tv News Al Jazeera January 9, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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>> this is where the typhoon came ashore. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. >> al jazeera, nairobi. >> on the turkey-syria border. >> venezuela. >> beijing. >> kabul. >> hong kong. >> ukraine. >> the artic. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america. this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. paris attack. four more victims killed, the standoffs that left three suspects dead and another on the run. unfair treatment the dean who said she should not be forced to undergo lifesaving chemotherapy. the state college who disagrees. president obama wants to
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make community college free for students. how much it will cost taxpayers. and one man answer's trash. the pay and perks of a new york sanitation worker. why it's so lard to become one. in time we will learn much more about the attacks that unfolded in france. but for now the violence that engulfed that country and shocked the world appear to be over. the end came in a hail of gun fire. two separate standoffs leaving three people dead. the first at a french satirical newspaper and the second at a kosher grocery store. and the brother in the newspaper attack claimed to have ties to yemen, al qaeda.
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made by chiive kouachi. cherif kouachi. paul beban has the story. paul. >> he said they were backed by anwar alaki we translated this conversation, let's take a listen. >> we are telling you we were the prophet's yes yes. okay do you plan to kill again in the name of allah? >> kill who did we kill civilians in the two days that you looked for us? >> you killed journalists. >> but did we kill civilians in the two days you looked for us? >> did you kill this morning? >> we are not the prophet we
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kill no one we kill people who insult them, we don't kill women. you are the ones who kill women in syria iraq and afghanistan. this is not us. we have an honor code in islam. >> you sought revenge here, you killed 12 people. >> yes but we sought revenge. you just said it, we sought revenge. >> someone claiming to be a member of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula said that organization did direct the attack on "charlie hebdo," john. >> thank you paul. stationed in iraq and afghanistan. police cornered the brothers accused in the "charlie hebdo" shooting in a warehouse 22 miles northeast of paris. i'm sorry we -- a little confusion there. let's go to brad taylor now. brad are you there? >> yeah, i am.
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>> thank you sorry to skip over you there. let's just talk about al qaeda in yemen just a little bit. and give me your impression of the possible connection between those suspects. >> i think it's pretty solid connection. we know for a fact that one of them traveled to yemen. and you can take -- i know the islamic state has claimed credit now aqap has claimed credit, but you've got to take the terrorists at their word. that's what they basically said. and the other good indicator these guys were radicalized long before the islamic state came up. to work for al qaeda in iraq. so i think it's pretty solid they have good connections to yemen. interdo you see al qaeda in the arabian peninsula working with i.s.i.s. or just trying to make a statement saying they are the lead organization here or what? >> i do. i actually think that while, at the tactical level the proarts
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are actuallybrothersare actually attacking something they believe wholeheartedly, throw gauntlet down for the islamic state right now in the jihadi world the islamic state is the 800 pound gorilla. it is going to flow the gauntlet down for islamic state. >> what is your due about al qaeda in yemen? >> right now yemen is in massive turmoil. the houthis are taking over the shiite rebellion going on and the shiite republican i don't know that is taking over is kind of welcome with the people, believe it or not. we have a problem with the shiite rebellion because they're backed by iran. it is one of the conundrums that are sort of like syria.
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in the short term. in the long term carrying yemen's woes is a pretty big ball of 2009 to twine to unraffle. >> how do you go after it? >> well, you call it working by, with and through. you work with the yemeni forces which we have. all these things spring up from a well spring of some grievance which is why the houthis took over the government. the bad lands ungoferred lands the best way to get rid of them, some will go away with a l barrel of a gun but a lot of them will go away with props governance which is hard to get in some of these areas. >> russia worried about copy cats? >> definitely. what worries me i was wondering about this two months ago
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wondering when al qaeda was doing something, islamic state was getting all the press now the ball's in the islamic state's court. >> they're going to try to outdo each other do you think? >> yes. this actually lapse. trying to get recruits and you watch the tv and go why do you need to kill that much? they are trying to outdo each other. these happen to be the punching bags between these two and now the west is the punking bags between you. >> you don't think that the al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and i.s.i.l. are on the same side you don't think so. >> while the brothers were funded by aqap, they wouldn't have been insulted if you called them islamic state. they definitely have their own 5 domes, but jabad al nusra, al
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qaeda picked jabood al nusra. the corison group it hasn't happened yet but it wouldn't surprise me if it did. >> give us a sense of what this search is going to look like. >> i think it's going to be plain old police work on her part she's not going to get on the phone and say i'm going to martyr myself. she is a facilitator. she is scared, she probably helped him smug around but she is not trained to fight and i don't see her going down in some blaze of glory. i think they'll find her with good solid police work and she'll end up getting arrested. >> brad, thanks for being on tonight, appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> here is how it went down. police countered the brothers in a warehouse.
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the shootings turned deadly. lawrence lee reports. >> when attempted it was quick much earlier than many had expected. flashes, the sound of automatic gun fire and then silence. in all the end to the standoff lasted no more than 15 or 20 seconds but it had left dead the brothers the authorities had accused of the "charlie hebdo" massacre. the standoff lasted the whole day. touring rush hour in the morning we had seen lines of police vans tearing up the roadway to the small town of dammartin en goele. rumors emerged later disproves that the gunman had shot someone dead during a police chase but what was clear was that the suspects in the "charlie hebdo" massacre were holed up inside an
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industrial complex along with a hostage. we drove through dammartin with the police past shuttered homes and businesses. just the occasion person outside in a community under lock down. lines of buses could be seen, waiting to take children away, from an evacuated school. had the gunman taken children hostage it would have been an absolute nightmare of the authorities one they had to avoid at any cost. >> translator: i hope the children are not shocked or anything else because we're really anxious as parents. >> translator: there were a lot of police and they told me i needed to go home immediately and i needed to stay indoors. >> reporter: day turned to dusk. it was assumed the building might be stormed in the darkness but the gunmen had nowhere left to run. special forces could be seen on the roof. this was the end game. the kouachi brothers managed to
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evade the police for two days. it took hundreds to corner them here before they could make an ideal solution. in an ideal world this the police would have wanted to take them alive rather than dead but the police will probably expect this as pretty good of an ending as they would have wanted. helicopters circled and landed but no casualties other than the dead gunmen. as the police left you could hear cheering. it wasn't from them, it was from the people of the town. lawrence lee, al jazeera dammartin. >> the second police standoff took place in eastern paris. four hostages were killed at a jewish supermarket. the french president calls it an horrific act of antisemitism. rory challenge has the story.
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>> ending the siege in the kosher supermarket in vincennes. police started to storm the shop. inside a single gunman, thought to be amedy coulibaly. he was also suspected of killing a policewoman early friday. police investigation against chairve and saidcherif and said kouachi. they only had a small window of opportunities to respond here at this supermarket. and that's exactly what happens. is herehere you see an explosion as police try break in. they fire through door as they try to enter. two police officers injured and a hostage taker killed during
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the shootout. al jazeera believes four were killed in the operation. rory challenge, al jazeera. >> on capitol hill today the house passed a version of the bill to approve the keystone pipeline. libby casey explains. >> reporter: long standing decision making process already underway, goes against the president's authority. one of the hurdles though to that approval process was cleared with the nebraska court decision and some house members say the white house should no longer delay. >> report the title of the bill. >> hr 3 a bill to approve the keystone pipeline. >> the fight and outcome a familiar one. >> mr. speaker, it's time to start building the keystone
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pipeline. >> approvalling won't lower gas prices for americans. in some areas it may even raise prices. this pipeline is a terrible deal for the united states. we get all the risk while the oil companies will reap all the rewards. >> it is the 10th time that the republican-led house has voted to approve the keystone pipeline but let the senate advance the keystone bill yesterday. with six democrats already on board republicans expect to win. >> no more excuses. it is time that we pass it. >> all this l disputed a guaranteed veto by president obama. the white house says the approval process should play out and not be fast-tracked by congress. and that process took a leap forward friday hours before the house vote. cleared the way for the pipeline's route rejecting the
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claims of land owners objecting to the process. >> news came out this morning that yet another obstacle after six years been taken care of. problem solved. >> obama administration officials say the review could still take months and the president plans to wait for that to make a final decision. more than 2 dozen democrats joined with republicans to pass it in the house john. looking for ways to overcome a presidential veto. it takes two-thirds in each chamber, that's a big reach. it's not stopping the measure from passing john. >> obama's plan for community colleges to be free for all americans is set to be one of his major state of the union
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initiatives. mike viqueria has more. >> no tuition for a two year community colleges. a program the president announced he wants to extend nationwide. >> i'm announcing an ambition plan to bring down the cost of community college tuition in america. i want to bring it down to zero. [cheering and applause] >> the white house estimation some 9 million students could benefit and save an average of $3800 a year. another problem: some cost of $60 billion a year for ten years, rebels that control the house and senate have balked at that price tag. the proposal comes as college costs continue to skyrocket now an average of $9,000 of tuition if you are in a state public university. mr. obama was on the last day of a three day swing touting the economy and taking credit for lots of the improvement you have
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seen over the last ten days. >> by the way you are saving about a buck ten over this time last year to a gallon of gas. >> leading up to the state of the union espionage on tuesday january 20th. back to you. >> mike, thank you. 50 years ago the world watched as civil rights activists were beaten trying to cross a bridge in selma alabama. it would be known as bloody sunday. tonight a movie about that infamous time premiers, it's called selma i asked about its importance. >> the significance of this film is, for me, that in two hours they kind of captured a 50-year struggle for human rights and
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equal rights. and they got all of the major ingredients and most of the major participants and they told the story how for once, everything in america came together. of the students, and the preachers lyndon johnson and george wallace got together on the national guard the federal judges did their part, the justice department and community relations service were all out there. and it just says to me that if everybody's willing democracy and free enterprise can work without violence. now, we did have a few deaths. but those deaths were a small price to pay and we can remember the names of just about all of those who gave their lives. that's not true with violence.
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when violence breaks out everybody suffers and very little good comes of it. >> ambassador, as you know historians have said this movie doesn't portray this relationship between dr. king and president johnson correctly. >> you got one big issue i got 101. >> what have you got to say about that? >> they had one scene where there was a slight confrontation that i think never took place. and i was in the meeting where johnson disagreed that he -- and said to us, and the president was saying, look, i have a full agenda. i just passed civil rights bill just six months ago. i can't go back to the congress now with voting rights. i know we need voting rights. and i intend to get to it. butting i just don't have the power to go back right now.
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what we're talking about is a moral process with martin luther king. and a political and legislative process with lyndon johnson. they were in agreement. but those processes and their priorities had to be different. >> ambassador young, with the protests in ferguson and in new york over the eric garner case, to what extent do you think this film is relevant to those issues? >> i think the problem in ferguson is an economic problem. it's high unemployment, and it's police who are underemployed and undertrained. and one of the things that i did as mayor was professionalize and integrate our police force. so that we had half and half black and white and 38% of them
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were female. and we found that women put more emphasis on crime prevention. are and we upgraded our police force in the eight years i was mayor, i increased their salaries by 75%. because we wanted a highly trained, professional police force. many cities take high school kids and give them a stick and a gun and a uniform and a badge and six weeks of training and turn them loose. that's not adequate for a complex society such as ours. >> you knew dr. king. you were very close to him. you were with him when i was killed. no one knows what he would think of this film but what do you think he might think of this film? >> i think he'd be proud of david oelawa. >> weres give us the vote. we're not asking, we're
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demanding, give us the vote! >> and especially the woman who plays his wife, coretta. he would be glad the story is being told. because unfortunately we have not -- this is 50 years. it's taken us 50 years to tell that story. we should have been telling it in different ways every five years. because the message of dr. king's life is that the world can change without violence. and we've got to convince people at home and abroad that violence is not the answer. >> ambassador andrew young is one of the people who made a difference in this country. and it's a pleasure to have you on the program ambassador, thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up this hour, chemotherapy controversy. why a teen aged girl is being forced to undergo the cancer treatment even though she doesn't want it. plus what caused this deadly accident involving 193 vehicles.
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vehicles. [[vo]] and an exciting future that's closer than you think. >>go from being an air traveller to being a space traveller. >>you see it as the future. >>i see it as inevitable. [[vo]] every monday, join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time.
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>> amassive 193 car pileup shut down a highway in michigan today. officials say bad weather was likely to be the cause of the accident. you can see the snow there. meteorologist rebecca stevenson has been following the storm and the weather for us. what kind of weather was happening at that time? >> lake effect snow, ultimately that's what caused a lot of the visibility issues with this. we got the big band of snow moving into the northeast too from pennsylvania, new york and boston when the lake effect band started by kalamazoo we had snow totals eight to nine
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inches in the area. those wind gusts were 20 to 30 miles per hour at times. temperatures were near their high at 99 9:00 in the morning. >> it went on for quite some time? >> it did still going on, lighter areas of snow, eastern banks of lake michigan. now much of our snow is going to be pushing through tomorrow, to lake erie. up to eight inches of snow. >> the northeast has really gotten hammered this time hant hasn't it? >> down to 20° in south texas. >> you said it will ease up on sunday. right? >> i will stick by that but we have to get through saturday. >> have a great weekend. >> you too. >> coming up the man hunt is on
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>> this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. coming up. the attacks in paris. plus comedian harry shearer stands up for the rights of satire. >> and a 17-year-old has chemotherapy even though she doesn't want it. as police in france search for another suspect linked to a series of shootings in that country.
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for now the violence and fear that shocked that country appears to be other. in time we'll learn much more about the attacks that unfolded this week. two separate standoffs leaving three suspects dead. at a satirical newspaper the second at a kosher supermarket. and the brother in the newspaper attack claimed they had ties to yemen al qaeda. for three days people in france have been terrified and dreading what might happen next and paul beban is here with more on that story. paul. >> wednesday 11:30 a.m. local time two gunmen stormed the office of "charlie hebdo" in central paris. they gunned down 12 people, ten
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cartoonists and two police officers. at night fall, french authorities identify two brothers as the prime suspects. said and cherif kouachi. sometime before mid night an alleged accomplice.turns him self in. later on the next day a gas station attendant said he was robbed by the kouachi brothers. the next morning early friday, the gunmen hijack another vehicle and get into a shootout with police. the brothers hold up in a printing factory hundreds of police and soldiers converge on the property. reports that an armed man has
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taken hostages in a jewish grocery store. amedy coulibaly and hayet bowrmd. boumddiene. if standoff there ends up with police storming in with automatic weapons and grenades. loud bangs are heard and pictures show hostages being led identity by police. the hostage taker is killed. inside the market, four hostages found dead. the violent conclusion to three dramatic days that terrorized and terrified the nation.
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one of the brothers clerve kouachi talked to a journalist and claimed they were connected to al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. >> for work in films "this is spinal tap" i asked him about what happened in pairs. >> one says that one is echoing the remarks of world leaders who had various nuanced schal i dmg perhaps i'm being sincere about its but it is a -- it is a moment where i think we have to stop and say you know, people who commit barbaric acts of whatever kind we don't need to pay attention to the slowing ans slogans they utter any moratorium, whether they are intoning religious excuses or the war on
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terror. barbaric acts of savagery are barbaric acts of savagery and they just need to be identified as such. >> when you were asked satire is what makes you cynical satire keeps me hopeful and i've been naturally optimistic. after watching what happened today, do you still feel that way? >> you have to. otherwise you stay in bed pull the covers up and order an intravenous drip. it is the guys on the other side who are the sinnics who think they can be manipulated endlessly by fear. what happened today is a clear warning that there are certain people who think they -- i don't know had a they think you oknow? trying to read the minds of these people i think is silly. they committed this kind of act we know what kind of people they are, enough said. ah satire deserves defense.
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the problem is, very often the only people that are around to defend us are the very people we have been mocking the people in law enforcement and military. that's the irony of the situation, we often end up being supported by the people we mock. >> now we seed comedians satirists, journalists killed again. should journalists be afraid knew? >> no, i think this is the time to stand up and be brave. i think when you see journalists reprinting the cover of the last issue of "charlie hebdo" and blurring it, that sends an interesting message. we're with you guys all the way up tort to the thing that got you trouble and then we step back. it is a moment that calls -- you know it's interesting to compare the obama administration's statement a couple of years ago
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the last time that "charlie hebdo" published a cartoon that got them in trouble a very nuanced kind of gee we defend the right or we question the judgment or the judgment can be questioned with the unmitigated staunchness of the defense of the silly little film that sony put out which was not even being attacked by north korea boy they were really staunch about that but it took this to make this administration say strong words about freedom of speech and defending it in the case of a satirical magazine. >> a lot of people in france are hurting tonight a lot of people from around the world are staning in unity. as you looked at those banners today that said i am charlie je suis charlie what is it about the attack that hit so many people?
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>> the editor, the late editor of the magazine once said, drawings never killed people. the irony of that remark tonight is in sharp relief. and i think it united unites everybody. if this is going to be justification for these kind of heinous acts, we have two actions, stop using cartoons and stay mum or stand up and be countered and speak out. >> is there a point where being intentionally provocative crosses the line? >> you know that's an interesting question. satire by its very nature is supposed to be entertainingly transgressive about the most serious subjects of our life. hypocrisy, duplicity war tall big stuff. and transgressive is an interest be concept because our pop
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culture tends to pick the low-hanging fruits of transgression and use it for commercial purposes. see madonna for examples. but she's not saying anything about religion or sex or anything else when she puts on these transgressive swatches. she is only saying something about her i.e., watch me. but satire has to keep pushing outward because it's on our tail. >> the symptoms you have spearheaded for years showed support for south park when an image of muhammed was censored on that show. so do you believe the care can a churscaricatures of these are
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appropriate. >> a publication as august as the washington post said today that depiction of the prophet muhammed is forbidden by the religion of islam. there are suggestions otherwise that there are no text in the koran that, direct that, but against depictions of most humans and some animals. so i think the publisher of cat fancyish magazine may be in some concern tonight. but all the publications are fair game. >> it strikes me the position of
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satirists may have been changed we like what you do, you entertain us but your art seems to have been raised a level today. its importance seems to have been raised a level. can you talk about the importance of freedom of speech? >> well, yeah, and i think that phrase was sort of misused in the whole controversy about the sony film reenlts. a movie studio -- recently. a ploif studio that's a subsidiary of a hardware store people never raised the issue of freedom of speech with them until they got hacked. a satirical magazine is on the front lines of freedom of speech every single day. and you know, the -- the speech that you have to defend is the unpopular speech.
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you know, nobody's going to put you in jail or threaten you in any way for saying i support the troops and thank them for their service. it's the transgressional speech, not just the rejurnlg regurgitation of cliches. >> are you concerned about the backlash of muslim countries around the world? >> i've been concerned about that since 9/11. it's a continuing danger. muslims i know are appalled by the groups like i.s. and guys i haven't talked to but i'm sure they would be appalled by these savages, every bit as much as i'm sure most christians were appalled by the fundamentalists who went out and killed ah abortion doctors.
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>> harry shearer thank you for sharing your thoughts. >> thank you john. >> here in the united states a rallying cry for a spy program has had its critics. patty culhane reports. >> u.s. president barack obama was supposed to be talking about education but as the situation in france ended he sent this message. >> we're hopeful that the immediate threat is now resolved. thanks to the courage and professionalism of the french people on the ground. but the french government continues to face the threat of terrorism and it has to remain vigilant. the situation isings grave. >> it is clear this was not just a terrorist attack. >> this is a movement that has declared war on canada specifically and has shown it's developed the capacities to execute attacks on this soil. and that's why we will continue to do what is necessary to
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eliminate that particular threat. >> on thursday the canadian prime minister said it is proof they need to continue the fight against i.s.i.l. and in the united states, some senators say it is an example of why they need the massive spying programs conducted busy the national security agency. >> the only way you can to be these attacks martha, we are reducing the military spending at a time we need them the most. >> other agencies are facing the call. ray m work. >> the idea to prevent terrorist aks, it is worthless, how many terrorist attacks have you prevented are with this surveillance? i said, 54. then they had him back and he said oh, what?
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>> at the time u.s. house of representatives, a memo of silence to honor the fallen in france. as world leaders shape this not just an attack on the magazine or on the french but part of a wider war against extremists. patty culhane, al jazeera. >> after tuesday's attack on "charlie hebdo" in paris, saudi arabia denounces this cowardly terrorist attack which islam as well as other religions reject. but a saudi court has sentenced this man for a square in front
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of this mosque in jedda and flogged him. the eyewitness said in this, he was silent but you could tell it made hik him fest shamed. posting articles criticizing the country's religious police. the statement condemned the punishment and call for saudi arabia to cancel and review his sentence. amnesty international who posted this video of his son. they say something more needs to be done. >> the killings and brutality that happened in france this weej and also there are people whroarswho are muslim minorities,
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who are being cracked down on, by descrawb. >> hail arabi sentenced him to death for insultings the prophet. because of four posts on facebook how can they giver assume extension e-sentence, why, because he was you know inspiration some facebook foas about prophet mohamed. roxana saberi, maria alyokhina. >> justice department wants the retire four star general petraeus rye signed as resigned as
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in 2012 his affair with. >> state officials administering treatment. cassandra and her family decided against treatment when the teen was diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma. she wrote an op ed in the newspaper today. this is a continuous nightmare. i want to make my own medical decisions, anyone in my mill situation should already have. this is my liefs misbody not the states. in our studio, lauren welcome.
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>> thank you for having me john. >> should cassandra be able to make her own choice at 17? >> it's a tough question. not just because she's at 17. there's a lot of different factors at play. one important factor is she's 17 and as teenagers get older it's important to empower them to make more and more medical decisions. so when they turn 18, they have been a participant in thrur their own medical care. an adult jehovah's witness says, i don't want blood product. you have a conversation with them. saying you don't understand, if you don't get this medical treatment you could die. sometimes they say i don't want blood iefnl if it kills me and
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i.t. considerthat even the before of receiving blood would be so my, the burden to them is incredibly high. to them it is internal dam nation something we alreadied billion however a teenager who is a jehovah's witness can't necessarily make that decision nor a parent can't direct their child to get blood. >> can't a parent intervene in a case like this? sometimes it is not clear. siems a physician says we can do this surgery and outcome can't be that great or we can keep them comfortable. that's a terrible situation but both are good option ofs. treatment has an 85% success rate especially when coming to
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cantor. she may make a bad decision in a time in the future. a exi person has a right to refuse medical decisions but somebody who is an adult somebody who is in cassandra's case who is 18, 25, 50, might not be deemed to have competence to make their medical decisions and even then, one of the ways that is evaluated is talking to them the most important thing saying what are your values, it's important to you. >> you have patients? >> i'm not a medical doctor but i do participation do participate
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>> the u.s. economy showed some sign of improvement today. the labor department said an additional 252,000 jobs were added in december. that makes last year the most productive for job growth since 1999. unemployment hit its lowest point in 2008, although economists say this is due in part to more people dropping out of the labor market. and average hourly wages fell by 5 cents. employment numbers may be improving but government jobs are hard to come by. if you want to get a job of
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picking up garbage for the city of new york, odds are higher of getting into harvard. >> it is not easy to get a job. getting a job this day and age is scarce. not easy in in new york city. >> in fact, this is one of the hardest jobs. the department only hires about 500 new workers per year. that translates to an acceptance of just .54%, a little over half a percent. harvard university's acceptance rate is 5.8%. in other words it is harder to become a sanitation worker in new york city than it is to get into harvard. >> when i heard there was 96,000 applicants for this job it made sense and it also made me think how hard it is to get a job right now. >> reporter: one reason that being a sanitation worker is so enticing 98 be the pay.
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the starting salary is low about $34,000 but when you factor in overtime it averages about $47,000 in the first year and 5 and a half years the salary jumps to an average of $89,000. and since sanitation workers also operate the snow plows there is ample opportunity for overtime pay. >> when we have a big snowfall we move into 12 hour shifts so they earn a lot of overtime. last winter was extraordinarily harsh and people who may have made $75,000 a year, were averaging around $95,000. >> double time pay for sundays. 25 vacation days after six years of service and an unlimited number of sick days. in fact, sanitation department workers used an average of 14.4 sick days in 2014.
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and that's more than police officers who also have unlimited sick days but who only used an average of 7.7 days of sick leave last year. >> like any strong union they do have very good benefits. they're very good pension benefits is, they have a very good health care plan. that is also true across most other city employees. >> not easy, unexpected, you don't know what you are walking into. you could have anything in this garbage. needles knives acid. >> sanitation worker joe lerman considering himself one of the luckiest jobs in new york. >> it's like hitting the lottery, i keep telling my friends, take the test take the test take the test. it's a great job. >> mary snows, al jazeera.
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>> three years ago al jazeera began investigating the conviction of abdelbaset al megrahi, the only man found guilty of the bombing of pan am flight 103 over lockerbie in scotland. in the run up to last december's twenty-fifth anniversary of the bombing, we repeated two films that cast grave doubts on megrahi's conviction. now, we can reveal the results of our third, most disturbing investigation.
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