tv News Al Jazeera March 20, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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bloc >> dozens of shia houthis are killed as suicide bombers dedicate explosions in mosque in sana'a. also coming up talks resumed to find a way out of libya's political impasse with a warning that agreement must be found urgently. and we meet the team backing up iraq's history for generations. and the cellular eclipse thrill stargazers in the arctic
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but clouds spoil the view for others. ♪ hello, a series of attack targeting houthi rebels has killed at least 90 people in yemen. the government compound in northern yemen was also targeted. >> reporter: the attackers new the mosques would be packed for friday prayers. in the heart of yemen's capitol, sana'a two mosques were targeted. both belong to the sect of islam who control the capitol. witnesses stay the first explosion was inside one mosque. another one off at the gate when people fled. rescuers struggled to deal with the high number of casual advertise. dozens of bodies were taken out. the hospitals appealed for blood
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donations nchlts the attacks happened a day after intense fighting in the airport in aden. that's where yemen's president has been trying to build a power base ever since he was forced out of the capitol by the houthi advance. for hours, intense battles raged between his supporters and fighters who support ali abdullah saleh. as these skirmishes continued an air strike hit another part of the country. >> translator: what has happened today is a crime to be condemned by everyone in yemen. the blame lies on those supporting suicide attacks. everyone knows in yemen that there is coalition between al-qaeda and hadi. the coalition is being supported by regional countries and international powers. >> reporter: these tribesmen
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loyal to hadi, say they are carrying owl military maneuvers to prepare for houthi advances. >> translator: we need to defend ourselves. if the enemy wants to attack us we will also attack with them. >> translator: we have no confidence in any agreement signed by the houthis. >> reporter: the bat toll control yemen is between shia houthis, sunni tribes and al-qaeda fighters. and as the fighting continues more yemenese are dying. ♪ u.n. brokered talks have resumed in morocco seeking a way out of the ongoing political instability in libya. taking part are representatives from the two competing governments. it's hoped that by sunday an
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agreement will be reached on the formation of a unity government with a knew prime minister. adding urgency to the talks is the museum attack in tunisia. hashem ahelbarra has more. >> reporter: another round of talks to narrow differences between libya's warring factions. the u.n. says that the only way out to break the political impasse is for both parties to make concessions. >> but this should be a decisive moment, because we are as i said before, in -- in previous meetings running out of time. you know that in the last days we have seen more fighting. we have seen air strikes. we have seen more actions by daesh, not only in libya, but
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also in the region. >> reporter: but libya's feuding factions remain more divided than ever. the united nations recognized house of representatives in tobruk insists its the only legitimate authority in libya. >> we have basic differences especially about legitimacy of both parties. we feel that the parliament is the legitimate body through the elections, and we feel that gnc is coming into the political scene with no real basis for that. >> reporter: these are members of the tripoli-based general national congress. they say they are the ones who control more territory. >> translator: right now we need to reach out to the tobruk delegation face-to-face so we can continue to what they want because libya is in crisis.
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>> reporter: but this is the fan who's fate hangs in the balance. he is the army chief backed by tobruk. but the tripoli delegation has bun condition, if there is a deal he should go. but he has always maintained he is the only guarantee against the rise of isil-affiliated groups. >> translator: they come from niger, sudan, mali. what we need are weapons and ammunition only. >> reporter: but the international community doesn't seem willing to deliver weapons to him, fearing that move might eye leen at it armed factions loyal to tripoli. the united nations and the international community remain for the time being determined to give diplomacy a chance and have the divided factions agree
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on a national unity government disband militias and form an army that can lead the flight against isil in libya. a deteriorating security situation in libya has dominated the final day of e.u. talks in brussels. leaders are discussing ways to help unify the rival governments, but it said it would not act without an official request from the u.n. the whole situation in libya, well that dominated the second day of this european union leaders summit in brussels, and although is short on detailed proposals on how the european union is going to get involved in securing the peace in libya, everyone sang from the same hem sheet. only in the event of a political deal and once a national unity government has been put into place. the european union is of course
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partly funding the talks that are going on in morocco, and they really feel they have an investment in the outcome of those talks. we're not talking about a huge military commitment, but we are talking about status missions to build up the libyan national army. we may see european troops on the ground securing libya's borders. which for the european union would by quite a departure from its normal activities. why you might ask that this is all of a sudden such a big priority for the european union? well, i guess it's the deterioration in libya, and the realization that libya is clearly the jumping off point for this terrible ongoing migration issue, which the europeans are very concerned about, and with the rise and spread of isis in libya, i think
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that's really focusing people's minds, and they realize they need to do something about it. >> sky gazers on remote arctic islands have been thrilled with a total solar eclipse. the natural wonder was also viresable for viewers from europe africa and asia. >> reporter: they say it's all about timing and when it all comes together in the skies, it does so so spectacularly. and as the moon cast a shadow over the earth, the celestial mechanics were in full swing. there was only one place to look in the faroe islands and that was up. even for those who had seen it all before excitement at what was unfolding. >> the sun is shining on the water, and then it gets
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completely dark out there. that's the -- you cannot see the eclipse, but you can see the result of the eclipse. >> reporter: then darkness descended like a blanket covering this rugged north. one of only two places in the world to experience this total eclipse. we're now in totality. the moon has cast its shadow over where we are. now we're in darkness and it feels really quite eerie. cloud obscured some of the distinct celestial features often seen during an eclipse, but now the moon could clearly be seen in front of the sun. and then out of the shadows we are back into the light. >> i have tears in my eyes almost. so it was incredible. >> this eclipse has brought more than 9,000 sky gazers from
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across the world to the faros, all hoping to witness something special in spite of the cloud. >> it makes you feel aware of the immensity of the universe and i think that's what you come for. >> i didn't expect it to get dark that quickly or for the light to just filter in. it was really cool. >> we saw the thin presence and we did see almost a full circle of the moon. it was worth coming for. >> reporter: the faros won't experience another total eclipse for several hundred years. many here though are already looking forward, willing to chase the moon's shadow wherever it falls. that's amazing. it was very disappointing here in london. nothing to see at all. still to have uber cars really overtaken new york's iconic yellow cabs? and how could chilean
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>> the stream, >> your digital community >> you pick the hot topics and express your thoughts the stream it's your chance to join the conversation only on al jazeera america ♪ the top stories here on al jazeera. three explosions targeting houthis in yemen have killed at least 90 people and injured 280 others. the bombs went off during friday prayers in two mosques in sana'a. the united nations-lead peace talks between two libyan factions have begun again in morocco. and parts of the northern hemisphere have been treated to
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a rare solar eclipse. tourists flocked to the faroe islands islands. deadline talks on iran's nuclear program have wrapped up for the week. iran's negotiators have returned home saying more consultation and coordination is needed. the two sides will meet again on wednesday. i asked marie huff what was holding up discussions. >> it's hard to say what the biggest area of negotiation is. on our side we're very concerned about iran's pathway to a nuclear weapon and of course iran is most focused on the sanctions relief and how and when that might come about. all of the issues are still being worked through. we're up against the end of the month for the deadline, and hopefully we can make more
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progress. vladimir putin made a proposal at a meeting with his counterparts from kazakhstan and belarus. but with its economy in trouble its neighbors are also feeling the pinch. >> reporter: 100,000 liters of milk on a given day. but the company which also exports fruit juices to russia sees trouble ahead. russia's economy, not kazakhstan's is hurting business. >> translator: our profit margins are going down because our prices are fixed in rubles secondly consumers have started crossing into russia to buy cheaper products. >> reporter: russian imports have got cheaper, kazakhstan's
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producers are losing money. imagine waking up and discovering your money had lost 20% of its value overnight? well that happened here in kazakhstan twice. first in 2009 and again last year. and on both occasions it was down in part to russia performing badly. and the fear is it could happen again. because kazakhstan's economy is closely tied to russias. they both already have a treat trade agreement along with belarus. last year they signed an agreement promising even closer integration. >> translator: for me this agreement is well balanced and competently made and takes into account the interests of all of our countries. [ applause ] >> reporter: but some economists believe kazakhstan's president was too caught up in the moment. >> translator: he wanted himself
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to be seen as a leader in the eyes of the post soviet countries, as a person who created a great new regional union, but the economic aspects weren't properly thought through. so we see a negative situation for kazakhstan, which is unlikely to improve in the near future. >> reporter: what goes down must eventually come back up. the ruble will strengthen oil prices will rise. but light at the end of the tunnel seems a long way off. robin forestier-walker al jazeera. syrian opposition forces have been shelling assad government forces in the city of idlib. the opposition said the attacks are in retaliation for the regime's use of chemical weapons on civilians on tuesday. iraqi troops are recaptured key land east of tikrit. the whole area surroubing the oil fields is now under
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government control. iraqi authorities say the skroup had been using crude oil from the fields to fuel their campaign there isil shocked the world when its fighters carried out attacks on cultural heritage sites. and the iraqi national library has decided to put in measures designed to protect the country's priceless archives. >> reporter: this is one way to keep cultures safe. archivists are scanning thousands of rare books and historic documents. if they are ever destroyed. the information will live on in a digital library. >> it's a means of protecting your cultural heritage to save the original copies and to present or provide the readers with the copies. >> reporter: these are snapshots
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of the past. a feminist magazine from the 1920s. for the past 12 years, this man has been trying to share as much of iraq's past as possible. he and his staff have themselves played a role in iraq's recent history. in 2003 when baghdad fell this building itself was set on fire. the fire burned for two days, destroying hundreds of thousands of books and documents with it. this was literally rebuilt from think ashes. huh behas doubled the archive's election of official documents. the library houses saadam hussein's extensive book collection. as well as the collection from the toppled monarchy. and books from the huge jush wish community. they have started scanning documents signed by the jews in
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the 1950s, just before they were deported. it's part of an agreement with the u.s. to contribute to iraq jews. but he wants iraqis to see them as well. >> they have a very important unifying effect because they are the formation of an identity. there are not sectarians. they have had ethnic damage. they will help remedy the wounds of the past. >> reporter: more than 1,000 years ago, baghdad was the center of knowledge. home to the world's great libraries, and the arab world's greatest poets. those an inchenth -- ancient libraries were also destroyed, but their legacy has survived.
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an express train has derailed in an northern india district. an engine and two coaches left the tracks after the brakes failed. it's reported that niger and chad armies have found the bodies of at least 70 people in a mass deprave in a town recently retaken from boko haram. the bodies in the grave appear to be the victims of the armed group. boko haram was forced from the town on saturday. many residents had already fled and shops and businesses were looted. in another recently liberated town, boko haram has killed 11 residents who returned home. ite -- ethiopia has burned tons of ivory confiscated from
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traders. they have lost 90% of their elephant population in the last three decades. poaching has surged in the sub saharan region. police in the afghan capitol have arrested seven men suspected of murdering a woman for burning the quran. one of the most basic human needs, but in latin america millions of people lack access to clean drinking water. >> reporter: water is essential
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for life yet one in ten people cannot access a single glass at home. millions live too far away from rivers and lakes or have seen their water sources contaminated or simply disappear during prolonged drought. but what if they could access clean water any time anywhere out of thin air? >> that's the promise of fresh water. a machine that does just that. by extracting moisture from the air just like a cloud. >> reporter: what this machine was is form a small cloud inside that generates water. the air passes through here and we cool it. if you touch it it's cold. the water is produced through condense condensation condensation. i'll show you. >> reporter: it's raining on my hand. fresh water is the brain child of this chiliian naval engineer.
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an industrial designer and a forestry engineer put together the prototype in this innovation center called social lab, where each startup aims to fulfill a social need. >> translator: we want everyone to have a well in their home and not depend on water currents or if it rains. people can have unlimited water supplies. water is for everyone. >> translator: if there's no electricity you plug the machine into a solar panel. it is self sustainable. it consumes very little energy. >> reporter: it's nasa technology simplified. the prototype produces between 9 and 30 liters a day, depending on climate conditions. it is almost 40 degrees out here, everything is dry as you can see, and there's practically no moisture in the air, but even in these extreme conditions and even in the desert we are told
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the fresh water machine is able to extract moisture and produce drinking water. the only drawback right now seems to be the price. roughly $1,000. but its creators want to eventually make it more affordable, their contribution towardss quenching the global thrust. on saturday we'll take you to where for many getting water can involve a long trek. a french couple have been given a two year suspended sentence for hiding 271 picasso masterpieces in their garage for nearly four decades. he claims to have been given the collection with picasso's
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consent before he died. the works have been ceased and will be returned to the picasso administration, which represents the artists heirs. lawyers for the couple are appealing against the ruling. since founded in 2009, uber taxis has gone global picking up people in cities across the planet. it is alleged that uber cars now outnumber the iconic yellow cab. >> reporter: the new york city taxicab, an icon of the city who's popularity might be fading. more often new yorkers and tourists alike are calling for an uber car that can be summoned via smartphone app. it's become so popular, uber vehicles now outnumber yellow cabs in new york city. and uber drivers like eduardo
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are part of the reason why. >> everybody is talking about uber in new york. passenger normally they say to me they love uber. you know? it -- uber changed the city. >> reporter: but don't quite the obituary for the yellow taxi just yet. there are still on average over 400,000 yellow taxicab rides in new york city, 20 times more than uber rides. that's okay for this uber driver. >> there's a lot of business out here, and there's enough to go around. >> reporter: if uber isn't in the city you live in now, chances are it might be very soon. it has become so successful it has been flooded with venture capital money from investors. it is now thought to be worth
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more than $40 billion. that's money that will come in handy as its continues an aggressive expansion. uber is now available in over 270 cities and 55 countries, where every a purple dot appears. but such rad pid growth hasn't come without controversy, they have been hit with court injunctions in five countries. and in china and india, local competitors claim to still have bigger market share. but in the city that never sleeps uber has taken root faster and deeper than anybody could have imagined perhaps threatening the famous yellow icon of the city. preparations are underway across asia and the middle east to commemorate the persian new year or newroz. the event is one of the most important events in the persian calendar and has been celebrated in various ways since 555 bc.
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plenty more stories for you any time on our website. the address is and you can watch us by clicking on the watch live icon. that's hi, i am lisa fletcher and you are in the stream. prediction that cyber attacks of far greater scale could be around the corner. will americans confidence in the economy be more closely tied to cyber security lus, unlocking medical mysteries in cuba. and forget dropping a check in the mail, $5 billion just this year instantly transferred hands by a social media platforms. what it means for you and the banks.
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