tv News Al Jazeera February 12, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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♪ this is al jazeera america live from new york city i'm thomas and tony harris has the night off. ♪ a fragile ceasefire, after a marathon talks ukraine and pro-russian separatist once again agree to stop fighting. washington calls it a significant step toward a lasting peace but ukraine's president warns making it work can be very complicated. >> i think we have a problem of trust with russia. ♪
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good to have you with us on sunday the guns will stop in ukraine that is at least what leaders agree to earlier today. negotiations between ukraine's government the separatist and russia and france and germany ended with a deal based on september's broken truce. as the german chancellor said there was only a glimmer of hope, this is the end and rory challenge reports from minsk. >> reporter: putin said not the best of his life and others agree, more than 15 hours of wrangling trying to reach a breakthrough on ukraine. the waiting journalists had had many hopes of announcement dashed, then well into thursday morning it came. the first thing is a ceasefire starting at midnight on 15th of february and the second thing that i think have very important is withdrawal of heavy weapons.
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>> reporter: these have been incredibly tough negotiations going in the germans were particularly down beat about chances of success and even now with the agreement signed angela merkel says hard work remains. >> translator: i'm under no illusion and we are no illusion that a lot of work is still necessary but there is a real chance to improve things. germany and france france and germany together show that we have made a contribution in accordance with europe. >> reporter: of course we have been here before. literally. minsk welcomes leaders for a peace summit back in the late summer of 2014. but the ceasefire quickly fell apart, the agreements were never properly implemented. you can sign as many pieces of paper as you want but it's what happens on the grounds that matters. and in eastern ukraine the fighting and the dying continued as the leaders talked. the separatists representatives have signed the new minsk deal. and enforcing the agreed de
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demilitary zone and pulling back military and making sure people are released and this will be a process of torture with opportunities of failure in minsk. the violence prompted the marathon negotiations nearly 300 civilians killed in january alone. a truce would hold a major rebel offensive and give separatists more autonomy in the east and jonathan is here to explain the deal, good evening. >> it starts on sunday when both sides have to start pulling weapons off the front line. now all fighters will be given amnesty and foreign malitias must leave ukraine and pull back from the front line here to this new line at eastern ukraine, it's a ceasefire boundary there. this line was actually decided upon in september but as you can see since then separatists gained a lot more ground and kiev will withdraw from their
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positions here along the yellow and essentially give up a new territory to a new government in eastern ukraine. the town here is one of the big sticking points here because it's a critical railroad junction that ukraine still controls rebels seem to have it surrounded. and it's not clear if the fighting will stop here until one side or the other takes that town. ukraine's eastern border is another big issue because separatists control a long section of the border here with russia. ukraine says russia is sending in weapons and soldiers through rebel-controlled border crossings and before the crossings can be handed back to ukraine government elections must be held in the donetsk and lahansk region in ukraine and giving residents limited autonomy and future of the peace plans is if they both take the first step and pull back thomas from the front lines in eastern ukraine. eu says despite the agreement it's going ahead and expanding sanctions and 19
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people will have assets frozen and travel bans on monday and u.s. is taking a cautious approach and live at the white house with more on this one, good to see you mike and what is the reaction from washington? >> good evening thomas it's a significant development and u.s. officials are supportive but it has a healthy dose of skepticism no question about it thomas under terms of agreement as jonathan just outlined ukraine would not have full control of the internationally recognized borders until after the agreement is implemented several months from now after elections and several other hoops are jumped through and the concern here among the administration is that russia could further consolidate its position under the existing lines now held by russian-backed separatists in eastern ukraine. keep in mind of course that this deal was not made with top american officials at the table. though american officials here at the white house insist the u.s. played a vital role in the run up to the deal in minsk.
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but there is skepticism here no question about it and that was given voiced today at the state department by the spokeswoman there. >> agreement is a piece of paper unless it's implemented so what we have seen to date is russian and separatists have not taken steps to implement and see what they do from here. we have had long on going conversation with our european partners about additional steps that could be taken and if it's not implemented or there is additional aggression that is something we will continue to discuss. >> reporter: and sanctions that the united states has implemented in partnership with the eu will remain in place, that much is clear, thomas. >> a lot of speculation, is the administration still considering arming the ukrainians or is that off the table now? >> reporter: well here again this is something administration says is still a tool in the tool box and not off the table and part of the wait and see posture that the american government is taking here. whether or not the russians actually follow through with the
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agreement and obviously as we have heard there is not a good track record there. this deal we should remind viewers thomas is about eastern ukraine, remember earlier last year the russians annexed parts of crimea with retaliatory sanctions and they will remain in place. >> thank you at the white house, ashton carter will be the next defense secretary and voted to confirm carter whose deputy secretary from 2011-2013 and succeeds chuck hagel who announced resignation last year. carter faces a series of challenges including the fight against i.s.i.l. and winding down the war in afghanistan. meanwhile republicans delaying a committee vote on attorney general nominee lynch and chair charles grassly says lawmakers have more questions for her and delve democrats pushing for a quit confirmation and will be approved by the committee and
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full senate and once confirmed lynch is the first black female attorney general. we've learned today two al jazeera journalists held in jail for 411 days are to be released on bail. a judge ordered fahmy and mohamed free on the first day of retrial, on charges of colluding with the outlawed muslim brotherhood and colleague peter greste released and deported to australia february first after 400 days behind bars. al jazeera we should point out is still unable to report from cairo as a result cnn correspondent was in court and sent us this report. >> there was not a dry eye among family and friends when the judge ordered that two al jazeera defendants be released. the defense lawyers argued if the other al jazeera journalist peter greste was released then at least these two journalists should be released on bail and fahmy gave a passionate speech on how painful it was to give up
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egyptian nash nationality part of cite criteria to go to canada and trying to get him extradited and what was holding it up was a prosecutor not willing to sign off and say now it's up to the judge to sign off and they believe he is going to be more willing and want to see him out of egypt so he can get the proper treatment he needs for an injured shoulder as well as his hepatitis c and i talked to mohamed's wife after the trial as well and looking forward to having her husband come home and see their three children. she told me she is going to buy them suites and buy her kids new clothes for the big party that they are celebrating. this case is not over yet. while these journalists have been released they are expected back in the courthouse on february 23rd. >> reporter: fahmy assistant professor of political science
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and not related to the colleague fahmy and studies the movement and great to have you with us what do you make of the conditional release and $33,000 bail? >> so this is very interesting soma mohamed is released because he is egyptian and fahmy because he is canadian now has a $32000 bond which is a security bond because he cannot leave so the law that applied to peter greste left as a deportation as a foreign national doesn't apply in this case because there is a retrial going to happen. so although today was a happy day in many regards, that was very you know the very short lived because reality is retrial will be on february 23rd and if we remember what the court said on january first about the mistakes made in the initial trial, the evidence that was not really there, tying these three journalists to the muslim brotherhood or that they were disseminating false information, the allegations that they were
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questioned under duress were not investigated and that the cairo criminal court was very hasty in findings so the court put out glaring mistakes in the initial trial and interesting thing is it's not clear between january first and february 23 which is about 7 weeks. >> difference. >> that entire new trial can be brought forth with new evidence. >> what does this say about the international pressure being placed on egypt? is it working? >> so there is definitely international pressure for these few journalists that was placed. but i think the bigger picture is well what does this mean for the independence of the egypt sun judiciary and will this trial be split -- like the original trial and if we look at the head of the cairo criminal court and head of appeals court and chief prosecutor these are all presidential appointees so it's not clear judiciary is going to be independent in the coming phase and that they will
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-- these two journalists and the entire process will not continue to be pawns in the greater u.s. strategic battle between qatar and saudi arabia. >> how much has been political? >> most is political and think of timing and certain movements of release of peter greste and the announcement of the retrial when on that very same day most people thought fahmy was going to be deported to canada. the fact that a retrial was announced on that day means it's very slim that he will actually be deported during the actual appeals trial. so this is a very highly political case. >> he called for equal treatment referring to peter greste do you feel they got equal treatment? >> it's not clear he is getting equal treatment because he is not allowed to leave. i think the bigger picture is what about mohamed who doesn't have the luxury of having dual citizenship and what about the 12 other journalists being held
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in egyptian prisons that work for other organizations? and also more so what does this mean for freedom of speech and freedom of the press in a country that is becoming increasingly repressive. >> do you see anything evolving from the trial in egypt? >> i think the one blessing is the international focus on these journalists and hopefully that will lead to after this case subsequent cases come in. however, if we look at egyptian activists who really were in the lime light more recently for example ala who was released and rearrested and is now on a hunger strike and basically dying and is not in the spotlight anymore. so it's not clear what cases make it to the press and what cases don't. but i think this is a bigger needs to shed a bigger light in egypt. >> call release and complete freedom for the journalist and
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assistant professor at long island university and appreciate your time on the program. our journalists in egypt are not the only ones under assault for reporting the news organization reporters without border has a 2005 report card and says conditional for journalists is worse worldwide and erica is joining us now and i understand the united states fell in the rankings. >> that is right u.s. dropped three places and comes in relatively well over all, number 49 out of 180 countries. reporters without borders says the reason for the drop is harassment of "new york times" reporter james risen with leaking documents to wikileaks and the arbitrary detention of 15 journalist during the protest in ferguson missouri. a global snapshot of freedom is in retreat around the world and reporters without borders ranks 180 countries from best to worst. >> generally it's the enemy. >> reporter: congo and africa
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dropped 25 places on the index. the organization says the government ramped up a witch hunt of critical journalists, sometimes resorting to extreme violence. a well-known congolese reporter shot dead in a pub in december before his murder he received several death threats on the phone. over to europe and report says press freedom and democratic italy is on decline falling 24 places on the index, the report points to the italian mafia and he found his dogs hung after days after his car was torched by the sisilly. >> and the on going conflicts and trying to wage a war on information and war again taking journalists as damage. >> reporter: crossing to the
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western hemisphere where it dropped 17 places in venezuela with local and foreign journalists targeted with threats and physical attacks most by venezuela army. a prime example was back in may of 2014 when the army deliberately opened fire on journalists covering student demonstration and most 25 countries at the bottom of the list are endrenched in war like syria and iraq and egypt also ranks very low and our own colleagues unjustly in prison for more than 400 days fahmy and mohamed are still awaiting justice. but the worst of the worst is a tiny country on the country of africa with 16 reporters currently detained and it's considered africa's biggest prison for journalists and even worse than north korea and positive note thomas all of the nordic countries and den mark
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dozens of west coasts ports and the busiest in america partially shut down for part of a labor dispute effecting 29 ports from san diego to seattle and cost cost billions and we are live in los angeles and jennifer good to see you. thomas nice to be here today, right now there are 14 container ships waiting outside the port of l.a. stacked with goods and another 31 ships at the dock waiting to be offloaded and it's quite clear with a partial shut down there is a tremendous impact in the u.s. supply chain, everything from
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agriculture to manufacturing to retailers and stuck right in the middle of the labor dispute hundreds and hundreds of small business owners. >> this is exactly what is on my containers waiting to get. >> reporter: from venice beach, california she runs one bag at a time and makes reusable bags for retailers and relies on shipments from her supplying in china. >> the port of los angeles is a crucial link in the supply chain for me. >> reporter: normally foster gets a container shipment every two weeks and takes four days to get her bags from the harbor to the warehouse, now she is waiting more than a month. >> when i'm delayed for seven weeks at the port it effects every part of my business and it evens my customers for sure who are missing retail opportunities like christmas, earth day is coming up, in april and i cannot promise anybody a green bag for earth day, that is a big problem
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and a big part earth day is my christmas. >> reporter: with another planned four-day partial shut down at the port of los angeles over the holiday weekend foster's livelihood and hundreds of others is stuck at sea because cargo unloading and loading has all but stop as a result of a labor dispute. the pacific maritime association pma called for the partial shut down accusing workers represented by the long shore and warehouse union of slowing downloading and unloading operations. >> we took an action this weekend effectively to suspend vessel loading and unloading activities at the ports because the employers refused to pay premium wages. weekend and holiday wages which are 100 an hour to workers who are supporting this action. we don't want to subsidize a strike with pay. >> reporter: in a video statement to members the union president asks dock workers to stay united. >> the pm an is trying to divide
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us using lies and tactics to turn the public against us and you know the truth, we with want to go to work and they are blaming us there is space on the docks to unload vessels. >> reporter: who is scheduling dock workers is that pma? >> they order the labor that is true. >> reporter: pma ordering enough labor so there is not a slow down? >> pma is ordering the labor that is available to be able to deal with the situation that the slow downs created on the waterfront. pma is not willing to slow labor at this that is not the answer we need the right workers in the right ways so that we can move cargo in an efficient, reliable manner. >> reporter: the two sides that are locked in the labor dispute, what do they need to understand about the impact on you? >> you know i don't see how it helps any of them to delay my freight. i just don't. this is a fight between them but
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i wish that they can get their job done go to work because i have to go to work everyday, we all have to go to work everyday. >> reporter: foster is now looking for other ways to get her product from overseas it will cost her more but it may be the only way to keep her small business afloat. talks between two sides resumed today and key sticking points is wages, pensions and automation at the docks and a critical sticking point is how any future workplace discrepancies will be addressed. >> see what is ahead and jennifer in los angeles. the port of los angeles is the busiest in the country and one of the busiest in the world and ranked number one in the u.s. for container volumes since 2000 and now it's 16 world why. about 285 billion dollars in cargo passes through the port of l.a. every year and 18% of all u.s. cargo and the port has one thousand workers and cargo that
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passes through generates 3 1/2 million jobs across the country. ♪ president obama asked congress this week to seek authorization for use of military force to fight i.s.i.l. but there may be at least one flaw in his plan iraq and "real money" ali velshi is here. >> the flaw is whether iraq has the capability at least financially to pick up the slack, last year iraqi troops fled when i.s.i.l. moved in and the army is showing some spine but the government is in a big financial pickle and iraq is one of the biggest oil producers in the world and now believe it or not broke because of tanking oil prices the war and very costly war against i.s.i.l. is making matters substantially worse and oil experts are iraq's main source of revenue by a long shot
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and the state budget was based on an oil price of at least $70 a barrel oil is trading around $50 a barrel and the government is holding up public sector salaries as a result. now as a result of this there have been protests in parts of the country, in the south of iran thomas far from the fighting, the fighting is mostly in the north and west the south is firmly under government control. places like basra and they are having problems there so at the same time the war with i.s.i.l. is costly it is causing a bigger budget deficit, president obama is talking about escalating the fight against i.s.i.l. with iraq's help when the government is in the middle of this financial crisis thomas. >> a good point to expand and looking at bigger picture what does that do with the war fight against i.s.i.l.? >> it makes it tricky and they ran the north and west of iraq largely because of central government neglect and the sense there was a bit of a vacuum of government and seeing neglect because of budget crisis in other parts of the country and
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that has potential to underminority the government against i.s.i.l. and erode the government far from what i.s.i.l. has influence is and i.s.i.l. is still strong and despite resent setbacks i.s.i.l. remains strong although it's getting less money because of the collapse in oil prices but iraq is broke so at the same time the u.s. is relying on the iraqi army to help role i.s.i.l. back we will have to watch this one very closely. >> much more on the show always a solid show and good to see you ali velshi and it's every night 10:30 7:30 pacific. big changes coming for trains carrying crude oil and department of transportation is out with its plan to make them safer and prevent accidents like the ones in alabama, north dakota and virginia tankers would need extra inch of steel and new cars need high-tech
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♪ welcome back all this week we are taking a closer look at race in america, today the head of the fbi spoke candidly about tensions between police and minority communities. james comey says there is still not a healthy dialog on issue and lisa stark is live from washington and good evening to you, lisa what else did the fbi director have to say? >> well thomas james comey has been fbi director for 18 months and says he wants to start a nationwide conversation on policing and race and he hopes
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to do so without united the controversy that often accompanies what you know is a very emotional issue. he began that effort today with a speech here in washington at georgetown university. we where at a cross roads fbi director james comey said when it comes to police and the minority communities they serve. >> like a lot of things in life that relationship is complicated. >> reporter: it's a relationship frayed by the deaths of black men like michael brown and eric garner at the hands of police. and on the other side by killings of two new york policemen simply sitting in their patrol car. cow mee defended police officers saying they go in the profession and risk their lives to help others. >> they don't sign up to be cops in new york or chicago or l.a. to help white people or black people or hispanic people or ashun people. they sign up because they want to help all people. >> reporter: but cow mee said
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everybody has racial bias and for those people working in communities where most street crime is committed by minorities the biases can lead to cynicism and mental short cuts. police begin to assume who looks like trouble and who doesn't. >> those of us in law enforcement must redouble our efforts to resist bias and prejudice. we must better understand the people we serve and protect. >> reporter: the problem is not just policing it's much deeper according to comey with too many young minority men growing up in struggling communities. lacking opportunities, jobs and role models inheriting he said a legacy of crime and prison. >> it is unfortunately easier to talk only about the cops and that's not fair. >> reporter: even as the society problems need to be tackles comey told the college students that people must try to understand the dangerous job that police face and that police most get out of their cars and engage with the community.
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>> i think it's hard to hate up close close. >> reporter: now comey's efforts are after some weighed in the territory including eric holder and bill deblasio and spoke during the midst of police controversy and highly criticized and not seen that reaction to the speech today by the fbi director and unprecedented speech by fbi director. >> thank you. let's take a deep look with the l.a. counsel member with parks also the l.a. chief from 1997-2002 and chief of the rodney king incident so great to have you on the program. >> thank you for the invitation. >> you heard what the fbi director had to say, is in the real talk we need from the fbi director? >> well i think it's the real talk that goes on in the community on a daily basis. i think what we have to figure
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out is how do you capture that theme in real life productive conversation and solutions and not wait for the next tragic incident where feelings are inflamed and people's views already in concrete. this is a process on a daily basis of police working with the community, communicating with the community, being there for the community and basically building up good will daily, not waiting for an incident and then figuring out all of the community relation strategies to overcome it. >> the fbi director says there has not been a healthy dialog what does that dialog consist of? >> well i think there is healthy dialogs going on in spurts in different communities and what you find is places that have looked at the -- their communities and their communities have a willingness to work have found ways to address issues doesn't say that they will never be a problem and
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never says doesn't say that will never have an incident but the issue is it's an ongoing process and i think what we all have to realize, the moment that we declare victory as we have solved the relationship problem, everything begins to regress. it is an hourly daily, minute by minute knowing that at some point there will be an incident that will testify those relationships. >> you've handled difficult situations during your tenure would you say anything has changed in terms of race relations since your time with the l.a.pd? >> i would hope so because what you find is police work is even ever evolveing and if you do not deal with the issues in front of you you are going backwards. but what is important for police departments is continuing to evolve and continuing to realize that their training is ongoing and have to realize that criticism doesn't mean antipolice. it just means criticism and so
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we get out of those boxes and defensiveness and look at ways to break down the barriers and keep them broken down because as i said earlier, good will is created daily and hourly you must have it to survive the next incident that will occur, not if it occurs but will occur. >> and to move forward, director comey called for better police training for smaller jurisdiction, what type of training would that require? >> well i think we have to realize the training is very perishable and something in which all departments should be training ongoing whether it's role call training whether it's training days whether it's field training officers whether it's training bulletins, all that must go on routinely and then when there are incidents there has to be after action reports to ensure you are using those as teaching moments. so not just small departments but very large departments have a tremendous workload of keeping
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all their people trained and new court decisions to come out and new equipment that comes out and things that are ongoing and never stop. but there is a balance because you can train officers to the point they are never in the field so you have to balance it as to how you train, is it done through video, can it be done through self study or through computer analysis these are things that should be looked at to provide the greatest evaluation for people to get access to material. but we also have to realize there is limitation to training because no matter how well you train an officer, no matter how much you give them to understand the situation, real life circumstances are different because everyone goes home from training. >> yeah. >> one mistake in the field can be major injury or death to an officer and so when you're dealing with spontaneous dynamic circumstances, you can use training but it doesn't guaranty that everyone will react as training is mandated.
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>> a lot of work ahead and mr. parks l.a. council council and former p.d. and thank you for coming. >> no problem. >> we invite you to tune in tonight and tomorrow with more on the series of race in america. a victory for same sex couples in alabama, a federal judge ordered mobile county to start issuing same sex marriage licenses and the county complied almost immediately and officials there had been resisting despite a ruling making same sex marriage legal in alabama and mobile was the largest county denying licenses and 40 counties are refusing to comply. and we are joined from raleigh with how the muslim students are being reremembered and investigation in their death stands and i know it has been a very emotional day, paul. >> that's right thomas it certainly has and here at the center of the campus of north carolina state university this
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is where deah shaddy barakat one of the victims and wife went to college before going to dentistry school and he was this dentistry school and his wife was soon to join him and a vigil and several hundreds of students gathering and not as large as last night on campus of unc but people here to remember and here to listen to victims' families and the sister susan came straight from the funeral and burial outside of raleigh to speak here tonight and the focus in the community was on the victims. there was a huge prayer service earlier in the day here in raleigh just up the road from campus, more than 5,000 people in attendance to hear speakers to hear commentary on the victims' lives, let's listen to the two female victims' father talk about his daughters. >> we have no doubt why they died. we are not sad about that.
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we have peace inside. we are not seeking any revenge. our children are much more valuable than any revenge. when we say that this was a hate crime, it is all about protecting all other children in usa. it's all about making this country that they loved and where they lived and died peaceful for everybody else. >> you can hear there assertion from the family that these children, and their children were the victims of a hate crime, that craig hicks was motivated not by some dispute over parking but by an hatred of muslims. now some of the people we spoke to after that prayer service expressed their concerns. they have grown up in a community that they say has been very welcoming but maybe now those feelings have changed and
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they are concerned and let's listen to what one young man had to say. >> i went to chapel in high school and did not think twice of it and thought i was accepted where i went and when i came to america i thought i was not accepted but i felt i could rely on neighbors like they are my family but after this took place it's really a shocker. i don't know like how many neighbor feels anymore about me my mom and sister about the job and you know like i worry for their safety that is i'm kind of scared now. >> reporter: again, an absolutely massive prayer service, more than 5,000 people many of them kneeling and a giant blue tarp on a soccer field and it was moved outside of the mosque in raleigh where the students attended prayers and where two of them attended a middle school when they were growing up here in the area. craig hicks meanwhile the alleged shooter was transferred to a prison not far from that service today.
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the fbi now involved in the investigation, again police still asserting this was motivated by a dispute over parking and residents in the condo complex saying hicks was hostile to others as well not just to the young muslim students so a lot of questions still to be answered here. >> and paul is joining us from raleigh, north carolina and thank you. turning attention to yemen and fighters linkd toed to al-qaeda took controlling of a base by the oil producing facilities and today the president's senior counter terrorism official says the collapse of the government in yemen was unexpected and more of the situation in yemen coming up in the international news hour at 9:00 eastern. media is saying 7 officials arrested in connection with a plot to over throw the president miduro and hundreds marched in the capitol and stopped by riot
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police and it's one year since the start of violent protests that left 43 people dead and david mercer reports some students are defiant, others are fearful. [chanting] february 12 was always a day for students in venezuela to commemorate what is called the day of youthful rebellion. but last year an occasion that had served to demand change became a tragedy when three men were killed marking the beginning of the country's worst political violence in a decade. [gunfire] despite the risk of violence gained this year some students remain defiant and plan on hitting the streets. pedro, a student leader inviting classmates to a march and a mass for those who died in 2014. his tone might seem consilitary but calling for political change. >> translator: students will
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remain in the streets protesting and believe change is implement and convinced we will achieve it soon. >> reporter: but last year's clashes left a bitter taste and many students feel the need for a different approach, one that calls for nonviolence. even so not everyone will be joining the protests. a once unified front is showing cracks. >> translator: i'm afraid of being killed during a march or of being under age and thrown in a cell brutality of police and students against students is there. >> translator: we saw the march got us no where and not saying we remain quiet, i'm saying we need to wake up and find alternative to street protests. [chanting] . >> reporter: also feeling some of the students' fear is resent decree that allows for police to use lethal force at their own discretion during protests and
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opposition students have organized different events across venezuela hoping to rekindle last year's protest movement. if they succeed in getting people out of the streets again, despite internal divisions and government intimidation the meeting of february 12 might be changed forever. david mercer al jazeera. a montana homeowner will spend 20 years in jail for killing a german exchange student and marcus was sentenced to a 70-year term and eligible for payroll in two decades and claims self-defense in the shooting of deede and went hunting and lured the unarmed 17-year-old to his death. bizarre case of what many are calling nut rage landed an executive a year in joe and heather cho was guilty of forcing a flight attendant off a plane of what she called bad service and we have more from seoul. >> reporter: in custody since the end of december heather cho
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was spared the cameras at seoul's western district court and brought by bus from jail to the back entrance and not long before making the return journey as a convicted criminal and it's an incredible fall from position weeks ago as vice president of korean air, a giant family firm putting her among south korea elite and no decision had been made on whether to appeal his his client was found guilty of breaking aviation law changing the flight path of the plane interfering in the pilots and cabin crew execution of duty december 5 in the first class cabin on a new york runway she had fury to being served nuts in a bag and not on a plate. she assaulted the cabin crew member who served her an ordered this man the flight attendant and forcing him to go to the gate and testified he treated him and colleague as slaves and
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forcing them to kneel before them. another sentenced 8 months for impeding investigation and a transport vehicle given a sentence and cho the judge had the harsh language saying expressions were indocinsincere and trampled on self record of human beings. >> translator: the fact she only got one year for abusing power is just another instance of how much privilege these powerful people have. >> translator: the court might have felt sentence was appropriate but from an ordinary perspective it is more. >> translator: people make mistakes. i don't think this should have been viewed of the issue of the powerful versus the rest. >> reporter: heather cho erupted in anger two months ago could hardly imagine the actions would lead to one-year prison term and hasn't entitlement for
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the families and getting away with this kind of behavior too long harry faucet al jazeera seoul. president obama may have to wait to veto a bill authorizing construction of the keystone xl pipeline and senator john hoben says leaders probably will not send the bill to president until after they come back from a week-long recess and he says it would be better if congress is in session when he vetoes the bill and the house nor the senate has votes for this. 529 days until the democratic national convention held in philadelphia and we are joined with more and announcement a lot of people waiting for. >> the announcement came this morning from the chair woman of the democratic national committee and in a written statement she said i'm thrilled to announce philadelphia will host the convention nominating the 45th president of the united states in addition to a seamless
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and safe convention the deep rooted place in history provides a perfect setting for a special gathering. the last time philadelphia hosted a presidential convention was in the year 2000 15 years ago when republicans nominated texas governor george w. bush. >> mr. chairman delegates and my fellow citizens i proudly accept your nomination. >> reporter: the last democratic convention in philadelphia was 1948 and the nominee was president harry truman and this time around they beat brooklyn new york and columbus ohio and proposals according to dnc were impressives but had more hurdles than philadelphia and the democratic convention will start on monday july 25th exactly one week after the republican national convention in cleveland. most democrats expect their nominee next summer will be former secretary of state hillary clinton with a strong
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organization donor network and name recognition than any other democrat considering the race and lately keeping a low profile and republican leaders have taken notice. >> it's been over 202 days since the last press conference. she hasn't done an interview like this any interview like this. and any radio station, any publication for over 180 days. this is a person preparing to run for president. >> clinton strategists believe it's miniscule compared to the political benefit she will get in the long run by shortening her primary campaign and florida governor jeb bush the republican frontrunner for 2016 spoke at an educational conference and has conservative criticism of common core standards and bush tried to redirect the criticism towards teacher unions. >> we should have this be
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ultimately a customized learning experience all across this country where the social commitment is made to parents on behalf of their children and not so much to protect government-run unionized political monopolies. [applause] [applause] there are some heads exploding right now i can feel it like do-do. >> reporter: apparently twitter and robots light up the same way. >> in the name of robot and should get extra points for knowing what twitter is. >> finally thomas the current white house occupant trying to remind everybody the next deadline to sign up for obamacare is this sunday february 15 and to reach younger people has released a buzz feed video president obama entitled things everybody does but doesn't want to talk about, watch. ♪
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the deadline for signing up for health insurance is february. >> not like any other wednesday. >> that's not right. february, man. >> wednesday. >> february 15th february 15th, in many cases you can get health insurance for less than $100 a month, just go to and figure out how to sign up. february 15th. ♪ thanks, obama. ♪ thanks, obama. >> reporter: yes, a true man of the people because even the president of the united states thomas has a dirty mirror. >> the mirror is trending now and people want to know and kind of linking it to budget cuts in washington and saying it has not been dealt with and a couple of days with the administration. >> that is today's politics and thanks tom.
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officials in spain say there is no risk from this toxic cloud spread over the town and looks pretty bad. it erupted from an explosion at a warehouse and 65,000 people were told to stay inside for a few hours and the roads were closed. two people were hurt during the explosion but their injuries were not serious. one person may have single handedly exposed tens of thousands to measles in the bay area after be coming infected
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he took public transmit 20 miles between the suburbs and san francisco for three days and melissa has more. >> reporter: a silicon valley worker at lynced in and that he or she has not been identified and took transportation on the bay air bart system and according to the press officer there tens of thousands of people could have potentially been exposed. >> that line is the busy line and what is shoulders of the commute after 9:00 a.m. the trains are distributed elsewhere in the system so there is a possibility that even if you rode the richman line you may have been on the same train he was on. >> reporter: measles is highly infectious and airborne and from what we understand this person commuted for three days and also hung out at a restaurant in the city. at the moment it's not clear where this case comes from but a number of cases in the past few weeks have been traced back to that outbreak at disney land. now public health officials say vaccinate your children measles was a disease that was declared
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eliminated in the united states finally in 2000. it's not supposed to be here anymore and now the country has the highest number of cases in over 20 years. >> for a look at what is coming up at the top of the hour we are joined. >> coming up in the broadcast at 8:00 there is a ceasefire in ukraine, this deal we will talk with a russian journalist who lived half his life in the country and other half in the west and concerns and how difficult it may be to keep the peace on the ground in ukraine and our series race in america continues and look at the changing face of this country and bring you the story of robby lowe. >> check the box, which ethnicity are you and i think i checked like three or four i checked multiple boxes and i was like well this might mess it up but this is who i am you know. >> reporter: the census bureau projects white people in the united states will drop out of majority by 2044 and children
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growing up in witness protection program because of what their parents did. >> we practiced writing new names once they figured out what our new names were going to be so remember one of the little childhood little note pads with the lines and i had to fill up that whole book with jacqueline and taylor. >> reporter: that is one woman's account of the system she says was never designed to take care of the needs of children what else she lived through and her life today. and finally we continue our look at this year's oscar nominated best documentaries and tonight the feature joeanna and turned the blog of cancer and five-year-old son in the examination of human life. those stories and a lot more coming up, in about three minutes. >> see you in a moment. the largest jackpot in u.s. history is being split in three ways, a lot of dreaming last night and three tickets matched the numbers drawn last night and will share $564 million prize.
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♪ hi everyone this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler troops and ceasefire deal in ukraine and the pitfalls that can undue it. prayers in anger, thousands gather in north carolina to remember the three muslims who were shot to death. identity crisis growing up with a false name one woman's struggle in the witness protection program. and photo finish candid and compelling, the unforgettable images from this
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