tv News Al Jazeera March 4, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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resident obama of the greatest attack on press freedom since the nixon administration, i'll tell you where the dangers lie. i'm ali velshi. thank you for journeying us. joining us. you reacting to charges of racism. after a scathing justice department report ferguson fires one police officer, and suspends two others. an admission of guilt as the boston bombing trial gets under way. lawyers for dzhokhar tsarnaev admit he did it blaming his controlling older brother return to sender. hillary clinton's personal emails subpoenaed by a
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congressional committee investigate the benghazi attacks. a standoff over same-sex marriage. some bartz of alabama stopped issuing licences to all couples as a state supreme court over rules a fedoral judge i'm more this is al jazeera america. in ferguson, missouri, officials are taking action to reform the police department a few hours after attorney general eric holder called the department out for unjustified arrest and excessive use of force. ashar quraishi joins us. this report is not sitting well for people in ferguson. >> for some it's validation of a pattern of discrimination that they have been living through for the last few years, as you can see behind me we are outside the ferguson police department where 60 or 70
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people protesters have assembled to protest and stand out here. we saw a protestor who appeared to be custody. it's a small but vocal crowd that have been reacting to this justice department investigation, and one of the things we heard from the attorney-general is that he did not mince words, as you heard earlier today. let's take a listen this investigation found a community that was deeply polarized in a scathing announcement. attorney general eric holder laid out years of discrimination and illegal targetting of black residents in ferguson the catalyst erupting last summer. >> of course violence is never justified. seen in this context, amid a toxic environment, stoked by years of bad feelings mistrust and resentment and illegal and misguided practices, it's not difficult to imagine
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how a single tragic incident set off the city of ferguson like a powder keg. details of the report leaked yesterday, today the city responded. >> the actions taken by the introduceduals are in no way reflective of all. >> it found this they made arrests without proper call interfered with freedom of teach. black drivers searched twice more than white drivers, but less likely to be in if possession of contraband. in 2013 a court issued 9,000 warrants for minor violations. >> it's sad it takes an outside federal entity to validate what is going on it's not been a secret to anyone in the region especially those living with the reality, no one had the courage or the wherewithal to fix it, that's what we are faced with
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now. >> the d.o.j. laid out 26 recommendations, including changing policing and court practices, training and oversight, and reducing warrants as a means of collecting fines. ferguson committees say they have taken action. >> three individuals were placed on administrative leave pending investigation. one has since been terminated. two are still awaiting the outcome of an internal investigation. ferguson police department is in the process of hiring three officers. we hope to have an update. all ferguson police department officers completed mandatory training as of december 31st, 2014. >> some residents and local politicians called for a change in leadership. a few weeks ago tom jackson told al jazeera he had no intention of resigning. >> i'm still here we've got a
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lot of work to do. we have done a lot coming up to this. so there's a lot of things left undone. actually i came here with the intent to stay in five years, it comes up in march. and, you know i'm constantly evaluating my future. now i want to finish up what we have started here. >> do you think he'll stay? >> i do. >> as expected the department of justice did not have enough evidence to charge former ferguson police officer darren wilson in the shooting death in the civil rights violation, the death of michael brown, we heard in a statement from michael brown's parents who are saddened by the fact but taking heart in the idea that his life would not be in vain if there is positive change that came out. into this department of justice investigation. >> thank you. joining us on the phone from st. louis is missouri state seernt. she is one of two state sirens
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calling for the dismantling of the ferguson police department. >> good of you to join us lots of findings in the justice department report. why do you think it's necessary to shut down the department? >> one reason is simply because the institutional racism that has occurred before too long. a lot of the people that have been out there protesting from day one they knew all along that the racism exists within the ferguson police department. and until we are really willing, ready and able to deal with all the truth, all we do when we see true change when it comes to law enforcement and community, the first step is to dismantle the police department. that and the court. they have totally violated the 14th amendment. that should not stand.
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that is why i'm calling on the dismantlement of the police department so we can begin to heal fehring "and st. louis as a whole. this is not just happening in ferguson. if the d.o.j. does a report and lists all the municipalities we see the same report from all those in the city of st. louis, where they have racial bias racial police officers patrolling areas, where innocent people live each andery day. they are the target. >> when it comes to ferguson officials fired one police officer, suspended two others. can't the department get rid of the bad apples and move forward. >> again, this is a problem that has occurred for too long and the ferguson police department. they know who the individuals
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were and they did not do anything up until they came out with the report. so this is - this is a problem that has occurred for over a decade, and further than that so this is a - it's institutionalized racism. until we are able to deal with the problems of race here in america as well as in ferguson only then will we see true change. first you have to change what is in the hearts and minds of people patrolling the areas. >> so who controls ferguson if they shut down the whole department. >> that's a good question. the city can do it. the city don't have the same problems that ferguson has. there's not been a report and there's no study to show that the city police department is doing the same thing. they are doing a job that is
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outstanding. and so what they can do is contract out the city department and allow the police officers to come in and patrol the area. i don't think adversity training will help to solve the problem. again, this is a systematic problem, and this is a problem in the parties and mind of non-african american police department that doesn't believe state lives matter. >> thank you for giving us your perspective in boston a jury has began to hear the trial against dzhokhar tsarnaev and the defense surprised many by saying the client is guilty. john terrett jones us. it's a turn for a case that took two years to reach trial. >> it definitely was, but it seems to be part of a strategy to save his life. the defense admitted that zarn helped to carry out the attacks,
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but said it was not all his fault. pointing the finger. it significant convince victims, some of whom were present in the court. >> reporter: a shocking opening statement from the attorney defending dzhokhar tsarnaev sake he was coerced by his deceased elder brother tamerlan tsarnaev. procedures said dzhokhar tsarnaev pretended to be a spectator, but had murder in his heart. one bombing victim lost his leg and was one of several survivors in the courtroom. another eyewitness described the chaotic aftermath of the bombings as like a scene from the hollywood movie saving private ryan. the father of martin richard was in the public gallery and will testify, adding the most heart representing story of all to the case. others that lost loved ones are hoping for closure, hoping to
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avoid the mass media. >> let's get it over with. >> reporter: a total of three were killed when the bombs exploded near the finish line of the boston marathon april 13th. a massachusetts institute of technology police officer was gunned down three days later. dzhokhar tsarnaev and tamerlan tsarnaev allegedly ambushed him to steal his gun, high jacked an s.u.v. and held the driver at gun point for 90 minutes, leading to a gunfight. tamerlan tsarnaev was killed dzhokhar tsarnaev injured but caped. escaped. he was captured in a winterized boat in a driveway. during the selection process, several jurors believed dzhokhar tsarnaev is guilty but promised to keep an open mind. a decision that could get him the death penalty. >> the goal for the defense is to get a live sentence, rather
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than the death penalty. but who is in charge of the case, the judge ruled the defense will not be allowed to focus on tamerlan tsarnaev's influence only. the trial is expected to lost several months. >> difficult to believe given the admissions of guilt and limitations on the defense the u.s. ambassador to south korea is recovering in a seoul hospital after being slashed during the meeting. mark lipert was giving a speech when a man slashed him with a raiser blade saying no drills for war. the injuries are not life threatening the alleged assailant was arrested. >> tonight a house committee demanded answers from hillary clinton, subpoena emails from a personal email account when she was secretary of state. it's an issue that is not going
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away. >> it's not. this is the house select committee an benghazi. it's the committee that has been investigating the attack back in 2012. that's what killed u.s. ambassador to libya christopher stevens. the committee was all hillary clinton's emails from personal accounts and subpoenaed emails from staffers too. the email fire storm is refuelling the benghazi debate the last thing the former secretary wants, ahead of an announcement next month that she's running for president. >> one piece of new assist that the state department warned her about using the personal email account. >> al jazeera had word that she was warned by an employee from the state department's cyber security team ex-parties warned her that private email was not as secure as the government system that would be easier to hack or monitor. the warnings were ignored. al jazeera's reporting in turn
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prompted a staffer at another house committee, foreign affairs, to ask us to put him in touch with the confidential source. we have declined. >> supporters came out in her defense, she has not spoken occupant. >> she has not said a word. supporters say let be clear, she did not break the law, and they did not take the argument further. she spoke at a political function and did not mention it. the staffer said she didn't break the law. here is what the state department says. >> then and there is not a prohibition to using a personal email. her time in office there was no time requirement for when they have been preserved. they have been preserved as records. this is the extent of the records that she has says her team. that's where we are today. >> if that notion the extent of the records that she has, the
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ambiguity - that's the problem. this leaves the forker secretary open to -- former secretary open to whether she released all the emails and whether she's holding something back. >> not questions you want to answer while you are planning on running for president. >> at any time. >> secretary of state john kerry and iran's foreign minister rapped up talks in switzerland, before taking a 2-week break. they are close to a deal on the break-out time limiting how long it would take iran to build a nuclear weapon. >> we are not far from reaching an agreement. there are gaps that need to be filled but that doesn't mean that they are not - we are not capable of moving forward. we have one very big problem, and that is that there's a deal
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of pressure by war monningers scare mongers trying to prevent... >> an important reference to israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu, who spoke against a dole during an address to congress yesterday in eastern ukraine dozens of miners are dead and missing. the blast like lay caused by gas not fighting in the region. the ukranian government is suggesting pro-russian rebels hampered the rescue incident. in 2007 more than 100 miners were killed at the mine in separate incidents a big day for the affordable care act. the u.s. supreme court hearse a challenge to the law that could affect millions of americans. rehabilitation to the argument next.
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>> at one time i felt that selling cocaine was my purpose. >> as the amount of drugs grew guns came in. >> murder rate was sky-high. >> this guy was the biggest in l.a. >> i was goin' through a million dollars worth of drugs every day. i liked it. it's hard to believe that a friend would set you up. people don't get federal life sentences and beat them. >> they had been trafficking on behalf of the united states government. >> the cia admitted it. >> "freeway - crack in the system". only on al jazeera america. at the supreme court today, the justices heard a dispute that could leave millions of americans unable to afford health insurance.
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the case focuses on how the government pays tax subsidies to help those that can't overed coverage. the language in the affordable care act means subsidies cannot go to those purchasing plans on state exchanges. >> there are millions of americans who have lost plans or their doctors. or who, like doug and i, are forced by the internal revenue service to buy insurance we don't want or face a tax penalty. >> the government argues that if the law were poorly written, it was never congresses intent to cut off those who buy coverage in the federal exchange. if the supreme court resides with the plaintiffs millions of americans in three dozen states could lose the tax subsidies. libby casey spoke with one family who say the subsidies are
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a life line. >> i wanted to show you ... >> reporter: 7-year-old girl is not just learning bach and beethoven, but learning to cope with an expensive medical condition - epilepsy. >> it's not something that i chose. it's not something she chose. it just happened to her. she has to have health insurance. so, yes. it's stressful. >> reporter: right now her parents have insurance through the care affordable care act, and are covered through a programme. this year they expect to earn more moneys as music teachers and will not qualify for the state programme, meaning they'll switch to their parent's insurance. the family can afford coverage only because of subsidies. how much o of a difference to the subsidies make in your bill?
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>> $417 difference. >> reporter: a month. >> a month. if i have to pay for the kids as well, you are looking at - it will make a difference of $600-$700 a month. >> the fear of covering the extra cost is deeper luna's father away. >> i would be angry and then go into a panic. i would have to reorient everything i do immediately in order to accommodate the position. i would have to pull my kids out of school. add more classes or get a second job and figure out what to do as childcare, and my wife would have to work more than she does. >> reporter: lunar's family is among 300 people who could lose subsidies. it's more than 7 million across the country. we took their concern to the
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republican lawmakers on capital hill. >> we met a family afraid to lose their subsidies, what do you say to americans like that. >> i don't think they will. any has to provide a continuation that will - at least provide basic health care for them. there's no way anybody wants anyone to lose a day of health care the senator and the a m group of republicans are working on a fix. it's little comfort to the family. >> sounds like a bridge to nowhere. for now, the family is waiting to see what the supreme court decides, and praying whatever happens, it doesn't disrupt their lives or children's health care. another big winter storm a
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moving across the country, stretching from texts to new england. meteorologist jay nixon is here. -- nicole mitchell is here. seems like history is repeating itself. >> there's so much cold air south we are seeing the southern winter storms freezing rain dallas little rock. more on the rain side of this. as the colder air intruded i'll freeze the last are frame and you see how widespread the blues, more likely to be snow and ice are. as it moves along, a widespread band, a lot of warm air in the south side as the cold air improves that is what is transitioning. 64 that was an overnight temperature. the high fell through the course of day. atlanta will do the same tomorrow. so a lot of these temperatures
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dropping not even getting a breeze in tomorrow. most of the precipitation is converting to snow or freezing rain. in the meantime we'll look at high totals specially if you look in the corner of this. 10 inches some of the big cities like washington d.c. baltimore, chances of 4-8 inches even new york on the northern cusp of this. >> over and over again, miami 85 degrees. >> so-called super-bug has been detected at another los angeles hospital. the medical center said four patients were infected with cre after undergoing endoscopic procedures. the ronald reagan medical center reported sex of its patients have been infected. two fatal. there were two cases. more legal confusion in alabama. the court rules against same-sex
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s a state supreme court ruling over same-sex marriage is causing confusion in alabama. some officials stopped issuing marriage licences to anyone not just same-sex calls. for gay couples in alabama hoping to marry, the honey mon is over. the state court ruled no more gay marriages. >> the state court ruled they do what they want. >> in a ruling they wrote:
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it's a stunning reversal after a federal court allowed same-sex marriage. it's unusual for a state court to thumb their nose at a federal ruling. >> the alabama chief justice sustained. and ordered the states not to issue gay marriage licence, defying the federal court. >> i'm not trying to dictate who you love and who you don't love but the law restricts who you marry. >> the lawyer told us the decision protects family values. >> gender does matter. it's not fluid, it's relevant when it comes to boys and girls needing to have a mother and father. >> a justice disagreement, warning the court is venturing to chartered waters. >> it's finally happened. we are happy. >> couples celebrating weeks ago
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are unsure of what will become of their licences. across the country gay marriage bands are crumbling. 37 states allow it. this summer the debate is headed to the u.s. supreme court which has the fine say on whether gays in alabama and across the u.s. will have the right to fare. >> two muslim holidays are becoming official days off for schoolchildren in new york city. public schoolchildren will get the day off for ramadan, the festival of the sackry vice. -- sacrifice. bill de blasio says it reflects the growing population in schools. amazing pictures from the bottom of the ocean - a japanese battle ship that sank during a battle in 1894. it was discovered by microsoft cofounder paul alan using his own yacht in a remote submarine
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to find the ship. >> i'm antonio mora thank you for joining us. for the latest news you can head to "inside story" is next. have a great night hello, i'm ray suarez. a sharply divided supreme court again heard arguments for and against the structure of president obama's heath care reform law, the affordable care act. what is different this time is the attention on four small words - established by the state. everything is working on how they are interpreted in the context of it 1,000 page war. a ruling against the administration would crack a
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