tv News Al Jazeera February 12, 2015 11:00am-11:31am EST
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we'll be live in new york where the u.n. security council has just been told that yemen is collapsing before our eyes. ♪ you are watching al jazeera live from our headquarters in doha. also coming up after 411 days in jail two al jazeera journalists are granted bail as their retrial begins in cairo. a break through on the ukraine crisis. and trying to preserve an underwater paradise. we'll take a dive on a corral
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reef threatened by human destruction. ♪ but first, we start with breaking news out of nigeria. that's where a female suicide bomber has blown herself up. the attack happened in a crowded market in borno state. we're working on getting more on that attack that took place in nigeria, and we'll bring it to you. an egyptian court has granted bail to two al jazeera journalists. mohammed fahmy, and baher mohamed have been detained for 411 days in a cairo prison. they are accused of colluding with the outlawed muslim brotherhood. charges they and al jazeera deny. their colleague, australian peter greste was freed and deported on february 1st.
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and the trial will resume on february 23rdrd. >> reporter: this could be the beginning of the end of an ordeal that lasted for more than 400 days. al jazeera's bureau chief, mohammed fahmy and producer baher mohamed, have been granted bail at the start of their retrial. [ applause ] >> reporter: mohammed fahmy was asked to pay a security bond of around $33,000. >> we'll abide by everything in the egyptian law, and i'm sure -- he has been vindicated by this and hopefully vindicated later on when this case falls apart completely. we wanted to keep ourselves not too excited or -- and just wanted to expect the worst, but we got something, so. >> reporter: but the judicial fight for the two will continue
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until the charges are dropped. mohammed fahmy was initially sentenced to seven years in prison. and baher mohamed received ten. egypt's highest court of appeals has challenged the evidence presented by the prosecution, saying the proceedings were flawed and orders a retrial. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: early this month, another al jazeera journalist peter greste was deported to australia after 400 days in detention. mohammed fahmy who is an egyptian canadian was told by the authorities that his only way to freedom is to renounce his egyptian citizenship, which he has done. the three journalists were arrested in december 2013. they were wrongly accused of promoting the banned muslim
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brotherhood. their trial was widely condemned by the international community and human rights organizations. it was described as a travesty of justice. protesters from around the world demonstrated in solidarity with the detained al jazeera journalists. six other colleagues from al jazeera were sentenced in absentia to ten years in prison. al jazeera continues to call on egypt to have all of its journalists exonerated. we're taking you live now to a statement that's being made by the u.n. special advisor on yemen. he's speaking from sana'a let's listen in. >> translator: could further impact the security situation with unemployed joining armed groups for monetary and financial reasons, and this also
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would contribute to the worsening of yemen's humanitarian situation and needs. an estimated 15.9 million people, namely 61% of the population need humanitarian assistance. the humanitarian response planned for the year 2015 is being finalized this week and it will require some $748 million to meet the needs of 8.2 million people. of this requirement, 285 million are for urgent life saving and protection assistance to the most vulnerable yemeni people. humanitarian partners are concerned about possible expansion of the conflict and
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the impact that it would have on the civilian population. in addition the increased political instability and risk of conflict may also complicate the humanitarian efforts aimed at developing solutions, and sustainable livelihood which would facility yemen's progress towards recovery. mr. president, the transmission has already encountered serious obstacles. yet time and again, yemenese have managed to push forward. today yemen is at a cross road. either the country would desend into civil war, and disintegration or find a way to put the transition back on
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track. this largely depends on the political will of the yemeni leaders. they also bare responsibility for this current state of affairs, and they all bare the responsibility for finding a way to pull the country from the brink. the political, humanitarian and security environments pose serious challenges for the u.n. operations. nevertheless the united nations will be leave yemen. the united nations reaffirms its commitment to yemen as it seeks to complete its political transition. in this regard, we have been consulting and coordinations closely with the gcc and other international partners. >> all right. so what we were just listening to was -- that's the u.n.
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special advisor on yemen. and he was briefing the u.n. security council effectively on the situation in yemen. one of the most important things he said is that yemen is at a cross roads. it can either descend into civil war or the country and the political leaders need to find a way to put the transition back on track. crossing over to new york and bringing in kristen saloomey. kristen, listening in to what he has been saying as well as the u.n. security council listening intently and general -- the secretary general ban ki-moon himself has made some comments. what did he have to say? >> reporter: well he painted a very grim picture of the situation in yemen. he's just back from a trip to the region where we consulted with many countries who are very concerned about the instability
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in yemen. he described the country as being on the brink of collapse. we're also hearing about the efforts to bring all of the parties back to the negotiating, something the u.n. has been frantically trying to do. the houthis have taken over the government. ban ki moon talked about more widespread attacks by al-qaeda. and there is a humanitarian situation there that is horrific 61% of the population dependent on humanitarian aid. so what you are hear is a rallying cry for the security council. of course the security council has also been very concerned about this and they are weighing next steps on what could possibly put more pressure on the parties in yemen to come
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back to the bargaining tables for the houthis to withdraw. to return to some form of democratic rule in the country. we know that the gulf cooperation council would like to see a security council resolution. they have circulated their own draft to the permanent five members to the council. what they are asking for a chapter 7 resolution the strongest form of resolution they would pass again, calling for the houthis to withdraw and returning to the political process. so they are listening intently to -- about the situation. >> kristen saloomey thank you so much. a peace deal has been agreed to end the fighting in eastern ukraine, they have held talks in
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the capitol of minsk. withdrawal of heavy heavies will be completed within two weeks. the process will be monitored by the ocse and the peace deal includes the withdraw of foreign military forces. this should allow the ukrainian government to get full control of the border by the end of the year. all detained prisoners and hostages must be released as well. rory challands has more. >> reporter: president putin has described it as not the best night of his life. more than 15 hours of wrangling and cajoling trying to reach a break through on ukraine. the waiting journalists had many hopes of an announcement dashed then well into thursday morning, it came. >> translator: the first thing is the ceasefire starting at midnight on the 15th of
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february, second thing that i think is very important is the withdraw of ukrainian troops in today's contact line and withdraw of this militia from the line acceptfied on the 19th of september last year and the political settlement that takes into account the rights of the people who live in the region. >> reporter: these have been incredibly tough negotiations going in the germans were particularly down beat. even now, angela merkel has concerns. >> translator: germany and france france and germany together show that we have made a contribution in accordance with europe. >> reporter: of course we have been here before literally. minsk welcomes leaders for a peace summit back in the late summer of 2014 but the ceasefire quickly fell apart. you can sign as many pieces of
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paper as you want but it's what happens on the ground that matters. [ explosion ] >> reporter: and in eastern ukraine, the fighting and the dying continued as the leaders talked. the separatists venntives have signed the new minsk deal though enforcing the demilitarized zone pulling back heavy artillery, making sure hostages are released and pushing through of assurances of political reform in the east will be a torturous process with many opportunities for failure. still ahead on al jazeera, mining companies, accused of putting profits before people. that's in south africa and that story is coming up next.
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♪ top stories on al jazeera. a female suicide bomber has blown herself up in northeast nigeria. that attack happened in borno state and we are getting reports that there have been many casualties. the united nations security council is holding a debate on the security situation in yemen. they have been holding a video conference with the security council out of sana'a. and an egyptian court has granted bail to two al jazeera journalists. mohammed fahmy, and baher mohamed had been detained for 411 days in cairo. they are a k accused of colluding with the outlawed muslim brotherhood. charges they and al jazeera
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deny. and their trial resumes on february 23rdrd. crossing over to new york and speaking to the middle eastern north africa program coordinator. excuse me, you are joining us from washington not new york. obviously you as well as al jazeera, and the international community welcome this decision for our journalists to be let out on bail but what do you expect to happen on february 23rd? >> i'm hoping that the judge decides to dismiss the charges. i think it was clear that he has an intention of letting this one go because normally you are not allowed bail unless the judge feels that there is no problem in this case and he doesn't likely want to invite people [ inaudible ]. also coupled with the fact that on monday egypt's highest court
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released its report on the trial, and it includes not just a procedural error that went throughout but also criticism to though lower court, the criminal court, for including charges about aiding terrorism in this case. so the highest court have already decided and concluded there was no need to include any criminal charges in the case that would indict those journalists. and that is a good precedence, that not just benefits al jazeera, but the remaining nine journalists who also -- some of them are kept on criminal charges, and also charged with or accused with using or promoting or aiding violence. >> that's what i wanted to ask you about, because along with our journalists, of course according to you, there are at least nine other journalists
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that are still being held in jail in egypt. so how does what happened today in egypt, perhaps help their case? >> of course it is good news for them as well and i think it means that the government is at least not escalating the situation, if not making space for, or room for improvement. those people are mostly affiliated with the member or supportive of the muslim brotherhood, many of them belong to other service, but some of them also are not even political at all, including [ inaudible ] a freelance photographer who to this day more than 500 days have not been charged, has not even seen the judge and has not been allowed to defend himself. and we're hoping he will be next and then the rest of the -- the journalists as
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well-being released and i think if we really want real progress and improvement, the egyptian government should change a lot of the laws that allows those journalists to be even prosecuted. none of those journalists deserve to spend one day in custody, let alone hundreds of days until proven innocent. >> thank you for joining us out of washington. no iraq now where the army is fighting against isil to regain the town near the largest oil refine ri. imran khan reports. >> reporter: after 103 days under siege, this iraqi special forces unit is finally free. in mid november iraqi forces retook the town of beiji just 15 kilometers from one of iraq's largest oil refineries but the sources were stretched, and
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unable to hold the center of the town. isil took advantage and pinned this unit down. every day for 103 days they fought. but neither side advanced. it was a stale might -- stalemate. then just three days ago, a break through. >> translator: we have managed to cut the enemy's supply line from the current central point of terrorism. we have advanced further towards the front and now the corridor is under our control. >> reporter: both of the towns are important if iraq's army is to successfully retake the all of beiji, but it won't happen soon. >> translator: the people know how crucial these two regions
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are. now we have made good gains by making the separation and we're still pushing through. >> reporter: these holes in the road are caused by isil's improvised explosive devices. a frequent tools on the road this construction equipment that was once used as makeshift roadblocks. president barack obama said that isil was on the back foot. but in beiji seemingly not. the fact that isil were able to pin down an iraqi special forces unit for 103 days has to be a concern to everyone fighting the group. in south africa a mining conference is wrapping up. where nearly 7,000 delegates have gathered to discuss the future of mineral exploration. but the widow of nelson men del
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lasses big industries need to do more. >> reporter: this is where around 7,000 mining executives and industry people have gathered for a four-day conference. >> this is one of the major conferences in the world that brings the mining industry together with investors with other interests to try to learn what is going on right now, what will change in the future how they can go better. >> reporter: much of the agenda is concentrated on the slump in commodity prices. nelson mandela's widow has told executives to change the way they deal with the people and the communities they are impacting. >> look beyond this space where you are mining the people who report to you daily, and the communities which are surrounding you. think of the country. >> reporter: and similar calls are being made at an alternative
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mining conference happening here in cape town with activists and ngo's say that the companies are exploiting the minerals and people. >> they are not concerned about the communities. they are not really concerned about social issues and they are not concerned about justice. >> reporter: and minors say they are not getting a fair share of the profits. last year a five-month strike over pay and conditions and the platinum mines all budget shut down production of the metal in south africa. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: and in 2012 more than 40 people were killed and police opened fire on striking workers at the mine. people like malcolm damon at the alternative minerals conference say the mining industry isn't doing enough to look after those who are working. >> reporter: make the resources work for the people. >> reporter: but it's a delicate balance, many of the min calls
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and metals used in making mobile gloens and electronics are extracted from mines across africa so much of the continent's labor force and economy depends on the strength of the mining industry. executives are waiting for the clouds to lift and for commodities prices and profits to recover. but the people who work in the industry don't want to wait. they want things to change and soon. well the united nations says tens of thousands of civilians are needed for medical support to fight ebola in west africa. it follows the united states decision to withdraw its troops who were helping build treatment centers in liberia. volunteers and doctors have provided health services community support, and they have help trace victim's families. >> we're also here to mark a transition in our fight against this disease, not to declare mission accomplished but to
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mark a transition. thanks to the hard work of our nearly 3,000 troops who deployed to west africa logistics have been set up ebola treatment units have been built, over 1500 african health workers have been trained. our focus now is getting to zero. because as long as there evenings one case of ebola that's active out there, risks sill exist. a failed breakout attempt at one of the largest prisons in taiwan has ended in six inmates committing suicide. the siege ended when the inmates shot themselves. they had all been convicted of murder as drugs-related offenses. taiwan's president condemned their actions. in south korea a former airline executive has been jailed for a year over a bag of nuts. heather choi argued with an air
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stewart about how he had served nuts in a bag instead of on a plate. the jet was then forced to return to the terminal. leading marine scientists are warning this year could prove devastating for corral reefs. they are worried their vibrant colors may soon fade threatening see life. steve choi reports. >> reporter: for decades this incredible underwater landscape has been the focus of study for martin, a marine scientist and conservationist, he is working to protect this diverse region. it's home to 75% of the world's corral species. 3,000 different kinds of fish and a host of other unique marine life. >> it's the home for fish
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nursery ground for fish feeding ground for fish. it's like shelter in the desert. >> reporter: but climate change is warming the ocean causing mass dioff -- die off. >> if the corral reef disappear, then fish also will disappear. >> reporter: there are other threats to the corral this dive resort operator has been battling an iron ore mine that has set up shop here. protests last year turned violent, with rocks being thrown. the mine is protected by local officials. >> authority's we're told have been very aggressive in keeping divers away from their operations so we're going to dive in here and swim over as close as we can get underwater.
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the visibility is so poor it's all we can do to stay together. when we find a layer of reef it is covered in silt. after only a few minutes we surfaced. >> before it was really beautiful, healthy reef lotses of colors lots of fish and now, i mean it's nothing. >> but not all is lost. the research has found that climate change isn't having as big of an impact on corral here that's because it lies close to deeper colder water. so they have formed community teams to guard the triangle's reefs. >> i have confidence that if we do something, if we protect this corral reef the corral reef will be still access live resources of the people still access people still can eat for tomorrow, and in the future. >> reporter: and with the way
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currents carry corral throughout the oceans he believes preserving this underwater paradise could ultimately save reefs worldwide. just a reminder you can keep up to date with all of the day's top stories on our website, >> gang rape, among the most shocking of violent crime is stirring a global outrage. throughout asia, it is believed to be far more common than most people think. >> rape is a major problem in all countries across this region. >> women's experiences of violence are well documented but th
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