? >> well we're going to see this come out a few different ways. a lot of people experience climate change through weather and the whole ecosystem is connected and climate is connected oceans and sea level rise, extreme forms of weather,
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prescription is on the rise, heavy amounts of precipitation, we are seeing the shifting of seasons and people will say great, i won't have as many cold nights. >> we haven't seen a major hurricane hit the coast of the u.s. for a few years now. what you hear from climate scientists, more storms, bigger, more frequent. what is the reason it hasn't hit the coast? >> part of the weather patterns, because there have been major hurricanes out there. we are fortunate they haven't made landfall in the united states. they have in mexico, you have seen the pictures over the summer and into the fall. >> and devastating over the past years as well. >> there's ones we are more confident, heat obviously because of temperatures. prescriptioprecipitation is onee pretty confident about.
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but there are nuances of hurricanes and the way they form. and how climate change is really going to affect our jetstream. and if it sets up weather, the big differences to get the storms but the energy levels will be going up. >> you're in the business of trying to educate people more about the science behind climate change. i got to ask you you still hear people say, it was so cold last week, so much for global warning. will that ever go away? >> my father says it all the time, i'm shoveling your global warming. where it is cold enough you're still going to get snow but we're starting to see that trend tip in some areas away from that and the thing is there's still going to be cold but it will be less frequent. >> real quick, 2015, do we have any forecast as to whether this trend will continue? >> if we do kick into an el
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nino, and a small one, there will be weather patterns, there is question how that will effect the united states in particular. >> 2015 can be even warmer you're saying? >> true. >> bernadette woods plakey, thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> may have alluded a sexual acquisition, but why he may not be done with the matter. what the u.s. has spent on wars since 9/11. i give you a hint, it's been millions of dollars just since our show began here tonight. ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et / 2pm pt only on al jazeera america
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>> welcome back. today's data dive sizes up military spending, big spending. the cost of u.s. air strikes against i.s.i.l. in syria and iraq now tops $1 billion, that's according to the pentagon. that's an average of more than $8 million a day since the operations began in early august. this is just a drop in the bucket when you compare it to the overall numbers. since 9/11 america has spent about $1.6 trillion on defense. according to the nonpartisan congressional news service. break it down $337 million a day or $14 million an hour since the terror attacks.
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military spending was actually on the decline for more than a dozen years prior to 9/11 but that shot up following attacks. what did the u.s. get for this $1.6 trillion? half of that went to operations in iraq, military actions in afghanistan accounted for more than 40% and the rest went to operation noble eagle, focused on military bases and other targets in the u.s. along with military ops outside iraq and afghanistan. the u.s. accounted for 37% of all, all the military spending across the whole world last year. that is more than the next eight countries combined. china comes in second, nearly $200 billion. nearly tripling its total. but the u.s. totals they dropped by 8%. so the new congress coming in we're hearing a lot of renewed
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talk of out of control government spending. we'll have to see if the pentagon is affected. i'll tell you this in the time it took me to read that single report, the u.s. military spent about a half a million dollars. coming up. a heisman winner was cleared of sexual assault but how thorough was that investigation? >> hi everyone i'm john siegenthaler coming up after "consider this," new york city's player is calling for a suspension of politics and protests until after the police officers' funerals. a politician breaks his silence and remembering the life of joe cocker coming up.
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concerned with the player than the victim. james zyron, his book, brazil's dance with the devil, world cub, named book of the year by the boston globe. his charges were dropped by the judge, and independent prosecutor, will the public ever accept the rulings or will the allegations linger? >> i think they'll linger as allegations lingered around ben throethlisberger. but the reason why they will linger is entirely the fault lies with the tallahassee police department. because the police department waited ten months before
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investigating the claim. >> whoa whoa. i'm sorry ten months to investigate the claims? was it brought to their attention and they waited ten months? >> ten months. the person who is claiming that she is a survivor of sexual assault she went immediately to tals polictallahassee police ans told according to her and her attorney that she would on inviting a world of trouble for herself if she portrayed these claims against jameis winston and the tallahassee police decided not to investigate her claims for ten months until a newspaper investigated independently her claims. >> how did they respond to the news breaking that there seemed to be some pressure on this victim not to tell her story? >> they are defending the police officer in question and defending their whole process. what they haven't defended and not commenting upon is many members of the tallahassee police department including the
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investigating officers in the jameis winston case all work part time for an organization called seminole boosters where they provide part time security for the football team and it is a very lucrative post for tallahassee police. that is really the root cause whether innocent or guilty, i don't know the answer to that, no one knows the answer to that, all the judges and prosecutors have said, there is not enough evidence to continue, the trail is so cold after ten months, the reason this will linger and it will follow him is tallahassee is a company town. jameis winston has literally meant hundreds of millions of dollars because of his play. $10 million for every single game for the local economy and those facts color the facts to a profound degree. >> big money, does this sound like a cover up to you?
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>> of course it sounds like a cover up. one would have to be very naive to not, when we consider all the ways there has been a lot of coverage recently, about the way that african americans receive what is frankly a raw deal from the criminal justice system yet you look at jameis winston who has a pec pecular kind of peripl in tallahassee. he's red shirting his freshman year, he wasn't famous yet why would they protect him, if you are the number one quarterback even if you are not playing, you are a superstar in tallahassee. the police know who you are, the women know who you are, the men know who you are. jameis winston of course no one knows what happened that night but we know for sure that the police chose not to investigate a claim of swam assault then
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chose to do so ten months later. those are the sets of circumstances which means that jameis winston no matter what he does in his professional career this will be a footnote. >> vice president we told the story before, replaced the name of the school, florida state is subject of title ix allegations, why does this continue to happen oaf and over again? >> well the first thing we have to say is this is not an athletic issue as much as a college campus issue. the ways college campuses investigate or don't investigate sexual assault, this in itself is a national scandal. when it cross pollinates with college athletics, it becomes a national issue.
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jameis winston who is a freshman red shirt quarterback at the pivot, jameis winston has never lost a game as a quarterback. and that means a lot of men and women who are over the age of 40 are making very big salaries because of the play of an unpaid 20-year-old quarterback. that in and of itself creates this very weird balance of power inside the ncaa. because of jameis winston the spotlight is particularly bright. >> will there be an appeal to this decision? there are some options correct? >> there will be a civil suit. jameis winston, i don't know how he's done this but has somehow been able to afford one of the most expensive lawyers in the
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united states, david cor corn w. cornwall. what is certainly not over is jameis winston's athletic career. >> thank you dave zyron. nasa says it wants to build a floating city outside venus. at cuba has further ties with united states, how helping students there for power of music. the conversation continues at our website,, and on facebook and twitter. can you tweet me@adammaytv. we'll see you next time. launched four satellites to
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photograph our galaxy across the spectrum of both visible and invisible light. they made up the agency's "great observatory program" and each orbiting telescope saw things a little differently, and now the youngest of the four satellites has just finished its mission. the spitzer space telescope is an infrared camera, it detects objects that our eyes can't see and it has taken 2.5 million photographs over the course of almost 10 years in operation. >> 2.5 million photographs stitched together into one big view, which allows you to zoom in incredibly far to see all the way out past the dust and so forth that blocks our normal vision and look through infrared through all of that dust out at stars that are all the way out at the edge of our known galaxy. >> and being able to see all of it in infrared means we're seeing distant stars, stars at least 100 times larger than our own sun. the ability to navigate among these stars is invaluable to
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astronomers, but even to a casual observer it's pretty mind-blowing. >> hi, everyone. this is al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler in new york. >> two officers murdered in new york. a new debate over the murder of two police officers washington and pyongyang trade threats. water and power - anger in drought-ravaged california, as millions of gallons of water go to fracking and j
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