tv News Al Jazeera January 22, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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a rebel advance. yeah his legacy means to the sadies the u.s. and beyond. he was one of the few remaining absolutely monarchs. but his years as crone prince, might have marked his legacy even more strongly than his rule as king. he became de facto ruler in 1995 when his predecessor had a stroke. at the time, he was crowned prince but with a tremendous amount of power and influence. he was phone as doubt and conservative. but even then he pushes for a change in the kingdom.
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aims at bringing together islamic conditions with the needs of ad mo earn state. he paves the way for elections granted women the right to vote and run for office, and issues i.d. cards for women allowing them for the first time to do business without involving a male guardian. but concerns gave way to global ones when the united states was attacked on 9/11, 15 of the 19 were saudi citizens. he told his clergy to stop preaching. in recent years activist whose
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demanded change through petitions ended up in jail. king abdul la's most major challenge after 9/11 and al quaida was iran. the kings foreign policy focused on efforts to contain what the signny monarchy saw as the increasing influence of the shia led government in iran the cold war style battle between the two was played in remember monoand syria. when he was assassinated in 2005 many people claimed the backed syrian government. the iran factor also influenced king abdullah's stance towards the arab spring. he seems to support regime change in libya and to be lukewarm toward the revolution in egypt. and yemen. and saudi arabia cold war reached it's peek in syria what iran clearly backed, king abdul la is one of the staunch
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ohs supporters of the rebels. but at home, the king confronted his fears a uprising in a different way. he spent win hundred $30 billion on housing jobs, and other social benefits in a bid to win the hearts and minds of the majority in saudi arabia. his calculation works, despite online calls for a day of rage to protest against the lack of democracy, the antigovernment movement never took hold has often been tested. patty control haines reports. the past two u.s. presidents have shown what critics say was a little too much deference to the king abdul la president george w bush did this, president barack
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obama was seen as bowing. >> what is clear to everyone, is that president obama was soft almost sub verbent to the mislimb world. >> that from a conservative commentator, but it hit on a long standing feeling that u.s. foreign policy is too depend on said yeah arabia, mostly because of oil. >> the american public grew increasingly aware and concerned about the relationships after the september 11th attacks. former counter terrorism official said there was a reason to worry until saudi faced it's own attacks. it is no doubt that saudi thinking changed. to one of a problem that they felt hay had to tackle themselves.
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the king urged president obama to continue to back the egyptian president. obama stretchly dropped his support, but stayed mostly quiet as saudi trooped rolled in to quash those protests. as the spotlight faded the two ed lookers cemented their relationship brokers the singer largest sale of u.s. armies to a foreign country. but the second tempter of barack obama's presidency led to more complaints from saudi arabia when he decided to launch secret negotiations with iran, no one told officials and when the president abruptly shifted and decided to ask congress for permission to strike syria the saudis were again caught off guard. that led the president to visit the kingdom for a second time. to try and sure up support with a visibly ailing abdullah a relationship built
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over the mutual need for oil and defense facing an uncertain future, more so now. >> that's patty coco happen. and general i know you worked closely with the king in the 1990's talk about the man you knew. >> thank you, john. good to be with you tonight and i will tell you to begin i am saddens by the passing of king abdullah in my lifetime i have had the opportunity to work for just one or two great men, and he was certainly one of them. from 1993 to 1995, he was the crown prince at that time, and was the commander of the national guard. as a result, we met frequently for lent think periods to discuss a variety of issues. on it. he was focused on the
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professionalism of his army. and he was concerned for the american soldiers and their families and living and working in the kingdom. what happened after 9/11? >> well, i think the tensions between the united states and the arab world and muslim world if you will, at large and specifically as your report mentions 15 of the fine teen suicide attackers at september 11th were saudis. there was great suspicion i think on the part of the americans. so it took a long time to work that out. and they are very concerned.
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on his decision to invade iraq. that added to our tensions. as you say he was very close to a bush president bush the father and he was predisposed to be close to the son but disagreed with the invasion of iraq. for many years. it is really too soon to tell, his reputation is more conservative given than abdul la was certainly a moderate and again those descriptions in saudi arabia are relative. certainly far more conservative than most people's reference points. but i think you can expect
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that the big challenge that he is going to face, is as to his crown prince is expected to be another son of king abdullah. but we are get towards the end of the line of that generation the big challenge that he will face, is how they allow the next generation, the brand sons if you will. he asked me one kenning abdullah asked me one time, to explain the american congress to him and i said i don't
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>> they are fighting for a bigger roll in the government, for security reasons we are not identifying him. >> he is extremely worried and you have a number of worrying that they have the fighters and at least nine provinces they didn't control the capitol over the last two days they controlled it last year in september. they have also the supporters of the former president who is very very influential.
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it is ready for everyone there the country. >> now the president was viewed as a crucial american ally. >> the u.s. has been carrying out drone strikes that battle now becomes much more complicated. with more from washington jamie. john the fast moving events are very closely monitors here in washington, at the pentagon they are standing by just in case americans have to be whisked to safety, now the u.s. seems to be figuring out still the best way to respond. >> houthis fighters firmly in control of the capitol the president monsieur agreed to share power with the rebels. and briefly it appears the crisis was easing. >> this is a potentially positive step to deescalate
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violence and return to established processes of dialog. >> but even as the state department was applauding the overture the agreement was collapsing. the spokesman told reporters we are still arecessing the implications on the political transition. we continue to urge the parties to pursue a peaceful political transition, led by yemen's legitimate political institutions. the u.s. now risks losing a key ally in the tour against al quaida, under tenure the u.s. had a nearly blank check to use drone strikes against suspected. q.a. leaders. the unrest had already prompted the pentagon months ago to rule out yemen as a destination for guantanamo prisoners cleared for release many of whom are yemen. the defense secretary says yemen is in no position to
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guarantee any free guantanamo detainees won't return to the battlefield. >> the conditions today aren't any different than what they had been, and we don't send them back. ready if needed to evacuate the american embassy, they are equipped with helicopters and hospital facilities. for now the assessment is no need to rescue american diplomates. >> late today the state department said because of the evolving security situation in yemen, it will further reduce it's embassy staff in the capitol, and already sent virtually all the nonessential employees months ago. the state department says the u.s. embassy remains open, and is operating though that remains subject to constant reassessment. >> all right jamie thank you for more now on the complex relationship between the u.s. and yemen we turn to paul wieben paul? >> well, john, since
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september 11th the u.s. has called yemen an important partner in the fight but this is a complicated troubled partnership at best. this is a country that has long been violent, unstable and deeply divided. >> if as it now appeared this was an act of terror im, it was a cowardly act. >> october 2,007th 2000, when suicide bombers blew a hole in the side of a u.s. navy destroyer docked in the port city. >> we will find out who was responsible. and hold them accountable. >> the attack on later 9/11 are the events that define the u.s. relationship with yes then. the relationship centers on u.s. worries about the threat of attacks on the u.s. and it's allies emanating from this poor war torn and troubled country. home to al quaida in the arabian pen innocence la. since 2002 the u.s. has gone
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after a.q.a.p. with drones. air strikes and other covert operations. operations that have also killed scores of civilians. a drone strike killed an american citizen the u.s. had long accused of being the al quaida recruiter who motivated both the fort hood shooter and the so called underwear bomber. at least one of the gunman is thought to have tripped with him. the u.s. was touting it's tactic as a success story. >> you look at a country like yemen, a very impoverish country, and one that has it's own sectarian divisions there's -- we do have a committed partner we are able to go after folks that may try
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to hit our embassy or may be trying to export terrorism into europe, or the united states. >> now the government of that committed partner has collapsed. under pressure from the rebel group that has no interest in working with the u.s. leaving a pillar of the president's global strategy to fight in serious peril. the unraveling situation in yemen is also likely to cause the president some political problems on the home front the republicans have long taken aim at his terrorism strategy and earlier this week as things deteriorated, senator john mccain issue add sarcastic tweet saying the success story of yemen continues to unfold and those were the senates quotes. >> the president had touted it as success some time ago but clearly not now the anti-vaccination movement under fire at california faces it's worst measles outbreak in years. plus why president obama and secretary of state will not be
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>> in california the worst measles outbreak in 15 years is spreading. nearly 60 people have been diagnosed there and there are eight related cases in other states. most of those have been linked to a outbreak that began at disneyland. roxanne that has more. >> in early desks somebody that brought measles abrought visited disneyland and may have sneezed. since then they have diagnosed 62 cases of measles across california most were traced baaing to disneyland, so were at least eight other cases in five other states. >> measles is really a plane
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ride away, and a lot of people going to disneyland in the last month didn't imagine they would get exposed to measles and get it. most of the people who got measles there were not vaccinated and not protected. >> the cdc says more than 90% of children are vaccinated by age two. but in some areas like orange crone, home to disneyland, many parents are not vaccinated their kids. california lets them opt out of imization requirements for personal believes. we just want to have the healthiest family that we can so we don't advantage sen nate their kids. >> many tell them they are not only safe they are necessary. rather than using the fear approach to say look this is something natural that you can do to help protect your child and your community. >> in 2000 the cdc declared
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measles eliminated in the u.s. be uh with the growth of the anti-vaccine movement, the u.s. is seeing more measles cases. the number spiked last year. disneyland says it is testing and vaccinating employees that haven't been immunized it wants the public to know if they have been immunized disneyland is safe. adipisny resort spokesperson said seven employees have been diagnosed with measles four recovered and are back at work. >> the poem that got the measles they simply weren't advantage tin nateed. >> yeah. the reason you are concerned about it is you can get measles if you haven't had the vaccine, be uh you have. >> explain. >> none of our vaccines are 100% effective.
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be uh the problem is if you have so many people around you who have measles then there's a higher chance of you getting exposed. so you reasonable only putting yourself at risk, but yo are possibly spreading the disease to other people. and then they can have it. >> when you hear a parent say i am not going to advantage sin fate my children because i want to keep them healthy what would you say? >> i would ask people what do they mean specifically. because you can keep people more healthy by giving them the vaccine. they are afraid of autism, or asthma or allergies. be uh the science doesn't really support there. there is a paper in says some put you at risk for autism, the author was discredited and all of that was taken back,
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but it took hold, and a few people do get allergies or have a reaction, bees it is such a limited number it was totedy discredited a lot of these risks that people worry about, but they have been discredited by the science. >> and the since shows way? getting vaccinations protects you and the people around you. so for example the flu shot you may near the yearly, but the measles you can get by, and the people around you get them. >> because of this movement, so this could change? the trend now is that this more measles cases. >> exactly. and the problem is we thought we defeated this virus before, right, so we shouldn't see these, but we are because people haven't seen the effects they haven't seen the complications because the vaccines have been so effective, and sow now yo ring
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seeing this resurgence, where people are becoming more layed back and the virus is coming back. better not to go directly to the doctors office, because it is so contagious, if you have it and you go to the er, you can spread it to people around you. >> are there booster shots for the measles. >> there are. so even as a child you get one usually around the age of one, and then you get it again between the ages of four and six, you can get it after that but there is no problem. >> helpful? >> they are helpful because it is a remind tore your body, to your immune system here, is a teaching tool. and then teaches your immune system what to look out for. useful information. >> nice to see you too. >> the death of the saudi
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>> in mecca, saudi arabia where it was about 10:30 in the morning tens of thousands of people gather to pray for the kenning. about the oil market, right now the country has 16% of the oil reserves in 2013, it was the world's. >> la ohs ex-porter of petroleum, more from that. but first of all, this is got a government that is very
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transparent. >> exactly. when you talk about saudi arabia, you are talking about a black box. nobody knows what goes on. so what you will see right now is this projection from the royal family this will be an orderly transition. they want to put out it's business as usual but any middle east expert worst their salt will tell you that nobody really knows what goes on inside there. >> i am sure the united states wants to know, and has some information about it. but talk about the impact on oil since becoming kenning. >> the key then to remember is they can produce very quickly. the weather the storm all twinter and they have said
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they are don't this to defend their market against shale trackers but it also gives them huge benefits vies a vie their enemies in the legion, specifically iran. now, right now, brent is trading about $90 south of what iran needs to balance it's books. it is getting hammered right now, and so this has been a huge benefit if you will to saudi arabia, and it is really really crushing iran. so over the past 20 years they have been an incredible partner. it is still hugely powerful, it is still hugely important to the united states, and the thing that you have to remember about this relationship is that the united states and saudi arabia do not share similar values however they have common interests and they have common enemies and so this is the arrangement that the united states and the saudis have been in, not only an important relationship in terms of world
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oil oand oil prices but also for regional stability, of course as you well foe, saudi arabia is sandwiched by enstability, you have isil in iraq you have a very chaotic situation in yemen as well. expected to go up or down. >> it all depends on how the markets read it. maybe they will think this influence the policies maybe they will decide to drive them higher. when you take a look at any country, the most transition time is power. >> kenning abdullah's father will now sek seed the throne.
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prince is the next kenning of saudi arabia. he became the crown presence in 2012. the swift appointment by the late king was seen as suring up the succession line, and avoiding a struggle for power. they have the sons of the founder all from the same mother. he was governor for nearly 50 years. during his tenure, the capitol grew into a major modern city. and was seen as politically and economically aligned with the west. and he develop add network of relationships. and was also appointed to the national security policy that othersees intelligence. socially conservative and close to the religious
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establishment, it is not likely to introduce significant change, but there are concerns about his ability to govern, his health is rumored to be frail. stipulate that the eldest and fittest among the kings brothers inherit the throne be few rules are not clear enough about more complex situations. once they all die and the crown passes to the next generation the several dozen grandersons may battle for power. reporting now to new tensions between the u.s. and another key ally in the region, the white house today said president obama will not meet with israeli prime minister when he visited in march.
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george it is an open breech now. but also between the president and benjamin netanyahu of course the leader of a key american ally in israel, no secret there. it has been well documented over the course of the obama administration it all stems from the defiant invitation. to address a joint session of congress that will be on march 3rd. the problem neither boehner nor netanyahu informed the white house that would happen. why, a national security council spokes woman put out a statement that reads in part, the president will not be et mooing with prime menster because of the proximity to the israeli election, which is
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just two weeks after his planned address to the u.s. congress. now house democratic leader took out after directly on the same point. >> i don't think that's appropriate for any country that have a stake come here within two weeks of his own election. and john boehner's invitation comes avenue the state of the union speech, threatened to veto a legislation now moving through congress that would tighten sangs of course those talks between the united states and it's allies on one side and iran on the other talks to turn back intentions for military use. there wayhe turned par tin politics surrounding the issue of iran to benjamin netanyahu.
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>> mike, thank you. the u.s. editor for the israeli newspaper. and he joins in our studio. welcome. >> let me start with the benjamin netanyahu. what's the significant of this? is this a petty fight between the president and the prime minister this is another scrimmage, and there are six years probably sorry years of trying to have a normal relationship and then failing at it. because you have the prime menster coming in to talk to congress, would clearing it first with the white house even knowing it at the enviation of the opposition party as it were, the speaker of the house of representatives i think it was brought out into the open the
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irreconcilable differences the fact they don't trust each other, and would probably if they could rather not deal with each other. >> in the last 20 years could this have happened with any of the prime ministers and any president of the united states. >> there are two ways of looking at it. i don't think they have been as bad as in, this, that they can't get over themselves, they have so much distain for each other. >> why. >> it is a long and complicated story a lot of it is psychological, but first of all it is political. not the personnel but aid logically. so he is opposed to the
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president on many issues and they clash on that as well. in addition to that, they clash on issues that have to do with israel itself, and i think that the prime menster does not perhaps have the kind of respect that an israeli prime menster would want to have for an american president and vice versa. >> we asked you to talk about this relationship between the president and the prime minister. will it send shock waves there uh the middle east, or is -- will it be business as usual that will be smooth for saudi arabia. for their neighbors. they will continue, israel as you know, far from the headlines has developed quite a solid relationship in the
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recent years. not including but mainly iran, and even oen the development today, which would worry both saudi arabia and israel and for the same reasons. as well as the triangle that israel hopes to develop and egypt, and so i think if you ask yourself what are the american interests in saudi arabia, they are not -- israel is interest is notar profound. and they are looking with the same kind of concern and hope that things will go on as they were before. >> in the biggest concern for israel concerning yes then. >> so i think they are hopeful
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it won't go on for too long, and once again they will join it as it were, in pressing the administration to be tougher with iran. >> what is the biggest concern. >> well, i think israel haustra tajic interest that the red sea remain open to it's own chippings and that it doesn't become a base for al quaida or others. now a concern that one part of yemen will be in the hands of al quaida, the other part will be with the iran based houthiss and that will be detrimental both for sawed a arabia. it's always good to have you on the program, thank you very much. a update now on the three al jazeera journalists who are jailed in egypt.
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egypt's president said today that he hopes their case can be resolved soon, he said the egyptians government is working on a way to make that happen. al jazeera strongly denies those charges. nearly one year ago the city changes it's water supply, for the first time in 50 years started using watt fresh the present river, now they are warning the water could be unsafe for some to drink more from present. >> frustration of the safety of the city's drinking water has reached a boiling point hundreds of aniry residents some holding bottles of discolored water pass a town hall meeting last night. >> what does it taste like to
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you? >> chlorine. that's exactly what it takes like is chlorine. like you are drinking out of a pool. >> a series of boil water advisories. but panic didn't set in until she received this notice, stating that flint was in violation of the federal safe drinking water act. i am sure you can smell it. >> oh my goodness. >> the city saying testing revealed in may, august, and november the water supply showed excessive amounts of a chemical known as tthm, it's a byproduct of using chlorine to disinfect drinking waitedder, but the city didn't warn residents until january. what this notice, that infans pregnant women and the elderly who drank the water could be an an increase risk for cancer
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and other serious health issues. she said she stopped using it because it was effecting their health. >> flint's water issues have ignited protests. after hearing their concerns we track down howard croft flint's director of public works. how can you say on one hand it is unsafe, and on the other hand say it is okay to bathe in. >> and michigan state university have tried assuring residents that the water is improving. this despite numerous failures. >> are you okay to admit that somewhere down the line
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someone dropped the ball? >> i think we have done everything we can to ascertain good information i think we have engineers here that have done a good job. >> the city plans to do more frequent testing and high ear consultant. >> if it is not fix in a couple of months i can't see the point. but many people here say that's too long to wait. for safe water. heidi. >> hi, john, so with time already served they are
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looking at june 1 to 2 more years in prison. it is not the sentence that has more watching this worried rather it is the possible president that this may set. >> barrett brown has written about corporate espeonnage, for vanity fair, and the huffington post, he has also been an unofficial spokes man for the hacking collective anonymous. during a 2012 fbi investigation of the hacking of the intelligence company stratford. brown also hid laptops and posted a youtube video threatening an fbi agent. >> anyway, so that's why robert smith's life is over. because they are the same
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then. >> their stats were bad, he was a drug addict, and he was threatening the fbi and enganging in all sorts of conduct that was bad but in this case, the ruling that matters is that ruling. >> the ruling browns attorneys are concerned about is not the five year sentence. nor the 800,000-dollars in restitution, rather it was a court finding that contributed to the sentencing length, and the finding was this. that posting a link to a website containing stolen constituted trafficking. brown wasn't aware that stolen credit card information was among the 500,000 linked documents. it is very scary. >> you can be held accountable
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for data behind even if you don't know what that is. you can be trafficking and merely by reposting a link to a public website. >> how many thousands of people in the twitter universes do that every day. >> that's why we are worried. >> in his statement to the court, brown said he has some regrets, he also said to the judge, the fact that the government has still asks you to punish me for that link is proof that any more were needed that those of us who advocate against secrecy are to be pursued without regard for the rule of law or even common decentsy. as part of the plea deal, brown has waived his right to appeal. >> this is new legal territory in the u.s. law, it is the interception of telecommers data, the criminal world the internet and really the judge in this case had to prof use cases to fall back on. >> coming up, a look at how
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last year was the hottest in recorded history. could get even worse. techno and trying to get a handle on the problem. >> what we found here is building by building combat. >> the ceo of the insurance institute. an industrial funded nonprofit that recreated extreme weather conditions. >> but the number of events their goal is to companying the way the industry builds and how codes are written and enforced. >> for builders we want to show people how to design
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build repair replace better safer and stronger. there has been a lot of debate over climate change, and it's link to extreme weather. where does that leave you? >> we have seen about $356 billion for ensured losses between about 2002, and 20 think teen. >> we do know they are getting more intense we also know that people continue to move to vulnerable areas. follows by severe thunderstorms, heat and drought so i saw those numbers
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how do we know for sure, though that we are experiencing more extreme weather. >> well, the federal government are tracking extreme weather events this is quite an interesting story and especially when you see what this institute that you visited is doing talk about how they simulate extreme weather events. >> you can fit nine football fields in there and they put test housing life size toast houses in there. they can blast out 130 mile-an-hour winds that's
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category strength wins. and not only that they can create hailstorms and heavy rain and my favorite wild fire. burning embers into the space and see how these life sized houses actually fair in the severe weather mock ups. so that's even a breeze to category one strength hurricanes. i was struggling to stay on my feet. but the research is really realist ebbing, it was very very impressive to watch. >> now on your program do you talk about the causes of extreme weather? >> yes i was looking at the research being conducted to keep houses and buildings safe and strong. in severe weather but another
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reporter on techno was looking at a really fascinating aspect of climate companying. she was taking a look at the surface of oceans and particles that interact with clouds and how that created really special weather patterns. we will watch more saturday to find out more. >> we will, you can see the latest episode and learn more about the science of extreme weather this saturday. 4:30 pacific time, coming up next, the photos of gordan parks that did not make their way into life magazine.
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most personal work. >> in h the phone teen 40's, a pioneer figure at the premier mane stream media outlet of the day. but it is his work from an earlier era. that is now on display for the first time at the museum of fine arts. life commissions a photo essay back to fort scott, the small town in kansas where they grew up on a farm. where his army races were discouraged, and he along where fellow black students weren't even allowed to play sports on attend social gathering. to columbus ohio and chicago
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illinois parks capture add time when african-americans risked their lives just we looking at a white man many the eye. on one asighsment they follow a young black couple as they try to go on a date. they were refused admission to the local theater they then bought sodas at a pharmacy, the manager forced them to drink them outside. when parks returns to the offices this new york, he brought with him a portfolio that offered a rare look at life in a forgotten corner of earthquake many. but life magazine never ran the essay. it said that other fuse simply got in the way. now, 60 years later we finally get a new glimpse at america's past. and perhaps a new look at ourselves as well. >> you can see the exhibition, gordon parks back to fort
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scott on america tonight the most likely race to die at the happens of police, may not be what you think. a death an officer and doubt. the police said this was not racism. what do you think. >> what would he just come to a native right away you have to pull out a gun? you can't do nothing else but shoot us. >> our in depth look at crime justice, and the american indian's tough questions do native lives matter. also tonight the fears of another
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