tv News Al Jazeera February 25, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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>> don't try this at home. >> "techknow" where technology meets humanity. monday, 5:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> welcome to the news hour. these are the top stories. isil fighters abduct more than 100 people from one of iraq's most powerful tribes. three men have been arrested in the u.s. charged with conspiring to support isil. and yemen's president makes his presence felt in the south. and we'll tell you why a planned journey to mars is looking less and less likely.
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the islamic state of iraq and levant have kidnapped 100 men and nine boys. they have kid if a napped them from the largest tribe in the country. the defense minister is from that tribe. it is an area where government troops are battling isil fighters. we have more now from the capitol. >> there is no word on the state of these men and boys who were taken away. the sheik from the tribe say 127 of the men were originally kidnapped. this is just three days ago the news filtering out where a village east of tikrit where the
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fighting was going on. when they took the men they took nine boys, who are about nine years of age. the sheikh believes it is in retaliation for the relatives of the captureed men and boys for fighting with iraqi forces or with tribal forces against isil. the tribe was attacked by isil ten days ago where they set fires. and it's in baghdadi where the iraqi army has launched an evacuation to remove civilian who is have been trapped by fighting there. that town is just a few kilometers from the air base where u.s. marines soldiers, and other western forces are stationed. and it's the scene of some of the fiercest fighting. the iraqi military said they have now opened a corridor to the town. they're taking people out and airlifting some of them to
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baghdad. meanwhile iraqi forces have pushed out isil fighters from two villages as part of their battle to take over tikrit. now the army says that the villages will be used as launching bad to recapture the city. they're preparing for a major operation there with the support of two thousand shia fighters. kurdish forces are advancing in the province to take back areas from isil. >> isil fighters were defeated in the border town of kobane, now kurdish fighters are trying to retake the area. it's not an easy fight. u.s. coalition aircraft have been helping the kurds by
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targeting from the air. hasaka is a pro province home to kurds, and christians. it is strategic for isil and the fight against the armed group. there is a supply line used to the iraqi city of mosul one of its strongholds in northern iraq. >> what is happening now that there is a fight against isil. it controls about 30% of the province. puts are fighting on one front and regime soldiers are also attacking them from another front. >> hasaka also boards sinjar where iraqi kurds have been engaged in fierce fighting with the islamic state in iraq and the levant.
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they cross in sinjar. it connects syria to iraq, and it is being used by isil fighters. it seems the offensive against the group is part of a broader military plan. if isil is defeated in hasaka and sinjar it would seriously restrict it's freedom of movement between iraq and syria. they need to cut the group's supply lines before any major military assault. >> hasaka is a hundred kilometers from mosul in iraq. but defeating it here would weaken them there. al jazeera, bay root. >> three men have been arrested in the u.s. charged with entiring to support isil. this is the official complaint filed against them. two men were taken into custody in new york while thanking to fly from syria to join the group. the theirs suspect is believed to have helped organize the trip
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from florida. the new york police commissioner bill brattan said that they alleged to commit the attacks from the u.s. >> the idea that it was quite plain based on their own statements that if they were not able to go, that they would seek to acquire weapons here and guns and machine guns, and seek to attack very specifically police officers. and so that those aspirations were mate quite clear from the case. >> what more can you tell us about the suspects? >> well, they're arraigned two of the three just ended outside of this federal courthouse you see behind me in brooklyn. what we've learned is that there
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are three suspects, as you mentioned, two from uzbekistan and one from kazakhstan. the two arraigned here both from brooklyn a 24-year-old and a 19-year-old why kazakhstan. the 19-year-old was arrested as he was about to board a flight from jfk airport to turkey wheres were cuters say he was going to go on to syria to fight with isil. also the 24-year-old from brooklyn as well, he was the one prosecutors say that they first were led onto this whole thing last summer. they say that he posted some pro isil commentary about an uzbekistan language website where the fbi started investigating him. the fbi is saying what was worrisome to them that they were based on wiretaps and information from an informant
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talking from. >> they say that they that the government may be rush to go adjustment in this case, and they said they'll fight this case vigorously. if these three are convicted they could face up to 15 years in jail. >> this arrests highlight the number of young people seeking to join isil. >> it really does, and it was interesting in the arraignment we saw two of the people, a 24-year-old and a 19-year-old and they looked very young. almost younger than their age would even indicate. they were wearing these sweaters with hoodies. they were wearing jeans rolled
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up at the bottom, even some colorful shoes. they just looked like every-day teenagerser or people in their early 20s. that's something that the law enforcement officials have been watching closely how young people like this could be lured into isil. >> thank you. gabriel elizondo joining us from new york. >> according to one of the politicians, the group spent over an hour with bashar al-assad. it's the first such meeting since france closed its embassy in syria in 2012. egypt's state news agency recognize parliament in cairo for talks in the future of their country. the tibruk-based prime minister is there with a high-level delegation. he'll reportedly meet egyptian
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president on thursday. the government is competing for power with a rifle rival parliament in tripcally which was recognized in 2012. houthi rebels in yemen have used live ammunition and tear gas to disperse demonstrators in the capitol. on wednesday president hadi met with the corporation council whose voice support hadi. >> i talked with his excellency, the president, on how to make sure that yemen does not become an haven for extremist organizations. the gcc is happy for his excellency's escape. >> some yemenis fear that hadi's move to aden could move a
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broader shift of power from the capitol to the south and that could lead to more instability. >> this is aden, yemen's de facto capitol. the houthi militia made the call a few weeks ago and put him under house arrest. but he managed to escape. now he's trying to rule from aiden. but the reaction of people here may surprise many. >> we want opinions. >> people we talk to express apprehension and mistrust. >> there is zero trust between the north and the south. the southerners were the first to demand unity. they contributed 70% of the country's territory and 80% of
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the country's resources. but they've received nothing in return. hadi is a southerner, but he does not speak for the causes of the south. if he do so and he addresses our problems, then we'll support him. >> there is an air of peace and calm in aden. people here hope for a better future and a return to what they perceive to be a better path. people here tell us that the south was let down, forgotten and exploit: despite the fact that the oil and other natural resources come from here. >> we except for aden only to be a temporary capitol until the brothers in the north can sort out of the problems. >> some believe the oh possible
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shifting of the capitol to aden will only bring trouble. >> the houthies are threatening to invade the south. we don't need the capitol here. we want peace and calm. they should stay there and we here. >> aden was regarded as the south and many have fears of the status here. >> rescuers expect the death toll to size when search is resumed on thursday. we have more now from the capitol of kabul. >> dozens of people have been killed by half averages in panj panjshir province, and teams are having a difficult time getting
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there. they have two large mountain ranges with a narrow valley in the middle and one rode in and out of that province. so far they've only been able to clear 50 kill merits of that rode. they have managed to get around 300 people together to try and help the emergency teams but they don't have the right equipment. they're using shovels. and in some cases their bear hands to try to get people out many of the houses that have had heavy dumps of snow on them up in the mountain rages. even here in kabul there have been heavy snow. and in kabul there has been no electricity for two days. the city is running on generators. there has also been heavy flooding here. flooding in the east of the country, and flooding around jil jililabad which has cut off the road from kabul to jaliliabad.
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again, heavy snow, now it's taken awhile for the winter weather to really kick in here in afghanistan. up until now it has been a mild weather but that has changed in the last couple of days. >> still ahead on the news hour, the spice cables, documents reveal how israel's politics policies are fueling conflict and bosses of the hsbc apologize for helping clients avoid paying taxes. arson wenger take on monaco. but was it a happy reunion? we have all the details later in the program. >> the government has launched a
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military assault against rebel forces. they're backing a crow for the liberation of rwanda otherwise known as the fdlr. well, it's members include rwanda hutus who have taken part in the 1994 genocide. it's estimated that the group has between 1500 to 20,000 fighters. they're active in areas surrounded by huge natural gas resources. fighters have been accused of human rights abuses including murder rape, and the recruitment of child sources. malcolm webb has the latest now. >> many people have been doubting whether the congolese government and other countries involved actually have the political will to attack the fdlr. the congolese government has been accused of hiring them before to fight wars on their behalf, fight long side them, and of course there are minerals in their territoryies. on the other hand the congolese
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said that they're going to do it this time, end the fdlr. the u.s. has come out and supported that. the u.s. has urged that this must happen. it's hard to imagine that they'll turn back on this stage. but the military action could go on for months, even years. so it's too soon to say if this is going to bring the end of the fdlr. people want them to go, but they want them to go peacefully. it's the civilian population who have suffered the a bunt of the fdlr. so over two decades they've seen a lot of brutal and horrible conflict when the fdlr are under attack they take it out on the civilian population. so civilians there are worried that another offensive means that they're going to get caught up and get more violent. >> well, the u.n. mission to the democratic republic of congo was supposed to take part in the operations against the rebels.
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diplomatdiplomatic editor james bays talks about why they decided not to join support. >> this was supposed to be a joint operation. they had been planning it for many months. then the drc said they were going to go it alone and stage their own operation and the u.n. said yes fine, we'll give you support. but the next stage was the drc naming two generals to lied the operation, who are known to have committed human rights abuses. the u.n. then withdrew its support. there is a great deal of concern that this operation is going ahead with those two generals in place. i have to say that there is some skepticism that the drc is actually carrying out this operation, although it has said that it has launched. there is concern about the political level that the security council will go to africa in the next couple of weeks on a trip, and i'm sure this is one of the issues
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they'll want to rain when they arrive at african headquarters. >> for more insight into the issue we're joined by ambassador cohen former secretary of state of african affairs. thank you for being with us. >> you're welcome. >> we know that the fdlr has been in existence for years. why is it that the government is undertaking this offensive now. is there significance in the timing? >> well, there has been an agreement to end the hostilities, it was an agreement about a year ago and they agreed to there was one called the m 23 made up of congolese. they defeated that one with the help of the u.n. now the negative force is the fdlr.
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they're demanding that they take it down and the government says they're not ready to do i don't quite understand why they won't support it. >> you don't buy the u.n.'s demand for. >> their job is to get rid of this militia get them off the warpath and get that done first. later you can worry about human rights violations. i'm sure these two generals are not the only ones susceptible of being accused. i think this is a lame excuse. there is something else behind
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it. >> ambassador. it's great getting your insight. thank you so much. ambassador cohen former assistant secretary of state of africa affairs. now let's move onto some other news. austria has passed a new law from receiving foreign funding. the legislation also requires all muslim groups to use a standardized german translation of the qur'an and the imam has to speak german. israel has moved forward on the bill to homeland security department. the move has prevented a partial shut down if the bill had not passed before fly night. israeli employment significance to address the u.s. congress is being called destructive to u.s.-israel relations. u.s. national adviser susan rice
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made the comments. the israeli prime minister has turned down request from democrats for a private meeting. >> according to south african intelligence leaked document spice suggest israel has developed a plant to absorb water from the nile and damage egypt's water supply. we have more from the spy cables. >> the resulting anger and suspicion in south africa one secret cable details a tense meeting at a pretoria hotel.
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nobody even knew the israeli agent was in the country. the south africans described it as inappropriate behavior, no respect was shown. the agent was very arrogant and self assured. he boasted he's in dale lay contact with president and heads of services. >> the south africans conclude, however, the mossad is prone to be manipulated and exploited. the relationship with mossad is very fragile. ronnie castro was minister from 2004 to 2008. >> i did not want anything to do with mossad whatsoever. so i had not prepared any way to go into ironically today more.
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>> top-secret mossad cable from 2010 describes a possible imminent shipment of yellowcake uranium from iran to be used for nuclear weapons. it auses an armenian broker. >> he was departing for turkey where he would be preparing for yellow goods. we assess this is yellowcake. from the same country where iran previously obtained 500 tons, which we assess citizen south africa. >> it urges south africa not to arrest the broker so they can continue monitoring him. lieberman's visit to five african nations in you had was the first by an israeli foreign minister in 20 years. it was also an exercise of cynicism according to another secret cable. >> economic and political tentacles have reached every
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part of africa behind a philanthropic facade. >> the spies accuse israel of plans to appropriate african diamonds and of arming and training militias in africa. it also says israel is working to fuel insurrection inside sudan. israel has even targeted egypt the first arab country to give it recognition readying itself to sabotage the country's water supply. >> israel has created a type of plant that absorb large quantities of water to as to significantly reduce the volume of water that reaches egypt. >> israel sabotages its enemyies and friends alike. >> politicians have been questioning the bosses of hsbc in their role of a tax evasion scandal.
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>> protesters outside of parliament say that britain's leader lack the political will to punish wealthy tax evaders and complicit banks and inside parliament. >> some questions for. >> you the bangers golf before the politicians. the bosses at hsbc say sorry that their swiss bank helped clients avoid paying tax. >> i would just say on the record angie from myself and from douglas for the sun unacceptable vents at a took place in the mid 2000s. >> who is doing the apologizing here. >> i am, as a group. >> you feel personally responsible for this. >> i have a collective responsibility for the operations of the group. >> the apologies here in parliament are unlikely to change public attitudes towards
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the banking sector here in the u.k. this is only the latest in a long line of financial scandals. and until criminal activity is punished in the courts, the british public, who will remain fairly skeptical about the banking sector's motivation in getting its act together. >> millions of dollars came in from clients in france and the u.k. it is accused of at worst actively helping these people evade tax or at best, turning a blind eye to their tax avoidance. but is hsbc the only bank to have behaved in this way? >> absolutely nobody thinks this is an issue confined to hsbc. there will be bankers all over the world who will be thinking to themselves, thank goodness the spotlight is not on us. it is worried very similar sorts will be revealed.
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>> still ahead on the program a lull in fighting in the ukraine but now the russian president is willing to cut off the gas supply. and in argentina forest fires are ranging across thousands of hectares. >> i'm wayne hay reporting from new zealand where a teenage golfing record breaker has returned home to celebrate her success.
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disperse demonstrators in sanaa. more than 100 people have died in afghanistan after avalanches have buried schools homes and mosquess in afghanistan. russian president vladimir putin is threatening to cut gas supplies to ukraine if it does not pay for deliveries. it is accusing kiev of failing to supply gas to areas controlled by pro-russian separatists. russia's gas company is a crucial supply of gas to ukraine and other countries. >> in full compliance and will continue to do so. the pre-payment made by the ukrainian side is enough for three oh four days of gas deliveries. if it does not come, the
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contract will suspend deliveries. of course, this may create a threat to europe to our european partners. >> we have more now from moscow. >> remember, that seemingly wrangling over gas that took place last summer with ukraine and russia through august, september, october here we go again. a bit of background. last week kiev shut off gas saying there was a damaged pipeline at which point russia stepped in and started sending gas across the border to is the separatist held areas. but they said they would not pay for the gas that russia had supplied because they had no idea how much russia had sent across the border. then on tuesday alexi miller, the head of giant's gas program
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said unless ukraine pre-paid its obligation for march's gas supply it would be shut off in two days. vladimir putin speaking on wednesday has given ukraine a little bit more leeway but only a couple of days more saying in three to four days unless ukraine pays up the gas will be shut off. this was always going to be happening again because the deal that was agreed in october of last year was only going to take us up through end of spring, maybe the end of march. so at some point there is going to have to be a new negotiation on the gas supply between ukraine and russia. but we're not quite there yet. consider this to be the opening in that new battle. >> in ukraine there has been a lull in the fighting between the army and pro-russian separatists. we have more from the eastern city of donetsk. >> i've come to an area west of the donetsk city center, which has been used by the separatist
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forces to launch artillery attacks in that direction. you can see that the debris of the repeated attacks over the many weeks is all around. let's have a look at this box here. this box would have held some shells for 122-millimeter either the d 30 or a self appropriated howitzer. i can see a box over there for 152-millimeter box of shells. but as you can see this whole area now is deserted, and they haven't been filled in but there is no evidence that they've been used in recent days at all. and it does give strength to the idea that both sides do appear to be drawing back. the military commanders have staged a couple of photo opportunities showing journalists the withdraw of guns from the front line. but there is an important sticking point with that. the dpr people are not saying
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where those guns are being withdrawn to, and according to the minsk deal the osce, the international national monitors need to know that information to know that the guns are being withdrawn outside of this buffer zone. they want three pieces of information. they want to know where the guns are now. it wants to know which roots are going to be used in order to remove those guns from the danger zone, and finally it needs to know where the final destination of those guns will be. and without that information they cannot verify that a withdraw has taken place despite the opportunities. the osce say that it needs that information, but at least the guns are falling silent, as you can take a live. [ silence. [.. live. [ sigh. [ . [. live. [ silence ] there are no gun fires.
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>> getting to the remote area declared an emergency zone. we have this report. >> huge clouds of thick smoke pollute the skies. the fires are burning out of control destroying a thousand hectares of vegetation a day. they're discussing where to tackle the blaze next, what should have been done to prevent this. what needs to be done to stop it from happening again. the provincial authorities have responded deploying hundreds of firefighters, planes and helicopters, but many local residents say it's too little too late. the damage throughout this drought-hit region is irreparable. >> what we're using lose
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something 400 to 500-year-old vegetation. this area has had very little human contact. >> the locals are desperate wondering whether their properties will be there the next day. >> we're crossing our fingers but it's not looking very good today. >> on this side you can see the devastation that the fire has caused reducing to burn stubble of vegetation that was here. the fire continues to rage very very difficult to control. always the case of which way the wind is going to blow. local authorities say that the blaze was started by a bolt of lightening but main local people question that. some suspect careless campers or land speculateors. meanwhile the fire continues leaving in its wake this charred devastation. al jazeera al jazeera. >> the u.n. is due to launch a new strategy against malaria
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the initiative aimed to reduce deaths related to the disease. ma rare i can'tmalaria is transmitted through infected mosquitoes. 3.2billion die every year from malaria, mostly african children. in fact, a child dies every minute from the disease. it is growing resistant to the drugs used to treat it. well an executive director of roll back malaria. she joins us now from washington, d.c. thank you for being with us. i want to stay on that last point about the drug resistant malaria strain that is spreading to the borders close to india. how do we get to this situation
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with a drug-resistant malaria strain? >> well, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. first of all, let me thanks the u.s. and you will of our malaria partners. yes, you're right, the situation in the board of myanmar thailand cambodia and vietnam is--has been seeing an increasing resistence development to the highly effective drugs and there is a resistence to that drug. but i have to say that beyond that region we're seeing developments in-- >> the question is how did we
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get to this situation? was there too much of this drug? >> the situation is that it's related to the fact that there are many sub stan arrested sub standard drugs and they do not follow the prescription given to them. that has created the situation. it is the most difficult situation is that the fear to have it spread into the african region where as you rightly said the bulk of the disease is there. >> it's focused on. so let's--if this strain is drug resistant, what is the best way then to combat its spread? >> the best way really to combat the spread is to scale up malaria control interventions meaning prevention treatment and
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testing those who have a fever in order to pick up the real malaria fevers, and to have them getting treated. that's the most important thing in addition to scaling that current intervention is to invest in development in order to find out new drugs new vaccines, and add insecticide as a way to continue fighting against malaria because it will take additional decade really to eliminate malaria. >> thank you so much for coming on the show and explaining to us the situation. >> thank you. >> there nafo-traore the director of roll back malaria.".
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years. but that's exactly what mars one, a private space exploration company, intends to do. with all the glitz and glamour of a hollywood movie. tens of thousands of people applied for the one-way mission but only 100 were short listed. including maggie liu, an astro physics student who applied to be the first martian mother. >> it's obvious we have to reproduce or we'll just die out. it's a huge adventure and i'm excited. >> but maggie and others could be in for a long wait. despite all the pr, critics say the proposed timeline is unfeasible. in only three years time, mars one hoped to land a stationary lander and communication
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satellite, followed by a rover in 2020 and cargo soon after that. then in 2025 it's hoped that the first man will arrive and live in pods like this, all for a meager $6 billion. >> it's unrealistic the budget and time scale is completely unrealistic. >> the crew on mars will are "v" to produce their own water oxygen grow their own food, and that takes continued investment. they were hopeing to get continued sponsorship from the makers of the tv show "big brother," that is until they pulled out and one company space x is listed on mars one website providing rockets for the mission, but they say no
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contract has been signed. >> it's a big misconception that mars one wants to finance the mission through media revenues. that's not the case. we'll finance the mission through investments. it's not entertainment. it's inspore ration. humans going to mars is the greatest story of the 21st century, and we need to share that story with the world. >> the company say they've now teamed up with the makers of their mission trailer to help finance and document the project. and as mars one races to meet it's ambitious goals, it's a mission they hope will soon be on your screens. al jazeera london. >> it's time for sports now. >> thank you. it was a night of shocks in the uefa champions league where arsenal boss arsene wenger took
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on monaco. it was the weaker side who took the lead in the first half. the deflected shot from midfield and got worse for the gunners after the break when they made it 2-0, monaco going on to win 3-1. well, the other last 16 first-leg titles spanish titles going atletico madrid going down. now to a team that used to regularly play in european competition but now finds itself on the verge of bankruptcy. italian former winner of you way at a cup and european cup now rely on their own players to pay for travel and accommodation to
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play against genoa. the club currently has debt of $224 million. >> it seems to me that they don't want to understand what happened to parma could happen again in the next months or years. it's not just the parma problem. there are several clubs in the same situation. >> italy's 206 world cup winning captain is facing 10 months in jail for breaching a court order to keep out of his property. the 41-year-old's property was seized due to alleged abuse of planning regulation. the former world player of the year was caught swimming in his pool having broken into his house. the jail sentence has been suspended until an appeal is
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heard. >> greece's government made the decision that after sunday's athens' derby. >> we're at the beginning of the end, and everyone must understand that football violence cannot continue any longer. >> now, fifa is saying it won't compensate european clubs for disrupting their season by moving the 2022 world cup to november and december. the secretary general of football's world governing body also ruled out any apology. we have reports from doha. >> well, some really interesting detail emerging from this meeting indicating that it still has to be formerly rectified by fifa and it is effectively a done deal.
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it will be cut down from 32 days to 28 days and that means there would be four games a day. and they're saying there would be no compensation for leagues or clubs impacted by the move, and he said he hoped an amicable agreement could be reached. >> the seven years to reorganize football around the world for this world cup. why we don't want want to organize otherwise and enjoy football in a different environment without screaming that's impossible. it's not impossible. it's very possible. >> now we have the africa cup of nations of 2023 due dow take place in january of that year in guinea. according to fifa, they've agreed to move that to june. then the confederation cup of of 2021, a testament for world
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cup hosts. that will take place in june of 2021, but it will be in a different asian company not qatar. qatar instead is likely to host the club world cup of december december 2021 as it test event. >> number one djokovic has stormed into the corner finals of the dubai championships. 61 minutes was all that it took to wrap up the match. the 61-6-2 victory for djokovic. fer nan doze alonzo has been released from hospital after his crash in barcelona. the two-time world champion who suffered concussion won't be taking part in any testing and will continue his recovery at his spanish home.
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lid can ko has returned home to new zealand for the first time after becoming the world's women's golfer number one. >> there have been many firsts in the young career of lydia ko, but this one is special. she's back home to play in new zealand for the first time as the world's number one women's golfer. >> to be in that position right now is great. it's great to share this number one ranking with all the people here in new zealand. >> the 17-year-old became the youngest player to reach the number one ranking last year. and strengthened her position in australia on sunday. the rise to the top has come as no surprise to her former coach who worked with her for ten years. guy wilson said that she'll continue to improve but the pressure on her will also increase. >> she hasn't failed yet. she just got better and better.
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she would continue to move up the leaderboard physical be interesting to see how she what she does being number one. >> the number of girls playing golf increased 20% last year. playing at home comes with extra attention and unique pressures and lydia ko will have to contend with the strong wind. one of the incredible things about her is that she's so experienced at such a young age. she has won one new zealand open tiled to her name, and this is her sixth appearance in the tournament. her main target is to add to her impressive list of achievements is by winning the major tournament. >> i know i need to perform at my best in that week. that's what gets to me. >> regardless of how her year goes, one thing is certain her
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trademark smile won't be far away. al jazeera christ church. >> a talented young lady. that's your sport right now. >> thanks very much. now, let's go to the story about new versus old. over the years many of nepal's traditional buildings have been pulled down and replaced with modern structures. now the nepalese government is push to go tradition. >> this is one place where people can learn wood carver. >> my parents were carpenters but i train to as a woodcarver. it's interesting work.
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>> many people call him mad when he first started. >> 17 years ago that's how it looked. >> a sculpture turned preserve er he found it impossible to explain the value of renovation. so he built his house to deserve as a showcase. >> the basket of this house is higher than i thought. anyone who has got an old house look at this house and. >> the city's restoration started a few decades ago. the german government gave a wedding president to the then king and queen by we storing this building. and until the late 1980s the germans continued to renovate many of the temples here now that all of the temples have
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been restored, they offer subsidies to locals to build their houses in the traditional style. but with many of those subsidyies subsidies, they have brick facades. they have been sketching the culture on the door frame of one of the houses on the construction. >> since it's an old style building, you to have to have a window. >> so far he has restored 100 houses and is aiming for 1,000 in his lifetime. but concrete and glass have taken over most of the valley, and reversing that trend will need the help of more people willing to protect the past. al jazeera. >> beautiful. stay with us here in al jazeera. another full bulletin of news for you at the top of the hour. as a reminder, you can always go to our website for all the latest news.
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>> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm tony harris. under arrest. three men from brooklyn accused of plotting to join isil fighters. what they're threatening to do sore sea overseas and at home. and continued debate over immigration and supreme court arguments in the case of the muslim woman and potential employer who said her religious head scarf did not fit it's east coast style.
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