tv Inside Story Al Jazeera March 26, 2015 7:30am-8:01am EDT
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and out challenged the world of the yemeni people, so a coalition of arab countries coming from solidarity with yemen people and its presidency and its will to spart the gulf initiative and its mechanisms and the national dialogue and its results. it was important and necessary that we respond to the call of the president hadi and his government and egypt declared its military and political support and the participation with the coalition with air and naval force from egypt and -- and land force if necessary based on the historic egyptian responsibility to preserve the
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arab security and gulf security. ladies and gentlemen, our main issue in the arab world is palestine and its hitting our agenda and will remain one of the primary interests of us until a comprehensive and just peace have been in the region, which will be a result of enablinging the palestinian people of restoring all its rights according to the international resolutions. we are not going to rest until the palestinian state is happening with its capital at east he were jerusalem. to achieve this just cause, we have to continue the pressure until the international community takes the responsibility to stand firm against the israeli practices that undermine the hopes in resolving the palestinian issue. our standing beside the
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palestinian people will continue and from here, we are hosting egypt hosted the conference of rehabilitation and reconstruction of gaza last october. we are obliged or calling on the countries to oblige to fulfill their pledges during that conference to relieve the humanitarian crisis that our people in gaza are facing. it's well known that egypt is very interested and concerned of what's happening on israeli territory. we can not keep silent while fighting is occurring there with its result of strengthening the terrorist organizations and enabling country that we have joint borders on land and sea. our position is very clear and we expressed it in several
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occasions. we recognize the legitimacy of the elected parliament and the government that came from the parliament. they represent the free world of libyan people through elections that no one suspected it's father and we are calling for this government to take its responsibility towards the libyan people and the national security from other summit until a government of nationals agreement is formed and it gets the confidence of the parliament. about the political dialogue and the united nations auspices who agreed to get involved in the political process and abandon violence, we are supporting this political process which is
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actually seen some successes and will reflect the required reconciliation and preserve integrity of the libyan territory. this is a description that everyone has agreed on since the syrian crisis, egypt has decided through its diplomatic means and all its efforts to reach a peaceful resolution to this crisis, and maintain the unity of the syrian state and reach desperation of the syrian people continuing the same line what our arab countries dictate and our responsibilities towards syrian and the syrian people, that we -- we will
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continue to support the syrian opposition more expanded support for the syrian opposition to reach a acceptable political solution. we hope to reach this landmark for comprehensive political solution through our second meeting for the syrian opposition meeting conference that will be held in spring and egypt. in this context, we are asking the international community and those who ever influence in syria to work against -- to work in a decisive syrian political manager to reach a political agreement in syria. your honors and excellecencies, the arab league has worked hard
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to reach this objective to the country's oblige with the international request but these have not found their way to implementation yet especially that israel has not yet obliged by these conventions and it has refused to join the organization for disarmament and insists to possess a huge nuclear arsenal which is a huge charge a international security and this creates an imbalance in international justice. we have to reevaluate this entire issue and put down a agreement how arab countries should deal with this in the coming days and months. we are aiming towards a large conference and summit that will discuss the issue of disarmament. your excellent sees.
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it is dictated that we take into consideration the -- after the decline of arab hopes that came out of the arab revolutions without feeling any developments or improvement in their lives. >> the committee is aiming to improve and definitely roll the impact. i hope that these items will be put on the agenda and given the time they deserve so we can come up with the right solutions. your excellencies, this period
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we are facing as arab countries necessitates that a huge responsibility in front of god and in front of our people. we have to live up to these challenges, and these are the headlines for the coming period as an arab league. we have to direct things so we serve the interests of our people and the unity of our countries instead of our responses remaining as reactive and the increasing crisis that we are witnessing from every side. our future dependency in the coming years on how we are -- how much we are successful in dealing with the challenges that we face and hard times that we are facing. the arab issues have forced itself on the agenda of this
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summit and these issues all relate to the arab national security in a direct way or indirect way and the hope that this summit will come out with decisions that are practical and that are effective in dealing with the situation. in this context egypt has proposed anar rob force collective arab force that is able to deal with these challenges that will be a symbol of our will and our decision to protect our national security. we hope also that this summit will take decisions relevant decision to implement these initiatives. i conclude, i reemphasize that this stage we are witnessing that lots of opportunities, as
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well as challenges. and i hope, i urge you that this summit becomes an initial a new beginning in our history. that whereby we meet the hopes and aspiration of our people that we can all be pride of and that the coming arrangements can arrangements be proud of. >> mr. their man your royal highnesses, your excellencies,
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presidency noting his leadership and role played by kuwait under the leadership and the support to the arab it is state. ride before your eyes is a detailed report of the efforts exerted by the presidency of the summit to put into action the resolutions handed down. in particular, i congratulate the safe return of -- i also welcome the foreign minister of yemen for his participation. to begin with, and before delving into the ground works of the summit, i would like to reiterate the significance of
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the results of storm operation lawfulled by saudi arabia, reemphasizing the absolute support. this is a pinpoint operation against particular targets in yemen where which is hitting the call of the penalty of yemenal hadi, who is representing the legitimacy of yemen. this operation is meant to support the local legitimate president and his local government to put an end to the coup initiated by houthi group and measures taken by them again is the national will of the people, as legitimized in the outcome of the national dialogue and the initiative of the gulf cooperation council.
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the operation is based on and built on the resolutions of the legal arab state, also on the joint defense agreement called the parties to this agreement any aggression to any party to this agreement is aggression to all the states, and that's why yemen acted in its local right to self defense apartment parties signatory to the agreement should take the measures and all considerable means, including the armed force to fend off the aggression and restore peace and stability and implementation of the charter article six and article 51 of the u.n. charter immediately. the council of the arab league, together with the security cancel will be notified of the
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aggression that's taken place and of course this has taken place as the yemeni president has applied to both the security council and league of arab states to take measures to defend the yemeni people, restore stability and court and fend off the houthi aggression mainly in the south and also provide assistance to yemen to stand up to al-qaeda and isil. what is yemen witnessing today mandates that we should consider the measures collective measures and initiative in order are to stand up and confront these huge challenges namely fighting the radical terrorist groups which is representing the most imminent and grave dangers. it also undermines the national security of the arab states. the resolution handled down by the ministerial council of the
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league of arab states for the fighting terrorism standing up you and counting and uprooting terrorism, noting the study made by the secretary general of the arab -- league of arab state's whereby which was circulated among all the members states. in this respect, i would like to reiterate that certain practical and workable measures must be adopted not only militarily, but also extends to include cultural religious and societal, which breed radical and terrorism in all its forms. consensus and agreement upon these measures will lead the joint arab action to advance and it will also represent a collective arab response towards
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maintaining the arab national security and standing up to all the threats hovering above us. egypt has made the proposal of certain issues and i hope they will be endorsed. mr. chairman the adoption of new measures workable and practical to address the outcomes of the palestinian cause which remains the focal and central cause of all the arabs, in addition to addressing the number of aggravating crisis in libya syria and yemen have become a compelling need that require not only the public opinion, but also the international community to consider and put into implementation all the resolutions to be handed down by this summit. needless to say that the repercussions of all these crises have exacerbated the dangers of terrorism. there is a coalition interrelation between both of
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them undermining the national security of the arab states leading to foreign intervention into the territories and affairs of the arab states. before i conclude, as i will be presenting a detailed report of the summit, i would like to reiterate that it is significant to ponder and consider all the proposals late in your hands and mentioned by the chairman together with the practical measures in order to cope up with and develop the developments and live up to the responsibilities on our shoulders. in this respect i repeat, and i reiterate that this responsibility is an arab state responsibility that will enable us to achieve all our aspirations and aspirations of the people for the safe, stable, prosperous future, and i hope and i'm certain that this summit will be able to endorse the new
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charter of the league are arab states. thank you mr. chairman. >> thank you secretary general of the united states. i request the media and representatives to leave as we will be convening an in camera session to discuss the grave situation of yemen. >> the grave swayings in yemen there, the focus of discussions going on amongst foreign ministers at the arab league summit being held. we heard from the egyptian foreign minister there moments ago talking about the possibility of collective arab force being put together to try and intervene in some of the crises burning around the arab world. he said egypt was providing
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aerial and naval support and perhaps ready to commit ground groups to the conflict in yemen if necessary. he said it was a stage facing the arab world full of opportunities, as well as challenges. lets bring in our correspondent here you've covered yemen extensively. watching this, one question is how far is the arab league going to go in putting together some sort of collective joint arab force? >> we have already seen signs of this. we have seen action instead of words and that's something we haven't actually been seeing for a long time. >> in the arab world. >> i was a child when the arab league, you know, that something that looks like this happened in the mid 1970's when the arab league met and decided to sane force to lebanon so from the 1970's until this moment. >> it's been a long -- >> we have seen arabs joining the u.s. in its campaigns in
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iraq and the other canaries, we have seen that in iraq, also the campaign against isis, but we haven't seen such amount of arab action and surprising arab action led by arab countries. this is unprecedented. >> this has been a saudi led g.c.c. operation. is this turning into a wide are arab league operation? >> exactly. the situation in yemen was in the hands of the gcc and we have seen the efforts that we have they have done during the last two years, trying to manage that swayings, trying to lead yemen into a peaceful transition to democracy. it's very clear that that effort has been stalled failed to some extent because of the houthi coo in yemen and saudi wants to make this an arab action instead of a gulf action. that gives them more legitimacy, more support more regional preparation and means to do this and i think they have -- i think
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it's a smart move on their part. >> one wonders if this is leading to some sort ofar ran realignment. who thought we would see yemenis holding pictures of a saudi king. loyalties are being redefined. >> alight is already there. in iraq, we see a chunk of iraqi people thinking iran is the savior and huge chunk of iraq people aligning with other forces. we have seen it in lebanon and syria but this is unprecedented when we compare it to what happened in these other countries, unprecedented action taken by the saudis and their allies in the gulf and now we have seen egypt expressing not only to contribute aircraft, but also ground troops and air and sea force so it's unprecedented. i think it's a huge success we
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haven't seen in a long time. >> we see this beyond the arab world. we had messages of support, with he heard from turkey, there's a comment from pakistan saying it's looking into the possibility or to a request for it to join military activity. however could this go? >> exactly exactly. remember that these countries these are majority sunni countries and we are facing a situation where, you know, a group that is supported by iran has taken over power in yemen and there are fears across the region not only in the arab countries, but also in turkey and pakistan that iran might be spreading in fluence and its control inside the arabian peninsula and probably the outskirts of the arabian peninsula, the adjacent country these countries are primarily concerned by the influence in this region. it's understandable that turkey and pakistan show some kind of support. the fear is this might be regionalized and iran might
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interfere, because iran has been doing exercises not far from the gulf of aden just a couple of weeks ago that, i mean, it's yes, there are fears and there are concerns that this might actually spill over, you know, in other regions not just in the arabian peninsula it's a very dangerous situation. >> it's interesting commentators used to talk about proxy conflict between iran and saudi arabia. this seems to taking things to a higher level in the division between sunni powers and shia groups and powers. >> they will tell you they haven't been willing to interfere militarily in yemen because they have been giving time to diplomacy, trying to get the divert sides to come to the negotiation table. they offered to host talks in saudi arabia. you remember the gulf initiative and so on. what the saudis now are saying i guess a the houthis and iran
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that taken at a first step towards escalation, because iran remember, during the last few weeks has been sending ships to yemen to the houthi to the port, they have been building the airports ensanna, she have been sending, they have also started a direct flight, direct flights, weekly flights daily flights, 14 a week between tehran and sanna without the approval of the legitimate government. in the eyes of the saudi arabia and its allies, this has been already an escalation and iran has already intervened or interfered not just via their proxy group the hooters but now are on the ground. the only legitimate step or logical step for saudi arabia is to do action directly enyemen. >> one wonders whether this is a sign perhaps of the feeling of vulnerability amongst many arab sunni states. perhaps in the past, they may have looked into outside help and now feeling that either
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western powers are losing interest or ability to enter vein, or that perhaps some of them are cutting a deal with iran over the nuclear issue and it's time for gulf arab states and arab states in general to perhaps pursue their own interests, is that what's going on as they look to what's happening in iraq and yemen main areas where there is this perception that iranian interests are on the rise instead of arab interests? >> saudi has been waiting giving time to the americans to show that they are doing something that they can actually curb iran or do something that will prevent iran from encroaching on the region. now it seems the saudis are saying enough is enough, we can't wait for the americans to solve this problem or curb iran. the iranians are in negotiations
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with the united states, now saying from their interference, the action, we have he seen in yemen, enough is enough. we can't wait for the americans or any outside power to solve the problems of the region to curb the iranian influence. it's time for the arabs to react and they have started to do that. >> what's also perhaps interesting is how this fight will develop internally in yemen. you have forces loyal to the president al saleh coming out with the houthi rebellion you against abu bakr al-baghdadi. >> al saleh is a masterful player in war and now he's again resorting to the same tactics. the reports coming from yemen today and overnight are suggesting that his troops have vanished, the troops that were
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loyal to him in the south have almost vanished. you know, they -- you can't distinguish them from the civilians. he used the houthis according to every account used the houthis to strike against his enemies in the government that came to power after his removal and the houthis ever succeeded in doing exactly that. now that the houthis are under attack al saleh can try to lie low and say that he's not part of this conflict. he's trying to save whatever he can save of his power and men until this storm passes, but we don't know if that calculation will actually work for him. >> calculation has been pulling arab troops to fill sort of the vacuum there is a very complicated calculation, is it not, especially when if we talk about the possibility of egyptian troops, ground troops getting involved in yemen that's a historically sensitive issue, too. >> very sensitive and we have
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seen it in the past when the egyptians were stuck in the quagmire of yemen for years. yes, it is a very serious undertaking for the egyptians to take. now you that it is not just egypt alone, they have the saudi to say commit troops, probably egyptians feel this time around,ette can be a successful endeavor because other countries joining. it's problematic once inside mountainous country very difficult facing a guerilla war. they are saying other countries are committing ground troops, this will be a much easier exercise than when the egyptians interfered in yemen many years ago. >> all right. our correspondent shedding some light and nationals on the yemen situation, having covered it for years. we appreciate your thoughts.
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>> let's attack you more into detail of our top story the saudi airstrikes in yemen a saudi led coalition launched strikes against houthi rebels there. we have the latest. >> operation decisive storm started in the early hours of thursday. saudi arabia said it has launched airstrikes against the houthi rebels with the aim of reversing the houthi coo and restoring legitimacy in yemen. >> the choice is very simple there, abide by this process and become legitimate players in yemeni politics, or they will not be -- they will certainly not be allowed to take every the country. >> 100 jets from saudi arabia and the gulf coalition were involved in the airstrikes. the saudis say they have only targeted houthi military positions in strategic locations around the country saying they want to restore
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