tv News Al Jazeera January 29, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST
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>> it's good to ever you along with us for the al jazeera news hour. this is some of what we have coming up in the next 60 minutes: isil releases a new audio recording threatening to kill a jordanian pilot if a woman isn't released that is on death row. >> authorities call makes flight 370 an accident. >> what happened to the victims
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as police moved in. >> exploring the mysteries of our world water. the project mapping the entire planet every three days. >> we begin with developments surrounding the fate of two isil hostages. the armed group has released an audio record, new warnings. the message hasn't been verified as coming from isil, but says it wants jordan to release an iraqi woman on death row in jordan. if she isn't released, the group says it will killle jordanian pilot. we have the latest. >> under immense pressure, jordan's government is in the middle of a three way hostage swap with isil. at the center of negotiations is one of its citizens, an air
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force pilot who was captured by isil last month after the fighter jet he was flying crashed in syria. at a rally on wednesday, his father said he received assurances from jordan's ruler king abdullah,. >> he says he is my son as he is your on and god willing everything will be fine. >> his life depends on what happens to another hostage held by isil and an iraqi prisoner in jordan from a bomb be which killed 57 people in amman. isil wants to exchange him for another person they're holding a japanese journalist. this and you had owe recording is said to be of the journalist. the mental is not verified. >> if the prisoner is not ready
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for exchange for my life at the turkish border by thursday, 29th of january mosul time, the jordanian pilot will be killed immediately. >> the japanese government is involved in a flurry of diplomacy after isil killed one of its nationals this week. >> as ordered by the foreign minister we continue to collect information, analyze and share it. we in the government are working at one for a release. >> japan wants its citizen released. so does jordan, but isil says it will only release the japanese journalist if jordan releases the woman hostage and there's no guarantee the pilot will be released. that's left both governments intense talks with an unpredictable group.
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>> malaysia's civil aviation authority declared mh370 crashed in an accident, clearing the way for compensation. they say it is impossible that any onboard survived. it went down somewhere in the indian ocean on march of last year. investigators say the search is still a priority. >> we have concluded that the aircraft disaster over a defined area of the southern indian ocean, and that the aircraft is located on the sea floor close to that defined area. this is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. it is also an area with the worse sea conditions with known
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depths of more than 6,000 meters. >> live for us now in kuala lampur, it was an accident, not caused by outside interference, but what did cause the crash? >> well, that is still the question on the lips of many families i'm sure as they hear this news coming out from the civil aviation authority. the c.a.a. here in malaysia did supplement that news conference by saying there was no reliable data that they could deduce what may have happened to the plane as it supposedly went down in the indian ocean but they do believe it would have exhausted all of its full fuel tanks and therefore landed somewhere in the indian ocean. they've already searched 18,000 square kilometers and up to 6,000 meters in depth. the search will continue even
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though the plane has been declared missing and those onboard dead, they are not giving up the search for the plane. it allows a form of closure for some bereaved families. >> the way is cleared for compensation claims, you might think that is a form have closure, a chance to look at it from a different angle but many of them are still particularly upset. >> indeed. the nature of this press conference here in malaysia was very confused, periodic statements have been made over the last 10 months since the plane went missing. there were normally technical conferences for the media only. this meeting was scheduled for two and a half hours before the announcement that you just saw on your screen. we were expecting just technical data as routine to be declared by the c.a.a. they delay that had press
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conference which led to a great deal of speculation and then changed the venue not even allowing the media to attend. it was a straight press conference down the barrel of that lens, so lots of questions to be asked why was it delayed why didn't they say they were going to declare the plane missing and why do a certain extent did they not adhere to the situation that they were going to give a technical briefing and make such a dramatic statement so late on in the day. >> indeed. any sort of press conference it seems just more like a statement delivered. thank you very much indeed. >> we turn to another fatal air crash involving air asia flight 8501 investigators saying that the co pilot was at the controls when it went down last december. indonesia's national transportation safety committee said the flight data recorders provide add clear picture of what happened. the pilot asked to increase at too to avoid dangerous clouds
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before the plane crashed into the java sea. all honored were killed. we have more from jakarta. >> one month after the air asia crash, there is now a preliminary report sent to seven countries around the world. there's no conclusions yet in this report. there's no conclusions about human error or technical error or what is exactly the cause of the crash but what we do know is that the co pilot was flying the plane during the crash and also that the plane was in good physical condition when it took off to singapore. the pilot asked to increase his altitude because he was trying to avoid dangerous clouds. what happened and that's what investigators showed us is that the plane climbed quite steep and then there was a stall alarm, which means in the wings of the plane can't carry the plane any higher and it goes down and that's what came across from the data that they have
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found on the flight data recorder so the plane went down. it took three minutes for this whole process which is of course very, very carey minutes for the 162 people onboard and then the data basically stopped from those two recorders just before the plane hit the water. that's all that the investigators have told us so far about the cause of the accident. >> details are emerging about how two hostages died in the australian city of sydney last year. the in quest told one person was killed by the fragments of a police bullet, the other point blank by the gunman. from sydney, we have the details. >> it was the dramatic end to a siege that had lasted more than 16 hours. in three minutes the hostage takers and two of his hostages
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were dead. on thursday an in quest began into how and why they died. >> i want to assure everyone beal do all within our power to undertake a comprehensive investigation that is rigorous, independent, and searching. it will strive to establish what happened why it happened and whether it could have been prevented or responded to more effectively. >> the seen began mid morning september 15. a man pull add begun on customers and staff at this cavita. police surrounded the coffee shop part of the city center went into lockdown. >> rarely have such horrifying events unfolded so publicly. >> even as the first flowers were being laid, police were beginning their investigation. forty officers have been boesching on it ever since. the coroner will question them, the police who were on the scene and hostages who survived. even on its opening day the coroner was able to see how the gunman and two of his hostages
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died. >> torre johnson was killed by the gunman, made to neil and shot in the head. as police stormed the cafe, they fired 22 shots. one was hit 13 times and died instantly, but a hostage was also hit. >> ms. dawson was struck by six fragments of a police bullet, which ricocheted from hard surfaces into her body. i'll not detail the damage down ms. dawson other than to say one fragment struck a major blood vessel she lost consciousness quickly and died shortly afterwards. >> today the cafe is boarded up. the flowers in front have been cleared away, but the memories still here. the events will be looked at in meticulous detail, every fragment of every bullet accounted for. the gunman was a convicted criminal facing serious charges.
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why was he free on bail? were the police's actions appropriate and what was the role of the media and social media during the siege and how should events here be categorized, was it terrorism? al jazeera sydney. >> we have this coming up on the news hour, people fled their homes to find safety, nigerians unable now to vote in next month's elections. we'll tell you why. >> we go to istanbul to report on turkey's building boom taking its toll on workers' safety. >> also in sport the drawing of lots to decide the last quarter finalist at the africa cup of nations. >> iraq's government is investigating an alleged massacre by its forces. witnesses say iraqi troops and shia fighters rounded up men
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during a search for isil members and then shot them. let's go to jane in baghdad. jane just to be clear this is a story we were mentioning a couple of days ago. we then said, though, about 70 people believed to have died. we've got a great deal more detail about what is said to have happened. >> we have, david. we've been speaking by phone with some of the survivors of what is shaping up to abmassacre by many accounts. now the original reports had men, women and children rounded up and killed. there are no verifiable reports that the dead included women and children, but what appears to have happened, according to the survivors, officials there, as well as human rights investigators is an undetermined number of unarmed men civilians, taking out of their homes where iraq security forces which appeared to include interior ministry teams
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swat teams and shia militias, rounded them up, took them away and started shooting some of them behind a wall. the numbers are hard to determine. human rights watch, for instance says it's investigating but isn't clear of the numbers yet. the interior ministry has been charged by the prime minister with leading an investigation and now part of the problem is the interior minister himself is the leader of one of the shia militias. he has just stood up with the sunni speaker of parliament to say that they are investigating and they promise results. the interior minister also says that the ministry needs what he terms new blood in the ministry and he says there will be resignations there. >> stories about people having survived this massacre, what do you know about that? >> well, we have been speaking to some of those people who survived. one of them tells us a story that's similar to some of the
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other survivors we've also spoken with. they basically tell the same story, that they were rounded up along with other men that they were marched out of the village in single file and when they got to a point about a kilometer away, they were made to sit down and stair at the ground. at that point anyone who looked up, one of the survivors tells us was hit in the head with a rifle butt or slapped. this gentleman tells us his cousin was taken away and shot. another saw 13 bodies in the village including school teachers and shop owners, all echoing the same story that militia's appeared to be in the lead by all accounts here, took them away and started killing them. in one of the more chilling details, one of the men says they knew some of these militia members, they were from adjoining villages. that has led to the united nation to say chime in saying that it is the responsibility of the iraq government here to
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oversee the actions of all forces under its control clearly a reference to the shia militias fighting isil. >> jane, thank you. >> at least seven houthi rebels have been killed in central yemen. al-qaeda fighters are said to have stormed the house of a tribal leader and then opening fire. members of the houthi shia group were meeting in the this at that time. >> world health organization said the number of new ebola cases is going down. guinea liberia and sierra leone reported fewer than 100 cases in the last week. this is the first time there's been a slight in infection since last year. they are shifting the focus to ending the outbreak rather than slowing the spread of the virus. >> amnesty international said
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nigeria's military repeatedly ignored warnings of impending boko haram attacks in northeastern nigeria. thousands have fled since hundreds were killed. it is said the military had advanced warnings of the town. the armed group took control that have place on sunday. let's hear from secretary general of amnesty international telling that the nigerian government isn't doing enough to protect civilians. >> if you look at the underlying reasons, was it's a long term exclusion which has caused the tension in the northeast. more immediately, it is the failure of the nigerian government to protect civilians. that's the issue, so this massive corruption, lack of accountability, attack after attack and know investigation no action being taken for those are not moving. there's no question that the
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people on the front line are struggling, the military on the front line are struggling. nigeria has one of the most powerful armies in africa. the leadership is not really leading. that's the biggest issue. there's no political will, no action on the ground. >> let's go live to the nigerian capitol, sloppy, incompetent ignoring warnings, say the nigerians then. >> the military spokesperson in the capitol has responded to those allegations by amnesty and basically the military says that amnesty is being unfair and that the allegations are jib accurate. you have to remember that the premise of what amnesty are saying is that one soldiers on the ground in these injuries warned defense headquarters about impending attacks by boko haram. apparently, according to
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amnesty, d.h.q., defense headquarters was warned in november and december. secondly what amnesty are saying is that local resident has told them that boko haram effectively went door to door, warning villagers of an impending attack. people i speak to are saying that would abdeparture from the way boko haram operates. since when have they go door to door to warn villagers that they're about to attack? the military don't believe it. what they say that is amnesty simply don't check their sources, they don't verify their stories and of course they've done everything they can to try to protect civilians from harm so categorically dismiss what amnesty is saying, calling it nonsense. >> we have a vote coming up soon i wonder how this is playing on the minds of those who have got to make their choices. >> david that is a good
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question and it's a difficult question to answer. you have to remember that the violence by boko haram is as terrible as it has been, let's just say 37 states, three states out of 37 have been seriously affected by boko haram violence. now the question is, the people in these states, were they ever registered to vote number one. were they people who were going to take part in elections coming up next month. there's been discussion about the security situation there, is it safe to conduct elections there. the election is going ahead but the electoral body is concerned about security, concerned about its staff. the european union are saying they're not going to be observing the elections there. they are here in the capitol say they are not going to the northeast and there's been this to and fro about whether the
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election is safe to go on or not. having said all that have, thousand us have been displaced as a result of the violence in these areas and of course naturally they feel it is their right to vote at nigerian citizens but because they're displaced and because of the laws involved, they will miss out on this election. we went to meet some of these people who now won't get a chance to vote next month. >> he has lost his right to vote in the presidential and parliamentary elections next month. that's because he does not have a voter's card. he lost it when boko haram attacked his village in borno state earlier this year and burned down his house. he and his family having living in this camp ever since. >> we didn't take anything along with us. everything was burned. we lost everything. i am not happy because as a citizen, i was driven from my place of abowed and now i don't
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have a voters card. >> tens of thousands face the same situation but the law's voters can only vote at the polling station where they are registered. >> people displaced from their state by boko haram violence were given the chance to register to vote in other states but that deadline was last year. anyone displaced this year won't get a chance to take part in the elections. >> the national electoral commission says only a change in the law could make it possible for most displaced people to vote. >> there is no way we can carry valid papers to where they are. how do we distribute the ballot,
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how do we know the number? >> joshua and many other displaced people feel something should have been done to ensure their right to vote. boko haram fighters have been displacing people for years. that is unlikely. the elections are three weeks away so he and others are sure to miss out. >> thousands of workers in turkey having on strike. employers from 40 metal companies in parts of the country demand better wages protesting unsafe working conditions. workers rights group say construction sites and mines are the most dangerous of anywhere in europe. we have a report from istanbul on how the turkish government says it is trying to improve safety. >> turkey's economic and construction boom comes with a
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human price. at least 1,886 people killed in workplace accidents last year, that's according to turkey's worker's health assembly. >> the turkish unions here are weak and the demand for jobs high. >> if a worker is asked to go on unsafe scaffolding legally, he could refuse, but he gets on that scaffolding because otherwise he loses his job. the laws of the jungle rule the construction sites. >> 300 men were killed in one of turkey's worst industrial accidents in the mine. in december, 10 workers were killed when this lift plunged on a building site. these and other accidents have put pressure on the government to act. >> first we need to prick the conscience of employers with those widowed and orphaned. we have to hit them in their wallets, third make the
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businesses realize if they don't comply with safety precautions fatal accidents will destroy their company's reputation. >> turkey has law to say protect the workers but the unions say enforcement in weak. new legislation with heavy fines and jail time have been introduced for employers who allow accidents to happen. there are official bonuses for those who improve workplace safety. that's an important incentive if you consider already in january there have been more than 70 workplace deaths in turkey. bernard smith, al jazeera istanbul. >> that time in the news hour to get a look at the world weather and rob's with us now. we have been focusing on north america and close inspection reveals what? >> it's interesting if you like satellite pictures. you can see offshore that line of cloud there but just look at the tail end to see if anything else is coming in. there's a hint of another big
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storm gathering here. however, i think that might be saying a little bit too much. we'll look at that in a second. a bigger picture here then, there is plenty of snow on the ground. it still looks like it was blowing snow, so a lot of work's going into this. it would be pointless if we're going to repeat it, however it doesn't look necessarily as though we are. this is the big picture. there's a low here near chicago. i think centered near chicago and then this in kentucky. the ingredients look similar. there's a massive snow there but if you run it forward this is another 24 hours you'll find it only just touches new york. close inspection, it's maine and new brunswick. i don't think really this is too much of a problem but coming behind it, more. you know the desert states, we've had persistent drought in california, so this is a really good forecast. again, it needs closer
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inspection. rain is possible in l.a., but i think it's going to be more new mexico or arizona but in the high ground, these reservoirs, there will be some rain. >> satellite pictures couldn't be better, rob, thank you very much indeed. in the coming hours nasa is going to throw up a new satellite to measure the moisture of the soil on earning in unprecedented detail, it's going to put out a six-meter wide antenna described as a giant space lasso. >> water is life, and on planet earth its scarcity or abundance affects almost all living things. our planet's water system in large part remains a mystery to scientists. now nasa is launch ago slight to measure the moisture of the earth's soils. it will do this with unprecedented accuracy and give scientists a detailed
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understanding of the role water plays. >> applications like agriculture, water shed management drought and landslide, flooding and all kinds of things. that requires a high resolution from one to 10-kilometer. based on the application. >> the satellite achieve as higher resolution by a mesh antenna. this rotates every four seconds use ago combination of radar and microwave sensing it maps every part of the planet every three days. >> the microwave remote sensing allows us to observe the interests of the earth regardless of any kind of weather conditions or day or night conditions. that's really unique, because with optical sensors, we have problems whenever there are clouds. >> once operational the
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satellite data will produce moisture maps. during its three year mission these are expected to improve our ability to manage water activities for agriculture and provide life-saving information during floods or droughts. >> talking of droughts, here's a country we'll be looking at that's got other problems, as well. >> a dispute which triggered a civil war in south sudan actually bringing an end to the conflict. >> we'll be looking at china's dairy farmers looking to find green irpastures. >> a feisty teenager gives top ranked serena williams a scare. stay with us for that and more.
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>> let's get through the headlines here on al jazeera's news our. negotiations underway to free a jordanian pilot held hostage by isil. the group released a new audio recording calling on the jordanian government to free this woman on death row. isil threatened to kill the pilot if its demand isn't met. >> makes authorities declared the missile flight 370 crashed because of an accident, clearing the way for compensation claims. the aviation chief said all 239 people onboard are now presumed
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to have died. >> an inquest into the australian cafe siege confirmed one person was killed by fragments of a police bullet. a coroner said the hostage was killed point blank by a gunman. >> in ethiopia, his president meeting on the sidelines of a summit in addis ababa. all of this the latest push to bring an end to the conflict in south sudan. it began in december of 2013 when the president accused his former deputy of an attempted coup, leading to fighting between forces loyal to both men who come from rival ethnic
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groups. a year ago a truce was broken, escalating in april. hundreds of civilians from rival tribes were killed. the food cries in south sudan was called the worst anywhere in the world. third ceasefire signed in november broken, last week, both sides sign ago deal that is meant to be used as a roadmap to end the conflict. >> we are joined now from ethiopia's capitol catherine what's new about this try? >> this time, it's just about to start. they are waiting for the heads of state so that they can
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continue this meeting. basically, it's supposed to be putting more pressure on two leaders to sign this deal, to make compromises on this political settlement, as well. people are saying that because of all the pressure that is now the chinese are involved in the negotiations that perhaps there is hope, but a lot of people who are pessimistic about any deal being signed soon, the leaders say they are committed to holding direct talks since yesterday, wednesday and saying that they are committed but there are those like i said, who are -- do not trust the leaders. now this meeting has put back more pressure and we are just waiting to have an end of it all. >> i'm afraid the sound quality's not that good. we'll be back with you later when we get a sorted out
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technically. >> it's weeks since egypt's highest appeals court order add retrial of three al jazeera journalists, now in prison for 397 days. the court hasn't delivered a fully written judgment or set a date for a new trial. al jazeera continues to demand the release of the three accused of working with the outlawed muslim brother hood. the egyptian president has said he would like the case to be resolved. >> israel that received a message from the peacekeeping court in lebanon that hezbollah isn't interested in an escalation of violence. there was an exchange of fire on wednesday. hezbollah fired anti tank missiles at a military son view. israel responded with airstrikes and artillery. it is disputed territory and we
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now look at why it's so important to the country that is surround it. >> the farms is a 25-kilometer stretch of disput land on the borders of lebanon sir yes and israel. the area has been occupied by israel since the 1967 war with lebanon and syria both saying it's part of their territory. in 2006, there was a 34 day war in the area between hezbollah and israel in which hundreds were killed. a united nations resolution helped end that conflict, but it remains vulnerable to violence. u.n. peace keepers patrol the area as do lebanese troops and it's closely watched by the israeli military. >> we will hear from the occupied golan height, but first the blue line between israel and lebanon. >> from this position, we're a couple of hundred meters away
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from the sheba farms area. it's just beyond the fence there in the distance. the attack happened just below an israeli army post. the information that we have is that hezbollah fighters continue to fired at that point for half an hour until their men got out of the way. here it's calm, but somewhat tense. there's been israel drones in the sky, united nations investigators as well as the lebanese army have arrived to hold a meeting and investigate the death of a peace keeper who was killed in cross border fire. also politically in lebanon here local politicians and in beirut have been strongly emphasizing that this attack took place in israel occupied sheba farms emphasizing it wasn't in contra convenience to
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the resolution marking the war's end between hezbollah and israel. we are looking for a very large rally inside beirut. this is the first time we will hear from hezbollah's leader and people willis to see whether he gives any indication that this is the end of the current round of hostilities or whether there could be more operations coming up. >> tensions remained high here in the occupied golan heights on thursday in the area where israel and lebanon share a border. the israeli army said there is an increased number of troops in this area, however it did not give any figures. that said, the army did tell people residents of the villages in this border area to return back to their daily routines. we also understand the army resumed digging activities and drilling activities along this
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border area in search for possible tunnels built by hess blah. these activities began but were halted after the attack on an israeli army convoy which killed two soldiers. there have been statements from israeli government officials like the defense minister, who saiding this morning that israel received a message from hezbollah in lebanon that they are not interested in further violence or a wider escalation. he said that this message was received because there are lines of communication and coordination between israel and lebanon through the united nations peacekeeping force stations along this border, even though the two countries are still at war. the situation is calm right now at the border and the assessment as well here in israel is that it will remain calm, because the
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israelis are also not interested in an escalation. it hasn't been long since israel end add war with hamas in gaza, which lasted for over 50 days and led to a high death toll among israeli soldiers. israel is approaching an election at the end of march. people here feel that it's better that this situation remain contained and end over this weekend. >> the man given credit for in venting the laser has died at the inge of 99. he shared the nobel prize in physics in 1954, 10 years after making a prototype of the device. the idea of creating a pure beam of short wave, high-frequency light came to him while sitting in a park of blooming a detail i
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canes. he went on to detect complex molecules in space and measured the mass of the giant black hole at the center of our galaxy. lasers have transformed signs medicine telecoms and entertainment. i think people would be astounded to know how many different things they are surrounded with di in and day out wouldn't be here today except for the laser beam. >> they're built into the bedrock of our technology now. it's very hard to imagine what life would be like without them. the fact that i'm able to talk to you relying on optical relays where electrical signals are converted to light and back again to be transmitted around the ward. scanners in super markets there are a number of ways of kind of
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creating this very coherent super pure light. it goes right back to the basic quantum mechanics of how electrons orbit and give off light when you stimulate them. that's done by stimulating emission of radiation and it's the stimulation of making them all at the same time, all in concert emit light giving you fine pencil beams that are really easy, they can be very monochromatic, all the same color and travel long distances. >> light amplification by -- the acronym. >> it's now i think federally a word light amplification by stimulation of radiation. it's atoms inside an optical cavity light bouncing between two mirrors. every time is passes, it gets
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intensified, you amplify the light and then let it out one end and that's the lacer. >> when i had eye surgery, you know they just did a little bit with a laser and it hurt, even though they said it wouldn't and next day, i was a lot better. you also see laser beams possibly just in films cutting holes through big safe walls in fact almost james bond lying on his back waiting for the laser beam to get him in a very delicate spot. you've got to be very careful with it, haven't you? >> yeah, one of the important things about lasers is the huge range of power that you can have so really, really delicate laser for eye surgery or tiny once in a d.v.d. player, for instance. there is one down the road from here that concentrate images so much that people are trying to initiate nuclear fusion with
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lacers. that's a really powerful laser you concentrate the energy so much you force atoms together. the range of applications from delicate ones to sci-fi super power. >> if it wouldn't have been for the scientist, we would have none of this. >> it would have happened at some point. the fundamental physics behind it and that was developing and he was at the right place at the right time. whether it would have happened sooner, how much later it would have happened, however ahead of the game he was i'm not sure. i wasn't born in 1964, but it's clear that someone with that in sight was i think ahead of the time but i think we would have got there in the end. >> do you know why he decided that this is what would happen while he was sitting and looking
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at azaleas? >> that was a new one on me. maybe that's because azaleas were a very pure color but i don't know, i'm guessing. >> we'll leave it at that. thanks. i really enjoyed talking to you. appreciate your time. >> it's a pleasure, thank you. bye now. >> australia preparing for the final of the asia cup and looking back to the countries divided football past. stay with us, if you can. s, if you can.
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>> it's that stage in the news hour we interrupt our normal programming. the jordanian hostage discussions taking place between jordan isil and the japanese government is taking place at this hour. we have a translation of his talking in english. it's one of those moments where i now say we're about to go then and he disappears. and then i to have tell you he's back again. there he is. >> in order to coordinate the effort to secure the japanese hostage, as well. >> we were clear in declaring our position. we said that our coordination with our japanese friend is continuous, and we are working with them in order to secure the
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japanese hostage. >> ok, very short statement there. i'm going to correct what i said earlier, yes from jordan, the government minister, but the foreign minister, i'm told that was the information minister. now where we were going before, we'll go there now to china where up to 100 dairy farmers are leaving the industry every year blamed on a global slump in dairy prices. we went to one of the hardest-hit areas. >> this man is a farmer with a lot on her mind. she borrowed more than $300,000 to expand her farm. there's been a dramatic turnaround in her fortunes caused by that the slump in dairy prices.
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>> now i feel no one drinks milk anymore. we can't sell it at all because the dairy farms have stopped buying. >> the priority now is reducing her costs. like the high quality feed she imports from australia. two weeks ago, she was forced to take more drastic members selling 100 of her 500 cows. >> each cow is like a child to me. every time one is sent to the slaughterhouse my heart is broken. i don't want to talk about it. i'm so sad. >> she does have one new customer, a local garden center, which guys at a heavily discounted rate of 5 cents a liter. the milk is mixed with water. it apparently makes the plants more nutritious and is now a common irrigation technique in this part of china.
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>> the price of milk is almost the same as water it's so cheap. >> the falling price is blamed on a number of other factors including overproduction by inexperienced farmers rushing into one of the world's fastest growing dairy markets. >> the global milk glut is just part of the problem for farmers like her. this is an industry beset with bad practices for which in many cases it only has itself to blame. >> seven years ago, six infants died and 30,000 others fell ill after drinking formula made from contaminated milk, leading to a currently in demand for foreign milk powder, which has continued, mainly because that imported powder is now much cheaper than locally produced milk. it's relatively small farms like this one hardest-hit by the downturn. >> if the government can help us and offer us a subsidy i think
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we can pass the difficult period. >> without government financial help the farm is unlikely to survive. >> we've the sport. we've got farrah. >> david, thank you the drawing of lots will take place in the next few hours to decide the last quarter finalists at the africa cup of nations. the draw will take place in the equatorial guinea capitol with just one team to progress. we are live for us. talk us through what's going to happen there today. >> that's a good question. behind me, the hotel where a football game will be decided we've already had a format change after the game last night, we were told that a confederation of african football official would be making the drawing.
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by this morning that had all changed. we'll have two balls placed in a pot, one contain ago number two one containing the number three and an official from mallee and from guinea will step forward and choose a ball and whoever is lucky enough to pick the number two will progress into a quarter final with ghana. both coaches pretty unhappy saying they'd rather have had extra time or penalties. the guinea striker echoing that sentiment, saying that is a far from perfect way of deciding it, but according to article 74 of the africa cup of nations regulations, this is what will happen and that draw will take place in just over an hour's time apparently. >> ok, andy richardson reporting live. we'll talk to you a bit later. >> on saturday, the asian cup final, it is hoped the success will attract a new audience to
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the game. in eagerness to broaden its appeal is australian football forgetting its history. >> this is the face australia wants to promote to the world. a diverse fan base reeffects the asian family. the canary football history has its roots with the european immigrants that settled in this country in the middle part of the 20th century. many clubs were started. formed in 1958, sydney united was one of a number of football clubs with strong links to its local community. former player and now manager was elected as a youth player in 1992. he said the club played a vital role in the lives of immigrants
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like his father. >> it was an important club in terms of, i mean football was the number one game that a lot of croatian immigrants played when they came over. that football which is the number one sport in croatia and yugoslavia. they formed the club and since then it became a community hot spot. >> by the 1980's, crowd violence was increasing. with image of this violence in 1985 the sport was tarnished amongst the wider public. >> there was a perception that there were greeks and macedonians fighting, or crow is is croatians and certains. >> as the old national soccer
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league was done away with, it relaunched with teams like sydney united forced to play in the lower tier. >> setting these clubs up, the children and grandchildren are now running these clubs so there is as natural pros of assimilation, if you like. the shame is that, you know, we live in a multi-cultural society and i think it's multi-cultures who should able to deal with a name like sydney croatia rather than sydney united. >> the fear that is oldest and most famous clubs could find themselves left behind. al jazeera sydney. >> britons andy overcame a superb start to reach the finals of the australian open. racing through the second set in just 30 minutes going on to
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close out the match in four sets to reach his first grand slam final since beating djokovic at wimbledon in 2013. he will meet djokovic or -- in the final. >> top ranked serena williams advanced to her sixth round to face marina sharapova. she was pushed in the first set by the big serving teen. williams who is going to her 19th grand slam title eventual leclosed out the match. the american has won all five of her previous open finals. >> i think it's good for me and maria. i think it's -- i'm excited. i love playing her. i look forward to it. i feel like i didn't expect to get to the finals of this tournament when i got here, because i wasn't playing great
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so i'm happy to be here, and yeah i'm just happy like i said to get past the quarter finals and into the slam. >> sharapova had an easier time in her final. the world number two beat the number 10 seed 63-6-2 to reach the australian open final for the fourth time. this will be the fourth time williams and sharapova face each other in a final. >> i think my confidence is great going into a grand slam and whether i've had a terrible record against someone doesn't matter. i got there for a reason. i belong in that spot and i will do everything i can to get the title. >> that's all for now. back to you. >> i know there will be more sport later on. for now, thank you very much indeed and thanks for watching. time for some to go home and i'll be here in just a couple of
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>> jordan says it won't go ahead with a prisoner swap with isil until it has proof that its captured pilot is alive. you're watching al jazeera. i'm david foster. coming up in the next 30 minutes, malaysian authorities declare officially that the missing makes airlines flight mh370 crashed because of an accident. >> an in quest into the australian calf fee sage reveals what happened as police moved in. >> on the tracks to recovery, thailand's
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