tv The Stream Al Jazeera March 10, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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earlier, that were scrapped at a cost of nearly $7 billion. hi, i am lisa flesher and you are in the stream. five years after the haiti earthquake, a u.s. funded industrial park that led to the eviction of hundreds causes drove. plus, online black markets are making a come back. the hidden corners of the dark web, and then. >> the hidden meaning of cereal selfies. what it means if you are constantly posting self-portraits. >> welcome to the stream.
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where your inner activity helps drive our conversation. to my left, my co-host and digital producer handing all of that social media that. cos in. in preparing for this show, we are seeing these huge numbers $13.5 billion to haiti howdies tushing is it that a lot of it can't be accounted for? >> and you mentioned this funded park, that is supposed to help haiti we mentioned that to the community we gave a human story. she was one who was evicted from her line to make way for this, and in fact, the numbers say about 366 to 400 families faced a similar fate. and responding to that, robert says that out to teem they have for getting in the way of freedom with their freedom a lot of spark. we need all the parks we can get, a couple of peep get
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displaced ain't nothing new. more needs to go into education and job creation. imagine receiving only five days notice to leave your land before it is bulldozed. that is exactly what happened to the hundreds of families raj was just talking about after the 2010 haiti earthquake, the u.s. invested 170 million-dollars in the project. with hopes that it would create 65,000 jobs and reinvigorate the local economy. but critics are quick to point out that it is located in the country's northeast some 200-miles from the area most devastated. they also say it only created a fraction of the jobs predicted.
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while shatters the lives that you remember familiesed the fertile land. the human rights organization that authors that report i just mentioned and from washington d.c., jose louise, he is the operations senior specialist at inter-american development bank, that is the largest souse of social development financing for latin american and the caribbean. thank you to both of you for being here. why build an industrial park on fertile food producing land in the middle of a fragile ecosystem, hundreds of miles away where new opportunity
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and infrastructure were arguably the most needed? first of all, thank you for having me. i think two parts of that question, one, why so far away from port-au-prince, and the reason is that port-au-prince, concentrated so much of the economic activity to the northern part of haiti was poorer, substantially ever pooer, so one of the ideas that the government has was this. development always has trade offs. the trade off was agriculture in land that is 250 hectors verses converting that to
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industrial production, and we fully supported this move, to explain it, of what we see today, three years ago that was land being farmed by farmers about 400 farmers that were generated about 1 dollar as day for their income. today you have 5,000 workers bringing home five times that every day the income from that plot of land, is today 60 times more for the community than you had three years ago so we think that the trade off is worth it. >> jose, we told our communities about this. 400 families that was supposed to generate 65,000 jobs so far it is 1500. a lot of people in haiti have been called for increase foreign investment, it would be nice to know about the park, is it going to hire local people and create jobs or is it using foreign labors? jose, a question for you.
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>> so yes the number that keeps appearing in the press is 65,000 jobs. that is a number for the future for the full expansion of the park, and includes also indirect jobs. we think we are on tract for that, it would be 40,000 jobs within the park, and then another 25 or so indirectly. and yes maybe we are too optimistic think we could ramp up job creation as quickly as initially thought but today there's 5,000 workers and to respond to the question, those 5,000 workers are all haitian there's a small community of expense from the anchor tenn't thats and some from the other tenn't thats from port-au-prince, but the overwhelming majority are local population. >> the report from your organization, action aid u.s.a. raises some really controversy points. some of the things that it claims is this that plan for
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the industrial park, works long before the haitian. and that the investors use the earthquake as an opportunity to push the park through and in many ways benefit the quite by it's location. can you comment on that. >> sure, absolutely. thank you for having me, i think this is a very important point, because it emphasized the fact that this is an old developed model that has not worked in the past, this very area has no development models models that are very similar, it was for sugar cane, and the communities at the end found themselves much more impurished because of that. it was in the government of haiti, particularly the president when he was in the power, and that the -- because of the earthquake that plan was taken out was pulled out and they made a decision to implement it a land that is very fertile, that is committees were relying upon, so i do understand the idea of creating jobs and when we talk to the communities they say we
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want jobs but we want good jobs we want jobs that pay us and with dignity and certainly the idea is in a country on a roller coaster ride, you cannot create jobs at the expense of food production and livelihood, and i think this was a trade off. as they have said themselveses there were other lands that were available and job creation should be done in a matter that promotes food security. >> so jose, let's get to the ottawa j beer picture after the earth wait, $13.5 billion was pledged to help rebuild haiti, and the slogan was build back better. given the resources that were invested, and that were pledged and still continue to come in can a aren't opinion say yeah, we are getting our money's worth. >> that is a good question the $13.5 billions that was the imagine, the initial pledge by the international community
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and i think one thing that is happening now they pulled so in resources and it was such a big number, because $13 billion is a big number, the expectations are set really high, the fact that that even before the earthquake, the haitian economy was weak, and the government capacity also, and with the earthquake the government lost about half of the employees so rebuilding was going to take time, but i see a lot of progress the economy has been stable and growing at three and 4%, school enrollment is up to 90%, extreme poverty has been reduced to 24% the debris from port-au-prince is cleared. the two main airports have been cleared and we have ore places where job creation is up, and manufacturing is up, but yes it will take time,
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and i think it depends on how you look at it. >> the common narrative around well intentions global relief is that it is fought, particularly in haiti with corruption. is that overblown. >> i think corruption is one of the big factors there are over factors in many the sense that the donor community does not implement plans plans that are full participation and inclusion of the haitian people. >> if you have been there recently, the only answer is no it hasn't helped. more than earthquakes and
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storms ravage haiti and they don't think the majority of the money ever made it to the people that needed it the most. >> thank you to our guests. still ahead, 2013 saw the demise of the website silk road that was the most popular online destination for anonymous criminals looking to exchange goods shedding light on the dark web, why the fight against goods on the web isn't over, everything from stolen credit card data, guns and drugs, to hit men for hire and later psychology of a selfie, what it can mean if you are a guy that take as lot of self-portraits.
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>> welcome back. more than a year after the popular online marketplace silk road was shut down by the feds nodose faces are thriving. joining us on skype is digital journalist joseph cox. his beat is the intersection of technology crime and politics. and out of boston, principle investigator for an internet security research company, he is also on the advisory board of digital citizens alliance, focusing on online crime welcome, so joseph, what's the difference between the dark
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web, and the worldwide web. >> well, the dark web is where a lot of the criminal activity within the deep web happens. so there's a misunderstanding here. a deep web is part of the internet that can't get accessed by google and it contain as lot of boring stuff, corporate data bases that sort of thing. a tiny% is the dark web, which is where the criminal stuff happens where you can buy drugs you can buy criminal enterprises. >> talk about what kinds of things are available to you, i was reading there's crowd source hit men on the dark web. >> yeah, that is true, there is one site where everybody bit coins enough targets and if enough money is raised hopefully hitman will come out and kill the target and take the money. i can why some afghan opium hacked papal acing thats.
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but this is not to say that these sites just have anything they want, silk road only did drugs for fiscal reasons and others don't sell stolen goods for ethical reason so there's a nuance and it isn't the free for all that is commonly perceived. >> that's sufficiently terrifying for both lisa and me. keith has an interesting question, the most interesting ainge salt lake the psychology. how does anonymity and darkness which he defined as a lack of transparency, effect behavior you are an investigator, you have seen people that work in the deep web, how does that effect their behavior? well, first of all nobody should be fooled that your anonymity is complete. anything that you tell to another person is no long ear secret. no such thing as perfect anonymity or secrecy or even perfect encryption. people like to be anonymous
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they like the feeling of being anonymous, whether that anonymity is a fact, is a different issue. even on the dark web on the tour web, there are vulnerables. there are vulnerables in what are called exit nodes which is portion of the torn network that is right before your device. and who -- the party that runs that portion of the network knows who and where you are. so if these people weren't anonymous, do you think they would be researching the stuff mentioned, and joseph mentioned all this illegal credit card stuff illegal diplomas do you think the anonymity fuels this. >> oh, definitely, anonymity is a tool of the trade and this is something that they pay for when they can and they don't want to be tracked by governments mostly. and in some cases they don't want to be tracked by their
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customers who they may have ripped off. >> speaking about the trade and joseph mentioned it, consumer threat data is one thing that people key into, we hear about these big hacks like at target, and home depot, is that stuff ending up on the dark web? >> absolutely. the traffic or the market in stolen identities stolen credit card data, access to different bank accounts online, that is a marketplace in and of itself and there are many dark websites that just do that. they only sell stolen hacked cards. in terms of silk road, some of the most expensive items were wayed to move money ways to launder money. ways to access money internationally without being traced. >> launders money that sounds like it is going through a legitimate source. >> to a certain extent, if you
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are using a credit card, or an a.t.m. bank card, you are going through a legitimate source, it is a real bank moving the money. >> so joseph, we mentioned that silk road has been shut down, a couple others as well, but the dark web is still growing how is that possible? >> yeah, very much so, so silk road the original was shut down in october 2013, and then a replacement site came a month later silk road two that has now been shut down in 2014, but there are now two dozen sites 23, 24, selling i think silk road set the template, the semianonymous template, that kind of made the blueprint, when people want to copy it, and was very lucrative, so according to fbi
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indictments the owners were bringing inle manies of dollars so you can see why it would be attractive. >> you jeff, you mentioned there was nuance in the deep web, there may be some good happening here. are there any positives we have this great video comment listen. >> it is a little business misunderstood, it isn't just illegal activity, it is obviously used to protect sensitive data, if you are looking for higher levels of privacy than you would find in the regular interweb, you can use the dark web. >> speak about allegedly good guys talk to us about dr. x. >> yes so dr. x is a pseudonym of a spanish physician, fully trained and he went on to silk road in april of 2000 think teen, and he started giving impartial objective advice to the drug
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users. i mean stuff like can i use m.d. a. if i am epileptic this is stuff you wouldn't ask a formal doable tor, and because of the anonymity they are able to get accurate information they may not get anywhere else. i should also say that the drugs you get from silk road and other sites that typically they are better quality. >> yes, they are definitely more pure as is what we have learned. i want to get back to garth. law enforcement strategy here, how do they wrap their arms around this, is it creating barriers or trying to continue to shut it down. >> well, law enforcement has had extreme difficulties with the internet in general.
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whether or not it's on the dark web, or on the open web what you really use are good old fashion detective techniques. they are pounding the pavement, it is following patterns it is discovering identitied with little fragments of an identity, and piecing them together. >> all right. we are out of time, but thank you to both of our guests, still ahead we all know that raj lights up on camera, but do you think he knows that too many selfies could be the sign of something much deeper? we'll discuss that, next
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welcome back. from the ocean carrs to an average evening out selfies are a part of every day life, the oxford english dictionary designated selfie as the word of the year. but, according to a new ohio state university study taking too many may indicate undesirable traits in a person. with us now is the lead author of that study. jesse, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> so why study people who take a lot of selfies in. >> well, i think we see this all around us all the time, and even every day we may be asking ourselves hmm, why did
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they choose to post that, what are their motives in posting that information so i decided to look that. >> and what motives did you find, and specifically with men, because i know your research ended up looking almost exclusively at men. >> yes in the study we focused on men and what we saw was a tendency with people with higher level of narcissism such as psychopathic traits those people post more selfies than other people. >> we asked our community about the selfie trend, and i did some research, and twitter has it's own # sometimes in life, there are just no words why because a gym had to remove the mirrors to prevent treadmill selfies that led to injuries and now we have this, the selfie stick with it's own #, this may be the sign of the end of times. in my day we lad no narcissistic selfies you just mayed a man to come to your house and paint you but we did ask what does it say about
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today's culture and colin tweets in i think it is part of sit technology, light weight cameras and lisa i am offended by this claim that men who take selfies are narcissistic, hold on one minute. thank you. but jesse in all seriousness that was not nagger similar, that was just vanity you mentioned something about antisocial, here we have people posting all the time, facebook instigram, pin tryst, how does that reflect antisocial sentiments? >> sure. well, we all have a little bit of narcissism, we all have a little bit of psychopathic tendencies those are relatively normal things for people to hold, but what is interesting is how the things manifest, in online environments and through social media and it seems that people that have these traits they are using these traits to kind of seem more normal.
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so they are trying to behave like everybody else. it may be easy for someone that is not a gnars cyst, to attract a partner off line to make friends but it is more hard for someone to get that done. so on a social networking site, they can him tick behavior, and try to make those same connections in a online environment. >> so jesse is it then fair to judge somebody that you might be considering hiring or dating by say the number of selfies they post. >> i think kit be a little bit of a red flag, with that association, you might kind of scratch your head and be like hmm. could this person be a gnars cyst, might they have other antisocial traits and i think inherently we have that little question mark in our heads when we see someone who is posting 20 gym selfie as day. >> they like themselves as little too much. >> i don't take too many, i might, just a few. >> says the guy that just took one of himself. >> how do you think you have taken in your live time, in the low teens.
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selfies aren't very social, and pretty selfie ex-particular story. very good. greatest pun of the week. but this show self-centered egos and attention seeking public, why do this research? with all the problems in the world right now why is this so important for us to understand for you to spend your time on and researching the obsession. >> sure. well the heart of everything is how humans get along with one another so it is important always to study how we build relationships and how we develop as people. and if we are using social media positively then we are building those friendships we are becoming more open minded we are learning more about other individuals other cultures other things going on in the world and that's the positive side, but once we use these only internally, or only to achieve our own goals and only on ourselves they lose that power. so it is important to
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investigate the bad side of these as well as the good side, so we can hopefully use them in a more productive manner. >> one last question, based on the definition you use is it somebody just taking a picture of just themselves or taking a picture of yourself in a group? typically i would say of one just yourself, and group selfie if you are talking about more than one in that picture. >> a lot of fun, thank you for coming on the program our thanks to you and to the rest of our guests today until next time, we will see you online
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and a warm welcome from me from this news hour. cooing to you live from london, this is some of what we are studying in the next 60 minutes. iraqi defense ministry says the troops has entered parts of decrete pushing back forces. dozens as rests as students take to the streets den't maaing more rights and more accused dellic freedoms. the former president terms his successor to g
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