tv News Al Jazeera March 27, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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ce. >> she became legendary. >> the finer the store the bigger the challenge. >> al jazeera america presents: "the life and crimes of doris payne". sunday, 10:00 eastern. >> welcome to the al jazeera news hour. coming up in the next 60 minutes. >> the main objective is to protect the government. >> the u.s.-led coalition carries out more airstrikes. they have called for the end of
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airstrikes and begin talks. >> wethe pilot of the plane that crashed into the french alps was flying after being signed off sick. >> we have more on sports qualifications. england having to maintain their mvp run in qualifying details coming up. >> we begin with yemen where there have been focus on houthi supply lines. the coalition says it is in full control of yemen's air space and it will prevent anyone from outside of the country were
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helping the rebels. >> now under control of the yemen army. we will continue to target the movement the concentrations of forces until we clarify all the areas that they're controlling now. >> yemen's president meanwhile arrives in egypt for an arab league summit. they have called for a cease-fire. ali abdullah saleh who has been allied with the houthies, says
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he wants a return to the u.n.-brokered peace talks. >> the situation in yemen. we've seen the rapt advance of the houthies, the military take over in aiden which forced president hadi to flee. so in that situation saudi arabia has explained the reasons for their decision to take military action in response to president had di's request and so they've sign the partnership agreement along with a security annex which called for them to withdraw from
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institutions to return seized military equipment. that's just one example of the stages where the houthis have decided to continue an armed campaign and seize control of additional territory rather than abide to the efforts. >> how does the u.s. see itself returning diplomatically if it's currently supporting a campaign to target inside yemen? how does it see that it's building a receptive situation for it to return? >> well again, this is similar to the question that was asked earlier. will we want to see a return to the dialogue process. >> but there are actions countered to that-- >> i would say the houthi's actions, which came before the saudi militariy actions are the reasons we've got this unstable
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and chaotic situation. >> does the u.s. understand maybe some of the reasons that the houthis may feel unreasonable the ongoing drone campaign shortage of electricity, food, water what does the u.s. say to that? >> well again, there has been a gcc initiative and u.n.-led process to address political issues in yemen. the united states has supported it. the u.n. security council has supported it. the way to address any concerns the houthis may have, they have spurned and taken continued military action which has brought us to this point. >> let's cross now to roslind jordan in washington, d.c. we'll get to u.s. policy in the region in just a moment,ros, but the spokesperson reiterating what the saudis believe they
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have to convince the out houthis that they can't win momentarily and then they'll get to dialogue. >> they were a part of the government of abd rabbuh mansur hadi, and they could have been more engaged. but instead they essentially according to the united states, carried out a cue and they seem to be intent upon taking over all facets of yemeni society including the country's oil fields. the u.s. is very much supporting what it says needs to be a limited campaign against the houthies. they don't believe they have active support from iran even though they have ideological sharing of beliefs but they believe it is vital to restore
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as quickly as possible. and it's not being dealt with by anyone. either by the saudi-led airstrikes or the drone campaign. >> we know ros that the u.s. said it is providing intelligence and logistical support, but any other on the saudi-led airstrikes? >> you have to look at the people whether it's egypt now deploying warships, whether it is the saudi government, which has received a healthy number of f-16 fighter jets and pilot
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training over several much decades. whether it's the gcc countries which is also allies of the u.s. all of these countries are basically acting in lock step, and they're basically doing something that they know that washington would support. that's basically what the situation is right now. >> thank you very much. >> a taking a closer look at which nations support the campaign in yemen and what the contributions. >> the airstrikes on houthi positions in yemen begin early on thursday. saudi arabia is leading this campaign. it has an estimated 100 fighter jets conducting the airstrikes and 150,000 saudi soldiers standing by the yemeni border. it is supported by a broad coalition for the gulf states.
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you see the break down here. morocco. jordan, and sudan have also contributed. although the campaign so far is centered on airstrikes, egypt has september four ships through the read sea to help secure the gulf of aden. it is vital in the oil route. egypt said it would be ready to take part in a ground offensive. now the united states said it is providing advisory and logistical help. but there is nocation still if it will allow saudis to use its air base just across the strip of water to the south of yemen. it's unclear how long this air campaign will continue, or if ground troops will be deployed, and little is known about the military capabilities of the houthis accept they're a
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well-organized force backed by regional heavyweight iran. >> iran's foreign minister has described the situation in yemen as the hot issue of the day. speaking in switzerland, they have demanded an air to the airstrikes and urged everyone involved to sit down and talk. >> my enemy's enemy is my friend. it's an ancient proverb but some say it still best explains the range of alliances in the middle east. in yemen an ongoing military operation by saudi arabia, one of u.s.' closest allies, against the houthies, that has close links with iran. yet turn to iraq, and iran and
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the u.s. find themselves on the same side as iranian units fighting along side iraqi forces while u.s. planes bomb isil positions. just across the border in syria things get even more confusing. iran and the u.s. both oppose isil here, too. however, the iranians provide direct military assistance to president bashar al-assad. while washington remains one of his fearest critics. secretary of state john kerry is negotiating with mohammed zarif. after 36 years of mistrust and antagonism these are difficult and protracted negotiations going on for months and months. both sides say they're restricted to the iran nuclear
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profile. but when you have so many people talking and living in the same hotel other issues are being discussed on the sidelines. the break in the talks foreign minister zarif went for a walk on the lake front. he confirmed to me that yemen has been discussed. >> we discuss that issue. it does not mean that we've negotiated it. >> we might have an unique opportunity to create a regional framework. >> it will make very significant changes. certainly as far as the western powers are concerned and iran is concerned. what it doesn't do is change attitudes behaviors and suspicions particularly in the
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middle east. israel and most arab governments are very suspicious of iran, and they're not very keen in this deal. >> the u.s. has a longstanding alliance with egypt saudi arabia and turkey and privately hope that a nuclear deal will bring leverage with iran too. but sometimes every action has a reaction even a most unexpected one. >> we have more to come on the al jazeera news hour. >> avalanches have torn down electricity powers and engineers are rebuilding them by hand. >> and the spark row in chile. >> and the u.s. basketball player is taking the bear necessityies to new teams.
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>> we have all that and more coming up. david? >> the latest, first of all on the german germanwings plane crash killing 150, it's been revealed that the co-pilot blamed for deliberately crashing the jet was flying that day despite being signed off as being sick. he had a history of depression. he broke off his pilot training and was under psychiatric treatment. he had sick notes from doctors showing that he had a health condition, which meant he shouldn't have flown at all on the day of the crash. lufthansa owns germanwings, and the developments are likely to
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raise questions over the screening procedures for pilots. he crashed the plane after locking the captain out of the cockpit. well from germany dominic kane reports. [ bells ringing ] >> reporter: a president pays his respect. germany's head of state joined hundreds of people at this church. the small town is mourning 16 pupils and two teachers killed in the french alps as they return from a school trip to spain. >> i came out of the church in the midst of people who had lost the most precious thing for them. a child a loved one. i wanted to mourn with them.
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>> in germany many people are struggleing to understand why the pilot flew the plane into the mountainside on purpose. german media reports that he suffered a serious bout of depression in 2009 for which he received treatment. now there is important evidence here at his parent's house and his apartment in düsseldorf that she shed new light on his state. >> the fact that there were torn up sick notes among the things found, support the assumption based on preliminary examination that the deceased hid his illness from his employer. >> at the crash site they're still looking for human remains. when they do, they'll be taken
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away for dna analysis. it will be a crow process. then there is a question of accountability. >> should it be the case that the colleague was signed off sick. someone with a sick note has no business being in a cockpit. he should have stayed home. i can't understand that. >> the families of some of the victims, mostly from germany and spain, left their own tribute at a memorial at a spot where their loved ones died. >> well, the thought on the subject now, the former pilot who told me that the airlines need an open culture and the right approach to selecting new pilots. >> certainly, it should be possible for a pilot to put their hand up and say i have a problem. and without it ruining their career prospects. if this guy had a lengthy
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history of mental problems, then one does wonder why a little bit more attention was not given. >> if there is an international conversation about this subject it presumably can only lead to a more open culture. is that something that you would like to see done? >> definitely. openness is the key. most good, well-run airlines have an open safety culture if you think practices or something you have done or mistakes you made could effect safety. you should feel able to report that freely and openly without penalty. i feel that this ought to extend to mental issues, alcohol drug dependence anything. >> when they select pilots that are initially junior pilots, do you think there is a strict enough procedure followed? should there be a set of rules
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internationally that are laid down saying these are the sorts of checks that need to be carried out. >> i guess there are international standards, but there are limits that you can legislate. each company is able to have its own criteria for the sort of person they want to hire. my concern and i don't know if this applyies to germanwings but low cost airlines will hire pilots with little experience. then you have situation where is they're hard on the size of their checkbook rather than their natural attributes. >> we don't know at the moment, and we're only surmising at the moment but is there a way out of this, or is this one of those conundrums. >> it's a conundrum. i think having two people on the flight deck is a positive move.
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that will make a big difference. >> poland has charged two russian flight controllers for contributing to the plane crash that killed the polish president. it landed in bad weather in airplane 2010. the russian pair could face up to eight years in prison. and there is unlikely russian extradition. >> eight people have been killed and dozens wounded after gunmen stormed a hotel in mogadishu. it started when a suicide-bomb detonated a car bomb at the hotel's gate. nigeria's military said it has pushed boko haram out during
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a major offensive. it was one day where the country was holding presidential election. from abuja we have reports. >> in a rare public address nigeria's military spokesperson gave this statement. >> it can't be verified because huge restrictions have been placed on the society human rights organizations and the media in the northize. al jazeera journalists have been confined to their hotel since tuesday. the army has accused of them of operating without accreditation and said they'll be held until
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further notice. >> ahead of elections happening and the expectation that we would be getting reports from the al jazeera journalist who is are based there. who have worked all along embedded with the military, and the report on the military activities in the region we're particularly worried about this situation. >> this is the closest presidential election since the end of military rule in 1999. the incumbent goodluck jonathan or the opposition candidate will have to tackle corruption, insecurity unemployment, and major economic challenges brought on by falling global oil prices and there are concerns about violence.
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>> there will probably be some violence around the country however, i'm not particularly worried about nationwide violence. the fact that there has been such a healthy discussion about violence over the past year will turn out to be helpful. >> this highly anticipated vote comes after a six. week delay. they've had problems distributing voter cards. they have a new decision system that is raising concerns, and it's a huge logistical challenge with nearly 60 million people expected to vote in over 102 polling stations. but they say they're ready. al jazeera abuja nigeria. >> let's go to an independent researcher on war and conflict and specializes in boko haram. he's joining us live from london. good to have you on al jazeera. many are expecting the tightest race in apology near i can't.
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what is at stake in this election? >> well, it is clearly the stability of nigeria and the africa region. nigeria is a populous country and one of africa's largest country. there will be all eyes on knee year i can't as nigeria will go to polls tomorrow. >> we know it will be one of the fiercest contests in the election with the opposition being able to stand up to the incumbent government, and shifting the election the incumbent government has been able too do some catch up and
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deal with the boko haram problem. we know that the regional leader has accepted the responsibility to the southern part of nigeria the incumbent is trying to douse that popularity. it will be a very tough election for both sides. i believe it will be a very close call. >> you brought up boko haram an issue that is not just affecting nigeria, but it has been spilling over its borders, which is why we see the africa union mission that has had some successes in defeating boko haram. also so close to the election, some have had questioned why the government has been able to fight boko haram effectively now and not before. do you think that the nigerian government's failures in
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fighting boko haram until recent that they will impact the way people vote in this election? >> definitely a lot of people are asking questions why did the government wait five years before attacking boko haram, so close to elections. many believe that they will be able to take care of it, but a lot of lives have been lost, and many wonder why the government is putting these lives at risk. with the media not allowed to go in a lot of people will think
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that there is foul play there. >> thank you very much for your time. >> still ahead on al jazeera news hour. >> we have the story of how war in ukraine did great things for fish farming here in the faroe islands. >> everything floats. you won't even have to hold your head up. >> scientists study the effects of living in space. one astronaut shares their experience. >> i'm rob mcbride trying to figure out a future without formula one.
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space and will prevent anyone from outside of the country were helping the rebels. other headlines german investigators say they have found doctor notes for the pilot pilot, giving suspicion that he was hiding an illness before the crash that killed 150 people. nigeria >> now israel will release tax revenues, which it was withholding from the palestinian authority. it was frozen three months ago. president benjamin netanyahu's office said funds will be september for humanitarian reasons in line with israel's
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interests. avalanches in afghanistan brought down power lines that supply electricity to the capital, disrupting power for millions of people. now afghan workers are rebuilding the equipment by hand. jennifer glasse reports. >> reporter: 3400 meters high in afghan workers are work to restore electricity to kabul... or did until the snow came. >> we cannot bring in our heavy machinery. we can only use basic equipments. >> this tower and two others are completely destroyed. piece by piece they must replace all 15 tons of the replacement town through the snow. the avalanche came in three different directions. the force of the snow was so powerful that it tore a 15-ton tower off it's cement base and
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carried it 15 meters down the hill. working in these conditions means doing almost everything by hand. for two weeks no power flowed at all. one line now carries 100 mega watts to kabul. two hydroelectric troy plants and diesel generators making up some of the shortfall. these men know the faster they can work the better. >> avalanches, high win and the possibility of rockfall maybe this a dangerous area it is also very remote. which is why our work is going so slowly. >> if the weather cooperation it will take another month to get the electricity flowing at full capacity. chief engineer said 5 million people depend on this group of men as they repair what the falling snow destroy. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, afghanistan. >> let's return to our top story
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on yemen now. i'm joined by the columnist and editor joining us live from london. very good to have you with us on al jazeera. if i could start off by asking about the ongoing saudi-led airstrikes we've seen in yemen for the past two days now, do you think that they can bring the houthies to the negotiating table? >> well, they said yesterday they're not going through negotiations. whether in doha or in riyal. but as these military actions continue, i don't see any other option in front of the houthies but to go to the negotiation because today, for example the
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whole yemeni air is under the control of the coalition forces. like a longer time, very advanced aircraft, and do nothing but to change the direction of the fight the battles on the grouped. i couldn't see any reason why they cannot go to negotiation although he was trying last night to say that they are strong and they will fight to the end. there are some signs mr. saleh the form president, a very strong ahigh school ally of them. he gave a new initiative based on some points, one of them is
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to go to negotiation. and to stop military actions against the houthies, as he was saying in his statement read by the form foreign minister. >> the ousted ali abdullah saleh calling for another round of talks. isn't saleh part of the problem in yemen and if so, how can he be part of any solution for the country? >> well, i think yes he's part of the problem in yemen since since 2012. but he was trying today to give the impression to the outside world and to the owe coalition that he is not in alliance with the houthies. he's like a mediator between the
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houthies and the saudi coalition. he's trying to present himself likeing to a favor for both sides going out of this chaos this war. but i think he is trying to help himself as well. and i wouldn't think that he is presenting this initiative by himself. i will suggest that he was in contact, and he wouldn't say this initiative without being in contact with the houthi side. >> editor joining us live from london here there, thank you. >> they do have a common enemy fight whose have claimed allegiance to isil. isil has claimed most of the coastal city of sirte.
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they have sent fighters to sirte from misrata. >> reporter: they are at war with groups affiliated with the islamic state in iraq and the levant in the city of sirt. just like mustapha many are in their 20s but this time they say the battle is different. they say they're facing a well-trained enemy. >> they don't fight face to face. they use suicide-bombers to target our positions and ambush us. we were sleeping near our trailer in the front when a gunman open fired. five of my friends were killed. >> misrata sent its brigade towards the east in february, sirte is more than 250 kilometers away. isil fighters are in control of
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much of libya he is's former leader muammar qaddafi's hometown. >> any position to storm sirte is not an easy one to make. thousands of civilians are still inside the city, and any offensive would mean casualties and destroying the city once again. >> sirte is where gaddafi made his last stand. it reduced much of the city to republic and there was deep resentment between the people of sirte and misrata. there is a feeling among misrataens that gaddafi royalists are behind the takeover. >> they are not strung. they're just using civilians as human shields.
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[ gunfire ] >> isil has managed to expand in libya in recent months. it's strength is debatable. what is clear is the armed group has exploited the divisions here. >> libya is one country. the people are one. there is no difference between east and west. that is why the only solution is dialogue. so many people are losing their children. >> this has become misrata's new reality. there are many families that are now grieving in the city. they are losing their children. >> well, millions of roman catholics prepare to celebrate holy week, the leader of the church has been requested of his commitment towards child abuse. he appointed a bishop in chile that is suspected of covering up crimes. >> it may not have been a lynch mob but it was the closest thing
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to it seen inside the cathedral in the world's most catholic region. enraged protesters in chile tried to prevent juan baros as being ordained their new bishop. baros is accused of covering up his former mentor, a notorious pedophile priest convicted by the courts and the vatican. >> i feel the coherence of the pope has been jeopardized here. >> they continue to call for the pope to remove baros. the bishop declined to speak with al jazeera but denied any wrongdoing. an assertion refuted by his accusers. >> each testimony we have given confirmed in time what shocks me is that still necessary to
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convince some people of the truth. >> scores of chileen priests are calling for baros's remove, and they're perplexed that the pope ignored their warnings. >> knowing everything that we know the only explanation is that the facts were presented to the holy father with a different light with a different connotation by others with nor influence. otherwise this is incomprehensible. >> many priests and catholics want an investigation. >> millions of catholics abandoned the church in part over the hierarchy to condemn sexual abuses. what happened at this cathedral shows that many catholics are willing to wage the battle from within the church. they're testing the pope's
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perceived commitment to stamp out sex abuse in chile and beyond lucia newman, chile. >> let's go back to david in london. he's got more news from europe. >> you list, thank you very much. the german courts jailed three people for allowing and supporting a group affiliated isil the islamic state in iraq and the levant. they would say that for four and a half years for spending several weeks at a training camp in syria in 2013. the other two defendants were arrested the same year trying to take supplies into syria. a senior russian official say 1500 men and women were russia's north can can you kay cuss were fighting isil.
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>> there are those who are making the most for the taste of the fish far from the shores of the faroe island. >> when russia banned certain imports from the european union in response to sanctions over ukraine, the salmon farming faroe islands stepped into the breach. this tiny nation in the north atlanta found itself on the near monopoly of salmon sales to russia. unlike those in europe, and with no apologies.
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>> we're not part of the e.u. we're not asking because we're not an e.u. member. >> brussels had banned faroese mackerel. they were only too happy to take their business elsewhere. >> we were boycotted just outside of e.u. if e.u. is locking their harbor for us because we're not reaching an agreement in the north atlanta then we need to find other markets and we're doing business as usual. >> the fares's production and price up by year end sales greenser increased 700%, and many faroese were happy to see their tiny nation to exercise independence from e.u. >> we look for new market, and
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there was russia. >> no one should tell us where we should sell. if we decide to sell to russia, that's the best for us to do. >> we will not have the faroe islands people a little nation. >> our company is producing salmon to the high end consumer market around the world. we're looking for high end fishing restaurant all over the world, and they're there between moscow also, an interesting market for us. >> since september of last year russia has received almost all of its fresh salmon from these waters in the pharaoh islands and sushi-loving russians love
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the salmon. >> al jazeera, in the faroe islands. >> the last few minutes italy's top court has acquitted amanda knox of the murder of the british student. 21-year-old was found dead in the argument she shared with knox in 2007. her throat had been slashed and she had been sexually assault: sollecito and knox were convicted and then acquitted in in 2011. they were convicted for a second time in 2014 when their their acquittals were overturned. the results come just now. knox is in the united states and said she'll never go back to italy. well italian police have confiscated a $16 million picasso painting from a pensioner who said it was given
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to him 30 years ago. it was painted during the artist artist's cubaist era and considered lost. in a separate case the police seized a roman sculpture that think believe was being smuggled to switzerland. >> and lift off. the year in space starts now. >> an u.s. as throw naught and two russian cosmonauts set off to understand the effects of long-term living in space. they will stay on the international space station for a year, while they others will do a six-month duty. they'll do the same tests in space as they do on identical twin brother on earth. >> if there is anyone who knows what life is like in space, it's
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canadian chris hadfield who spent five months floating around the separation space station and he shared the experience with us. >> the space station is an incredible human outpost right on the edge of our capability. it's vast, it's really strange to launch into the darkness, fly through space and then have a little star get bigger and bigger and grow into this huge human structure orbiting the world. it's like a gift to be weightless. it's magic all of a sudden. you can take this wrist watch of mine. when i first got to orbit i noticed it was floating and flying, almost like i had a living mistake wrapped around my wrist. i keep my wrist strap loose for the rest of my life to remind me the magic of being weightless.
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here i'm fighting gravity. i'm holding my head up. i lift my arm up. but in weightlessness everything floats. you don't even have to hold your head up. we fight it by exercising two hours a day on this space station resistant exercise, treadmill with list elastics. when you get to earth your body recovers quickly but it takes a few weeks to get back to normal and a few months to run properly. and a matter of few years to grow your skeleton completely back. it's true exploration that we understand the world and ourselves. space exploration is no different. it is fundamental to human nation. it is how we get to know where we are. how it is inter dependent and how we get to know ourselves as a species. >> we have the full update in a moment. barcelona one of their biggest
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europe with 29 goals in nine matches. >> we're getting word that barcelona player has been linked with a move to qatar. he'll be leaving spain at the end of the season and going to doha. his agent would comment on that story he would sign a three-year deal worth $10 million. they have set the pace against the malaysian grand prix.
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hamilton said that trepidations have been heavily compromised by the mechanical problems missing the whole of the first session and the start of the second. the cost of hosting grand prix is enormous. south carolina also hit a financial wall, the korean grand prix has been dropped due to small clouds. crowds. rob mcbride picks up the story. >> it is the world class circuit that was supposed to put south korea on the formula one racing map. but after four grand prixs the racing world has largely
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forgotten it is here. unable to generate the local support or the revenue needed to keep formula one here the racetrack operators have been looking for other events. still, the operators insist the circuit should not be viewed simply in dollars and cents. >> a facility like this should be seen as a social investment. instead of a business that has to earn revenue. the central government is subsidizing several sports, and the motor sport is not popular and the government does not feel it should sponsor us. >> it is located in the remote south of a country that has limited interest in motorsports. critics say that lack of fort sight seemed to be the national failing. >> you have to look at how to make these venues or the surrounding towns as a preferred or favorite destination place as opposed to a single venue.
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but i'm not sure if they've done a good job planning that way. >> south korea's third city certainly has enough people. but such was the scale of the the2014ation games it hosted last year. it is deeply in debt. they have high hopes that even the main stadium will find a new use but at mits it could take years and knows the whole country is watching as south korea ropes for its next sporting feat. construction is is well advanced for the 2018 winter olympics. so is the debate over its cost and future use of the site, but at least that debate is happening now rather than after the event. the biggest lesson from those past events, i think is an
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opportunity for everyone to get involved in the planning station and the dialogue has begun. >> the operators say that the olympics like formula one will encourage the growth of interest to fill these facilities. a strategy of if you build it they will come but experience has shown they might an long time in coming. rob mcbride al jazeera, south korea. >> one of basketball's most interesting characters is bearing down on the latest challenge, who officially changed his name to middle world peace. ron artest gave him the new name to promote global peace. he started calling himself the pandeas friend. but you can call him whatever you want. >> that is it for the news hour. i'll be back with a full
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bulletin of news in just a few minutes. thank you for watching. >> sunday. you know his music but what about the man? >> i was given a gift. >> up close and personal. behind the scenes of the biggest hits... >> she was a troubled girl. >> brightest stars... >> kids don't want to "own", they just want to "play". >> and the future of music. >> the record business is in trouble. >> every sunday night, >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. talk to al jazeera. sunday, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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>> "techknow" where technology meets humanity. monday, 6:30 eastern only on al jazeera america. >> the main objective is to protect. >> jets pound yemen for a third night. >> empty emerges that germany germanwings pilot who crashed the plane was ill and should not have been at work. nigeria's military
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