tv News Al Jazeera March 4, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EST
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>> 30 dead and more trapped by an explosion in eastern ukraine. hello, i'm jane dutton you are watching al jazeera. >> iran is proving time and again that it cannot be trusted. >> nothing new, and no viable alternative the latest in the battle in tikrit. >> australia prime minister says he's revolted as indonesia have
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two australians facing the firing squad. a rescue mission is underway at a mine in eastern ukraine, where there has been an explosion. it has happened at the dokor coal mine in the doesn't bass area of doesn't esque. according to reuters, 30 are dead, and dozens are trapped below ground. let's speak to john hendon en route to the scope. what have you heard about this john. >> we are hearing conflicting reports. one person has been killed so far. we are seeing another report where up to seven people have been killed. there are a number of people - i'm sorry, 30 people. there are a number of people trapped here as many as 70 people trapped in that mine.
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it's been difficult for rescue authorities, first they have to release poisonous gas before they enter it. it could be time before we know the time. because of the conflict it's difficult for medical authorities and medical workers to get there, and to have the correct equipment to treat people. what we have here is fluid in terms of the number of people killed and the number of people trapped. that will cole out a few times. we are awaiting confirmation on the numbers, if they are true its significance. sadly, they are far too many mining disasters in the eastern part of the country. >> there are, indeed and not all of those mines are considered safe. we have the large mines...
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>> okay we lost john. apologies for that. >> u.s. president obama said the israeli prime minister offered no viable alternatives for dealing with iran. any speech to congress, world powers are negotiating a deal which will see sanctions dropped in return for strict limits on the ability to produce nuclear fuel. such agreements leading to a nuclear armed iran. patty culhane reports. >> this was unprecedented. a leader of a foreign country addressing congress to criticize the policies of a president. prime minister binyamin netanyahu is here at the invitation of the republican party, and over objection from president obama. here to talk about iran and its nuclear programme. >> the deal has two major concessions.
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one leaving leaving iran with a vast nuclear programme, and two lifting the restrictions on the programme in about a decade. that's why this deal is so bad. it doesn't block iran's path to the bomb. it paves the path. claims that the wows disputes and the president pushed back. the prime minister didn't offer viable alternatives. binyamin netanyahu invoked and asked congress to stop negotiating, until iran stops threatening to annihilate israel. >> i rent the contrasending tone. what you were witnessing was an old concept. if you can make the people afraid you can paying them do anything. he is a rejectionist.
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there is no agreement that this administration could achieve with iran that would be good enough for him. >> despite the claims that this was not political for partisan that's how it was seepn in the speech ... the u.s. special envoy to yemen trying to mediate an end is speaking in aden now. >> >> >> the united nations. >> translation: some reports are being heard. my recent visit to the president comes. the ongoing efforts to keep him informed of the outcomes of the
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peace and partnership accord and resolutions of the security council. there are a number of issues included in the agenda and what is taking place in sanaa. in relation to the executive and logistical authorities, and discussions are being made on the preservation of freedom security arrangements. as they said progress has been made, yet no final agreement can not be reached unless all its are ironed out and agreed upon. to what degree do you think peaceful negotiations are used? >> we have always been proposeing
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proposing - settlement is only key to solution. no party will be able to dominate by the use of force, and no one will be able to establish. the u.n. and security council are urging all the parties to engage in goodwill in a peaceful decision that is lasting and final sentiment putting an end to the current crisis. let's leave him there, the u.n. envoy. he's been holding a press briefing talking about that he's going to be addressing the issues raised in the security council settlement on tuesday. the emphasise is putting together the framework, a peaceful frame.
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let's go back to the story about binyamin netanyahu addressing congress in washington and laying out how big a problem iran is to israel. let's cross to west jerusalem, how did his comments and suggestions go down. >> hi jane it would appear that it's polarized people across israel though many support making the case for israel's security. the substance has been picked apart. let's look at some of the newspapers in israel. we start with the herats newspaper. this is a left-leaning paper. the headline is neutral as is the norm it israel. it's when you look at the op eds and the headlines of the op eds
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when you get a sense of what people are thinking one reads much ado about nothing another reads a warned view about the -- warned view of the middle east. and another, bb wins by keeping the focus on security that is important to the prime minister. he's seen as someone discussing israel, but is less good at the other bread and butter issues notably the economy. let's look at some of the hebrew language, this paper is significant. this is israel it's significant because it's israel's only free daily newspaper, owned by an american billionaire. the headline is neutral, but when you look at the op eds is
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where you get the specifics. most of the op eds in the patient is supportive. what significant. addel son - pro binyamin netanyahu. he increased the circulation to 550,000 to ensure that he will see this point of view. the threat that binyamin netanyahu laid out from iran is very real. in saying that. i would argue that this is perhaps the most widely read newspaper in israel. this is called and is scathele of binyamin netanyahu.
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the headline is neutral, when you go into the op-eds where you get a sense where some are thinking about binyamin netanyahu's speech flagging an issue that most israelis don't see as an existential threat that he is ignoring the key issues that they are facing israelis, which is less than two weeks time which is the economy, and perhaps significantly, and the reason he gets the most scorn from the papers and personalities within the media is the relationship with the united states which many fear is seriously damaged because of this speech. as we know the white house is not happy about the speech na binyamin netanyahu was invited by the republicans, and did not seem approval to go ahead with the speech. what we are seeing is a
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polarized view. many saying that binyamin netanyahu should be focus on the real issues facing israelis. that is the economy, cost of the living, and the fact that housing is expensive here and that his issue with iran is something that many feel doesn't resonate with them as they go to the poles. >> we'll stay with the story, iran called binyamin netanyahu's speech a deceitful show meant to appeal to hard liners in the upcoming elections. zarif and kerry continue to hold talks in switzerland, the deadline is the end of march al jazeera's defence minister in baghdad as they attempt to win back tikrit. they are advancing towards the city. jane arraf is in the capital. they are advancing.
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it's not an easy capital. >> it isn't. they find i.s.i.l. fighters that rigged the town with bombs. they have tape back a down ador 10km outside of tikrit. that was one that the iraqi military said they have taken two days ago. they have retreated. there are reports from the military. some of the i.s.i.l. leaders are leaving the city and heading for the mountains. the iraqi military is finding road side facilities. it's a suf battle a complicated battle because.
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after an explosion at a goal mine. it happened at a mine in the don basket area. according to reuters over 30 would have been killed. >> the israeli officer offered no viaable alternative to dealing with iran in his speech. binyamin netanyahu said a framework agreement would lead to a nuclear armed iraq indonesia's transferred 11 convicted drug smugglers to an island where they'll face a firing squad. nine of the 11 are foreigners. australia prime minister is revolted by the prospects of the executions. >> there are millions of australians who are angry at this time at what is happening. anger is not a good basis in which to determine a nation's policy. in the long run, anger is not a good basis on which to determine your own conduct.
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let's see how things develop. let's maintain our values let's maintain our respect for human life as a nation and society. >> andrew thomas joins us live from port hedland in western australia. so there's the prom saying how revolted he is about the fact that he's going to be killed. do australians share his sentiment? >> well the prime minister said australians feel sick to their guts about what is going to happen to two fellow citizens or seems likely. opinion fols show a major -- poles show a majority of australians are against the death penalty. tony abbott was tempering the criticism with stress on how strong the relationship needs to be. julie bishop says there'll be consequences if the executions go ahead.
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but has not gone so far as to say australia will withdraw its ambassador to israel when two of their citizens were executed. tony abbott said that over time the relationship with indonesia must endure and grow strong. he said that he was personally revoted and australians are sick to their guts about what was going on he said this won't jeopardise the rags sh between the two key allies. are all avenues explored - they are going to be killed. >> the phrase that the lawyers used and consistently will use is where there is life there's hope. they have not given up all hope. there are still two legal avenues, they are saying the president didn't consider the
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clemency carefully enough and have appealed against that decision. there are allegations that the judges who sentenced them to death all those years ago, were potentially subject to bribes. they are saying while the appeals are ongoing, they should be executed. it doesn't look as though they are clutching at straws. the execution will go ahead. australians are waiting for the transfer. they are going for days and weeks. they transfer by plane to java or the boat ride across to the island where the executions are expected to take place. what we haven't had yet is the notice that the executions will go ahead. that is something that is commanded. that the condemned get 72 hours. it could be that the executions are carried out. my colleague is sitting with the indonesian president. you will ask him about the
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impending execution, and whether there is any chance that the execution is stayed the prime minister called on the president to show strength and humanity at this last minute. it doesn't look likely that this is about to happen. >> thank you. the electoral commission will announce results in the general elections, and it will outline a number of seats each party has won in parliament. saturday's vote failed to produce a winner. erica wood joined them live. what are you hearing about the results? >> it's about 50/50. the incumbent prime minister's party managed to get 70,000 votes this time around compared to 2012, buts it has not been enough to secure him a majority. his closest rival, also a
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previous prime minister. there's only 4,000 votes, difference between the parties. the democratic congress got about 37 of the constituencies. it is not enough. they have the mmp system hear. we don't know how this will play out. what is happening in the background now. the partiesar all discussing with the smaller parties as to how the coalition worked out and who would govern. i gather that many of the voters are nervous about the outcome, and where this leaves them in the country after the attempted coup. >> how is that playing out and how are the fears being addressed: well so far, there were fears by the african union and other observers, that there might be violence.
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so far it's been good. we'll have the announcement yet as to who will govern because it's close, who knows what mite happen. at the moment everything is peaceful. there's a certain amount of frustration. these people came to vote in 2012. they were hoping that would be the solution inciting parliament by sharing the power. it didn't work. of course we had the alleged attempted coup in late august. and again we are back into elections two years earlier than planned. because we'll go back to another coalition government. people are nervous, they'll hope that the government that does come in will get along and get on with sort of doing what they are supposed to do and going things for the people. >> let's leave it there. erica woods reporting live from lesotho. >> kenya's president set fire to over 30,000 stones of elquant
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tusks to discourage poaching and tried. marking world wildlife days the scale of poach something a grave threat to animals. the use of ivory and horns is driving up demand. kenya has established tougher anti-poaching laws to deal with the wide life business. emergency crews in south africa are battling to contain wildfires burning since sunday. thousands of kilometres of vegetation have been destroyed at the table mountain national park. we have this report. >> firefighters working into the early hours of wednesday. residence living near the area are terrified. >> everywhere was outside the doors, crying and creaming running that side. it's terrible.
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strong winds have been fanning the flames. helicopters help with the water, where firetrucks can't reach. poor went and heavy mistake altered the operations on tuesday. >> we all think the flames and the fireies are up. the flames could be up. we need people on the ground. thousands of acres of plants have been engulfed by the flames. this is one of four fires they are battling to get under control. cape town commits that resources are stretched. so for five homes have been destroyed. there are fears that changing windows could put them at risk. it's hoped that the rain forecast will bring much-needed relief.
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>> a court in india has banned a documentary in which a man convicted of blaming and raping a student blames his victim. a court order has been issued. "india's daughter." it's an a girl who got on to a bus. one of the rapists said if she hadn't fought back she wouldn't have been kill. >> there were no injuries to a plane landing in fog. pictures have been tweeted which flew from istanbul to kathmandu. the plane circled before it tried to land. a loyal for fugitive edward snowden said the american whistleblower wants to go home.
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the former spy contractor has been in motorcycle coe since 2013. he was granted asylum after leaking details. washington said they'll welcome edward snowden home, buts will have to face criminal charges. >> to chile, people living around the volcano will have to return home. forcing thousands to nearby shelters. gerald tan has more. >> nature's might in its dazzling glory. one of south america's active volcanos erupts in southern chilly. the villerrica spewed ash and rocks. >> translation: we heard a noise, it was constant. we went outside. we were scared. it was cloudy all day. we were really scared because there was a lot of fire
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coming out. it was a big explosion, and we felt it because it was seismic. thousands of people in surrounding towns were moved to designate safe zones, and roads leading to the volcano sealed off. chile's president visited the area and declared an emergency. several measures have been activated aim at guaranteeing the safety of the population. within seven hours, volcanic activity calmed. the heavy lava flow is not expected, over several communities are under watch. the villaricca placid again, until the next spectacular eruption. >> eruptions there. we are sending that it was an explosion mr leading to a mine disaster in the eastern ukraine. more on that story in the head
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lines and the next bulletin. we believe 30 could be killed at the mine and in 2007 at the same mine there was a methane explosion in which 100 died. more in the headlines coming up. platforms on the planet to deliver a warping about -- warning about iran and the nuclear weapons. but the real story about binyamin netanyahu's speech to congress was little to do with iran and more to do with american policy, was it worth obama. would israel be better off with no deal than a bad deal with iran. israel's former deputy defence minister and outspoken rabbi join me with their distinct
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