tv America Tonight Al Jazeera January 16, 2015 4:00am-5:01am EST
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world after all. that led to a rapidly spreading and frighten outbreak of meise sells. america tonight on what parents in southern california did, that's helped to spread the disease. >> and on the campus of thomas jeffson a second look at allegations due process, and justice. in the wake of an expose say that sook the student body to it's core. >> do you feel that the article has damaged the reputation. >> if i were on a jury we would be talking about tens of millions of dollars in judgement. >> in charlottesville on what happened after the school stood accused of harboring a rape culture on campus.
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between extremist and security forces trying to stop the threat just across the boarder from presence, belgium is now on high alert. >> who struck at the offices of charlie hebdo. and the kosher super market, and they are uncovering evidence that french intelligence missed signs that should have raised serious red flags. america tonight's sheila mcvickers in paris, and has spoken with intelligence insiders there.
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the road to the carnage, started more than a decade ago. in eastern paris, it was 2005, the war in iraq was at it's height. the world was shocked by pictures of abuse of prisoners in american custody, and the leader of al kade do in iraq was battling u.s. forces attracting foreign fighters from around the nobody. that year, a group of american all in their early 20's were arrested, charges with running a network recruiting fighters for al quaida in iraq. a film maker, who invest fated the recruitment network. all these young people wanting to do something, to want to react, to out the
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brethren in iraq. >> one of them cherif would be rapper and small time drug dealer. >> somebody like him, had knock to do in his life, he was -- he was not going to school, meeting girls and has nothing to do in his life. >> he also wasn't religious, didn't speak arab big, didn't read the koran. >> and so they are just hanging around on the streets nowhere to go, nothing to do and the first guy that coming quarterback i will tell you what you have to think about, and they win. >> the network trained here in this park at the same name. working out, trying to get in shape to go off to join al quaida in iraq. cherif kouachi has already bout his plane ticket when he
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was arrested. he later told investigators that he was relieved that he didn't want to go, but was afraid to say no in case people thought he was a coward, was he lying? nobody knows. investigators believe the next months of his life in this french prison are most significant. here he met a drug and gun dealer and most important, jamal bag gal, ranked in the top leadership of al quaida. an international expert on terrorism financing and networks. >> he also may been in prison be another high figure, who has been convicted here because of his involvement in the plot to bomb the u.s. embassy. and he became the mentor of this young man in prison. >> so it is almost like going to school. >> yes, he was the most real callized and he was also well
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known, because he had been in contact, in afghanistan, and elsewhere, with hiring key members of al quaida including the operation chiefs, so he was respected. and they listened to him. >> out of prison and under surveillance, cherif kouachi went to yemen, following there by his brother straight into the training camps in the arabian peninsula. >> before he was with killed last week, kouachi confirmed his links to al quaida in a phone interview with french television. >> i was sent by al kade do to yemen, i went with there and it was am war who financed me. >> the american preacher was killed in a u.s. drone strike in 2011. cherif kouachi's roommate french intelligence now believes he lived with abdul the so called underwear bomber convicted in an american court
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of trying to blow up a flight, from amsterdam to detroit, in 2009 and was withdrawn to militancy and to isil. >> all of them one way or another, got connected with with global je had. john pierre is a professor of middle east history and long time advisor to the french government the principle in al quaida, and isis which is centralization of decentralization of execution. so probably a sign targets -- and jewish
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[how did they misthese 31 answer is the size. there are about 6,000 people who pose a risk. and that means a judgements have to be made about who should be watched and who should not. >> there's a grown of people of individuals was under civilians for some time. and after a while, the intelligence services decided that there was no more risk. >> they aren't up to anything. >> yes. and so they decided to first to reduce, and then to lift simply the civilians from them, because they were other priorities at the time. >> what is the lesson? if someone can be radicalized, commit crimes, be convicted of terror related offense dozen take time, come out, seem to pose new threat, sleep for a
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while, and then go on to commit every graver offenses. >> without notice. >> there's no -- pretty much nothing to do, because again these people have been condemned as you said, we can put better civilians on them or lighter, but it is still means -- we still need resources to do that. >> one l. that is puzzling how did gunman from two competing organizations come to collaborate at a time when they are fighting each other on the frowned in the middle east? competing for recruits financing and press siege. >> you have an incredibly wide battle between historical al quaida, and extensive to try and get the leadership of global jihad and the operation is now a card in this game. >>
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what was essential in this action was the friendship that they had together more than any religions or closeness to a specific terrorist network. >> a deadly friendship that left families and france mourning 17 people. journalists, police officers and uses. all targeted because of who or what they were. >> america tonight, sheila mcvickser standing by now in paris. sheila as french intelligence continues to look at this case, now just over one week since the shootings began, what are they looking for now? they are trying to follow a trail of who was supplying these people. >> not just who is supplying them, but who is helping them. police now know that he went to spain early in january, he went with there with the woman who is now described as the most wanted woman in france, that is his wife who is
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believed to be in northern syria, but they know he came back with someone whose identity is still unknown to them. they are looking for people that supplied them with cars and weapons, they are trying to figure out how they paid for them. $16,000 on the black market here, we with know that he took out a bank loan, for 6,000 euros in december. some of that money may have gone to that but there is still a very good question. or any other terror group might be. >>
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there are many many people who have gone to syria, who have been with with isil, and who are back. and there are counter terrorism officials that believe that attacks in the europe, are isil's next natural state. we also heard a call from isil yesterday, saying well, you know, if you can't come and fight with us here, than carry out attacks in your own country. and has the focus of the investigation in belgium tonight, and an investigation which is seeking to disrupt what the belgium prosecutor has described as a very large scale attack. america tonight for us in paris. >> in a moment, back to school, on the campus thomas jefferson built a second look at accusations and summary justice in the court of public opinion. do you feel that the article has damaged their reputation. >> absolutely. if i was on a jury we would be talking tens of millions of
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>> every monday night, al jazeera america brings you controversial... >> we have to change those things in order to make our own lives better. >> entertaining... >> there was a lot of laughter. >> thought provoking... >> it doesn't change the world but it does influence the way people think. >> surprising... >> no edits! >> exclusive one on one interviews with the most interesting people of our time. >> you're taking me to a place in this interview i haven't been before. >> conversations you won't find anywhere else. "talk to al jazeera". monday 9:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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>> the university of v drive last semester was a grueling one. there were student suicide an abduction and murder, and then just before the holiday explosive allegations of a gang rape inside a popular from tern picture p but enthis the expose say that ignited all the drove came under fire itself, and now as classes start up again, the lessons learn as u.v.a. tries to recover it's reputation on and off campus. america tonight reports from charlottesville. >> as classes began, the administration lifted the ban it had imposed on social activities. and the house where the rape allegedly took place was reopened.
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but parties won't look the same. >> there are new rules. a minimum of three sober brothers at each fraternity function. beer served in closed containers and for certain events guest lists and security guards at the door. but will it make a difference? is we reached out to all 47 of the fraternities be uh the only fraternity president willing to speak to us, was ryan duffy. >> do you think of the fraternities were unfairly target. >> i think a lot of people did feel that way. there's a stereotype that by no means could ever describe every single person, or even a small faction of them. >> liian should know. he had a starring role in the version of events made notorious by the rolling stone article. he was the first person that he called after the alleged assault. >> i got a call from jackie, he said hey, something bad happened come meet me outside of the dorm.
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she was sitting on a picnic table, and it looked like she had been crying, so i walked over, and when i got here, she was sit -- ryan told us at first he believed her, but after reading the article things didn't add up. there wasn't anything about her appearance that would have indicated she need to go to the hospital, but i did say we should go to the police about this. so that part may be based in truth, the article does talk about a conversation can in which we with discussed the social price of reporting a rape says that alex, kathryn and i decided not to report it because we with thought we with wouldn't get into fraternity parties. >> that wasn't true at all. is there a part of you that believes what you read in print, you assume they have gone through enough challenges to make sure it is true since november, he has been covering one of the biggest stories in recent memory.
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>> i think the time i first read the version online, words were with happening from the front of the classroom, but nobody was with paying attention, every screen with the image of that girl >> as the university reacted others were less surprised like third year student. it was kind of a feeling of oh no not again because students were saying things like well i know stories like this, i too have been assaulted or raped at a frat, and while i was glad that all of these things were coming out into the open, so that we can hopefully do something about it, again, it was this thought of how can all of those have happened were we with behind? was i behind? there were rallies on campus. university president teresa sullivan not only suspended all fraternity social activities for the rest of the semester, but listening add new zero tolerance policy, but
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there were some who felt the administration rushed to judgement. thomas turnser a junior. his father is a law professor. >> would you say there's anything like a rape culture on campus. >> i don't think there's a rape culture here, this is a really strong thing to say, i have never met anybody that doesn't think rape is a serious thing. >> the letter saying there would be no social activities until the new semester started, suggests that she has accepted the charges as true just shocked up. >> it was surprising to see that, almost nobody was with willing to denounce it went it came out. in the weeks that follows jackie's story fell apart. >> on my part there was anger, because there are always people who will say that the culture doesn't exist, and wall of this is being made up,
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which is of course, not true. but this does add fuel to the fire. >> i do feel that even if her story is not true, or effort pas of it are not true, that in no way negates the fact that there are so many other stories that have come to light since then. on monday morning the first day, the police released the findings of their investigation, there was no basis that the gang rape had occurred. do you feel the roller stone omac zone has damaged the reputation. >> i hope there is a jury. i think it will have to come from the fraternity, put at least the fraternity out to sue, both the reporter and the newspaper. >> it looks like she has been through something. whatever the facts they are now preoccupied with making sure it can never happen here in the future what are fraternities doing now? >> i think that's an awareness
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among the greek system, that fraternities are trying to be more active in making sure that everything is running safely. it seems probablematic to me in a lot of ways because a lot of it is self-enforced and fraternities won't always be the best judgements of their own behavior. but i do think that change has to start somebody. i think the semester will be a trial period. but for students like elizabeth, what happens after assaults is still problematic. moist beam by now have been exposed. since the sexual misconduct,
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trying the police are trying but it hasn't been enough. and i am not sure if i know what more should have been done. >> it clearly has failed people in so many ways. >> they are asking for advice and input. they are willing to say, they don't know the best policy our policy may not be the best, but they want to figure out that would look like. >> in an attempt to get a more accurate picture of sexual assault. it has made a big difference for at least one student. >> you can report it to the police. >> last month, elizabeth reported to the administration that she is a victim of sexual assault.
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did you hear anybody talk about backlash against the credibility of those that would say they are victims in. >> well, the general sense is that everybody wants the focus to be on about doing something about sexual assault, the concern is now if people come forward now, will people believe them, no one with was questioning that sexual assaults happens this is not supposed to be considers proof that hey, people lie about rape. the administration, all the students are real listeriaing to sold a very strong commitment to doing something and figure out somewhat to so going is store sword is. >> side so much so is is is is
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is. . >> but there are two that are holding off, they don't want with to sign the agreement saying hey, we were unfairly targeted. you pushed us off campus, when there was no base toys do so. >> we were with falsely accused. and now we went won't play along. >> we with didn't do anything to deserve to have our activities totally with held. so now going is store is is sword is we is is is is haven't is is is is is is is is is is is is is sure by is is want is is so spray is is inti is your view s we will see. thank you very much. >> next on america tonight, a meise sells outbreak, and how parents in southern california contributed to it. so when a doctor says to you these methods are safe, and necessary, what do you say?
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i think that's their opinion i disagree. >> america tonight's michael ocue on parents just saying no to vaccines that could save lives. and on dr. king's birthday, a journey back to the dark time that shaped his role in selma, and that of others who stood up against injustice. >> do you remember what this is. >> yes, i do. they called out primary thing they called out was hey you [bleep]. we whispered to each other just keep walking. just keep walking. the real life heros and how the extraordinary courage of ordinary people changed history
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>> monday. the most secretive nation on earth. >> we're heading to the border between north and south korea. >> a rare glimpse inside. >> kim jong un sometimes does strange things, but he is smart. >> as tensions escalate, what will be the fallout? >> we're still at a state of war with north korea. >> we have to be ready to fight tonight. >> "faultlines". al jazeera america's hard-hitting. >> today they will be arrested. >> ground-breaking. >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series. new episode. "hidden state: inside north korea. monday 9:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. now a snapshot of stories making headlines.
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in just a few hours lit be easier for americans to travel to cuba the obama administration unveiling a new set of rules one of the biggest challenges americans will not longer need approve before they travel to the island nation for the first time since a botched he that will injection, oklahoma has executed an inmate using this an altered drug protocol. charles warner was convicted in the rape and killing of a baby girl, three other inmates are scheduled to be executed in just the next few weeks. oklahoma also reports nine more deaths from the flu so far this season 31 people have died about 1,000 more hospitalized because of the flu last year the state reported a record 61 flu related deaths. this year's vaccine only matches 23% of the active virus.
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disease tracking another virus, it is a small world after all. and those close connections of help spawned the worst measles outbreak in years. starting here just before christmas. disneyland complex in anaheim, california epidemiology say all it took bull a sneeze from that first infected person. the disease detectives say within a few weeks measles spread to six counties, and one in the bay area. and elsewhere out west as well utah, colorado, and as far north as washington state. in all, 26 cases confirmed at least 12 of the patients had not had the vaccine. underscoring a growing concern, that parents decisions about their kids health may be driving the spread of a powerful armed ten,ly killer disease. so we don't vaccinate our kids.
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that might shock many parents but holly and her husband shannon, are part of a growing minority in well healed orange county in southern california. >> i think that we are very aware from the foods that we eat, like being more organic nongmo, we just want to have the healthier family that we can. >> in citied of vaccines they rely on holistic regiments that include adjustment, she and her husband own an office that caters to young families. >> all right mr. raymond, mario. >> bloom heart starting thinks about vaccines before she has kids. back when she was aluth in the air force. the military require she got several vaccines so she began researching them. and there were other concerns. >> it started learning that
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some of the vaccines had aborted fetal tissue, or different dna things from animals, or from insects. and those kind of things concern me. the fact is at various times fetal tissue have been used to grow viruses but none of that was in the vaccines. still, bloom heart declined to take them, and it ended her military career. but she had to regrets. >> what would happen if nobody vaccinated their kids at all. >> i think we would be a lot healthier. >> you do. >> as opposed to the fact that we might be exposes ourself to diseases that much more easily. >> i do, because i think ultimately the body is a self-healing organism. >> so when a body says to you these methods are safe, and effective, and they are necessary, what do you say? >> i think that's their opinion.
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i disagree. >> many parents agree with her. in fact, in the counties wealthy beach front communities vaccination rates are plummeting. and that has dr. matt zan of the healthcare agency worried. >> i think people have to realize that when your child is not getting advantage sin nailed your child is still generally safe against measles they are hitching a ride on the protection that all of the other children are getting to keep them from getting sick. it is because all the other kits out there are getting vaccinates. if we have our numbers drop, in orange county or around this country quo will see increasing in numbers of cases. >> and that's exactly what has happened here. but what started at
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disneyland, is now spreading. 22 confirmed cases in california. two in utah institute one each in colorado. and washington state half of his young patients aren't vaccinated. >> i tell the parents that's an okay decision. >> should they consider those issues, yes. do i fault them for not considering those issues.
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not so much. i don't hold that against them. >> that view has made a controversial in medical circles. because hero to many parents. millions have read his best selling vaccine book, which warns parents of vaccination risks. >> does dr. bob zeros bear any responsibility for this. >> well, as clinicians we all bear responsibility to do the right things to keep our children safe, the science is really solid behind the motion that getting vaccinated at one is the four years old with mmr is the safest smartest thing to do, people are entitled to different opinions, they are not entitled to different sets of facts. has he been presented facts that aren't the case? >> i think the biggest information that has been out there from dr. sears and from others is it is just measles. measles happens, look, nobody has died yet from it, it is not serious, the reality is that of the 22 persons that we
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have identified with measles seven of them have been hospitalized, it can make you badly ill. if we have 1,000 people get meise sell one of the 1,000 will die. those are the numbers so it isn't a does to trifle with. >> even if parents that do believe in vaccines dr. sears offing a variation. >> you don't want a shot. three-year-old twins colton and gunner have been dreading this trip. we are not worried about shots right now. >> today they are off the hook. novak seen for another two months while most children their age are fully vaccinated already, dr. sears tells parents that it's okay to slow down the cdc schedule. so why do it any differently is it just because parents have a tough time watching their kids suffer. >> well, some babies don't handle the vaccines schedule
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very well, there are severe side effects that occur. it's not very often, but it does occur. and. >> side effects such as. >> such as brain swelling. we call them enreceive lite us the, seizure, reactions. those are extremely rare. >> they are, they are very rare. but parents don't want to be one of those statistics. yob have to realize the earn pes that are at most risk are young kids. and so if you wait until older in life, yeah, you will get your child vaccinated but you may miss the boat in terms of the highest risk period of time when they can get sick orange county is not the only wealthy area struck by measles outbreak, the trend is playing out across the country affluent areas from the new york city to san francisco have seen vaccination rates drop and meise sell cases
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spike, the issue has being a lightening rod. with exemptions for medical or religious reasons. put now 19 states including california allow parents to file philosophical exemptions. eyes 21, nos 14, the bill is passed. >> will you be signing exemption forms in. >> i have been signing hundreds of exemption forms, they are very easy to sign and i just feel that it does slightly infringe on people's rights to make medical decisions. >> it toed that talk to you immunization. >> to combat fatting rates the county has launched educational outreach programs. we listened in as these school redness nurses spoke to
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parents at a local preschool. that one is in anaheim, the center of the outbreak. >> we wanted to make sure you understand how important it is, to keep your children vaccinated and keep them up to date. >> these mothers told us they have all vaccinated their children. how concerned are you about the measles outbreak? it worried me a lot, i had a little sister that passed away from measles. >> how old were you. >> i was seven years old. >> fanning the flames of the anti-vaccine movement are hollywood celebrities. like christene cammalleri, and alist yeah silverstone, who have publicized their decision not to vaccinate their children. and jenny mccarthy, who famously blamed the vaccine for her son's autism. >> so you ask any mother in
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the autism community, if we'll take the flu, the measles, over autism any frickeing day of the week. so i think they need to wake up, and stop hurting our kids. >> you know my statement i like to maim on vaccines and autism, is that vaccines don't cause autism, except when they do. there are documented cases where vaccine has trickers an awe tim reaction. >> numerous comprehensive studies have looked at the relationship between vaccines and autism for other a decade, and found no link. people have to realize that not all information is created equal. when the cdc says they have conducted studies that have looking at thousands of people who have received the mmr to look at safety, and whether it works that's really
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very good information not only that it works but that it is safe. overwhelmingly the vaccine is tiff. which is a dip loymatic way of saying poppy cook. >> it is nonsenses. >> how do you think it will be resolved ten, 15, 20 years from now? are we going to be seeing more vaccinations or fewer? >> and that stories han't been told yet. events like this, change minds, change people's perceptions. the beauty is we have a way to keep your child safe. al jazeera, orange county california. and what role opponents played in starting it. about why the please sells is spreading.
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this weekend, ferguson, and other flash points between communities and those sworn to protect them. familiar voice from the past speaks again, against the law. >> it is this blue wall like the mafia, that you just don't talk about what other cops do frank is back, and once again her talking. that's on america tonight, this weekend.
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real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america. >> sunday night. >> 140 world leaders will take the podium. >> get the full story. >> there is real disunity in the security council. >> about issues that impact your
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world. >> infectious diseases are a major threat to health. >> "the week ahead". sunday 8:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. the top of the hour. before the break, we heard about the measles outbreak traced already to the magic kingdom itself, disneyland and about concerns that this decision not to advantage sin nail kids may be contributing to big upswings in cases. where he is director of the institute of infectious disease, appreciate you being back here with us. possibly being at disneyland and with talk about this, so i, who are sort of at the epicenter of not wanting to vaccinate kids is there something of a can narrativery in the coal mine effect? that this is really serious? >> well, it's certainly is mae sells is a very serious disease.
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the vaccinations have done an extraordinary job in certainly eliminated from continuous spread of measles in the united states. and what we with see now are the kinds of outbreaks that we are seeing now in california do essentially to the fact that some people don't get their children vaccinated and they are the susceptible ones to what could be a very serious disease. you understand the fear, but should you, can you with, all the expertise you have, say there's any cause, any root in science, for this motion that getting a vaccine may be dangerous. >> there is nothing that you do with an intervention that is 100% guaranteed. that there would not be an adverse event. the measles vaccine, over
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decades has been proven to be quite safe. if you balance the potential ill effects illness, possible death to measles with the risk of an adverse event for the vaccine. overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly the benefit clearly supersedes any very very small risk that there is associated with the vaccine. dr. joining us, the director of the institute of intechness disease, appreciate you being back with us sir. >> thank you. >> ahead in our final segment, we'll look back at the spread of a different kind of conteh gent, and a special kind of courage. that's the guy you remember. >> yeah. >> not at all a commanding presence. >> got heroic. >> not heroic. >> he didn't intend to be.
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>> no, he did not. >> remembering "selma," and the ordinary people that help bring about extraordinary change. >> >> tuesday. from race relations to foreign policies, terrorism and the economy. >> if this congress wants to help, work with me. >> ali velshi kicks off our special state of the union coverage at 7:00. >> we'll take an in-depth look at our nation's financial future. >> then john seigenthaler breaks down the issues. >> we need to know what's going on in our backyard. >> plus, objective analysis and live reports from across the nation and reaction from around the world. the state of the union address. special coverage begins tuesday, 7:00 eastern. right here on al jazeera america.
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on this day, the late martin luther king jr. would have turned 50 that film chronicles the civil rights march from "selma" to montgomery alabama and focused on the pressure dr. king to achieve the voting rights act, but it was the determination, and courage, of ordinary people that really helped bring about extraordinary change.
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you can never remember "selma," and forget the bridge. and heads north to montgomery, the first steps of the last long journey in the fight against jim crow, began. >> and here, a local woman barely known outside her alabama hometown, became the image of blooddy sunday, seen around the word. >> today amelia is 103, but she clearly recalls the terror that day. >> as officers try to stop the marchers to their right to vote.
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>> beating them with sticks with billy clubs. anything they had. on the bridge over the river amelia was one of hundreds to face brutal forces of a renegade sheriff. finally he hit me, and on my neck, the back of my shoulder and it hurt, put i didn't foe what to do. i had no idea what i should do. the second hit fell to me, and i fell to the ground. that i was unconscious. >> even then, the torture didn't end. an officer muched tier gas into her eyes and mouth. >>
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and somebody came and stood there and said trooper there's somebody dead over there. >> but appeal yeah boynton didn't die. this is the never been published emergency room log at good samaritan hospital among the 17 injuries amelia boynton. tier gas. her image on front pages across the country, along with the others beaten that day inspired another movement. >> you're a minister from the north, a white guy, you have no stake in this. why did you come? things were wrong. i saw the broadcasts of blooddy sunday. >> hours lark olsen heard the call. >> martin luther king jr. asked the nation's ministers black and white, to join him in "selma," for a march to month good morningry the state's capitol.
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it wasn't just a show of unity, he knew that white ministers would keep the attention focused on "selma," and put more pressure on president johnson, though no one could have predicted what came next. is it hard for you to be here now. >> i have gotten used to it, i have been back here a number of times and i have gotten used to it, but there is still within me that old terror nearly 50 years question walked with clark olsen. on the block that changed his life. >> this is walker's cafe. >> ol' own joined two other white ministers for a quick meal the place was jammed pack, teheran out of everything momented after they
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left the cafe, they found themselves surrounded by white agitators. >> do you remember what they said. >> yes, i do, they called out primary thing they called out is hey you [bleep]. we whispered to each other just keep walking. >> a scuffle, panic and the ciggenning crack as something slammed into his skull. i heard that club hit jim's head. >> olsen was at his side, as he faded. >> i held his hand. jim's hand. and he squeezed my hand tighter and tighter and tighter, as the pain worsened in him. and
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he went. he went unconscious. >> two days later jim reed was dead. at "selma's" church protests turned to prayer, and the fire that time spread across the nation thousands of people gathering in places like boston and chicago, and new york, and photograph. and so on. thousands of people gathers. just to keep vigil and then when he died, again, thousands of people gathered. it is a moment olsen sees echos today. >> hands up, i can't belief and now, as then, the president spoke for justice. >> long suffering men and women, peacefully protested the denial of tear rights.
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justice has travel add slow path, toward that bright future. the marchers did finally make their way to montgomery, johnson was able to force through the voting rights act. amelia boynton lived to see her community guided by black leaders. and in time, a humbling pastor from a far away place, was remembered on the corner where he became a martyr. >> but that's the guy you remember? that's the guy i remember. >> bow tie. >> yeah. >> not at all a commanding presence. >> not heroic. >> no heroic. he didn't intend to be. >> no, he did not. >> not a hero, just an every man, who might have lived and died a quiet life, has it not been for the tragic coincidences that led him to a street corner 50 years ago. instead he became a we minder
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that the sacrifices of just a few people, the change history for all of us. >> so jim did not die in vein. >> no, he didn't. >> even when you hear ferguson. >> no. no i don't feel that this is all in vain. i feel that it was a step in history. >> for mow to have been there is a great thing in my life. but i know that's not the end of the story. >> many "selma" we found a community zillion trying to reconcile it's past with racial justice today. it is now preparing the the 50th anniversary of bloody sunday, coming up this march. making more modern history president obama will outline
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his agenda in his state of the union address, we are curious about what you think our nation's priorities should be, america tonight digital team is now seeking your input in our award winning project. write your message to the president, take a selfie and then shake your picture with the #dear potus sharing my story at al, we might feature it on line, or on the air, on al jazeera america. that's america tonight, if you want to except on any stories you have seen tonight, log on to our website. and join the conversation with us on twitter or on our facebook page, good night, we hope you join us next time for more of america tonight.
5:00 am
>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the news hour i'm in doha and coming up in the next 60 minutes, 12 people arrested in france over the paris attacks. cities across belgium on high alert and some schools closed as they averted a major attack. accused as using families as human shield in congo and defends the pope after he
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