tv News Al Jazeera January 23, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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ter in for ali velshi. thank you for joining us, everybody, and have a great weekend. >> hi everyone. this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. collapse yemen's government in free fall. chaos, spreading, al qaeda sees an opening. after abdullah. reform and human rights. death penalty after a series of grizzly and botched executions, the u.s. supreme court takes up the lethal injection controversy. guns confiscated at, why the
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number is rising every year. and rock 'n' roll legend john oats. >> the u.s. backed the government in yemen. now washington is watching it crumble driven out of power. the country is in chaos on the verge of civil war. fears that are amplified by the growing threat of al qaeda. more from stephanie sy. >> hundreds of protestsors in the southern at this city of taes are calling for reform. >> translator: we demand president hadi go back and do not succumb tofully group. >> reporter: rebels are now in complete control of sanaa after storming government buildings on
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monday. parliament and presidential buildings are surrounded. the parliament, president and intelligence chief under house arrest. houthi leaders were allegedly targeted in two boaments bombings today. the u.n. special envoy tried to bring the factions together on thursday, the u.n. had brokered a deal after houthis took control of large parts of the capital. >> other than what you agreed upon through outcomes of the ndc and the peace and national partnership agreement. i call on you all to have national spift and to use dialogue to resolve any disagreement. >> reporter: the government later backed out of the deal in protest, instead resigning. the political vacuum is destabilizing the fragile
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democracy. >> translator: >> they destroyed all the news of our peaceful revolution and the most important thing that they destroyed is the peaceful method. have. >> reporter: houthis say they want greater autonomy and a say in yemen's central government but the rebels are accused of working with deposed president allah abdalla al saleh. >> at least what we know right now it is not clear that iran is exerting any command and control influence over the houthi rebels. we are certainly aware of the reports that there are ties between rebel groups and the iranians and we are concerned about that. >> reporter: a key question, how the instability will affect the partnership against al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. president hadi had backing the
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chaos created by his departure gives al qaeda and opportune to threaten more than just yemen's future. stephanie sy, al jazeera. yemen is the poorest country in the arab world. more than half the population, 16 million people are in need of humanitarian aid. that's according to the charity oxfam. the group says 10 million yemenis don't have enough to eat. they worry that the instability threatens a humanitarian concern of extreme importance. joint chiefs of staff he joins us night from washington. colonel it's good to have you on the program. let me ask you first what's the relationship? does the united states have a relationship with yemen now that this government has collapsed? >> well, john, it doesn't. and it needs to start getting
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one really quickly. and the problem they're going to have is finding whom to talk to. the houthis are the ones that seem to have the upper hand right now but there are also other factions that have significant play regionally or nationally for yemen so there are significant issues that the u.s. has to sort out very quickly and right now in terms of everything we have done in our military relationships is basically suspended. >> how does the u.s. reach out to the houthis and will the houthis trust the u.s? >> that's going to be the difficult part. i don't think the houthis trust the u.s., they are going to be suspicious of what the u.s. does because quite frankly they were opposed to the drone strikes on the the yemeni soil. they may decide in the future they can and should talk to u.s., but until that time it's going to be rough going for the
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u.s. and i think the u.s. is going to have some really difficult times with that. and the opportunity for them to talk to the houthis is one that they have to seize at this juncture. >> talk about the power play in the middle east. it has wealthy neighbors around. is it possible that those arab neighbors can help yemen? >> it is possible, and certainly, the saudis want to do that they have spent several million dollars to prop up the yemeni regime. but they also want to counter iranian influence in the southern part of the arabian peninsula. the iranians support the houthis, they are to the east and southeast of saudi arabia, and all the strife that's going on in iraq and syria has a huge
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iranian component to it. and because it has this huge iranian component that really means that this is in essence a proxy struggle between various local factions that are basically being sponsored by the iranians and the saudis themselves. so it's a tough and difficult arena for them to be working in. >> is this a situation where we could see another country facing civil war? is this also a shia sunni fight? >> it's possible. it's very unfortunate that we may see aa civil war in yemen there are so many competing factions, it may be one of those conflicts that have so many sides to it. that's going to be difficult to sort out because you never know who is doing what and also what factions they're aligned with sometimes. so that's one part of it. and then as far as the actual efforts that they're dealing with they're going to be so
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many different things that the yemenis themselves will have to contend with and when they work through this, the possibility exists that the country may divide -- may be divided not just in two but may be divided into as many as six different areas. and if that happens, of course, the whole geopolitical balance in the gulf and in the arabian peninsula will be called into question. >> colonel lehton, thank you for joining us. >> any time john. >> late king abdullah had a simple burial despite a net worth of $20 billion his brother king salman is in power and promises to keep the status quo. erica wood has the story. >> reporter: dignitaries paid their respects to a man they
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said was a reformer. the leader of kuwait and united arab emirates. lesting less than an hour the ceremony was a chance for foreign dignitaries to greet former king abdullah's family, including his successor salman ben aziz. as a leader he was always candid and had the courage of his convictions. one of those convictions was hissed the fast and passionate belief in the importance of the u.s. saudi relationship as a force for stability and security in the middle east and beyond. and a similar sentiment from the former president of israel shimon perez. >> it is a real loss for the middle east. a loss for the peace in the middle east. he was an experienced leader and
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owise king. >> the u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon said as a driving force behind the arab peace initiative, still point the way towards peace in the middle east and it's a legacy that stands out in saudi history. >> he unleashed a foreign policy that was far more dynamic interventionist and militant in some ways than any previous saudi king. he sent troops to bahrain to stop the uprising, and many other things. this is very unusual for saudi leadership but this is one of the things he has done. >> reporter: the new king salman said he would steer the course as his predecessor. >> translator: we are going to continue the approach of the father king abdullah aziz, and the prophet mahmoud muhammed to lead
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our nation. >> he will be greeted by other members of the saudi royal family. he has now been buried in a simple unremarkable grave. erica wood, al jazeera. >> of course king abdullah was one of america's greatest allies in the middle east. his death points out the ties between the two countries. libby casey has the story from washington. >> reporter: john, president obama releasing a statement saying he vowed king abdullah's relationship undenialable tensions between the united states and saudi arabia. it's a 70-year alliance that dates back to president franklin roosevelt and king abdullah's father and continues today.
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>> as the president has articulated in his statement last night expressed his deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of king abdullah and saudi arabia. that the president enjoyed a genuinely close and warm relationship. strategic partnership worked together to confront a number of challenges. >> reporter: but a relationship strained in recent years over tensions, issues like iran the saudis upset with their main rivals. and syria where president obama backed down from the red line and the regime, which abdullah wanted toppled. led to muslim brotherhood's brief rise to power. to try and smooth over the disagreements president obama paid a visit to king abdullah last spring but it was meetings
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between president george w. bush and then crown prints abdullah that showed the mutual dependence. saudis providing much needed oil. but strained relationships too 15 of the 19 hijackers responsible for the september 2011 world trade center bombing the two country's allies against saddam hussein. it is oil that often serves as both the glue and the source of friction between two countries. but both recognizing a need for each other on issues beyond oil. >> his work on interfaith understanding, i remember as a young senator meeting with him and listening to him and being
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encouraged by his commitment to putting together an interfaith conference and efforts to bring people together to create better understanding. >> reporter: now the new king is expected to maintain the same strategic policies as his predecessor, that extends to the relationships with the united states and the saudi oil policies john. >> the way the new king will treat this relationship, patricia sab sabga the new? >> alnaemi in that job he's been in that job since 1995 and he was the architect of the current strategy. basically right now the saudis are opec swing producer. they have ability to swing prices by cutting them off keeping them going full tilt. that is what is driving prices
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down as everybody did expect that the saudis are sticking with that policy for now. >> and they're squeezing their neighbors as a result? is that the idea, this is a power play. >> the saudis say what they're doing is defending market share against shale oil frackers and other producers. but they're getting this massive benefit through iran, who needs to trade oil at $140 a barrel to keep its books balanced. but now it's $50 a barrel, its economy was often the ropes and now they're getting hammered. >> next door yemen has got big problems. what about the stability in the middle east and how can saudi arabia have an impact on that? >> this has been the big conundrum for the saudis. because their reaction to the arab spring is not in my kingdom you don't. they have thrown a lot of money at the problem.
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they have had huge subsidies for their country to try to quiet discontent in their own country. but it's an amazingly unstable situation as you well know. they've got i.s.i.l. in iraq, you've got yemen in complete chaos right now, this is a huge conundrum not only for saudi arabia but for the united states and basically any country with interest in stability in that region. >> libya last talked about the strained relationship in some ways between the united states and saudi arabia at times. is there -- is it likely -- is the relationship between the u.s. and saudi arabia likely to change? >> well, it's always an evolving relationship but it's wrong to ever characterize that as a warm and friendly relationship. we do have shared common enemies. so when you take a look at this rich some people say the saudis have lost clout in d.c. because we don't need their oil as much.
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but whatever clout they lost, they are still an island of stability if you will in a region that is really extremely unstable and full of power vacuums or at least saudi arabia seems that stable and they are putting forth that relationship to us. judge all right patty, thank you. the botched executions, and which airport has the most and what the penalties are for offender. offender.
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especially botched executions. ericaerica pitsi has more. erica. >> the state's lethal injection policy violates the ban on cruel and unusual punishment. one medazelam not approved as a general anesthetic. yet it's being used. this drug does not do the job of rendering inmates. the execution of clayton lockett last april in oklahoma. he was convicted of the rape kid naps and murder of a woman. ten minutes after he apparently died he woke up and began
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wrighting. writhing. capital punishment has garnered intense scrutiny over the past year after then you've got some european drug manufacturers boycotting the use of their drugs for execution leaving some states scrambling to get the drugs they need, even at times concealing the use of their drugs. the court has it in april and could decide it as early as june. >> the high court has blocked the use of other drugs right? >> the judges actually, the three drug combo was indeed did not violate the constitution's term cruel and unusual punishment the first renders the inmate unconscious second
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paralyzed and the third doesn't allow the inmate to breathe. peter odom, how unusual is the supreme court hearing a case brought by death row inmates? >> not unusual at all. the way this cocktail and the way the death penalty is administers with the cocktail, makes the electric chair look humane in contrast. clayton locket, claimed before he died that his veins is felt like acid. there was a man in arizona last year that took two hours to die a man named joseph wood. this is exactly what the eighth amendment is designed to prevent. judge sotomayor mentioned in
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her decision acknowledge the death penalty is vulnerable. >> do you believe that lethal injection can be humane? >> that is exactly what the supreme court has to address here. the supreme court is at a critical tipping point. four liberal justices want to make some amendment to this three drug cocktail and how it's done in oklahoma. the five conservative justices all feet there are enough procedural safeguards if place. but with each person that seems to be tortured before death makes it more likely that just one vote would change and that could certainly change things for hundreds of inmates on death row if this lethal cocktail is deemed to violate the 8th
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amendment. >> is there a way to break this cocktail to make it humane? >> that's the question, it's a crap shoot. they don't seem to be able to get it right all the time. they have been using this drug for years although experimental. if oklahoma which is one of the most active death penalty states can't get it right then it's a crap shoot every time the death penalty is administered. i should make the point that the lethal injection and the problem with the cocktail is only one of the problems with the death penalty the way it's administered. the other is it's incredibly expensive to put someone to death. that has to do with the procedure protections at trial and the many levels of appeal, of review that these cases get. it's vastly more expensive to invoke a death penalty case than it is to keep someone in prison for life.
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the other problem is it takes a very long time. do you know the average stay on death row is 12 years. and they've been in jail for 20 years. all that time we are paying for their way on death enlt about and the families of victims are waiting for finality. >> what options does the court have in this particular case? >> this case the court can do several things. first of all they can find that the oklahoma procedure has some flaws -- well first of all they can frirm affirm the oklahoma procedure or that the oklahoma procedure is procedural reply correct or it violates the 8th amendment they could send the case back to the lower court
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for specifically findings against the protocol and leave the decision to another court. >> peter thank you for sharing. >> thank you for asking me to be here. >> judge ruled in favor of two women who challenged the law. the couple sued alabama to recognize their marriage which was performed in california. the alabama attorney general's office says it will appeal. meanwhile in tennessee a nashville private school has rejected a potential student because his parents are gay. one of the boy's fathers brian copeland posted this: says the nondenominational christian school chose knot to consider the prek student because he's being raised by two men. copeland says he no longer wants his son to go to that school. coming up next, ukraine's
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>> this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. deal breaker. the threat of a new offensive as ukraine rebels reject a truce. hopes and fears. a new rural in saudi arabia. could -- -- ruler in saudi arabia. and john oates talks about making music alone and as parnlg of a legendary rock duo. king abdullah of saudi arabia was laid to rest today.
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the new king salman has taken control, he faces a range of challenges both overseas and at home. human rights activists criticize saudi arabia on restriction of the rights of women and the public beating of a writer. roxana saberi has more. >> king abdullah build a university in his name where for the first time saudi men and women can study side by side. activists say the kingdom is still stifling and harsh about. women can't travel or marry without the permission of a male guardian and saudi arabia is the only country to ban women from driving. a ban some women have challenged by climbing behind the wheel. >> translator: the time has come for women to take charge of every speabilityevery aspect of their lines. getting from a to b is the
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minimum of a human right. >> reporter: also reported discrimination in politics, jobs and the law. and just this month a video leaked by activists showed a woman, accused of getting beheaded. >> king abdullah in some ways made very positive pronouncements, positive promises but then didn't follow through. >> activists have condemned bedawi's flogging. highlighting human rights abuses in saudi arabia. but in many ways, the united states is afraid to upset one of its partners in the unstable middle east. today it said it would wait to pressure the new king. >> not that our concerns have changed but we're going to give them certainly a period of time
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before we engage in diplomatic discussions can them. >> reporter: salman claimed for social reasons no negative reactions. instead he said changes have to be introduced in a sensitive and timely manner. >> whoever is king has to operate within those constraints but what we with be looking for would be some leadership. >> reporter: activists say two saudi women have been referred to a terrorism court for driving. the u.s. says it has brought up human rights situations, but it should be more willing to criticize its human rights record john. >> all right roxana, thank you. millo omar, is in washington d.c, tonight minal welcome. >> thank you. >> what, king abdullah promoted
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the modernization of saudi arabia dur his term. do you think he advanced human rights or not? >> i think that it's very difficult to answer that question in terms of whether he advanced it, in action, as the report showed there really was a gap between what he promised and what was implemented. if you look at the region a lot of people in the middle east are baffled by the number of human rights violations saudi arabia seems to get away with. there are a lot ever people, women who will both inside saudi arabia and the region in terms ever where he really fell, whether he was a reformist or just continued with the conservative values. >> what is life like for women in saudi arabia? >> it's very difficult for women in saudi arabia.
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as was highlighted the inability to drive, there is very difficult access. the laws are very, human rights laws are very difficult for women to travel, to have a passport. very difficult to obtain not to mention the amount of control that that gives in terms of the a mafn night the house and control over women who are in the same household. >> we've heard disturbing stories, a sentence of a thousand lashes to a blogger who has been beaten but not yet again because of his medical condition then a public beheading of a woman caught on camera by a buys stander. tell me how common the beheading
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punishment is in saudi arabia? >> unfortunately it is more common than we would like to believe. they highlight these incidents are not in the dozens or even in the hundreds. in some cases these have been in the thousands. not in addition to the lack of process, access to rule of law and as well also the genuine like the use against a lot of the activists across the country. >> so in the case of the woman who was beheaded she was accused of abusing her daughter and murdering her but what you're saying is there's no due process? >> there's often very limited due process and at the same time it's knot transparent it's not public and there's very you know limited access for women to be able to have a lawyer, to defend them. but again it goes beyond women's
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issues as we saw with the blogger. in that case the accusation was his blog had offended islam with no concrete evidence of how it was offensive. the specific case there's a wide gap between what they're claiming and what's happening. >> how sensitive is saudi arabia from public criticism of human rights? and what do you think to under king salman? >> i think there are some sensitivities, greater than international pressure we've seen so far that is part of the challenge. moafers of the activists in the region are constantly questioning why isn't there increased pressure from the rest. it is feared that there will be a roll back on any progress.
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>> that's all right. i've had it happen to me many times so take a breath. if you need to -- if you need to stop it's okay. >> i think i may not be able to speak. >> that's all right. you know what minal we've had you on the program many times and again i've had this happen to me several times. i know what it's like, it's no fun. anyway take care, we'll have you back, all right? >> thank you very much. >> all right bye-bye. now to ukraine where pro-russian rebels have rejected a truce signed back in september. the rebels have now taken control of donetsk at the airport there. badly damaged by recent battles. new peace tawk talks started to talks seemed to unravel this week. separatists are gauge ground.
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>> we joined a cps the rebels were in control here now. >> this is the village about 30 kilometers north of donetsk and up until yesterday it was occupied by the ukrainian army. now pro-russian rebels have taken over in the past 24 hours and all that remains is the bunkers and their dead. ukrainian military quiment equipment and a few bits of personal objects. >> it's my mother land i fought for it. >> this rebel shows us a video he says he shot of ukrainian soldiers they'd taken as prisoners of war. >> i want to put this on the internet so their families know they're still alive. >> reporter: he takes us to a house and shows us graffiti that was written by the ukrainian
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soldiers. it reads russian alcoholics, get out. still living amidst the destruction. most are reluctant to talk. i don't support either side, this lady told me, i just want peace. peace. the rebels told us that the military retreated to three kilometers down this road. as we prepared to retreat explosions could be heard in the distance .4rebels say they expect ukrainian forces to try to retake the village at any time. charles stratford, al jazeera eastern ukraine. >> deadline to pay a $200 million ransom for japanese hostages expired hours ago. jamie mcintire has that story. >> john, there is little to be done about the fate of the two japanese hostages short of a
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rescue mission that would be very risky. meanwhile, the pentagon is make its case that it is making progress in the war against i.s.i.l. nighttime air strike on a bunker near baji, iraq, the u.s. referred to as the acronym dash. just one of many strikes that the u.s. and its allies conducted against i.s.i.l. secretary of state john kerry says the air assault has dash on its heels. >> no large dash unit can move forward aggressively without worrying what will come down from the skies now. >> reporter: in a meeting from london the day before, kerry f stated statistics. outgoing secretary of defense
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chuck hagel says it is no yardstick of success. >> it is a measurement but i don't think it's the measurement. i mean, i was in a war where there was a lot of body counts everyday and we lost that war. >> reporter: but pentagon sources paint a more nuanceed picture. it all points to a summer offensive to retake mosul the key iraqi city that fell to i.s.i.l. fighters last year. iraq's new prime minister haider al-abadi says a new in training to retake mosul but abadi says his source he are not really to attack. >> if we are talking about eliminating dash off the face of the earth that will take a long time but out of iraq that can take months. >> reporter: admitthat of the
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21,000 square miles controlled by i.s.i.l. at the peak of its conquest only 270 has been retain. over 1%. >> we all rick it is a small percentage of the total but we're only six seven months into this too. >> by the spring a force would be ready that includes some of iraq's most experienced fighters including peshmerga and u.s. trained sunnis. but he says it's important that iraq be in charge and that any offense sieve on iraq's timetable. john. >> all right jamie thank you. secretary of state john kerry is headed to nigeria. corey will travel olagos. the country is facing escalating violence from boko haram. today's year the group kidnapped nearly 300 school girls. earlier this month boko haram killed hundreds in northeastern
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nigeria. in argentina the country's enbattled president is attempting to clear her name in the suspicious shooting death of a top prosecutor. president christina kirchner says rogue intelligence agents from her administration killed him. nisman had accused kirchner of conspiring with iran on a jewish center in argentina that was bombed. the party now leading in the polls is threatening to stop paying the country's debt. they're also talking about abandoning the european union's common currency. all happening in a country where unemployment is at 26% and thousands of people there have taken to the streets in protest.
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sue turton has a story. >> a greek man takes disprit desperate action on the steps of his bank. can of petrol and used to set him self a life. that was four years ago. his perfume bottling plant when the bank refused to renegotiate list loan payments. he lost everything. >> that was a big loss not only to the bank but to the government trying to make them understanding that they must act for the health of the people who elected them. >> reporter: has gross improved over the years since -- has greece improved over the years since you set yourself on fire? >> no, every year we grow worse
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and worse and most of the people have lost almost everything. they have most of the people has lost especially their self-respect. >> reporter: the same fate has hit many businesses here. there are similar stories all over greece. all over thessaloniki, where companies have closed down. taking advantage of ready finance, easy loans and when things turned sour they had that financial work pulled from underneath them. the feeling is that they might be making promises here that might be helping now but once the election is over the promises will evaporate. shoots are recovery emerging showing that his austerity action he are working and he should be reelected. but the front runner, is
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advancing a proposition that seems to be full of corruption. european union officials have called butaris a model for all greece after he brought in independent auditors in 2010 to weed out corruption here. >> we try to clean up things when he took over and they succeeded a lot. but i don't think that unless we overcome this individual at individuality this corruption the stealing and all the patronage everything. >> austerity measures have hit this region hard but the men from the eu is that there will be no renegotiation of the billion dollar bailout after the election. apostolas thinks the neighbors should take heed of an ancient
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proverb. >> be happy when you see a fire in your neighbor's house. you have to try oexextinguish it because this fire will also come to your house. >> prophetic words from one man who came close to death to take a stand. sue turton, al jazeera thessaloniki. >> my conversation with rock 'n' roll hall of famers john oates and his new solo album. album.
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16 before shooting himself. potential for violent behavior in soldiers. the department of homeland security said a record number of firearms were confiscateed from carry on luggage last year and most of them were loaded. lisa stark reports. >> reporter: john, at security checkpoints, you figure out it's a little less than six guns per day that they are screening passengers. 22% higher than what they found in 2013. the tsa says that's been the trend every year virtually every year since 2005, the number of firearms confiscated has gone up. now, 83% of the countries they found were loaded and they were recovered at more than 200 airports. the biggest were found the biggest number were found at dallas fort worth 120 guns
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confiscated from passengers there. why do passengers have the guns? well the tsa says most times the passengers said they forgot the loaded gun was in their carry-on bags. if the gun was found the airport police was found interview the passenger and decide whether they should be arrested. regardless the tsa can impose thousands of dollars in civil penalties. as you can imagine it's not only guns had a the tsa uncovered they found a grenade assault rifle, a 22 caliber gun taken apart and hidden in a play station 2 console. we have to keep this in perspective. the tsa said it screened over 650 million passengers and obviously oanld a small percentage are taking things on or trying to take things on they shouldn't. still, over 2,000 loaded guns that could have ended up on airplanes, johnson.
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>> lisa thank you. northeastern states could get their first significant snow of the year this weekend. rebecca stevenson has more. >> john, this is the area that's bringing the problems just past the midnight hour in the northeast. a mix of snow sleet and frozen rain, in the south this has dumped over three inches of rainfall in some places. temperatures for lows are going to hover near the freezing mark and that's going to make heavy wet snow a very likely problem starting from new jersey all the way up the north coast as we get through the day tomorrow. where we have winter storm warnings in dark blue is where we're expecting the biggest problems with first the heavy wet snow and then some ice accumulating and that can be up to a quarter of an inch of ice in places. as we time it out the shift from heavy, wet snow over to rain that transition of freezing rain
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and sleet is going to happen between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. in the meantime that heavy wet snow the most likely areas that could have some downed power lines or trees coming down with the heavy wet snow can you see six to eight inches easily will cause problems in the northern part of manhattan as we get into southern new york and connecticut, connecticut especially where we'll have problems with ice john. >> rebecca thank you. hall and oates are the best pop duo of all times known for sarah's smile man eat are. john oates is paving his way himself. i talked to him in friday art series. ♪ ♪ >> you know the songs and the video. >> ♪ private eyes they're watching you ♪ >> over a career and friendship spanning four decades hall and
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oates have turned out dozens of hits. the most successful duo in recording history is still going both together and apart. >> i have this incredible respect for darryl hall, live from darryl's house and i've got my road to follow. >> oates is now making his way on his own. >> one camera, one-day shoot awn my eggs in one basket. at the end of a 15 hour day my engineer said john so much could have gone wrong and so much went right. it is one of those things i really took a chance, i assembled an amazing team of musicians and singers and we wanted it to be real raw and
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absolutely live. >> his solo album good road to follow is steeped in folk and rock the style varied, the lyric his most personal. >> the most intimate album why is that? >> the most inlt mat i have ever done because everyone i played with are my friends the friends, people i recorded and played with, we have a rapport a friendship, it's about as real as i've ever done. where i'm at in my life is what i want to do. >> he forms snodges a songs in a new dvd out this week. as for the duo the concerts keep coming including a very special one in the nation's capital. >> it must be satisfying being able to feel that, in the last 40 years being invited to the white house to single. >> that's going to be fantastic. >> michelle obama asked for you
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specifically? >> according to the press secretary, michelle wanted it and her husband said okay. >> you're going to be there right? >> exactly. >> hall and oates were ground breakers, even when the mtv era began. >> we were in new york city with the birth of mtv. the guys were friends of ours. they said we need content. we didn't know what the music video was. they said just move. you see our early one is a black curtain and we just jump around. we had four albums out before we had a hit. that would never happen in today's environment because that's a shame. creative people need to make mistakes they need to take
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chances they need to fail in order to find themselves creatively. in this commercially driven world, to be quite honest with you i think the goal of being commercially successful they actually -- it actually turned on itself. >> and then there's a if rock 'n' roll hall of fame. they were inducted last year a crowning achievement for a partnership standing the test of time. ♪ you make my dream come true ♪ >> together hall and oates have sold over 80 million records. we'll be right back. [♪ singing ♪ ] pushing a rock uphill ♪ ♪ never give up feels like i'm pushing a rock ♪ rock ♪
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>> beyond the verdict and on the streets >> there's been another teenager shot and killed by the police >> a fault lines special investigation >> there's a general distrust of this prosecutor >> courageous and in depth... >> it's a target you can't get rid of... >> the untold story... >> who do you protect? >> ...of what's really going on in ferguson >> they were so angry because it could have been them >> fault lines ferguson: race and justice in the u.s. one hour special only on al jazeera america >> and finally our picture of the day. a simple image a haunting image, a rose left on a barbed wire at the auschwitz death cam. this summer marks the 70th
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anniversary of the liberation of prisoners at auschwitz. that's our program. i'm john siegenthaler. we'll see you back here at 11:00. ftc 11:00. ftc >> if we don't have a verdict by one o'clock it's gonna be another day. >> well it's either gonna be before noon, or they get to come back at one thirty. >> the waiting is what will knock you for a loop. if she goes to jail again i think she'll come out in a body bag. >> are they out? we are sitting right there in my office on pins and needles. >> the fact that t
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