tv News Al Jazeera December 31, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EST
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the u.n. security council rejects a palestinian resolution calling for an end of israeli occupation by 2017. ♪ ♪ hello welcome to al jazerra i am nick clark in doha. also coming up on the program this is the last date day for nato's afghan mission but the fighting far from over. we'll take a look at the road ahead for afghanistan. bad weather hampering search efforts for the arizona a plane that crash odd sunday with 162 people on board. plus no shortage of aid but volunteers struggle to get surprise to communities cut off
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by floods in malaysia. ♪ ♪ so then a resolution calling for israel to end its occupation of palestinian territory by 2017 has been rejected at the united nations security council. it needed 9 votes to pass but only got eight. here is how the vote played out the country that his voted in favor of the resolution were china, franz russia, luxembourg chad, chile argentina and jordan. the two states that voted no, the united states and all stall australia. united nations were among nine stations that abstained from the vote. a report from new york now. >> reporter: just aid votes, not enough for the palestinian to his claim majority support in the security council. the resolution would have set a 2017 deadline for an end to
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israelii occupation. australia and the united states as expected, voted against. >> regrettably instead of giving voice to the aspirations of both palestinians and israelis this text addresses the concerns of only one side. it's deeply imbalanced and contains many elements that are not conducive to negotiations between the parties including unconstructive deadlines that take no account of israel's legitimate security kentuckys. concerns. >> reporter: five countries abstained including the united kingdom which criticized the lack negotiations but suggested support for most of the context. france and other supporters said it was time for the security council to do more. >> after more than 25 years of negotiations the international community must share the weight of these negotiations and bear eights share of the political and historical responsibility.
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the. >> reporter: the palestinian ambassador said they were failing his country. >> considering the situation that is now happening, you need to address the needs and national aspiration of the palestinian leadership must now consider its next steps. >> reporter: there are questions about the timing of the vote. the jordanians had helped write the resolution and wanted more time to consult the security council. the vote went ahead they say at the palestinians insistence. the options are limited here with israel's ally on the united states on the security council. they never really expected the rez influence pass, what they had hoped for was nice votes and a symbolic victory. they didn't even get that. kristen slime saloomey al jazerra thed nations. >> the jordan submitted the resolution on behalf of the palestinians, deena explained
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why the pal palestinians wanted toy swift vote. >> we no jordan would have liked more to time discuss and do more consultations on the text and with members of the security council, however the palestinian leadership insisted and wanted to go ahead with the vote today. and after many hours of discussions among us the arab group, we came to the we wanted to support them. it's their issue they know what -- we hope they know what they are doing it's their concerns in the first place although jordan as a stake holder has also its concerns when it comes to certain issues like refugees, jerusalem, border issues and security issues.
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>> more now from west jerusalem. >> reporter: the pal still vinnie leadership no doubt very disappointed not to secure those crucial nine votes needed to pass this u.n. security council resolution. they, of course, wanted this symbolic win even though they knew that the americans would exercise its veto if it did secure those nine votes. however, on the israeli side, we have had reaction from the israeli deputy foreign minister. he's described the results of the vote as satisfactory and went onto say that the israeli government wants peace with it's neighbors. however, in saying that, we only have to look at this comments of very senior israeli government officials not least the israeli prime minister benjamin net netanyahu who used very strong language as the palestinians
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began their push for this vote. saying any kind of settlement with the palestinians, cannot, in their words be imposed upon them. so the israeli no doubt very pleased that the palestinians didn't even get the symbolic win of the nine votes at the u.n. security council. let's move to to yemen now 34 people have been called in fighting between houthis and trikes men. fighting broke out when the houthi fighters tried to take the villages from local tribes men. live for us now from saw saw that, what more are you picking up about this? >> reporter: we understand the fighting is fierce and hatched tuesday night. however there are pockets of areas that remain under check not under their control. as you mentioned the least 3434 people killed from the houthis
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as well as al qaeda. i think this is part of a tactic on behalf of the al qaeda, as well as their allies from the tribes is to try and weaken the houthi fighters, it's like a war of attrition against them. >> the military of interior declared that it has started the process of integrated houthi fighters how significant is this? was it really -- what does it really show or mean? >> reporter: that is very significant and it shows that who is real any power in this country. this comes after an agreement between the president with the houthis, to integrate fighters of the shia group in to yemeni security forces. the numbers we are hearing they started off with 2000 fighters to be deployed in three stations and security administrations in the capital. now, different sources say the number could reach up to 50,000
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fighters critics of this move say this is the beginning of building a state within a state and the real rulers of this country are the houthis. in another incidents that backs all of this, nick, at least seven governors governors. appointed by president huh most are loyal to the houthis or close to them. a young officer has been promoted to rank of general and he's been appointed as the deputy chief of staff and he is a loyal houthi member. so it really sums up what is going on in this country. >> absolutely. that's the very latest from generally, thanks very much indeed. the u.s. has transferred five prisoners from guantanamo bay to kazakhstan for resettlement. three yemenis and two tunisians were detained for more than 10 years at the military prison in cuban, it follows a promise by the u.s. president obama to close the detention center.
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127 inmates are still being did trained there. 30 syrian soldiers have reportedly been killed by rebel fighters in aleppo. they attacked the soldiers in the area of the city, government forces responded by shelling several neighborhoods. the arduous search effort to retrieve and identify bodies from the air asia flight has resumed. the@a320 crashed in the java sea on sunday. it went missing about 40 minutes in to its flight after taking off from the indonesian city heading for singapore. 162 people were on board. scott hider is in indonesia for us now. scott, what is the latest? >> reporter: nick, the latest is two bodies out of the seven that have been recovered from the java sea are on their way back here to indonesia a the same airport they left on sunday morning, they'll come back here,
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lands at this airport and be transported over to a police hospital off the airport complex and that's where the process of trying to -- any kind of fashion, initial with clothing, and then they'll do dn actual sampling most likely. that's something that's happened with the family members they have given dna samples and that's when the true identification process will take place, that's the first that we have heard that bodies, two of them on air force aircraft are on their way back in. expect in the next hour, 90 minutes they will arrive here and then be transported over to a nearby police hospital for the identification process. >> what about the search effort itself? because it has been hampered by bad weather, hasn't it? >> reporter: it has yes absolutely. we have heard that at least the searching part has continued. has resumed in sector five, that's just above sector seven where the material, the debris
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and the bodies were found on tuesday. just above it, we know that that is back in action, but there is bad weather in the area. so that is definitely hampering things, divers report able to get this to the water. there are dozens of divers on stand by to retrieve bodies. that uh-huhs been the primary goal of this operation right now is to get those bodies out of the water, all the officials have been saying that, that is their main goal. we are also hearing that there is more evidence sonar signature evidence that the aircraft is in sector seven. again that, process of trying to go through and maybe find these data recorders, that is really not the priority right now the priority is getting the bodies back here, nick, so they can be identified. >> okay. scott thanks very much indeed. scott reporting there from indonesia. still ahead on al jazerra a korean air executive who got in to an argument over a bag of nuts is now in police custody. and we continues our look ahead to 2015. the people of myanmar will vote in a general lex as it continues
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to open up after decades of military rule. >> from stage to screen oscar nominated actor ethan hawk >> the theatre has always bee my first love... >> separating art & politics >> if you have an agenda with people... you sometimes don't see the truth >> and the lifelong influence of his mother >> she was worried i was gonna be a spoiled brat and not see how complicated the world was >> every monday, join us for exclusive...
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welcome back. you are watching al jazerra. let's give a reminders of top stover is a resolution calling for israel to leave palestine has failed. it needed nine votes to pass but only eight countries voted in favor, the u.s. and australia voted against the measure. in yemen at least 34 people have been killed in fighting between houthi fighters fighters and
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tribes men backed by al qaeda actual the violence happened when houthi fighters tried to take two villages. indonesian search teams are continuing to retrieve bodies and passengers and crew from the air asia plane that crashed in to the java sea, at least seven bodies have been recovered so far, but bat weather is hampering the search efforts. admit need on new year's eve nato's longest and largest ever bad mission officially end. afghanistan has been the focus of the alliance's efforts for 13 years, now it's own force of 13,000 soldiers will stay onto support the afghan army. so after all these years and nearly a trillion dollars spent. what's been achieved? jennifer glasse has this report. >> reporter: in 2007, the province was filled with tap taliban fighters. nato had already been here for six years. nato trooped walked a delicate line in a country suspicious of
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strangers. >> it's sort of a double-edged sword we have to go in aggressive there could be enemy in there. but at the same time, reassure the locals that they are not there to hurt them or harm them. >> reporter: another part of the nato mission was to get rid of opium poppy crops. 13 years and spending seven and a half billion dollars later the poppy crop is now bigger than ever and the openup business employs more afghans than the security forces. training the afghan military and police became a major focus for nato in 2010. and while there are now about 375,000 after began security forces, they are struggling against a resurgent taliban. this has been a costly war on all sides. nearly 3500 nato forces have been killed. the united nations has only been keeping track since 2008. but since then more than 9,600 afghan civilians have died. for afghan forces that has been the worst year yet about 13 policemen and soldiers die every
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day. one of the biggest killers is improvised explosive devices or i.e.d.s. >> we do not have enough equipment to get rid of the i.e.d.s or equipment to give us early warning like e.c.m.s and others, but still we are doing better, but suicide attacks, i.e.d.s the biggest weapon the enemy loses against us. >> reporter: this week nato marked the form he end of its combat mission but the taliban says the fighting isn't over. >> translator: this war will continue until america and the west completely leaves afghanistan. changing the name or a tight is not important for us, as long as the for earn forces are in our country, we will continue fighting. >> reporter: and the afghans bear the. front brunt of that fighting, a
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doctor that treats hundreds of them a year beings says not only do the security forces need training, many of the police are harenheroin users. >> most of them are addict the as we can see in our hospital, more than 50% of police are addicted. so how can we see that they will ever create security in the future. >> reporter: this year the taliban has taken large parts of the countryside across afghanistan and al qaeda is reestablishing its training camps in the east, nato's combat role may be ending but its initial mission is far from accomplished. general enterjennifer glasse, al jazerra kabul. the italian coast card has taken care i've cargo ship with seven hewn migrants after the crew apparently disappeared. most from syria. they were first alerted after passengers sent a distress call on tuesday italian port authorities took control of the ship after failing to find the crew. speaking now to simon mcgregor wood who is near the italian
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port where the ship is docked. this is an extraordinary story simon, what more do you know? >> reporter: well, we just arrived here it's a small port on the southern tip of italy. and the town has been overwhelmed by the volume of this latest incidents outside a school in the center. dozens of men some that i have just spoken to have told me that they are from syria awaiting to be processed by the local authorities. outside this school there are two coaches, ready to go onto we understand two other towns in the local area where they were be processed and then perhaps moved onto a migrant center, further inland. there are many women and children on those buses that i have seen just as i walked past. so a very chaotic scene here. the chip, a moldovan registered freighter was pickedded up by
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the italian coast guard navy and escorted here in the early hours of the morning from what we understand is somewhere between 70750 migrants on board. most of them from syria. and some of them apparently also from pakistan. >> as we understand it, the crew deserted the ship and it would have rammed the shore had it not been picked up by the coast guard. >> reporter: those are all the reports that we are hearing, we don't have any detailed information about how exactly this drama unfolded. but, yes sir, there are a anybody of they want that when the ship start today approach coastline those who may have been in charge of the operation possibly traffickers left the vice you would somehow and by the time the italians were able to get on the vice and take control of it. there was no one in charge of
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it. and it was on some sort of auto pilot headed straight to the coast and had not the italians been able to i intervene the implication, therefore, is that it simply would have crashed ashore with over 700 migrants, many women and children on board, clearly a disaster has been averted in this case. >> all right simon we'll leave it there for the time being thanks very much. simon mcgregor wood reporting. the gambian president is returning home from chad. it follows reports of an attempted coup. gunfire was heard near the suppress shall palace on tuesday in what is believed to be an attempt to overthrow the president, but they have denied the coup. with more than 20 years in power, he's one of african's longest serving leaders he came to power in a bloodless coup in 1994. two years later he was elected president and has won every election since in 2006 there was an attempts to topple him
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while he was a proud. his critics accuse him of leading one of the most oppressive governments in africa. he's a self declared traditional healer and claims that he can cure aids and asthma. the former vice president of gambia says that the president rules like a dictator. >> with running of the contusion, the exec executive lay down the rules have been trampled upon. gambia now is very much a run-man rule, one-man dictatorship. in nba which laws are made on the hoof. he makes laws as he goes, admitting that he can decide, you know, anybody believes something will be killed. anybody playing football in the wrong season will be punishes. he makes laws that way. he wills conceivable powers. thousands of volunteers in malaysia are desperately trying to get surprise to flood victims in the northeast, aid agencies
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have been overwhelmed by private donations but as this report states volunteers are struggling to get aid to many communities. >> reporter: this is the overwhelming public response to malaysia's worst floods in decades. people have donated hundreds of tons of food, clothing, and other essentials to help communities crippled by the disaster. thousands of volunteers like william are using social media to organize relief drives. >> one of the biggest disasters for us since the last very big flood was in 2004, so 10 years ago. and we didn't have social media like this then. and now that we have had that, the response has been tremendous. we have been able to get in touch with other people, we have been able to raise funds privately.
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>> reporter: mother of two, she is donating $100 worth of medicine, instant noodles and cleaning items. she says she was shocked to see families like her own suffering in the floods. >> translator: i want my children to understand why we are doing this. we are helping children and those in need. we must help them. >> reporter: eight states in malaysia are currently flooded. while at least 14 people have been killed. but many remain stranded in their homes awaiting aid and rescue. >> the initial challenges, of course, it is that area cannot be accessed by road, and of course, we have to use all the aircraft. >> reporter: despite the hardships, the donations keep pouring in. the military says it's working around the clock to get surprise to northeast malaysia, but rising flood waters in nba some parts mean that his this aid may
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not reach the people who need it the most. ca at least 17 people killed in a glass explosion in china. officials say three explosions destroyed part of the engineering and manufacturing company. a former korean eric effective who resigns after an argument over a bag of nuts has been arrested. she faces charges of violating aviation safety rules. earlier this month she ordered a plane to turn back on the runway in new york after nuts were served in a bag and not on a plate. she's huh apologize today her behavior. hairy fawcett is in seoul with the latest. >> reporter: she left the courtroom repeatedly saying she was sorry. she's now spent her first night in custody in a room shared with four or five other people. she will be assessed to see whether she will have her ona comeownaccommodation or don't live
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in a shared room. it relates a large fall the daughter a large con graham rat that dominates korean economy. all of this because of this argument about a bag of nuts that she says was presented to her in the wrong way in the cabin of the first-class cabin of the korean air jet at jfk airport in new york. what she's alleged to have done is both violate safety laws by having the plane turned around on the runway and ejected the member of staff that she had the argument w also essentially of abusing her power in the workplace, the judge said that was a grave issue. and the wave that they had tried do cover up her involvement. both of those things necessitated that she be put in prison. one other line, her sister is also in the spotlight now for sending her a text minutes saying that she would ridiculous revenge on her behalf on the same day that she was talking
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apologizing to her staff members and changing the culture of korean air she has apologize for the the text message butt story has plenty more to run. for years myanmar was under a dictatorship but they allowed an an election and so what is in store. taking a look to 2015. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: it's a very different myanmar now compared to pre2010. ♪ >> reporter: in the past few years, the country has been going through a transition. from him terry rule to civilian government. no longer considered a pariah state. everyone has been flocking in back in, tourists and foreign investors, but for some the reforms don't go far enough. >> translator: it is true that myanmar has been changing. it's like a camille i don't know, it slowly changes color
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it's still the same creature, so i don't take that as real change. >> reporter: a civil rights activist, her husband was a journalist chasing a store by the ongoing fighting between the military and an armed ethnic group. he was taken in to military custody and killed in october. the i'm says he was shot while trying to escape. his widow says his body bore science of torture although an official inquiry found no evidence of that. she says she doesn't accept the finings. >> translator: we used to say that the media was a pressed now we can say the media was terrorized my husband's case is an example to other journalists covering clashes between armed groups and the military to be aware. >> reporter: the military relinquished control in 2010. but still hold a lot of power. the civilian government is in
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charge but 25% of seats in parliament are reserved for the armed forces. some however say the country's path to reform has to be looked at in broader terms. >> these conventional measures of progress, per se, are really becoming very difficult and complex, because we are talking about two very different types of reform processes and they are diverging, economic, political. >> reporter: foreign grants have poured in to help the government develop infrastructure, improve healthcare and education. the economy is growing at an impressive rate. and more people have a chance to take part in that. the responsibility may not be as real and as vast as some had hoped but in 2015 it will be an important year, that's when a general election will be held. a new generation of politicians could be in charge with the power and perhaps the will to continue transition. the year ahead for myanmar.
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reminder that you can keep up to date with all the news on our website, is the address. all the news that we have been covering a lot of opinion and comment, very interesting pages to peruse, is the address. justice. >> over 50 years ago in the early days of the vet no, ma'am war, american forces began using a potent new herbicide known as "agent orange." it was designed to clear forests divided i have provided the vet kong with food. the
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