tv News Al Jazeera April 4, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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is and because they're under mission control and that's where the houthis are trying to stay to the south to ensure the country station wide is stable. that's not working right now aden the main province in the south, has been taken over by al qaeda militants. they have hundreds of fighters there who are now in control meeting with officials there
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meeting with members trying to ensure that they are the new are the they are the new government. that's why the houthis are saying that they are insistent to make sure that they don't take over the area. the majority province, aden, that's why the clashes there are strong. not likely to happen if sanaa. there are some zaidis or pro pro-houthis there. >> but the ufghtsz houthis the houthis are being pushed out by these coalition
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air strikes. how long do you think they can hold before they have to retreat back to sanaa and their stronghold to the north? >> i'll be honest adrian, the houthis are not coming back from aden. they cannot attack aden to retreat a couple of weeks later. hundreds of thousands of i could say tens of thousands of fighters, to ensure that they have have aden. they will thought complete go of aden this will be a long term war, and when it comes to aden, according to one of the top officials i met yesterday quowlt they have no possible way of retreat whit comes to
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aden. >> akim.a. bate, thank you. having taken aden he says the houthis are not going to do it. >> they are besieged they will not turn back. they are just trapped like a mouse. that's the truth. they did not come from the north to invade aden. they were in aden for a long time ago because of that being games ever ali abdullah sally r of ali abdullah saleh. they were there. they are on the run being hit and going to succumb and being brought underneath. >> account houthis muster enough
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support from the rest of the country to back up those people who are trapped in aden. >> very good question have is adrian. they were trying to get help from abian about 60 kilometers from aden. they were trying it will can he rieg, they cannot get there. >> yesterday we saw that jailbreak in which al qaeda convictees were freed, al qaeda taking a major army base, in part of the city of muk afterla is it going to eventually take over al qaeda as well? >> these peel al qaeda these are the people ever ali abdullah
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saleh. -- the people of ali abdullah saleh. ing it's a different game in mukala. now they have taken the airport of mukala and will be on the return. are ali abdullah saleh's men. >> these are allies to the former president ali abdullah saleh? >> 100%, million percent. just so turmoil in the city of mukala. >> will there be a time when the being coalition will have to take them on as well? >> i don't think so. the tribes are capable to hit
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these people back. >> muhammed many thanks indeed. now to syria. i.s.i.l. fight verse taken over more of the yarmouk refugee camp after storming it on wednesday. i.s.i.l. now controls 70% of the area. video posted online is said to show part of the group fighting i.s.i.l. it is the closest that i.s.i.l. has come to the capital damascus which is informs loyal to bashar al-assad. in tikrit, hundreds of homes have been burnt in the last two days. shia parliamentary military fighters are also looting in the city. the iraqi army took control ever tikrit earlier this week. iraq's prime minister has
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ordered his forces to arrest and prosecute any looters. final details of a nuclear deal with iran will be hammered out. ahead of the final deal in june, president obama faces opposition in the white house. patty culhane explains. >> the reception could not have been more different. jubilant celebrations in iran as these people ultimately hope for a final agreement. for u.s. secretary of state john kerry a more subdued welcome. he didn't find people celebrating in streets but instead hundreds of angry members of congress. >> only alist of very dangerous concessions that's going to put u.s. on the path -- are iran on
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the path to a nuclear weapon. >> proved a big selling point for iran's president hassan rouhani. >> according to the framework all sanctions including financial, banking and economic sanctions will be lifted on the same day the final agreement is is implemented. >> what we did was achieve our objective which is to ensure that iran will not ensure pursue a nuclear weapon. >> can't make this deal on his own and they are promising to pass a bill that will give the house and senate are their own
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authority. now there will be plenty of behind the scenes lobbying and public speeches. the president is going to argue if they kill this deal it will be much more likely that the u.s. ends up in another war in the middle east. republicans say they will give up all of their nuclear capabilities eventually. now they have to convince the u.s. people that they are right. because in a close vote, who the american people side with could be the deciding factor. patty culhane, al jazeera washington. >> the al shabaab attack has now claimed the life of 148 people and the number likely to go larger. people are angry about security lapses in the region, say there are warnings that an tack on the university was imminent that the government failed to heed those
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warnings. a little blownd now about the group responsible, al shabaab. its name means "the youth" arabic. it was formed in 2006 to defend the islamic courts union the then-governmental in somalia was pushed out of the capital by enafricanafrican union forces. droanl strikesdrone strikes on it leaders that suggest the group is now on its back foot. malcolm webb is there. al shabaab has just released a statement, what has it said? >> claims it's from al shabaab we're trying to verify.
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the statement says that kenyan military has been in somalia since 2005, accuse them of rapes and atrocities there says that they are trig to avenge these deaths that are in the attack. they spared no muslim -- muslim blood is in invie in inviolable. say their actions have consequences against the intervention of somalia their statement says the kenyan government fails to deliver
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security and will never be delivering security, it serves western masters. that's probably what they're getting at there. >> thank you very much. >> and it says our message will be written with the blood of our people it says, kenyans should prepare their grave and prepare their coffins because it says there will be many more attacks. >> malcolm webb, thanks. still to come on al jazeera no one knows what's going to the happen to the animals now. now.
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decade >>...hurricane... >> we can save species... >> our special month long focus, fragile planet >> hello again the top stories here on al jazeera. saudi arabia and its allies dropped weapons and aid to their fighters. there's been intense fighting. the al shabaab attack on the university in kenya has now claimed the lives of 148 people. people say there were warnings last week that an attack on the university was imminent. christians were sidged out and killedsingled out andkilled on the spot. framework nuclear deal between iran and six world
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powers. any deal must get past the u.s. congress. living as slaves, fishermen are part of a group of 4,000 people trafficked from myanmar and other countries. they have now been taken to the indian city of chual. where step vaessen joins us. what happens to them now step? >> i'm here in the port and as we speak the fishermen are arriving. some from myanmar cambodia, thailand trapped for as many as ten years on fishing vessels on the very very east part of indonesia. they have found a lot of evidence of forced slavery and tried to take away all these
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fishermen from the exrean, now have been brought to safety, from here they will be handed over to their own government. they will send dletions from myanmarsend delegations frommyanmar shortly. >> thai fishing vessels in a remote corner of indonesia. they suffered in silence until someone from the fishing industries came to investigate claims of human trafficking and slavery. fishermen who were forced to work without pay. >> you can call this slavery indeed. for example when they were sick would be called by the captain
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and given electroshocks and tortured. yes, this is slavery. >> these men vai they were sold to the fishing company by an agent from thailand who promised them a job in a restaurateur, instead they end it up frar from home. they managed to escape and are now hiding. >> many some wanted to be there but not me and not many others. they told me to accept my situation but i couldn't, i wanted to go home so badly. >> their desperation written on the walls for sure, i will get home one day someone writes, if there is a way in, there should be a way out. and their way out has finally come. after listening to their testimonies, government investigators decide to take them to a safer place.
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this shows how desperate they really are. as soon as the indonesian government announced they would be released, they all appeared. most importantly they're going home. these victims of human trafficking are only a small group of fishermen stuck in indonesia, and while excited to finally go home after four years the fate of the others haks in hangs this the balance. >> so step are some going to face justice for this and others going to get compensation for the ordeal? >> that's a really good questions. you can see them arriving right now they are coming from the vessels that they have been
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working on for so long, they hardly had any time to sleep. they were telling stories of awful abuse and forced labor. many told me that they wanted to go go home years ago and were not allowed. they have finally been released. the government is looking at the evidence and the justice protests. see what charges can be brought against the this company because if there's evidence of slave riz human trafficking these punishments become pretty harsh. but the company is are partially owned in thailand. denying abuse and forced slavery. it is a problem in thailand, in
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meen and many, many other countries. the other problem is also, this is only avery small group. we are talking around 4,000 people. there is a lot of boats still missing the once ones we saw yesterday, so many other undocumented crew has now gone missing. the ministry of fishing here in indonesia is trying to track down this boat and try to rescue all these people on board as well. >> step vaessen in tual, indonesia. opposition leader aung san suu kyi is is considering boycotting the vote. >> the playing field is not level and the administration is engaging in acts which are discriminatory against nld. so we can't say it's fair so far
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i don't think we can guarantees fair elections. >> a group calling itself restore minorities, says the group are is there have also been counterrallies that say that recall australia is anti antiterrorism. s. police shot and killed a boy during an operation targeting drug traffickers on thursday. the officers involved have been suspended. >> no longer using wild animals in their shows it means thousands of tigers and loifns, lions
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adobe raszebras will be without carry. >> we are in shock what are we going to do e-do? >> this is where his tigers live. small cages are common in mexican circuses. >> they have released a slew of vil yoas depicting animal cruelty. >> i think circus has to evolve. for a long time they centered their show on december dressed up
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animals. >> caused 70 circuses to close their doors for good. their animals are in limbo kept for now in ranches like this one. in storage for the last couple of months with the circus that owns them needing to pay. >> who's going to maintain them? unfortunately the circus people don't have enough money to keep them. >> the government said it will look to zoos and sanctuaries to take on the afternoon malls but many don't have l years for the area for more animals. this. >> they don't have the infrastructure to care for them.
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>> the future remains clear the animals will shortly are without their chief attractions. john holman, al jazeera. >> the wife of james brady sarah brady has died. responsible for the legalization of background checks for handgun purchase et cetera. brady was 73. >> alessandro veti shows us. >> in a dark alley a glimmer of light. these solar-paneled street lamps are helping people of san luis walk home safely for the first
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time. they are cheap bright, and easy to make. are they're going to need well the solar panels, the led the battery, the most difficult is the sacramentoer, how when the light turns on. no more do you have to wait for thousands of parts to be imorlted but you can make urtarte basically made with local parts and yet at the same time gives something for residents. students were bussed in from the nearby university to help. costs $.70 to build and nothing to operate. san luis is a perfect recipient
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of this technology. found no basic services. >> you can imagine the impact you're having on these people. that's the most satisfying thing to see the people smiling to see the lights shining because their quality of i light has improved. oto haveto have light in the alleyways. >> forly lit areas like this have turned into a mag thet for crime. something local residents is helping the new lied will change. >> before it was so dark i couldn't see anything i had to using a flash lied but 100% better with these. >> it was never safe. if you saw movement up ahead you would choose a different route. now it looks beautiful i.
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>> workers intend to install over 2,000 lights throughout the area this year. al jazeera colombia. >> keep in touch at our website. website. [ explosion ] >> doomsday. the end of life as we know it here on earth. when that day comes what's left of the human race will have to beat the odds to survive. i'm ali velshi. i'll take you inside what might be man kind's last resort. think of it as the noah's arc of seas. nations around the world contribute stashes stashes of every kind of seed imaginab
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