tv News Al Jazeera January 14, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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>> this is al jazeera america. we have a look at today's top stories. one week after the massacre in france a claim of responsibility from an al-qaeda group in yemen. a new a provocative issue false out within minutes. and republicans on capitol hill try to make good a promise to reverse a presidential order delaying the deportation of millions of migrants.
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>> we begin in france. the magazine charlie hebdo sold out within minutes. earlier today french president françois hollande visited a french aircraft carrier that will soon head to the persian gulf. he talked about doing more in the middle east. >> in less than three days it went from 1,000 to 10,500. i continue to regreat that the international community did not react to syria on time. france was ready. orders had been given. the set up was in place be, but another root was chosen. >> charlie hebdo plans to print 5 million copies of this week's edition to meet high demands. we have more now from paris.
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>> they were queuing before dawn, such was the demand for this week's charlie hebdo, and celebrating if they managed to get their hands on a copy. >> i was so happy. i woke up super early and they were all sold out by 6:30, but now i'm happy. >> we're not showing the cover in case some viewers are offended. it shows mohammed with a je suis charlie placard. vincent is part of the online community on the redty website. where has the demand come from? >> we have requests coming from asia and five or six coming from
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latin america mostly argentina and brazil. >> we've come to the north of paris, and here there is a substantial muslim population. we discovered a wide event of reactions to the new edition of charlie hebdo. >> regarding the cover some muslims in france will take it differently, but we're not upset. what is important is that we condemn the attacks. >> it's a democracy. it's a newspaper. it's a bit upsetting but we have no choice. it's a democracy and a newspaper. we need to have it. >> but 10:00 in the morning charlie hebdo was sold out. a newspaper they tried to kill cannot print fast enough to meet demands. >> as you just heard it's very difficult to find a copy of the new charlie hebdo in paris. those who managed to get a copy are sharing the news on social media. ines is here. >> reporter: tony, that's right. early on the up in shops in
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paris were putting up these signs. they ran out of copies. dozens of them had been sold out within minutes of going on sale. and also those who were able to get copies took pictures of themselves. this woman said she got hers at 7:30. this line of people were waiting for their copy. this woman said that their children waited in the wayne for their copy. and on ebay copies of the public had been skyrocketing. take a look at some of these prices. over $400 coming $400 come for one copy coming from france. and this one more than $9,000 asking to bid on the latest copy of the publication. also going around today a link for to grant
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citizenship for a muslim employee who worked at the kosher grocery market. he turned off the freezer and hid customers inside of it while gunmen were upstairs. this is what he told the telegraph newspaper. >> there was a two-year-old child, i put them inside the freezer. closed the door and told them and stay calm. i will go up. i did not see the hostage taker. i ran outside and so you the police. when they came out they can grad lated me. they told me thank you really. i said that's nothing. that's life. >> over 200,000 people have signed the petition to grant him french citizenship. >> we go to a professor teacher it's good to have you on the program. >> thank you sir, it's good to be here. >> first your thoughts on the complete sellout of what they're calling the survivor's issue of charlie hebdo and the statement, right that the french are making in lining up
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queueing up early early before daybreak to buy this. >> this is obviously a statement on the part of the french. i think it is in part a continuation of the demonstration. it's part of sort of symbolic of the role of press in france generally. it's something that the french hold very, very dear. >> i wasn't here for a couple of days last week when a lot of the news broke around the story. i know you talked about this, but i want to hear your thoughts on where charlie hebdo fits in the tradition of historical tradition of satirical comics? >> well, in france political caricatures in particular have played a very important role in developing the sort of idea of
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republicanism in france. it lays at the very root of it from the 19th century from the napoleonic eras to the second empire and under the establishment of the third republic. the idea of a free and even critical press was just extreme extremely important to the french people. and that has really only sort of grown as the french have come to deal with the issues of global globalization, a loss of industrial market, and importantly in this case decolonization. >> i'm wondering is there this tradition of the protection of free expression and free speech? >> absolutely. charlie hebdo gives us a very good example of that. in 2006 charlie hebdo published a number of caricatures that had
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been published in a danish-- >> that was what, 2006? >> 2006. by the and of the year 2007 they had been taken to course and sued by the grand mosque of paris. at the grand hearing all three of the presidential candidates made a very expressed point to have statements read in the record of defending the right of charlie hebdo. nicolas sarkozy the individual winner, even went on to say that even though he had been half savagely characterized by caricatures, he wanted more caricatures rather than too few. >> in paris and other places, some news organizations have made the decision not to--not to show the cover on television screens, and i'm wondering and i've been wondering since this
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all happened are we going to get to this place where we can either fall back in what we generally say in news rooms saying this is an editorial choice and when does that editorial choice really become self censorship. that's a line. that's a line. >> yes. >> and each news organization is having to find that line. >> anybody in any media has to deal with it, the news media britain media even in academic you have to be concerned about it on occasion. interestingly enough i think actually the--now dead former editor charb addressed this issue say look, if the french government or people want to censor us saying french muslims have no sense of humor then they're making themselves second class citizens. not us. we should be free to treat them
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as adults. >> what do you think of it as a response to the attacks? >> i have to admit that charlie hebdo was never my cup of tea. >> why not? why not? >> because i just--i find nothing wrong with the right for people to publish-- >> you thought it was over the top. >> it just wasn't my cup of tea. i took the advice of charb if it wasn't for me, i didn't buy it. >> oh, okay. >> that being said this particular cover i thought was actually extremely restrained and a wonderful statement on their part. >> joel vessels, author of "drawing france, french comics and the republic." al-qaeda claiming responsibility for the attack at the charlie hebdo magazine. the group's leader called the
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massacre a vengeance for the prophet. >> his name a name that doesn't come up so often in the media but the man appears to be one of the most senior members of al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula. in this video he says his group is responsible for the attacks on the office of the french magazine charlie hebdo. >> they laid out the plan, assigned the operation and paid for the attack. the order came from our leader. >> also says the u.s.-born cleric who was killed in a drone strike in 2011 was involved in the initial planning of the attacks.
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the he had been recruiting western converts for western targets. this analysts said he has a hard time believeing al-qaeda's statements. >> it would not have taken this long to organize this particular attack. this is one of the reasons why i'm skeptical. i'm also skeptical because these two problems were coordinating their actions and were in touch with their amedi coulibaly who then claims he's being sponsored by the islamic state. well, the islamic state and alqaida are rivals. >> but the cia has always considered al-qaeda's branch in yemen the most active part of the armed group. it is led by this man.
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this is the man in spotlight now. he's seen in this video issuing religious edicts. he spent years in bosnia and then kashmir before joining osama bin laden in afghanistan. after the 9/11 attacks he went back to yemen where he was arrested and released months later. he now is supports a large group in yemen. >> there is a report that "the washington post" journalist detained in iran has now been indicted. according to iran's official news agency. he had stand trial. the iranian-american dual citizen has been held by authorities since last july without access to a lawyer. the specific charges against the journalist is still unknown.
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the iraqi government says that the united states is not doing enough to help fight isil. the man heading the u.s. mission met with political officials today in baghdad. >> we'll see the that it's important to be done in the right measure. and it's important that it's done in a deliberate manner so that planning is, in fact accomplished in the kinds of detail necessary and done in conjunction with the support that we have from the coalition. >> general allen said that there is a program in place to try 5,000 kurdish forces in addition to continued airstrikes. they're counting on the training effort to win back territory. republicans in washington are going after president obama's immigration policies.
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the house of representatives voted to block the president's initiativess, saying the president's executive actions on immigration were an unconstitutional overreach and must be stopped. mike viqueira at the white house. both sides seem to be digging in on their positions here. >> right. >> how is the white house responding? >> republicans feel that this was a mandate after the voters and influx of conservativers in the house of representatives. they didn't stop it trying to reverse or defund what the president wants to do in terms of those executive orders allowing the parents of those individuals who are legal citizens or have a green card or citizens of this country to stay as parents in this country. some 4 million. they went further than that. they went to try to defund the president's dreamer's action in 2012. stopping enforcing deportation proceedings against the children
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themselves. those who were brought to this children not from their own volition, from their parents. it was a heated debate. there were some republicans frankly, 26 of them that voted with the democrats on reversing that dreamer provision. so it wasn't necessarily an unified republican front. let's give a taste of both sides of the debate now as it unfolded in the house of representatives. >> mr. speaker last year i promised my constituents that we would fight to restore the powers up ended by president obama's lawless overreach and i meant it. >> we should be fully funding homeland stuart into this country. in light of september 11th and terrorist cells we need homeland security to be fully funded. if there are simpsons of opinion with the president on the immigration bill, that should be
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fought on the immigration bill, but we should not mix apples with oranges. >> this is a bill that would fund homeland security, the immigration enforcement is part that have budget. if they can't come to an agreement, they run out of money in february. the white house has promised to veto it if it makes it to the president's desk. >> so, mike, the house also passed a bill to ease the restrictions on wall street. why has the white house threatened to veto this particular bill? >> well, this is more of the dodd-frank provision. you recall during the budget quite late last year many democrats were very upet for the president for signing a bill that rolled back some of the revisions, the financial reform bill passed in the wake of the meltdown of the bush administration that many laid at the feet of wall street. wall street has been saying that the regulations are too onerous.
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now the republicans are trying to roll back more of dodd-frank. this time the president and democrats trying to hold the line. >> mike viqueira at the white house. thank you. the. the judge in in the boston marathon bombing trial has rejected the bid to delay the proceedings. the lawyers for joe car tsarnaev said that could prejudice perspective jurors against his client. new images from the depths of the java sea as diverrers locate the fuselage. and two mountain climbers close to making history in yosemite. 18 days of free climbing using just their hands and feet. i really would like to see the other climber.
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>> current oil rose to $48.58 today. the dow fell and s&p 500 was down close to 12 points. and nasdaq fell 22 points. falling gas prices and improving job market should be good news. but retail sales fell .9 of a percent, the largest drop since last january. sales were down in every--well mostly well most all categories including gasoline. millions of workers are starting the new year with a raise. while many are entitled to a pay race not everyone is guaranteed to get one. we found employers in new york are taking advantage of a series of loopholes to effectively steal wages from their employees.
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america tonight's christof puzzle joins us. now that is a serious charge what did you find? >> well, essentially billions of dollars have been stolen from works over the last couple of years, and we found that it's happening because it's not that difficult. these avoid paying what they should pay legally. and when employees try to go after them a lot of people just end up losing out. those who are not as susceptible are those who don't speak english. >> i always thought the u.s. was a free and demeanoric country. i expected to see money everywhere. >> a 34-year-old father and husband. he came to new york in 2001 where he hoped would be a better
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life. just like china the u.s. has it's dark tied and it's unfairness. >> in 2007 he took a drive job as a driver working long hours. in 2007 you were making $500 a week. your pay was $500. how many days a week were you working? six days? >> yes. >> six days, about 12 hours a week? >> he was earning 694th an hour with no over time. two years later there was increase of protection fees they charged their drivers bringing bi sheng's pay well below the legal minimum wage of a. >> after a while i realized i
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was working for free. the little money i made was not enough to make ends meet. >> and he wasn't alone. in 2009 bi sheng filed a lawsuit and said that the owner got away with not paying them for years. >> we're in downtown manhattan. because the department is so backlogged it can take months or years just for these claims to get investigated. we wanted to speak with someone from the state about the unresolved claims but they would only speak to us by phone. we askedy bi shengs he is case is so delayed. >> it takes time. i would suspect that the case that you referenced is actually completely outside of the department of labor and in
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court. the only part of the process that the department of labor controls is the payment stage. >> we asked about bi sheng's wages and other workers wages. this man appeared. he said he had not even him in years. >> nobody work for us. >> you classify him as independent contractors. you classify them as independent contractors. >> a common tactic of a lot of employers having to not pay. to declare bankruptcy or sell the business. you can see the rest of the report tonight at 9:00 a.m. on america tonight. >> thank you. the fuselage from air asia has been found at the bottom of the seen.
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it will an grim task as many of the victims are believed to be inside. john terrett has more on the recovery effort. >> they found the voice recorder lying on the bottom of the sea surrounded by the wreckage of the flight. now the two black boxes are being analyzed. now investigators will focus on the voice recorder. >> investigators hope the black boxes will help them peace together what led to the airbus airasia crashing into the sea. searches have recovered four dozen bodies so far and they hope more bodies will be found in the plane's fuselage.
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>> the joint operation has not stopped. we'll continue with the search operation. >> for the family members the wait is agonizing. >> friends and teachers lit candles. fernando's grandmother is hoping for any news. we will not give up. even though it has been nearly a month we will not give up hope that they will be recovered. >> france has arrested 54 people pore allegedly supporting the paris attacks. we'll take a deeper dive and look at who is being arrested and why. and four years after tunisia
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>> french authorities say 54 people have been arrested since last wednesday and a crackdown on hate speech, anti-semitism and what is being called glorifying terrorism. a french comedian was arrested after writing quote i feel like charlie amedi coulibaly. he's referring to the charlie hebdo and amedi coulibaly the man who attacked a kosher supermarket last week. joining me now from france is a senior research fellow at the global policy institute.
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is there a crackdown in france under way right now against what we just outlined here? hate speech, anti-semitism and speech that would gloryify terrorism? >> they have been put in jail whereas a book ago it would have led to a fine and warn going is that an attack on free speech and free expression in france? >> you could say that it smacks of it in a way. i would say that it's an overreaction, but it shows how sensitive the french have become to the threat of terrorism. >> jaques, has that kind of
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speech exemplified by this comedian i won't bother trying to pro pronounce his name, has this always been subject to prosecution in france or is this new. >> no. always in france the speech has been free. you can print and write what you wish except if it threatens public order if it's an insult to people, if it leads to, it's forbidden to negate slander and libel. there is free speech, freedom of the press but there is some
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limits. there's always been that proviso as a limit to free speech. >> there are people outraged saying we have this crackdown. we have this comedian being arrested and yet none of this was happening these kinds of tactics were not being taken against charlie hebdo. you stepped forward to say that's not true. >> charlie hebdo never broke the law. in france blasphemy does not exist since 1881 when the law was in position. you can criticize beliefs but you can't insult or incite
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hatred, for example bridget bordeaux was convicted. >> the actress. >> when they showed slaughtered sheep. she did not criticize but said that muslim people were cruel. she was sentenced for that because she attacked people, not beliefs. that was an important proviso. >> you can attack beliefs but not individuals. >> you cannot attack or insult an individual or you can't libel them lie about them. they are specific crimes. they're promoting terrorism. but charlie hebdo is a provocator.
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>> let me get to you two questions. did you have any concerns today that this crackdown will extend and widen and more people will be snatched up in this "dragnet" over gripsier and flimsier and flimsier claims that may materialize. >> it is very important for the french to keep a cool head, and at the same time, it is true that there have been very concerned about some internet sites promoting jihaddism. they're going to close some of them you could say it's curtailing freedom of expression, but at the same time
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it's true that france sees the fundamentalism that they were at war with it, and in the case of war times you tend to forget the principles. >> one more for you. we're hearing that some are offended by the cover image by the prophet mohammed. what are your thoughts on the cover and the debate going on in your country right now that it does not promote reconciliation. >> i think the opposite. i think this cover promote reconciliation. i don't understand people who can be upset that the cover. it shows the prophet as a benevolent man a man, a person who sheds a tear about the crimes committed in his name. who forgives?
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is it the prophet who forgives or charlie hebdo who forgives. and the tear in the eye of the prophet shows the man the person the correcter as a benevolent person promoting peace and reconciliation. i just don't understand people who criticize that. people say it's a crime. it's a sacrilege to depict and portray the prophet. don't forget he has been portrayed in paintings in the past. you it's okay for a young girl to explode herself in a market. >> jaques reland.
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with the global political institute. media outlets have rejected the latest edition of charlie hebdo, but one turkish up in presented excerpts from this week's edition. we have more from the southern city. >> it has published a four-page digest of a collection of cartoons published in turkish. now the french publishers say they chose turkey because they feel that secularism is under threat here. inside the newspaper there are two opinion columns. at the top of those columns there are miniaturized versions
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of the front cover of charlie hebdo. now they're asupporting the government say that this is a provocation, and they have condemned for going ahead with pulling these small versions of the cartoon of the prophet mohammed that appears on the front edition of charlie hebdo. >> on the streets in tunisia today protesters had erupted in ceremony at the presidential palace. four years after the fall of tunisia's dictator people say they're still awaiting jut. >> she said that she was wrongly arrested. she accuses her interrogators of torturing her when she was
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pregnant. she said that the authorities forced her to divorce her forcing her to bring up her children alone. >> i want the people responsible for what happened to me who destroyed our lives to be held accountable. it may not end newspaper prison, but their names should be maim public. >> for the first time in their history tunisiaens can hold their abusers accountable. the commission was appointed by parliament last year to investigate past crimes. anyone can submit a complaint dating back to the 1950s. >> this commission has received 3,000 allegations of abuse. some people may never find the answers they're looking for.
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>> the political willing of who are in charge of living in this country. times these people are not arrested in accountability. >> some observers say they cannot move from dictatorship to democracy without confronting it's pass. >> to discuss to elaborate injustice to the point that it became a social demand from patio people. >> four years ago this woman joined protesters on the treats
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for dignity for herself and her children. despite the many disappointments in her life, she has not given up on justice. she said she'll wait for as long as it takes. >> secretary of state john kerry met with iran's foreign minister to talk about that country's nuclear program. the five members want iraq to limit new england production in exchange for the end of sanctions. they spoke behind closed doors for five hours today. both sides are trying to reach agreement over iran's nuclear capability. u.n. of talks to end months of deadly violence. and fighting between military factions have left hundreds dead and main are refusing to take part in those talks.
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>> it's lot clear how they can agree on a national unity government when some factions chose to stay away from the talks in geneva. the tripoli based congress is one of them one of libya's two parliaments. a few days ago it did say it was open to dialogue but expressed reservations on the mechanism put in place. >> we insist on dialogue to prevent bloodshed. they're one people and they have to agree to reach an agreement to bring them together. there is no difference between eastern libyan. western, northern, or southern. >> but for the u.n. special envoy, conciliatory statements were not enough. they made clear that those who chose not to be part of the talks are choosing war which won't be acceptable to the international community. >> what do you mean by exposure is the people who want war and not peace i think it has to be
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very clear that after some time making a huge effort to bring many people from many different apples from the table their time is finish. and the international community and i'm in touch with the most international council and for those who want war will have no more patience. this is very clear. >> since the fall of the qaddafi regime libya now has rival parliament, two armies and scores of militias. each faction says they're the legitimate rulers. the u.n. envoy said that this process would be long and difficult but at the same time he made clear there is no other option to keep line i can't from descending. it means that the powerful armed
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groups the backing any deal is needed to avoid more violence. >> the country is at the doctor steps of europe, and international community seems to have lost patience, but what is not clear they will take further action if the political process fails. al jazeera geneva. >> a former two-time presidential candidate mitt romney is getting criticism from his own party for exploring another run in 2016. david shuster in power politics up next, and a live look. two mountain climbers close to making history in yosemite. their story coming up.
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broadband network. he said the faster broadband is vital to growing the economy. >> in the 21st century in this age of innovation and technology so much of the prosperity that we're driving for depend on our digital economy. it depends on our ability to connect, and to shop and do business and discover and learn online in cyberspace. >> the announcement is part of a series of tech initiatives that will be unveiled in the state of the union address next week. in today's power politics the effort by mitt romney to built a period presidential campaign is evoking reaction particularly from some of his 2016 rivals. david shuster with more on this. >> kentucky republican senator rand paul, who some leaders in the republican party consider the candidate with the most
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extent field organization has fired on mitt romney. he said it would be insanity. and paul ridiculed romney's comments about running to the right of jeb bush. >> if he runs to the right of jeb bush i'll still be to the left of the rest of the party. it may be a difficult spot to occupy. look i like governor romney. he was a great businessman. but that's yesterday's news. he's tried twice. i don't really think that there is a third time out there. >> several republicans are criticizing romney for having announced his intentions to explore a campaign in front of wealthy establishment donors and away from the press. texan republican senator ted cruz attacked romney by quoting ronald reagan. >> the way republicans win is we
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paint in bold colors not pale pastels. that's a path to losing. >> it sparked an blistering he editorial today. quote: >> you have stuff. even the guy who took the romney logo and tattooed to his forehead said he would not support romney in 2016. and is in the process of removing the tattoo, quote he'll say something later on to mess it up. he's waiting for him to shoot himself in the foot, he'll look really good, and then bam he screws it up.
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anan anonymous donor sponsored the tattoo. he sailed he would sell the space. --he said he would sell the space. >> new york is ready because we know how to put on a show. [music] >> new york will soon find out how much love the dnc has for the city in the next couple of weeks. the republican national committee has chosen the city of cleveland for their 2016 republican convention. finally one of the potential g.o.p. candidates who would love to be in cleveland to get the 2016 nomination is governor mike huckabee. he won the iowa caucus in 2008
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and he's exploring another run. he has been trying to reinforce his family values message by attacking pop star beyonce. in the latest people'sing in he criticized beyonce's access to the white house and attacks quote, obnoxious and toxic mental poison in the form of song lyric. he joined ted nugent playing a song that some people fight offensive "cat scratch fever." [music] >> huckabee later performed a song with def leopard that is also suggestive.
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[music] [music] >> now obviously it's in the eye of the beholder. and one republican strategist noted today if you're going to highlight your moral for your campaign be careful. that's today's power politics. >> and check the video archives. >> this thing called youtube. >> youtube. thank you. >> thanks, tony. >> hundreds of thousands of people turned out in industry lan can to witness history. pope franciscan nonizing the nation's first saint. >> reporter: more than half a million sri lankans joined in prayer with pope francis. many camped out overnight with extended families as what they
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described the biggest day of their lives. they traveled to the capitol in the south. >> i've never had a chance like this. it's a privilege to be here. >> for hundreds of thousands of people who attended mass here in colombo it was a chance of a lifetime. to see the head of the catholic church and be blessed by him. >> he wanted to revive the church amid persecution by the dutch colonizers. hymns were sung in several languages while over 1,700 priests took part of the mass. the 78-year-old pontiff dubbed the people's poem, said that reconciliation is important in a country struggling to come to terms in the end of 30 years of
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civil war. >> respect for the sacredness of life respect for the dignity and freedom of order and commitment to the welfare of all. >> catholics are a minority in sri lanka. they hope that good is created by the first painal visit in 20 years will help to unite people of all faiths in a deeply divided country. >> two men at yosemite national park are about to complete a climb, and they're doing it just with their hands and feet. >> i'm ray suarez. boko haram unleashed a bloody rampage in northern nigeria
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primetime news. >> welcome to al jazeera america. >> stories that impact the world, affect the nation and touch your life. >> i'm back. i'm not going anywhere this time. >> only on al jazeera america. >> two mountain climbers are attempting to make history. they hope to become the first free climbers to climb up the park's 3,000-foot high dawn wall. anyone in the gallery know who is who? which is which? they're expected to reach the top in a matter of hours. they've been climbing for 18 days using only their hands and feet to scale the wall, and they've been posting pictures, tweets. ines. >> reporter: climbing fans have been able to follow along the amazing adventure of the two
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climbers have been posting on facebook and twitter. a production company has been chronicling their two and a half week journey. this is some of the photos. jergensen on the left and caldwell on the right. this is their base camp. this is where they eat sleep and they have all their gear. just amazing amazing pictures. >> it looks like something out of that "mission impossible" movie with that guy, tom cruise. >> yes and this really looks impossible. and it's hard. >> thank you. that was good. >> look at kevin as hands right here that he posted on facebook. his hands. it's just unbelievable stuff that they're doing here. and he earlier tweeted to anyone writing about this, this is not an effort to conquer. it's about realizing a dream. just a few hours ago. it's not over until it's over. he writes. >> they're literally just a couple of hours' from reaching the top the summit.
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maybe we'll have it at 6:00. we'll see you back at 66. i'm6:00. i'm tony harris. ray suarez is next with "inside story"." on al jazeera america. >> in the same stretch of days muslim radicals killed 16 people in france and hundreds in nigeria. the two very different killings got two different reactions. in one case mobilization and worldwide condemnation. in another case, a shrug? it's inside story.
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