tv News Al Jazeera January 27, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EST
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>> two of the world's bigs airlines suspend flights in and out of baghdad after a plane is hit by bullets. good checking with us, i'm david foster. also coming up in the next 30 minutes. greece's new prime minister says it's unrealistic for greece to pay its debts in full. rogue spice trying to your honor mine her and new york city is shut down by what some are saying is an historic snow
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storm. two of the world's biggest airlines have cancelled their flights in and out of the iraqi capital because a plane was shot at and hit. emirates airlines took the action after a plane was hit by a spray of bullets are air flights into ben gurion airplane and the flight over creufn that was shutukraine that was shot down. imran khan,imran khan, you had to
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be near to the baghdad airport. >> let me take you through the geography of the baghdad airport. intense woodland, that's where we expect the sniper was based. it was on the area disclosest to where the woodland is, where the marsh lands are. we have seen aircraft fire from that area, that is a difficult part of the area to control it backs onto anbar province. we are seeing somebody possibly within the perimeter. now the investigation is taking place right now but what we are
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seeing is this house of cards effect one airline has cancelled, one has nearly decided as well. nobody wants to take the risk of mh-17 flying into a place like that. it has a effect on the security concerns here. a number of people i've spoken to have said, baghdad airport is a red line. the that gets hit they'll stop flying in. the fact that somebody was able to get so close means that everybody is concerned right now at the security of the airport. >> and security as a whole still a massingive massive issue.
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pictures given credence that there is a massacre in dyalla province. continuing to see the pictures which were taken afterwards. what's the story here. >> we've seen this time and time again where iraqi in this this case shia militias go into the town and there seem to be a number of killings that shock iraq. the 17 number is a big number. and then sunni says this is a war crime that the shia ul militias are doing. this goes back to the sectarian arrivalrivalries. have had successes they've this
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e-had these successes. but they are worried that these people operate outside the iraqi security forces. you have these sunni politicians that are very concerned what's going on. then large number of bodies turn up, so when it comes up to something like this almost immediately the sunni l say these were executions a lot of the time. we don't know what happened and the iraqi official take us through what happened. >> thank you imran khan.
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are town of kobani, violence have crossed the border to turkey. the town has now been taken by those fighting i.s.i.l. u.s. president barack obama is off to ryad, to meet salman aziz. paying his respects to saudi arabia's king abdullah. the syriza party leader of greece are alexis tsipras was sworn in yesterday. he was taking the civil oath rather than the religious one.
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>> we know that mr. tsipras has arrived in his office in the last hour. we know that he's got his cabinet names with him and we know that he is now in conference with his top advisors going over them one last time. announcements are expected at a senior members of the party have told me but there are concerns whether they will come in the next hour or two or in the evening. we do know from senior sources in the greek finance world that two chief names have been handed around as potential finance ministers. that portfolio will be key because it is the next finance minister who will direct the he
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back in 2012, was advocating a greek exit from the euro and the return to the national currency as the only way to deal with the country's problem. that pos has been position has been toned down more recently but he is said to be more interested in developing the economy and the more productive part of the economy. the more moderate economists in the syriza team, he is very much in favor of a consent yul program with the europeans his line last become more dominant syriza policy, that is, not one of confrontation osh threat of
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unilateral default on the part of greece but negotiated resettlement rescheduling if you like of the debt payments. >> john. thank you. argentina's president cristina kirchner after the death of the prosecutor alberto nisman accused the deposit as responsible for the the bombing of the jewish center. >> they can say what they like, make the accusations they want, let them l accuse me, but what is necessary is terror reform of judicial power.
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>> latin american editor lucia newman has more on this. >> one week after the death of alberto nisman, cristinana kirchner has announced that a new agency with a director and deputy director appointed by her should be in place. she indicated the reason for this is that the currently security agency had been or part of it had been conspiring against the government and with the public prosecutor either with or without his knowledge. this whole mess regarding this mysterious death of the public prosecutor reads like a complicated confabulated spy
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novel. without concrete information to explain why he would have committed suicide or why he was killed as some are suggesting. >> a massive snow storm is bearing down on the northeast of the united states. already, more than 7500 flights have been cancelled. warning that juno could be historic. kim vanel has the report. >> used to the cold, commuters tried oget a head start on -- tried to get a head start on mob. all bracing the blizzard to get home and hunker down for night. >> i'm going home tonight yes i am. just came from work, they called early, i'm going home. >> junior valdez though won't be going anywhere. >> i'll be here, in my building
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for 36 hours straight, four hour shifts and breaks in between. i'm switch with a buying. >> by are 4:00 in the afternoon new york city was almost dark and time square had almost emptied. new york city mayor says this storm should not be underestimated. >> stay out of doors stay home, this is something you should act on as quickly as possible. >> but there was little these drivers could do. and emergency services were difficult. millions will be waking to a sea of white. kim vanel, al jazeera. >> still ahead on al jazeera closing down guantanamo. why the military operation is
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into baghdad after concerns over safety. two airlines were flight on and apparently hit at baghdad international airport. greece's prime minister is expected to tell who he wants in his cabinet pretty soon. sworn in on monday and formed and alliance of the right wing party called the independent greeks. rogue agents were behind the killing of alberto nisman, before he was supposed to testify accusing the government of a coverup. former cuban president fidel cast trow has broken his silence.
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here is gabriel elizondo. >> reporter: his estate, why don't you as you mentioned to students at the university of havana, this was unexpelled, unexpected, the announcement. and in the letter was not specifically about the talks. however, one paragraph at the end he gave what appeared to be a rather tepid endorsement of the talks. he did not trust united states but in the same sense he said he supports any sort of peaceful resolution to the long
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diplomatic standoff to the u.s. he has not spoken a word to these talks but it is anybody's guess, it could be that raul cast tro informed fidel castro about it but it doesn't mean that fidel castro has actually spoken to the u.s., he has even though he's retired since 2006 he is clearly a huge figure in this country even though he is very old and by all accounts not in the greatest of health. >> it's been six years since u.s. president barack obama said he would shut down guantanamo bay, the detense center. many detainees are still locked up in that u.s. military prison in cuba. rosalyn jordan reports on the barriers facing the u.s. president. >> it was the first executive
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order of barack obama but that was six years ago. the prison is still open. he declared that dur the state of the union speech. >> it makes no sense to keep open a prison the u.s. condemns and terrorists use to recruit. >> in his band the administration's efforts to move the detainees to an empty federal prison. suspend all transfers for two years and ban all transfers to yemen. >> it's one thing to make the campaign promise but if you look at the security situation we're facing around the world right now, now is not the time to be emptying guantanamo.
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>> then there's the problem that predates the obama administration, the status of 35 men known asth definitely detainees. the u.s. calls these detainees too dangerous to release some of those detainees can now ask a parole board to release them. human rights officers say this process is slow but it is working. unreal isk to think that the president could release all of the detainees detainees on his say so. >> he could pardon them or release them but i don't think he would do that for all the people. i don't think it's as much a legal bar but a practical bar and he is being very, very
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careful. >> the challenge is to convince a skeptical congress and a good many discerns that the guantanamo risk poses as much to the security as the men they are holding. rosalyn jordan, al jazeera washington. >> charges have been leveled against yvgheni brakof, working for the u.s. on behalf ever russia but protected by diplomatic immunity. a public inquiry of the death of leveneko, nobody has been charged with his death here's lawrence lee. >> it's a full eight years since the image ever the dying
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alexander letvene beingsnko emerged. his death has caused a huge issue. he drank a cup of tee spiked with a newark atomg atom. the government refused to hold an inquiry. the man in charge of the inquest which can only establish a cause of death had to suspend even that after the british government refused to reveal sensitive information. but last summer just four days after the malasian air jet was
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shot down over the ukraine many decided that relations with russia had gotten so bad there was no point in denying an inquiry. friends of litvenenko says it is about time. >> the option of holding closed sessions revealing mi-6, where we know from the judge there is a prime a primea pry ma prime prima facie evidence,.
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>> fully more than the british government can have them extradited for litvenenko's murder. nine weeks of testimony all that marina litvene nrvesko says she wants. lawrence lee london. rating stands at junk. peter sharp spoke to members of the public about what they thought of all of this. >> and the bad news just keeps on coming. shoppers in moscow now looking on as the country's credit rating tumbled into junk status. >> everything they say remains on the page. i don't see anything done to get
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life back to normal. >> the realization that it's going to get worse before it gets better. >> i think it's going to continue for several years we will fall further lind and then we will climb out of it, which is going to take years. >> down grading russia's status to junk will further down grade. what is junk bond status? bonds would now be worth just $262,000 that's a 74% loss in an investment made just six months ago. junk. thomas levinson is an analyst for a local bank. >> i think it's a very difficult situation and i think that there is a acceptance that russian
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growth this year will contract quite sharply and indeed that is probably one of the main concerns of the credit rating agencies. the fact that at the moment, monetary policy is very restricted at the moment. >> the russian president was remarkably upbeat about the months ahead. but putin's service looking less convincing as the economic onslaught continues unabated. peter sharp, al jazeera moscow. thai airlines is planning to scrap unprofitable routes and sell off assets. the airline and the government is working on a reorganization rows to save the country from bankruptcy. hundreds of troops have been walking for nearly a week from mandatemany mandalay to yan gong.
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it's now four months since 43 students disappeared in the mexican city of igwala. continuing to protest about a government they believe may have had some involvement in what happened. adam rainey reports. >> reporter: they accused the government of lying and killing the students. with each passing day skepticism and suspicion deepen over the government's story of how 43 students disappeared. only one student's remains have been identified. driving the situation inconsistency. the army looked the other way a report the government denies. >> we've seen the facts. nothing the clear.
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the government is contradicting itself. >> behind the area that federal police took place in what happened was nearly unbelievable. linked to thousands of craises cases of human rights abuse torture and murder. this dump is where the government says the students were killed and burned. a leading citizen says that's science fiction. >> it just cajt be can't be true. that would cause tons of fuel to cause this fire. there are many facts that make this impossible. >> others are searching for the truth, like these people looking for the students in mass graves.
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looking for a rejection of the story. here in mexico protests continue a call for a truth a truth that may never fully come to light. adam rainey, al jazeera mexico city. >> a drone crashed in the grounds of the white house. didn't pose any kind of threat but the secret service is now saying somebody with a hobby has come forward and taken responsibility for what happened to the two foot long aircraft. a single engine plane has landed safely after taking a nose dive off the pacific ocean. run out of fuel off the coast of hawaii. see the pair chult parachute that some planes have. in the end the pilot was then
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picked up by a cruise ship that had then been called in to help. for more on our all of our stories. that is >> taking often the pleasing name deflate gate because of the football used by the patriots in the game up to the super bowl. we're looking at cheating with no softballs. that's inside story.
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