tv News Al Jazeera January 24, 2015 5:00am-6:01am EST
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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, welcome to the newshour from doha. the top stories - there has to be a way of bringing forces iraqi foreign forces say they can't drive out i.s.i.l. without foreign boots on the ground oxfam warns yemen is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster with millions of lives at risk
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eastern ukraine descends into horrors of mariupol as rockets fall on residential areas. >> and all the day sport. novak djokovic is in action at the australian open. we find out why the african cup of nations ecuadorial guinea will turn to buy footballers around the world. the u.s.-led coalition must do more to help forces win the fight against i.s.i.l. that is a message from kurdish leaders who say they can't do the job by themselves and need boots on the ground. zeina khodr reports from northern iraq where kurdish peshmerga forces are battling i.s.i.l. kurdish peshmerga have been winning battles, but the war against the islamic state of iraq and levant is far from over.
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air support has helped them but commanders say it is not enough. the slow pace of the offensive allows i.s.i.l. to regain momentum. the kurdish security council representative oversees the military operations on the ground and told me that the international community needs to engage more. this he said would require ground forces because it will take time for iraqi forces to be ready to defeat i.s.i.l. >> to wait until the training is completed, until the force in iraq is coming to a position where they can will take a longer time. i believe that there has to be a way that - of bringing more forces to the ground and not only depend on air strikes. >> you are calling for foreign troops? >> i want be calling that. i'm saying that dependents how quickly does the international community want to get rid of
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i.s.i.s. >> combat forces have been ruled out. the iraqi government made clear that it would not welcome foreign force, and that is not the only disagreement that the group has with the kurdish regional government. some of the arabs see advances on the ground to carve out more territory for their autonomous region the sun of the president denies this but says the future iraqi state will have to be different. >> i hope the structure based on federalism and a loose kind of unity would probably be best to help with existent problems. >> the peshmerga is fighting a battle against opponents. they criticized a decision to exclude them from the coalition in london. at this gathering the iraqi government asked for military
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support. the ahmed merabet wants the same. they are ready to accept foreign soldiers on the ground. >> despite 2,000 coalition air strikes against i.s.i.l. in syria and iraq the group controls large parts of both countries. 55,000 square kilometres in iraq. kurdish peshmerga are holding on to their territory making their way to the mosul dam. other areas, the air base in anwar province are training forces but will not get involved. i'm joined by imran khan our correspondent. there needs to be foreign troops on the ground in iraq because they can't do it on their own. it's controversial. it's right, it's a split between
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the baghdad and kurdish government. i.s.i.l. territory - the kurd are making gains. they want the fight to be quicker than it has done. they see foreign ground as a way to do that. the type of training that the iraqi and kurdish forces get need to be adopted. we are looking at a period of two years before iraqi troops fight i.s.i.l. the timeline is unacceptable for the kurds. the split comes when you take a look at what the baghdad government wants, they don't want american or foreign boots on the ground. they see it as a reoccupation. the iranians who are involved say that they are capable of beating i.s.i.l. you have that split. there's another. pro-sunni tribes want american
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foreign boots on the ground. in 2006 2007 and eight, they were able to beat al qaeda, and need that pore. there's no unified presence it's to deal with the idea that you have the peace treaty and the kurds would like to go in. it's a reoccupation if they go in. >> the likelihood of american boots on the ground is not date diplomated it is unlikely. there's no political will there. you have the white house saying they'll help with the training. the americans - there's no way for them to go in this large numbers, but there may come a time when they may have to.
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they are not saying they won't go in but there may come a time when they will. >> the lebanese army says eight soldiers have been killed after being attacked in the bacar valley on the border with syria. the fighters were linked to the al nusra front in that area. >> rival rallies have been held. houthis continue to surround key government buildings in the capital. thousands gathered in sanaa. elsewhere marches in support of the houthis were held. president mansour and his government resigned on thursday. oxfam warned that yemen is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster. the aid agencies says there are 6 million people in need of aid. they don't have enough to eat and according to oxfam, there's
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850,000 acutely malnourished children. millions have no access to clean water. let's speak to the head of adroe case of -- advocacy of international in yemen. he joins on the line. tell us about the humanitarian situation, and it has become so desperate. >> i think we are [ inaudible ] we currently have around about 15 million people in need of humanitarian assistance at the moment. it's questioned whether it will get worse, and we may come through the situation in our
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hand. i think the purpose was to really highlight the issue. the international media tends to focus on the situation in the country, 15 million people in need of humanitarian assistance has been noted. this really has been a situation, in terms of humanitarian needs, what is the priority what would you like to see happen immediately. >> it's a variety of issues that will cover the country. things like food security to water and sanitation. the problems that over 15 million yemenis are facing people in the middle east in need of human tri assistance
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for oxfam, is humanitarian. >> what needs to be done. what would you like to see happen and what is your message to the international community today? as i say, the introduction unfortunately, we still have people in need. it's a requirement for security and stability to address those concerns and needs of the 16 million people. >> thank you very much. head of advocacy for oxfam
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international, joining us on the line from sanaa we'll head to ukraine where 10 are dead after shelling in mariupol. it's a government-held port south-east of the city of donetsk. it is the latest attack as fighting intensified across several fronts. let's speak to charles stratford in donetsk. tell us about what is happening in mariupol. what are you hearing? >> a couple of hours ago it was reported that 10 people were killed in shelling on mariupol, a port city a city of importance. that was according to et head of the donetsk regional police. we subsequently made calls to a ukranian journalist. a journalist telling us that
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there were at least 10 people killed. coming from a rebel area in the north. we are also hearing from up to 10 cars that were hit. it comes 24 hours after an announcement in donetsk, saying that there were troops basically in the donetsk province. certainly we need media reports of a push today. hostages it seems it's offensive or significant strikes on them in 12 months.
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the tension needs to be sticking to... >> charles, we are seeing fighting op several fronts as you said. mariupol donetsk and so on. can we talk about a full-blown war, a truce being in place. >> it's difficult to define it's not a full-on war. not at this stage. certainly we are seeing a build-up an escalation over the last few days. we saw ukranian forces trawling the airport, and we had not only the rebel leader but the ukranian side the president saying on his twitter yesterday that the rebels were not interested in honouring the
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ceasefires. it's certainly close to this morning. there was more than firing out into the airport. as i say, there was a push out by five fronts trying to gain more ground from the areas of this region. >> al jazeera's charles stratford on the line there in eastern ukraine. the ongoing conflict in eastern ukraine has split the country. it has split families many forced to make a decision of leaving loved ones behind. paul brennan met with such families in donetsk. >> elana left her home. she thought it might be for a
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couple of weeks. nine months on she and some of her family are in poland living as refugees. >> on may the ninth the shooting started. we thought it was a salute. when we heard more machine-gun fire, we understood it was not a salute. we began to pick up quickly. took the kids and mum and off we went. >> reporter: by contrast her husband enlisted as a fighter with the militia. neither elana nor the children have heard from him in six months. even if he's alive, she does not expect a reunion. >> since the conflict more than 1 million people have fled their homes. 633,000 are classed as displaced people. and 600,000 have fled to
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neighbouring countries. >> the rest of the family chose a new life in poland. elana's elderly father chose to stay in donetsk. he is pro-russian, that doesn't make the rift easier to bear. >> translation: no one expected it. everyone fled. i'm the only one from the family left. i'm at the age when all my friends are dead or have left and my family are far away. >> he telephoned his stranged family. i showed them video of them. he was visibly moved. conflict has polarized those in east ukraine. family ties are difficult to sever. where there is love there is
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still hope still ahead on the al jazeera newshour we report from northern india on a bleak midwinter for people driven from their home by violence. a bigger slice of support. why there's an appetite for change ahead of the general election. in sports the william sisters turn up the heat in melbourne as serena williams joins and goes through to the forth round of the australian open brazil's government warned that it's facing its worse drought since 1930. tens of thousands have been affected with farming and industries struggling. kevin matthews reports. >> the bed of brazil's river is cracked and burnt.
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>> translation: we are experiencing the worst water crisis in the history of the south-west. >> the reservoir in sao paulo provides water to rio de janeiro for the north. parts of the country have only the vital reserves left. raigsing has been introduced. >> the volume available is a debt volume it will not be enough to get to the end of the year. it's crucial measures be taken now. they can't be postponed. in sao paulo people have been charged for using more water. they are limited in the amount of water in rivers. >> if we don't receive the water truck and don't have water the factory has to stop. the machines only work with the
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system. >> there was a water shortage in my work place for several days. there was no electricity. >> the drought means hired electric power plants have barely enough water to operate. they are happy to report. local authorities didn't react fast enough because they didn't want to alarm people. the brazilian family insists there's another in reservoirs to avoid rationing for six months. >> an update with rob, and any good news for rio? >> we think of brazil as a wet country. look at the satellite behind me - it's about 12-18 hours worth. it's full of clouds that grow. thunder storms producing rain and there's a line of clouds going through rio, which is what we were talking about. if i zoom in closer to brazil it's populated, which is a
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problem. if you do get the rain and there's a streak of white cloud here which is showers, it needs to go on for months and months soaking into the soil to do a lot of good. that is good news because the line goes through a heatwave. the reservoirs are scattered along the valley. you need to top up a river and the reservoirs. let's take the forecast ahead about three days. we'll run it for you at this resolution. it looks like a mess. the position is the important thing here. it pulses a bit, because it tends to be in daylight hours. it's this in general hour. in short, that's where the rain ought to be and has failed. it is back it's a little weak but is doing some good. >> thanks.
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>> greece's prime minister made a final appeal to voters ahead of sunday's general election. despite years of austerity the country is showing signs of recovery. the party is up against a group whose leaders promise to restore dignity to greece. >> we'll speak to al jazeera's correspondent. we have seen campaign rallies. what does the election peen to greece. what are the hopes for the future. >> the people of greece are looking to the election to sort out their loss in the light of severe austerity measures it had a huge affect across the country. we are today, saturday polling in a kind of hiatus. taking stock is contemplation. there's no more campaigning coming up to the 7 o'clock start
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local time of the polls opening. i've just come back to the north, to get a feeling as to how people outside of athens are thinking as to how they should vote. i'm trying to talk to a man forced to make a desperate stand. a greek man takes action on the bank. he spent his last 10 euro on the can of petrol used to set himself alight. that was 4 years ago. he shows a building where he ran his bottling plant. he lost everything. >> that was the kind of protest. not only on the bank. and to the government trying to make them understand. and on behalf of the people
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elected them. >> has greece improved over the years since then four years since you set yourself on fire? >> no every day we go worse and worse, and most of the people have loft almost everything, they have - most of the people have lost especially their self-respect. the same fate has hit men businesses here. there are similar stories over greece where company directors have taken advantage of ready finance of easy loans, and when things turned sour they had the final rug pulled from beneath them. the feeling is that athens and politicians are a way away. they may make promises but once the election is over promises evaporate. >> the outgoing prime minister
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says there are shoots of recovery showing his austerity policy is working. the suriza party, the front runner sees the system as dominating and corruption. the european union officials called it a model for all greece after he brought in independent auditors in 2010 to weed out corruption here. >> it happens a lot. i know that unless we overcome and we come to do things together this corruption will exist. >> austerity measures hit the
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reason hard. the message is that there'll be a renegotiation of the bailout after the election. they think their e.u. neighbours should take heed of a suburb. >> you have to try to do this because this will come also to your house. >> we are really seeing that this is a radical left party. stealing a march leading in the polls they are doing various, anything from 4.5. if they got 9% it would be a full majority. they need to get 36% in the parliament. that means they could do whatever they liked. they wouldn't have to join hands with the party. if they don't get the amount. a lot of people say they may
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steal that. they are likely to join up with the independent greek party, a center right party, a bit more proeuro. everyone is looking towards how far to take the lead. no one is expecting antonio samar as to win the election. the radio is broadcasting that they believe this is the last day in office for the prime minister now, event across the world. there's a surge in union polls ahead of elections. we have this report. >> burns night, a celebration of
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the a poet and his homage to a meal made of sheep's stomach. never mind if outsiders find it hard to under. at this scottish burns supper they are more concerned about public opinion been scotland, and it is more positive than ever before. >> i think it's a natural progression. the 19th century was a different era. >> reporter: the burns supper is in dundee one of two scottish cities that voted for independence in the referendum last september. their argument lost. scotland remains within the union. for how much longer when the nationalists are popular. >> since losing the referendum last september, support for the
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nationalists has rich and risen and risen again. if the polls stay as they are at the moment. they'll win almost every until parliamentary seat in scotland in national elections in may. that would make them the third biggest political party in the whole of the u.k. and given the most extraordinary leverage over a party in west minister fighting tooth and nail to deny them their dream. all those that voted for independence did so on the assumption that scotland's wealth would be built on oil, trading at $100 a barrel. four months on the price halved. >> there's no way to pay for public services and these things in scotland. you can't run a country on the one commodity. voters will realise and do realise that that economic credibility has gone. >> opponents are wrong.
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the case for independence was never predicated on the price of oil or oil at all. that's a bonus. >> the value of oils in scotland became a central issue during the referendum. how striking that the halving of the value has not affected opinion here which is certain in scotland's ability to stand up for itself. >> still ahead on the al jazeera newshour. the new king and his successors. we take a closer look at the future shape of the monarchy. >> after years of neglect. nigeria's train system gets on track. >> in sports we meet a group of runners who completed seven marathons in seven continent in the space of a week. stay with us.
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welcome back you are watching the al jazeera newshour a reminder of the top stories, a senior kurdish official told al jazeera iraqi forces need forces on the ground to beat i.s.i.l. oxfam says political instability in yemen brought the country to the brink of a humanitarian crisis. 16 million people were in need of aid, including millions that don't have enough eat 10 are dead in ukraine in mariupol at the government-held
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port south-east of donetsk. it's the latest attack as fighting intensifies across several fronts. >> a day after inheriting the ground saudi arabia's kink salman is expected to meet more foreign heads of state. president obama will travel to riyadh in the coming days. we have more on the new monarch. >> the dignitaries came to pay respects to a leader who died and a half-brother who took his place. in keeping with tradition, there was no formal swearing in ceremony with king sal misunderstand. it was king abdullah that regional heads of dates from qatar, bahrain and others were able to meet the man who now leads one of the richest and influential nations. shortly after ascending the thrown the new king said he'd maintain the same policies as his predecessors.
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>> translation: we are going to continue with the broach -- approach of father. we'll continue to implement the koran and prophet muhammad into our legislation. >> reporter: one of his first acts was to set the chain of success. by royal decree. his half-brother was affirmed as the immediate assessor. he appointed his nephew as deputy crown prince second this line to the thrown. the prince is the first grandson of saudi arabia's founder to be named as future air. he's a powerful figure behind saudi arabia security policies. >> the interior minister is an expert on counter-terrorism. that's a signal that the kingdom is going to be very focused on internal security and regional
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security. and it's a region in transition. the rein begins against the backdrop of a war in syria. the advance of i.s.i.l. all issues of concern to saudi arabia long seen as a pillar of stability in the arab world. well to discuss saudi arabia's change in leadership i'm joined from riyadh by editor at large for the newspaper. thank you for being with us. good to have you on al jazeera. king salman though his remarks give a reassuring message of stability. we are seeing a new generation of royals. the deputy carbon prince has the dedication of modernizer. do you expect changes? >> well you know the kingdom of saudi arabia what king
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salman said yesterday is no different. they have the right to point out a new leadership if you like a young younger levels of royals coming. it's of interest how king salman made sure that prince mulcran is his chris crown prince. the crown prince and the crown prince. number two in the line of succession that is assured. it's interesting how many got this right by saying maybe someone will remove him. once the royal family and the people of saudi arabia at large
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have anyone the assent to the king the carbon prince this is security and stability for saudi arabia for a long time to come. we know that the prince is not 50. i suspect that we will see some changes in foreign policy. i doubt there'll be much changes in defense policies so saudi arabia is not a country that goes into other countries directly or indirectly. i expect to see more focus on education, and it is not something. it's almost evolution and education. there are lots of changes facing the team. >> a lot of challenges but do you expected the focus to be on the external and what is happening in the region in neighbouring yemen.
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are you expecting more focus internally because we have seen tension internally in saudi arabia. >> well you know what. there has to be focus on both. the leadership kont deny what happened around them. iraq is a huge challenge. the idea that iran tries to play around in the field in bahrain. so saudi arabia faces this. nevertheless there's a young population, and later all the king abdullah sent hundreds of thousands to study abroad. they have to come back and find jobs and the security within the kingdom. there's elements of that and i.s.i.s., and that is where they have succeeded to a great extent
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in reining the people inside the kingdom: i expect there'll be changes. >> sorry, you mentioned inside the kingdom. i wonder how ready is a saudi public for more changes. are they ready for that or are they hope with continuity. >> i think the saudi population is mixed and divided and you have the hard liners when it comes to religion and express, and go ahead word by word doing what the koran says and they are the modernizers that pray five times a day. really there is quit a big division in the kingdom. it's not easy for the ruling
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family to walk through he is tight ropes, if you like to govern the people. i don't think education is important. i doubt the kingdom or its leadership can go back on reform. the more people educated the more they want reform jobs modernization. nevertheless we should not underestimate the hardliners. >> very interesting to hear interest you. thank you for your time president abdul fatah al-sisi said he would like to see the case against three al jazeera journalists resolved our colleagues have been imprisoned in egypt for 392 dates. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed were falsely accused of colluding with the outlawed muslim brotherhood. al jazeera continues to demand their release. >> in zambia elections ruling
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party candidate ed-garlungo has a slight league. it is following the death of michael sata. voting has been low with delays in remote areas. >> staying with africa. nigeria's government embarked on a mission to re-vanning the railways. for years the system didn't run at all. trains may be back on track, but not at full speed. >> after decades of neglect. trains in nigeria are back on track, and passengers breathing life into the system. the refurbished line reopened last year. >> enjoy. >> they no longer have to worry about bandits or drivers when he takes the journey back to his family house. >> this is a second time on board he is going to visit his
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grandmother. >> i like it because it's cheaper. and what i like about it is that it's slow. >> the train seems to moveffatt moffatt -- moveat a lower speed than 50 k/hr. >> at the current levels. the nigerian railway estimates 5 million passengers use the train. it's not considered many in a country of nearly 107 million. >> the nigerian government has been expanding and growing the network by estimates between 8 to 10 billion projects due. most of the contracts going to state-run chinese firms. a 12 billion agreement was
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signed with china to build it along the coast. >> funding is a major, major issue when it comes to railway construction. i'm not aware of any other country as we speak today, of a better offer. i'm talking about next to nothing interest raid. some researchers are concerned about financial irregulation. >> the process is not as transparent as it ought to be. highly controversial, highly inflated. not as confident as it is meant to look. >> the government insists that the push is crucial, particularly as roads are no longer ability cope with commercial freight. trains are used to move food cement and petroleum products. the hope is that more lines will be deleted, 26 million people
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will use the trains a year. venezuela's ailing economy has left many citizens grappling with government revenues hit hard by plunging oil prices. president maduro blamed the prices on right-wing enemies. >> reporter: a day in the life of a venezuelan shopper. this is a sad daily reality. i got every day at 5am searching for milk. soldiers tried to calm the crowds of thousands, waiting to buy. tempers rising as quickly as the heat. they are trying to jump the queues and others are selling places in line. no wonder people are furious, it's 11:25 in the morning.
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given the length of line it will be 5 o'clock before anyone reaches the registers, if there is anything left to sell. >> every day they are in the lines, and all the mothers with children. no one is spared. while they too, downtown the president nicolas maduro called the overthrow of a dictator a chance to show support in the hard times. under the gaze of many nicolas maduro blamed the oligarchy for the scarcities. >> this is the last chance that i am giving the capitalist distributors before i take drastic action. >> reporter: he's not saying what it will be he has called on the pro-government national assembly.
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starting an investigation on tuesday into an attempted coup de ta and there's no doubt who will be to blame. at the supermarket opposition students march past enormous queues. they don't deserve this says a demonstrator urging people to join the protest. as they hold their place, people look on in silence, at least for now. u.s. president obama will be looking to strengthen ties with india when he begins a 3-day visit on sunday. relations between india and the u.s. have been strained. obama and narendra modi are said to have developed a strong rapport. it's been more than a year since thousands were struck by violence in pradesh.
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most of the victims have been resettled elsewhere. some fear that will not be enough to get them through the harsh winter. >> reporter: it's not much. this is the only place that this family calls home. they left the village after communal violence in 2013. struggling through a harsh winter she is reminded of everything they lack - heat water and power. the government gave her family $800 in compensation. but she said that is not enough. >> my husband works as a servant in a nearby village and doesn't earn much. we are always borrowing from the neighbours. we had to borrow $400 to build a small room. >> many in her community had to make the move. it's a little over a kilometre
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away. many are finding it hard to take place. >> this family was able to afford land and build a house. neighbours brought land. their family had to choose between buying food and putting a permanent roof over their heads. what was once farm land has over the past year been transformed into a settlement by survivors of the violence. with no sanitary water or electricity, the community leader says the government must intervene if things are to get better. >> translation: the government is our master it can do anything for its children. we are its children. it should pay attention and decide what should be done for everything. it's the government's duty. >> reporter: it's a duty the government says it does not do. eligible families receive compensation of up to 8,000. those who were to be compensated
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have been. if they expect compensation to be limited, it's another question. >> she is still looking for a helping hand. it's been a cold winter in india, with temperatures dropping to less than 5 degrees at night. she can only hope a change of season will bring with it better times. all right, all the sport is just ahead on al jazeera. . >> i'm andy richardson at the african cup of nations in ecuador guinea. find out why the home team is described as the united nations of football.
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time for the sport with sanaa. >> thank you, we start with the latest from the australian open where top seed serena williams survived a scare to book her last place. the 18-time champion dropped the first set against erina svitolina. the american found her form taking the set 6-2, 6-0, and will join ven us in the fourth round. in the men's stanislaw wawrinka is through to the last 16 beating jarkko nieminen. he won his first grand slam last year beating rafael nadal. he'll be joined by novak djokovic he beat fernando verdasco in straight sets. world number 10 david ferrer is
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taking on gale simon. >> ghana beat tournament favourites algeria. breathing new life into their campaign with a 1-0 win. the hero returning from a bout of malaria to score the winner on the stroke of full-time. the final round of matches on tuesday deciding which teams will go through to the quarter files. >> host equatorial guinea remained in contention. having a small population prevents problems in building a national team. andrei richardson reports on a
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side known for spending big on footballers. >> in africa an ambition to wear a football shirt in europe is not uncommon. in equatorial guinea the talent flow is in reverse. >> two-thirds the squad was born in spain and qualified from having a parent or a grandparent from the formal policy. it's part of a policy that has seen the oil-reach country vying with players from south america. the jersey is red, with a bit of green, blue and white. that's what they are. they have players from all around the world playing for them. it's a problem for people in african football. they feel that if any country can be naturalized. they can naturalize anyone. >> a footballer has to live in a country to qualify for a team.
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it's equatorial guinea kicked out of qualifying for fielding a foreign born player. only when they volunteered to step in were they given a second chance. when they last appeared in a cup of nations in 2012, the starting line-up didn't contain a single player born in the country. >> in an effort to avoid further controversy equatorial guinea dropped the imports. the spanish born players remained including midfielder yourselfanal whose father is from the country he chose to represent. >> i played in a lot of games. span yol. the field is special field. when you play in africa when you see new supporters. it's a special sensation. fans seem to be appreciating the decision to pick a team with
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closer connections to their country. >> it doesn't matter if they are spanish. when they put on the national shirt. we are all brothers. for now, a team raised in africa, and not on the playing fields appears a new ambition. >> hall of famer ernie banks died at the age of 83 he is was the cubs first black player. 56 years after jackie robinson broke the colour barrier with the brooklyn dodgers. he had a 19-year career with the cubs. he was an all star and named twice the most valuable player and awarded the highest honour in the presidential medal of freedom. >> now, running a marathon is a counting prospect for most people. a group of 11 men and one woman
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have been running seven of them on seven don'tents in the space of a week. they started - the union last year on january 17th. from there, they got in a plane in chilly. miami in the united states was the third stop followed by madrid and across to dubai. final stop is sydney australia, a week after they started. andrew thomas was there to meted them. >> reporter: these 12 people have been running around the world. since last saturday they won six marathons in six condinents. 42 in antarctica, chile florida,
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spain, morocco and nearby. they have flown more than they ran, nine flights. the final flight to sydney - some dressed up for show. within four hours of landing, the real running gear was on. >> your head is all over the place. what country are we in what is next. what time zone. >> ted chak sins raised more than 2,000 for charity. his wife has multiple sclerosis. >> i had a text saying i was up to 136,000 pounds. when i'm on a plane it goes up to two or three thousand planes. two years ago a tumor was found on the brain. >> the body held up. mental fatigue is stepping in. flying and jetlag. >> in sydney a midnight start is
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needed to get all seven races run. the runners spread out. each marathon had its own particular challenge. in antarctica it was the code. in morocco it rained in dubai, the heat. here in sydney it's running at night after a 16 hour flight and, of course after running six previous marathons. >> blistered feet and swollen ankles are almost badges of honour. douglas wilson was first across the sydney line his time was the fastest all week. >> it will take a week or two to get on track. and we'll sink in. >> there's one priority - rest. >> that is it for me. >> thank you, that's it for this newshour on al jazeera. for me and the team thanks for watching.
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>>tomorrow. >> visibility was 3 to 5 nautical miles. >> weathering the storm. >> we want to show people how to replace property against the worst mother nature has to offer. >> experts forecast how to stay safe. >> i'm standing in a tropical windstorm. >> in extreme weather. >> oh my god. >> techknow's team of experts show you how the miracles of science... >> this is my selfie, what can you tell me about my future? >> can affect and surprise us. >> don't try this at home. >> "techknow" where technology meets humanity. tomorrow at 7:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
6:00 am
>> there these be a way of bringing forces to the ground. iraqi kurdish forces say they can't drive back i.s.i.l. without foreign boots on the ground. a warm welcome. as a political crisis deepens, yemen is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster says oxfam, with millions of lives at risk. fighting intensified in eastern ukraine, with res
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