tv News Al Jazeera January 30, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST
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no refuge: children at the border only on al jazeera america >> from al jazeera's headquarters in doha, this is the news hour. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. >> they want us as human shields. >> growing discontent, we speak to people inside mosul who say they are hostages in their own city. >> egypt's president leaves the african summit early after a series of deadly attacks in the sinai peninsula. >> an attack on a mosque in
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southern pakistan kills at least 35 people. >> plus: finding out why milk is now cheaper than bottled water and what it means for dairy tomorrow like this. >> we begin with islamic state of iraq and the levant, because the group's presence is being felt right across borders this hour. in iraq's oil-rich region of kirkuk. fighters killed a jeanor kurdish commander as well as five soldiers. fire has been raging around the city for hours. 46 people have been wounded. while over in egypt aba group that's pledged allegiance to isil has now claimed responsibility for a string of attacks that took place in the sinai peninsula. meanwhile, the state of a
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jordanian pilot remains unknowns isil threatening to kill him right there and their latest deadline has now passed. we'll have more on that and the situation in sinai in just a moment. first, over to mosul. al jazeera has gained a rare in sight for people living inside the city which is under the control of isil. mosul is considered iraq's second large evident city and home to an estimated 3 million people. tens of thousands have fled the violence there. it's of strategic importance because of the nearby dam which supplies most of the countries power and water. right now kurdish fighters have control of that dam. the city is predominantly soon any nee many who became resentful of the shia dominated central government. many initially welcomed isil fighters when the group took control of the city in june of last year. as we report, not everyone is happy living under isil rule. >> mosul iraq's second largest
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city is under the control which islamic state of iraq and the levant. it has become almost impossible for resident to say leave isil now demands they provide a guarantor to assure they return. >> we cannot leave. they refuse anyone to depart. >> really? >> they want us as human shields. >> for security reasons, this person has to remain anonymous. he has been communicating from inside mosul to his friends in the kurdish regional captain you capital erbil. the armed group has cut off most communication lines inside mosul, but the voice that is do come out speak of isil's harsh laws and hardships. >> there is no money because there is unemployment. we can still have hope that the
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liberation, it is this hope that keeps us alive. >> some of the people welcomed them but at the same time, there are hundreds of thousands of people who are sitting home, crying about the city. >> many in the predominantly sunni city welcomed isil fighters when they first entered in june. the iraqi army was accused of targets sunnis. there are reports that opposition to isil is increasing. we can't independently confirm that. we don't have access to mosul. videos like this have been emerging showing the so-called mosul brigades targeting size as i will members. >> from august, most of the brigades the ones who are like announced to fight isil in mosul, they have done more than 300 operations against isil.
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>> outside mosul mainly sunni volunteers from the city have been training for the fight. their role is important in any counter offensive against isil. the people of mosul may not want isil rule but have had a bitter history with the shia-led government forces. al jazeera northern iraq. >> to jordan and the latest on the negotiations to free a jordanian pilot held hostage by isil. jordan demands proof that the pilot is still alive before going ahead with a prisoner swap. we have more from amman. >> this has become the effective campaign headquarters for the family who are pleading with the isil hostage takers to show proof that he is alive. the 26-year-old pilot well, no one knows exactly the situation. his plane crashed in syria more than a month ago now and no conclusive proof has been given. the families say sources suggest
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that he was alive when that last deadline the second deadline was given by isil of thursday noon otherwise they would kill him, unless there was the release of the iraqi would-be suicide bomber. then, of course, the japanese filmmaker is also held by isil, japanese diplomats calling for his release. really, it's very hard to conceive that a three way deal can be done, and right now time seems to be running out the calls are being made to isil to say something. they certainly have the upper hand in this situation. >> egypt's military launched operations in three cities in the sinai peninsula following a string of deadly attacks there carried out by a group that's pledged allegiance to isil. sources say 45 were killed, include ago brigadier general.
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iwe have the details. >> the force of the explosions can be seen far away. they pledged allegiance to islamic state of iraq and the levant. one journalist told al jazeera why the military base may have been chosen as one of the targets. >> what i have learned that is many were injured and many of the civilians detained inside the battalion were seriously wounded. it is not only a military base but houses prisons and detention centers for what the army describe as extremists. >> it's unclear whether the attack was designed to set free the prisoners but it's being taken very seriously by the
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government. president al sisi cut short a trip to ethiopia and returned to cairo. 24 soldiers were killed in the same area. after that attack, the egyptian government insisted it increased security measures, even building what it called a buffer zone along the border with gaza strip and increasing patrols. al jazeera. >> why is the region so important? caroline malone explains. >> egypt's sinai peninsula is remote but strategically important. one attack was in suez city at the end of the canal. the fastest shipping lane from europe to asia. a second water way is being built that could increase revenue to $13.5 billion a year, benefiting egypt's economy. there's been a number of attacks against security forces in north sigh know bordering israel and the gaza strip. in october a suicide bomber killed more than 30 egyptian soldiers just outside the
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regional capitol city. since then, the government declared a state of emergency and imposed curfews in parts of north sinai. the border with gaza has been closed and buildings near the crossing demolished as part of a kilometers wide so-called buffer zone to prevent smuggling of people arms and goods to and from gaza. some people say the government hasn't done enough to support them economically. these latest attacks have happened despite the large security operation to stop them. >> there has been a bombing in pakistan at a mosque, that blast killing 35 people, injuring more than 50. we have the details. >> chaos in the moments after people around the area tried to help the injured get loaded on to cars, motor bikes rickshas any means of ferrying them to treatment before the ambulance arrives. it's a scene all too common in
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pakistan a shia mosque under attack. this time, the bombing happened in the city in the south everyone province. the mosque was packed during friday prayers when an explosion ripped through the building. the blast was so powerful that part of the roof collapsed trapping people underneath. many people were killed and others injured. pakistan's shia minority have been caught in a recent wave of sectarian violence. just three weeks ago a bombing outside another shia mosque in the garrison city killed eight people. shias mike up a fifth of the population. they say the government isn't doing enough to ensure safety and attacks like this show they are a target. al jazeera. >> let's find the latest crossover joining us from
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islamabad, the death toll most likely to arecognize after that blast. tell us about that and whether there's been a claim of responsibility. many of the wounded are in serious condition. it is a small town, about 500 kilometers northeast of karachi. many of the more seriously wounded had to be taken to towns such as the 150 kilometers away. there are inat wet facilities in the small town. the fact as you saw in that report the powerful explosion was so deadly that part of the building collapsed many of the people were buried under the rubble and they had to be dug out from the rubble, so indeed, a bigger attack and second attack in just less than a month this year. >> what is the government doing if anything at all to stop these
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attacks? >> well, the government has come out with a national action plan, which means that they will go off to some of the banned outfits, particularly when it comes to attacks against the shia community who find there are splinter groups loyal to the taliban pakistan and those attacking the shia minority group here, the shia minority saying this was a failure of security. >> there's much more to come, including: >> he's one of south africa's most know at herrous assess sins. why prime evil will be released from prison. >> also ahead: >> we feel that in fact we've
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come home empty handled. >> 398 days behind bars in egypt, the family of jailed al jazeera journalist peter gresta call again for his release. >> the fight for a spot in the australian open final. >> first, boko haram fighters driven out of a northeast nigerian town that they held for three months. last week, chad sent hundreds of troops into cameroon. they are'sing the neighboring country to launch attacks against the group crossing over to muhammed joining us live now from the capitol of chad. the forces there in chad seem to have begun that offensive against boko haram. what's the latest on that?
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>> well, dear reason, the chadian defense ministry is confirming that they have attacked a base for boko haram in the village. this is in the borno region. they say they did not take any of their troops on nigerian soil but have used a jet fighter and troops on the side of the cameroon border with najar the town they say they bombarded the fighters in the main square in the town, and around the administrative building, then when they started running towards the border, they were then attacked by the chadian forces in the town, who bombarded them and they say they do not have the position right now to get into nigerian territory because they do not
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have the aid of the u.n. security council. they say they're very on the ground tore continue with this kind of attacks against boko haram. >> even though these attacks that boko haram are carrying out really seem to stretch out to various countries cruding nigeria, chad and cameroon, it doesn't seem these countries are speaking in one voice when it comes to the fight against boko haram. nigeria saying it's unwilling to allow troops from some countries within its border. where does that leave regional efforts to tackle the group? >> it leaves regional efforts and nigeria is not at the moment willing to allow we've been hearing from diplomats, they are not willing to allow countries into what is called the chad basin. this is basically chad, nigeria
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and cameroon. nigeria prefers to have a commission of west african states to head the anti boko haram onslaught. they want forces from ghana sierra leone countries like liberia and other parts of west africa instead of chad and cameroon. countries like chad were very keen to fight boko haram in a very tight position, because chad has a lot to lose, because it has got great trade relations with nigeria most of the livestock from chad are taken from market in nigeria. there's a lot that comes from nigeria to chad and the road that links them is closed by boko haram. this is one of those forces deployed to try to take on boko
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haram. from what we are hearing from diplomats, there is the likelihood of having two forces fighting boko haram, one inside the country allowed by nigeria which is echoed and other by the forces of cameroon and chad fighting boko haram along the border. >> hamad, thank you very much. he is reporting for us from chad. boko haram is high on the agenda at african union summit. a force is called for to eradicate the group. the au chief warned the group is a threat beyond the nigeria borders. the new african union chairman was elected. we are at the headquarters in addaddinadd is
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ethiopia. >> yesterday the meeting held, the security council held a meeting on the sidelines of this summit discussing boko haram in detail and discussing the need for this regional force to fight boko haram. the chadian president who spoke to him after this meeting say that chad is ready to continue, is not going forward with any resolution it has the resources and will and called on other african countries to give resources and help in this fight against boko haram. equally important and another topic of discussion here focus is south sudan and the peace talks there that have taken so long. the heads of state meeting
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yesterday, as well and it was postponed at the last minute, because the leaders said that they wanted time for the other two leaders to cult some more. joining me to discuss about the south sudan issue is ambassador. >> the full summit discussion took place in closed session but they decided to postpone the plenary session to which they will eventually decide to make the decision, set today at 4:00 p.m. that's tomorrow. >> what do we expect from this summit any good news? >> i'm sure there will be good
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news. yesterday's session no single issue was rallied heads of states together at much. >> there are still a lot of contentious issues especially when it comes to power sharing. run us through this contentious issue. >> the issue of power sharing has been a big issue governance issues security arrangements, a couple of small things that have taken time for the parties to agree, but yesterday there has been some kind of discussions and they are now considering an option given to them yesterday.
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>> this evening very much, ambassador. tomorrow it will be interesting to see what comes out of this heads of state summit, both south sudan's president and the rebel leader having holding talks. a lot of people hopeful for a breakthrough. we'll to have wait and see. >> we'll do just that for the time being catherine, thank you. >> south africa's government granted parole to an apartheid death squad era sniper. the time and date of his release will not be made public. we have the details from pretoria. >> reaction to the news of him being paroled greeted mixed feelings on the street. one woman said he should be forgiven, time for the nation to move forward. another man said he's only serve
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add small fraction of the huge sentence, more than 200 years that was handed down to him and that he should rot in prison. he admitted, confessed to about 100 instances of murder, torture carried out as he was the commander of the police counter insurgency unit, which was tasked with identifying hunting and killing anti apartheid activists, the man whose very existence struck fear into the hearts of millions of south africans. the justice minister said it doesn't matter what the public thinks that has no bearing on his decision. he has the support of the president in granting parole, that he meets the requirements, he's eligible, shown remorse he served more than 20 years. he's been helping police identify some of the locations of some of his victims and that the minister of justice said it was in his best interest and the best. some of national reconciliation
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that he be granted parole. >> the family of jailed al jazeera journalist peter gresta renewed their call for his freedom. they just returned from egypt where he has been held for 398 days in prison, wrongly accused along with two other al jazeera journalists of colluding with the outlawed brother hood. we have a report. >> by now they thought they wouldn't have to be doing this. the family of peter spoke to media to talk their son and brother still locked up in cairo, egypt. >> it has been a long time of anxiety largely because we feel vier sad we've come home empty-handled. >> the three journalists were arrested in cairo on december 29, 2013. in a trial widely dismissed as a
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farce, they were sentenced to between seven and 10 years in prison for aiding the outlawed muslim brotherhood. >> at the start of this month a court in cairo order add retrial in the case of the al jazeera three. the convictions were set aside,ing hope that the president of egypt can now intervene. >> last year web issued a presidential decree that would allow for foreigners to be deported to face trial or serve time in their home countries. that was encouraging for gresta. the president has also said he wants the situation sorted out as soon as possible. so far those words haven't been followed up with action. >> the 25 of january, there was quite a lot of talk around the possibility of a pardon. as yet there's been no news of that and egypt is going through a seven day period of mourning
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for the saudi king, so that announcement, we understand is being put on hold. >> peter's parents have just returned from cairo where they visited him several times. >> the last time we saw him wasn't his best day but it wasn't his worst and, you know, he has had a few grim days, but everybody does, and of course, perhaps a few more in prison, but he's holding up. he does everything he possibly can to maintain his i was going to say sanity. >> this is another news conference where the family was unable to deliver good news. once again they hope the next one will be different. >> pro-russian rebels say seven people have been killed in the eastern city of donetsk a
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spokesman for the rebels in the separatist controlled city say 23 others have been wounded in artillery fire. >> crossing over to charles stratford, who's joining us from donetsk, so you can tell us exactly the situation there. charles. >> we're here at the this cultural center, site of one of these attacks earlier today. witnesses say the attack happened at 1:00 p.m. they say that there were at least three missiles or explosive projectiles that hit this center. apparently we hear that there were hundreds of people queuing up to receive humanitarian aid at the time. two attacks today the other hitting a trolley bus and two killed there. no one is claiming responsibility, five people reportedly killed here and many, many injured.
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gruesome scenes behind me, you can see some of the area that was hit. as we've been reporting this just the latest in what seems to be a big escalation in fighting here in eastern ukraine. we have just returned from north of donetsk a town where we met rebels and they told us just how determined they were to continue fighting, no interest whatsoever in any truce talks there. of course, this comes on a day where there have been or certainly initiated efforts trying to get those peace talks going again and the rebels pulling out of them. as i say a graphic illustration today here in eastern ukraine of just how difficult it is to stop the fighting. >> charles, thank you very much for that. charles stratford reporting from donetsk. >> we have more about the weather and there's still snowy weather for north america.
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>> that's right. superbowl sunday of course coming up and we have actually got snow around the southwestern corner of the u.s., should move through by sunday, though. satellite picture look at this massive cloud in place around the four corners state sweeping eastward. we will see drier skies coming in behind. you can see how disturbed that weather is at the present. it's all going to make its way through, then. it's a mobile situation so that's good news. here's our rain and snow just around arizona southern parts of california, and across the border was into mexico. incidentally, san francisco, we could do with some rain here, this may be the first january on record that san francisco has not seen a drop of rain for the entire month. those records go back to 1850, so that's a very, very long time. wet l., wintery weather continues to make its way further eastward. saturday start to go get dry
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down towards the southwestern corner. wetter weather making its way into the western side of texas. again, it does make its way further eastward and will push up towards the lakes more snow coming in here, then. we will see that wet weather just around the southern states and pretty heavy downpours for this stage. >> stay with us on the al jazeera news hour. after the break how a price war over milk has soured profits for dairy farmers in the u.k. >> coming up in sport a look at the contenders trying to win a fifth term as fifa president.
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>> hello again you're with the al jazeera news hour. here's a reminder of the top stories. people living in the isil controlled city of mosul in northern iraq have told al jazeera it's become almost impossible to leave saying the group wants to use them at human shields. >> egypt's military launched operations in the sinai peninsula following a string of deadly attacks carried out by a group that's ledged allegiance to isil. medical sources say 45 were killed include ago brigadier general. >> chad's air force and ground troops have bombed boko haram fighters and driven them out of a town in borno state. chad sent troops into the area to use the country as a base to
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launch attacks against the armed group. >> to lebanon now thousands are gathering right now in the hezbollah stronghold, the group's leader scheduled to speak any minute now. tensions have been high between the lebanese armed group, as well as israel after two israeli soldiers and a u.n. peace keeper were killed in cross border fire wednesday following an operation about two weeks by israel. crossing over to lebanon speaking to mario from the carnegie middle east center joining us from beirut. any moment now, he is expected to speak. i guess people will be waiting to hear what he has to say about the retaliatory operation in the shaba farms against israel earlier this week. what do you think he'll say about that? >> i guess this is the peak time where hezbollah will declare the
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change in rules of engagement between israel and hezbollah. this is the first time against the long history of operations between israel and hezbollah this is the first time that hezbollah is retaliating from lebanese territory on an operation on an israel attack that took place outside of lebanon. practically, this is a game-changer across the various equations between the israelis and hezbollah and the general secretary of hezbollah will definitely put strength on this issue and declare it as a whole change in the equation between israel and hezbollah. >> how that is likely to go down in lebanon, for example with the march 2014 coalition they released a statement saying that hezbollah has no right to implicate the lebanese people in a battle with israel. what will the response be from some of the march 2014 coalition and others? >> generally, has this has a
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very bad reputation against the community, resizely, the march 2014 alliance, putting lebanon under great risk and brings back to the mind the war of 2006 and everyone was in a very high alert, in case the israeli's would retaliate the same way they did in 2006. however, hezbollah was very smart in deciding on the timing and geography of this attack, hezbollah did this attack in the shaba farm, a disputed territory which doesn't fall under the 1701 u.n. security council resolution. precisely, this is becoming under the legitimacy of the national resistance movement, however, hezbollah is not doing such an operation to liberate the lebanese territory. it is a mere retaliation on the attack that happened in syria. that is why resentiment has been developed precisely in the march 14 coalition because hezbollah is intervening in a conflict
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that goes beyond the lebanese border and beyond the declared rule of hezbollah and he has been declaring to be a national resistance since the emergence in 1982. >> you and i and our viewers will now actually listen to the leader of hezbollah while he's speaking. let's listen in. >> peace and blessings be upon you all as god says in the holy scripture. allah has from the believers their lives and will because they will be rewarded by guarder of paradise. they will fight for the cause of god to slay and be slade that slayed. it is a promise that is binding
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upon him and the gospel and the koran. those who fulfill his covenant before allah rejoice then it is -- you will be rewarded by stream triumph. i would like to welcome you and i thank you for your participation. on this occasion commemorating the fallen martyrs. to begin with, i would like to address the families and relatives of the fallen. i will address the issue of the latest development in the past two weeks namely the recent
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days the strategic -- third the assassination the resistance operation in the occupied farm, conclusion and lessons to learn. to the families of those fallen, my heartfelt condolence for losing the loved once. meanwhile, i congratulate them as those fallen martyrs have been decorated by the divine order, the divine medal by god almighty. they have been fallen as matters for the cause of allah almighty.
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we congratulate the families of those fallen martyrs as they have lifted up, they have been lifted from the life into the blissful eternal life after and i pray to god almighty to accept our sacrifices. and to bestow solace and forebearance upon you and the prize you earned in this life to continue in the life after. i extend all the appreciation to those who have offered condolences whether appearing in person or sending tell grams or
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any other means from within lebanon to palestine who's people and resistant fractions have been sympathizing with us from iraq, moritania and across the muslim world. also to those who have two days ago and still celebrating this quality operation in shebaa farms, who lift up to the responsibility since the very first moment of the heinous
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crime of assassination in conitra, they have been prepared and alerted to offer great sacrifices since then until now and also extend all appreciation to the beloved lebanese countrymen the people of lebanon, those who are supporting the resistance movement in lebanon from the very beginning of this heinous crime of assassination in conitra. they took part in the funeral procession despite great risks. they openly expressed support to any decision or action embraced by the resistance, and particularly on wednesday last
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when the entire region was open to all options to all risks toes people and that he is brave supporting masses have always lived to the responsibility holding steadfast in bravery and fortitude and here to them on every day. >> that sew that is the hezbollah leader delivering a speech that's being transmitted live televised. that is the scene right now in the suburb south of beirut, so i'll just tell you a little bit about who's attend go there. obviously there are hezbollah finishes ministers across the coalition in beirut. also in attendance, the iranian parliament national security and parliament committee as well as
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the ambassador listening to him speak, delivering his speech live televised. he's been talking for a few moments, commemorating what he calls the fallen martyrs who were reportedly attacked by israel. that's what hezbollah claims, six hezbollah fighters as well as an iranian general killed just about 10 days ago in the occupied go lain heights. gigi been listening in, a lot of people really wanting to hear what he will say about the operation carried out by hezbollah against israel a couple of days ago in the
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occupied shebaa farms in retaliation for the attack. >> he is declaring another victory considered for their general public, another victory against the israelis, because this operation, as soon as the israeli army did not retaliate in a spontaneous way the same way it did in 2006, this was directly considered as a complete victory for hezbollah combatants who led successfully this operation without having -- practically, this is considered as a victory for hezbollah upon the confrontation with israel. >> how important is this particular speech as well as hezbollah, how much is he coming out to assert himself and the
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movement as a resistance movement at this point against israel when some people say that hezbollah has lost perhaps some support because of its direct involvement on the ground when it cups to the war in syria? >> >> the timing of the speech is very important. it comes in a sequence where hezbollah for the past three years have been entangled in a fight inside the syrian territories supporting the regime of president bashar al assad against the opposition and against the rest. by being entangled in such a fight, hezbollah supercedes its role and became an invading force in a foreign country outside where practically the combatants of hezbollah are participating in a fight outside the lebanese borders which is completely against the mandate and the opposite of the mandate given to hezbollah and pro claimed by hezbollah since its
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emergence in 1982, so the timing of this speech is very important. it comes after an operation did from lebanese soil on lebanese territory and the way hezbollah will definitely look to reshape its image as a national resistance rather than an invading force is very important for hezbollah leadership at the present time. we are expecting that he will be declaring the unity between the south lebanon and the golan heights, the occupied golan heights, giving hezbollah a better option and better maneuverability to lead operations on syrian soil, as well as on the lebanese soil, however, the importance for hezbollah heardship at the present time is to focus on syrian soil, because this is where hezbollah is actively operating and he has been losing most of its popular support because of its participation in the conflict that comes outside the lebanese borders.
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by declaring this unity between those two territories hezbollah will be free again to operate and claim its right as a resistance movement to operate on the golan heights. >> we'll leave it there for now. thank you. we're keeping on eye out on the speech being delivered by the hezbollah leader and we'll be bringing you any line that is come out of that right here at al jazeera. >> farmers in the u.k. have been affected by a price war with super markets over the cost of milk. dozens of dairy farmers were forced to leave the industry. in a second part of a three part series on global milk prices, we report from southern england. >> tim has his favorites in his 250 strong herd. their filling has given him an income for 20 years but that may be about to change. the milk market is in free-fall putting two farmers out of
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business every day. tim is still in the game, but barely. >> we've seen 30% to 40% come off milk prices for certain producers in the u.k., driving them to the point of unviablety now. >> prices have gradually eroded. many fans operate at a loss, making only 30 cents a liter. >> it's a problem of supply and demand. russia's been on e.u. imports have built a vertable cheese mountain and chinese appetite for dairy they've got a surplus of their own. >> also to blame are super markets, price wars making milk cheaper than bottled water. >> if you want to discount milk
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to get people into your shop, you pay for it. don't make the farmers pay for it. some retailers are better than others. processed cheese they buy on the speck of the market and big retailers drive the price of milk down through that. >> there's worst to come. milk quotas will vanish, flooding the market with even more milk. unless it finds a way to stabilize, the future of the next generation looks bleak. >> in part three of our series, we'll report from the world's largest dairy exporter. new zealand which has been hit hard by the price slump farmers forced to take desperate measures that story coming up on saturday right here on al jazeera. >> coming up after the break on the news hour, we'll have all the sports news for you from the australian open. plus: >> in sydney, head of the asian
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victory, holing the victory. >> marathon runner banned from the sport for two years after filling a drug test. athletics kenya came to the decision two weeks before she was to appear before a doping hearing. she first the winner of the boston and chicago marathons testing positive for a banned substance in both her a. and b. samples. >> five men have put their names forward for the fifa presidency. portuguese football great has put his hand up and names five
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associations backing him. dutch football president also is a candidate. >> we asked if any of these men pose a serious threat. >> it's looking unlikely because of the way the vote is being diluted. if you go back to the last fifa presidential election, 2011, we have a ban from the election, leaving one candidate, 186 votes, taking his official presidency to 17 years now. of course, he wants more. look at the people who are trying to unseat him and there are a lot who want to do it. you see the problems, the dutchman hugely respected but
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it dilutes the challenge. you look at the prince from jordan with support from europe and now we can't count on too much european support. he hasn't even got the backing in asia, because it's already said by the confederation that their backing another. it's the same story with others, the same story in africa that he has that sport. a candidate backed by a book maker, these are not men to challenge. expect at some stage that there might be just one candidate people are seriously expect to go get against the president and take him on, but the way things look at the moment, there is not
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enough support. >> there is as desire from some gulf nation to say remove australia from the confederation. australia only joined asia in 2006 switching from oceana. it comes as the socceroos appear for the final saturday. we have a report. >> summertime in sydney usually means a day at the beach but even here, the main topic of conversation isn't surfing but the socceroos. >> i think they'll win. they lost in the first round but they had a lot of opportunities, so, yes it should be good. >> i think they'll win yes. >> i certainly will be wanting to know the result and i have watched a little bit. >> after asian teams not winning a single game, this tournament is a success. half a million fans attended.
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these are certainly exciting times for fans. >> huge. it's by far the biggest tournament that we've hosted and to have socceroos the nation's team in the final is massive. >> the australian team went into the tournament having not won for three games and scored just the one goal. however, in this asian town, they've won four out of five times. >> we have a great deal of respect on and off the field for all the other nations in this confederation and certainly it's been seen through this tournament, i've had numerous discussions and there's a great deal of mutual respect. >> opponents in south korea take heart they are the only team to have beaten the socceroos in this tournament and have yet to concede a single goal, something
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they hope helps their team pick up a third asian cup title. >> it's going to be a very tough game but i hope it's a very hard game and i hope it's really enjoying -- just want to enjoy it. >> just ahead of kickoff this area will be a sea of people, the match and 80,000 setup such as the interest is in this game in this country for a long time that saw football as the polarization of rugby. not anymore it's not. >> former a.c. milan manager is one lead figures asking for more opportunities for black coaches. al jazeera has explored the lack of opportunity in a special program. only three coaches at the africa cup of nations are black and just two at the world cup last year. discrimination is society is said to be reflected in
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football. >> discrimination, prejudice fear thinking about stereotypes that is very much in society. people need tomorrow that football is just part of society. >> too fluke coach will be on friday. >> tyler woods struggled in his opening round of golf in 2015. want former world number one is competing at the phoenix open, just his second tournament since august. he had four bogeys mixed in with an eagle, two over, nine shots behind leader ryan palmer. >> that's all your sport for now. back to you. >> thank you very much. that's it for the news hour. if you're in the states, it's back to your regular programming. the rest of our viewers back in
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a moment with more news. stay with us. h us. >> because i was african american i was trying to fit in >> misty copleland's journey wasn't easy >> dancing gave me the opportunity to grow into the person... i don't think i could be without it >> now, this trailblazer is opening the door for others >> i wanna give back to ballet what it's done for me... >> every sunday, join us for exclusive... revealing... and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time... talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america
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growing discontent. we speak to people inside iraq's isil controlled mosul, who say that are hostages in their own city. ♪ this is al jazeera live from our headquarters in doha. also ahead egypt launches military operations in three cities in the sigh any peninsula after a string of deadly attacks. an tack on a mosque in southern pakistan kills at least
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