tv News Al Jazeera January 10, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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>> in this sashlingsz from new york city. i am richelle carey. here are today's top stories. from around the world, an outpouring of support from this week's victims attacks in paris. people are searching for the widow of a slain suspect. a link between al-qaeda and the arabian peninsula and one of the paris suspects. also a pulitzer-prize winning cartoonist about his fight for free speech rights.
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aver days of deadly police stand-offs, people are asking how this could happen. police are searching for hayat boumediene. now there is evidence she may not have even been in the country at the time. her common law husband has been linked to the two brothers suspected of attacking the officers of "charlie hebdo." they were killed by french police yesterday. dignitaries from around the world are planning to attend a unity rally in paris tomorrow. >> that's expected today gather a million demonstrator. rory challands on the investigation heyat boumediene re a photo released two years old. she is the most wanted woman in europe. the french media reports suggest she might be in syria. she is wanted in connection of a
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policemen woman and is the 26-year-old girlfriend of amedy couli seebaly cow. coulibaly. french prosecutors have connected the couple with the kouachi brothers killed on friday and the prime suspects in the gun attack on satirical magazine charlie hebdo. more than a decadiago and a number of like minding men would be among the joggers here, it trained and financed fighters for iraq. police thought they dismantled the group in 2.005. it is uncomfortable to say the least for french execute services. >> it's difficult to tell the
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people: we cannot -- we cannot guarantee 100% security. you've got to accept the minimum risk. our task is to reduce the risk. >> as france comes to terms with the event did of the last few days, the country is on the highest possible state of alert. the government says its drafted in hundreds of extra troops to patrol the capitol streets. >> translator: in the current environment, we are facing risks. it is therefore important that the plan that has increased security in the pairings region is applied to the rest of the country and could be strengthened in the next few weeks. >> since the boots shermon network trained here in the early 2000s, many have gone on to meet violent deaths. the kouachi brothers coulibaly,
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others have blown themselves up. the police will have to answer tough questions. are there any that remain that might pose a threat? how did they manage to let them slip through their fingers. and, of course are there any other groups planning similar attacks? rory challands, al jazeera, paris. >> earlier we spoke with steven earling for the "new york times." he has been leading their coverage of the paris attacks. he tellses us before the charlie hebdo attacks, they were a low priority prior to on the french and u.s. watch list? >> there are a number of questions. one is why the magazine "charlie hebdo," which was clearly a target for al-qaeda and other radical islamists wasn't better protected, which is a different question. it is a very important one, because they knew that "charlie hebdo" and his editor were on the targeting list. the second question is with the rise of isis the islaming state
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and the war against bashar al assad in syria there have been increasing numbers of europeans and french who have been traveling to turkey to fight with the islamnists iraq with syria. and there are probably between 1,000 and 2,000 of those and probably 200 or more have come home. and those are the people that the french counter intelligence people were concentrating on. these brothers that the kouachi brothers, had kept their heads down for three years. they were not among the isis fighters. >> steven er lange l. intelligence officials say they fought with al-qaedaed in their country. officials in sanaa say he trained at a camp in the southern part of the country until he was deported in 2011. omar osala has more.
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>> reporter: this attack took place in paris, but it appears it could have originated thousands of miles away. al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula, which is based in yemen, said in a statement that it directed the attack. a few hours after that statement, the aqap which is considered by the u.s. as most active branches of al-qaeda in the world became what they call the battle of paris. >> some of the french people were inpolite and some of god's warriors rose-up. the people of france, it's better if you stop your aggression on muslims so you live in peace. if you reject and choose war, you will never enjoy peace and security. >> the clearest education came from one of the kouachi brothers speaking to a french media out outlet outlet. >> we are the descendants of the prophet. i went to yemen and add wada for
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instanced me. >> u.s. born cleric who was killed by a u.s. drone attack in september, 2011, north of yemen. he was described by western security agencies as the main influencer recruiter and propagandist for the group. he and his group called for individual attacks in the west by european and u.s. muslims. aqap claimed it was behind a number of attacks. in november 2009, a muslim-u.s. army officer shot and killed 13 of his colleagues at fort hood texas. he had contacts with the group. in december, the same year omar far youk a nigerian failed to detonate his plastic explosives hidden in his underwear. he was on an american airline flight bound for detroit on christmas day. he lived in yemen and the aqap claimed it was behind the attack. some experts suggest that the group is capable of carrying out
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attacks on a global scale. >> the blessings of al-qaeda in yemen, it is behind it. the evidence is that cherif kouachi was in yemen and inflewsed by the ideas. the cooperation between the government and america, u.s. drone attacks helped the group and support within the tribes and the last three years have been the most active for them. >> reporter: al-qaeda's attacks in gemyemen are increasing. the groups to be involved in multiple battle fronts and launched attacks on houthi fighters in recent weeks. they swept through the capitol and chrome nine provinces. they say they want to end this threat of al-qaeda and corruption. critics say the houthis are using al-qaeda as a pretext to seize power but al-qaeda in yemen remains dangerous and lethal. >> al-qaeda in the arabian
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peninsula has always called for attacks against the west. the group says it managed to set the base for a long battle against the u.s. and europe. it's clear intelligence areas of the yemeni intelligence and their european counterparts. but yemen could be excused because the country is steps away from being a failed state. omar al saleh. sanaa. >> armed soldiers are patrolling the city of paris. it is on guard for future threats. dana lewis has been following this developing story since the initial assault on the "charlie hebdo" officer and he sent us this report. >> reporter: well, the prime minister of france said today, it is unbearable for people here when you think why people were murdered in france this week at the "charlie hebdo" newspaper or in the two hostage-taking, simply because they were being journalists or policemen or jews. so there is a lot of indignation here there is some relief that for the moment the violence has
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ended but with all of the security on the streets, a constant reminder that the threat hasn't gone away. on a business saturday in paris, we watch police r578d shut down a main road leading from bastille square. french citizens heeding calls from the government for extreme. a suspicious package on a bus stop, false alarm. only the first of many today. paris on edge? >> an under statement of. we just came five minutes down the same road and here the police are checking out another suspicious package. people are extremely nervous. a lot of people want the government to rething how it protects france. >> maybe we will have to be like more vigilant about all of that and it may be like the borders of europe will be like stronger. >> they just need to focus more on these people and it may be
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yeah focus more on them and do what's need to be done. >> more security forces are being deployed in fax, and the government has promised to review why french intelligence fatally blinked, taking eyes off men who were known to have extremist views and linx. interior minister bernard carneillet there seems little down. christian mccurrian calls the attacks sophisticated, striking specific symbols of french democracy in a wake-up call for all of europe. >> the french example should be heard from london or from berlin or any other european capitol as a very serious warning because these terrorists of a new kind
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are able to destabilize very old states and very old democracies because they have penetrated them. not from outside. they strike. they strike from inside. >> the "charlie hebdo" newspaper where 12 were gunned down wednesday lives on. now, working out of liberation newspaper and under tighter security today, .1 of the few surviving cartoonists, reynold lusier who was working on a special edition for next week spoke of his smokes. >> we are trying to take care of ours, he said and continue our work. he stated from this emotional outpouring, i am sure you would understand if something like this happened to you. but we are holding on. >> reporter: the march tomorrow is expected to be massive in commemoration of those who died in the violence hear this week. after a million people, two dozen world leaders including the prime minister of britain, david cameron.
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germany's angela americamerkel primary minister netanyahu from israel the king of jordan to name a few. the march will be historic. at the same time there are many fears that it represents a target to extremists and that security risks are very real. >> dana lewis reporting there. france's muslim population is feeling the fallout of this event if powerful ways. some worry they will no longer be accepted in their adopted home. >> paris is a multi-cultural city. there are districts like this one which are considered predominantly misslum. france has a 5 million strong population. some say they have failed to integrate into french society. others, however, blame society for discriminating against them. the divide is not now but the killings of "charlie hebdo" magazine has worsened tensions. >> reporter: france is on the edge, and so is its muslim community. many people here were too afraid to talk to us about the killings over recent days but those who did expressed concern that one
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way or another, france's muslims will suffers the consequences. the two broersz suspected of being behind the attack were not just muslims but they claim to have carried out the killings in the name of islam. for many muss lambs, like tellsi tellsik did not represents their religions. his worst fear is the place he calls home will no longer accept him. >> translator: the right-wing is using the attacks to spread more hatred against muslims. why? we are citizens. we represent the laws. we are looked upon as monsters. >> reporter: it is a feeling shared by many other muslims who believe the fallout from the attacks will deepern the social comic and cultural rift that has long existed here and some worry tougher measures will be imposed. >> things will change. the lauds are going to change. it won't be to the ad vantage of arabs and our rights. they won't make it easy for
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muslims to stay here. two attackers lived in this district. some told us the alienation felt by some creates a fertile ground for radicalization. >> their many mistakes in french society. a french national who's origin is elsewhere should feel french but they don't. they don't get job opportunities. they are discriminated. french society should deal with this so people don't feel different different. >> reporter: authorities have been calling for unity and tolerance. following the kill killings many here feel the risk will become even wider, zeina hodr paris . wros cross the world gatherings of support to appropriate test racism. the protests came in response to anti-is anti-islamic sdmonstrations held in the city every week for the past several months. >> says you can see, 35,000 people who attended this made clear that they love this city
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and that they are proud of this city and that this is a tolerant and kozcosmopolitan city. i am gratefully for presenting this image. >> the counter protest drew about 35,000 people, twice the crowd of the weekly anti-islamic event. another gathering today, the city of hebron on the west bank dozens of palestinians came out in solidarity with the people of france. demonstrators called the pairings attack an assault on free speech and pledged their support in the wake of the violence. in johannesburg saturday a sentiment, several stood side-by-side with south francs. they sang the french national anthem and observed silence for the paris victims. we have much more on the paris attack. later tonight, we will take a deeper look at the rise of home grown and so-called lone wolf terrorism and difficulties in combatting such threats at 8:00 p.m. eastern, 5:00 p.m. the al-qaeda on the al-nusra
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front, in the coastal city of tripoli today. seven people were killed and dozens hurt. a curfew has been imposed. lebanese and military police are investigating. many claim the civil war in syria. coming up on "al jazeera america," the guantanamo detention center has been operating for 13 years and despite a promise from the president, there are no signs of it closing anytime soon. plus: >> it's very depressing but as time went by and i started going back to school i just got a job told. >> hope for thousands of homeless american families trying to get back on their
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the tail section. missing is the black box officials hope will offer details on what caused the crash in december all 162 people on board were killed when the plane went do you not nearly two weeks ago. crash investigations have two more weeks to find the black box before the battery-powered signal dies. in iraq the government is preparing to take on isil in iraq's second biggest city of mosul. it's expected to be a long fight. they are trying to get support from the country including from peshmerga fighters. more from northern iraq. >> reporter: the front lands of northern iraq's kurdistan region, the defense minister is visiting kurdish positions. the peshmerga have been making modest gangs in recent months. this visit, however, has less to do with their victories and more with a plan to retake mosul, iraq's second biggest city. >> the fighting will begin soon.
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some inside and outside helping each other to rise up against the foreigners and their helpers. we will clean our land of this evil isil scourge. >> reporter: the fight will be a long and tedious one. these men are seeking help from every corner in iraq. >> the iraqi vice president and minister for defense came to get the peshmerga kurdish forces support in the campaign to retake mosul from isil fighters. rasad is promising the peshmerga more military support. in need of even more urgent support are the sunni militia men from mosul. they have been in this camp by the city for months to train to fight isil. men are volunteers and former policemen. they say they have not been paid salaries for seven months. a few rifles is all they have as weapons. sunni leaders have long complained the shia-led group
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does not trust them enough and is not supporting them. they say they are changing bad dag. >> the government has adopted a non-partisan and national approach. the prime minister is committed today supporting all groups equally. we hope this positive attitude will continue and be widened. >> reporter: promising words but clearly not enough for some. idil majafi is the governor of mosul and governor of the vice president. >> we have now promises more than action. but still, we hope that we will get the help and we need to keep the good relationship with the government. >> iraqi kurdish authorities have often i hope sifted they can only play a support role in the battle for mosul. the peshmerga say they are spread thin on the ground. however, mosul is just 90 kilometers away from erbil.
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the fear of a strong isil command base that is close to the original capitol could drive more peshmerga fighters into the battle to retake control of mosul. mohammed abdul in northern iraq. bryan's prime minter david cameron flies to washington et cetera expected to ask for the release of the last british resident held at guantanamo bay. there is a schedule visit in february. he will ask for the saudi citizen be released after 13 years with no trial and no charges. british resident was one of the first detainees brought to that prison in cuba. tomorrow is the anniversary of the arrival of the first inmate 13 years ago sunday. president obama has yet to fulfill his promise to shut down that facility. more from rosalind jordan in washington. >> reporter: the problem is finding a safe place where these men and their families can live. officials here at the state department and at the pentagon are actively negotiating with officials in their home
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countries as well as in third-party countries because in some cases, notably yemen, the u.s. government's position is that it is just too dangerous for these men who are from yemen to be resettled in their homeland. >> said the officials say they are very much committed to carrying out this process. now, the bigger question: president barack obama came into office back in 2009, and on his second day in office said that he wanted the military prison closed. it's still open. why is that? well, even though the bush administration created this prison camp without any congressional input, president obama's position is that he needs congress's blessing in order to close it and, in fact congress has already stepped in to prevent him from closing the facility unilaterally. they will not provide any money to conduct the military commissions on u.s. soil. they have also put in a ban
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refusing the obama administration the right to the transfer the detainees to any federal prisons on u.s. soil. even so it is still highly likely that barak obama will take whatever steps he deems necessary to try to close the prison before he leaves office because he considers it a major human rights violation as well as a stain on the country's reputation. now, on that point, radicalization: has guantguantanamo been a symbol for people who are opposed to u.s. policies particularly in the middle east? there is no doubt, it is a symbol and it has radicalized some people who say that the u.s. does not stand for justice, does not treat people of the muslim faith failure and simply does not -- faith fairly and does not care about human rights. there are ongoing questions about the legality on the grounds of which the detainees have been held. many of them have never had a chance to challenge their detention before a military judge. >> has been a sore point with
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many people particularly in the middle east. now, if the prison were to be closed tomorrow would that change the u.s.s. standing internationally? it could probably help. we are talking about 13 years in which the rule of law seemingly was not being followed at guantguantanamo. >> rosalind jordan earlier, i discussed shake amir's situation. he believes amir has been targeted for being so outspoken? >> we heard about how congress has tried to raise obstacles to make it difficult for president obama to release prisoners. it must be said congress has been dubious about muslim countries. the united kingdom, as america's, you know, strongest ally is not a dubious place to send a man back to under any circumstances. so there has to be some other reason. the reasonable i think, is shakir armir who he has been in
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captivity. this is a man who is very eloquent, strong minded and intelligent and will not stand for injustice. from the beginning, he fought for the rights of the prisoners to be treated humanely to be put on trial or held as prisoners under the geneva convention. he understood absolutely how lawless this place was. as a result, you know, he is very out spoken. i think it's also fair to say that he has been abused himself, and he may well have been told stories about other people who have been abused or even tortured. >> andy worthington there. george zimmerman who was acquitted for killing tray von more tore. he was arrested in florida and charged with aggravated assault after he allegedly threw a wine bottle at his girlfriend. he was released after posting a 5,000 dollar bond. he was ordered to surrender any weapons he owns. he is due back in court on february 17th. coming up on "al jazeera america," we will hear more from the community in paris after
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well back to "al jazeera america." french police are searching for a whom they believe is linked to thursday's killing of a police officer but there is a question if she was even in the country at the time. meanwhile, paris prepares to hold a unity rally that expects world leaders and hurricanes of thousands of demonstrators. one of the suspects in the paris attack once fought with al-qaeda. a government official says he received training at an al-qaeda camp before being deported in 2011. it's beg more than 241 hours since fran was gripped by two hostage situations and four days since the worst terror attack in decades. in paris, more with how the
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community there is reacting. >> reporter: >>. this is not an ordinary weekend in pairings. in mynamed and all over the city the violentents of the last few days are uppermost in everyone's minds. i want to find out how the people i know my neighbors and local shop keepers, have been affected by the attacks in and around the city the. my first visit is to my favorite antique shop. the owner david, is jewicious. he tells me one of his relatives was held hostage at the supermarket. the relative was unhurt but david says he is still in shock. >> translator: we hear they are disadvantaged people. that's the excuse. people who are unemployed and uneducated. they are on the streets and they get indoctrinated. i think the muslims have the responsibility to speak out.
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all muslims need to condemn these acts. >> reporter: just around the corner is a butcher's shop run by immigrants from north africa. they sell good quality meat at cheap prices so the shop is popular with people from all communities. >> i often come here to buy roast chicken. it is run from people originally from morocco who are friendly and we chat together in arabic. today, when i asked if they would talk to me they said we are sorry madam, not in the current circumstances. things are quiet for us right now, and we want to keep them that way. the
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reaction. >> we got to know each other through our mutual interest in cats. she says she no longer feels safe in her city. before going to fight radical islam in mali we should fight radical islam at home. i think that the muslim religion is not entirely compatible with the republic or our society but we are not allowed to say this kind of thing in france anymore. the leaders of france are calling for unity. but the event did. past week exposed cracks under the surface of french society. people seem more aware of their vulnerability, and it will be sometime before the city regains its confidence. jackie roland al jazeera, paris. from the anxiety in paris to more on freedom of speech. joining me from lexington, kentucky, joel pett president of cartoonist right network
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international. we appreciate your time so much. as a cartoonist yourself can you tell us how you reacted to the news about "charlie hebdo"? >> well richelle, the international cartooning community is really close even though it's kind of a solitary endeavor on those occasions when we get together, it's just a camaraderie and a fraternity if you will, that's very very close, and when something like this happens, it's, you know devastating obviously. >> tell us more about cartoonists and political satirists. what your make-up is. >> well, you know, we are people who on good days are, you know, suffering with soul searching and lamenting the human condition. so you can imagine what it's been like this week. i wanted to mention that the work we do with cartoonists rights network is focused on cartoonists who are in trouble around the world, and it happens
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all the time. just not usually in this high-profile of a manner and often, if not almost all the time, it's from their own government. cartoonists are persecuted are challenged with saidition laws and things like that. and sometimes worse. beaten and disappeared. it happens with some regularity. but you don't hear about it. >> that is the case. and we actually don't hear very much about this. but it's clearly very serious. it can be life-threatening in fact. can you tell us about some situations that are on your radar right now? >> well we give an award which is one of the only journalism awards you don't want to get called the courage in cartooning award. last year it went to an indian woman named initialra kanikam. she had drawn cartoons about the -- you may remember there were gang rapes on a bus and some other incidents, and of course, for drawing car tooningz
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about that what she got in return were threats to be raped herself, herself. >> type of thing. there was a story in last sunday "new york times" about the turkish government bringing saidition charges against a cartoonist named musar karte and some others. the chinese take down websites of this brave young band of anti-government cartoonists and said people out to threaten them them. it's what you would expect. you just don't hear about it. >> considering all that is at risk that i think a lot of people don't realize, so many things that political cartoonists are up against, are you all ever plagued with doubt or second-guessing yourself, like a checklist whether you should go through with this? >> i think we are plagued with doubt all the time. we don't have a tradition of a really in-your-face kind of
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attacks that "charlie hebdo" was famous for. as with a lot of these first amendment free speech issues, they are not the types of things that a lot of people would do. not many people would march against -- in military funerals like the reverend phelps. not everybody publishes hustler magazine like larry flint who was responsible for the lawsuit that gives us the most protection. not everybody makes, you know, a b grade movie that the north koreans don't like. i don't think very many american cartoonists have had to hold themselves back. the courses have done a pretty good job of silencing us. but i do -- i do worry about especially the future in europe because it's a much riskier endeavor over there. >> absolutely it is. we will have to see if -- what's what the next step is.
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we will have to see. joel pett thank you for your time and for your insight and the work that you do. thank you. >> you are very welcome. thanks for having me. >> absolutely. another group of migrants rescued by the italian coast guard have been take to calabria. the group was abandoned at sea. since 2014, more than 150,000 migrants have arrived in italy. the pooern government wants turkey to explain the rising number of its ports with ships leaving. a story from where many migrants begin their journey. >> a minor interruptl interruption to what is now the year-round multi-million dollar people smuggling business. anchored somewhere out there in international waters migrants are promised there is a 100 meter long ship waiting to take them to a new life in europe.
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>> i am going to go europe because there is no chance of living in other countries. arab countries have closed their doors in our faces. i tried to go to al year i can't, lebanon, the gulf countries, but i couldn't get a visa for any of them. only europe welcomes us. but the trip costs money. this insurance company in the turkish city of mercen migrants must pay a 5,000 cash fee per passenger. the waiting room is full of willing, though realistic customers. the fee includes accomodation. the migrants are promised weekly sailings. there are at least 500 people in this hotel, we are told and it's not the only place.
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families come and go. people wait. bad weather is delaying this week's sailing. everyone is eager to get moving. the smugglers are very open about their operation. there is even a facebook page called europetravels. it's got a picture of a big container type vessel on it and it says that they sail from mercen on italy on an 82 meter vessel. this one says there is a sailing on thursday. the weather seems fine and all of the passengers on board will be provided with food water, and sleeping mattresses and there is a phone number to call for inquiries. we use fishing boats to take you out. >> takes about 45 minutes. on the big ship you will head directly to italy. the journey is easy. there is everything you need on board. it takes about five days to get to italy. because it sails slowly.
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>> the musclelers use different har boards to try to stay one step ahead of the turkish police. when their passengers finally begin their perrimilous trip the simultaneouslers once in italy, the migrants can go to any opportunity tree they want. mercin turkey. >> almost 9,000 patients died of cholera when waste from a u.n. peace keeper's. alazondo has more from paut awe principle. >> a major set back for col era families seeking justice. a judge in new york throwing out a class action lawsuit means the chances of the united nations ever having to face questions about their role in the 2010 cholera outbreak are further away than ever. the the judge's ruling says the u.n. secretary general bank e moon and peacekeepers are immune
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from the lawsuit. growing scientific evidence pointed to u.n. peacekeepers introducing col era to haiti in 2010 and al jazeera investigation captured sewage the sorts of the col era leaking from a peace keeper'sbation down river. when the u.n. refused to admit fault, victim's rights groups filed a class action lawsuit. the victim's lawyers reacted with anger and shock to the decision and vowed to appeal the latest ruling. >> we have understood that this would be an issue that would need to be decided on appeal. but at the same time but at the same time
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i think the a $2 billion funneled for it. the u.n.'s position has remained the same. they have continually refused to take any responsibility for the cholera outbreak. now, the judge's decision comes just a few days before the five-year anniversary of the earthquake that killed more than 230,000 people. gabriel elizondo al jazeera, port-au-prince fought"fault lines" visited the col era epidemic. you can see an encore of haiti this thursday and tomorrow night at 8:30 p.m., we will look at haiti's slow recovery from the 2010 earthquake. >> that's on the weekend ahead at 8:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. pacific. western australia is battling a blaze. brush fires are burning out of control. plumes of smoke fill the skies seen up to 62 miles away from perth. roads are closed.
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residents are advised today evacuate the affected areas. 40 homes have been destroyed since the gun. this has been the worst in .3 decades. when you think of the homeless, you likely picture a person living on the street. there are many more in shelters and thousands of them are families. the national center on family homelessness says 1 in 30 american children are homeless. day lin ford shows us the challenge to get on their feet is often a difficult one. >> a home for the new year jessica says. that's her dream for 2015. for the past year the single mother and her son, ryan have lived here at new york city's largest family homeless shelter. jessica says she came to the saratoga family inn after fleeing domestic violence at the hands of her per. she asked us not to use her last name for her safety. >> at first, it was very depressing. but as time went by and i started going back to school and just got a job today, it's
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getting brighter. >> she isn't alone. families like hers are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. it's a crisis that's hit hard here in new york. the city operates more than 150 family shelters like this one. >> corkaccording to new york city's homeless data more than 59,000 people sleep in shelters like this one on any given night. almost half some 25,000 of them are children. >> michael fahy has helped run the program here for decades. he says he has seen the number of homeless children skyrocket. >> nationwide, it's estimated that it's 2.5. it's getting worse. and something has to be done to make it easier for the children an the families to transition. >> but michael says homelessness isn't just a housing issue, which is why saratog offers counseling job training day care and after school programs right here caring for each family costs the city about $30,000 per year. wendy and her son, jawan have
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lived here for three and a half years. she also asked us not to use her last name. they came here after wendy lost her job at a nearby hospital. >> they think homeless people are dirty bums out on the street. you see them ol sub wafrmthsdz smelly and they look scary. >> that's not what most of the they look like me. they look like my son. if you saw me in the street you would never know i live in a shelter. they are leaving for their own apartment? >> it made me feel lost. when i went to my apartment, i sat there for about an hour. he was on elated and so happy. i am going to cook my behind off when i get there. i can't wait. >>reporter: a wait wendy says has been long and hard but coming home this year even sweeter. kaelyn forde al jazeera, new york. >> coming up is "al jazeera america" continues, the good news, another success for space x and the bad landing of part
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>> wow the crunching sound of metal on metal heard again and again and again on i-94 in michigan. a slippery surface with low visibility produced this chain-reaction crash. state police said a total of 193 vehicles were involved. there was one fatality, a truck driver from canada and about two dozen people were hospitalized. wow. >> that's breathtaking. >> it is. those snow bands, that lake-effect snow they just drop the visibility so fast. the ice and snow and lake-effect
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snow still continuing even tonight. we've got the areas of banding across parts of lake erie. coming down still. our primary focus tonight and through the course of the morning hours and once again, across texas and into parts of the mid atlantic as the storm systems moving by. you see where temperatures in houston right now 38 degrees and billings 25. minneapolis 17. we have wind chills that are still dangerous to be out in for very long but our focus for hazardous weather, we have some winter weather and freezing fog for idaho and montana. but when we look at areas stretching from arkansas freezing rain potential here, overnight, more than hours and that potential stretch is across indiana and in to ohio. and it's going to be slippery roads. the concern is going to be more potential for seeing some wrecks
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on the highways and the streets. right now, as we see temperatures in the mid 30s from san antonio to dallas we can still have some freezing drizzle causing icing from san antonio southward. otherwise notice where that heavy rainfall in the gulf of mexico is making its way up to new orleans. that's the track of moisture coming in with the cold air overnight into the morning hours, 39 for lincoln now and now des moines eye, iowa and you are in that spot that the could have the freezing rain. meantime, the snow coming down from montana and continuing through tomorrow. other spots getting snow will be slowly moving eastward. we will have showers around the great lakes by tomorrow but boy, another blast of the cold air. we will finally, feel some moderation in temperatures slowly through the day tomorrow but we are going to get that snow stretching across parts of chicago, over into maine as well. so, for our sunday night, here
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is that next system coming in bringing rain on the east coast. carolinas down to georgia. we have been chilly all the way down into florida from this cold air blast. snow will be reaching its way across upstate new york and in to pennsylvania. we are going to expect to see that kind of nasty weather stick with us initially for someunday, sunday night. temperatures will be warming. we've got some teens and zeros still. these low temperatures ahead tonight. it will still be warmer than what we have had in the last few days. so we are going to look forward to this little bit of warm-up we get. >> a little bit, rebecca. ittle bit, rebecca.
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thank you. liftoff of the space x falcon ix rocket with dragon continuing the resupply chain to the international space station. >> this is the 6th unmanned cargo station following a 4-day delay. though the launch was successful, there was disappointment with a key test objective. the company was aiming to execute a maneuver that would salvage the discarded first stage for later use. thruster engines and fins were supposed to bring did in for a bre situation soft landing on a solid target floating far out in the atlantic. a space port drone ship platform measuring 91 by 52 meters.
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ceoelan muscreported it landed hard. close but no cigar this time. bodes well for the future though. >> future would see a dramatic event in space travel reuseable rockets as musk explained in a seminar last year. >> if we have rockets that are reusable, we could reduce the -- the potential is there to get reduction in space transport. >> he said the platform was undamaged, though some support equipment on deck will need to be replaced. before the launch he cautioned that odds of success in a first-try soft landing were no better than 50/50. the 1.8 time cargo aboard the dragon including food scientificific experiments and spare parts is on course to read the space station on monday. next month, it's scheduled to return to earth and splash down in the pacific. tom ackerman al jazeera. next the word of the year
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it has been counted. the 2014 word of the year as chosen by self-described word nerds. alan chauvler has more. >> welcome to wordlandisa, to the linguistastan, where language rules. >> the boundaries of wordhood can get a little fuzzy. >> for the word nerds gathering to select the word of the year. >> is it wadi or wodi? >> wodi. >> been zimmerman runs the nominating session for wodi categories. >> basic for most unnecessary. i would like toe see hashtag black lives matter. >> i enjoy columbusing. >> i would nominate boy. >> what makes a good candidate for the word of the year, itself?
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>> that's a good question. >> should really speak to how we are living our lives and the way that we are thinking about things. >> there are other wodis on the wordscape. the oxford faith. reveals exposure of its choice from the australian sports related shirtfront. look it up. >> the night of the vote half an hour before the session starts. already, the room is filling up. track the wodis and track the development of that thing we call the internet and the way we communicate these days. 93 information super highway. 95, web. then more recently tweet. hashtag, app. >> inside sources say these could be 2014 contenders from the world of pot buck tender, a selfy shot from a drone, a new kind of plastsized pollution, ebola and getting a lot of wodi buzz emoji, representing words
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appearing on your screen. the field is wide open. it's standing room only when the final debate begins four words make the short list: >> it is democracy in action. >> any additional arguments? go ahead. raise your hand. speak your mind. >> i think it would be nice if we could actually put some support behind that. >> if you are in the room you have a vote. >> budtender. >> in the end, emoji is nor to be seen. it's a first ballot blowout from the new hash tag category hashtag black lives matter uniting the room [applause.] >> i am so proud of this organization today. >> fabulous. >> wod i-2014, a telling, hybrid word reflecting our challenges back to us. allen chauvler al jazeera, portland oregon.
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>> they are a lively smart bunch. i am richelle carey. "fault lines" is next. keep it here. have a great night. >> the united states is in the midst of the worst drug addiction epidemic in its history. but it's not a crisis of illegal drugs. it's one of prescription painkillers - oxycodone, hydrocodone, and other legal narcotics, all related to opium. collectively they are called opioids. >> these are the opioid painkillers. and prescriptions for drugs like these have more than quadrupled over the last 15 years - to the extent that the us now consumes more than 80 percent of the global supply of these drugs.
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