tv News Al Jazeera March 11, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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following us on twitter facebook, google plus and more. . >> it announcer: this is al jazeera. hello from al jazeera's headquarters in doha this is the newshour. i'm jane dutton. coming up in the next 60 minutes... [ explosion ] ..the battle for tikrit. iraq's military is making gains against i.s.i.l. the battle is far from over the biggest step towards police - columbia's president suspends the air strike on f.a.r.c. that's ahead. the battlefields littered with hidden dangers in eastern
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ukraine, despite a ceasefire deal plus... >> people are dropping left to right. >>..we report to a town where they say heroin is everywhere. each babies are born addicted we begin the newshour in iraq, where the army has been making gains in tikrit trying to take the city back from i.s.i.l. forces. they controlled it since june. iraqi soldiers took control of al alam on monday on the east. troops are making advantage through the west, where they are looking to control a street connecting the two central areas of tikrit. sources tell us 11 soldiers have been killed. al jazeera is following developments.
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they are quite significant losses. gains in tikrit - talk us through it. >> absolutely. it's been a hard fight, and many days ago it can be indicated that there was a battle. it is not over yet. as you mentioned, there's fighting going on. and the iraqi troops have not taken all of dick rid. there is concern about what is to come. here in the city and kurdistan region, and senior iraqi leaders are here. their fear is not so much whether we'll be able to take the city they believe they will: >> thank you for that update on the battle to take tikrit. we have a report from imran khan
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who reports from baghdad. we know in some areas the forces are on the outskirts. how difficult is the battle going to be? >> it's difficult for a number of reasons. this is saddam hussein's home town. he had a lot of support. he is no longer. that is i think, a problem for the iraqi forces. there is a number of forces, house to house and street fighting on there. it's difficult to push right in and take it over easily. i.s.i.l. fighters know the up to and what we have seen -- know the town, and what we have seen them do is take over buildings, for the forces coming in. the shia militias pushing forward. they are in the center of the town, and they are unconfirmed at the moment. a lot of this is to do - a lot of why this is difficult is to do with the fact that it's on the road to baghdad, a key strategic highway and on the
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road to mosul. it's strategic for i.s.i.l. and the shia militias. >> and it's something else that happened at the same time. the sectarian concerns, the retribution. >> that's right. what we heard here is that anybody who is accused of sectarianism, of burning houses or going after sunnis as we have seen the shia militias before. the concern that's addressed. however, one of the things that i.s.i.l. do is they booby trap buildings. one of the things the militia say is they are not burning houses what we are doing is clearing the houses. now the problem here is a lot of sunnis are afraid of the shia dominated government and the irani role is the general, the
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head of the iranian guard core. the general who is leading the battle. for them that's a way of saying this is a shia battle and that makes me afraid. people are worried about the sectarian element and the shia clerics say you need to be very careful about what happened next. not to say this hasn't happened. it happened. >> thank you islamic estate on islamic state of iraq and levant released footage reportedly of a young boy shooting a palestinian captive, mohammed musalem. authorities say shehe travelled to syria to fight for the group. i.s.i.l. says he worked for the mossad intelligence agency. his father says he was killed for trying to leave.
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u.k. is pushing through measures to make airlines more accountable. we have this report. >> airline staff could have mistaken the schoolgirls for friends, off on holiday for turkey. we know the teenagers left the family in london to join fighters in syria. it's estimated hundreds have done the same. often travelling via turkey eager to stop them. members of parliament asked the family what they could look for. they said there was no clues. >> we monitored what she did. made sure she was reading books, to when she was playing games, we join in and have competition. we feel we had monitored as much as we could. we messed something up. >> reporter: the father had this
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warning. >> simply i say be vij leapt, not to fall. also under scrutiny the airlines who carried the girls and others out of britain. the government is pushing through measure to make them more accountable. it's called the authority to carry scheme. it could stop foreigners from travelling. it's a terror prevention and investigation measure. it could fine the airlines for passengers, crew and stop airlines flying into the u.k. if they fail to comply with directions. these and other powers will enhance the ability to monitor and control the actions of those threats. these girls were not on a watch list, and the measures would not have stopped them human right group amnesty
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international criticized iran's plans to take family planning difficult. it will set iranian women back decades, reducing them to baby making machines. iran's supreme leader criticized the plan and calls for the population to be doubled. parliament is considering two bills and to reduce access. >> the point is that actually the ayatollah carmeny supported the planning at a time when it was very high dangerously high. and now the fear is the opposite. the growth rate decreased more than it shut. we are afraid iran would have an ageing population where we would not have enough people to sustain it. >> no more bombs for a month.
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the government is to suspend air strikes to support peace talks and the halt should be extended. for the first time since the columbian peace talks got under way in 2012 the president has agreed to a reduction in the military operations again. against the f.a.r.c. rebels. >> reporter: to help escalate the conflict we ordered the defense ministers to cease bombardments over the camps. a surprise move to a president who had been steadfast in saying a war was continued until a full agreement was signed. a tangible result seemed to have convinced them to change their lines. f.a.r.c. announced a unilateral ceasefire, putting an end to attacks on towns and infrastructure. now comes a limited reduction in
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facilities, subject to review in a month. another step was to reduce the impact after the conflict while negotiations continue in cuba. the columbian military will keep ground operations and reserve the right to restart air raids if the f.a.r.c. resume hostilities. the government is confident enough that the talks are moving forward and answering the final stage. although many here who opposed the talks will accuse santos of being too weak with the rebels. >> there's more to come here on the al jazeera newshour. we'll look at why israel sent eviction in thes to palestinians -- eviction notices to the palestinians given homes by the e.u. and we hear from real madrid's coach on with why fans reaction was justified
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russia faces more accusations of violating a ceasefire in american ukraine, this time from the us government. tanks and weapons are being brought across the border. john hendren is in the rebel controlled city of donetsk. tell us what the u.s. is saying and if we have prove of that. the u.s. is saying more equipment is moving over the borders, they are not sure where they are coming from but we can assume they are using the fast network of satellite intelligence. we have statements from the ukranian military telling us that they believe more equipment
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and personnel have been moved by the border. 1500 russian soldiers were crosses the border and 300 pieces of equipment in the missile systems. it gets a bit confusing. all of that came in the weekend. the number of troops coming from russia has gone down over time from 13,000 to about 8,000. that's coming from the ukranian government. and the russian side denies this. we have in our interviews seen a number of russian officers. they concede who they are, but say they are volunteers fighting on the separatist side. >> it's a he said she said situation, but one with a vast amount of evidence. >> what does it say about the ceasefire that is supposed to be in place? >> well, as we see, the ceasefire has been broken on
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both sides of the front lines. it's not far from where i'm standing, and heard first hand small arm's fire mortar fire and both sides are accusing the other of being the ones that violated the evidence. in some cases we saw them fire back on the ukranian side, and certainly after they said they were attacked by the separatism. there were casualties, in the past 24 hours, one person has been killed and four injured, and there is continued shelling here and near the port city of mariupol which is of course one the separatists would like to control. so it is a tense situation. the ukrainians say they are strengthening their defenses and as one ukranian officer sold us they will attack us. as all this is going on, there is this - you know ceasefire throughout the country, and so they are taking advantage on
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both sides to clear up the munitions on the battlefield. we spend time with explosive experts, and this is what we found. >> the battlefields of eastern ukraine are littered with the unexploded ammunition of war. as a tenuous ceasefire holds despite repeated violations they say a handful of soldiers follow a handful of explosions. as they do traumatized locals tally their losses. >> the ukranian army aims the attempt. nothing is untouched. nowhere. >> the afternoon begins with shells on a school roof ending in the fields. a city tape, lost and retaken, it's perilous work, and a russian soldier fighting as a
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volunteer has lost three colleagues so far. >> we all work under god. man programmeses, god disposes. if it's my destiny maybe i'll be more needed in heaven. we were driving down the road. the troops came across this rocket. there's no safe way to deal with it. they attached explosive material and they'll blow it up. the time fuse set, it starts angling and is stopped. first with a yell, then with gunfire. and then... ..all that is left is a tail fin. the work will take months even if the fighting doesn't start anew. separatist troops feel a sense of victory.
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a big hello to president obama. a community that largely condemned him. >> there is only a handful of explosive troops on the battlefield. four teems with separate groups with them and there are so many munisheses that we literally stumbled upon them. if fighting continues, that is likely to get worse. this is a process that will probably take months, years. >> i am sure. thank you. russia's foreign minister is holding talks with a minister in the caucuses a disputed territory. georgia views it as part of its territory. fred weir is in moscow.
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why is russia there, in abkhazia. >> something momentous may be happening. russia has been moving over the several months to entrying great with abkhazia and south ossetia. they have been merging armed forces so now there are massive military exercises going on this that region the southern military reason and for the first time they include elements of the abkha disprks ian -- abkhazian forces. these areas gained independence in the 1990s. after the war in 2008 between russia and georgia, russia accorded independence to both of them, sort of cos ova style.
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now, russia may be moving towards annexing them crimea style. >> that meeting, there's a major treaty of integration under discussion, and that could be the first step towards that. >> i was going to ask you if it was to do with ukraine, that russia seems to be cosying up to the breakaway areas. now, i think that the ukraine situation, the crisis there has focussed minds in moscow made them change their attitude particularly towards following rules set by the west. i think the russians are on their own track. they'll do what they want and they are far less susceptible to what people in the west say should be done. if the idea in moscow is that we are going to integrate the republics of ossetia and
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abkhazia into the russian federation, that may be what they'll do. >> what does that suggest about the bigger pictures here russia's foreign policy? >> it's hard to say. there's a huge amount of debate about what russia's foreign policy is. in the last decade and a half under scrutiny it appears to integrate with the world, but with russian peckual arties and now -- peckularity and now it seems that russia wants to change the security order in europe and especially in terms of the former soviet zone to make sure that that area, the former soviet union is some kind of russian sphere of influence in which they do what they want and no one interferes.
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>> talks to bring libya's two rival governments together are expected to restart in monaco. it's hard for the u.n. to pull together the threads. the fight is drawn between the two collisions, one conservative government in tripoli, which was not elected but legally installed by the constitutional court. many fighters comprised four militia that fight upped the banner. they control many areas in the west of the country, including iraq and tripoli. they were based in tobruk after forced by tripoli. the country's self-declared defence minister was allied with 12 militias, controlling much of the east including tab ruck groups that claim allegiance
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with i.s.i.l. jason pak researches middle east history and president of joining me from london i am not sure if you picked that up. we were talking about the different groups what they want and who they stand for. at the same time there was a violent takeover of an oil field. you wonder how the talks about be able to deal with the dispirit troops. >> before answering the question i want to correct something you said to the viewers, the tripoli government was not installed by the constitutional court. that is incorrect. i think you were referring to the 6 november decision stating that the elections that brought to power the house of representatives were ipp val eyed. that does not -- invalid. that does not make the g.n.c. dominated government valid.
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to get back to your question about the talks. yes, they have a tall order in front of them. it's unclear how the stalemate, forces e.u. i.s.i.s. would be resolved. there has been process in morocco. and it will be through a national unity government that we are going to see a real power taking route which will bring together two main factions against i.s.i.s. how will this unity government deal with geopolitical concerns then. well it's geopolitical concerns to put pressure on the sides to form the government. if there was not such pressure, it's very sad, but it's important to state that both groups in tripoli, and the tok ruck government think they can
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win the government. they would draw on foreign backers. the geopolitical concerns are that some powers, fortunately algeria and tunisia, and the u.s. and u.k. think that a mediated solution can work, and it's the only way out of the impasse. >> are you seeing a coherent strategy other than the government. there's no strategy, in the territory or the u.n.-led talks. they are hosting parallel talks. i think that's positive. nigeria and tunisia had a lot to lose from the conflict. they are borders that are threatened. it's smuggling into the territories. but it was not coordinated. whether the political track or
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the local council track, so what i'd like to see is a great big conference, that brings together all the tracks and puts down carrots and sticks for all the external actors to try to find a solution. >> good to get your experience. >> hillary clinton defended a use of a personal email account while serving as the u.s. secretary of state. republicans accused her of blocking transparency as kristen saloomey reports. former u.s. secretary of state clinton was at the u.n. to speak on women's issues. the big draw was outside the event, the media dissending in thanks to here -- dissenting in throngs to hear her explanation. she insists she broke to rules. >> when i got to work as secretary of state i opted for
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convenience to use my emailing. it was allowed because i thought it would be easier to carry one device from may work and personal emails instead of two. >> the state department says it asked all former secretary of states to hand over official emails last october. after more stringent guidelines on the use of emails came in effect. secretary clinton was not the only one to use an account. so did her predecessor. >> he used a personal email account. he did not take hardcopies. there's no record of the emails with the ngt he used having been closed for a number of years. >> mrs. clinton, who ran for president in 2016 handed over 55,000 pages of emails. into and a committee that vetted
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the attack left four americans dead and received 300 relied emails. that is not satisfying critics who questioned the lack of transparency. the secretary of state has enormous responsibility and jurisdiction said the chairman. the public congress have a legal right to access records without impediment. they want her to provide email servers. hillary clinton said she happy to make the emails but not the server public. hillary clinton is here to talk about women, one she has worked on, and one that will be highlighted in her campaign and it is time for a look at the forecast. everton is here for us.
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like like there's weather in australia. >> we have no less than three tropical cyclones in around the country. >> take a look at the satellite picture. it has just developed, so it is developing and it will make its way southwards to port headland. further east. this is around the cape york peninsula, close to the solomon islands. it's all go. it is amoky pictures. the extent of the situation the system swirling away. it's impressive. further west ward. look at the winds, around 165 k/hr. it's a slow mover. only 7km per hour on the movement and storms.
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barely walking. we'll see heavy rain around the region. it's making its way further south, with winds of 250 k/hr. it may well be a supercyclone an impressive feature this one. i have seen 195mm of rain. >> thank you. you are watching the newshour. still ahead - icy relations with the west are putting a freeze on a friday favourite in russia, we'll have the details. never too old to work. why retirement is a dream for many in hong kong. >> in sport. investigators try to piece together what caused two helicopters to collide, killing three french sport stars.
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. >> the iraqi army is making gains in tikrit. government forces are trying to retake the city from i.s.i.l. which controlled it since june. the u.s. is accusing russia of breaching a ceasefire deal. the kremlin says the claims are false. the columbian government is to suspend air strikes against f.a.r.c. rebels for a month. the president announcing a move to support peace talks aimed at ending the 50-year-old conflict.
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>> let's turn to the political crisis in yemen, it's been two days since discussions were hosted in riyadh. it's hard to get everywhere to talk. leading the push is the u.n.'s special advisor on yemen. his job has been complicated because he's been accused of siding against houthis. this is a man that leads the rebels. they cease control of a country in a coup. this man, the president, says he still is in charge. he resigned in january. but he said it was not accepted. and this is abd-rabbu mansour hadi's predecessor, he wants his job back. he's been accused of supporting a takeover in sana. here from george town is a professor. a complicated region.
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let's start off with the criticism levelled at the misty upham envoy. the houthis say that he is tick ticking sides with abd-rabbu mansour hadi do you think he's sympathizing with him. >> i think there are legitimate criticisms, that he's been too accommodating for the group that started in december 2014. he accommodateds moves, compromising and dealing, until we report that houthi demands are unrealistic. and now are in control of a major part of the capital and is too difficult to meet the
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demands. now they are refusing to talk and going further. >> you wonder why they'd talk if they have control of country and clearly they are not going to get what they want. what do you think is behind the call of going to riyadh. it's clear that houthis will not go there. >> unfortunately, they are facing a de facto division and a break between the north and the south, as a result of the houthis taking over sanaa and other parts in the north. so now... >> saudi arabia is not in favour of the houthis. >> absolutely not, the dialogue has been going on in sanaa, under the houthi control of the capital, has approved to be a futile dialogue with no - it's pointless because the part is -
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the political parties come to the dialogue the negotiating table and a fierce imposition in the vision. and how they are going to move. >> i was going to ask you about the talks. how they've been delayed. is there a desire to resolve this or are the problems too large, what is behind this. we know for sure that dialogue is no longer an option. every time the older parties went to the dialogue the houthis imposed their division and add legitimacy to the coup. that is what outline political parties rejected and here where the need emerges for all players to have this dialogue and talk been, and now that's the legitimate players. the g.c.c. initiative is leading
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the transition. now they are rejecting the work and there is now - iran is part of the debate publicly. unlike in of the past, denied a link with the houthis. rain is talking about whether the dialogue should be there or not, and criticizing abd-rabbu mansour hadi. that is why it bears a major part of the responsibility because he got to this point. and now good luck to consider the houthis. >> thank you very much. several groups condemned the use of force against protesters. students and journalists were beaten with batons. demonstrators are demanding freedom and education, we have
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more from the city. >> this is the scene of tuesday's violent crackdown on protesters. it's quiet. the protesters have been taken away. there's a considerable police presence. there's police barricades along the side of the streets. there's scores of police men, sitting in trucks and shops along the road. it's a monsry. students have been camping out, and where many ran to take refuge. they were not about to go inside. the villages tell us they saw police chasing students and going into the monastery and arresting them. villages tell us that what they witnessed, it was the violent thing they have seen. one man said he felt like he was living in a dictatorship.
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human rights groups condemned the use of force against protesters. the latest incident raised concerns. perhaps the government that took over from a military government maybe backsliding. the myanmar government mindful of criticism, looking into whether security forces asked properly in dispersing protesters. that is in relation to another that happened last week. it made no mention of tuesday's violent crackdown the e.u. helped to pay for 200 temporary shelter for bedouin communities in the occupied west bank. our correspondent visits a family that may lose their home. >> reporter: this man tended sheep for generations.
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it was difficult to feed them. he had to abandon a bedouin tradition of moving because he's afraid of losing his home. the structure shared with six members of the family was donated by the european union. the eviction notice was given to him in december. prime minister binyamin netanyahu ordered e.u. structures in the area to be demolished. >> translation: the e.u. gave us these caravans because the old shelter fell apart. the israelis called this a crime. >> the demolition order followed a claim it was claimed they were ilbecause they were not built with permits. two members of the government criticised the e.u. to spend
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$4 million in area c. >> israel retained control which in part meant any future palestinian construction would require approval. since then israel rejected 97% of all palestinian requests. the european union's top representative said the e.u. had serious discussions. >> for us, we operate and intervene on humanitarian guidelines. >> no other reasons. >> reporter: palestinian orders at the rejection of building permits are part of israel's policy of pushing palestinians out of the section of the west bank. it's part of efforts which made the establishing of a palestinian state difficult.
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all he can do now is continue to live in the only home you have, while it's still standing utah will be the only state in the u.s. to allow firing squads to carry out the death penalty if there's a shorting of execution. other states are considering alternative methods after several inmates receive lethal injections taking hour to die. a team of trained marksman instead of death by botched lethal injections. two australian men facing a firing squad have visited. the broth of myuran sukamaran, asked that he and andrew chan be allowed to serve life in prison rather than the death penalty. >> australia prime minister refuses to be drawn into a
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diplomatic fight but doesn't want them shot the heroin industry is a deadly one. stretching from mexico to the u.s. it managed to take hold following a large wave of prescription pill addiction adam raney travelled to north-west virginia and spoke to those battling to get off the drug. we got to a friend of my house. >> reporter: this man almost died from a heroin overdose. he relapsed. >> they brought me here pulled me out of the card. >> fellow addicts left him on the ground. someone recognised him, got him home and his mother called emergency services. kathy's daughter was not happy. 23 she died from an overdose leaving behind a 3-year-old
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daughter. >> it's like a plague. that's what it is like. people are just dropping dead left and right. and the sad thing is that people are already addicted to it. it's hard to help when we don't have treatment options. >> this area in west virginia has been hit hard. black market pills have become too expensive, a cheaper, potent option arrived. >> high grade heroin. people in this community tell us that heroin is everywhere and they measure the destruction and overdoses that happened every day. the other day a man was found dead in the bathroom of this restaurant. we spoke with a couple gripped by daily heroin addiction. they say they want to stop but every day they shoot up.
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>> when you wake up you need that to function. you need it to move. john has seen his girlfriend nearly die many times. >> i took a deep breath. blue in her mouth. and started shaking. i've been done with it. i'll end of dying. end up. a face the furs wants to help young addicts avoid. she works all over the country. many of the newborns she treats are addicted to heroin. >> there's a tidal wave coming. it's sort of here already. it's really coming. unless something is done. and, yes, something will be the
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icy relations between russia and the west are felt by important ports. moscow has an embargo on seafood from norway leading to soaring fish polices in murmansk. struggling suppliers are struggling to adjust. >> reporter: a statue of a young woman watches the waters waiting for a fisherman to return. murmansk is a large city the ice-free harbour sporting an industry. an icy grip developed the trade, a political one. since the pictures were filled two years ago, the fish factory stopped operating. buying fish from norway is banned as part of the embargo. that is pretty much all this place did. it was vulnerable. not all plants are exposed.
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supply lines have been disrupted disrupted. >> translation: fish is more expensive every day. rising prices mean people pay less. the suppliers called but we reject older fish. there is no one to buy. >> two of the popular fish herring and salmon were imported in quantities. customers saying that what they found in a shop these days - the quality is worse. >> it has represented opportunities for some. restaurants started to farm trout much the decision paying off as people replace salmon with cheaper. >> there's an alternative. the crisis is a time of now possibilities. we were trying to figure out if our own trial breeding would be
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possible. we see that it works well. >> it's a small silver lining and representatives are worried that lasting damages have been done. >> we russian fisherman have good relations, this proves that we should work together. if we have small growing fish we'll lose a common resource. we wish there were no sanctions on either side. >> reporter: russian governments hoped farmed salmon would be replaced. that is years off. herring is a bigger problem. the sad lady of murmansk isn't the only one waiting. this is a report buffeted by gold wins of geopolitics and they want things to get back to normal let's bring in jo for the
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sports news. >> carlo anshell oty's side reaches the final, but slumped to a 4-3 defeat at home. the only highlight was cristiano ronaldo's 78th in all u.e.f.a. club competitions. he got on the score sheet twice. real madrid scraped into the last eight thanks to a win. ancelotti says it was justified because team performance was poor. >> i'm sorry because as everywhere new, it was very bad. it's no good for our image or the club. >> the coach hailed the team after the quarterfinals, with four goals against basil. porto are one of two, the
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unbeaten side. they went through to the last eight. 5-1 on aggregate. >> it's a team that works well. they have ambition, and have a fantastic prize. all the players deserved it for all the good work up until today. >> we are happy, they happy. >> mourn jose mourinho says they'll face a tough side. he said they were disappointed. they were disappointed not to see flare on the pitch. they were preparing to host the second leg of the tie later on tuesday. a favourite going into this one. >> during the season they played a few times against him from the championship. we play against him in league one, in the clubs. they play a team from league 2.
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it was from the league 2 in the cups. the most aggressive team was a real surprise. >> i think chelsea would start with a slight advantage after the 1-1 drill. it was first, a different setup. if you will, going into this. the difference is we mustn't have a comdemrex going into the game. it's a different situation. we know that we have to score every goal. if we hope to qualify for the next round. we mustn't ask ourselves too many questions. we need to play our game. >> bayern munich hosted chat ford. bayern will be confident. their side have not conceded a goal in three home matches this
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season. egypt has appointed a new coach as they tried to £a new coach. they replaced the american bob bradley that quit in 2013 after the farros failed to qualify fi. egypt an african cup of nations failed to qualify for the last three additions of the tournament investigator are trying to find the cause of a helicopter collision that killed three people. they collided in a remote region of the argentina. they were there filming a reality tv show. among the dead was olympic swimming star aliya mustafina, winning goed at the olympics and alexis vastine, who won a
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medal a court in australia ruled that the sale of formula 1 team must have the driver racing. gooeto was a reserve drive for sauber and said he was guaranteed a spot before the bosses changed their minds. an australian judge upheld a ruling saying van der guard has the right to race in neble. an appeal will be held on thursday. >> under 57. i've been training the last three months flat out and am looking forward. i had a good relationship, so i'm looking forward to race this weekend. >> kumar sangakkara is the leading run scorer at the
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tournament. gill shan made 104 as sri lanka posted a total of 363-9. >> scotland are poised to remain winless, and need to score 155 runs with two wickets left. this is scotland's highest total batting second against a test nation. it beats their effort of 184 they need against england at crist church. >> former badminton world number one is hoping he'll get to qualify for next year's olympics. he was suspended after failing a dope test last year, but has been given a date in i hope for a hearing. if found guilty he could be found for two years. if cleared, he could play in qualifying matches in 2016, beginning in may and that's all the sport for now. >> thank you for that. >> hong kong's government is
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under pressure to help its ageing population. there's little financial help i believe in the city forcing many back to work to survive. >> reporter: every morning up to five days a week this person goes to work. at 85 years of age, she earns less than $4 an hour. >> it's obviously not quite enough, but she can manage to scrape by, i have to be grewingal. >> in hong dong there's no mention for those retired or over 65 years of age. there's the old age living allowance of $280 a month. this woman says it's not enough to cover rent and basic living. >> i still have to earn a living. i still need to eat. i need to find work. in a city lacking much of a
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social site. going back to work after retirement is common. this 80-year-old worked in a cobbler stall for half of his life combining earnings and living allowance to pay rent. >> if i depend on the allowance, it's not enough. since i earn some money, together it's enough. >> the plight the elderly is at the heart of exhibition. welfare groups want to highlight the changes faced by 1 million people forced to rely on their savings to survive. >> it is expensive. it is going on. it is expensive. we are facing invasion. >> around a third the elderly in hong kong live in poverty. the government pledge 6.5 billion to set up a retirement protection plan it is yet to explain what it is.
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the city leader all but ruled out the scheme. that was the recommendation in the government report. the author of that report believes without a universal potential, the situation facing hong kong's situation is unsustainable. >> when they are working they say little for the future. they expect them to support and be home. i'm afraid that nowadays children could not support elderly parents any more. >> he said he would welcome government help. sadly it's a debate that many the elderly don't expect to be resolved in their list. -- their life-time. >> we have another bulletin coming up but in the meantime log on to the website, updated 24 hours a day. thanks for watching.
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from me jane dutton and the rest of the team - bye for now. >> now... >> bootcamp >> stop your'e whining... >> for bad kids... >> they get a little dirty... so what... >> dangerous... >> we have shackles with spit bag... >> they're still having nightmares >> if you can't straighten out your kids... >> they're mine >> al jazeera america presents camp last resort on al jazeera america >> this is the true definition of tough love
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>> the battle for tikrit, iraq's military is making gains begins isil, but the battle is far from over. hello from al jazeera headquarters. also ahead: the battlefield's littered with hidden dangers in ukraine, despite a ceasefire deal. >> the biggest step towards peace, colombia's president suspends airstrikes on farc rebels. >> people were dropping dead left and right. >>
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