tv Inside Story Al Jazeera March 26, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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was unknown until discovered by archeologists three years ago that's the new, i'm randall pinkston, thanks for joining us. for the latest news head to "inside story" is next. the public shoving match between president obama and israel's prime minister. it might make for good theatre but as the war of word buildings over whether the israeli leader wants a palestine fact alongside. the israeli minister apologised to its citizens the obama administration is not done with its criticism.
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is this what the countries have to look forward to until one leader or the other leaves office. it's "inside story". i'm ray suarez, welcome to "inside story". we have been here before. earlier in the obama presidency joe biden was in israel. it was seen as a humiliating thumb in the eye for the binyamin netanyahu government to announce a major settlement expansion in east jerusalem, while joe biden was in the country, followed by a fill back and forth, this time with president obama dishing it out with binyamin netanyahu in the white house. later a public and some said condescending lecture, from the american president in washington. reporters scripled notes, ups
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and downs predating this american president. bill clinton's ambassador to israel. they tell of another major announcement as the secretary of state left israel. she called the ambassador and shouted you tell biby that he needs to stop worrying about his right wing and start worrying about the united states. does israel worry about the united states. naturally any country has to worry about itself but when the bilateral nation - when does self-interest dictate a stoil, tone honest agreement and compromise. "the wall street journal"'s report on israeli spying. got us wondering about that. we are joined by dan ar bell. we are joined by a former israeli diplomat. welcome back to the program.
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the israeli president asked binyamin netanyahu to form the next government and called the nates our biggest ally saying keeping relations with the u.s. is a top job. is that part of every israeli's job description. >> absolutely. it's part of every israeli prime minister's job. the president put it on his lift due to tension. u.s.-israel relations has been an issue that every prime minister dedicated his tenure too. nurtured and promoted it. unfortunately, under the circumstances, the president found it necessary to remind the prime minister that that's a duty to take care of business with the united states.
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>> there has been tense times before. >> yes, there have been. in the early '80s. between the regan administration, over the swale of awa, and air planes to saudi arabia. there was a clash. in the early '90s, between gw bush and others. they've managed to work out differences or agreed to disagree in a cordial manner and move on. i don't remember i can't recall the crisis of relationship that we have seen. president obama is less popular there than brief nous american benefits, does that give binyamin netanyahu a freer hand to be tough with the united states. >> surrounding the speech to congress and the brouhaha around it absolutely would help
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binyamin netanyahu achieve this development to speak to congress. the second is the issue that the iran nuclear issue. there's a consensus, there's a strategic threat. so binyamin netanyahu have the support of israeli people when he came and spoke to congress. >> then in the closing hours before the votes started to be counted, the prime minister of israel says two things that got in the american president's craw. one there wasn't going to be a 2-state solution, and two, a way of whipping up supporters to head to the polls. he gave the vision of ar apps implicitly as a threat a problem, a political gesture by
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their enemies that they had to count e with their own votes. that was not accepted well. was that a risky did you suggest. >> he knew what he was doing. it's not that he had no clue. he knew the consequences. this is part of a 4-day media splits. he realises that he needs to lure voters. voters to support light wing parties and the likud party. he presented voters with an option. if you don't vote for the likud party, you end up with a left-leaning group willing to make compromises. do you want that or four years with me and my problems and incompetency on some issues. it's me or them. so he's managed to communicate
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the message to his political base. luring votes from right wing parties, achieving victory. >> so it looks like the united states - with the apology by binyamin netanyahu voters. by the going back on the statement about the 2-state solution. the american administration seems to be ready to let the prime minister twist in the wind before letting him down on the hook. >> i think what we see is unprecedented. it's a serious point. there's deep suspicion and mistrust and lack of confidence that exists at the top level from the president down towards binyamin netanyahu and his intentions now they are putting pressure on him with the aim of trying to see if he's walking back on some statements that he
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made, like an apology to arab community or recommitting to the 2-state solution they'll test him by his deeds. he will have to prove that he's ready to play ball or move forward on the israeli palestinian negotiations or not. he'll be called for it. >> is oslo dead is the 2-state solution really not in the cards? >> it's a million dollar question. now we don't know where binyamin netanyahu is heading. what his true intentions are. time will tell whether this is the end of a 2-state solution. the u.s. administration is continuing to back and promote this. 50% of public support is there more so. this remains to be seen as to how they handle this issue as he assembles the collision was the
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sfu government starts working. >> after the give week both sides said the relationship goes on no matter what don't worry. are they right about that. with weeks like these last difficult weeks, there's something solid and enduring about the bit lateral that will survive whatever politicians take the two jobs. >> the u.s. relationship is robust, strong has been there for decades, it's multifaceted. the political desconnect at the top is knew something we have not seen before and it needs to be repaired. binyamin netanyahu has to commit and people in washington in the administration has to look at how to engage. the two gentlemen have 22 months to work together and there are issues and challenges they need to face together.
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definitely we shall see in which direction this is going. >> no one predicted a stare dawn between president obama and binyamin netanyahu. our next guest says if president obama doesn't back off. it could force binyamin netanyahu to attack iran. that debate is coming up. stay with us it's "inside story".
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>> on al jazeera america >>'s a vital part of who we are... >>they had some dynamic fire behavior... >> and what we do... don't try this at home! >> tech know where technology meets humanity... only on al jazeera america welcome back to "inside story" on al jazeera america. i'm ray suarez. president obama is not letting binyamin netanyahu off the hook for his election eve repudiation
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of the establishment of a palestinian state. if israelis of all political stripes hope this blows over it hasn't yet. does president obama have a case for being annoyed, suspecting that years of talks between various secretaries of state, palestinian leader and binyamin netanyahu were really all just a waste of time. away from israel to slow-walk the peace process, all the while denigrating the palestinian's commitment to peace. fred flights is with us in washington. senior vice president at the center for security policy and heather herbert, from the new north america foundation. that good a bad reception in washington a 2-state solution remark before the polls opened. what do you make of that? >> it did, let's not be shocked that a politician did something. we know that prime minister
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binyamin netanyahu has been skeptical about the 2-state solution. the problem is the politician never showed interest. >> he has conditions to get to the two states. the palestinians never agreed. >> is it more serious when the issue that we are talking about is one that three american president said in a row has given a lot of time to. >> president binyamin netanyahu has been on every side. the bigger problem for the united states is as a world leader and a county ha has relationships, that we go around saying we are working with israel towards a 2-state solution, and look at other countries, which it need to work with in the world and say, yes, that thing we've been saying maybe not. the problem is yes, he was a
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politician being a politician. it has broader matter. >> is it that fair. the united states has more fines. israel's worried about israel. >> i understand the art. my concern - this touches on what your last guest said we have always had differences with israel and our friends. they should be dealt with privately. we shouldn't air dirty roundry publicly. that's my problem with the administration, it's taking on israel in a public way, a way hurting the security of both country. >> the united states can hardly get on a high horse about spying on friends. there's a report carried in "the wall street journal" about israel spying on the u.s. iran nuke talks and the united states spies on a lot of friendly countries, and taking some of
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that information and giving it to congressional republicans who oppose the president's policy. is that a difference of degree and kind. >> the thing that is really different here and it goes to what you said a moment ago too is an israeli government using sensitive explanations to advantage one american political party over another, going behind the spying on your friends, which we all do. if you play out in your mind the thought experiment of what it would have been like if israeli intelligence had gone to democrats in congress at the beginning of the war, when president bush said here the stuff that you can use. imagine the reaction. we are not naive about this these are things that happen in fairest between states. for israel that relies
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profoundly on a relation with the u.s. it has to transcend politics. you have to ask is this a smart thing to do. >> i don't think the intelligence the democratic chairman of the committee, he probably benefitted from this intelligence. there's a growing bipartisan on the hill. opposed to a dangerous agreement. it destabilizes the middle east. what the israelis did was extraordinarily. assuming that they did that. they see a dire threat and administration not listening to the concerns. >> are will more serious states pursuing the iran's policy. >> i think it leads to a nuclear arms race. >> i'm also concerned if i'm
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isolating israel. israel may decide that president obama no longer has its back. and may not be propelled. >> should that be a worry for policy makers. >> i think if israel finds it more isolated than in the past it has everything to do with the politics that binyamin netanyahu chose to pursue to get reelected, and if anything. you have seen washington continue to cast vetoes for israel. washington continuing to defend israel. many long of time friends are unable to do it. i think the tone of the criticism. we stood up for you. we have stood up for you when you invited the 2012
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environment. these are the things they took back. >> what about the point if the united states pursues an agreement. this would unteether israel. free binyamin netanyahu to take action against iran. >> it's the u.s. france britain, china, russia. >> the u.s. has been a reluctant member of the group. >> it's not so much a question of the u.s. isolating israel and the rest of the community going in a direction, and israel not having strong concerns about the deal. israel saying we want to go it alone, and we want to change the democratic process in the u.s. which is how to make the foreign policy so you, washington come with us leaving behind france britain, china.
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>> you can't make the countries do what they want to do. >> is there a legitimate expectation. after, as noted. sticking its neck out for israel. that the streets somehow open as a 2-way streets. >> there'll always be a distance. >> i don't agree with the republican friends. i think they will continue to do that. but i differ with heather on the talks. these are the talks between the united states and iran. united states pushed the concessions. including concessions allow iran to operate 6,000 centrifuges, rich enuranium that it can make in weapons grade in 3 months. this is why israel is so concerned. why they went to lengths to say the deal has to stop. there's a growing bipartisan
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major city and my hope is the deal will be stopped and some day we start again with a realistic policy. >> it's perceived as such a threat in israel can't follow normal protocols with the united states. is that it. >> there's one thing that we are wrong about. it's important, it affects the choices we have. >> if it were the case that the u.s. said no we don't want to do a deal with iran the rest of the deal would follow and sanctions effective. then binyamin netanyahu would have a fair point. >> good to see you both again. thanks for joining us on "inside story". when saudi arabia and arab partners unleashed air strikes into yemen. the world's oil markets took notice. oil prices spiked. ali velshi joins us to tell us what it could mean for supply and demand and your walt. it's "inside story".
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programme on yemen's deteriorating stake. houthi rebels controlling the capital sanaa and large chunks of the country and have the government on the run of the saudi arabia joined the fight against the houthis with air strikes. our guest, former ambassador to yemen saw the escalation coming. >> there are outside players. primarily saudi arabia and iran who are turning it into something of a proxy war. so what you have are at least three players, maybe more who are taking advantage of the inherently weak yemen. and all of the political crackvacuums to play out their battles. >> egypt is prepared to join the fray saying it is prepared to send ground troops. iran renounced the moves.
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president hassan rouhani said regional powers should restrain from actions that would intensify the crisis. fears of a crisis sent petrol require. ali velshi watched that part of the story and joins us from new york. thank you for being with us. headlines are dominated by drops in the price of oil. is it a blip or a chunky rise? >> this is interesting. i want to tell you about this. when you talk n tension. we are hear about the way you get into the persian or arabian gulf. if western powers get into it. stopping the oil trading. if you look at the other side of
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things, you have something by yemen, a narrow strait through which oil tankers have to go to get from the indian ocean through to the mediterranean. the name roughly translates into gate way of anguish or gate of tears. that's the engs. the area in the indian ocean is filled with pilots. if it were to spillover. it is 18 miles at the narrowest point. that's not what it was about. it's not about oil production as it is about oil transportation through the ocean into the mediterranean. that's why you see this is the price in the spike of oil. >> it's pricing in jitters to a barrel. the world is awash in oil.
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everyone that pumps it pumped it today. put it on ships, as you say there's as much oil around when oil was cheaper. >> that's correct, there's no shortage. when things happened in iraq. it didn't affect east of the biggest oil producing remarks. you are likely to put more money today if you install oil. that's why i don't know if we'll see more of an escalation. it's 4.5% jump. it's a big jump coming off a low pace. it's so low to the price or movement in oil - potentially that could have an impact.
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>> we are not see a jump. there's stuff in iraq and syria with i.s.i.l. is more serious. why does it cause oil to jump. one is this strait gate weigh of anguish that is under threat. >> that means pictures of a tanker or a burping rig could send the prices higher and faster. the oil market makes money in a lot of ways there's a lot of ways in which it doesn't go through there. shipping through the mediterranean. they'll have to do it severe to
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close off the 18 milest point. it could happen. >> before we leave you, women have made great strides in knocking down a lot of barriers put up by men. the right to vote or serve in the military. serve in the high office. whose face appears. that's a men's only club. if women can spend them earn them. we'll have that debate on tomorrow's "inside story". that's all for this edition of the programme. get in touch on facebook follow us on twitter. get in touch next time. i'm ray suarez.
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a saudi-led coalition strakes houthi fighters in yemen for the second night as the president asks in riyadh. live from our al jazeera news hours in doha. also on the programme syrian president bashar al-assad says he's open for talks with the united states, but continues would ply. >> we look at why the co-pilot of the crashed germanwings plane is now at
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