tv News Al Jazeera March 2, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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kids... >> they're mine >> al jazeera america presents camp last resort on al jazeera america >> this is the true definition of tough love this is al jazeera america, live from new york city. i'm tony harris. >> i have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers, while there is still time to avert them. >> israel's outspoken prime minister comes to washington with a warning about iran. russia on edge protests and uncertainty. and skid row scooting. cameras capture the moments a homeless man is killed by police in los angeles. ♪
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israel's prime minister says a potential nuclear deal with iran could threaten his country's very survival. he intenteds to warn congress about the danger during his controversial speech tomorrow. mike viqueira is live for us at the white house. and netenyahu tried to down play any rift with the administration. >> reporter: he did and yet he was very four square he was going ahead with this speak. john boehner, of course a republican didn't even tell the white house what ho-- he was up to invited netenyahu to give this speech. there has been a harsh exchange of worlds susan rice the national security advisor,
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saying the speech was going to be destructive to relations, but you are right, today was a day of posturing and prepositioning. both sides getting ahead of the curve, ahead of the address to congress expected tomorrow. he says he means no disrespect to president obama but that won't stop israel prime minister benjamin netenyahu to go ahead. the purpose of my address to congress tomorrow is to speak up about a potential deal with iran that could threaten the survival of israel. >> reporter: speaking monday in washington to the annual gathering of apac he framed the dispute in stark terms. >> american leaders worry about the security of their country. israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country. [ applause ] >> you know -- [ applause ]
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>> i think that encapsulates the difference. >> reporter: addressing israeli concerns in a television interview, mr. obama down played damage with relations with israel. >> i don't think it is permanently destructive, i think it's a distraction of what should be our focus, and our focus should be how do we stop iran from getting a nuclear weapon. it would be far more effective in controlling their nuclear program than any military action we could take any military action israel could take and far more effective than sanctions. >> reporter: as the drama unfolds in washington, in geneva negotiations with iran enter a crucial phase. earlier kerry issued a veiled warning to netenyahu, do not
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reveal secrets of the ongoing talks when he speaks to congress. >> we are concerned by reports that suggest selective details of the ongoing negotiations will be discussed publishly in the coming days. >> reporter: kerry also had a reminder of israel the united states often standing alone, defends israel at the human rights council and elsewhere. >> we will oppose any effort by any group or participant in the u.n. system to arbitrarily and regularly isolate israel >> not just in the hrc, but wherever it occurred. >> reporter: samantha power said america would continue to defend israel in the diplomatic arena. the netenyahu speech to congress, she says injects politics into a place where it shouldn't be. >> debating the most effective policy both within our
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respective democraciesyies is more than useful it is a necessary part of arriving at informed decisions. politicizing that process is not. the stakes are too high for that. >> reporter: tony has this been painful for many on capitol hill. right now the count is 53 all expected to be democrats who will not be at tending the prime minister's speech. >> 53. okay. mike, thank you. coming up at the half hour we will talk more about the complicated relationship between the united states and israel. a large-scale offensive is underway in iraq. shia fighters are trying to take back tikrit. jamie, the u.s.-lead coalition is not part of this operation. tell us why. >> reporter: well, you know, tony, the told expreks is the
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enemy of my enemy is my friend. but while the u.s. wants isil out of tikrit it is also worried the attack could further alee nate the sunni community. he offered isil fighters what he called one last chance to lay down their arms or face the punishment they serve because they stood with terrorism. tikrit is a mostly sunni city 80 miles north of baghdad that fell to isil fighters as they marched across iraq last summer. it was in tikrit where isil massacred hundreds of captured iraqi soldiers last summer later publishing pictures of the mass killing online. several attempts to retake the city last summer failed but this time the iraqi army has the help of tens of thousands of
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iranian-backed shia militiamen. that helps improve the odds of success, but the u.s. fears it could inflame tension with the sunni minority. one pentagon official said we can't have another kobani. referring to the syrian city taken from isil in january, but only after bittering fights. and while the u.s.-lead coalition continues to strike targets in iraq and syria, the pentagon said it was not providing military or other support to the tikrit offensive. and it is not supporting this operation, explaining iraq is a sov sovereign country. they say it is an iranian backed
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attack and the u.s. is not working with iran. >> we are not communicating directly or indirectly. and we're not trying to facilitate or encourage indirect conversation either. >> reporter: tikrit not only has symbolic value, but also strategic value that includes the intersection of the main highway leading from baghdad to mosul, and another ski road to the northern oil hub of ta -- tukirk. the offensive lead by the u.s. to retake mosul could happen as early as next month. most officials say they don't think iraq will be ready that early, and they insist they will not pressure the iraqi government to move forward until it is convinced that its troops
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are fully prepared for battle. tony. >> gotcha jamie thank you. russian thorns say they are no closer to figuring out who gunned down one of president putin's most outspoken critics. phil ittner is live for us in london. and phil we understand police are holding the woman who was with him when he was killed. what is her role in this investigation? >> reporter: that's right. it's a 23-year-old ukrainian. she was boris's girlfriend for quite sometime apparently. she said after the shooting took place, that she was taken by police moved around the city to a number of different police stations interrogated thoroughly, those are her words. they took her phone, but she was able to get on skype and conduct an interview with one of the
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opposition -- one of the few remaining opposition tv channels. she did that from an undisclosed -- location. >> translator: i don't know where he came from but he was behind my back. behind me. >> reporter: so a person with a mask or without a mask? >> translator: i didn't see the person, when i turned around i only saw a light-colored car, but i didn't see the model or the plate of the car that was driving away. >> reporter: now tony she also says that she is gravely concerned because she thinks that someone within the administration or the authorities in moscow are looking to pin guilt on her. she says she just wants to go home to see her mother that she will return and be a part of any kind of investigation if it's needed, but right now following the trauma of what happened to
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her on friday she just wants to go home. her lawyers say the authorities are not letting her do that. her mother says she is very scared for her daughter right now, reiterating that the family believes they are trying to link her ukrainian national -- her ukrainian citizenship to the shooting, and in a bigger picture tie it to the crisis right next door in ukraine. >> let's say with the standard of a bigger picture here phil what kind of impact does this have on the opposition movement within russia? >> reporter: well you know, tony, that's a tough question because the opposition has been so marginalized for so long. they rarely get access to the airwaves, they are not allowed to speak in any kind of substantial way, because of course the kremlin controls most of the mass media. tonight one of those opposition
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members, a young woman tweeted out that she is now also receiving death threats of the nature of we got boris on friday we're going to come for you guys the rest of you opposition members soon. >> gotcha. phil ittner for us in london. phil, thank you. ♪ "real money" is also looking into the death of boris, ali velshi joins us now. ali, look the conflict in ukraine is leading to growing internal decent inside russia and that is stoking what some are calling a new cold war. >> we have been studying this a lot. the burdener of boris just steps from the kremlin has put the spotlight on russia's growing internal decent. he was said to be close to releasing reports detailing russia's military involvement in the rebel war in ukraine, and that is something that moscow continues to deny.
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they denounced the annexation of crimea and said putin had designs on crimea even before they moved in. he was considered one of the leading lights of russia's opposition, and someone who is unafraid of putin's soaring popularity with the public. putin's popularity has only gone up since the crisis in ukraine heated up last year. >> yeah. you talked about the international price moscow has been paying. tell me more about that. >> this is a country that is probably already in recession. the sanctions have taken a toll and a bigger toll from falling oil prices. oil has dropped more than 40% since last summer. the russian ruble has fallen by half of its value over the same time. international credit rating agencies have downgraded
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russia's credit worthiness. despite all of this putin has capitalized on anti-western sentiment to shore up his support. and his support is up to 85% with the publish. you had those two were spoking out against russia's involvement in ukraine, and he was also speaking out against alledged corruption in the putin government, and the we is whether this is going to hurt russia's opposition or boost it. >> and give us a preview of what else you will be working on? >> we'll talk more with phil ittner and we'll talk to a author who has written an op-ed saying that putin's actions are rational. >> ali good to talk to you. thank you. you can watch "real money with
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ali velshi" at 10:30 eastern, 7:30 pacific. in eastern ukraine a ceasefire appears to be holding, but both sides accuse each other of violating the deal and today the u.n. issued a new estimate of the human cost of the war. john hendren reports. >> reporter: the machinery of war keeps rolling through a fragile ceasefire. the silence is broken daily by small arms fire and mortars. that's ours he says. >> translator: in principal the ceasefire is holding, but there is small arms fire. before you arrived here several small shells landed on our side. before we fired back there were grenade launchers firing back. >> reporter: a report released monday found 6,000 people have died so far. separatists say it is ukrainian
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forces who are violating the southeast fire. >> translator: the ceasefire from our side we are not just trying, we are upholding it completely. the firing yesterday was because the ukrainian side again violated the minsk agreement, and started to open fire. >> reporter: a year into the conflict, the death toll continues to rise on a landscape transformed by the war, and with each passing day, the front line continues to shift. in weekend fighting three were killed. few here at the ukrainian front line trenches expect the ceasefire to hold. >> translator: we are strengthening in preparation for the next offensive. we're preparing to deflect their attack. >> reporter: if that happens with separatists troo -- troops appearing to want to expand on the gains they have already made the front line could shift again. north korea has launched two short-range missiles into the sea.
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south korea says the missiles flew about 300 miles before splashing down into the sea of japan. the launch was announced on north korean state tv. the missile tests are seen as a protest of joint military drills between the south and the u.s. los angeles police defending their actions. this after officers shoot and kill a homeless man on skid row. plus who the city of cleveland now blames for the shooting death of 12-year-old timmy rice.
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he's out there. there's a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they're out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series.
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♪ this evening authorities in los angeles are defending the deadly police shooting of a homeless man in skid row neighborhood. three officers shot and killed the man after he reached for one of their gunned. jennifer london is in los angeles for us. this shooting was caught on video, what are people on skid row saying today? >> reporter: well, there is a lot of anger, and not just among those on skid row, but also among those that live and work
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in the area. a number of people i spoke with today, said they are saddened by what happened, but not surprised. and also today a new video has emerged which gives us a look at the moments before the shooting occurred. let's start with the video that went viral. one day after the fatal police shooting of a homeless man was caught on camera a small memorial standings in front of the tent he used to call home. this shows a struggle between the officers and the homeless man. the situation quickly deteriorated into a confusing and chaotic scene. then this. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: five gunshots and reaction from bystanders on the streets of l.a.'s skid row. >> oh my god! >> reporter: the los angeles police department says officers were responding to a 911 call
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reporting a robbery. when they confronted the man, who has yet to be identitied, a struggle broke out. >> he repeatedly refused to comply and then began to fight with them. >> reporter: lapd says he reached to an officer east pistol. you can hear someone shouting drop your gun. >> they just killed that man. >> reporter: the homeless man died here at the scene, we know at least one officer was wearing a body camera, and police are looking at surveillance video taken from cameras on nearby buildings. the shooting happened outside of this building's front door. this shows officers talked with the man for more than three minutes before the shooting began. witnesses say the man was living on the streets after spending
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time in a mental health fas fas -- facility. >> after they have their time at the hospital they dump them here. and what are they going to do here? i don't think they are trained to deal with mental health people. >> we feel great compassion in the lapd for people who live in conditions of homelessness and often meantal illness with no treatment. we prepare our officers to deal as best they can with them. >> reporter: police have confirmed that in fact two officers very wearing body cameras, that footage will be reviewed as part of the investigation, and l.a.'s police chief said several of the officers had undergone what the department describes as extensive training on how to deal with homeless people that suffer from mental illness, that included a 36-hour course.
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>> okay. jennifer. the justice department is reportedly close to revealing its investigation into the shooting in ferguson missouri. many in the community have questioned the use of crimes from traffic stops as a source of rev views >> and in cleveland officials say they are sorry for what was an illegal firing of a teenager. they say rice did not exercise due care to avoid injury. today cleveland's mayor said think city will amend its response. >> we are apologizing today as a city to the family and to the citizens of the city of cleveland for our -- our poor use of words and our
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insensitively in the use of those words. >> jamie the right thing to do here to apologize? >> oh yeah. i mean look it's a legal case. lawsuit filed. i say settle -- can i say damn -- settle the damn thing. >> right. >> there comes a point where a 12-year-old boy has been shot and killed two seconds after the officer steps out of his car -- >> right. >> -- we're talking about all of these horrible cases around the country. i'm starting to feel a little outrage. settle the case. but let me step back -- >> okay. >> -- let me step back and speak like a lawyer. the family files a lawsuit. the lawsuit is about causation, what caused the boy's death. so we talk about proximate cause, what was the proximate cause of the child's death, and
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then as the lawyers for the police -- >> can i support you here? >> -- well they are supposed to say, well we're not the cause, and that other cause was maybe the negligence of the family member the negligence of the child, and that's where this offensive language in the response on the part of the police department -- >> all of the injuries his family claims in the suit were directly and proximately caused by their own acts not this defendant. >> that's what the response -- >> that's the response -- and that the 12-year-old's shooting death was caused by the failure to exercise due care to avoid injury. >> yeah, i gave you the legal ease, and then i gave you my outrage. >> yeah. >> even we lawyers can see clear to the truth. i really think they were right to withdraw and say they will refile and i think in that period of time perhaps they need to take a little guidance
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from what happened here in new york in the girly case where the commissioner very wisely apologized. this was an accident. >> yes. >> and we're going to look to see what happened in the case of this accident. sometimes accidents do happen. oh and by the way, this officer in cleveland, he worked elsewhere, and had trouble with firearms, and we know that in the filing of this case and that looks bad for cleveland. >> there's something else i want to take up with you. the mayor goes on to say the response is not -- and he's referring to the statements in the filing -- that the response is not part of the character of cleveland. >> right. right, but -- >> but the justice -- >> you are going to bring up the justice department. >> that's right. >> the department of just dis -- justice has looked into the police department and found a pattern of abuse, of targeting
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specifically african americans in cleveland, especially african american males in cleveland. use of violence and weaponry towards african americans, it is listed clearly by the department of justice about the police department just contemporaneous with this 12-year-old boy. >> so maybe you do then settle this case. >> i would think so. >> in an attempt to turn the page. >> i would think so. you have to file an answer when a lawsuit is filed, but then you need to act quickly and swiftly and wisely and advise your client about how to proceed. >> jamie thank you. >> my pleasure. >> it is the speech that has been making headlines for weeks now -- >> you may not have heard. i'll be speaking in congress
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♪ israel lil' prime minister benjamin netenyahu this evening is in washington and he is getting ready for a big speech tomorrow. this morning netenyahu spoke to apac a lobby organization supporting israel, and he insisted his objections to talks with iran have nothing to do with politics. >> as prime minister of israel i have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there is still time to avert them. i plan to speak about an iranian regime that is threatening to destroy israel; that's devouring country after country in the
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middle east; that's exporting terror throughout the world; and that is developing as we speak the capacity to make nuclear weapons, lots of them. netenyahu says the disagreement over the iran talks will not affect the u.s./israeli alliance in the long return. president obama agreed, but the speech is straining the already frosty relationship with the white house. we are joined by the author of a new book "why hawks become doves." guy, good to see you. here we are, 53 congressional democrats are going to skip the prime minister's speech tomorrow. so when benjamin netenyahu says to apac that the israeli, u.s. relationship is stronger than ever, he is certainly not talking about the relationship between the two leaders.
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>> this is what -- what we're seeing right now, is rather unprecedented, there have been crises in the past between the united states and israel, and both countries have weathered past storms. this time it is different. you have a relationship based largely on bipartisanship. and by accepting spoken boehner's invitation without coordinating the invitation with the white house netenyahu is intervening in partisan politics. and that's why you have by my last count over 50 members of congress who have so far indicated they are not going to attend the speech. >> guy, why is this happening? >> well, there are a couple of reasons. first i think netenyahu netenyahu -- sincerely believes president obama is misguided on the iran issue.
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secondly there are domestic political acquisitions that netenyahu is considering as well. two weeks after the speech netenyahu is going to be facing re-election. most israelis at this point in time are critical of netenyahu for mishandling parts of the economy. prices of housing and the cost of living in israel is incredibly high and he has been criticized for that and this is a way to distract and deflect from that and focus on the security issue. he wants to be seen as mr. security so better prop than a speech before congress interrupted only by, you know standing ovations by both members of congress. >> right right. so guy, i want your view on how far this discord goes back and this relationship between these two leaders. i tend to think -- and i'm probably wrong on this -- but i tend to think it goes back to the cairo speech when president
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obama asked for a settlement freeze in israel. you fast forward a bit and less than a year later, the netenyahu government announces new settlements, while vice president biden was in israel. give me a sense of where you think the chill in this relationship begins? >> i think it began from day one. the two leaders do not see eye to eye. they have not seen eye to eye, not on settlements, not even on a two-state solution by netenyahu ultimately endorsed in june of 2009. so they have very different ideas and skrigs -- visions of what needs to be done. >> netenyahu certainly gets his view of any nuclear agreement, but shouldn't there be an agreement first? shouldn't there be something we can all look at and evaluate. >> you are referring to the agreement on iran?
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>> yeah. yeah. >> i think -- well, i think the issue is what kind of an agreement are you going to produce. ambassador susan rice today said that, you know it's better to have no deal than a bad deal. and i think that that's really one of the concerns of those who are skeptical about a bad deal with the iranians. >> so a deal that reduces the nuclear capability, and improves the ability of the west to look in and detect plans to build a weapon's program, those would be elements of a good deal correct? >> sure, but there are a lot of questions as well. how many centrifuges will iran be allowed to have. there have been some reports they may be able to keep 5500 or more. so what kind of verification system going to be place, how intrusive will the inspect system be.
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so there are a lot of questions still unanswered. >> all right. guy, good to see you. thank you. in today's power politics there are fresh indications today that hillary clinton is getting closer to a 2016 presidential campaign. david shuster joins us with more on this. david. >> political strategists are now receiving job offers effective at the end of this month, and the wall street journal is reporting that clinton has told owners she will officially launch her campaign in early april. some donors had expressed concern about clinton waiting until the summer for an announcement, so expect an announcement next -- month. one group has released a television ad rid luling her silence on the talks with iran. >> the israeli prime minister is coming to washington, but obama won't talk to him.
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instead obama and anti-israel democrats are boycotting him. israel's friends, democrats and republican are fighting back. but where is hillary clinton? does she support the boycotters? or is she too afraid to stand up to them? >> clinton's office is not comment commenting. lindsay graham just introduced legislation that would block the obama administration from lifting sanctions against iran within two months of any agreement. graham wants to give congress time to review and debate any deal and at a conference yesterday in washington he explained the difference in his mind between a bad deal and a good deal. >> a bad deal would be locking in place an enrichment program that only monitored by the u.n. and the only thing between a breakout to a nuclear weapon is the u.n. a good deal would be a peaceful
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nuclear power program that the iranians claim they want. that's a good deal. scott walker is also preparing a 2016 campaign, and believes the media has given him a raw deal. the presumptive 2016 candidate has been hammered over the past several days for comparing teachers and firefighting unions in wisconsin to isil. >> if i can take on a hundred thousand protesters i can do the same across the world. i'm not comparing those two entities, what i meant was the leadership we provided under extremely difficult circumstances. to me i apply that to saying if i were to run and be commander in chief, i believe that kind of leadership is what is necessary to take on radical islam
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terrorism. >> he finished a strong second in cpac's straw poll. the leader was rand paul. he energized the conference with campaign campaign-like pledges like this. >> in the coming weeks i will propose the largest tax cut in american history. a tax cut that will leave more money in the paychecks of every worker in america. >> rand paul something to watch. and barbara mikulski announced she will retire from office when her time expires. she has spent the last 28 years in the u.s. senate and has two years left to work on behalf of her maryland constituents. >> i had to decide how i would spend my time fighting for my job or fighting for their job. do i spend my time raising money? or do i spend my time raising
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hell. >> she says she wants to raise hell. so she will retire when her term is up in 2016 but pledges a lot of work between now and then. >> he wants to raise hell. >> she doesn't want to raise money, she wants to raise hell. >> david thank you. the secret service says it arrested two people in the last two days who tried to breach security at the white house, one man tried climbing a bike rack. the other fought with guards after he was caught trying to enter an open gate on the north side. the secret service has pledged tighter security since last fall. three months ago six men were freed from guantanamo bay and send to uruguay. for some the transition to their lives has proven to be difficult. >> reporter: after more than 12 years detained at guantanamo
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bay, this man, a chef from tunisia, was delighted to be offered a new home in uruguay. it was a country he knew little about, but knew it was a long way from the life he had been living, as a prisoner never charged with a crime, but with no home to return to. >> translator: i want to stay in uruguay and rebuild my life. if i didn't what would i do? i have no pass port or papers i asked for the americans to send me back to tunisia, but they refused. >> reporter: he would like to open a restaurant here serving arabic food and asked the authorities for help. he also would like to be reunited with his mother. >> translator: when we were in guantanamo uruguayan authorities made many promises but these promises haven't been held. >> reporter: he and another man have moved out of the house, and
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now live in a nearby hotel. he says it was too crowded. their costs are goved by the government here and the united states refugee agency. their resettlement was a priority for the president who has just left office his successor is reported to be less enthusiastic about the project. they were reticent about talking, although it was clear to me there were plenty to be said. none were willing to discuss their time in guantanamo but they wanted to be reunited with their families as soon as possible. this syrian says he is desperate to be reunited with his family. he has been to argentina to talk about the men's plight and would like to travel more to publicize their case meanwhile it's a case of waiting and waiting. >> translator: i don't know about the future.
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the future for us is unknown, only god knows the future. >> reporter: it's a future in a foreign land which is no longer so sure that it wants them and where the men are struggling to learn the language while relieved to be away from guantanamo freedom is also fraught with difficulties. police in bangladesh have made an arrest in the death of an american blogger. they walked him past reporters today. he is accused of threatening roy days before roy was hacked to death. there are new worries about a saudi blogger in prison for insulting islam. last year a court sentenced him to a decade in prison and
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hundred thousand lashes. >> reporter: his family says he could be retrieded for renouncing his religion. his family is siting information what reliable sources, it says. in saad -- saudi arabia it is punishable by death. since being flogged 50 times, saudi authorities have postponed the 950 remaining lashes he is to receive. now his family says the country's supreme court has sent his case back to his original judge for a retrial. the family is worried that the judge will try him for leaving islam. if convicted, he could face the death sentence. in this post on facebook, his family says this judge is biased against him. we call on the world citizens and governments not to leave him dragged by such bigots to death.
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his wife shared a similar message with al jazeera last month. >> translator: if i start crying and do nothing, that will not help him or my kids. all i can do is to raise my voice and make countries listen and help him. >> reporter: saudi arabia enforces a strict version of islamic law. in his writings he has promoted secularism, and accused muslims in saudi arabia of intolerance. >> stop the flogging! >> reporter: supporters around the world have been calling on saudi arabia to commute his sentence. and amnesty international has gathered more than a million signatures calling for his freedom. the group says it is looking into the latest reports that he may be retried. in a statement it told al jazeera:
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before his conviction he faced another charge but it was thrown out, his family says that's because the original court didn't have the power to try cases that lead to the death penalty. the state department say there have been no confirmed reports of executions for the crime since 1992. >> thank you. in south africa there is a push to make sex work legal. that nation has the world's highest rate of hiv infection. activists hope decriminalization could help change that. >> reporter: a six-worker's service cost about $2.50, but some men pay more so they don't have to wear a condom. 60% of the sex workers are hiv positive. some human rights groups want
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sex work decriminalized. they argue the law isn't in tune with reality. the government encouraging condom use, but some police use them as proof of criminality, and brings their used to an abbankrupt end. >> some sex workers fear carrying condoms because that means you are almost saying i am a prostitute and risk being arrested. >> reporter: this woman didn't report being raped to the police, because she didn't think they would take her seriously. she is hiv positive, too, but says the government program for sex workers which is due to be launched this year won't work. >> translator: it will only work when sex work has been decriminalized. because we are too afraid. >> reporter: the law-reform committee is due to make his recommendation soon. south africa is a largely conservative society, but has
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taken a more liberal stance than other african countries on several issues. both abortion and same-sex marriage is legal here. the current situation doesn't work. >> it is happening. that criminalization hasn't stopped it. so there is a variety of factors that need to be looked at and we will have to do what is right. >> reporter: many people may take some convincing but south africa's status of having the highest prevalence of hiv in the world, may be the deciding factor. in that may convince the government that the only option is to decriminalallize the oldest profession in the world. a judge in nebraska said the voter approved measure treats gay couples unequally, but stayed his ruling until next
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a nurse who contracted ebola while treating a patient in texas is suing her former employer. she says texas presbyterian hospital did not give nurses proper training ore equipment. heidi zhou castro has more now from dallas. >> reporter: if you remember back to october, nurse nina pham was the face of the troubled battle with ebola. the troubles began when thomas
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eric duncan first approached the emergency room with ebola symptoms and was turned away. he would later be admitted and then die at the hospital ten days later. at his side was a critical care nurse, pham. she was briefly treated at texas health presbyterian and then flow to maryland where she recovered. pham's lawsuit, filed in monday said the lack of training and proper equipment, lead to her contracting ebola. another nurse was infected and cured as well. pham told the dallas news the extent of her training was a printout of guidelines her surveillance found on the website. pham is no longer working, but remains on the hospital's payroll. a spokesman for the hospital
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tells al jazeera: pham is suing for unspecified damages for physical pain and mental anguish, her medical expenses and loss of future earnings. it has been 40 years since the last american troops left vietnam, but one legacy of the war lives on. today an investigation was released on the lasting effects of agent orange. >> reporter: more than 50 years ago, the u.s. military started a program that would spray roughly 20 million gallons of chemicals, commonly known as agent orange across vietnam. the goal was to kill jungle vegetation so u.s. troops could
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move more easily. >> the entire process was so politicized. >> reporter: as many as 4.8 million have it that people in citizens were exposed and millions have been sickened. >> the real scandal to me in this whole story as i reported it and talked to vietnamese families and officials, and american vets who lived there, is not that every single person of with a birth defect was the result of agent orange because we don't know because there was never a study. it is a very sophisticated test. vietnamese don't have the money and the americans never put up the money. >> reporter: u.s. contractors began a $43 million effort to remove the agent from one of the largest wartime basis at the
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international airport. it's 49 acres of some of the most contaminated land in the world, but comparatively little has been allocated for public health programs. the u.s. had pledged nearly $11.5 million, to help citizens and keeps them off of the hook by not linking it to agent orange. it took 20 years for u.s. congress to grant veterans for their exposure. approximately $18 billion had been paid out since. >> the government had no alternative morally but to make a response to what these people had been too. >> reporter: the va recognizes 15 illnesses, and 18 birth defects. on the vietnamese side there was never any desire to recognize the connection
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because it would have opened issues of liability, culpability, and war crimes. >> reporter: but u.s. officials have refused to recognize agent orange as the same cause of birth defects and illnesses in vietnam. coming up on our broadcast at 8:00, seattle's transport service is under pressure. now the county estimates the program could saver workers more than $900 per year. plus tonight you'll meet a multi-millionaire who makes up america's richest 1%. >> i'm happy where i am in
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between those -- those two worlds. >> reporter: we're going to find out how he connects to the working class life he grew up knowing, and how much race playing a factor in making millions of dollars. plus a new exhibit takes you to the hottest place on the planet. death valley. one photographer shows us this barren landscape from a different point of view. all of those stories and more coming up in about 3 minutes tony. >> thank you. you can add michael jordan's name to another list. he is one of the members of the forbes billionaire club. his money comes from the power of his brand and ownership of the charlotte hornets. at the top were some familiar names. bill gates is number one worth an estimated $79.2 million.
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hi everyone this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler. u.s. israeli relations, netenyahu's controversial speech to congress and the growing rift over iran's nuclear program. use of force, questions after a homeless man is killed by los angeles police. we'll take a look at though hidden faces of the city's skid row. campus controversy, a south carolina college ignites a fire storm. race in
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