tv Consider This Al Jazeera January 6, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america growing anger over america's moves to normalize relations with cuba. critics are slamming the cuban government or not holding up its end of the deal. tense moments in the speaker of the house, and the david versus goliath battle in a move to get you cheaper flights. hello, i'm antonio mora and this is "consider this". those stories and more ahead. >> cuba freedom of...
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..53 prisoners they promised to release. >> i'd like to see it happen in the future. >> the new preach -- approach to cuba will help. >> john boehner is the new speaker of the house. >> the first order of business is to construct the keystone pipeline. >> if the bill passes congress will the president sign it. >> so few americans have borne the burden of the combat. >> it's part of the reason we are entangled in laws we can't win. ex . >> we are at the town of new medicine. >> you can soon take control of medicine and data. >> the internet of things connecting all the devices in your house. >> making everything every part of your day. saving you time. >> the jet sons will be proud.
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>> reporter: we begin with new concerns about the historic deal to normalize relations with cuba. since the deal was announce the on september 17th. cuba has continued to detain leading dissidents. >> translation: the cuban government continues to criminalize the exercise of all rights. be they civil, political, economic or cultural right of the they use it as justification to unleash political persecution against anyone carrying out the rights. >> reporter: and the status of 53 cuban prisoners who were supposed to be freed remained. it sparked criticism that cuba was not leading up to its end of the bargain. the state department waffled when asked about the dissidents. >> we will ask the cuban
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government to follow-up on their deal. they released some. we'd like to see it continued in the future. >> it's not good enough for critics who say the u.s. is getting played. we are joined by christopher saber teeny, senior director of policy at the americas society and coup of americas. he is the founder and editor-in-chief of "americas quarterly." good to have you on the show. >> great to be back. >> after the deal the cuban government runneded up more dissidents 100 more in desthan november. that is the month before the announcement of the deal with the u.s. it's according to a new report by the cuban commission of human rights. i was asked about that. in the recent batch of dissidents. i would say anyone that thought a cuban government could change. now the whole thing about the 53 dissidents part of the deal with the united states not being released or not all of them, and whoever has been
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released seems like it's been delayed, that came as a spirits to me. >> it remains to be seen who they are and what the schedule is. it's a secretary of state. roberta is scheduled for all the talks. >> why is there a wholed. >> you agreed to a release. you can let them out of prison. it was the holidays they could have let them out before christmas. >> if they don't do this the administration will have egg on its face. they made concessions, it doesn't - it's opening up avenues for change of information. if it was promised something that the cuban government refuses to deliver, it makes it look like an error. >> is this giving ammunition to critics, like marco rubio, saying the u.s. gave away the store, the cuban government not required to give anything of substance. and he's calling four the talks that you mentioned for them to
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be put off until there's clarity about the detainees much. >> they are into the cuban government, that doesn't want to see the embargo end. because of the isolation. >> and blaming the u.s. for everything. >> maybe there's anment to that. they didn't want - the u.s. called them on the gamble the bluff, and they won't do anything. >> what do you think, now that you have seen what happened over the past few weeks. castro saying communism will continue a blogger, a prominent person saying that castroism has won. do you think that's the case? >> i think, first of all as you said it hasn't changed. it's not a human rights dome okay rahsy respecting government. -- democracy respecting government. it has always been about the survival of the regime. no doubt about it. >> doesn't this help the
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survival of the regime. it will bring in a lot of extra foreign currency. by my cal collisions re -- conclusions, remittance -- calculation, remittance and - dash if it quadruples the amount it will be a windfall for the government. >> every dollar will end up in the coffers of the state. $1 is not spent on with a private entrepreneur it's not the equivalent of investing with the state. the u.s. tried to make the calculation, why not try to provide avenues in which greater tourist dollars, flow of goods to entrepreneurs and citizens can break the stranglehold on them. creating a pocket of independents. >> and a long-term change. >> precisely. >> mikhail gorbachev didn't want
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to see the end of the soviet union, we did have an embargo, things got out of hand. >> it didn't happen in china or vietnam, or there would be more openness. >> i think there's a concern, the kavt rose are getting up there - 83 and 88 - should they pass what will happen next. you speak to people in southern command, u.s. military command. they are worried about massive refugees coming across. >> there has been an influence in recent weeks. >> that's for two reasons. the economic circumstances have deteriorated. they need $2.5 billion to keep economic growth. >> roberta jacobsen said the economy is in a tailspin that it was not a life line the u.s. deal with cuba but with venezuela, the main sponsor. talk about an economy in a tailspin they will not be able
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to support the cubans is it not a live line? >> worse case scenario let's imagine the venezuela life line is cut. it accounts for 100,000 oil per day. 25% of the g.d.p. if you take that away you are looking at a collapse which i don't think you want to see 90 miles off the shore. >> peno nieto was in washington. he spoke about how mexico could help the united states in the effort of bringing democracy to cuba. do you think there's a positive not just for change in the long temp but a stronger positive influence of the united states and the whole caribbean region because a lot have not been happy with the u.s. ostracising cuba. in that way do you think we could see a positive step? >> absolutely. whatever the risks are, this
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really recalibrate the relationship. brazil has been active trying to gain a foothold in cuba. the cuban - brazilian beer companies holds their beer company. they were trying to position themselves to be a broker. now you have mexico and the united states and it makes it ease year to criticise the human rights commission. it's a positive step regionally. it makes it - removes what has been a traditional pumping bag for a lot of government and demigods. like e.v.o. moralize for criticizing the united states. we have removed that part. >> it's an important story. good to have you with us. >> great to be here. >> turning to politics. it should have been happy days are here again. the 114th congress got under way
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on tuesday. conservative members of the house trying to muster the numbers needed to derail john boehner's bid for a third term. when the votes were counted. he got the votes. >> the newly republican tv dominated senate planned to take up the key keystone pipeline. the white house has plans of its own. >> if this bill passes the congress, the president will not sign it. >> i'm joined by communications director for newt gingrich's office he was speaker. he writes a column called "mullins." tea party conservatives got 25 votes when all was told to oppose john boehner. was this a bad start for the g.o.p. - distracted by this internal sniping instead of
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focussing on substantive issues. >> i'm not sure that the 25 votes for others were republican votes. there were four or five democratic votes that didn't vote for pelosi. they never got close. republicans needed 29 votes to send it to a second ballot. it was exciting because there was some whipping it up in the press core of trying to make it exciting. i will tell you, having been through these, that if the john boehner people thought that there was any chance to fall short, the word would have gone out over the city to people like me and others to get on the phone and i would have had my call list handed to me saying get on the phone with this guy. i don't think it was as exciting as it was led to believe. >> you wrote in your column that we don't know if the congress will tackle or vote on difficult issues. and quoted shakespeare saying that this could be two years of sound and puree signifying into.
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>> and a tail told. >> what is your guess, can the party of no over the past few years govern now that they control both houses. >> that's the question. let me remind everyone of this. that the party of no blasted the president of who knows out of his seat in november. republicans won in the u.s. senate, u.s. house. governors, state houses and senates, all the way down the ballot to city council and county commissioners, as far as i know. whatever was being done that was not liked didn't translate to the heartland of america. >> talking about the heartland of america - part of me thought you mentioned the media whipping this off.
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part of me thought the fighting was something only that the beltway cared about. there's cadell associates showing that 60% of voters across the country prefer a speaker other than john boehner, and 64% say he's ineffective in opposing president obama. does that put pressure in the context of how the republicans will govern to continue to keep a hard line against anything president obama wants. >> no i didn't read that. i would like to see the question. i guarantee if you stood outside a safe way and asked the first 20 people through the door to name the speaker of the house, you could get two to say it one would probably say it wrong. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell told "the washington post":
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do you see that as a single that he and john boehner will accept more accommodation with the white house, and did today's vote in the house, relocating john boehner help the cause. >> here is the thing that we have to remember in the united states we are not a parliamentary system. the founders set up the congress and the executive branch that there should be tension in between them. >> there has been a lot of tension in the past few years. >> no question about it. democrats controlled one or both houses of congress for awful obama's legacy. on one of the three legs of the stool has been in the hands of the republicans. we'll see - this is the big thing, what people need to focus on - republicans, the tea party republicans in the house and senate truly believe their mission was to stop the
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government from doing anything. and i don't think you should run for being a legislature if you don't want to do anything. if being in the minority is easy you vote no. when you are in the majority you have an obligation to help run, whether it's the city or the country or the state or in this case the federal government. and we'll see if the republicans that control two of those three legs of the stool understand their mission and their role in the government as helping to govern, and then we'll see what the president does. >> what about the president. the president - you know if things will get done there needs to be compromise between the hill and the white house. >> we talked about that. >> are you surprised that the white house is saying - while it says it wants to do business it's rejecting the senate's number one priority. >> it's the second time in about
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two months that the white house is threatening to veto a bill that wasn't written. the last time was when harry reed was negotiating tax, and the white house decided they would announce they'd veto anything that came out, and reed was upset about the fact that the white house issued a veto before the bill was written, and they did it again today. they are threatening a veto over a bill but they have no concept of what might or might not be in it and what democrats in the house or senate may or may not want to put in it to make it comfortable for them to vote for. >> a quick question other top priority issues immigration, obama. you bring it up. it's hard to believe there'll be compromise soon. what do you expect to see. >> obama care will not be vetoed. that would require the president to sign legislation getting rid of his favourite programs. that will not happen.
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immigration, there could be moved forward. whether it's enough for the president to undo the far-reaching executive order he signed a couple of months ago - we'll see what that is. i think the house and senate will do something on immigration. they have to do things on energy, the environment, on education, the infrastructure. there's a lot of things that the congress has on its plate. if john boehner and mitch mcconnell as the leaders of the two chambers allow their committees and chairs and cochairs the democrats on the committees to do their work we may be pleasantly surprised and at some point the president, rather than vetoing things because he wants to will get into the process and help to coordinate what is good for the country. >> it would be good to see come
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promise in washington. thank you. >> thank you my friend. >> now for more stories from around the world. we begin across the u.s. where a 2,000 mile wide winter weather system is dumping snow and blasting air as it moves eastward. parts of the midwest got dumped. it felt like 50 below in some parts of north-east minnesota. dozens of school buses crashed when cools were opened and 4mm fell. parts of florida specting to see temperatures blow freezing. virgin former governor bob mack donald was sentenced to two years federal imprison and probation for accepting loans and gifts, including a role ex
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watch and 5-figure shopping trip to new york for his wife. mcdonald was convicted of 11 counts of corruption his wife has been convicted on eight charges and will be sentenced in late february. he thanked the judge for his mercy. prosecutors were pushing for a 10-year sentence. mcdonald is the 12th governor convicted of corruption the first in vrmia we end in new york where forehands, family and dignitaries gathered to bid farewell to former governor mario cuomo. hillary and bill clinton attended among other. cuomo's son andrew delivered an yule onliy calling him the -- eulogy calling him the keynote speak are for angels. he died the same day his son was
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inaugurated for a second term. he was 82 coming up does the u.s. offer empty military prays while sending soldiers into unwinnable wars. a new take next. a push to get you cheeper airfares turns into a fight costing big money and wreaking havoc. and we track the top stories on the web. >> turkey detains another journalist. the president braggs about having the freest press in the world. as you are watching joun the discussion by tweeting to us at aj "consider this" and leaving a comment on facebook.
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is a chicken hawk nation willing to do anything for the troops except take them seriously. meanwhile president of afghanistan ashraf ghani is taking them seriously, saying he'd like president obama to re-examine the two year deadline imposed, wanting them to be out of a war. i'm joined by james fallos national correspondent for "the atlantic", and author of: good to have you with us. the american military as you say, is the best equipped fighting force in the history of the world, professional well trained, motivated and disciplined. what is the tragedy as you see it. >> the tragedy is winning battles, winning wars. i try to argue for the past dozen plus years, the military in the united states is at war in afghanistan, iraq and around the world. the country of the united states as a public has not been. fewer than 1% of the u.s.
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government, in iraq or afghanistan, in the whole time. they argue the disconnection has pernicious affects on the battles we choose, weapons we buy and troops we are going. it is dramatically different for what we saw, where mostable-bodied men of a certain age were in the armed force, and had connections to the military. that led to what you call america being a chicken hawk nation referring to people who are prowar as long as someone else is fighting for them. that then you think, leads to less criticism of the military and careless spending. >> yes the way you can see the contrast is to think of other big sfougss. the school system -- big institutions. the school system medical, the roads. people have no choice but to be
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involved with we know what is good and bad about them. we have a realistic view. in the era of the voluntary army, i think a reverence for the military where we have half-time ceremonies about salutes to the heroes priority boarding and airports replaced discussions we have had. >> you point out that the president falls into that. that he falls into the established tradition, calling it the finest fighting force in the history of the world. with the limitless prays and skepticism that has defied other institution, what are the worst consequences that you see. obviously the endless wars. why is that happening? >> i think - to talk about the damage the main damage is the one you mentioned. the fact that we choose wars
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that a country like the united states cannot win, even though it's the best equipped and highly trained. political discussion and accountability, which is the only way we make sense of how we are losing our money gets strengthly detached. the 2012 election mitt romney and president obama discussed virtually zero time discussing the weapons that we build and wars we fight. same as in congress. few realities of what the people in military are asked to do risk they are expected to take and damage to other people. >> the public feels the same as the president. you cite polls showing that it is the only institution that america trusts, and substantial substantially has it not earnt
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the trust. >> there's such a thing as too reverent attitude. look at the time the generation after world war ii. whether it was "south pacific" "mash" "goaler pile", they were shows respectful of the military so, too, the government attitude. there's no institution or poll suggesting that the military and they recognise it as a varied nugs than the polls would suggest. in any part of the life. when you have a distant and unrealistically walking on egg shells view of things it's not a sustainable relationship. >> you said it led to a chicken hawk economy, that we spend too much on the military. when i think about bad military spending the good old $600
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toilet seat you bring up the f 35 fighters a big poeget for the military that could cost a trillion and is having issues. have things gotten worse in that sense when it comes to careless spending? >> i think they have because of carelessness and lack of attention. if you take the cost of the military establishment, it's about a trillion a year. it's a lot of money. >> another way to think of it is the united states spends about twice its share of g.d.p. on the military. we are spending a lot of money. if you look at the weapons, the easiest way to make the point is cost overruns are likely to be 100 times greater than the entire money spent on the solar energy project. there's 100 more times attention to that than the f 35. it's the disproportion between how much money, how many
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unrealistic decisions are made while people think of the budget as pork. >> that's a thing that makes it survive, the politicians are invested in some of these military projects. some have been made with parts in almost every state and a majority of congressional districts. it creates a snowball effect where they can't be shut down. what do we do. what can we do to reverse the trends. >> something - a step that many propose that is bringing back the draft. that will not happen there's no politicians in favour of that. noms dent add up. i was doing the -- numbers don't add up. part of the reason i did this was politicians getting ready for a new campaign recognising that we have so much attention to our open-ended combat where
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the money is going. the people that have lost their lives, limbs, family welfare. >> what they have been arrived to do. the first step is to make it higher up. there's other suggestions based on the confidential report that gary heart prepares recollects paying more attention to something that has a large presence. >> james, thank you for being was. turning now to federal lawsuit against a cheap air fare website sending shock waves throughout the industry. united airlines and orbits attempted up and sued and 22-year-old founder. skiplag takes advantage of a booking loophole using hidden city ticketing. if you go to dallas you buy a one way ticket to austin with a
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layover in dallas and that's cheaper, and you don't show up for the austin flight. we go up against corporations that can outspend me. i have the consumers on my side. they see the value in what i'm doing. >> joining us from los angeles is travel expert and founder of, george hobiker. good to have you with us. this is not illegal. many airlines banned it. we agreed to it in the carrier contracts when we buy a ticket. the big positive is that this can save a lot of money. >> it saves a lot of money. on the other hand when within airline loses a dollar it will add a dollar to somebody else's fare. we have to realise that the airlines have a slim profit margin, it's been 1%.
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in good times negative 1% or 10%, and other times - i think that what will happen is if skiplag becomes popular and the suit made it well-known what will happen is that people will pay more on the other end. >> i want to get to the negatives in a moment. this has been an insider strategy. it's been around for years. zamon says he made no profit. he's taking information accessible to all of us something we can do on our own why do you think the website is a problem that united and orbits are going after it and asking for all sorts of reimbursement of lost revenue and other remedies? >> people have been doing this for years, and it was not easy to figure out. skiplag made it easy to figure
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out and book. when you click on the links on the website you go to and kayakcome. you can click further and book the fair. on orbits or ex-media and other online travel agencies. >> not illegal, is it unethical. a united spokesperson says it's tantamount to switching price tags to get a lower price at a department store >> i don't think it's unethical. it's not illegal, skiplag has a constitutional right to tell people about their airfares. >> there's no question it could be public knowledge, it should be but the problem is it's going to mess up with the airlines hub and spoke systems. i don't think there'll be unintended consequence, one of which is to make the average
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airfare go up. >> let's talk about the negatives. you wrote it's not just the airlines getting hurt by the hidden ticketing, it can work against consumers, it could make prices higher in the example i game implying to dallas, to austin it could make that expensive, implying from dallas to austin. >> what i say will probably go in one ear and out the other for a lot of people that hate the airlines, because let's face it people hate the airlines. america or unit will lower the fare to the hidden city to compete with another airline that may fly nonstop for the same fair. united or america argue that they are offering you a discount to compete and retain market share with the other airlines that's why the hidden city fare exists.
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the other reason is to promote the hub and spoke system. there's an article on a website >> that's what the consumers complain about. the flights to the hubs are expensive. >> nonstop are more expensive or connecting flight less expensive. because they are more convenient. there's less chance of connecting. they are faster. >> do you think, you know if this were the survive, that it would plagued fares for everyone. -- plagued fairs for everyone. >> definitely.
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when you sake rai [s] [e] -- when you still from peter - what's the expression. >> giving from one taking from the other. >> zamon has support from the go-fund, they raised $60,000 for him already. he'll have money to fight. it will be interesting to see what's with the lawsuit. george from, thanks. time to check in with harmeli aregawi. >> president recep tayyip erdogan braggs about the country's press freedom. a reporter on tuesday tweeted: as she reports on kurdish
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issues president recep tayyip erdogan repeated a claim that: all of this on the same day that the foreign minister was visiting the country, he said he was shocked by the arrest and added . . >> the e.u. which turkey hopes to join said the harassment and detention of journalists violates human rights. turkey ranks 154th out of 180 countries when it comes to fresh freedom. the detention of foreign journalists - they are often harassed. three journalists have been detained. >> this kind of thing happens in too many countries around the world. >> taking your medical future into your own hands. >> check your vital signs and a
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a medical revolution arrived at our fingertips our next guest says smartphones and wearable technology shifted control from doctors this the patients. you can get rapid test results, monitor vital signs and get diagnosed without seeing a doctor. it could save you big money. dr eric is a practicing cardiologist and director of the science institute in calf and the author of "the patient will
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see you now - the future of great to have you with us and congratulations on the port. you have mitt romney and al gore to give you blushs. >> i was grateful for that. >> you are talking about how this could democratize medicine saying this could do for medicine what the printing press did for knowledge. >> sounds like a big step but it could happen. we know how the printing press changed the world and made information democratized. i think this will do the same for medicine. >> some of the advances are incredible. we could use a smartphone to get a cardio gram. >> you can use it for a lot. it's a central thing. if you think you are having an ar ith mia, instead of going to the emergency room you pull up your app for the cardio gram and you have that you put your fingers on - circle with your
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heart, and you have a cardio gram. >> what do you do with it? >> well that cardio gram - you don't have to read it you have a computer algorithm built into the app. >> it's not that expensive. >> it's $69 and approved by the f.d.a. for consumers. it will save people with heart continues a lot of trips to emergency rooms or clinics. >> and you have the possibility of doing a sonogram and checking your blood pressure. >> yes, well in the next year there'll be a watch with every heart beat. >> constantly... >> you don't have to suppress start, it keeps going. >> that is nice about that. it can give you an alarm if it's too high or low. >> it shows up on your smart
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phone and has the contents of your life. if you were in sleep or traffic. that is extraordinary. instead of single occasional measurements you get measurements when you didn't know you could. >> this is the beginning. we are talking about turning your smartphone into a microscope looking at saliva or blood and give you test results. >> all the routine labs can be done through a smartphone. >> already. >> it's feasible. it's available. it's a matter of time. >> electrolytes chemistry, cholesterol - all can be done through a smartphone. >> of course this plagueds all sorts of issues. you know hypokondry a might go crazy. >> do you want patients self-diagnosing? >> we do. the reason why is if it's done properly and accurately it can
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be extraordinarily quick and ipp expensive and it's what patient want. they want their data. it's been bottled up. >> you think people should have access to their own data. >> they should own it not just have access. they should say to the doctor "i want to share my data with you" not begging to get it. we department have the tools to emans i'mate the conumer until now. what do fellow doctors tell you. emans i'mating the consumer means you may not have to show up at the doctor. >> if you are a child, you can take a smartphone attachment with idiot prove eardrum, and a cloud algorithm diagnoses whether your child has an ear infection. then things change. we need the doctors for treatment and healing. we are not talking about
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patients treating themselves but showing up to get the guidancers wisdom experience and treatment. >> the patient gets the diagnosis from his app rat us and gets the doctor to do what is necessary. what does it mean for hospitals. there are some that says it means the end of hospitals as we know then. >> i wrote about that in the book, and, indeed hospitals are vulnerable entity. not because we are going to use different things. they are going to be ass. -- as is. regular hospital room will be replaced by the bedroom. the reason is you can do all the monitoring. like an i.c.u. in the house, in the bedroom. it's so inexpensive. it's no risk of infection or other complication and it's convenient. >> it's fascinating. the book brings up incredibly interesting issues that could
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very well as you say, change the world. the book is "the patient will see you now." it's available in bookstores and online coming up the technological revolution goes to the home. and the girl scouts go gluten free. while the health trend is popular and lucrative, many eating the products don't need them. our data dive is next.
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today's data dive looks at a misunderstood food trend. the girl scouts announced three flavours and two are gluten free. the latest entry into what is predicted to be a $15 billion annual business. the percentage of households buying gluten free products doubled from 2010 to 2013. many consumers don't know what gluten is. jimmy found a lot of influence among those that cut it. >> for me house it affected my body. >> what is gluten? >> this is sad, i don't know. >> gluten is like a grain, right? >> it is a part i believe, of the wheat that - i really don't
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know. >> he's partially right, it's the general name for proteins found in wheat, ri barley and tredicali. it acts like a glue helping foods to keep their shape. the nih found it harmless unless you have celiac an autoimmune disorders. their bodies amount an immune response attack the the intestine, causing damage leading to vomiting seizures and migraines. 1.8 million americans have the disease. 6% are gluten sensitive. that leaves tens of millions of americans out there buying gluten free products season though gluten does not affect them. analysts say those people feel
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better, because they end up eating fewer processed food when dropping gluten. eating gluten free is expensive. it's so trendy products that never had gluten including popcorn, potato chips and nuts are marketing as gluten free, because there is a lot of money to be need. -- to be made. >> there's more product being connected to the web, including coffee bots and ceiling fans. will it just provide another way for people to steal your information. i'm john seigenthaler. coming up after "consider this" the new congress in session, there's gridlock over the keystone. >> the do you and jobs. -- dow and jobs. gadgets may be getting more
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the internet is not just for phones and computers. the international show in vegas opened on tuesday, and the internet of thinks was the hot topic. everything from tea pots dog collars, ovens and tennis racquets are logging on to the web. as our lives are more and more digitized protecting the data is turning into a major concern. let's bring in al jazeera's science and technology correspondent jacob ward joins us. the internet of things we are talking about connecting
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virtually everything from silly things like tea pots to practical things like thermostats, home appliance, wearable fitness devices. the president and c.e.o. of samsung electronics said that every device made by samsung will be able to connect to the web within five years. what is driving the trend? >> what we learnt at this year's show is it's the price of the wireless connection and the hardware required to drive that connection is dropping and that sensors themselves are becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. mems censors are the driving force, as small as 3mm across and do everything from detect the barrow metric pressure in the room motion detectors built into them. and you are getting to a place where they are tiny things for an affordable price can connect via wi-fi to other devices,
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creating lots of opportunities. >> how much will the internet of things change the way we live? >> well a way to think about it is to take far-flung objects and imagine them having a conversation you don't think about. mercedes the automotive manufacturer is talking with nest. a thermostat. you think why does it matter. you are driving home and your house nose that you are headed -- knows that you are headed to the home and fires up the airconditioning where you live or the heat where i live and makes it convenient. it's an off-stage coordination between devices - making coffee your house warm that is the promise. >> some of this stuff will be useful. we have a tea kettle that you start remotely.
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because we can connect to the internet do we need to. how far will this go? >> well it's a question of sort of how cheap can this be and how much value can be derive. the idea that you can have a smart television maker, and they are all smart, that can tell the difference between different viewers, they know the difference between me my wife or kids and can know which one of us likes to watch what and resell that information to other partners for better targeted advertising. all of that is a money making opportunity. that will go as far as the companies like it. there's no sign it will slowdown. >> ta could bring up issues for consumers. last year saw high profile cyber security. celebrity photos leaked. data stolen. the c.e.o. of sony spoke at the
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convention about the north korean hacking. with so many devices becoming interconnected will it make us more vulnerable? >> absolutely. it's a whole new world. when we talk about the interpretations of devices, we have some experiences as a consumer electronics industry with thing like invading the web browser, hacking into the phone. that is a new thing, those are established. we have a sense of that. when we talk about the relationship between the car and thermostat. no one as hacked that or seen it come up. >> there's all privacy concerns. if you think about these things as spying. i am sure they are doing it in the name of making it convenient. it gets us into a whole new world. that's why 26% of companies are taking out cyber security
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policies. >> this is the first time that the convention had dedicated marketplaces focussing on private security and personal privacy. >> that's right. this is the first time you see them take it so seriously, openly seriously. people are talking in the first couple of sentences in their presentations about the censors, and in the same breath they say privacy is parr moument. you have adid awes and l'oreal looking for guide arranges the computer electronics that run it is is offering a bon jnsa to try to teach the companies. >> hopefully the tech industry getting ahead of the issue. you mentioned mercedes and the thermosta. this was not something - they had not had a big presence in the pa.. >> that's right.
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up until a few years ago uted think why would be be at an electronics show. there's a huge possibility in driving themselves. there's 10 major automakers. toyota talks about a fuel sale vehicle announce: they'll give out patents around the fuel cell vehicles following tesla's model. the intellectual property of making cars. it was a simple thing, these days it's a major electronics industry. and all the car developers companies are getting in on the cars to make them convenient drive them. this one interest mercedes was extraordinary. it was a moving living room. all of them are moving into the electronics range, and that is a new world for them.
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>> changing the way we live. >> thank you jacob ward that's all for now. the conversation continues on the website we are on facebook and twitter @ajconsiderthis @ajconsiderthis, and tweet me @amoratv. see you next time. this is al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler. taking control - republicans now hold both the house and the senate and a new republican majority accepted its new responsibility a look at the issues and obstacles obstacles. our special report tech companies reveal the gadgets of the future. what it could mine to the future of online privacy. big
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