tv News Al Jazeera March 19, 2015 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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protesters. tunisia's prime minister is calling on the country to unite after an attack on the capital. at least 19 people were killed when gunmen raided a museum in wednesday. 17 foreign nationals were among the dead striking the political and economic heart of the city. the museum as you can see here with the red roof is just a few minutes from tunisia's parliament building. jackie roland reports now on the brazen attack on one of tunisia's most famous tourist spots. >>reporter: security forces call out for reinforcements. they surround the museum one of tunisia's most famous tourist destinations. there were hundreds of visitors inside when gunmen opened fire. some of them managed to get out running for their lives. authorities say the gunmen hunted people down spraying
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bullets. >> we were visiting the museum and suddenly we heard big noises. at first, we thought it was a statue falling but bit by bit we realized it was gunshots. we didn't know what to do. we hid on the top floor and after a while, we heard the gunshot hearsay stopped. we went down and there was a guy in a room and stayed there on the floor for hours and the police came and told us to run quickly. >>reporter: tunisia's parliament next to the museum was in session at the time of the attack. very quickly, police moved in killing two gunmen. there are reports that up to three others who helped the assailants may be on the run we want to send our condolences to the families of the victims. we are at war with this bar
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baric minority. >>reporter: the military and police have come under attack but no one expected this. later in the day, shock gave way to defiance. hundreds gathered in the capital voicing their anger. while other parts of the region have been wracked by violence this small country has been making a peaceful transition towards democracy. how the government and people of tunisia react to the violent acts on wednesday will soon be shown. the u.s. ambassador to japan has expressed her condolences. police are currently investigating threats against
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her own safety. >> i just wanted to say how saddened i am to learn the news of the loss of a japanese citizen in tunisia and our hearts go out to their family and the japanese people. we pray for a speedy recovery for all those injured in the attack two people killed in a shooting in a shopping mall in swedeen. two men reportedly fired automatic restaurants into a restaurant and police say it may be connected to gang violence barack obama is accusing benjamin netanyahu of -- re-elected, he would not allow the creation of a palestinian state. >>reporter: glistening in the early sunshine in the distance across the valley construction
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of the settlement began back in 1997. here in benjamin netanyahu's first term as prime minister. desperate to shore up his right wing support he returned in the last days of his campaign with this as a backdrop he stated explicitly that the reason for its creation was to block palestinian access to southern jerusalem stating publicly what palestinians have argued for years that the creation of settlements is strategic intended to block the establishment of a palestinian state. and later the same day, he recanted his 2009 commitment to a two-state solution. >> i think that whoever moves to establish a palestinian state or intends to withdraw from territory is simply yielding territory for radical islamic terrorist attacks against israel. this is a genuine reality in the
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next in two years. >>reporter: which he labeled those israelis who opposed him as traders. >> i appreciate the decisions by israel's citizens to elect me and my friends against all odds and in the face of powerful forces and i'll do everything i can to care for the security and welfare of all israelis. >>reporter: but there can no longer be any illusions of israeli acceptance of a palestinian state. the reality of the game is now endorsed by the millions of israelis who voted for him. we have a look at washington's response to netanyahu's comments. >>reporter: further proof today the comments has strained the
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relationship with president barack obama and his administration. netanyahu's comments that arabs were voting in mass. josh earnest told reporters that, that rhetoric was deeply concerning and devicive. but the bigger question is that he no longer believes in a two-state solution. the state department spokesman was blunt in her response as well. >> based on the prime minister's comments, the united states is in a position going forward where we will be evaluating our approach with regard to how best to achieve a two-state solution. obviously i'm not going to prejudge at this point what that means. >>reporter: many people see that as kind of a threat to the prime minister hinting that the u.s. could go to the security council at the u.n. or not block action at the international criminal court. obviously they didn't go into details but they're leaving open the possibility that they could change course as well.
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u.s. embassy after soldiers surrounded his home. he has abandoned his compound in freetown. security forces have taken control of his house after he was expelled from his party. he is accused of organizing a rival political group and encouraging violence in his home region. the international coalition fighting boko haram has captured another town in northeast nigeria. - recaptured over the weekend. over 200 boko haram fighters were skilled during the operation. hundreds of people have been detained in germany after an anti anticapitalist rally turned violent. dominick king reports now from frankfurt. >>reporter: violence, police
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stepping in to provent protesters taking over the streets. the bloccupy movement aims to make their point of what they see as the negative impact of austerity policies. >> above all, i think the ecp is a big symbol for monetary policy in europe and for the capitalism here and it's simply very important that lots of people from lots of different countries come together and fight against these politics. >>reporter: in opp areas of frankfurt clearly that fight took on a physical form. these pictures demonstrate the anger some protesters feel against the authorities and the role of the european central bank in its knewly -- newly
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inaugurateb buildings. >> it has always been understood that countries have to be able to stand on their own two feet. that each is responsible for its own policies. it was a difficult period of adjustment. it was first and foremost the consequence of their past decisions. >>reporter: but thoughts like that do nothing to please these protesters. they say the austerity policy is killing jobs and people's livelihoods. iraqi soldiers and shiite militias are being accused of specifically -- evidence proving the pro iraqi forces are to blame. stephanie decker reports. >>reporter: it's another damning
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report and it's findings just how difficult the situation in iraq is. human rights watch says shia militias volunteers, and iraqi security forces were engaged in civilian property after they retook the town. >> after the town was liberated, the problems really began because the militias went out and campaigned to clear the area of isis and what that has morphed into is a campaign of revenge attacks where they've targeted sunni villages in the area and they have you know gone through each of these villages and looted them burnt them, they've been purposeful demolition. >>reporter: they are fighting along side the iraqi army against isil. it's controversial and a conflict that is sectarian. this is an aerial map of the
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area north of baghdad. human rights says these red dots show where there were arson attacks and yellow are of building demolition. the group says civilians have been forced out by the thousands. people say they feared isil but then faced the attacks of the militias supposedly meant to help them. >> it's a very unfortunate report. it has so many inaccuracies. lacks some facts and figures. and i believe it's exaggerated, one sided. i don't deny that there are some irregularities.
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>>reporter: there have been similar reports before evidence of people kidnapped and killed homes destroys. one former u.s. official and advisor to previous ambassadors in iraq recently accused the obama administration of ignoring or giving cover to these abuses to fight isil. but the reality is iraq is divided along sectarian lines with both sides committing crimes. finding a way to put decades-old tensions behind them and creating a unified iraq is the problem still ahead, we take you inside a resort where the sale of endangered wild life products is anything but app tuesdaying.
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only on al jazeera america tunisia's prime minister is calling for national unity after 19 people were killed in the capital by gunmen. two attackers were killed by security forces but three other accomplices are on the run >> hundreds of people have been arrested in germany's financial capital. the white house has criticized benjamin netanyahu for using devicive language during the israeli election campaign. netanyahu says that if he was re-elected as israel prime minister he would not allow the creation of a palestinian state.
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taking you back to our top story now. tunisia's president has visited victims in hospital after the deadly museum attack on wednesday. he called the attack a terrorist act. he met relatives of those people injured during the attack. at least 19 people including 17 foreigners were murdered by two gunmen outside the national museum ausa new see land and france vice president sent -- without food water and shelter. >>reporter: the first military aircraft arrived on the island of tana four days after the storm. >> if it's not what's needed on the ground it's a waste of time. today we came in with a heavy
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recon party including vehicles. >>reporter: people with homes destroyed aren't expecting any help. down a track into the storm shredded forest we came across tom, already rebuilding. his father's home was destroyed on saturday. on sunday he started building him a new one. >> we can't wait. we have to build before we receive help. after we build this one, we'll be moving on to another place. that's how we think we will survive. >>reporter: the dangerousness of the storm is evident. one house that survived best was already in a tree. tourism is the biggest draw here. this active volcano is its top draw. one travel guide sdiebs this
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resort as its top pick bunking lows in lush gardens, a honeymoon sweet that is to romantic. before the storm, it was. >> we employ more than 50 staff. we are very worried that they might not have a job. because of the damage that this monday store has done to us. >> by late afternoon, despite damage to the airport, building the runway was getting busy. >> over the course of wednesday, more military aircraft have been arriving here. this was the fourth flight to arrive. it's french from new caladonia. >>reporter: the help is welcome. ships are on their way too. after shelter, clean water and food are priorities. both are running out. andrew thomas al jazeera brazil has recleared a state of disaster in the rio grande region after a wave of prison
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riots. there were riots in 14 of the state's 33 prisons with inmates complaining about overcrowded conditions. the president of brazil is on the offensive after sunday's nationwide protest against corruption. >> responding to a wave of antigovernment protests, the president of brazil announced a series of anticorruption measures on wednesday. if passed it would bar those with a criminal record for running for isil criminalize slush funds to use for campaigns and the capture of those accuse of corruption. >> it's time for brazil to put an end to these crimes or practices that continue to corode our insides. the time is now. >>reporter: the announcement comes on the same day that new
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polls showed his popularity falling to a new low. 62% of respondents said his government was bad or terrible. that's the worst ranking score since 1992 when fernando color was impeached for corruption. also thursday there were fresh protests against him in several cities. >> he's a manipulator. >> his popularity has crashed amid a widening corruption scandal. prosecutors have linked dozens of politicians and members of his own worker's party of describes and kick backs worth hundreds of millions of dollars. last sunday dozens of protests were held across brazil in which more than a million people marched against him in the pt.
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many of those marches called for her impeachment. meanwhile, supporter protests last week only attracted a few thousand people. thousands of demonstrators have take on the the streets of caracas to denounce u.s. sanctions against venezuela. many of them were state utility workers. tensions between america and venezuela have been on the rise the past months and last week the president of venezuela accused washington of trying to oust him. washington has denied the accusations the legal case continues for two al jazeera journalists in egypt. their trials are expected to resume on tuesday in cairo. here's the latest on that. >>reporter: they've been in this egyptian court countless times before. they're hoping this time things
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will end differently and their names will finally be cleared. since mohammed farhi's trial began in february familiar frustrations have resurfaced. >> again same inefficiencies witnesses don't show up the evidence. that's the responsibility of the court. >>reporter: court proceedings have been canceled three times. as a citizen of canada fatmi is hoping to be deported there. they were released on bail last month but must check in with the police every day while fighting the criminal charges against them. they're accused of aiding the now-banned muslim brotherhood. despite living under the crowd
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of criminal charges, mohammed recently said he's fortunate to be reunited with his family. >> i'm happy that i'm going back to my family. their hope is thursday's court appearance won't bring more delays but will move their retrial forward and bring them closer to exoneration. tiger skins and rhino horns are being commonly traded in laos. it was recently uncovered by a u.k. base environmental group. >>reporter: welcome to the so-called golden triangle special economic zone with a carcinoma seena, hotel -- casino hotel, shops, rare animals. this bear cup was apparently available to eat. there were rhino horns for sale.
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you can also choose from a selection of tiger skins. outside, captive tigers are kept in cramped cages. captive red tigers are legal if licensed. it's the export of their products that's illegal. either a way, the head keeper here says licenses or permissions are usually ignored. >> he doesn't manage the tigers. >> is it easy to secure permissions here? >> what permissions? >>reporter: no need for permissions >> >> no need. if you want to kill, you just kill it. you want to catch, you catch. there's no need for permissions. this investigator said was frozen tiger meat available to
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eat. here assembled in a vat, a pieced together skull and skeleton of a big cat, almost certainly a tiger. tiger bone wine can sell for $300 a bottle. >> the senior keeper tells the investigator it's very easy this business. it's a road to wealth. the resort is in laos but it runs in beijing time the signs are in mandarin and the yen is the main currency here. >> both the government's of laos and china have a responsibility to fulfill their commitments and end the illegal wild life trade. >>reporter: now the environmental investigation agency is calling on the governments of china and laos to investigate the area. but as ever the question is will it lead to any meaningful
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action. while america's unemployment rate may have dipped, the labor market is still facing serious problems. one of them is the threats to jobs posed in a rise of automation. >>reporter: this is not a story about how one day robots may kill us all. it is a story about how robots may soon take our jobs. this is herb. the home exploring robot butler and he's here to help us. >> we're putting her into a home with the elderly and disabled community and trying to extend independent living. >>reporter: it's a comforting vision of automation robots enhancing our quality of life spread across a population with more leisure time. except that's not how things seem to be working out. >> it's true that invasion creates job categories but automation is accelerating the
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pace in calls we have poor unemployment. >>reporter: a study at oxford university in 2013 found that robots and artificial intelligence could soon replace nearly half of all jobs in the u.s. from transportation and logistics to administrative and service industry jobs. they're called collaborative robots. >> take me to the radiology department at the hospital or where exactly can i buy this thing in the supermarket. they help you a lot. >>reporter: depending on the person who owns the machine. >> yes and programs it.
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>>reporter: the eventual control of these machines is the key issue of the social implications of robotics robotics. so academics are looking at alternative models like teaching communities to master the new technology themselves understand their problems and then we teach them to use new technology to change their relationship to their quality of life so that they're not any longer victims but rather inventors of their future. corporate america is not going to council that. >>reporter: for now, they need our help for example, to use an elevator. that won't always be the case. perhaps this is a good moment to work out some guidelines for how we will all share the world in the future. a german airline is cancelling hundreds of strikes as pilots begin a strike.
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some 80,000 passengers have been affected. pilots are walking out for two days in a running dispute over early retirement >> on "america tonight": >> king's bay is one of the only places in the world where you can swim with and even touch groups of endangered florida man manatees. >> ma'am, you're not supposed to be in there. >> set off a passionate debate. >> where do you draw the line? >> i think people should not touch the animals or attempt to. >> in his spare time when he's not running his septic business
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