tv America Tonight Al Jazeera March 4, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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night venezuela's economic and political crisis, with the highest inflation in the world president nicholas maduro's plairp is 20% and maduro's popularity is 20%. >> that's its if. >> on "america tonight,." >> 87 year old celia van de grift remembers her time in the hospital at the lynchberg state hospital. for the epileptic and feeble minded. witnessing thousands of forced sterilization procedures. >> the end a superrace something we connect with nat
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dizzy germany. >> at thenazi germany. >> on wednesday, some sense of justice for thousands of people taken to the streets in ferguson. >> some of those protesters were right. >> thanks for joining us, i'm joie chen. it ended in just two minutes on a hot august day but the conclusions of the new scathing u.s. justice department report suggests the clash that ended with the death of michael brown shot down by a police officer in ferguson, missouri took years to develop. the report also finds there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute the now former officer darren wilson, raising a specter of a new anchor in a community the has already seen so much. we begin with a look at what the feds found from "america tonight's" sarah hoye. >> we are.
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>> mike brown. >> we are. >> mike brown. >> the heart of protest against police brutality and systemic racism. >> hey hey ho ho. >> thousands taken tot streets. >> some of those protesters are right. >> a six month long civil rights investigation by the department of justice into found a pattern of practice of discrimination against blacks. >> according to our investigation this emphasis on revenue generation through policing has fostered unconstitutional practices or practices that contribute to constitutional violations. at nearly every level of ferguson's law enforcement system. >> with around 21,000 people are ferguson is 67% black. however, the long awaited report found that 85% of people in vehicle stops were black. 93% of people arrested were black. and while blacks were more than
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twice as you likely to be searched than whites, they were 26% less likely to be carrying extracontraband. a pattern of suspicious legally unsupported stops as well as a pattern of expensive force saying officers often used force in response to behavior that is annoying but does not pose a threat. >> the whole damn system is guilty as hell! >> the findings echoed what residents told al jazeera america in the months following michael brown's death. >> in the words of my mother it could have been me. >> raquan smith and michael brown went to high school together. >> one of the largest obstacles for a young black male is not falling in the lines of being a statistic. >> smith was at home when he got call that his classmate had been
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shot and killed by the ferguson police officer. >> i had a question. >> reporter: what was your question? >> what do we tell our children? as far as what happened to michael brown? what would i till a little brother or little sister or nephew or niece what does a parental tell their son or their daughter about what has transpired on that day? broad daylight, we're supposed to know that the police are here to protect and serve. >> a young man was shot in broad daylight it had barely been noon and his body laid in the street for so long. there were parents i talked to they had to keep their children away from the window, they couldn't go outside this was traumatizing the community. >> reporter: patricia vines tell us the relationship was fractured. >> telling to world what was
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actually going on and how people are feeling i did witness what occurred on west flors everyt, i was right there. >> the protests were relentless, sometimes destructive. this is what is left of west florisenth avenue. the lingering open wounds here. >> our review of the evidence and our conversations with police officers have shown that significant pressure is brought to bear on law enforcement personnel to deliver on these revenue increases. once the is primed for maximizing revenue starting with fines and fine enforcement, city relies on the police force to serve as a collection agency. >> the dodge doj what black man ahold
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steady job for four years? another e-mail from 2011 depicted president obama as a chimpanzee. the reaction from ferguson officials. >> let me be clear this type of behavior will not be tolerated. immediately upon leaving that meeting the three individuals were placed on administrative leave pending an investigation. one has since been terminated and the other two are still awaiting the outcome of an internal investigation. these actions taken by these individuals are in no way representative of the employees of the city of ferguson. >> a brief response from mayor nolte, took no questions from reportsers. sarah hoye, did the mayor address any of the broader
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issues in the president's report? >> not directly. we heard about the personnel decisions one was fired arounds two are suspended and overall what the mayor said was listen although there have been some e-mails out there and some other items that have caused problems this does not reflect ferguson and then he walked off. >> and did not take any questions. and the reporters there did he address at all in his statement anything about working with the justice department, reacting to any of the conclusions that are specifically outlined in the universityjust department's report? >> it was more broad. he said yes we are going to take actions to. >> there was no indication here that the city is going to work out some way to negotiate with the justice department on
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anything they have concluded there? >> we may find out more about that later. but we do know that there are very specific things that the city of ferguson has to take carry of. and bear with me joie, the city needs to reinvigorate community policing, they have to focus stop search ticketing and reafort practicesarrestprocesses. the doj has something very specific four the city of ferguson to do. it is going to be some time before we know exactly how those suggestions are being implementif at all. >> sarah i know you have spent a lot of time in this community. you heard the family's reaction after the justice department report was put out earlier in the day. i wonder what the reaction will
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be to the mayor's statement. >> i don't think residents we spoke with believe him right? we have heard over and over and over from residents there that listen change must come, things are not okay here. you wouldn't have had weeks and weeks of protesting that would have started in ferguson and trickled through country if everything was okay and this was a smaller few. clearly there is a bigger issue and the people we spoke with said if change really doesn't come, it echoes what michael's parents said. listen if true change comes if these plans are really implemented then our son's death will not be in vain. >> "america tonight's" sarah hoye. thursday on "america tonight," young likes of at risk. those thousands of immigrants miners with who flooded the u.s.
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border and the anger in their communities. >> why do you want to pay for this? >> and what's the reason real reason behind why they left? on thursday. and the new superbug, everyday to explain why it spread so fast. and one of the best stories ever told young love much music and escape from the nazis. but the real story behind the sound of music find out from the baron and maria's youngest son. from
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>> in our fast forward segment the spread of the superbug. it's got a complicated scientific fame and more hospitals across the country are seeing a growing number of cases of what is called cre. the disturbing irony is that going in for medical treatment can rapidly spread a potentially deadlydeadly infection. "america tonight"'s michael okwu met one survivor. >> my femoral artery was severed it was spreading everywhere. >> david was repg remembering the time he was hit by a train in kohl cut ta. he slippedcal culcalcutta. >> the main doctor pulls out a bundle of knives. there is a bunch ever surgical
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knives. knives. i know what's going to happen. >> a month later he was flown back to seattle for more treatment but he was about to get bad news. >> they just got routine tests and ocouple of months later some of my blood tests came back and said hey we need to isolate you and put new a room by yourself. you have an infection we have never seen before and there are only acouple ever occasions of this reported in the u.s. so we don't know what. >> his system was carrying a germ called mdn 1. in other words david richie had brought the superbug back to the united states and it was spreading through his body. doctors carved off more of david's leg but that wasn't enough. out of options they turned to a
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drug of last resort colostin, an antibiotic so strong it's rarely used. but the truth is you don't have to go to calcutta to catch a superbug. close to david's home in seattle, 11 died and another 32 were sickened between 2012 and 2013 after being exposed to a superbug. it's unclear if that bug actually caused the deaths because the patients had other problems. but this much is clear: up to 50% of patients who get had bug will die. the centers for disease control has called it the nightmare bacteria and says it infects more than 9,000 people a year at health care fasts and it's on the move. >> indeed, last word to a late
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update on "america tonight," uncovers five more superbug cases in wisconsin patients with the same type of surgical devices responsible for the california outbreak. wisconsin health authorities confirm those endoscopes were made by the same facility that supplied the ucla center. america trying to create a superrace. >> something we associate with nazi germany, this is ground zero for that. >> now what some states are doing right and old wrong.
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>> it's an attempt to right a wrong to those harmed many years ago before it is too late. thousands of americans were forcibly sterilized decades ago in an attempt to keep the feeble from having children, a bid to create a super-race. now virginia becomes the second states oacknowledge its role agreeing to pay $25,000 to the 11 known survivors of the program there. "america tonight"'s lori jane gliha now on what happened
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during those dark days. >> i thought at the time, i was doing the right thing. it's what our legislators wanted at that time and when my bosses wanted. even the president of the united states, you trust id all of those people. so i went right along with them. >> 87-year-old celia van degrift remembers her time in the lynch berg states hospital for the feeble minded. the government housed people with mental disabilities, alcoholics and those who the government considered socially inadequate. >> how many sterilizations did you witness? >> i couldn't begin to tell you. >> van de grift witnessed
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kids and adults who had their reproductive organs removed. >> they were asleep 50 time they got to the operating room and i remember. one week we could do seven male sterilizations and the next week we could only do two female sterilizations because it took much longer to do the female than it the the males. >> this is the first time van de grift had talked about a period the height of the eugenics period when government officials were intent on creating a superrace the goal to rid society of people deemed
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mentally or intellectually defective. mark bold is a virginia attorney campaigning to pass a law that would pay restitution to victims of eugenics. he took us on a tour of the facility where van de grift worked. >> every patient here every person who came here was considered to be feeble minded? >> feeble minded or epileptic or the criminal. >> he said virginia's law was even cited during the nurnberg trials. >> it was established here and this is ground zero for that, the idea was their genetic defects would be passed on to their children. in order to reduce rel fare welfare
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rolls. >> brought to facilities like this one where they lived worked and learned skills like cooking shoe making and sewing. >> they would hold meetings to determine which inmates would be sterilized. >> the doctor would talk about their physical condition. psychologist would talk about how they did on the psychological testing. they would talk about what they had done on the units what they could do. everybody had some input. it was just disgusting. it was ogeneral decision, if anybody opposed they would speak up. >> more than 30 states passed similar laws leading to approximately 65,000 forced sterilizations nationwide over several decades. the virginia law raymond on the books until 1979.
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>> it happened, it happened. i was too young to realize what was going on. >> 86-year-old lewis rinldz was reynolds was sterilized on this property at age 17. medical records showed he had a head injury making him unfit under the law. >> it disrupts my feelings to be honest with you. >> we found some of reynolds sterilization records. >> here is mr. ernest lewis reynolds 5318. it is proposed to sterilize that said ernest lewis reynolds you under proposition, of the acts ever 1924 which is the you a yen-ieugenics.
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>> be although reynolds told us he had be parents aunts and uncles who cared about him. >> how did this be institution became become hid guardian? >> i have no idea. it is a rubber stamp to carry out their will. >> he went on to serve his country for 30 years in the military in korea and vietnam. >> when did you take this picture? >> bat in the '50s when i was in quant quantico, virginia. i taught the men thousand shoot a pistol. >> he had a full career. >> yesterday gone sweet jesus ♪ ♪ and tomorrow might never be mine ♪ >> now retired reynolds spends a lot of his time singing in his church choir.
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>> one day at a time ♪ if i need it i do best. >> and tell stories of playing with country legend, jimmy dean, stories he never had a chance to share with children of his own. >> i wished i had a family. i just wonder what kind of daddy would i be if i had any children. that's all i want to know. >> reporter: it was years after reynolds was sterilized that celia van de grift began her work at the center. >> if you could have talked to yourself back in the day when you were in the operating room, what would you say about this process? >> if i would have gone back to know what i know now i'm not going to do this, i'm not going to be part of it. >> why? >> because i didn't think it was -- if i knew when i know now it was wrong. >> van de grift says her
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change of heart came when she met janet and sadie ingram. they bounced in and out of center to center. but to the same center that celia van de grift worked. >> where was it that you first saw me? >> at the training center. >> training center right. >> i was two years old. >> celia says she remembers the little girls when they came into the fast. >> i had a special feeling for janet, she clung to me like a leech. >> doctors deemed the siblings to be feeble minded and sterilized them when they were young. >> i think she was a nurse she
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dplaim with a needle. she -- she came in with a night l. she said i'm going to give you a shot. but she didn't tell us what she was giving it to us for. and then, i woke up my stomach was hurting. i said what happened? she said you just been sterilized. and she said you didn't want to have a baby because they're nasty. >> you said would you have liked to have a kid a child? >> yeah, i think they would turn out to be pretty. because i love kids. >> when i think of it what their lives could have been and nofg what they have done -- around knowing what they have done and what they can do and what they're doing now they could have lived on the outside. >> in an unusual twist celia van de grift and their family ended up taking the sisters into
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their homes. janet has been living with them for the past 50 years. and sadie moved in a few years ago. both are domestic whizzes. sadie made the cake on this table and jahnette helped raise be the children. >> she loved to read so she would sit by my bed at night and she would read me children's every night. >> they could have been parents. very good. because they helped with my children and with my grandchildren. >> they were on opposite sides of the eugenics tragedy but there is no bitterness here. surprisingly van de grift and the sisters have never really talked about their unique connection no. now. >> have you talked about this
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with celia before and when it was like for her to be on the other side? >> we talked about it? no? >> you ever talked about it much? >> i don't remember that we did. >> after staying silent for decades now all three women want to tell their stories and hope others will, too. >> i'm just glad that you're here, that we can tell this story. because we did make a big difference in many lives. and not always for the best. >> lori jane gliha, al jazeera. >> that's "america tonight." tell us what you think at"america tonight." talk to us on twitter or facebook. come back we'll have more of "america tonight," tomorrow.
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>> flash point fergdz. weferguson.we never left. you'll speak with people who experienced discrimination firsthand. and thin it's the prejudice we're all guilty of without even knowing it. the world of unconscious bias, clearly holding women back in the workplace or is it? the man that argues gender bias
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