tv News Al Jazeera January 9, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm david shuster can a look at today's top stories. three hostage takers are dead in the attack on charlie hebdo. we will be live in france. and the unemployment rate has now dropped to its lowest level in nearly seven years. one year after chemical spill contaminateed the water for 300,000 people, a similar
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accident are coming under fire by the very people they're supposed to protect. >> we begin this hour with the drama that unfolded today in france. the manhunt is now over for the gunmen suspected of killing 12 people at a paris magazine. the end came when french security forces stormed two hostage situations. in the confrontation the suspects from the charlie hebdo attack were killed. lawrence lee was there and filed this report. >> reporter: it was quick and much earlier than many expected. flashes, the sound of automatic gunfire, and then silence. in all the end of the to stand
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off lasted no more than 15 or 20 seconds, but it left dead the brothers the authorities accuse of the charlie hebdo massacre. the stand off had lasted the whole day. during rush hour in the morning we had seen lines of police vans tearing up the motor way north of paris and into the small town of dammartin. the helicopter flew through the murk. rumors emerged that the gunmen had shot someone dead during a police chase. but what was clear was that the suspects in the charlie hebdo massacre were hold up inside an industrial complex along with a hostage. we drove through dammartin with the police, passed shuttered homes and businesses. just the occasional person outside in a community under lockdown. lines of buses could be seen to
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take children away from an evacuated school. had the gunmen had taken a child hostage it would have been a nightmare for the authorities one to be avoided at any cost. >> i hope the children are not shocked or anything else because we're anxious as parents. >> there were a lot of police, they told me that i needed to stay indoors. >> day turned to dusk. it was assumed that the building might be stormed in the darkness, but the again men had nowhere else to run. special forces could be seen on the roof. this was an end game. >> this took hundreds of police officers and soldiers corning them in here before they could bring it to a conclusion in an ideal world no doubt the police would have wanted to take them alive rather than dead, but for all of that, and given how dangerous they were, this was seen as good an outcome as they
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might have expected. within minutes of an ending the police could be seen walking with ease inside the perimeter. helicopters circled and landed, but there were no casualties other than the dead gunmen. as the police left you could hear cheering. it wasn't from them but from the people of the town. lawrence lee al jazeera, dammartin. >> we're live now from dammartin where all of this went down, dana how do people feel now that the confrontation with the charlie hebdo suspects are now over? >> reporter: if you would have asked me the request about four hours ago i would have to tell you i don't have a clue. i've been here all day long for the hostage siege the gunshots and the explosions went off. no one could go out,and you can see a huge high school with a thousand kids locked down today. but slowly they sorted to emerge
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tonight, and we had a chance to talk to them in the center of town. i talked to one man who lived directly across from the print shop where the hostage taking occurred and where the police stormed the building later on. he was i think in shock. it was hard to talk to him. he seemed nervous and shaking. i asked him if he was angry that these meant had been under surveillance, and the police took their eyes off the ball in such a way that the intelligence were not on them. he said no, there are so many people here. i talked to a terrified parent. his kid was locked in a room. they put carpet over the windows of the school so they would not be hit by cross fire. they sang songs and ate cookies and they were released safely. that man is reflecting on what is going to happen in the future
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of france. i think a lot of people are talking about a new national debate here. this is not just another terror incident. they're wondering what it will take in the future, and you'll hear politicians and people really begin to debate how to deal with extremism in france. >> you were there in that usually quiet town in paris when it all went down. describe what it sounded like when the police stormed that industrial facility, and describe what part of town this is what other people might have heard this, and what it was like for them. >> reporter: well, that's the thing-- >> that is dana lewis, of course reporting from the town of dammartin. that is the first hostage situation came to a close today when the police came in and stormed and killed the hostage takers. from the first hostage situation to the second east of paris, at
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least one man took several people hostage at a kosher market when the police stormed in there, at least five people were killed, including a hostage taker. but the police are still searching for one possible suspect. the police are still trying to piece everything together. we're in that paris neighborhood and we have this report. >> reporter: just as darkness was beginning to fall french police launched an operation to end the siege. a number of explosions were heard first and then as you can see, heavily armed policemen started to storm the shop. inside a single gunman thought to be amedi coulibaly he's also suspected of killing a policewoman on thursday morning. he had reportedly threatened to start killing hostages. they launched an operation against chef cherif kouachi who he claims he knew.
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here you can see an explosion as police try to break in. they fire through the door, and they try to enter. two police officers were injured and the hostage taker killed in the shoot out. you can see hostages being liberated by police. but four were killed in the operation. >> that was reporting from eastern paris. the second hostage situation today. new details are emerging about the gunmen at the center of manhunt in paris where it was all started in france. >> france's prime minister said that the prime minister said that the u.s. knew about them, too. >> these are the faces we've seen so much of over the past two days. brothers said and cherif kouachi. they're french citizens
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orphaned. let's talk about said. he was 32 years old. this was cherif in a 2005 tv documentary. avenues rapper with a record for drugs. when the documentary aired he was in prison. cherif was stopped when he tried to fly to syria. >> i met him as he was leaving custody. the first words he said to me was that he was relieved to have been arrested because he was petrified at the going to syria. >> cherif was arrested again in in 2010. police learned he had been browsing jihadist websites. now to his older brother said
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kouachi, who was 34. said was in yemen in 2011. he fought with al-qaeda. he was later deported from yemen. french authorities said they knew who the brothers were and had them under surveillance at one point. the gunmen at the jewish superiority today has been identified as 32-year-old amedi coulibaly. he is thoughts to have links to one of the kouachi brothers. people ask how could this have happened if the men were under the police radar at one time. >> we have the two kouachi brothers and a third the police knew them. at least one time they were under surveillance, they had been on lists. what happened? >> yes that's one of the major
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questions that french allies will be walking backwards. more and more is coming out. we know the travel to yemen although i don't know if that's been confirmed. a lot of sources are saying that's true. coming out today are ties to al-qaeda facilitator in france, who has been in and out of prison. these sorts of things absolutely important to walk backwards and not just to know or blame what happened but to prevent how do we better watch people that should be watched? >> given the connections to yemen, the alleged training with al-qaeda, would that suggest to you that this was some sort of terrorist cell operating in paris? >> i have to be up front. a couple of days ago i was on the skeptical side that there would have been direct command control outside of yemen to a small cell like this, but if we take at face value what said said twice now to an eyewitness and then today from french press making a phone call to the
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facility where they were hold up again, he said, listen, i was in yemen in 2011 and then confirmed from some sources that a spokesperson or someone associated with al-qaeda in yemen said that we directed it. now, that is troubling in more than a couple of ways, but does it represent, for example if this turns out to be true that al-qaeda has changed its tact from say aviation targets to where it's sponsoring and giving command and control to ambush small unit operations. >> if that's the case, and alqaida is going after soft target and they're not doing these spectacular 9/11 attacks
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three or four gunmen going after soft targets rather than doing as much far more spectacular. >> that could be what we have here. a wolf pack where they say this is an al-qaeda operation and in the recent past whether it's isis or al-qaeda latches on to an event and says that is us, that could be the case. but another thing that you speak to it could represent that we have not been able to pull off the more spectacular operations, maybe we should go this direction. right now you have all these swirling issues. first and foremost, in france, working with allies, how big is this conspiracy, and are there other plots under way? >> what is your assessment of that. there are so many people who have had contact with the kouachi brothers. this has been carried out the equipment they've had is this perhaps the first of many attacks? >> quite possibly. what france is dealing with,
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much more of a pronounced threat consistently within its population than we've seen in the united states in the post 9/11 environment. in recent months the french services have broken up a number of plots. here's the thing within french society. you salute that they successfully get most of the hostages neutralize the hostage takers but then there are other issues like how do you mitigate the siege mentality but at the same time with massive manhunt and investigative effort to find out if there are other parts of the plot. >> and that continues to a certain extent about a because there is still one possible suspect who they believe is still on the loose. what do you make of that? >> that's one of the things that right now at least from the that we find remarkable.
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you have this simultaneous hostage-taking situations while the country is under siege. we're in that period right now where information is sketchy it's incomplete. and the authorities, i would have to say rightly so as a former practitioner, try to calibrate the information. they don't want to tip the person other person who is are loose, you have things that are making this confusing. >> there may be another attack. there may be another cell. the french authorities are not going to talk about that. >> that is right unless there is some way that the french authorities decided that needed to be out there for public safety. >> robert mcfadden senior vice president of the sufan group. thank you for being on. >> my pleasure. >> digging deeper into the charlie hebdo attack, we have reports in yemen coming up later this hour. in the meantime, in this digital
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age the hostage scenes were captured by hundreds of residents. many of the messages on social media are rivetting and they've been shared around the world. >> reporter: let's start with this video posted by a resident in eastern paris. take a listen. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: the person filming the person is in the apartment building on top of the kosher market where the hostages were being held. she filmed the sound of what seems to be gunfire and someone cries as they hear the sirens and see the activity on the sidewalk. a little further away from the scene but also in that same neighborhood lines of police vehicles driving down the streets as reporters and residents looked on. this video was posted on
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facebook by a resident who said he lives 50 meters were the incident that took place in dammartin-en-goele. you can see the person who shot the video said that that the residents had the impression of being at war. the entire area was surrounded by police and helicopters. people are using the hashtag to thank the armed officials and government who worked the stand off. >> ines, thank you very much. we appreciate it. new economic reports say that the economy added jobs and the unemployment rate is at its lowest level in years. but will the so-called trickle down effect benefit the majority of americans? coming up a return to france. three hostage takers are dead as police unravel the events that led up to wednesday's attack in paris.
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>> on capitol hill the vote comes despite a threatened veto from president obama just hours after nebraska supreme court removed one the key hurdles to the project. libby casey has the latest. >> the house rapped up its first week of the new congress by approving the keystone xl pipeline. both the fight and outcome a familiar one. >> mr. speaker? >> approving this pipeline won't lower gas prices for americans. in some areas it may raise prices. this pipeline is a terrible deal for the united states. we have all the risks while the oil companies reap all the
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rewards. >> it's the tenth time the republican-led house has voted to green lie the keystone pipeline construction. but now this time they had the wind at their back paving a way for a vote next week. with six democrats already on board americans expect to win. >> no more excuses. it is time that we pass it. >> all this despite a guaranteed veto by president obama. the white house has said the approval process should play out and not be fast tracked by congress. that process took a leap forward friday just hours before the house vote. nebraska's supreme court cleared the way >> yet another obstacle after six years of obstacles have been taken care of, problem solved. >> reporter: obama
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administration officials say that the review could take months and the president plans to wait for that to make a final decision. >> that's libby casey reporting from washington, d.c. federal investigators have questioned governor chris christie over the bridge gate scandal. prosecutors and the fbi met with governor christie and his lawyer in his home in princeton. members of christie's administration shut down traffic lanes to deliberately cause a traffic jam. there are new allegations that this is all pay back to a local mayor for not endorsing christie in the election. the december jobs report is out, and if shows u.s. growth is pretty solid. the unemployment rate is now at its lowest point since 2008. patricia sagba has more today. >> there is little doubt that the job market is creating plenty of jobs, however wages are not bouncing back. let's start with the good news. the economy added 252,000 jobs
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in december. that makes 11 consecutive months that the job growth has topped 5.6, the lowest the lowest since 2008. while manufacturing added 17,000 jobs bringing the monthly average to 16,000 more than double the rate of 2013. plenty of jobs, and good ones, too, but there is a but and it's a big one. for all the terrific jobs creation americans are not seeing a meaningful bump in their paychecks. average hourly wage fell to to
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$24.57. >> patricia, how significant is this as far as hourly wages dropping. >> hourly wages is at the crux of this recovery. consumers are benefiting at lower prices at the pump, that's putting more money in their pockets, but what we want to see are waging ticking up and moving ahead to inflation and give consumers that boost they need. >> that is one factor that seems to be lagging. >> that is one factor, and it seems to be a massive factor. >> there is good news about the labor market was not enough to boost spirits on wall street. the dow was down 170 points. the s&p 500 fell 17, and the nasdaq lost 32. in a preview of crucial arguments headed to the u.s. supreme court lawyers for three states today made their case
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against gay marriage. representatives of louisiana texas, and mississippi appeared before a federal court in new orleans. louisiana attorney said same section marriage is too new and states should be allowed to protect their citizens. the u.s. supreme court is expected to review the same issues later this year. russia is now banning transsexuals and transvestites from driving they included a list of medical conditions that disqualify people from having a driver's license. that you now included gender disorders gambling dictions and kleptomaniacs. ahead, three hostage takers were killed. we explore the yemen connection tying one of the attackers to al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula.
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>> start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et / 2pm pt only on al jazeera america real reporting that brings you the world. >> this is a pretty dangerous trip. >> security in beirut is tight. >> more reporters. >> they don't have the resources to take the fight to al shabaab. >> more bureaus, more stories. >> this is where the typhoon came ashore. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. >> al jazeera, nairobi. >> on the turkey-syria border. >> venezuela. >> beijing. >> kabul. >> hong kong. >> ukraine. >> the artic. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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them. he was deported to outside of the country. the officers are trying to gather more information to reveal to the public, however al-qaeda and the arabian peninsula did report more attacks in 2009 and 2010. as for this attack in paris there is no claim for responsibility yet. >> a leader of hezbollah the united states has identified as a terrorist they contend today violence in the name of islam. now they said some muslims do more harm to their face than any cartoon ever could. >> their actions words are shameful heinous violent inhuman and brutal practices hinder the religion of god prophets of god the book of allah and the nations.
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more than films depicting the prophet or drawing cartoons of the prophet. >> that was spoken to an audience in beirut. did he not specifically refer to the killings in france but condemned the beheadings and executions carried out by isil in syria and iraq. muslims are showing their support for those killed in france. the victims were remembered in prayers in mosques and an urgent call for unity. >> this mosque in berlin is one of many across germany where people coming for friday prayers have heard sermons directly addressing what happened in france. now the imam here has been telling the congregation that that type of violence has no basis in the holy qur'an or in the teachers of the holy prophet.
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>> during face where there are people trying to instrumentalize what happened in paris to split society we cannot let that happen. the key part of that is the community work done by this mosque. >> talking with the worshipers here it is clear they feel no connection to the people who carried out the paris attacks. >> i think there will be revenge attacks and society will be divided. religion will be split and people will be split. >> since yesterday when i've been getting in the car with my child i've been looking around to check if someone is throwing a stone at me because i'm a foreigner. >> reporter: now a survey that had a just come out suggests 61% of non-muslim germans are fearful of islam. clearly there are tensions in this country and elsewhere in europe. but those tensions are something
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that the government here and muslim organizations are trying hard to defuse. >> let's go back to dana lewis. again, this is where the hostage situation involving two alleged suspects were confronted. you were talking that you were there. a lot of people heard this confrontation come to an end. i wonder if you can describe what you heard and what you saw. >> i mean, you talked about first of all it was an eerily quite town at that moment. for hours police helicopters werehad cleared the skies. they had poured dozens of police commandos in the village. many were locked behind doors drapes had been pulled on windows. more than a thousand kids were locked in schools. the police were worried that
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there could be stray gunfire. the kouachi brothers, some 48 hours after they had attacked the newspaper in paris on wednesday, suddenly turned up on one of the main highways to paris. they fired on a police check point, apparently shots were exchanged, and they wound up here in a printing shop, a printing warehouse and that's when the stand off began and the hostage taking began. and then suddenly late in the afternoon we heard a burst of gunfire and two very loud explosions. they sounded like what you would call breach of explosions, possibly--they would gain entry into the building. other eyewitnesses were saying at the moment that they were going into the building. the two gunmen were killed, and the female hostage was saved by the police. a big sigh of relief that this is now finally over after days there was disbelief that this
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could happen in such such a small town east of paris. >> why is this so shocking that something like this could happen there? >> it's shocking in any small town but you know, a lot of people thought these gunmen had gone north. we were hearing that they had held up a gas station and police were searching towns further north an hour and a half north of paris. maybe they were hold up in a forest but overnight they overnight it and they decided to flush themselves out this morning, get in a car and start moving towards paris. a lot of people just didn't understand what their plan was were they trying to go and join their al-qaeda colleague in paris, or what was their plan? were they going to carry out another major attack. a great sense of relief that the police were going to corner them here. had they gone into a school or heavily populated area who knows
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what could have happened. it could have been a catastrophe today. >> thank you very much just north of paris. dana. thank you. as dana mentioned there was a connection between one of the suspects and al-qaeda. particularly al-qaeda in yemen. we want to dive into that a little bit more. we go to a former cia counterterrorism terrorist analyst. it seems that one of the kouachi brothers had trained with al-qaeda in yemen and had been given instruction there from al-qaeda there. >> it's a dangerous situation. the fact that you have one individual who was trained by aqap al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula, he had standing ties to one of the most lethal organizations on the planet right now. aqap was the organization that tried to blow up a plane on christmas day.
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in fact, i was actually on a plane that day as well, and they tried to--it was the underwear bomber and then they tried to down unsuccessfully a couple of other airliners in subsequent years. you have one person who is train, perhaps others who knows. it's a frightening development. >> is it a development that suggests that the tactics in in al-qaeda is now going after soft targets, instead of targets like airliners they're going after magazines. how frequent is the change of their tactics? >> that's the real question. there were unconfirmed reports that aqap had unofficially declared that they had carried out and the attack. but remember their english
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language magazine is still talking about downing planes. that's the spectacular attack that al-qaeda is known for. if they want to shoot at soft targets in markets, and areas media outlets suggests this is not a directed plot by the top folks at aqap. >> now you used to work at the cia as counter terrorist analyst, what can you tell us about the information that is coming out about these connections. >> right now the united states would be working very closely with their french counterparts. it's a quiet relationship between the united states and france but since france has been under siege and has a lot of potential for terrorist catastrophes the united states has been working closely both at the top levels of the obama-hollande level and than
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and analytic level. and the french would be giving us stuff as well. this is also obviously transcripts, things that are picked up on terrorist sites. remember that france has actually been hit a number of times unsuccessfully by potential terrorist attacks. for example, in cannes last year, a french police actually caught a person who was building bombs in the town that obviously why the cannes film festival happens. the french are really feeling the heat from the islamic terrorist organizations. >> and to your point the united states and france, they've been monitoring al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula for some time. with each of these attacks obviously the frustrating thing is that people get killed, innocent people get killed. but is there an opportunity for intelligence agencies because of the treasure trove of information they can now collect by piecing together what their
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connections were and where they've been the last six months eight months, online, on their phone in their travels. >> absolutely. right now what the french intelligence services are doing they're working for one more who is still at large but what they're doing right now i'm sure they've already raided the kouachi brother's house computers, talking with their neighbors, their friends piecing together this spider web of information whether it is tracking down the weapons they used the ammunition they used, shaking everybody looking for information. all this information is coming back to the united states as well we're sharing and integrating intelligence to see if we can shut down either a potential next target or attack or shutting down various organizations within france, within europe that potentially could be very harmful to citizens across the tonight.
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>> a former cia counter terrorism analyst. thank you for being on. >> thanks a lot. >> signals from the bottom of the sea from southeast asia could be the black boxes of airasia flight. divers are searching for the wreckage for the date are a recorders. so far 48 bodies have been recovered. sri lanka has a new president. hahindarajapaska. president obama called the election a symbol of hope. a journey that bernard smith tells us often begins in turkey.
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>> reporter: the winter storm lashing southern turkey is a minor interruption to what is now the year-round, multi multi-million-dollar smuggle business. migrants are promised that there is a 100-meter long ship waiting to take them to a new life in europe. >> i decided to go to europe because there was no chance of living a dignified life in other countries. i tried to go to algeria lebanon, the gulf countries but i could not get a visa for any of them. only europe welcomes us. >> reporter: but the trip costs money. this insurance company in the turkish city musin. migrants must pay $5,000 per passenger. the waiting room is full of waiting though realistic customers.
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>> the fee includes accommodations. the migrants are promised weekly sailings. there are at least 500 people in this hotel we're told, and it's not the only place. families come and go people wait. bad weather is delaying this week's sailing. everyone is eagle for get moving. >> smugglers are very open about their operation. there is even a facebook page called "your travels." it has a big container-type vessel on it saying that they sale from mursin to italy. this one says that they're sailing on thursday. the weather seems fine, and all the passengers on board will be provided with food, water and sleeping mattresses, and there
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is a phone number to call for inquiries. >> we use fishing boats to take you out to the big ship. that takes 45 minutes. on the big ship you will ahead directly to italy. the journey takes about five days to get to italy because it sales solely. >> the smugglers use different harbors to stay ahead of the turkish police. when their passengers finally begin their perilous trips to europe the smugglers promise that once in italy the migrants can go to any country they want. al jazeera turkey. >> back in the united states residents in west virginia still do not trust their water pipes. one year after a chemical spill contaminated the water. they say the state has taken the wrong steps to prevent another accident.
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college promise. it offers free community college for all. mike viqueira has more. >> reporter: president obama spent part of his friday in knoxville, tennessee tennessee a state he seldom visits a ruby red state. he was there for one reason only and that is residents of that state pay nothing zero, in two-year community college tuition. that is a program that the president announced he wants to spread nationwide. >> today i'm announcing an ambitious new plan to bring down the cost of community college tuition. i want to bring it down to zero. [ cheering ] >> the catch you must maintain a gpa and halftime work load in
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college. 9million students would benefit over the course of the year saving an estimated $3,800 on average over a year. another catch as far as washington politics are concerned, republicans are very luke warm to the proposal. they say the white house has not affixed a price tag although it would cost some $60 billion over the next ten years. the federal government would pick up three-quarters of the bills. the states would be expected to pick up the rest. this comes in the face of rising college costs. there is no secret that this is ongoing. if you're in state at a public four-year institution you can expect to pay on average across the country $9,000. that's just in tuition. thesthes were also as he has over the last two days this is a third stop trying to build momentum for his domestic program, the president taking credit for the economy to a large measure on a day when the
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unemployment rates sank. >> anas sentenced to life in prison. >> a great deal of the sentencing procedure del dealt with where he should be imprison ed. abu hansa spoke to the judge and described the conditions of his cell at torture. because his forearms are missing he's not getting the assistance he needs like cutting his toenails. his lawyers argued that he should serve his sentence in a
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medical facility. >> he's going to spend the rest of his life in jail. it's important to have humane treatment in jail, and because of the unique circumstances it's important to have the help necessary. if not he'll be sick. >> the judge declined to weigh in where abu hamza should serve his sentence. she did say that abu hamza had shown no remorse for his crimes. she also said she feared that if he were to be freed at some point in the future he would once again return to advocating violence. and so she sentenced him to life behind bars. >> kristen saloomey reporting from new york.
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one year after a chemical spill that left 100,000 people without fresh water the government passed some legislation that some feel is too strict. >> david, when the chemical spill happened one year ago lawmakers were in session. they experienced the inconvenience and frustration like so many people here in charleston. that led them to pass quick legislation aimed at another spill in the future, but they're concerned that the legislation goes too far. >> the massive storage tanks have come down and the sweet chemical odor in the air and water is gone. the chemical used to clean coal leaked from tanks, tainting the drinking water of 300,000 west virginians. >> it was a personally ground-shaking incident to have happen. >> reporter: during the crisis, they knew little about the
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memory or how long it had been leaking. the spill highlighted the fact that above ground storage tanks in west virginia were not regulated. >> there wasn't a particular focus because they were not considered highly hazardous. >> the state quickly approved the above ground storage tank act. each tank would be registered and inspected yearly. >> we've had approximately 50,000 tanks registered with us as a result of this legislation. >> but the new law is under attack. some businesses say it overregulates because some tanks full of water or milk are subject to the same scrutiny as hazardous chemicals. they want some companies exempt from the law. they said it's essential to protect drinking water supplies but make sense to narrow the focus to preventing incidents that actually could impact
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drinking water supplies. >> whole families from this valley-- >> it's turned into a classic case of businesses fighting government regulation arguing the rules cost too much. >> nobody wants to place undue burdens on industry, however there is a lot of small businesses in the strict that i respect that was adversely affected by the chemical spills. >> all these exceptions and loopholes, that's what got us here in the first place so i think that the lobbying agencies for these individuals coal fracking, chemicals, all of them together are going to push as hard as they can and cite the significant financial burden it would be. >> for some lawmakers it comes down to finding a balance between satisfying industries vital to west virginia economy and trust in the water while state leaders remain broken one
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year later. one positive thing that some people will tell you that came out of this chemical smell, most people here in the charleston area in west virginia, people are more active and engaged and they want to know more about the politics going on specifically around the environmental vents. >> aaron hernandez had a hear on tuesday. he stands accused of a shooting death of a man in massachusetts in june 2013. 1100 potential jurors will fill out questionnaires for possible service. >> something of a surprise, boston has been picked as a potential american city to host the 2024 summer olympic games. the u.s. chose boston over los angeles, san francisco and washington, d.c. rome italy, is the only other city formerly in the running
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although some other nations are expected to submit their bid. the final decision will be made by the international olympic committee in 2017. we'll go back live to france where police in paris killed a hostage taker who was attacked to the paris attack. >> investigators may never know all the important details about motives and possible associates but one thing is clear the attacks such as the one in paris, the 9/11 in the united states may put pressure on police and bell against agencies to keep people safe. can they stop them were killing? we're live at the top of the hour.
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history. police were locked in a stand off in eastern paris. that's where we find tim friend, tim, there are reports that police are searching for another person in connection with the stand off and confrontation at the kosher market. what is the latest on that search for additional subjects? >> well, we do know that the police desperately want to track down and question a woman who they believe maybe an associate of the gunmen who were in the super market. now it's not year whether she was directly involved in this siege, in this attack, but they believe she has useful information for them. she's 26. now, of course there remains the risk on the streets of paris of further attack. no one wants to be alarmist, but i think the politicians here
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acknowledge that this threat is not over yet. this is the dilemma facing the intelligence services at the moment to going to be facing some questions themselves about how all this was able to take place. of course, they can't keep track of everyone, but i think some serious questions have been raised about why these attackers were able to do what they did. >> tim any more information about this woman and what she might have done to assist either the attackers and the charlie hebdo situation or what she might have done as far as the attack today at the kosher supermarket? >> well, none of that is exactly clear. but what is certain is that there was now coordination between these two groups, these two sieges, these two hostage
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taking situation was earlier the police were saying that the shooting of the woman in paris as not connected to the attack on the magazine, but now they're saying it clearly is. she may have been a con do you wit of what they were going to discuss and what they were going to do. >> tim friend on the scene of the hostage situation today. thank you very much. a new honor with the man credited for ending the attacks on canada's parliament last year. he has been appointed canada's ambassador to ireland. he was the sergeant at arms right there in front. he was on duty when a gunman killed a canadian soldier that ran into the parliament building. he grabbed a gun from his office and shot the attacker dead.
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nice honor for a canadian hero. that will do it for this news hour. i'm david shuster remember for the updates for news around the world updating all the information in france. thanks for watching. . >> the men who were suspects in the charlie hebdo murders in paris were known to police, often under surveillance, but still free and at large. can democracies do what is need needed to prevent terror attacks like this week's paris killings and not give up freedom itself? this is "inside story."
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