tv News Al Jazeera December 29, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EST
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>> this is al jazeera. >> hello, welcome to the news hour. i'm folly bah thibault. live in doha. our top story. journalists here in the al jazeera newsroom and around the world stand in solidarity with our jailed colleagues in egypt. the missing passenger jet is at the bottom of the sea said the head of the indonesian air rescue category. all 473 survivors of the ferry in the adriatic sea are
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rescued. and greece snap election, could put the far left saritha 52 power. saritha into power. from london, to sydney, to san francisco. journalists around the world have stopped work and called on egypt's government to set our colleagues free! it was a year ago today that peter greste, mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed were arrested and imprisoned. andrew simmons has their story. >> reporter: al jazeera's doha news center marking an anniversary the staff feels hard to absorb. it was one year since a phone call to the news desk. then 12 months behind bars, just for doing their job! right across the world vigils were held in newsrooms and protests at the false charges
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against correspondent peter greste bureau chief mohamed fahmy and producer baher mohamed. baher's wife speak from her home in jpt spoke egyptian spoke egypt spoke of her desperation. >> my husband last been in jail for a year for no justification or crime. >> speaking on christmas for an hour and a half to vista with their son. >> he is truly amazing the way he has been able to draw upon his reserves of resilience resilience and strength and in fact inspire us all to carry on. because as we all know this has been a very, very long struggle. >> it's been a year that's seen protests spread around the world. the hashtag #freeajstaff wenl went
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viral. the u.s. president added his voice. >> we are clear publicly and privately that they should be released. >> al jazeera has maintained its public campaign. >> we work in so many different places and we should be taken as a professional media institution not as a part of any political or ideologic or think other establishment. >> egypt's president abdel fattah al-sisi insisted it was an issue for the courts. their appeal process is due to start this week. what's been going on behind the scenes is less clear. president sisi has suggested that he would have preferred the have had the journalists deported. perhaps a sign that he was aware of the damage this case was doing to egypt's reputation. but as 2014 comes to an end, al jazeera's team remains in jail having committed no crimes.
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andrew simmons, al jazeera. >> well on january 1st an appeal for the three al jazeera journalists will be heard at egypt's court of casesian. it won't address the charges it's most procedural in nature reviewing aspects such as the arrest warrant the trial and the verdict. the judges meet one week out of every month but there's no time frame for them to issue their decision. there are three potential outcomes right now. the court can either dismiss the entire case, uphold the verdict and the sentence, in which case they can appeal once more, or order a new trial. but the retrial would only be for the three currently behind bars. six other al jazeera staff were tried and charged if absentia. the verdict would still stand.
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finally, president abdel fattah al-sisi can issue a presidential pardon but he maintains he will not interfere in the judicial process. joining us is abdalla al fahmi. how many hopes should we have that they will be freed? >> i think hope should be maintained. in my case, i had no hope at all, no kind of justice going on, no case, no trial i was this one morning and i found myself free. i believe it is hope we should keep not just because of us here but the families of our colleagues. >> given the scenarios which is the most plausible right now? >> i think most possible would be going through the judicial system because i think the head of the regime in egypt, abdel
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fattah al-sisi claims all the time, you know, at least from what he says to the egyptian people that this is all in the judicial system. he cannot interfere in it. so i think it will possibly be at least even them a kind of you know a way to walk out and still let the trial go on because of all the issues that have been going on. >> we've seen a lot of solidarity seefn seen again journalists, come out in favor our colleagues. peter greste, mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed. the outcry will this move them? >> i think the egyptian regime wants to stabilize the country now, pull it more into their hands. so they would more possibly release our journalists in reward of getting more international support for the regime itself and they would use that as a way to let's say you
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know convince the outside world that there is a freedom of press in the country and that journalists can walk free. >> you've spent a lot of time behind bars. without charge. for ten months. describe to us your experience, and you know, what peter, baher mohamed and mohamed fahmy might be going through what you went through, what was it like for you? >> i think it's, if i might use that expression, a one-of-a-kind experience. you get to be kind of totally denied from your basic human rights. you don't get to see your relatives except once in a week. and in my colleagues' case, just once every two weeks. of course there is not any kind of medical care, not any kind of, you know, free time for them to, you know, go around or do whatever they could think about. and the conditions in which any prisoner in egypt, of course
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that applies to my colleagues as well, miserable conditions. the way the cells look like, you know the hygiene everything related to normal human conditions, basic human rights, they have been deprived of. >> do you think that this campaign and all the attention that has made people not just around the world but in egypt more particular more aware about press freedom? >> i think unfortunately the way things work in egypt is not same as in the outside world because people in egypt most of the masses in egypt really take what they hear or what they say on the street from the local media. and the media there is mostly derived by political stances. and yet i think all have been getting about our colleagues, you know, just things about these people have been, you know planning on doing wrong things in the country. but i think in my own case i remember when i was moved to the
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maximum security prison and then sunlt thesuddenly the local media got involved more, people started understanding these are different things, regular media in their work. when the local media intervenes in these things, especially in the case of my colleagues, in the right way the people would make a change in this. >> all right, thank you so much abdalla for sharing your experience abdalla al shami an al jazeera journalist who was also held in prison in egypt. now the campaign to free our staff has been heard around the world and online. now joined live from our washington d.c. you're about by host of al jazeera extreme show. femi, this show has been getting a lot of interest online. >> as a stream team, we take a look at how often the freage
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stream. take a look at my laptop first of all. start with three different ways of collating this information. we look at #freeajstaff, we look at diswrowrm is not journalism is not a crime. and as individuals, people tweeting out 580,000 mentions. that makes around 1600 tweets day and 40,000, more than that, mentions by news agencies around the world. >> hashtag you mentioned #freeajstaff started august 20th with this tweet, al jazeera demands the immediate release of abdalla al shami an al jazeera arabic correspondent. >> there is a moment whether the online activity really peaked and that is when this leaked video emerged on may the 14th.
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this is abdalla on hunger strike. >> i have been detained for 266 days without any charge. and without committing any crime. i record this video after i have reached 106 days of my hunger strike. >> that was loaded to more than 50,000 views online. that was in may. let's go back to feb, what happenedfebruary, whathappened then? >> 31,000 times on that day, if you are using google earth we'll start in toronto canada where be valentine tweets, journalism is not a crime. u.s. capitol louise tweets, societies can not flourish without a free independent lens. omar tweets, support for our jailed colleagues in egypt.
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and our final stop is abu dhabi. a tweet in support of the #freeajstaff campaign. >> absolutely. a couple of bright spots in the year june the 17th, i'm sure abdalla will remember that, look down here, the picture pretty much says it all as he's released from prison. one more tweet from a brother this is from mohamed al shami. i am happy #freeajstaff. an egyptian court sentenced al jazeera's journalists. this is a heat map what was happening online, using that hashtag, #freeajstaff, a week later when the verdict came down you see it going viral across the world. >> if you are watching this and our coverage, you are wondering what can i do to free aj staff?
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you can sign the petition, online. we have been looking to see how many people have been using the #freeajstaff 20,000 and then some. folly, back to you. >> thank you in d.c. for us. stilt aheadstill ahead on the newshour. jailed without trial dozens of desperate syrian prisoners go on hunger strike. and raul will be here to tell us what this british boxer is doing to help the peshawar victims. coming up in sports.
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first a second day of searching has failed to find an airasia plane that went missing on sunday. the head of indonesia's search team says the airbus a320 is probably at the bottom of the java sea. 160 people were on board. scott heidler has the latest from surabaya where the plane took off. >> reporter: another day of anxious waiting. for the relatives of the missing airasia a320 aircraft. they got a briefing where the plane took off sunday morning with 162 people on board. but they are told nothing about the fate of their plofd ones. nothingloved ones. nothing about the plane where it might be. more aircraft and ships sent to a 200 kilometer portion of the java sea. it's a bigger area than sunday's
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with more countries involved, more ships and more aircraft. australia has now joined the search. >> if the target is on land it's easier than if it's in an underwater location. but our evaluation of the coordinates we received suggests it is underwater so our presumption now is that the aircraft is under the sea. it can be expanded based on our evaluation. >> officials said they're looking into the profile of the passengers on board this aircraft. they're also studying x rays taken here at terminal 2 of the baggage and the cargo before this plane took op off on sunday. they're also look at the maintenance records of this specific aircraft while they review airasia's braitions. also in the afternoon an r -- operations. also in the afternoon something in the sea within the search area. but as learned from the search of the missing malaysia airlines plane earlier in the year, repeated reports of object
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sightings never led to the missing aircraft. never daunting the families of the missing air livener. scott heidler surabaya. ferry caught fire near the italian coast on sunday. seven people are known to have died. let's get the latest from simon mcgregor wood. the passengers, simon where have they been stain to? >> reporter: well -- stain to? >> reporter: well, 48 were taken to the italian port city, early on monday, a number of them were admitted to hospital for pretty routine checks, a number of them are taken to a hotel, a location a pretty guarded secret. a number of them on a number of different vessels close to the stricken ferry. the decision yet to be taken
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exactly which italian port those people will be brought to. the italian navy is suggesting to us this evening that the rescue operation is now over and something of a miracle that more people didn't lose their lives or were seriously injured. air lifted to safety after many hours adrift the operation to rescue the passengers of a ferry had caught fire off the italian coast has lasted more than a day. hepts from therhelicopters from t and italian navies have ferried people. >> translator: checking to see if some of the passengers need to be transported to the hospital or to the crew's terminal. >> reporter: the fire is now under control and all the passengers are off the ferry. it's thought the vessel will be towed to an italian port when if weather conditions allow. a number of survivors were taken
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to a italian hospital in the port of bari. some seriously injured some less so. a number of issues. chaotic scene aboard the norman atlantic when the fire broke out. others said some of the ship's life boats were not working properly katy, although it is not yet possible to confirm those stories. at the moment the object is treating is the passengers and determination of what caused the fire will come later. in summary therefore we know that seven people lost their lives during this dramatic ferry incident. one man fell overboard during a rescue attempt yesterday and the italian navy confirmed six bodies confirmed below decks felt to have lost their lives because of this intense fire, six bodies discovered today vast majority of the rescue
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passengers are on board cargo vessels and italian navy ships still out at sea. decision yet to be taken as to which port those people will be brought to. they are undergoing medical treatment on those vessels. it will be several hours before they reach dry land. >> simon, thank you very much for that update. that's simon mcgregor wood. greece is heading to a snap election that could have implications for the whole of europe. prime minister has called the early poll on january 5th. joejonah hull joins us from athens. how did we get to this point? >> we got to the point because of the president's vote earlier 12 mps essentially were the difference between the vote passing an a snap election which has now been called for the
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twist of25th of january next year. i can talk more about this with a greek journalist who joins me. panos. does a snap election in a country which is clearly divided here between the policies of austerity and the promise of a new greece being rebuilt from the ashes that's being offered by the left wing opposition, does the promise does asnap election offer any comfort any solutions? >> there are quite a few people who believe it will. but i seriously doubt it. i think there is economic instability following political instability. that's what we're going to see pretty soon and that will definitely damage the country's prospects and also, i don't think there's a clear political solution ahead of us. so we're probably going to end up with a new set of problems again relating to political
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instability after the election i suspect. >> well, of course serisa, the left wing coalition slightly wing coalition is slightly ahead in the polls. the stability of continued government and continued policies that are just beginning to nudge greece out of recession and serisa promising to rebuild but offering very little really in terms of how they plan to do that what do greeks actually know about being serisa's plan? >> i don't think they know enough. but there are quite a few people out there who are sick and tired of all this. the recession has lasted for six years and the country has been on austerity policy packages for five years now. there is a certain degree of fatigue and many people attempted to try something new even though they don't really know what it will be about. >> people tired of it all as you say panos i've layered the
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sentiment that it's all a bid bit mad. possibly not the last election to come if this coalition isn't format after this election to potentially put greece on another path, it is something this country can ill afford isn't it? >> it is, but when you have political and social structures being disrupted so violently. violently, then obviously you'll have electoral instability as well. that's the cost of democracy and greek democracy has suffered enough. we have a neonazi party flirting, and that is quite enough in terms of these institutions. it's going to -- the fresh election is probably not going to even solve resolvist
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situation, there is a good chance we'll end up with another stalemate after the election. >> okay, panos, thank you for joining us. so a snap election set for january 25th, 2015, a turbulent couple of months to come. >> jonah, thank you so much, jonah hull live for us in athens. now to iraq, where a suicide bomber has killed at least 21 shia pilgrims. the bomber blew himself up inside a tent offering drinks and food for shia visitors to a shrine. a funeral for one of iran's most senior generals last been held killed in samarra are there to advise iraqi soldiers. iranian soldiers are not on
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active military duty in iraq. in syria dozens much inmates inside one of the country's prisons have gone on hunger strike demanding to be released. not facing any charges and detained since the start of the conflict. cara malone has more. >> reporter: we don't want our food, we want our freedom about in the central prison of homs. this video comes from online sources but confirming to al jazeera that hunger strikes are happening. they have written messages on the walls some of the inmates have been here for years. they have put up their untouched rations in front of them. many of the 2,000 detainees in this priz on prison were arrested in 2011 when the uprising began in homs. >> there is an overwhelming sense of anger because 90% of them have not been to trial.
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they have bren have been transferred directly fromming detention centers to prison. >> homs city has a hption as reputation as one of the worst in syria. abuse and torture inside syrian prisons. a few months ago these women said they were raped while in prison four of this woman's daughters were killed. this man was tortured he says while in prison, he was charged with insighting violence and calling for change in leadership. evidence from detainees and military defectors was presented by u.n. earlier this year but action at the security council was vetoed by russia and china. in june, a prisoner amnesty releasing about 50, and
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promising to take some of the inmates cases tot to the military police. so continue to go without food until they're released. caroline malone, al jazeera. >> i.s.i.l. has killed nearly 2,000 people in syria according to an observer. 930 victims are said to belong to the shaitat tribe. are 120 of its own members mostly for trying to return to their home countries. at least 14 people have reportedly been killed in yemen during fighting between shia tribesmen and houthi rebels. happened on saturday in the district northeast of the capital sanaa. searching the home of a tribal chief and locals resisted.
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in bahrain hundreds of supporters of sheik ali shaman, have taken to the streets to protest his arrest. the leader was taken in for questioning over unspecified violations on sunday. he is one of several prominent figures who led a rally near manama on friday. they were demonstrating against last month's general elections which the opposition boycotted. the israeli military says a palestinian man has been shot dead during a confrontation in the west bank. a military spokes woman told al jazeera that the military fired on a problem the palestinian man died at the scene. part of our special series, al jazeera is taking a look back at some of the biggest stories of the year. the summer's war in gaza was the bloodiest ever in the palestinian territory. one of the worst was a shelling
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of a school in the area. >> suddenly using the use of two limbs make almost every task in life harder. what she misses most is playing with her children. >> translator: my life was okay. i used to play with my children. run with my children. i used to do everything. but now nothing because it's not just my leg but my arm. if i need to walk i need someone to help me. if i want to drink water i need someone to open the bottle for me. >> reporter: she lost her leg and the use of her right arm in this summer's war in gaza. hit the school she and her family were sheltering in. it was one of the most shocking incidents of the bombardment,ing many of her family were injured both young and old stir bare the scars. but there's hope she can get the
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use of her arm back. her husband regularly takes her to physical therapy sessions and the therapist says her willpower is crucial. >> translator: her spirit is very strong and her family and her relationship with her husband and her children is very good. this helps us a lot with the treatment. she helps herself more than we help her and because of that she'll had a speedy recovery. >> reporter: in the meantime manzir must take on the role of both parents. this is a year that he and his wife hope to never experience again. >> translator: this summer was different from all the other summers in my life. before the war the situation was difficult and then the war came and i spent over a month in the hospital. i'll never forget 2014. i'm not optimistic that 2015 will be much better. >> reporter: the u.n. school where the attack took place has
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been running again for several months. children have returned to class and relatively normal lives. her life will never be the same. as this year ends for her she hopes the next one brings healing. jane ferguson, al jazeera gaza. >> there's much more ahead on the al jazeera news hour. as the world plarks one year since our colleagues have been jailed in egypt. plus bad for business, the chinese border town feeling the pain of russia's sliding ruble. and nfl playoffs, who is in and who is out with raul. stay with us, we're back after the break.
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>> al jazeera america presents >> somebody's telling lies... >> it looks nothing like him... >> pan am flight 103 explodes december 21st, 1988 was the right man convicted? >> so many people, at such a high level, had the stake in al-megrahi's guilt >> the most definitive look at this shocking crime >> the major difficulty for the prosecution that there was no evidence >> al jazeera america presents lockerbie part three: what really happened? >> welcome back. you're watching the al jazeera newshour live from doha. all the survivors seven people
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are known to have died. greece's prime minister is calling snap elections in january after parliament failed to elect a president for a third time. the preferred candidate failed to win enough votes to become head of state. journalists around the world are protesting in are solidarity to our are journalists held in prison for one year. an appeal is said to be heard on thursday. richard gibson has gizbert last this report. >> all the hallmarks of a show trial. it is a little more than two months ago, peter greste and his
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two al jazeera colleagues had passed 300 days in prison. when greste had a message smuggled out of jail, al jazeera is no longer on the front line. we are the front line. >> independent and reflective coming from media especially from international media. >> greste also says if you try ounderstand the other side, in the government's point of view you're committing an act of trees on. treason and that means journalists have become the front line. >> president al-sisi came into office with a clear view of the egyptian media's job. are.
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>> journalists help egyptians. jowrmts arejournalists are the people that are working under him to satisfy the message. president sisi as a military officer who thinks the whole country is working under his leadership. >> and prominent figures in the egyptian media reinforced sisi's view sometimes with interest. >> when the al jazeera journalists were sentenced in june between 7 to 10 years relation he between qatar which owns al jazeera and egypt were at a low point. within a month however the story started shifting. president al-sisi told journalists the trial had had negative consequences for egypt. two months later the qatari
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government said it would deport members of the muslim brotherhood. , taken off the air another irritant in the bilateral relationship removed. by last month the president was telling french journalists that had he been in power when the al jazeera three were arrested there would have been no court cares. they simply would have been expelled. >> i can tell that you this is something which is under scrutiny to find a solution. >> reporter: and once again the egyptian media took their cues from their president. then declared that one of the defendants mohamed fahmy is innocent after all. in two days the appeal hearing is due to begin. a new stage in a legal process dismissas farcical by human rights and media watch groups. if that appeal fails those following the story will go back to what they've been doing for months now closely monitoring what is said about the case by
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the al-sisi government and the egyptian government that march in step with their president and echo his words. >> now our news just in and this is a developing story. virgin atlantic plane is preparing to amake what the airline describes as a nonstandard landing at london's london's gatwick airport. the plane was headed to laftion butlasvegas but had to make its way back. detention order of the alleged mastermind arrested in pakistan in 2009 and charged along with six others for allegedly planning and helping to carry out the attack. mohamed vong has the story from
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pakistan. >> the problem with india now this man has been held along with six others accused by india of being behind the attack in mom byand india asked for them to be handed over. pakistan refused to hand them over held in jail until india produces final evidence against them. according to pakistan that has not happened, india has not produced the final evidence. their situation is controversial. it's now a situation a case of tug of war between the judiciary, but wants to release limb and the government that wants to hold him in jail because they don't want to open a new front with india now that they are being stuck in this war, internal war with the taliban. >> while the pakistani high commissioner in new delhi has been summoned by the foreign minister which last issued the statement, the foreign secretary expressed strong concern by the
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lack of conviction of pakistani prosecution, internationally recognized terrorist involved in the mumbai terrorist attacks is well flown. despite insurances from islam islamabad, for terror groups. there is more rain expected in indonesia. the worst flooding the country has seen in a decade. closed roads and hampered rescue efforts. some relief has been flown in to help people stranded by the monsoon rains but some have been left with no choice brut to wait it -- but to wait it out. needed to repair for the unification of the two countries, unclear if pyongyang
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will accept seoul's offer. launching a un fisk committee in july meeting in january to exchange programs and laws and joint projects. now sony says its controversial film "the interview" has made more than $15 million in online rentals and purchases. the studio says the film was downloaded 2 million times over four days. its release was initially cancelled after cyber attacks and threats ton studio. the comedy rofnls revolves around a fictional plot to assassinate kim jong-un. donetsk people are cueing for food supplies. crowds are gathering at sports stadiums to gain humanitarian aid. parliament has voted to like import duty and cut social
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spending. meanwhile, people in crimea are suffering too. as peter shop reports from from simferapol. >> 95% of these voted in a referendum in favor of joining russia but that was nine months ago. and now the noose is starting to tighten around the peninsula in the black sea. first of all transport links. ukraine has severed its bus links, that has only increased the sense of isolation amongst the people here especially in this holiday season and economic isolation too visa and
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mastercard have suspended and stopping ports on the crimea, cutting off valuable supply of foreign currency especially in the summer months. last week, the lights went out ukraine pulled the plug, said its coal supplies were being interrupted by the rebels, and that again strengthened the sense of isolation among the people here, a feeling that they're out there on their own. so what is the result then? how are the people responding to the continual blows? i spoke to one man and he put it like this. he said look across the border into ukraine. the fighting's been going on there since march 4700 people dead. here in crimea we have peace and as long as we have peace then they can do what they want.
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>> well, russia's economy shrank in november for the first time in five years. this year the ruble fell 40% against dollar. the country faces falling oil prices and western sanctions and looks to be sliding towards recession. from china florence lee reports on the consequence of russia's economic woes across the water. >> reporter: this is supposed to be one of the busiest shopping streets in town. it's usually filled with russian tourists but it has been quiet since the collapse of the ruble. he doesn't remember business ever being this bad. >> translator: during the good times i could sell 20 to 30 coats but i haven't sold anything lately. >> the northern chinese city of manjoli is a popular russian destination because the goods here are cheaper than in russia. the businesses cater more to
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russian commerce. the shops have not only chinese characters but also cirilic script . it is one of the towns in china where people can pay in rubles. shopkeepers say they still accept the currency but they don't takefully chances. converting it to local money immediately. on the other side of town there is little activity. running an import considering export trading company says several companies have cancelled their contracts. relying on chinese demand. >> not to worry because china's economy will be better next year. the russian government is also taking steps to stabilize the ruble. i'm hopeful for the future. >> for others who depend mostly on russian pumping purchasing power a weak ruble means trouble ahead.
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industrial operations. farmers are also worried about the environmental impact of the large amount of plan you're and waste produced. shia bratanzi reports. >> america's dairy land, roaming pasture, roaming cattle and picturesque barns. the family has farmed in wisconsin since 1872. >> six years ago 51 years ago i moved up. >> julian still helps out on his son joel's dairy farm having sold i his own. >> we don't see very many cows. >> but with the growth of large concentrated dairy operations at the expense of small sustainable herds the cows of wisconsin are increaseingly staying indoors. >> this is what wisconsin's dairy lands look like, vast sheds, filled with cows who
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don't get to graze in fields. >> the cows are hidden in the barns. >> this is no longer, are the lands but environmentally hazardous waste. land values are soaring. state farmland preferential preservation. >> if you think this is preserving farmland as a manure dumping site, i guess that is one way to see it. we would be interested in having more farmers allowing cows to eat grass outside. >> local officials however say agriculture is agriculture. >> can huge manure lagoons be part of a preservation program? >> it is meeting part of the eligibility requirements then it can be yes. >> for joel, are lagoonless are
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a symptom of devastation of rural communities like his. as small farms fail, the agricultural base. >> our infrastructure fell apart then we wonder why the economy falls poorpt. >> soapart. >> so now he organizes including quietly tending to his herd. >> liverpool brendan rogers, taking on swansea. rogers was manager at the club for two years. as for his current site, rog ergs iserring is insisting liverpool 10th swansea two places better in eighth.
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>> document how difficult it's been in the first part of the season. and you know, our performances haven't been to the level that we would want. but what we're looking forward to to developing is a group and learning from the experiences and pushing on. >> former liverpool liverpool striker before joining ac milan in august. another loan deal with milan that will see torrez come back to milan. making his first team debut in 2001 and in six years he scored 82 goals in 214 appearances. british bottomer amirir khan has visited the school what is the
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the site of the worst terrorist attack in history. his family who hailed from the area donated a pair of boxing shorts. he's also promised to launch a is boxing academy in lahor. >> parents whose children died, all we can do is pray for them and lope things happen to stop terrorism. and with the help of the army and the people in pakistan we can stop it. >> sunday saw the final round of the games in the nfl regular season with several playoff places still to be decided. 2013 super bowl win players
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baltimore ravens. the baltimore ravens reached the postseason for the six time in seven seasons. the current super bowl champions champions, seattle seahawks, ended the regular season off the back of six straight wins, the latest at 20 points to 6 victory over the st. louis rams. to secure the nfc west regional title. let's look at the complete playoff picture. in the afc the qualified teams in order of seedings are new england, denver, pittsburgh, cincinnati and denver are the wildwild cards. green bay dallas and carolina, so next up is wild card weekend. nfc wild card arizona go to carolina, that's followed by the afc game with wild card
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baltimore, afc north winners are washington redskins were thrashed by the cowboys 44-13 but washington already out of the playoffs. meanwhile, the problems are mounting for the washington side. around -- >> change the name! >> around 100 people gathered near the home ground to protest the team's name. they're demanding that washington owner daniel schneider change it because they say it is offense itch to native americans. >> in the nba the phoenix subs extended their lead. 36-year-old kobe bryant returned to the lineup but despite his best effort, the 116 to 107
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christchurch with a day to spare. 105 runs, with reaching that in just 30 overs. the final test gets well in wellington on saturday. west indies. still trailing by 1 42 runs with one wicket remaining in the first inning. now tailgating or tailgate parties is a common sight at many american sporting events. the pastime is essentially having a barbecue in the car park of your team's stadium before the game. a couple from texas has decided to take their love of tailgating to the extreme. the houston texas fans exchanged vows, promising to stick with each other through
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hello, i'm antonio mora, welcome to a special edition of "consider this", freedom under fire, attacks on human rights and freedom around the world led to growing humanitarian crisis on every continent. the world faces its worse refugee crises, 50 million displaced by conflicts from afghanistan, sudan, central american. no one is suffering more than children, and despite heroic efforts relief agencies face growing demands. attacks on t
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