tv News Al Jazeera March 14, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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on al jazeera america >> this is the true definition of tough love pass this is at a time al jazeera newshour coming to you live from london. good to have you along. here is some of what we will look at in detail in the courts of the next sixty minutes. isil fighters accused of using chemical weapons in northern iraq. utter devastation after a powerful sigh cleanly hits one of the pacific's most remote communities. >> i am speaking to you today with a heart that is so heavy.
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i really do not know what impact support of the pipeline houthis announce an agreement on finance be help come from iraq. >> i am barnaby phillips from croatia are now fighting in the war in ukraine. >> i am lee we willings with the sport. new formula one season is upon us in melbourne, the own 1-2 of mercedes at the front of the grid. >> first the question is: has isil used chemical weapons in attacks on the iraqi carbides. >> the kurdish region say they have evidence which they say confirms isil used chlorine gas during an attack on january.
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this is a report by salina downs. >> reporter: the accusations have been around for months. now, they say the proof: its these plumes of orange smoke explodetion into the area which iraqi and kurdish officials say is chlorine and they proved isil fighters are using the gas against them. iraqi fighters filmed this video near tikrit. they claim an is ill suicide bomber was driving an oil tanker physical with chlorine one of the world's chemical's weapons expert says he is not surprised it is being dmrooid by isil. they you used chlorine and that stopped them in theirtracs. isil has seen how effective chlorine has been in syria. in january, an attack on perp
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fetch contained the chemicalcal a's. a lorie exploded between mosul and syria. the kurdistan regional security counsel says samples collected from the blast site were tested and showed weapons grade levels of chlorine. it is causes choking and is banned under the weapons convention. >> it seems they are facing a similar threat from isil. sanina downs, al jazeera. that's one side of the conflict. another is what's happening militarily. we understand the iraqi military is holding it's position on the edge of the city of tikrit trying to flesh out fighters there from is ill. iraqi fighters are asking is are
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holding about half of it, regaining overall control room with iraqi forces stronghold. it's [to have you with us. let's start with the chemical weapons. how likely is it, do you think, that isil has the propensity to use them indeed has been using them and could deploy them elsewhere? >> well, i think they could. i think, you know, they have done everything else that's heinous and so they might as well do that.
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chemicalcal weapons are useful for a side on the defense, which is illsil is in the defense. it stops offense in its tracks sometimes, best used in defense because if you are on the offense, you don't want your own troops moving through that. but if you are on the defense, it's more easily used. so, i think it's very possible this is more of a crude chemical weapon. i think isis is probably capable of doing it. >> i was going to say, it's not the same as using tear grass. it is much more unpleas ant than that. but it is a at the timerrant and something that's going to eliminate thousands of people such as sarin. what about them getting a hold of something like sarin? >> well, i think they are probably more operational challenges to use sarin or vx gas, some of the more complex binary weapons where you have to combine two agents together, but i think, you know, chlorine is
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usable and it seems like they may have done so in this case. >> in terms of the overall picture, i was referencing the fact that once tikrit has been taken back under iraqi control, indeed the control of the shia malib a as well then the idea would be to move on to mosul, much more significant, a bigger city something that isil was crowing about having used. do you think that's a logical immediate step or thud there be a holding period if tikrit is taken? >> well u.s. military advisors i think, wanted them to hold off from doing this but they successfully did it. so, i think they will be emboldend, the hiite militia, what most of this force is. the challenge that they have with all of this stuff, with holding these places after they get them and, also, the other challenge and an even bigger challenge is they are in sunni country. the reason isis has gotten support from the sunnis because they fear the shiite militiaalitiasmilitiaas
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and government and so when your operating forces in this area, you know, it would be better to have sunni forces but they don't have many sunni forces. so that's going to be another challenging thing, not igniting another sectarian civil wart in iraq. thank you very much. thousand of people who live on the remote island are spending the night in emergency shelter. cyclone pam tore through the country in the early hours of saturday. the winds reaching two 70 kimometers an hour and understandably destroying buildings, power supplies and cutting off communications to the outside world. this is what it looked like on the ground.
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massive devastation down there, trees bent like match wood just knocked over as if they don't exist. 47,000 people are in the capitol, port vila a total population of 267. the 40 plus thousand i menned have lost their homes. storms weakened. it is on its way down from the islands up here close to fiji and new caladonia on its way to new zealand. authorities expect it to arrive there on sunday or monday. here is richard martin cal many of the quarter of a million people who lived here were forced into shelters for a second night. dozens are feared dead. but with power lines down and remote villages unreachable, the full scare of the disaster is far from clear. >> it's been a very very
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destructive cyclone, hitting a country that has -- using a lot of traditional shelters and housing, which means that they are quite vulnerable to this kind of intensity. >> speaking in japan, the president was visibly moved by the destruction. he is calling for international help. >> i am speaking with you today with a heart that is so heavy. i do not really know what impact cyclone pam has come to. >> the united nations is sending emergency units to the area. the first priority, to bring food and shelter to those in desperate need of help. the cyclone has already wreaked havoc in other pacific islands. as it makes its way south across the pacific, it has a path close to new zealand in the coming hours. richard martin al jazeera. >> a look at the very latest.
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let's talk to comein oxfam's current tree director. the people there say they have never seen 234iing like it. people who study these storms say they have never seen anything like it. what do you know? >> it's absolutely so. i live in port vila and experienced it myself. people do not have any point of reference for the power of cyclone pam. i have been speak with people who lived their whole lives here who said we know cyclones. we get cyclones every year but what we have seen now we have never seen before. people's desires houses have disappeared. we just this morning saw a house where all that was standing was the surrounding toilet. everything else was gone. in groups of clusters of houses of four or five sometimes, only one house has survived. this is so of houses made of metal sheeting or more
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traditional structures. >> what can you do? i understand there is no water. the electricity that there is has been applied by generators of fuel is low. what ask your list of priorities? >> at the moment our priority is to actually do a solid and rapid assessment of the context of the entire island. there is almost zero ability with the many islands. it's made up of over 80 islands. at this point, we haven't had any communication from the islands other than the main islands. trying to ensure people have 14e89er and who need medical care can get medical care.
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also, issues of food coming up. we are going to need supplies of food. we are going to need supplies that allow people to rebuild their homes. >> we know you are incredibly busy. understandably so. thank you very much, indeed collin van rooyen talk okay behalf of oxfam in the pacific. still ahead on the newshour a historic visit, from the trip is being considered so important. israel's opposition leader promises to quote reignite peace talks with palestinian leaders if he is elected prime minister. and in sport, the cycle histories who may have made his move at just the right time: we have lee on the way with all of the sport a little later. yemen houthis who took control
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of the country's capital last year say they have trent ended economic ties with iran tehran has claimed about a billion dollars a year to support yemen. opponents of the houthi militia have formed a new national alliance. natasha gname reports. >> reporter: there is a power vacuum in yemen and iran appears to be capitalizing on it. since the shiite houthis forced to flee the capital. iran has found a willing partner. a houthi aid has an economic aid package. a houthi spokesman says iran is pledging to help build power plants and provide yemen with enough oil to last a year. the houthis say the pledge of support will boost the economy and bilateral negotiations. a spokesman for the exiled government says the only ones getting a boost from this deal
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are the houthis. >> the iranian interference is merely about military support, some malitias. they have never supported any country economically. the most important point here is the yemeni daily $8 million connellsumption of oil. i think iran can't afford to offer that kind of money. >> the agreement forms the recent announcement of direct flights between the two countries for the first time. the inaugural flight from tehran brought aid workers and supplies. the yemeni government fears future flights will also bring more weapons to arm the houthis. yemenis protest the power grab. a new coalition has been formed in sanaa to fight the coup called the national alliance for rescue. the president is in aden cling to go power as yemen appears to be slipping towards civil war.
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natasha gname, al jazeera. >> we welcome to the news hour mohammed kabasa the former ambassador to lebanon. dr. kobati thank you very much for coming. you don't believe this money has been promised or given by iran. let's assume that you are right in this case. why would the houthis say? >> i think the houthis have been in -- i think it's a far-fetched reach for them to see this amount of money coming for this because this will before their, you know publicity and good reputation. but i think they will only be pushing weapons. >> this is the point you want to make. >> yes. >> you think there is already a steady stream, a large amount of weaponry going toward sanaa. >> yes, we are going to have like 14, you know, trips every week with this iranian airline which is very well known that it is just shipping armaments across the country from
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everywhere. >> are the houthis, were they under powers when they took over sanaa? were you able to do it with little repry? if they have more weapons? >> no. i think they are preparing for the coming, you know events which they are building up for. but they had a lot of weapons because the former dictator actually opened the whole source for them and actually he started with them but with this now, you know,ents going on and they are threatening, you know, to lack back at saudi arabia. >> shows they have something of power. >> what do you think is coming if they are getting ready for it, what actually would it be? >> the one thing, david s that they might be heading toward a civil war. you know, the whole country might shuttle into splinter groups and war lords fighting across the kundcountry because these people cannot control the whole of the country. only one of the six regions which yemen was meant to be
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heading to. >> if you president ally ally abdula sala and the weapons you believe they are getting from iraqn and the other side man who claims he is the still the current 3d hadi and the yemeni army on the other side and they were to clash, which side would have the advantage? >> it's a very difficult yes to answer. you will have a lot of other groups, knees two confronting groups. spushing all of these not occuruos groups across the country, especially in the side. scanpushing all of these not occuruos groups across the country, especially in the side. scan . >> a sunni/shiia sectarian war and a lot of wars going. >> the real danger here is that we see a proxy war.
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we seea iran perhaps, supporting the houthis on the one side and we see the saudis supporting the other side. two regional -- two international heavyweights shrugging it out in yemen. >> yes. that's an actual worry, but don't -- we have to forget as well. the whole of the gulf countries will be very much interested to see that these people who are now threatening their sort of back, you know garden which is yemen are very much procedure and as well the international powers because let's not forget that yemen is in a very geo strategic importance so there would be a lot of worries from everywhere in the world about that. >> dr. kabati thank you very much indeed. former advisors to the prime minister of yemen. thank you? >> thank you, david. >> in the first anti-government protest again in syria four years ago, few people could have
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predicted that the scale of the civil war which would follow which we still see, back then, is isil didn't even exist. at the start of the anniversary approach, the unrest continues. questions are being asked about whether the u.s. could have done more to prevent the growth of the islamic state in iraq in the levant. rots lin jordan. >> no one in the west predicted what isil would become but they should have. at the time, though the focus was on the aftermath of the arab spring. in 2012, in the middle of what was now a full-blown civil war, the syrian military was accused of human rights abuses. >> reporter: a red line for us is we started seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. >> a year later, obama said he had proof chemical weapons had been used. he tried to build public support
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for military intervention. it didn't work. >> the united states had just come off of two major wars in the middle east. there was very little appetite for a third. >> inside syria, armed groups were waging war for their own end. isil forged in the aftermath of the 2003 invasion of iraq was there operating in mainly sunni areas and when isil fighters came within 40 kilometers of the regional kurdish capitol of irb il, the u.s. air war began. it was the beheading ofr on camera of james foley and saltwa that got the attention. >> the beheading of journalists had an effect. it had an effect. >> sparked the strategic element, you know, that can't be overlooked as well the idea that, you know, this -- here is a country, iraq where the united states part a decade-long war. now a new group of insurgents is
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taking territory. i think that had a powerful effect on americans as well. >> since the start of the conflict, the official syrian opposition has begged washington to give it better weapons to fight the assad regime but to no avail. only now u.s. forces have started training opposition fighters eye roncally not to file president assad but isil. >> if this group is to fight isis, displays it, take control of territory and secure the population, either the regime will have to leave them alone or fight the regime. it's possible i guess in the abstract, the regime would leave them alone for decon flicktion purposes with the united states. it's unlikely though. >> it's too sim plistic to suggest that had the intervened in the war earlier, it could have prevented the spread of isil across the region. it is clear that the obama administration's efforts to limit its own footprint haven't worked rosiland jordan the state department. >> turning our attention on the
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newshour to ukraine and the conflict there. we have discovered it's not just been fought between ukrainians and russians. former foes from the former yugoslavia are leaving up -- lining up against one another in the pallets battle for ukraine. barnaby reports from nagrev on ukraine's foreign legion. >> a peaceful town in northern serbia on the banks. danube. this is novisad, where a young man was brought up. and this is where he is now, in the badlands of eastern ukraine, fighting for the russian-backed separatists. that's him on the right. and here he is amongst a group of serbs, helping the separatists in the battle for debaltsaba. greetings from sibb serb ab we say. swell spoke to him through the internet. why, i asked him, was he fighting in a war in another
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country? >> we serve0 a great debt to russia. it has saved our country many times. when when i saw what the fascistses from the rest are doing, i will stay here. i don't care if i am lobbed up when i go home. >> from serbia to croatia, the capital, zagred. from this country, too, men have gone to fight in the war in ukraine. only these croats have joined a militia allied to the ukrainian government army. the croats are with the azolt battalion with links to the far right fighting in mariopol. >> the government says it's not worried. the numbers involved are small, but i asked the foreign minister: are these men breaking the law by going to ukraine to fight? ? >> no. they would be breaking laws if they were joining terrorist
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organizations. but ukrainian army is not considered terrorist but our. mevenlingsz moral support for people here through internet. i wished them good luck. they will need it. >> some of those who have gone are veterans of the balkan wars of the '90 did. some are extremists from the margins of society. but ukraine's war is causing ripples here in the former
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yugoslavia. . time to run through some of the other headline making stories. this hour, more than three 00 my grantsz in being detained in turkey after a fire on their ship. police arrested three crew members after the captain ignored warnings to stop as the ship passed through the dardenell strait. the refugees were taken to the nearby town of gellibalu. iran has unveiled a missile which has the ability to reach parts of europe. the defense minister and navy commander took part in an inauguration ceremony. the government saysit is the most advanced cruise missile designed and built by iran. next week the united nations hoop rights council will hear from experts on subjects such as syria, iran north korea and myanmar. the council has been criticized in the past for what some say
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its lack of teeth, inability to do much. the editor james bays reports it could now have a key roll to play in the next seven days. >> the world's human rights situation has rarely seen grimmer. from the war in ukraine to syria, a conflict has claimed around 300,000 lives. there are so many crimes against the innocent. the body spots to deal with it, the u.n. human rights council has been criticized since it was set up nine years ago. unlike the u.n. security council, it is toothless. it's only power, the ability to shame those responsible and its pretty unwieldy with 47 members. critics say the fact it's so large means some of the countries on it, themselves have questionable human rights records. despite all of this human rights groups say increasingly
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it has shone a spotlight on graves crimes. >> it is true the human rights council has been a force on accountability whether it's in syria, in sri lanka, north korea. it's not the security council. it's the human rights council that has created commission of quin inquiry and exposed great abuses in some places, have applied pressure in the way of the security counsel to act. >> one example is the syria commission of inquiry, these four commissioners were appointed by the human rights counsel. in the next few days they will present their latest report and they may release a list of those they believe are responsible for carrying out war crimes. it could have an impact that other parts of the u.n. have failed to achieve. the u.n. security council is the most important body in world affairs, with a foerster authorize the use of force and to send cases to the international criminal court, but for four years, on accountability for war crimes in
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syria, there has been complete deadlock here in new york. >> in fact, it's this chamber more than 6,000 kilometers away on the other side of the atlantic that could have more impact. there is no chance ofleg legal indictments in the international criminal court, but if they decide to name names here in the coming days those could count as moral indictments. james bays al jazeera, at the united nations. coming up on the newshour getting ready for the worst what needs to be done to help limit the damage from natural disasters. how the u.k. is honoring the legacy of one of india's most influential leaders. another of cricket's established nations finds the going tough once again as the cricket world cup.
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>> thursday. >> to the apaches, it's an ancestral place. >> sacred lands threatened. >> were the apache consulted on this? >> no. >> a controversial deal. >> we would love to have a mine in the community. at the end of the day, it is an issue of fairness. >> america tonight gets an exclusive interview with a foreign mining company accused of taking native american land. >> people have been very critical of your company, saying that it'll leave a permanent scar on the landscape. will it? >> an america tonight special report: "mining sacred lands". thursday, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. you are with us for the al jazeera newshour. i am david foster.
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good to have you with us. let's look at the global headlines. kurdish security forces say they have evidence which they say confirms accusations that isil has been using chemical weapons. it is said to have contained chlorine. subtle being isil used that as a chemicalcal weapon. >> the united nations is getting ready after one of the most powerful storms ever hit the country. cyclone pam tore through the south pacific nation in the early hours of saturday. houthi rebels say they have reached an agreement with iran to boost the country's economy. under the deal tehran will pledge about a billion dollars a year to support yemen. prime minister of india has been touring sri lanka's former civil war zone around the northern city of jafna.
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modi the sxwinl prime minister is the first such lead tory visit what was once a stronghold of tamil tiger rebels. they were defeated in the civil war which ended six years ago. fernandes was in the northeast and sent us this report. >> this is only a flying visit but indian prime member minister modi found time for the people of northern sri lanka. the feel-good factor was present as he stopped at the library. >> one of the many reasons i came here is to set foot with jafner and this great society which the whole world is praising. >> speaking in colombo in his arrival on friday prime minister modi said india will support sri lanka for reconciliation after decades of civil war. >> we stand with you in your effort to build a future that accommodates the aspirations of
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all sections of the society, including others for a like of equality justice, peace and dignity the messages: >> to be patient, that india would be with us and that by not rocking the boat too much not derailing the process, we should take it to its logical conclusion and actually reap the benefits of this change. >> unlike past visits by international leaders to the north, there were no major
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demonstrations or protests. but this group representing families of missing people and women and fishermen's organizations held a protest outside in jaffner. >> 25 years since we were displaced. we kept moving housing, people living in temporary camps. this is a third generation. >> this group was luckiest. they met the prime minister who distributed deeds to houses build by india's government. homes that are a symbol of the closer relations being built between these two neighbors. myrna fernandes, jaffenr. >> being put on alert after an air raid by myanmar's hunan profess. china says four people died when the aircraft dropped a bomb. myanmar said it was targeting rebels who want to take over the kokang region along the southwestern border.
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how do you prepare for natural disasters? the united nations says the only way to prevent widespread damage is to spend money. many countries, though unable make such an investment from bank cock one area that is still coping with flood damage from 2011. >> reporter: they call it the great flood of 2011 here in thailand. it killed more than 800 people and inundated two-thirds of the country. yenji had a front seat. she owns a shop and lives next to a flood gate in bangkok. four years later, there is still water damage. the government was not prepared for a flood like this. angry residents forced open the flood gate next to her house back in 2011. with security forces watching it was retired. the lamas felt they were
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suffering so parts of bangkok could be spared. >> i think the government can only help us a little. i don't have high hope did. in 2011, the numbers of people affected was high and we are not a rich country. the government can only do a bit here and there. >> ten years ago, the government set up this disaster warning center. >> before the great flood in 2011, we warned the government but they didn't listen to us. we all learned a lesson from that disaster. now, every time we warn they listen. >> even if the warning comes not all of the proper systems are in place to prevent a disaster. 80% of the world's natural disasters happen here in asia. it's due to a number of factors. the agreeography, population growth, global warming, changing weather patterns and poverty. >> here in thailand's ancient capital, they are building this train drainage minimize damage from flooding.
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there needs to be major investment in disaster preparedness. some governments aren't willing to make that commitment. >> the u.n. estimates that $6,000,000,000 globally if it was invested in risk management it would save $360,000,000,000 in losses over the next 15 years. >> the lack of long-term vision from the government because, usually, empower for four or five years, they say it's not going to happen to me. so why should i invest now? the people who live on the front lines of disaster-prone areas do have long-term visions. it's their home and they can't leave. so they are relying on that their government to make the investment for the future of all of the people in their country well beyond the next election cycle. scott heidler, al jazeera, bangkok. >> israel's opposition leader icic hertzog has said he will reignite talks if he is elected
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in the election. he is highly critical of the current israeli president, prime minister, i beg your pardon pardon, benjamin netanyahu and says et cetera prepared to remove israeli settlement if necessary. from ramalah, here is more. >> reporter: he has met palestinian officials more times than any other israeli politician in the past year. and istic hertzog, the leader of the opposition who heads the left of center labor party says he is committed to making peace. >> i think it's a mistake that we already assume that it's over. it's part of the tragedy that unfolds in front of our eyes. it is not true. i am telling you absolutely. it is possible absolutely possible still to make peace with the palestinians. >> in the days leading up to the general election on march 17th, herzog is running a tight campaign against his closest rival, benjamin netanyahu.
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labor gained an ommedmomentum led by the peace negotiateo zippy libny. their zinist union bloc could win more than netanyahu's lekud party. a professor of political science at the university in the occupied west bank says no matter the outcome of israel's general election little will likely change. >> of course there are preferences, and at the worst basically for palestinians with his coalition between ultra orth dorthwhatever, coalition. so, of course the left is better for their daily life basically but, you know, to reach a final settlement that the palestinians can live with i don't think that any of them would offer the palestinians that. >> a view shared by many palestinians suri runs this
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sandwich stall in ramahla, he said life under occupation seems to get worse with every passing year and that en with the new israeli prime minister a final settlement is unlikely. >> israeli politicians are like two sides of the same coin. nothing will change for us. if the makmud abbas has publideclareditsis's election does not interest him. but what does is the decision by prime minister benjamin netanyahu's government to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue belonging to the palestinian authority saying whoever is elected as israel's next leader must change that. al jazeera ramalah, in the occupied west bank. >> stay with us if you can. we have this coming up in just a moment. . >> i am phil lavelle in the future. it's still 2015. apparently, this is what the future will look like.
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>> every sunday night. >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping... inspiring... entertaining. no topic off limits. >> 'cause i'm like, "dad, there are hookers in this house". >> exclusive conversations you won't find anywhere else. >> these are very vivid, human stories. >> if you have an agenda with people, you sometimes don't see the truth. >> "talk to al jazeera". only on al jazeera america. now to one of the most recognizable things in the 20th century. the peaceful struggle for indian independence is being commemorated in a country that once regarded him as enemy.
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a statue unveiled in london marks 100 years since he began his cam parents against british colonial rule. leed barca reports. >> reporter: i am mofrlthsized in bronze he joins only 10 other statesmen honored here on parliament square. >> the unveiling, leading politicians, together with gandhi's grandson a balywood ledge event. >> i hope as he takes up residence in this great square at the heart of our politics and our democracy, that we can all be blessed with the wisdom of gandhi today, tomorrow and generations to come. >> the statue is based upon an image of gandhi during a visit to england in 1931 at the height of his fight for independence. >> even as he waged the struggle he admired britain, valued many of the things that it stood for and cherished with
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scores of brazen. >> britain dominated india's economy for 200 years. for now, the situation is very different indeed. indian companies now own iconic british brands like jaguar landrover, tetley tea and british steel. in recent year-over-year it has favored the likes of fas and jaerment. britain wants to change all of that. this is, of course much more than a statue of a great man. this is the british charm offensive. >> it isn't just honoring about a great man. it's about securing lucrative trade agreements? isn't it? >> it's about his values. if you look around parliament square, you will see a statue of the great nelson mandela, winston churchill, many great people. statues right here in parliament square. >> he was a thorn in the side of the british empire but his philosophy of non-violent resistance influenced liberation movements around the globe, a message of tolerance that
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eventually led to his assassination at the hands of a militant hindu nationalistsist. he went on to inspire the likes of nelson mandela. he also had powerful critics, especially among those bent on preserving the empire. winston churchill said that he ought to be lain hand and foot at the gates of delhi and trampled on with an elephant with a new vites roy seat its back. they are awkward neighborhoods. for some he is an unlikely resident here but has statue is a cautionary reminder that all power fades and that empires rice and fall. al jazeera london. >> lee is with us now and the race begins. >> it does indeed. thank you, david. yes, mercedes are in position for the formula one season after final practice in melbourne. at the front of the grid well
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champion lewis hamilton and half a second behind him and second on that grid is his teammate rico rosburg. could they dominate throughout the year? richard par reports. >> a new season starting in australia and already mercedes look like the team to beat. they were able to compete after van degard dropped his legal action. their driver marcus eriksson didn't get past the first qualifying section. mcclaren have a new engine but it didn't begin well for them in melbourne. both of their cars were stuck at the back of the grid on sunday. saturn became the youngest to compete in f-one. he came before rrosso 4-time world k4578 pin made his qualifying view for ferrari, fourth in melbourne start. alongside william felipe ma'am assa, the last known mercedes
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back in avert tree i can't in june to take gold. >> last year's granted prewinner will start second on the grid as part of a mercedes run, too. his teammates, rein ing world champion was half a second quicker in his 39th poll. >> huge effort from the guys back at the factory to enable us to come here and have this performance, so evelyn credibly blessed to have this car. we have found a good balance and today, it's about trying to -- pushes those. it's so much fun when you get in to qualifying you have those single lamps that you have to push. >> silver hours have won 16 of the last 19 races and are in prime position to answer that on sunday. richard parr al jazeera. >> so confirmation of the qualifying results and how the grid will line up on sunday williams driver scheduled to start on the third is a doubt for this first race of the season after surring back pain
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on saturday. he had tests and scans of the circuit before being taken to hospital. six nation's championship ireland's hopes of achieving a grand slam have been ended by wales. they won 2316 from a try from scott williams proving decisive. england can still finish top 2. they trailed scotland 13-tenant ha. second half tries from ford and now to a 25-13 victory. it means ireland, wales and england all on six points at the top of the championship table. manchester city's hopes of retaining an english premier league settle a defeat against burnley. boyd scored the only goal for bernley and means manchester city remains five points behind chelsea who play southampton on sunday. and the other games, arsenal beat west ham to strengthen their position in third place. it's all that stands out there came at sunderland where aston
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villa won. barcelona have extended their lead over real madrid at the top of la bigliga. both scores by messi. athletico madrid had a goalless draw and stay in fourth place behind valencia. in italy, it's looking straightforward for euventis. you will see there a 1-nil win over paleromo, never an easy place to win takes them fourteen points to roma at the top of serie a. new york city has a long ball tradition dating back to the kosmos team that legendary peli played for in 1970. there are two franchises, the new est funded by a foreign supporting interest, a sign perhaps of more global interest in ball in america. al jazeera's gabriel elozondo
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reports from new york. >> hist o day in new york. there is a new thing in professional ball, the new york city ball club the second major league ball team or soccer as it is called in the u.s. in the media and sports capital of america. but it's not just about goals. the nycfc as they are called are an example of how high-powered foreign money interests are increasingly wanting a pizza of the north american soccer business where each mls team is worth an estimated $100 million and new t.v. contracts are generating an estimated 90 million in revenue. nycfc is funded by the city ball group and abu dhabi that owns manchester city and a team in mel important. one the top supportsors is fiad airways. a former u.s. captain turned soccer executive says the globalized business of the game is getting bigger in the united
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states. >> soccer is a global game. there is no doubt about it when you look in the premier league there are deals with japanese companies and, likewise, french companies, french clubs and it's a global market right now and, you know new york city is obviously a big market a very well known city so that it becomes attractive. >> they have signed david via as a star a larger effort to make nycfc a global brand. >> this team was brought here with the mindset that it was going to be a focal point for, you know major league soccer in this country but also around the world. >> they've got the star player. they have got the fan base and the home city but what the new york city ball club doesn't have yet is their own place to play. until that time comes, their home matches will be here at the famous yankee stadium. >> got to get through next season. >> frankie zula, a popular new
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york sports commentator says the money behind the team doesn't matter as much as the popularity of this sport in the u.s. >> the mls has a following, but it's still not, you know, the league that could compare to those leagues over in europe. so, it does have a core group of fans. people love it. kids play at a young age. there is a huge fan base but i think having the second team here in new york the fact they play yankee stadium, i think it's going to add a little something to it. >> held along perhaps by money from abroad jumping on the u.s. soccer band wagon. gabe reelazondo al jazeera, new york. in the cricket world cup, the subsequent sxwrishingzindies the match about to start. if they happen to lose they are definitely out of the competition. india have maintained a perfect record of this world cup with the 6th straight win against this time against zimbabwe. zimbabwe recovered from a bad start from which 287, captain
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i am speculating we are going to go inside people's brains. >> safelied back in the year 2015, here is the verdict on this one. >> the whole world is around you. you are reacting. >> this is the futurefest in london, a look at how lives will be in decades to come. >> hello. >> a world where robots take on their owners' faces. >> find the ultimate selfie a world of color. but this is not just a look at how bright the future will be. it's also asking serious questions about the problems the world will face. for example, global water shortans, global food shortages. the world one day where the price of cocoa has risen so much that a bar of chocolate this size costs $20. >> one of the trends we are looking at is water and water shortliages. these are based upon that theory that water will be in short supply. we can't trust it. what's inside of these is powdered fillings mostly
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vegetables your saliva creates it with that and creates a gnouash filling. >> for the organizers it is a chance to point out that the future really is people-powered. >> we can shape the future. we can have a role in deciding what happens. i think sometimes we leave it up to our political or business leaders to make those big decisions about what are cities? what are government and what are the every day lives will be in the future. part of the reason for futurefest is to say there are a lot more of us who can have a say over that future. >> the question here: what kind of future do you want? something to focus on. phil lavell al jazeera, london. >> do stay with us. we have this coming up in the future: an extraordinary view of dubai. thanks for watching us here on al jazeera. we will see you in a couple of minutes.
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>> today they will be arrested... >> ground breaking... >> they're firing canisters of gas at us... >> emmy award winning investigative series... deadly force: arming america's police only on al jazeera america this week on talk toays, former grand wizard of the ku ku klux klan david duke. >> when i was a young man enjoying controversial organizations, you know, i grew up from that. there is no question about that. but at least i did what i thought was right. >> he is recently been back in the news with reports that house majority whip representative steve scalise spoke at one of
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