tv News Al Jazeera January 23, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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mashable says... you'll never miss the latest news >> they will continue looking for survivors... >> the potential for energy production is huge... >> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. chaos in yemen forces a shift in the u.s. fight against al qaeda. king abdullah laid to rest. the calls for reform. l. privacy fears the fight ore police radar that looks right inside your home. and how labor dispute is taking a bite out of agriculture in california. for years the u.s. is worked
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with yemen to root out and destroy al qaeda within its borders. now, with its government in chaos, that relationship is being tested. the washington post reports tonight that the u.s. has been forced to suspend counterterrorism inside the country. but it is told that's not true. it is dachting its operations and people take to the streets. stephanie sy has more. >> hundreds of protests in the southern city of taes is calling for the government's return. there we demand the president hadi go back on their resignations and don't succumb to the undermining of a rebel group. >> reporter: a slow of
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strength, rebels are in control of sanaa parliament and the presidential palace are surrounded. intelligence chief all under arrest. houthi leaders were allegedly targeted in two bombings today a huge blast was reported in the northern city of sada. u.n. envoy had tried to bring the are sides together. >> i want to assert again that the crisis can't be resolved other than what you agreed upon through the outcomes of the nds and the peace and national partnership agreement. i call on you all to have wisdom in national spirit and to use the dialogue and political action to resolve any disagreement. >> reporter: the two sides appear to have struck another deal but the government backed out of the deal in protest
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instead resignation. going >> the counterresolution the most important thing that they destroyed is the peaceful method. >> reporter: houthis say they want greater autonomy and say in the central government, but being spurred on by iran which the houthis deny. the white house says it is rachg events closely. -- watching events close hi. >> it is not clear that iran is exerting any command and control influence over the houthi rebels. ties between rebel group and the iranians and we are concerned about that. >> reporter: key question how this instability will affect the
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partnership between the deposit and al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. the kay os created by his departure gives al qaeda an opportunity to threaten more than just yemen's future. stephanie sy, al jazeera. >> former intelligence officer who worked for the joint chiefs of staff. he joins us from washington. colonel lehton, good to have you. does the united states have a rep withrelationship with yemen now that this government has collapsed? >> john? it doesn't and it needs to get one really quickly and the problem is to find who to talk to. the houthis seem to have the upper hand right now but there are other factions that can have significant play regionally or nationally for yemen and there are issues that the u.s. has to
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sort out really quickly and everything we have done in our intelligence relationships and military relationships is basically suspended. >> how does the u.s. reach out to the houthis and will the houthis trust the u.s? >> i think that's going to be the difficult part. i don't think the houthis really trust u.s. i think they're going to be suspicious what the u.s. does because quite frankly they were opposed to the drone strikes on yemeni soil. but they are also against al qaeda in the arabian peninsula so they might decide sometime in the future that they should have talks with the u.s. but the u.s. will have some really difficult times with that and the opportunity for them to talk to the houthis is one that they have to seize at this juncture. >> talk about the power play in the middle east. i mean it has wealthy neighbors around. is it possible that those arab neighbors can help yemen?
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>> it is possible, and certainly the saudis would wanting to do that. in fact the saudis have spent several million dollars to prop up the yemeni regime that existed up until a few days ago. clearly they want to be carefullycareful,what saudi arabia is looking at right now is basically being encircled by iran. they are to the east and northeast of saudi arabia and then all of the strikes going on in iraq and syria has a huge iranian component to it. because it has this huge iranian component that means this is in essence a proxy struggle between various local factions that are being sponsored by the iranians and the saudis themselves so it is a tough and difficult arena for them to be working in. >> is this a situation where we
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could see another country facing civil war? is this also a shia-sunni fight? >> i think it's both. i think it is very possible unfortunately that we may see a civil war in yemen because there are so many competing of competing factions. it has so many sides to it and that is difficult for policy makers to sort out and you don't know who is doing what and what factions they are aligned with whom sometimes. >> colonel lehton good to have you. >> you bet john any time. >> king abdullah had a simple funeral despite a net wofort worth of $20 billion. erica wood has the story.
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>> diplomats paid their respects to many said to be a reformer. the leaders of neighboring countries lie like qatar and the united arab emirates. his successor acknowledge salman bin abdul aziziz. one of his convictions was his steadfast belief and the saudi arabian-u.s. relationship. >> a real loss for peace in the middle east.
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he was an experienced leader and a wise king. >> the u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon said, king abdullah left a tangible legacy that could still point the way to peace in the middle east. >> he unleashed a foreign policy that was far more dynamic interventionist and militant in some ways than any previous saudi king. he sent troops to bahrain to stop the uprising and many other things like this all around the region. this is very unusual for saudi leadership but this is something he has done. >> the new saudi king will steer the way. >> we are going to continue with the approach the father king abdullah has followed and his
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sons. we are going to continue into our legislation. >> there is no formal swearing in ceremony for king salman but he will be greeted by other members of the royal family and the people to show their allegiance. the former king has now been buried in a simple, unremarkable grave. erica wood acknowledge al jazeera. >> while it is one of america's key allies in the middle east the relationship has been complex. libby casey has morn from washington. >> john an important relationship for both countries. president obama releasing a statement saying he valued king abdalla. but there are undeniable tensions between the united states and saudi arabia.
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it continues today. >> the president has articulated in his statement last night impressed his deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of king abdullah and the people of saudi arabia. that the president enjoyed a keen and close relationship with the king. under the king's reign strengthened our strategic partnership to confront a number of challenges. >> reporter: but a rep strainedrelationship strained, because of the nuclear relationship of their greatliest arrival. in egypt where the obama administration supported the democratic election that led to the muslim brotherhood's brief rise to power. to try and smeet over the disagreements, president obama paid a visit to king abdullah
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last spring. but it was meetings between george w. bush and the then crown prince abdullah. selling the kingdom sophisticated arms and weapons but the relationship between bush and abdullah strained at times too. 15 of the 19 hijackers responsible for september 11th 2001 terrorist attack were saudis and during the iraq war in 2003, abdalla refused to allow u.s. bases in saudi arabia for what he called an illegal occupation. a different tone than during the first gulf war the two countries allies against saddam hussein. it is oil that served as glue and friction between two countries but both recognizing a need for each other on issues beyond oil. >> and his work on interfaith understanding, i remember as a young senator meeting with him
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and listening to him and being encouraged by his commitment to putting together an interfaith conference and efforts to bring people together to create better understanding. >> reporter: and the new king is expected to maintain the same strategic policy as his predecessor, john and that extends to the relationship with the united states, and its policy on oil. john. >> libby casey, thank you. separatists now control the donetsk airport in ukraine which has been badly damaged in fighting. rebel leaders say they no longer will be able to abide by a peace deal. that was signed back in september. they also say they will not join new peace talks. they plan to launch military attacks to push back government troops. in expwrap japan government officials are still in the dark
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whether two hostages are still alive. holding contractor haruna yukawa and kenji goto jogo. harry fawcett, what are you hearing on the status of the hostages. >> absolutely nothing. 22 hours from the deadline imposed by i.s.i.l. on their beheading passed. admitting it hasn't had direct contact, no direct message from their captors. they have sent deputy foreign minister to jordan where they have set up a base of operations for trying to get in contact with religious groups, other governments and of course the hostage takers themselves. the nhk national broadcaster has said there is some success in
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speaking to an anti-i.s.i.s, anti-syrian government group through their contacts in turkey and they are pursuing any kind of indirect information that they can get. what has come out are a couple of messages on the internet on twitter and on the same website in which that video was first posted. talking about the count down having started further criticism of the government of shinzo abe. but those comurn communications not carrying the official sign of the group. group. there has been some criticism about the fact that shinzo abe first spoke about this in front of an israeli flag, that might
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have caused further problems in trite to -- trying to get in touch. the government has said it is not going to bow to terrorism which is expected to be a rejection of contact with the captors but it's highest priority is to protect human life oops. negotiation is going on perhaps the deadline has been extended but also media here in japan reporting an unnamed senior source in the japanese government denying that and saying once again there have been no direct contacts made. >> harry can you give us a sense of how this story has captured the attention of the japanese people? >> well it has been absolutely the biggest story since it broke tuesday afternoon japan time. so the newspapers, the first few pages of the newspapers are entirely devoted to this story. there is some questioning as to
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whether a ransom should be paid. japanese government as i say giving the slightly mixed message saying it won't bow but at the same time, human life is its highest priority, not directly answering that question. i did speak to a senior advisor special advisor to shinzo abe on friday, he said there would be no question about the japanese government paying a ransom because that would invite further kidnappings in the future. also attention being paid to the story of the men kenji jogo, and yukawa being a adverse there have been some criticism of him in particular and for his arenas reasons for being in
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syria in the first place in harm's way. >> harry, thank you. embattled president is attempting to clear her name, president cristinna kirsh kirchner. nisman had accused kirchner of conspiring with iran against those who are performed a bombing of a jush jewish center there. technology had a can see through your home's walls. why that has privacy advocates seeing red. seeing red.
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privacy advocates say it's going way too far. it's called the range r and it's little bigger than a cell phone. it's actually an x ray device. police press it to the wall and from 50 feet away it can zoom in on something as subtle as human breathing. >> this device is relatively new on the market over the past year or two. not too many law enforcement are using it. they should do it more. when you're doing a dynamic entry, when you are looking for assail ants you want to make sure what is on the other side of the door. >> scan mode is initiated. >> quietly law enforcement is using it.
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military and police equipment on its website the range r it says can help find people trapped in buildings or in rubble. but according to u.s.a. today close to 50 law enforcement agencies are using it, including the fbi and u.s. marshals. when police use the range r to see the man in his home then swoop in and arrest him in a stash of guns, they didn't have probable cause bought they couldn't use the range r to see if he was inside. some say this will make it safer for police officers and suspects. >> if i give them commands to say lay on the floor well, you're going to detect that someone's laying on the floor within a certain proximity. that little bit of knowledge can mean the difference between an officer pulling the trig trigger
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causing them to use lethal force. >> this actually demonstrates a pattern of law enforcement and the fbi and different agencies which the united states being incredibly secretive about various technologies they are purchasing them, how they're using them, when they're using them and what procedures are in place. >> the more prepared you are the less possibility there is going to be for a shootout. this gives you a lot of actionable intelligence. >> intelligence law enforcement says could save lives and this privacy advocates say goes too far. >> i spoke to the fbi and was told they don't talk about investigative tools and they wouldn't confirm or deny that they are using this one the range r. the u.s. marshals are directing questions to the justice department. >> paul, thank you brent anderson is in our studio.
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we watched this story together. you're concerned. >> i'm concerned. >> why? >> i love it when we put up the horse blinders and run face first into technology. it is g going to save people or make our lives better but what are the privacy implications of something like this. what if we get into a situation where police chief wants to stop and frisking random people, and say, we've had domestic disputes in this house let's stop by once a week and see what's going on in there? that whole constitutional rights unlawful search and seizure becomes the issue. >> you mean this could be in new stop and frisk?
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>> yes. what we didn't know the nsa was doing, we do this to protect people, we have to do this. but do we have to do that? do we have to live in that sort of police state? >> it seems every day a little bit more of our privacy is eroded through technology. >> absolutely. >> through these wonderful -- we praise facebook and twitter and all the social media. >> right. >> and then these big pipes that come into our house that carry the technology and yet people can look at everything you do. >> absolutely. they bring a lot of data in but they also bring a lot of data out. a lot of times when we talk about stories like this these tools that fall into the hands of the government we often overlook some of the tools in the hands of the organizations. it's going to be in the hands of the police. i don't see -- your big box retailer is not going to come by
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and flash this on your home and say, why aren't you in line for black friday, why aren't you shopping? but tools create this big brother environment where we don't know are we being watched right now? am i safe in my home? when i close the door and shut out the rest of the world am i really shutting out the rest of the world or the rest of the world actually keeping an eye on me? >> you had a facetious question, will this be on the shelves at walmart? >> will it? if this falls into the hands of someone who is a little bit imbalanced or stalking you imagine if someone's ex-husband or ex-wife got the crazy notion that something's going on, i'm going to check do we really need to know this stuff?
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>> you're supporter of technology. >> absolutely. >> at any rate does technology have to stand up and say enough, we need to pay more attention to privacy? >> absolutely. we saw so many hacks last year that exposed how far we have destled intodelved into technology but this is going to sound ridiculous, how little our nation knows about us. they're not designing laws to say okay 79 you want to use a piece of equipment like this you can. but it has to be under these very strict circumstances. we can't have this stop-and-frisk use of radar to look inside your home. >> brett good to see you. thank you. >> the tsa's finding thousands of guns on planes. plus: >> ♪ ♪ >> how singer andy grammar grammer
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>> this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler, coming up this half hour: the supreme court decides to take up the issue of lethal injection just days after allowing an execution to go forward. a record number of airport passengers are packing. and it's not just their bags. first, the drought now a labor dispute. it's been a very tough year for california farmers. the u.s. supreme court is weighing in debate, set to decide if one method of lethal injection is unconstitutional. rob reynolds has this report from oklahoma city.
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>> in april last year an execution of the oklahoma state penitentiary went badly wrong. convicted murderer clayton locket tervetiont gas gasped. remodeled the death chamber with more advanced technology. but states like oklahoma have found it increasingly difficult to obtain drugs mandated by lethal injections. >> gradually, in a means that's designed to kill and that has created supply problems. >> ralph shoredy says he will introduce legislation that gives authorities more are options.
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>> whenever you decrease the oxygen level on people, they black out it's a you a forric type of death where you basically pass out go to sleep and don't wake up. about. >> the debate continues's u.s. public attitudes towards capital punishment are evolving. in 2014, 35 convicted criminals were put to death. the lowest number in two decades. and seven condemned criminals were exonerated and freed from death row. recent polls show 52% of americans favor life imprisonment over execution. others like california have not carried out any executions for many years. rob reynolds, al jazeera oklahoma city. attorney and legal analyst areva martin is in los angeles
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tonight. so areva why did the supreme court take this case? >> just a few months ago the decision to stay a case takes five votes while the decision to stay a case pending review only takes four. while there's hope that the supreme court will act different than in the past it still needs five votes to really move and change the way oklahoma administers the death penalty. >> what's at issue the way the drugs are used or the way the drugs are used? >> in this case, oklahoma presents something interesting facts. there was a claim he suffered greatly during the execution. oklahoma uses a three drug cocktail. the first is to is he see sedate the
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person the second is to paralyze him. doesn't sufficiently prevent the pertinent from feeling pain and therefore the execution process is cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the constitution. this is a weird way to look at executions. >> isn't there some sort of -- couldn't there be some part of rule cruel and unusual in all forms of execution? >> absolutely. but the way the constitution is written and the way the courts have interpreted it is that as long as states are using a process that doesn't cause pain, to the inmate, then it's not cruel and unusual. that's what's so interesting about this oklahoma case. the corrections department says look, these drugs are fine. there's no pain associated with it. the man who you know claimed that he felt pain, it was because of the way the iv was put in his arm. not because the drugs failed but
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just a human error on the part of whoever used the iv or put the i vmpt in thev in the person's arrangement. >> what could be the ramifications of this case? >> i'm not hopeful the u.s. supreme court looked at the time kentucky case and said the drugs were constitutional so i don't think we're going to see very much change. at this time, with this supreme court. but i do think this is a significant step forward for those who would like to see the death penalty abolished throughout the united states. >> areva, stand by, i want to talk to you about another situation a little later. in the meantime, homeland security said it confiscated a record number of firearms from luggage last year and most of the guns were loaded. lisa stark has more. >> john, the transportation security administration snagged 2200 guns, if you figure it out
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it's a little over 6 guns a day they're screening passengers. a big jump the year before, 22% higher than what they found if 2013. the tsa says that's been the trend every year, virtually every year since 2005 the number of guns have gone up. 83% of the guns were loaded and recovered at more than 200 airports. the biggest number were found at dallas fort worth one 20 guns confiscated from passengers there. why do passengers have the guns? tsa says most sometimes the passengers said they simply forgot the loaded gun was in their carry-on bags. if the gun is found the airport police is called, they interview the passenger and decide whether he should be arrested and beyond that the tsa can impose thousands of dollars in civil penalties. as you can imagine, there is not
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only guns the tsa found a grenade, assault rifle and a .22 caliber gun hidden in a play station game console. obviously only small percentage of them are taking things on or trying to take things on that they shouldn't. still it gives you pause, more than 2,000 loaded guns that could have ended up on airplanes. john. >> lisa stark, thank you lisa. a familiar sight on many planes will soon be gone. the company behind sky mall has filed for bankruptcy. airline passengers have thumbed through that catalog for 25 years but now there are other distractions. sky mall listed delta and mairnlsamerican airlines as its biggest
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creditors. negotiators were back at the table but still no deal, farmers in california are worried. melissa chan explains. >> it's peak season for california's famous oranges. 20 to 30,000 boxes a day move through this one warehouse in the central valley for export but that's not what's happening now. >> the situation started out poorly now becoming a major crisis. >> reporter: instead of shipping citrus fruits lay in storage all because of bottlenecks at west coast ports. >> just to give you an example each box of fruit shipped overseas is two or $3 more than if it's shipped to a supermarket in the u.s. west coast dock workers and
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union workers have been negotiating for six months and the pacific mayor tine union accuses work workers ever deliberately democraticking their feet. nearly three months ago the ilwu began a are series of slow downs. >> an the congestion and the delays are caused by decisions that employers made, including a decision to stop providing the chassis, the steel frame and wheels that transports these containers. and without that critical chassis, making it harder for them to get hold of that and connect it to the container there's been terrible delays. >> major ports include tacoma,
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washington, the port of washington and american agriculture depends on them. 78% of imports rely on ocean transport and it's not just produce in peril. the meat industry, poultry beef and pork says it's already losing tens of mlz millions every week. these oranges are destined for south korea they play never get there. >> this morning the calls that came in i've had a load of fruit that went from long beach to oakland. i've got fruit sitting over there for two weeks that we're trying to get offloaded redirected to a customer here in california. >> a federal mediator has been called in but breaking the impasse may be tough. the latest according to our sources the two sides are still, quote very far apart.
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nothing anybody in the central valley wants to hear. melissa chan. al jazeera central california. troubling for communities who rely on the oil industry, like native american populations in north dakota. john hendren has their story. >> for native americans in north dakota, the oil boom is as much a curse as a blessing. >> life has become harder. it's crazy that our people, our own people who love and fought and died their ancestors to hang on to what they have left, some are freely getting up and saying i don't want to live there anymore and they move. >> the oil underneath the ground in the desolate north dakota, has earned the native american nation he a fortune. profit from drill sites on their property but for most lifestyles have gone down, crime traffic deaths and cost of living have
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gone up. >> there's money always, but the con is the drugs heroin is the big one. >> comes from here the mha nation but many members of that nation say they wish it had been left in the ground. >> so oil hasn't made everything better? >> no. it made it worse you know. but people liked money but you know i think they're destroying mother earth. >> then there's the corruption. the last chief chairman tex hall, was voted out partnering with the pirn who is accused of the murder of an ex-rival. a symbol of an era of excess. >> they really wanted to do a good job. there were a few select people
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profiting. you know, through the economy through tribal organizations of through contracts. and it was through the support of the chairman. and at the time i had no home. there were guys who were getting $50,000 bonuses for doing no work. >> mark fox was elected to change all that. to make the nha nation more accountable, spread the wealth. >> we've got to build for the future for our children. because this boom will be over for one day, it will be. that will be the greatest catastrophe for us, that we allow this boom to occur and we look back after 25 years and find that life is worse our land is destroyed our social unity is in disarray. >> with the you sun setting on tribal profits the nha nation will have less to work with to
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turn its fortunes around. john hendren, al jazeera newtown north dakota. >> health officials now confirm 68 measles infections in california. nine more cases reported across the west, california health officials say anyone who has not been immunized should stay away from the parks. coming up next, a gay couple goes public after a private school rejects their child. why it's creating such a storm on social media. plus. ♪ i'm saying it's bie bie me. >> singer andy grammer talks about his rise to fame. ♪ bye bye me ♪ the
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>> same-sex couples may soon be able to wed in alabama. a federal judge today overturned the state's ban on gay marriage. the judge did not stay her ruling. some marriages could begin this weekend. a federal judge says he will seek a delay. two prospective parents say their child was rejected because the parents are gay. one of the boy's fathers posted this on facebook.
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part of it said we believe strongly in a strict interpretation of scriptures. therefore we cannot grant admission to your children. copeland says i share this to let my friends know that discrimination affects people you know and love and it still hurts no matter how many times you go through it. copeland's husband is a christian minister. let's bring in attorney and legal analyst areva martin. what does the law say about this areva? >> john, religious organizations including religious schools have a great deal of latitude under the federal and most state laws. and they get to choose who they admit into their schools. and even though we've seen this amazing you know change in the country around gay marriages and you know gay rights, religious institutions still have this very special place in our
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society, and they're exempt from most of the laws that would apply to public institutions. >> so let's just say these -- the children had a disability, or the parents had a disability, and -- would that make a difference? >> it gets a little trickier. and it's important to distinguish between private schools and religious organizations. so if this is a private school then absolutely. americans with disabilities act, and the federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination would apply in those private school situations. but when you go to those religious organizations those religious institutions even under those strict antidiscrimination laws they are exempt. they just you know, really are protected from this whole concept of commingling you know state and religion, separate and separate and separate even to the point of discrimination as we're seeing in this case. >> here is a quote from the
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school. even though davidson academy is not affiliated with a church or denomination the school is founded by christians and based on clear tenets of face faith andfaith andpractice. if you were a lawyer representing these gay parents this gay couple is there any legal action that you would recommend that they take? >> i think it's important to note in this case the parents made it very clear that they don't see themselves as victims. i didn't get the impression they were going to challenge lack of admission for their children. but as an advocate for children yes, this may be the test case, because this school is not associated with a particular
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organization. the protections may not apply in this case. >> i'm not sure where you take it. could it be your parents your cousins, your uncles? judge i think this is why this case cries out to be challenged. because regardless, they're making some pretty broad seclusions with respect to the children -- exclusions. it's not that the children are gay, it's the parents are gay. there's a policy implemented or developed by a school about their christian principals or their religion principles. and they hide behind that in making decisions about who they employ and how they conduct their schools and so far the courts have sided with these religious organizations. >> it isn't the child that they're concerned about so you know if you filed a suit -- i
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mean i am not a lawyer but if you took some action based on the child that wanted to go to that school would that be a way in or not? >> you would be challenging the premise that they can seclude a child simply because the parent's lifestyle. and i have to say that the courts have been pretty favorable to religious organizations. again, if certain parameters are met by those organizations in terms of their true affiliation with a religious organization. they have been successful in court. but i think that's going to change. i think as we see more states allow for gay marriages as we see the attitude of the country change around gays, around the whole lgbt movement, i can't help but imagine that the laws are going to change and be more in sync with what we're see with respect to accepting the rights of all people including those who are gay and homosexual. >> areva, good to see you again. have a good weekend. >> thanks john.
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>> who do you protect? >> ...of what's really going on in ferguson >> they were so angry because it could have been them >> fault lines ferguson: race and justice in the u.s. one hour special only on al jazeera america >> singer andy grammer has come a long way in his career from performing in the streets to selling over a million records. i talked to him for friday night art series. asked him where he got the idea for that hit. >> that was written after my mom had passed away and i was kind of going through some stuff and i was out in the streets and a very specific day i had been playing all day long and nobody had given me even one tip for eight hours. no one gives you anything. so i'm packing up my stuff and
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i'm going home and either cry about it or write a song. ♪ you got to keep your head up ♪ ♪ you can let your hair down ♪ >> this was santa monica? >> santa monica yes. >> how long did you do that? >> like four years. that's a long time. four years is where your friends are out of college and they're like are you okay? are you all right? >> you're singing on the street for dimes and quarters and hopefully dollar bills. >> at some point if you are doing it well you can make up to $10. so it started to work out and i started to a bunch as i got better. >> how would you characterize your music? >> i get pinned as the happy optimistic guy. music that is happy just to be happy or music that is happy in
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the face of struggle. happiness in the face of all the crap that goes on in daily life, that sounds heroic and that's what i want to be part of. ♪ i'm saying it's fine by me if you never leave ♪ >> not totally what i'm about or what i sing about but in the face of it yes life is really hard right now and i'm still going to sing a song. >> was there a time on the street when you knew, i'm going to be able to make a career out of this, people are starting to listen, the crowds are getting businesser? >> yes i think there's -- yes and no you have the moments when you're a street performer and you have to have this like immense, i don't know ego but i could be a street performer and then go on to have a single that sells a million. that's insane when you are on the street but you still can't be bummed out but dream big.
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>> your next single is "honey i'm good." >> it's like i'm a musician out on tour a lot there are a number of beautiful women on tour, but i have an amazing woman at home, right? this is a song that encapsulates encapsulates the time, honey i'm good, you're smoking hot and i'm good, i'm straight and i haven't heard that angle yet and it excites me. >> how do you crowd source a video? >> what we want to see is people lip syncing these words and holding up how long they have been together. so the video is really sweet and to me it makes me really happy every time i see them.
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jut the idea that you can celebrate something like this in this kind of culture is cool. assemble what has been the most exciting thing you've done so far? >> the most exciting thing is that people keep showing up. as a guy who started borderline begging people on the street, to go to a sold out concert in boston whoa, this is crazy. >> we're excited about what you're doing. keep on making music. >> this wall is just fantastic holy crap, it's amaze being. >> thanks for being here. >> the man named mr. cub has died. ernie banks playing for the kansas city monarchs, banks was named baseball's most valuable
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player twice. the most lasting impression he leaves is something he would say to his team, "it's a great day for a ballgame." let's play too. ernie banks was 83 years old. see you back here next week. >> if we don't have a verdict by one o'clock it's gonna be another day. >> well it's either gonna be before noon, or they get to come back at one thirty. >> the waiting is what will knock you for a loop. if she goes to jail again i think she'll come out in a body bag. >> are they out? we are sitting right there in my office on pins and needles. >> the f
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