tv News Al Jazeera February 6, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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>> don't try this at home. >> "techknow", where technology meets humanity. monday, 5:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. pass this is al jazeera. hello. welcome to the newshour. coming to you live from doha. here is what is ahead this hour: >> an eye on yemen, parliament. germ leaders sit downa security strategy. the highlights. and the sign of the century, the
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multi-million dollar collection of cars recovered in a barn. a yemen shia howhouthis rebels say they are taking over the country. they will have what they are calling a presidential council which will act as the government for the next two years. it finalizes the group's power grab which has been months in the making. they took control of the capitol capitol, seizing several tongues and cities alongs the way. in january of this year they put the president under house arrest. he and his cabinet have resigned but he is still being detained. the houthis gave yemen's political parties a way forward which they failed to do. they dissolved the parliament ba back in 2003.
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the houthis say it has no legitimacy and its man date has expired. from the port city of adan in theinyemen -- in yemen. >> the revolutionary committee will set up a council of 551 members to replace the dissolved parliament. the shia movement have taken over last september. gradually capturing key government buildings including parliament and state t.v. eventually forcing yemen's first democratically elected president and his government to resign on january 21st. since then the united nations has been attempting to broker a deal between the different political powers. it doesn't appear too great. the u.s. special envoy departed heading to saudi arabia on friday afternoon. the houthis decided to go it
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alone. . >> the powers of the national council, the presidential council and the government shall be defined by the revolutionary committee. >> revolutionary committee is made up of entirely of houthi leaders. it was almost complete, complete, those attending saw the minister of defense resign t sources close to him say he was forced at gunpoint to attend. all of this turmoil will further alarm yemen's nabors particularly saudi arabia. >> the un lateral declaration by the houthis does not meet the officed of a consensus basis. there is a process under which you can change the government through the constitution. >> obviously, was not followed
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a yemeni journalist earlier spoke to my colleague in london about the different political faxes in yemen? >> i have spoken to people involved in the negotiations the last few days and essentially, you know there was no exceptions from the opposition party or from the other party, any political party to attempt power sharing there with the houthis. i think everybodyone has seen what has happened with the houthis. they have made deals and back backtracked on those deals and the houthis have been talking about representing the people. it's simply an advance using weapons, and we will see a continuation of that. >> accusations that, you know this is going to be another sectarian war, that iran that yemen could be another scene for the sectarian wars that we see?
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>>ty won't try to downplay the sectarian elements. it's quite easy from looking at the shia. the reality on the ground is it's much more about regional identity. the houthis are from northern parts of yemen. the people in the south, because they are from different areas and they are seen as invaders. there is a religious element but, you know, at a time howuthi movement they need support of the houthis. it is imports to try. >> french officials say at a time conflict in eastern ukraine has been constructive and substantial. leaders in moscow angela merkel and francois hollande have been in peace talks.
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they are expected to speak again by phone on sunday. al bashar is accused of it arming eastern ukraine. how much controlled separatist regions should have. rory challands. >> reporter: five hours of discussions here in mosque outside, face-to-face negotiations between vladimir putin, angela merkel and fan swa hollande. all we know is contained in the most highly held talks. he said the talks were con stockedive. what happens next is a document is going to be prepared which takes in all of the suggestions and that will be forwarded on to the different parties. the negotiations will be picked up on sunday in a phone call
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that is going to be conducted in the normandy format. that will mines it will involve all of the people here in moscow this afternoon and also include pet petro poroshenko. these talks have not been clearly fruit-bearing, very very difficult. we knew precious little about what was going to be talked about coming into it and precious little going out of it. but obviously, not much agreement reached so far. things were probably talked about were the demarcation line between the separatist areas and the rest of ukraine. things also talked about would be the border between russia and ukraine and, also how much autonomy could be granted for the separatist areas themselves. so much more to talk about still, of course that will happen on sunday. >> speaking in kiev ukrainians
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once again help from the west. >> it is absolutely clear we need peace in europe but peace in europe depends upon feast in ukraine. i am convinced that no one in europe wants to see russia on the border with the european union. >> in the stattegic town a truce has ended. a cease-fire on thursday night was went for civilians trapped in the area tohrough a humanitarian corridor. pro-russian rebels have been fighting for the town in recent weeks. charles stratford is in donetsk where he has been watching the situation has it has become worse. you may find some of the images in his report disturbing. >> reporter: >> reporter: donetsk's morgue can barely cope. the majority of the dead are not separatist fighters. they are civilians, innocent
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people who had no role in this conflict. >> there is a lack of space. bodies lay on top of each other. we have received 2,800 dead since the 13th of march last year. 500 bodies since the beginning of the year. 70% are civilians, women, children, people who lived alone. >> as the german and french leaders went to moscow for another attempt at securing a truce, few people brave the streets of donetsk. the sound of nearby shelling echoes around the city. we are at a splattist controlled checkpoint close to the air poured. the intensity of the shelling and the repeated failure of previous calls for a cease-fire shows just how difficult it is to maintain any truce. >> the fighters we spoke to at this checkpoint had little faith in the latest peace effort. >> we have already scene peace talks and i don't trust them anymore. when we offer them peace talks, the ukrainian army gives us a chance to report their
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positions. >> in town hundreds of people mainly the old and infirmed queued for food handouts. this has become a daily scene over the recent weeks in the capital of the self proclaimed donetsk people's republic. >> translator: social benefits t pensions benefits for invalids are not being paid anymore. everything is being done to eliminate people. we are not considered human. we are being eliminated. >> reporter: it seems the shell has become more discriminal nat recently. local authorities say at least five people were killed when a shell landed close to this hospital. just as in territory controlled by the ukrainian army it is the civilians who are suffering most. charles stratford, al jazeera, dondon. more ahead this hour: don thousands rally in jordan.
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canada's supreme court unanimously votes to strike down doctor-assisted suicide. a day of punishment in morocco, forced to pay a hefty price. done don e don .e don . >> u.s. president barack obama has unveiled his nation's security strategy a document meant to highlight the country's poverties priorities. his critics have latched on to one concept, complaining he doesn't have a guiding strategy, that he lurchecs from one crisis to the next and is slow to respond. he issponding to that with this national security strategy five years in the making arguing the u.s. should not overreach or make decisions based upon fear
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and it should try to avoid acting on its own. susan rice unveiled the proposal and argued, it's working? >> think for a minute where the world would be today without decisive american leadership. symbols would be spreading throughout west africa and likely the far corners of the world. without us russia would be suffering no cost for its actions in ukraine. without us there would be no military campaign or sixty companies countering. >> she went on to detail the national security priorities. it's a long list: protecting the homeland for people and u.s. air lines, preventing economic slowdown stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, preventing climate change and major energy markets disruption and propping up a failed state. some critics say the length of the list is a problem in and of itself. >> the strategy is a choice
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prioritization. the strategy is a way of saying x is more important from y. so i will focus my resources there and because of who we are in the united states or however politics work we actually avoid those karsts choices in our foreign policy and the documentschoices choices in our foreign policy and the documents documents. >> what's clear, despite his critics, the president believes his foreign policy is working. and he is unlikely to change it over the next two years. patty colhane, washington. >> the white house has it has confirmed it's a female american hostage was killed in a jordanian airstrike. in an olbermann statement, is ill says the 26-year-old aid worker was buried under rubble. she was captured in august, 2003, in aleppo while working for a spanish doctors without borders hospital. let's go live to jordbin
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jordan in washington, d.c. the u.s. authorities will be busy trying to find out what exactly happened to her. will they be taking isil's claim seriously? >> well there is a lot of private skepticism here in washington and in amman about whether isil's claims of the woman we just showed on our air was absolutely killed during the stepped up air raid carrying out, excuse me by jordanian fighter pilots. this, of course is the response to the killing of the fighter pilot and then the video was shown on the website around the world. this is a case though where officials both here in washington and amman think that what is ill is trying to is -- isil is trying to do is dissuade georgia from the stepped-up air
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campaign against isil targets. they don't know whether this woman is still alive or not. they are doing alternates of work right now to try to determine if that is indeed the case. >> the u.s. was believed having trouble getting more traction in its fight against isil. has that changed with the political killing of that jordanian pilot? >> certainly one of the factors that the u.s. knew it was going to have to contends with was the air war started against is ill back in august was the idea of trying to have as broad a coalition, including members of the arab community involved in the fight against is ill. certainly jordan has been one of the leading participants in airstrikes inside syria. none of the airstrikes carried out by jordan or by four other arab nations have been taking place inside iraq where he is ill also issil also is.
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it has made it easier in a tragic way because the u.s. doesn't have to worry so much now about being accused of trying to carry out some sort of military campaign against arabs, against arab territory because they can say, look. we have people who believe as we do that what is isil represents is a fundamental threat to all of our security and so it doesn't help the u.s.'s messaging in that sense. >> roz, is there a since in washington that isil has over played its hands with the killing of the jord anian pilot? >> it's a little too early to say whether or not there is a sense that this could be a turning point, as it were. one thing that administration officials have been telling me all week is that this is going to be a campaign that's going to take years and it's not just going to be a matter of must
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mustering military outfits and providing training to arab military and trying to bring in an international coalition. it's also going to mean bringing in financial punishment as it were to try to starve out is isil trying to deal with the very difficult work of trying to make is isil less attractive particularly to people here in the united states in western europe in other countries around the world, from wanting to travel to the region and take up arms alongside isil. they say this is nothing something that can be said in a matter of weeks or even in a matter of months. they say this is going to take a very long time and so while this could be, you know one of you know, success they don't know that for certain. it's going to take a long time. they are very adamant about that. >> okay roz. thank you very much. rosalind jordan in washington, d.c. the latest suffered aneian airstrikes against is isil and syria were launched in
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retaliation for the killing of that you jords aneian -- jords aneian pilot. thousands have rallied to show support of it al kasaeseh. they say they support the military campaign against is isil. >> reporter: the islamic state of iraq in the levant murder of jordanian payilot has produced wage of outrage and calls forring. it has shifted public opinion. those who are against jordan joining the u.s.-led coalition against isil last september are for it. everyone here chanted support of king abdullah. >> is for the thousands much people at this rally in the capital, the murder reveals that jordan has always been is isil's
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target. >> translator: show us the next target. if they occupy syria, jordan is next. we have to strike. jordan has long been a stable country and its people fear being dragged -- dragged into conflict. >> i swear we are not afraid. we are proud, and we stand behind the king and we will offer our men and women to fight terrorism. >> reporter: she surprised the crowd when she slowed up at the rally. people have come from all over the country to honor the young pilot. >> the rally in support of the government and its decision to step up the fight against isil the manner of his murder has profound profoundly shocked jordanians. some believe it turned previously sympathetic citizens against is isil. >> on thursday the army announced its fighter jets had hit is isilil's height outside.
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it showed these fighter jets taking off from jordan military basis. the army says these attacks were just the beginning. these images showed jordan's royal air force officers writing threats against isil on their missiles. some say the government should be careful in taking advantage of this unique moment of solidarity. >> we should not conduct our foreign policy by the emotional feelings. jordan has been surprised for all of it. >> it is unclear how isil will respond to the bombardment. there are indications they will have to work harder to crack down on isil recruits and stop possible attacks. many hearsay that's something they will support. meanwhile, the european union has pledged a billion
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eurors to fight isil. that was the main talking points in the talks in berlin. more fortunate has been called for to stop isil from making further advances. he says german has promised help help. >> they are prepared to provide all sorts of assistance military security and also a great deal of training for our security personnel to gain control of the area liberating where officerp isil fighters have been forced out. they are understand control of
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security forces >> supporting the outlawed muslim brotherhood, they and al jazeera deny the charges. greste has arrived home t al jazeera demands the other two's immediate release. >> investigators in taiwan are beginning to understand why a plane crashed into a river killing 35 people. they say one engine appears to have failed when the second it was manually shut down. they are still trying to recover bodies from the wreckage. a report from taipei. >> for a third day, they searched at a time river for the missing flight ge 235. more bodies were brought to shore. among those found, two young
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boys, 11 and 12, still strapped into their seats. the cause of the crash started to emerge be investigators announced a malfunction. one was shut down after a discussion by the pilots picked up by the cockpit voice recorder or cvr. essentially what they are saying are the pilots made a decision to shut down one general that was still providing thrust to the aircraft. is that correct? >> the? >> the pilots had power on one. right now, we can think about the data. the data showed the engine was cut off. we don't know why or who did it. >> reporter: what is clear is that by the time the plane made its last plunge into the river, clipping a taxi at the bridge
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one engine was spinning uselessly. the other, not turningats all. the police car park was shown a taxi from that footage. all of the stories of survival from this crash, surely one of the most remarkable. it goes without saying just how lucky the driver and this passenger were. large parts of this vehicle look pretty much untouched but the front is an enormous diagonal slice taken outs by the wing tip. who lives saved by a fraction of a second. fung ji shun had been sitting in the safer rear out of habit because it makes it easier to get away with more hand luggage. he says he knew there was a problem as the plane took off. >> you it felt unbalanced in the cabin. i guessed there might be something wrong with the engines. then i felt the planes turn around. i started telling the other passengers to protect themselves. >> the survivors were the minority. most on board are now being
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morgued, including the flight crew whose decision making is now at the heart of this investigation. taiwan's vice president hailed them for their her otherics missing apartment buildings, saving lives with the last seconds of their own. harry fawcette. >> a borich terror raid the president of the philippines said it should have been cancelled. it was targeting one of asia's most wanted terror suspects. here on al jazeera, we will go behind bars in new york where a unique program is seeing success. baghdad, a snapshot in the capitol. the streets of due by with
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welcome back to al jazeera. they say that the council is a part from over a decade ago. a peace plan for ukraine by telephone on sunday. the leaders of germany, angela merkel has offered a proposal. the the white house says it can't confirm a female american hostage was killed in syria. in an online statement they sad sadthe 26-year-old aid worker was buried under the rubble after a raid in raqqa. as i said earlier, the u.s. president revealed his security strategy. now at washington the middle
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east. he said here we will begin to al jazeera now we heard susan rice say that the u.s. does not face any existential -- what do you make of those commends each president obama unveiled this new security strategy? >> more than a just fisphysician for his policies over the last year. he does not believe and they reiterated we shutted not based based -- base decisions on fear and not go willie nilly. i think he means iraq syria,
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al-qaeda, and he doesn't want to see america do that. so that's the description and he names a long, laundry list of national security problems and some of them are. symbols, disease, computer hack can, all of these sorts of things. the rebate objectives but he doesn't priority ties them. >> means he is saying we have to keep our powder dry. we don't have a major, major issue. we should not get sucked into things easily. >> does epitomize the obama strategy. >> so why is it getting involved, then in all of these different battles here in the middle east the fight against is isil and what's going no iraq and syria? >> well he is getting involved in a -- in what he considers a
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cautious way to contain isis. he hardly mentions yemen and some other places. he does not want to get drawn in. of course there are many people and the public is saying that he is feckless not doing enough our national security is being eroded, our national prestige will no longer be taken seriously because we are not doing things in crain, in iraq in syria, and he is saying hey hold on. we cannot get sucked into these places. these are not major national interests. we are going to contain the dangers dangers, but there are some things we just cannot do. >> joshua if we could look closely at yemen, making the headlines now with the houthis seizing power there. the u.s. state department has condemned this unilateral power, but they are refusing to call it
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a coup. >> it's a game trying to come up with the yemeni policy is very hard because the houthis, shiites of the north have taken over. they have forced the president to resign t we don't know who is up and who is down how long they are going to last whether the country will stay unified. we are going to follow saudi arabia's lead. they are not going to recognize the power. they believe iran is behind it. they see it as a major threat. we cannot allow ourselvesn something so close to the saudi's. >> okay thank you very much for speaking to us. joshua landis director for the center of middle east studies at the university of oklahoma. . >> nigeria says they have killed
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109 boka haram fighters. friday four soldiers and a civilian have also been killed. boko boko haram is in northern nigeria but targeted border towns in camaroon and niger. they are putting together a new joint force to go after the group. >> reporter: for days soldiers have been strengthening their positions after taking over the town of gombora, from boka haram fighters. inside nigerian territory, chad groups are helping to maintain and push out the fighters. >> we were firing intensely. >> that's why they dropped their weapons and ran away. >> we liberated them. >> if you listen to the those who have been suffering understand boko haram's rule, actual. >> the nigerian military has not been able to stop boko haram's
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attacks. now it has regioned nigeria's neighbors. the from the town of boso in niger have reported the first attack by boko haram, making niger the second to come under attack in days. they attacked the chadian army on the border killing more than a dozen soldiers. the next day, the attack cameroonian attacks killing at least three soldiers. this has drawn in the neighbors and the african union into the conflict. they are discussing a united strategy at a meeting in cameroon trying to have a joint task force. >> we are working on the structure of the operation, elaborate a plan that will ensure logistical support. in general terms, it will be the
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employment of forces on the ground and the u.n. security council. the united nations security council has condemned the spike in violence and rebelled the new force. they say boko haram is undermining the peace and stability of the rest of the region. as confrontations go on, so do the attacks. osama binjabi, al jazeera. bodies have been pounds in an abandoned funeral home after neighbors complained about a smell coming from the building near the southern coastal city of al capulco in guereo state that's where 43 university students disappeared last year. i have been investigators say the cases and linked. a tribunal has found u.k. spies acted illegally when they
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combed the internet and the spy agency said it didn't tell the public what it was doing. barnabee phillips has more. >> this ruling says the british intelligence agency contra seened human rights law in the way that it shared information with the americans national security agency the nsa, specially, it is saying that the gchq acted illegally by intercepting private phone calls and reading private e-mails without telling the general public what they were up to. the only reason any of this has come out is because of the challenge of the british government in court, giving their reaction to what this means to the gchq. >> in the course of the litigation they have been forced today clean up their act, to improve their policies
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improve the safeguards some of which have -- we have been able to find out after the course forced them to disclose them. we are still not happy with the state in play. >> that's why we are going to continue to appeal parts of this to the european court of human rights. >> now the british government has put out a statement saying that they are committed to transparency. the gbhq says that this ruling does not require it to change its message. the judgment does not in any way suggest important safeguards were not in place and does not require the. in any way. today's ibt ruling reaffirms the processes and safeguards within the intelligence sharing regime were fully adequate at all times. it's about the amount of detail about the processes and safeguards that needed to be in the public domain.
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it began with a revelation from edward snowden who used to work for the agency in the united states and now in exile in russia. he says they have shared it here in the united kingdom. now, we will have to wait and see what the european court of human rights decides about how far intelligence agencies can go in intercepting private communication in the interests of national security. barnaby phillips al jazeera westminster in london. >> the fei is investigating what could be the biggest cyber theft to date of personnel information held by a u.s. healthcare company. records for more than 80 million customers were stolen and a data breach at anthem insurance.
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it's the second largest healthcare insurance company in the u.s. the prime suspect, tom ackerman reports. >> we appreciate you considering anthem blue cross as your trusted healthcare partner. >> but trust in anthem has plummeted since the company announced as early as last december hackers have stability its customers' personal medical data. information lucrative to cyber criminals. china has long been considered the likeliest suspect for such a massive cyber breach a trade in security commission of the u.s. congress recently reported quote, china's cyber espy onnage continued unabated in 2014. china's material incentives for continuing this activity are i am immense. u.s. prosecutors filed charges against five members of a chinese military unit for hacking into american companies and a labor union to steal trade secrets. >> for the first time, we have exposed the real faces and names behind the key boards in
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shanghai used to steal from american businesses. this is not conduct that responsible nations within the global economic community should tolerate. >> the firm which anthem hired to investigate the attack has corncluded that the source of previous cyber attacks, any more named doda was the same chinese military unit. >> doda changes the country location to china. he puts in the phone number 159-21 knife at least-7 seven where the 2193 chase a number. >> the chinese government has denied any involvement in such activity but in 2011, a documentary aired by chinese state television showed how the people's liberation army was able to infect foreign targets and attack a website in the u.s. hosted by the fal on gong group. >> the ceo is apologizing to customers for allowing this breach of privacy. some security experts say healthcare companies have been
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linked toshield -- late to shield themselves from sophisticated attacks. they say the leak may be broader campaign to collect sensitive data on government contractors and military personnel with high-security clearances. tom ackerman al jazeera, washington. >> survivors of one of australia's deadliest bush fires have been awarded $235 million in compensation in the country's biggest class action lawsuit. forty people died in an estimated 500 homes were destroyed in the blaze in the southern state of victoria six years ago. the lawsuits against energy firm aznet claims a break in an electrical conductor on a power pole sparked the fire. over now to berlin and the city's 65th annual film festival wedged in between the multi-million dollar blockbusters and camera-hungry movie stars is one iraqi film maker's effort to make the world see life beyond his country's battle grounds. phil lavell meets the man behind
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"iraqi odyssey." >> reporter: this is what millions think of when it comes to iraq saddam hussein and war. but this is what samia wants the world to see, the other side of iraq. a country that once felt very liveable to the neighbors at least. a snapshot of another time. >> it's a really surprise to see that my aunt and my uncle, you know, that they lived in the '50s a life which compares to everything in the west. but they listened to modern music. they had their writers, their poets. everything, you know. it's like it gives an idea of what could have happened if the country would not have gone in to war and dictatorship. >> "iraqi odyssey" tells the country's story through his family members, now scattered
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from london to la new york to new zealand. it shows iraq's fonder days and how the course of its destiny changed. >> iraq became, you know in the front line of the cold war between the soviets and the west. and that ended up really in the dictatorship and all of that war. so, it was a really a loss. >> this is not a religious film. in fact, it's the opposite. secularity runs through it. times may have changed, but he feels iraq's better days can return. generation y tasked with that. >> there are so many young people now you know for them the dictatorship is -- there is no experience of that. so they only know the time after the war. but they now try to do new things. they use their social media. they know how to, you know what's going on the world and they saw, of course the arab spring, you know, the thing
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which i feel now that people are not afraid anymore. . >> it is an optimistic outlook from a man who has seen and captured it all. phil lavell at the berlin film festival. >> coming up after the break: a forgotten treasurer trove of rare cars in a french barn set for a multi-million dollar auction n sport, could this be enough for the top 3. all of the latest in german ball. .
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we know back. canada's supreme court has overturned a ban on doctor-assisted suicide. the new ruling applies to those with terminal illnesses as well as adults with enduring intolerable suffering who have clearly consented to end their lives. canada joins a handsful of european countries and u.s. states where euthanisia is legal. >> grace christine for civil liberty's associates jones us from ottawa in canada. welcome to the program. you helped to bring to court the case that was for kay carter and gloria taylor. please tell us more about their case. >> reporter: certainly. well we brought this case
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forward in 2011 on behalf of gloria taylor and kay carter. gloria taylor was suffering from als. she was in the final stages of the disease. she very much wanted the choice to have a gentle peaceful and a painless death. and that's why she asked us to file this case in her name. indicate carter -- kate carter was a woman also suffering from an incurable and very serious disease. she was 89 years old when she asked her doctor lee carter, to help -- her daughter, lee carter to help her travel to switzerland to have a gentle death. lee carter and her husband decided to help her mother and unfortunately, after that lee and her husband were worried that they would be criminally prosecuted for having helped kay carter. so today is really a tremendous victory, and i -- this case
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this great ruling, it's a tribute to the tremendous courage of gloria and kay. >> now the ruling grace, doesn't automatically change canada's law, though does it? in canada, it's still illegal to counsel, aid or abet a suicide, an offense that carries up to 14 years in prison. now, there is a year to rewrite this law. is that right? >> that's correct. the courts gave parliament or the proofvincial legislatures or both the opportunity to enact new legislation if they choose to. but neither parliament nor the proof incial legislatures need to do that. if they decide not to enact legislation, the practice will be governed by the standards of the medical profession and by
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existing laws that pertain to healthcare matters. >> okay grace. thanks for speaking with us litigation director for british columbia civil litigation. sorry apologies for the poor quality of the sound. >> sana is with us. >> we will be able to participate in the next two africa cup of nations. we will have to say a $10 million fine for the considerations of the african ball for refusing to host the competition due to fears over symbols spread. the decision has been made after a meeting in malabu on friday. pretorial again e has been fined for the crowd violence in the semi find. 36 people were injured t fans threw bottles and objects at the ghana fans. the game was held up for over 30 minutes and riot police fired tear gas at the angry
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supporters. their national team cap pin apologized for the vie less. >> we are proutd proud for the tournament to be played. we have reached the semifinals. something historic for us. i would also like to congratulate ghana and apologize to the african ball federation and to everybody for the incidents which happened today. we know this should not happen in the world of tulle. again, i apologize. >> our correspondent has more from malabo. >> it's been a day of extraordinary and contrasting punishments handed down by the most notable saw morocco kicked out of the 2017 and 2019 africa cup of nation. you might remember resulted over symbols fears. they have also been given a $10 million fine 1 million for failing to stage the event and another 9 million in damages. meanwhile, the president of the
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ball federation has been suspended after comments he made that regarding ethics and that they were biased. they have given the tune easeian ball federation 31 march to provide irreputable evidence saying they face the possibility of being kicked out of the african cup of nations. the most surprising sanctions being handed out on friday saw equatorial guinea the african cup of nations being given a 100,000 fine after those bizarre scenes we saw 37 ghania fans, 14 hospitalized. they have been asked to pay the medical bills of those injured ghana fans. the third and fourth place will be going ahead as scheduled. in the spirit -- and these are their words, in the spirit of
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fair play and in the spirit of brotherhood in the africa cup of nation 2015, that this game will be open to fans. >> equatorial guinea avoided questions about the incidents, saying the moakfocus is to finish third in the competition. >> we have studied our opponents. we know their strong and weak points. tomorrow well prepared for this match. we are thinking about the players who are tired. we will find a way to hold their strengths and damage them on their weakness. in the short period we believe we made a major achievement. i am very happy, very satisfied, and i believe this is the future of equatorial again e. >> the chairman of football had moved up to third in the bunsliga. ott opening the score 11 minutes into the game. coming across finding a swiss star scored what looked to be the winner 29th goal in his 250
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bundislega matches. the six nations tournament is underway with the opening in cardiff on friday. an inside look like they were in a position to run away rallies from bind to beat wales 21 to 16. mark calf end dish has lost the tour after the pin ultimate stage. going in to the final day, four seconds behind germany. a number of the riders might head in with a degree of the cash it took a tool: imagine
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this. find bales of hay dozens of cars collect orders are clamoring to get their hands on this astonishing collection. >> auctioneers have compared it to king tut's too many. the horde of rare cars was decaying on a farm in western france. >> now they are being sold for millions of dollars. the collectors are really looking for these kind of cars and this kind of -- in this kind of state. people who are passionate about cars people who are ready to take on a big restoration job. >> in the collection ferraris mazaratis. one car in particular stands out. this ferrari california spider is one of only 37 ever made.
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it was sold for $16 million. not bad considering it was pounds under a pile of rotting magazines. also uncovered, this unique 1948 talmalago once owned by king faruk. a man like some of the people at this auction with extremely extravagant taste in cars. this is where they are discovered rusted and weather-beaten, ivory growing through wind screens. the collection was amaced in the '50s and '60s by transport industrialists who fortunate fails. he died before he could sell off the cars for what his -- when his heirs called in specialists, car exports describe it as sleep sleeping bused, now destined for a new life. nate barker al jazeera, paris. >> just a few minutes.
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o. >> this is al jazeera america. live from new york city i'm tony harris. a claim of collateral damage. i.s.i.l. says an american hostage a woman from arizona has been cleared by jordanian air strikes. but no proof. >> i can't confirm that in any way. >> and i.s.i.l. has lied in the past. jordan calls it criminal propaganda.
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