tv News Al Jazeera April 7, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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ind... the inside story. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". weeknights, 11:30 eastern. on al jazeera america. >> welcome to the news hour in doha. june we nor they are colors and watching us and we are watching them. >> saudi forces train their eyes on the border as airstrikes expand in yemen. >> kenyan students rally for more security following last week's university massacre. >> the u.n. demands access to yarmouk refugee camp in syria as
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isil fights for control of the area. >> reporting from donetsk in eastern ukraine why families are still living in these conditions underground even though there's a ceasefire. >> the fight for control of yemen continues between forces loyal to the government supported by a saudi-led coalition and shia houthi rebels. it's been nearly two weeks since the coalition air campaign began. let's look at some of the latest targets hit. saudi war planes bombed a military base in central yemen near the city of ib. this his the first strike on that particular base. an area of the southern port city of aden, many civilian homes were destroyed. yemeni government forces are said to have recaptured the air
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base from houthi fighters, that base is north of aden. we have more. >> a civilian in the center of aden is shot by a houthi sniper as he films the streets below. an example of how dangerous the streets of yemen have become. this is the kind of violence the saudi-led coalition said it's targeting with air strikes. they blamele houthis and they are rallies of taking control of yemen by force and cracking down on anyone who opposes them. >> the houthis target buildings and people. they have managed to move to certain areas to take cover from the airstrikes. we are working in coordination with tribesmen and popular committees. >> the fiercest battles are taking place in the southern city of aden, they are forces loyal to pat adou rabbo mansour hadi battling houthis and their army, part of which remains with ali abdullah saleh the former president. as the fighting rages on, the
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humanitarian situation is worsening. aid agencies have found it impossible to reach those most in need. the saudis are doing their best to help the agency the red cross. >> we coordinated the arrival of a passenger plane to sanna. it landed and left safely. we are in the process of coordinating a second flight and finalizing the details. >> russia is working through the united nations to get all sides to agree to a ceasefire and allow aid to be delivered. china also called for a political solution to this war hinting though, that it supports president hadi. >> china is deeply worried by the recent developments of the situation in yemen. we call on all relevant parties to quickly implement a ceasefire and avoid further civilian casualties. china also hopes that all relevant sides cap implement u.n. security council resolutions and g.c.c. propose's also. we call on them to solve the
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crisis through political dialogue to control yemen's stability and legal order. >> the international community faces a difficult challenge. saudi arabia and its partners have repeatedly said they will not stop their military attacks unless penalty hadi is reinstated a demand the houthis have so far rejected. al jazeera. >> a spokesman from unicef said the children are particularly vulnerable in the conflict. >> 74 are known to be killed and 44 children maimed so far since the fighting began on 26 march. we say we are aware that these are conservative physician and believe that the total number of children killed is much higher. >> a former advisor to the last three yemeni prime ministers joins us in the studio. thanks for being with you guess here on al jazeera. it's a human situation that's been the focus really and the u.n. warning that it's set to
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get a lot worse. >> some good news, and i'm happy that, you know, beaming it through your channel. the foreign minister of yemen the acting foreign minister who is now here tailed was in a meeting with the foreign minister and they have also got in touch with the djibouti foreign minister. they've agreed with other parties who are interested in channeling human aid to aden. they've agreed that djibouti will be sort of a -- all humanitarian aid would be sent to djibouti and then to the port of aden, which is quite feasible to do. >> any idea on a time line? >> the earliest possible from now. i am now beaming the news, so all donors and humanitarian agencies r. welcome.
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our brothers be going to help in that, as well as the countries amounted djiboutis have agreed that they will welcome all those aids and all aid received will be there. >> let's move to the diplomatic sphere for a second. in diplomatic circles what do you hear about movement to solve this crisis diplomatically. >> thank you, you are very clever to point that out. our embassies outside yemen are in a sort of -- as if they were sleeping unfortunately, that embassies were still as the army and most of the different centers of the government were under control of the former toppled and deposed president so now the minister of foreign affairs said if you can beam this through your channel soon
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there will be a meeting of all dip lope mats in all capitals of the world meeting soon to try to activate and re. >> nate the diplomatic activity of yemen. it's obvious that we were caught wrong footed and the most of these embassies are still working under the influence of the former dictator. >> what do you exactly mean when you say the diplomatic activity? >> well -- >> what would be the purpose. >> all purpose, like this, you know like activity, we could have got in touch with different agencies and countries which are interested, just for the activity. the other activity as rewards the whole issue of, you know, clarifying our position, so let people understand we will have reached unfortunately these
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embassies are not working to that purpose clarifying the issues of the national dialogue conference, they were against all these things. what we have reached in rewards the amended or the new drafted constitutional to go what's going to happen now after this, you know, decision activity operation and so on. you need activity. the president would need people and spokesman all across the world and everywhere, so that the activity of regaining again legitimacy and moving it to aden and from aden across yemen that is a diplomatic mission which with he need capable people to work and to get the message across. >> ok. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> students have rallied in the streets of the kenyan capitol nairobi demanding increased security at universities. a vigil is planned to remember
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the 148 victims killed during the garissa university campus attack last week. crossing over to malcolm webb from high robey. tell us what is taking operation at that vigil remembering those killed in the attack. >> we heard that the students protesting got into the university and lighting candles. they've been singing songs songs in mourning for their fellow students who died in the attack. we've just got some new information in. we heard a short while ago that police have presented five suspects in a court here in nairobi. police say these five men are people who supplied the weapons used by the attackers at the university of garissa in the attack. police requested that they get 30 more days to keep these suspects in custody before they can bring charges and the court's granted that.
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five men now in custody the police are working on putting together a case against them. the police say that they were involved in supplying the weapons that were used. >> how is the government responding to the calls by the students to increase security at universities? >> so far the government said it's doing everything it can. i'm not sure we've actually seen anymore boots or guards on the ground as yet. before this, the fact there were warn ins that there was a threat of attacks at universities and specifically in garissa several people had requested for extra security at university there because it's in northeastern kenya in an area where al shabab carried out several attacks over the last year or so. because the university students were diverse from all over the country, they anticipated it was a vulnerable target and it did prove to be very vulnerable.
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the attackers killed the security guards on the gate and it was many hours before the kenyan military were finally able to overcome them and end the siege. >> thank you malcolm webb reporting from nairobi. >> the u.n. security council called for a humanitarian access to the palestinian refugee camp of yarmouk in syria. the camp is on the outskirts of damascus and it's been mostly overrun by isil. it's been home to 18,000 mostly palestinian refugees. on monday, a u.n. official described the situation there as "beyond in humane." >> the members condemned in the strongest terms the grave crimes committed by daish and al-nusra against 18,000 civilians in the camp and emphasize the need that such crimes do not go unpunished. the members called for the protection of civilians in the camp for issuing humanitarian access to the area, including by
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providing life-saving assistance and ensure safe passage and evacuation of the civilians. >> stephanie decker joining us from beirut. talk about safe passage and evacuation by the united nations, but what is being done to ensure that happens for the remaining 18,000 or so palestinian refugees in yarmouk? >> nothing officially has been established. this is why we're seeing this diplomatic push to try to open a corridor because around 2,000 people have managed to get out to neighboring neighborhoods where some aid is coming into. there is no official safe passage. this is what they want, but with an active war going on on the ground including with isil, very difficult to negotiate with them that certainly poses a huge challenge. of course the presence of isil is also terrifying the civilians. some of those who have come out their stories the stories they
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tell of absolute fear. >> we heard that they are breaking walls and there were clashes. we did not know anything, when they became closer, they said isil fighters are killing women and children. when the syrian army entered they moved us all to another venue where we were safe. they scared a road for us to get out of the camp. >> we could not see them but heard they were beheading all young men. we heard they killed people and left. we heard they took some civilian youth. >> what are palestinian finishes saying about the situation in the camp and whether the palestinian factions that were there before isil can regain control? >> the palestinian president abbas gave a statement saying that the people of yarmouk were
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being victimized by syria's civil war. he visited jordan to see what can be done. there is a representative of the palestinian liberation organization the p.l.o. in damascus. he was sent yesterday. he is speaking to the syrian government, also to the u.n. to try and resolve this. there is palestinian factions inside the camp. it's complicated. there are factions that are against the government, there are factions for the government. you throw isil into the mix we're having this battle. at the moment, nothing i guess being managed to stop it. we do know isil did have 90% of the camp. they now hold 60% so pushed slightly back. people will tell you it hasn't solved anything. it's a very fluid situation. the syrian government using barrel bombs added to that, and people will tell you incredibly difficult situations, snipers on the roof from isil. people cannot move around, aid is not reaching the camp. it's an absolutely terrible situation. the u.n. said if the fighting
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doesn't stop, it could be facing a humanitarian catastrophe. >> thank you. >> here's what's coming up on the news hour, seeking new friends to save off economic collapse by the greek prime minister is traveling to moscow. >> turkish president holds talks in tehran amid differences over the war in yemen. we'll be live from istanbul with the latest. >> in sport turkish say two suspects arrested after the countries leading team was attacked by gunfire. >> pro-russian separatists released 16 ukrainian soldiers. they've been held in eastern ukraine since january. both ukraine and agreed to exchange prisoners as part of the ceasefire deal. the separatists say they've released all ukrainian prisoners and are waiting for kiev to do
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the same. >> sporadic fighting continues in eastern ukraine despite a ceasefire. people have been hiding in underground shelters for months, including children living with foster parents who can't afford to clothe and feed them. we have a report from the rebel held city of donetsk. >> children shouldn't have to live like this, an existence underground with little food. there's no exception in the self declared republic of donetsk. >> places like this answer the question is there any confidence in the ceasefire. families living underground in musty, damp conditions, and here, there are 28 children trying to get by. >> many families refuse to give up their space here, because they're convinced the fighting will resume. some of the children have foster
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parents who can't afford to clothe and feed them. she used to get a $100 a month allowance for fostering this child. but in donetsk now, there is nothing. she was advised to put him into an orphanage. >> how could they say this? he is mine. he is mine. i won't give him away. never. never. >> do you love your mom? [ kissing ] >> the nearest orphanage rebranded, there's a depressed mood. >> ukraine should supply these families with support, along
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with everything else needed to care for these children. >> ukrainian welfare payments aren't being sent here. the breakaway republic isn't paying them either and it hasn't paid staff salaries since december. institutions like these are a throwback to the soviet era. when parents couldn't cope parents were often placed under the care of the state categorized as social orphans. they sometimes developed mental health issues and go into adulthood without being given the chance of independence. the self-declared republic couldn't tell us when it will start making foster payments. the theory is that if things get worse, more children will have to go into state care. andrew simmons, al jazeera donetsk, eastern ukraine. >> a spokesman for the international mop forking
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mission to ukraine joins us live from ukraine. thanks for joining us. you just got back from the east of the country. tell us what you saw. >> we were at the donetsk airport and in some of the. a late areas formerly populated areas around the airport. the scene there the best way i can describe it is like hell on earth. even the trees themselves, none of them were untouched by rocket fire. the village itself near the airport, very few people left, maybe about 40. not one of the homes was untouched by live fire. then also, a big big problem not only there but throughout the conflict zone is unexploded ordinance. one home there was an unexploded rocket in the front yard of the home. people are living without electricity, without running water, without gas, very little provisions in the shops, as
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well. we didn't see any chirp there which is probably a good thing because of the amount of that unexploded ordinance, it poses a very very big danger to them. >> those people remaining there how are they coping and what sort of support if any is being provided to them? >> there's very little support. we visited there recently and also in other areas near marianle. kids have been hiding in basements with their families for weeks. what needs to happen for normalization to come back is a comprehensive, long-lasting ceasefire and monitoring, which of course ukraine is standing
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ready to observe the ceasefire and to do anything else to support it. >> you mentioned an important point, where the children you say are afraid to come out into the sunshine. it's really the psychological effect that will take their toll over the long term. how is that going to be dealt with with these children? >> that's correct. you know, our mission recently published a report and visited 55 institutions formerly financed by the state. we found very little care available for children who are suffering from psychosocial distress covering suffering other things as well. some are near death because they don't have the proper medicines anymore the proper equipment. what has happened here is ukraine made the decision to not only stop financing of these institutions but to relocate
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the staff away, so you have orphanages, you have schools you have places where they formerly received medical care, but it's a very dire situation. we call on all sides to start providing support to these very, very vulnerable groups of people. >> michael, thank you very much for joining us from kiev. >> the greek deputy finance minister said germany owes $300 billion in reparations from the nazi occupation in world war ii with that the government has never put in an official request until now. a parliamentary panel started work on reclaiming payments last week. >> the greek prime minister heads to moscow on wednesday. in january his new government voted against further e.u. sanctions on russia and now the kremlin will consider an anticipated greek request for a
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loan. june orthodoxy has bounded greeks and russians for a thousand years. it was greek missionaries who queered the slava to christianity. this week, there is a different mission bound for moscow. greece needs money and friends to face increasingly hostile creditors in europe, while russia wants to prevent e.u. sanctions from being renewed in june sanctions which prompted it to ban european agricultural products. >> they will offer deals and perhaps a unilateral suspension of the counter embargo or counter sanctions on greek agricultural products. whether they can make a very tempting offer of let's say offering 30, 40 billion euros to greece, i think this is very
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unlikely. >> a direct russian loan isn't the only option. russia could lift its import ban for more than a billion dollars worth of greek products and because greeks spend 10 times that amount buying russia gas russia could lower the price. it could bid for infrastructure such as port authorities and rail. >> these are parts of the bilateral relationship. there is an overarching priority. greek wants to remind europe of its strategic value and demonstrate it has friends elsewhere. is this enough to break ranks with europe? >> just before coming foreign minister he suggested greek could win a fortune debt deal in exchange for some european thats want. >> if i was negotiate be the greek debt, the first thing i would do is a package negotiation. i would put other issues that are important to my partners on the table in exchange for the issue of the debt.
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you can't negotiate solely on the issue where you are weakest. you have to use the issue where you have a relative strength. >> both greece and russia are and you have favor in europe and that could push them closer to a deal. the question is whether the russians could buy greek veto in june and break the united european front. al jazeera athens. >> now a check on the world weather with robin. we're starting in bangladesh. >> yes for very specific reason. change of month is coincidental with change of weather it's violent stuff. running about three days worth now. have a look over here. bangladesh this is the sort of breathing effect. every day as the sun comes out in april it's getting stronger and stronger, the moisture is now there in the atmosphere and you get something brewing.
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help by the eastern gap these are thunderstorms but not ordinary. in some parts it will be rain, in this particular part, calcutta and beyond into bangladesh itself, there can be vicious be things, very specific name named after the month. they are april storms and this is april and they're concentrated. they will often have tornadoes. although you think that in the u.s. these are the biggest most destructive tornadoes in the world these can be nasty. they cause widespread destruction virtually every time it happens. bangladesh is low lying. the structures are together, as well. 36 deaths and 6,000 homes destroyed in the most recent once. the next 24 hours they breathe and come back again so you've got the same potential in fact for every day in april the staple potential exists.
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>> thank you. shop keepers in the afghan capitol closed doors to protest a five fold tax increase. the government says it's trying to achieve economic independence after relying on billions of dollars are aid for years. from kabul, jennifer glasse has more. >> shops are closed across the capitol. cab bums central market is almost like a ghost town. the reason why is clear. the shutdown means central cab bum looks like this, when it usually looks like this. shopkeepers say they had no choice when their tax bills arrived. >> last year, we paid $300 for a shop. this year, the government wants more than $2,000. store owners say they can't afford that and took their complaint to the streets. the finance ministry said its following the law and trying to create a tax cult u.
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culture. we can't pay more. even last year it was hard to pay our taxes. since the beginning of the year, business has been very bad. >> store owners plan to stay closed until their demand for lower tax is met. >> even though they support the protest, some shopkeepers have opened anyway, saying they can't afford to lose the income especially in an economy where they were already struggling to make a profit. >> the shutdown is a new challenge for the six month old government of ashraf ghani who has promised to reduce the international aid afghans relied on for 14 years. to do that, he needs to build a tax base, but it looks like that may not be easy. jennifer glasse, al jazeera kabul. >> still ahead on the news hour, hoping to change the power equations in a u.s. city that's become the symbol of racial tension. ferguson and it's local
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in nairobi calling for better security at universities in the wake of the garissa attack where 148 people were killed last week. >> the u.n. security council calling for humanitarian access to yarmouk in syria. the camp on the outskirts of damascus has been overrun by isil. it's home to 18,000 mostly palestinian refugees. hundreds 11 the camp on sunday. >> the pack stopi prime minister is calling on iran to get involved in a debate on yemen security. he was addressing parliament, which has been debating for a second day whether to join the military campaign against the houthis. we have the latest. >> pakistan's parliament has continued its debate on the heightening tensions and crisis in yemen. most of the opposition leaders want the government that's sending ground troops into yemen
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could prove to be a quagmire. the country is already in a state of war with the pakistani taliban in the tribal areas. there was also a vociferous debate been parliament with pros and cons for pakistan supporting the saudi government. the prime minister has consulted with the military chief and drafted a resolution and said that the saudi's wanted ground support, naval support, as well as air support. the mood coming out of islamabad suggests that there is now a fresh impetus as far as the diplomatic moves are concerned. the turkish prime minister has already flown to tehran. the iranian foreign minister is due in islamabad and what is happening is that pakistan hopes to see if iran can prevail on the houthi rebels in yemen and if turkey and pakistan can convince the saudis also to find some sort of a diplomatic
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solution. they were also warning that the yemeni conflict could turn the whole region into chaos and perhaps heighten the fears of a sectarian war. the politicians warn that this region could not afford that. >> turkey's president is in iran for high level meetings. he met with his iranian counterpart and will meet with the supreme leader later. >> officials from both sides have signed various deals. we are live from istanbul. following that visit why has it taken on such significance? juror this trip was schedule would before the chris in yemen. he focused on business.
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criticized iran before the visit, accusing it of trying to follow nate the region not only for support of the houthis but support for bashar al assad. turkey wants to see him gone and the fight against isil in northern iraq is used by iran to expand its influence there. he didn't make reference at all to yemen in the press briefing he gave after his meeting with rouhani and it was left to the iranian president to talk about the issue of yemen. >> >> bat parties are of the same view that this conflict should come to an end. both think we should as soon as possible come to end this conflict in yemen and there should be a ceasefire. attacks from neighbors countries should end and following the ceasefire, we should have a situation where we can provide
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humanitarian support. with the assistance of all countries, we can put efforts together so we can have peace stability, security and a comprehensive government between yemen and involved parties. >> how is this likely to affect relations between the two countries. >> economically, both countries need each other. that was the theme of what they talked about they want to increase bilateral trade. before he arrived in iran, he had a meeting with the sawed interior minister because turkey has shown support for saudi arabia's actions in yemen. it's offered to provide logistical support and suggested it might provide imaginistickical report. there was no mention made of that. whether it was talked about behind the scenes, he has chosen
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not to tell that to the rest of the world. >> the saudi military reinforced its southern border with yemen with personnel and army vehicles representing an expanding front in the saudi operation to contain houthi rebels. sawed>> israel admitted responsibility for the death of a peace keeper during an outbreak of fighting in january. the spaniard was accidentally killed by israeli artillery following a hezbollah attack that kid two israeli soldiers. it happened on the israeli-lebanon border. the official said israel did not intend to harm u.n. forces. >> jurors in the boston marathon bombing trial are set to begin deliberations after both sides made closing arguments. if found guilty, dzhokar tsarnaev will face life
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imprisonment or execution for his role in planting two explosives at a u.s. marathon in 2013. the teenager's lawyers have already told the court that he carried out that attack, which killed three people and injured more than 200 others. they argued he was under the influence of his brother. >> following months of racial techs and protest against the police in the u.s. city of ferguson locals have started voting in the council election. so far members have mainly been white. this time, voters hope to boost african-american representation. rob reynolds joins us live from there to tell us what's going on. >> there's been a steady trickle of voters into this polling place here in ferguson, the first baptist church of ferguson. it's early in the morning here, so we do expect more people to come as the day goes on. the possibility of in clement weather which might
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unfortunately damping down some of the turnout but of course as you mentioned ever since the events of last year, when the unarmed black teenager michael brown was fatally shot by a white police officer, and the civil unrest that followed, this day, this election day has been looked toward by many citizens of ferguson as the chance and opportunity to channel that outrage into political change, there's a great deal of interest in seeing whether the black majority residents of this community will turn out and provide in the end after the election more african-american representation in the local government. there are three open seats there are eight candidates running for city council and one of them is joining me now a bob hudgins running for city council here in ferguson. thank you for joining us. tell us in your view, what does
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this election mean to this community? >> it is a chance for people to take a breath, to calm down, to reassess see what happens with the results and then get down to the work of building this place back up. you can see from the people coming in here today some of upset, some aren't. we want to be able to bring people together through what happens today. we hope that we can get down to the work which it. we're seeing entrenched attitudes and emotions. i want to be a bridge to work through that. >> the turnout here historically has been very poor, 12% and even less among the african-american community. >> yes. >> what's your prediction for turnout at the polls today? >> i think we can get to 17% in this ward and that i could win.
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i know that sounds bad but historically it's been down. we think if we get to 17, i can win. i'll be very curious what it is. >> we will of course be keeping tabs on the elections here and providing a full report in an update later in the day. for now back to you. >> we'll cross over to you a little later on. thank you very much. rob reynolds reporting from ferguson missouri. >> indonesia's attorney general says the execution of two australian convictses on death row will proceed despite appeals from the pair's lawyers. >> the administrative court erejected the claim. clemency is not to be argued in the court, it is finished now. we heard they will file a
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judicial review to the constitutional court. that's their business. we're not affected at all. if they file it, it won't change the decision already made. we will not wait anymore and the legal process will not hinder the execution. >> in southern thailand, people of taken matters into their own hands to stop human traffickings armed and determined to stop their communities from deteriorating into lawlessness. >> deep in the jungles of southern thailand, these men patrol one of asia's busiest smuggling routes. they are all volunteers, who have answered their government's call for civilians to do what they can to stop human traffickers from using thailand as a transit point. thousands come searching for a better life. these men hope to prevent a rise in lawlessness because of the
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presence of the migrants and armed gangs that smuggle them through. >> the government officials are involved with the human traffickers. this is our biggest challenge. many of the local villagers are also involved, but i don't think they benefit as much as the officials. >> not far from the jungle refugees rescued from armed smugglers try to enjoy a semblance of freedom. fatima paid traffickers to help her and her daughters. they spent a month on a boat and then were to be smuggled through thailand across to malaysia. the volunteer militia rescued her as traffickers tried to lead her group through the dense jungle. >> the guards are very violent. they are always beating the people. they even beat us with the guns they carried. sometimes they used a rope, too. two men were shot dead and one was beaten to death. when i saw it, i just wanted to die.
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the suffering was very bad. >> to prevent further suffering, the volunteers set up check points and pretty much act as the local police. they have the support of the community, who give them food, petrol and money for their needs, but not everyone believes this is a good thing. the leaders of the minority muslim groups here are concerned the presence of armed civilian rescuers is just going to complicate matters further. >> if the muslims are carrying weapons, they know they will be treated fairly, but if the buddhist carry weapons, not all of them, but some will treat people very harsh. >> fatima and her daughters were brought to a shelter and are just glad to be alive. she still aims to get to her husband in malaysia. with no one stopping them, the men in the jungle say they'll continue their work.
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armed and determined to step in, and fill the gaps their government has been unable to. al jazeera. >> police in nepal arrested several demonstrators for trying to enforce a nationwide strike. protestors and police clashed in the capitol the strike in alliance of 30 opposition parties, the ruling coalition has been attempt to go get a vote in parliament after talks with the opposition failed. >> six green peace activists boarded an oil rig owned by shell, head to go drill above the arctic circle. green peace opposes the activity in the region, saying any spill would be extremely difficult to clean up. >> malaysia's lower house passed an anti terrorism law they say
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is necessary to tackle security threats. we have the latest from kuala lampur. >> there was overwhelming support for the passing of the prevention of terrorism act 2015 in the malaysian lower house in the early hours of tuesday morning. 79 votes for, 60 against it reinstigate a former law that allows detention of an individual with no access to a lawyer or a parent in court or even any idea of the duration of that detention. that will be up to the authorities so decide, we're now hearing civil society groups complaining about this what they're describing as draconian law being implemented by malaysia. there has been growing support in asia pacific by some to join the conflict in the middle east
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and support groups by al-qaeda and isil, so the malaysian government feel they have to stamp on this recruitment campaign. now, these 17 individuals that were arrested on sunday age between 14 and 49, they were supposed to allegedly target locations in the capitol kuala lampur and the federal state where the main seat of government the highest court in the land and the prime ministers office is, about 30 kilometers away from k.l. >> rand paul announced that he'll be a contender for the 2016 presidential election. he'll be kicking off his campaign with a rally in louisville in kentucky in the coming hours. paul is known as a libertarian who wants to sharply reduce the role of the government. unlike most rupp hopefuls, he is opposed to military campaigns abroad. he is the second republican to
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the government has been hoping to show air quality. the country rushes to develop its economy. last year, india was ranked at almost the worst country in the world for air quality. 174th out of 178. 13 of the world's most polluted cities are in india deli takes the global top spot according to the word health organization. the w.h.o. says more than 620,000 indians die each year and that's a result of severe pollution. >> time for all the sports news. >> we start with news from turkey. two suspects have been detained following the attack on a bus carrying players on saturday. the bus was hit by gunfire who are the league leaders were traveling to the airport.
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no players were injured. the bus driver was taken to hospital for treatment. the turkish fool league has been suspended for one week. >> manchester city's hopes of maintaining their premier league crown was documented monday. they are one point behind chelsea. a score in the first half, with a free kick. city's manager isn't worried about losing his job though. >> i'm not upset about my job. that's the only thing i'm never concerned. >> why? >> because i don't and i never have feared those things. i just work, i do my work, i am very happy. i think that the team maybe have a difficult season, but never worry about me. >> the duke blue devils have won college basketballs national championship in the u.s.
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nearly 19 million television viewers had been tuning in on average for the final four matches. duke ended up beating wisconsin for the championship in front of over 70,000 fans at indianapolis stadium. key play coming in the second half an 8 point lead, duke won 68-63. it's their fifth national chap and fifth trophy for their coach. >> all of them are great. it's the one you're in this moment with is always the most current, and you can feel it the best. i haven't loved a team anymore than i've loved this team, and you know, we have eight guys and four of them are freshman. for them to win 35 games and win the national title is incredible. >> over to the nba and the brooklyn nets have given their hopes of reaching the playoffs a
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big boost beating the portland trailblazers tuesday for an eighth win in 10 games. bagging 32 points and nine rebounds the nets were winners sitting seventh in the eastern conference with only five regular season games left. >> after a year long drug ban baseball player alex rodriguez returned to action with the new york yankees. he was given a warm reception by the 40,000 fans at their season opener in the bronx. he had to walk at his at-bat against the blue jays and got a single in the first inning. in the first game following the retirement of captain derek jeter, the yankees ended up losing 6-1. >> the l.a. kings have suffered a blow to their playoff hopes. they were beaten by vancouver monday despite taking the lead
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in the first period through dwight king. leveled for the canucks in the third, forcing the game into overtime. it couldn't be settled there with l.a. eventually going down 2-1 in a shootout. they're one point behind winnipeg for that second wildcard spot. >> one team that won't be at the playoffs is the toronto maple leafs. they're already eliminated. it's the ninth time in the past 10 years the league's richest and most supported team hasn't made the cut. al jazeera tries to find out why toronto's beloved leaves are so bad and why fans keep supporting them. >> they are sports legend's biggest team in hockey, the toronto maple leafs. every home game is sold out years in advance. around the city, that devotion's on display. this couple got married in the team's home arena at center ice. even their dogs wear team
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colors. it's written in stone which team any future children will support. >> we know there's only one choice. >> there's no options for the kids, they're going to be leaf fans. >> that's it, yeah. >> what scott and jennifer don't know when or if they will see their team win the stanley cup like they did in 1967. since then, they've basically come close. this year and for much of the past decade, they haven't made the playoffs. >> this young singer found inspiration in his disappointment recording this song of heartbreak and loss. >> in the music industry, a lot of music is about either heartbreak or heart warming right? there's maybe a little bit of in between, but that's what most of it is. the leaf song that pretty much just been a heartbreak. >> think of manchester united or
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the new york yankees the leaves have that much money in popularity in canada, but they lose and players often fail in toronto, only to sub seed in other cities. the most recent player commemorate outside the arena retired in the 1980's. the sports writer wrote a book called leaves abomination trying to explain why the team is so dismal. he likens the team to the baseball's chicago cubs who hasn't won in more than a century. >> they are unlikable losers this season, because they're the richest team, the team with a rich tradition. yet as you say, 50 years since they lost won it, they are still looking for another one. >> this is the city where the stanley cup hockey's top trophy is stored between championships a popular tour it attraction, fans here have to be content just looking at it through glass and wondering if their team will
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ever win it again. >> it's final ply spring and hockey rinks emptying out. maple leafs players as usual are trading hockey sticks for golf clubs. as for the die hard fans, and i'm one we've learned to say they're always next year. al jazeera toronto. >> golf's former world number one tiger woods is confident he will win his 15th title at masters which started thursday. ranged 111th in the world, 11 over par in january at the phoenix open, then missed the rest due to back injury. >> he hasn't played for a while but everyone's excited and interested to see how he purchases this week, what the state of the game i also for him, because he's such a huge part of golf.
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everyone enjoys watching him obviously. we got, you know, very blessed with the 15 year span of the domination he had out here and as a competitor, i didn't like it very much, but, you know, it's just good to see and he was always my hero growing up, watching him. >> one of china's biggest sports stars has announced his retirement. the former olympic champion claimed his caught countries first athletic man's gold, winning the 110-meter hurdles in athens. his retirement comes after a battle with fitness. he has struggled since an injury ended his challenge for gold in beijing in 2008. >> thanks for watching the news hour on al jazeera. back in just a moment with a full bulletin of news. all the day's top stories
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we know they are close, and they are watching us and we are watching them. >> saudi forces turn their rise on the border as air strikes expand in yemen. ♪ >> you are watching al jazeera, live from our headquarters in doha. also coming up . . . in kenya, students calling for increased security at universities in the wake of the massacre last week. turkey's president visits
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