tv The Stream Al Jazeera April 4, 2015 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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. now we spread out this video by one thousand times to show you the full effect. the noon was completely obscured for less than five minutes. for more on the stories that we're following head over to . >> plus, making coding cool. we'll introduce you to a new generation of tech leaders when
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are redefining computer programming for latinos and why silicon valley should be paying attention. >> welcome to "the stream" where your input helps drive our conversation. my co-host handling that all that comes into the show. we're looking at executives who leave the banking industry to go in government service and it has shades of occupy wall street. >> this is ron i'm sick of this sick, sick, sick of it. i want them stopped. and prosecuted. i don't know if that's going to happen. they have been allowed to break the law. it is a disgrace. >> washington's ties to wall street are no secret. president bill clinton second
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treasury were they paid to leave their private sector jobs? that's what they're doing, with regarding executive for taking public sector jobs. according to a new report, an al jazeera compute contributor as well. here to discuss in this this, and andy sandler he serves as legal adviser. thanks for joining us. alexis. golden parachutes are common for high level executives, even one who is don't leave in the most
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flattering light. tell us what it is about these payments that are most troubling to you? >> well, what troubles me about these payments is basically like a bribe. so sheila bear is a long-time public servant chair of the fdic and she said only in washington would these things look like anything but a bribe. my concern is when people leave a private sector job with a $21 million payment and you're not going to forget a $21 million gift. when the interest of your former firm conflict request with the interest of main street, i'm sure they're going to focus on their former firm and. >> they wanted to look at a proposal that would require transparency on these matters. what would this proposal
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specifically require of the banks? >> the proposal itself, it's not entirely clear what they're asking for. but the underlying issue is an important issue and that is it is a good thing to have in government people who are knowledgeable about the industry being regulated. in terms of the payments themselves there are many different kinds of payments. this is money that's already been earned by executives, which hasn't yet vested. and vesting requirements are about preventing people from going to competitors. but i would submit for the country and for the industry when you acknowledge people in
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government making the rules and it's not necessarily a bad thing. the executive branch-- >> why are they having a problem with the transparency thing. if it's good for shareholders and main street, why not say who this money is going to and why? >> well, transparency is as a general matter a good thing when it comes to government service. i don't disagree with that. there are different situations here. different circumstances and it's difficult to comment on the specific requests of specific banks. but over all transparency. >> our community does not seem to agree. here are some voices. henry said that the consequences of this is what we have now. it is used to control information and deceive the people of nation. here is lola, oligarchy.
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an usa where multi national corporations who have no love for the citizens of the u.s. >> the under secretary for commerce he got $14 million from bank of america. i left wall street for a reason. i didn't feel like i wasn't doing good for the country. i took a big pay cut when i did it. i don't think they should have to pay someone $14 million to work in the public sector. look at jack jack lew. and he got $21 million when he left. i don't think that we should be bribing people into public service. it should be its own reward. and it becomes this weird conflict of interest of who you're going to represent at the end of the day. and the other thing, they were high level senate confirmations. there are a whole bunch of executives that we don't know anything about. the only people they're required
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to disclose are coo cfo and all the afl/cio is saying, we just want to know about your intentions. >> speaking of the afl/cio they're expected to rule on it in the next few months. which way do you think this is going to go? >> i think to talk about these things in terms of bribery is not good for the public discourse around us. for the most part these are people going into the government service for a the reason of helping to improve things. the idea that they've been planted is just not necessarily appropriate or accurate.
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>> we got to stop through. thank you. when we return, taking creative resumé writing to a whole new level. new companies bringing up online that back up the lies on your resumé and they have no qualms about it saying it's a public service. but what are the morals a hazards. we'll talk to a leader in the field about his craft.
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>> welcome back. >> nearly seven years after the financial crisis some people who are reentering the work force has found a new aid. fake job reference companies. these outfits quote/unquote pad your resumés by essentially lying for pup they fill in gaps in your work history with made up companies and serve as references once an interested
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employer follows up here to talk about it is william schmidt the founder of the fake job reference and daniel little also the founder of cubicle we want your input of how to keep employers from being duped. but first you started this when you are laid off in. >> you correct, i was laid off and i had quo workers who requested that i provide job references and i found i was very good at it. i'm landing vice presidents jobs and i heap people all over the world. >> i look at their job titles and match them to specific companies that are virtual. >> fake companies. >> right, fake companies and i have an answering service that will verify their employment, and i had provide them with
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professional reference providers who can act as a supervisor, who can give them outstanding references that will then land them the job. >> who is soliciting you the most and why? is there one job field that sort of dominates? >> mm-hmm, i have seen at the informal and information technology fields are the highest but it goes across the board for everybody really. >> do you consider your business ethical? >> i do. unless you're looking for a job as pope. employers are not looking for morality. what they're looking for are skills and skill sets that can meet the job responsibilities that they're looking for. >> daniel little i want to bring new. you ran an h.r. department for a fortune 500 company for a decade. do employers not care about morality. >> absolutely they do. because especially in the
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financial industry where there is money involved and trust involved and information involved. you have to hire trustworthy candidates. if the candidate comes in lying there is no trust there. i respect the--his business in the fact that there is a need for the business. i can sea where people would want to utilize that, but the end game is an employee that is always looking at their shoulder whether they're going to be found out or not. from an h.r. standpoint that's not the type of employee we want to hire. >> we have fantastic responses to this. some of the c. of c.v.s i've seen are hilarious. one girl said that she was valedictorian in kindergarten, and one guy said take out trash. never do this as a human resources professional i'd warn
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everyone against it. strong reference check something critical and easy these days. top that up with contractual obligations of probation period plus employment being dependent on satisfactory background check. daniel i want to go back to you on this. who are legal recourses for employers when they find out these employees are lying and they're using this. can they prosecute these employees? >> well, yes absolutely. each state has their own laws and mandates regarding this. but when you're talking about perhaps moving an employee, if a company has paid to move an employee and give them a bonus a lot of times it says on the dotted line if we have to terminate you before your probationary period, you have to pay us back the money. i just think from the start people should tell the truth because with the internet, the internet works well for the bad guys but the internet also
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works weller for the good guys. you can easily be found out it's not hard to find out if you're giving fake references. it's just too easy to find that out. >> it sounds like you make it very difficult for employers to find out. >> oh absolutely. >> what are some of the things that you're doing to blur or confuse the lines? >> one of the important things is to add linked in and facebook as much content into a website as possible. i can also make my websites or my virtual companies for all intent and purposes real by registering them as a state business. i can give them federal ein numbers, and i can even use legitly legitmentuse legitment.
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>> if you lack at how employers are looking how to hire people, it's no different than going to a dating site. anyone who has used a dating site before. you have tons of questions you got to ask on both sides. and what they're looking for are key words. then they have a computer program that matches and what you end up with. anyone who uses these dating sites you get something totally opposite of what you're looking for and your true love is sitting throughout and you never got to see. that's my job get them in front of the people that matter. >> we have support for you from another william. being qualified to do the job is not enough any more. going to your point. having the right name, references and address is needed needed. king faisal said that this will be awesome. at least one will know how it feels to get recommend: you say the h.r. process is flawed right now. why is it flawed? >> they're using the same systems, the same technology as
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dating websites. and i think anyone who spends any time at a dating website can see how flawed that system is. it's really identical. >> but william you're assuming these people are all qualified. what if they have nefarious intentions? how do you screen these people who ask for your services. >> we do screen everybody. we do not represent real companies. there are guidelines that we follow. i don't want to do anything that i think would ever harm anyone in you know, through using my services. and i do disqualify a lot of people from using my services. >> what if someone is applying for an i.t. job to access your personal information. >> when these people are looking for my services, they're not out to screw the employer. they want to get in front of the employer and actually have the interview with them, which they're not getting now because they're being disqualified
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because their resumé does not match the key words that they're looking for. when they're going in there and--when they make the actual interview with the hiring manager, my references are not going to land them their job. it's up to them. they have to convince that hiring agent that they can do the job. >> daniel, you want to jump in. >> i want to jump in by saying--i'm a parent, too i worked in hr, but i'm a parent, too. do two wrongs make a right? certainly not. is the hiring process flawed, yes, there are things that can be improved on. but if you start off a job in a career you want to continue in with dishonest information i just don't see that being--it could be a short-term answer, but for long term where you want to go from company to company and move up in the ranks, the more you move up the more fact checking that is going to be in
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place. you'll find yourself being black balled because you lied. no one will want to hire you. in order to build your resumé you can do things like volunteer. put in time in your industry. i'm telling you no non-profit organization is going to turn you away if you want to volunteer your services. as you build those relationships it will be a reference for you later. >> ifif you pass over a qualified person and then hired a person who lied, would you keep them? >> if he was doing the job satisfactory and meeting my needs as an employer i would keep them. >> interesting conversation. william schmidt, founder of developing latino moms may be coming to a rescue. they're instilling value in their first generation
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is emerging from an unlikely group of coders. latino girls. they're betting pushed by their moms who are encouraging their kids to learn skills in computer programming. this comes at a time when latinos make up only about 3% of women in the u.s. workforce. here to discuss this more out of francisco, founder and ceo of avion ventures, an accelerator company that helps up and coming latino tech entrepreneurs through training and mobile development. and on skype sylvia, program coordinator for diy girls who teaches coding in after school workshops. what are you doing that is making these job fields appeal to go latino girls? >> well, i
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silicon valley, but we have to change the culture within the latino community and none of those two things are going to happen on its own i think its important that folks like us are out hear saying, hey, we are already in tech. we want to make sure that the numbers get better, not worse. and more importantly when someone that looks like me shows up to a job interview they get an opportunity to show their skills succeed set. >> why is the diversity in tech so important? >> well, i think that if you don't have people who represent the majority of the population, and the user base actually making the product then you're going to have issues. i come from a lean start methodology that says the customer first the customer first, the customer first. when i'm the average californian and my child is the average school child and you're going to reform everything from education to healthcare to spin tech all of these places where my life intersecting with these
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projects and programs and you're not asking what i need, that's a problem. when you don't have someone on your team that looks like me and has my experience you're not going to build something that i'm going to use. bottom line, people are tech companies are not going to make money if they don't reflect the united states. >> i'm sure there is a reason why there are such low numbers of girls in tech. one of the realities is low numbers of grad graduation rates. what is the early intervention. >> diy girls, we want them to get excited about technology, by providing the tools and to make fun, hands-on tech projects, that's how we do it. >> how old are the girls. >> we start them off in fifth grade. they're ten years old. >> we have some great comments. from sidrah, i'm in the stem
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field. it is filled with men who are full of egos. and lisa, how does it help improve silicon valley and. roman says simple. ethnic diversity brings diverse perspectives and more fun. and dr. fzca said that their product was be inclusive and representative of more bodies. example, the emoji app. how does increasing ethnic diversity help silicon valley? >> i really believe that the problems are for whom these things are designed for are based on who is running the shows. including latinas allows our community to be represented and to have a voice. companies that values diversity are more creative. they yield a larger profit, and
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they have the very perspectives that create a rich environment for collaboration yes in designing product that appeal to a diverse audience. >> a lot of these kids are first generation k through 2012. what are some of the challenges you face in terms of overcoming maybe communicating the importance to parents in these communities of these areas of tech? >> well actually, i'm going to push back a little bit there and say, you know, we are the biggest consumers of tech. we are mobile natives. in a family of four we'll have six devices. we love our gadgets. when we're online or on our phones we're on there for longer. the idea that latinos are notos are not tech-savvy or that we don't realize that there is this opportunity is a false one. >> i'm not sure that i meant
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that you're not tech-savvy but isn't there a component that really getting in the grassroots level is with the parents and encouraging them to really understand--i know one of the things you do is you go in and you explain code to go parents. >> right. and like i really believe that it's not a digital device. we do have the technology, but it's a matter of how we use it. and my mission is to speak to parents and approach them in a way that acknowledges their wants and needs for their children. we know that our latino parents care so much for their kids, and they want them to have have a secured future. my job is to break down the barrier, maybe it's the english language provide materials in spanish for our parents but break down the what, why and how to code, speak to them clearly and warmly about the benefits of code for their child and you know those benefits are practical jobs, money but they're also very creative, and
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enlightening and life-enhancing. >> thanks to our guests. co-founder of avion ventures, and coordinateor for diy girls. last may google released the minority competition of its workforce. the numbers were staggering but not really surprising. 30% women. 20% black. 3% hispanic. but it's not only the big kid on the block that has diversity issues. intel, a founding member of the valley 40 years ago has been coming clean about its composition for years and it's numbers are not pretty. 4% women. 4% black. and 8% hispanic. the u.s. census bureau of california's population, 50% women. 6.6% black and intel is not
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sitting idly buy. what is strike something that even by their own estimate five years from now only 32% of its workforce will be women. intel's chief diversity officer is in charge of intel's diversity program. we invited her to talk on the treatment to talk about the challenges of silicon is valley. we look ford to a positive reply, and we'll keep you posted. until next time waj and i will see you online.
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. . >> and duties of every kenyan, in those areas that have received less recognition and support from past governments are a constitution and government have made provisions. a large amount of financial resources are provided. we are one. i urge all my brothers and sisters in the affected regions and across the country
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