tv News Al Jazeera April 7, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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the u.s. says it is speeding up weapon's supplies to the coalition targeting the houthi rebels. at least 74 children have been confirmed kills and dozens injured as civilians pay a heavy price for the fighting. ♪ hello there, i'm felicity barr and you are watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up protests in kenya, where students call for
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better security after the horrific university attack. and malaysia is accused of taking a big step backwards at at -- as parliament reintroduced detention without trial. hello the u.s. says it is speeding up weapons supplies to the saudi-lead coalition. washington also says it is increasing its intelligence sharing. the world health organization says more than 540 people have been killed and 1700 injured in fighting in yemen over the last few weeks. 74 children have been confirmed killed. but unicef believes that figure is much higher. the red cross is warning of a catastrophic situation in aden.
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it is hoping to fly in medical supplies on wednesday. jamal has the latest. >> reporter: a civilian in the sentence of aden is shot by a houthi sniper as he films the street below. an example of how dangerous the streets of yemen have become. this is the kind of violence the saudi-lead coalition says it is targeting. they blame the houthis and their allies of taking yemen by force and cracking down on anyone who oppose them. >> translator: they target buildings and people. we are working in coordination with tribesmen and popular committees. >> reporter: the fiercest battles are taking place in aden. there forces loyal to hadi are battling houthis and their allies and their army parts of which remain aligned with the
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former president. the humanitarian situation is worsening. aid agencies have found it almost impossible to reach those most in need. >> translator: we coordinated the arrival of passenger plane to sana'a. it landed there and left safely. we are in the process of coordinating a second flight now. >> reporter: russia is working through the united states to get all sides to agree to a ceasefire. china has always called for a political solution to this war, hinting, though that it supports president hadi. >> translator: china is deeply worried by the recent developments. we all on all parties to quickly implement a ceasefire. china also hopes that all relevant sides can implement u.n. security council resolutions and gcc proposals.
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we also call on them to resolve the process through political dialogue. >> reporter: but the international community faces a difficult challenge. saudi arabia and its partners have repeatedly said they will not stop their attacks unless president hadi is reinstated a demand the houthis have so far rejected. well inevitably it is the most vulnerable who are suffering the most. unicef has called for children in particular to be given special protection. >> 74 children are known to have been killed and 44 maimed so far since the fighting began. but we say we are aware that these are conservative fig combrurs, and we believe that the total number of children killed is much higher. let's get more on the news that the u.s. is speeding up weapons supplies and boosting intelligence sharing.
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what more do we know about this? >> reporter: not much really. but it does it fit a pattern we have had since the bombardment began of the administration suggesting its stanch support on monday, we heard that the u.s. agreed to midair refuelling of the jets. and the saudi counterpart reaffirmed and praised the strategic relationship. for the saudi's part they cautiously enforced any p5-plus-1 nuclear framework deal with iran on monday. but he shouldn't be too surprised over the weapons supply. the obama administration really has armed the saudi regime to
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the teeth over obama's last two terms. not only have they sold generally more weapons around the world than any administration since the second world war. it has been record-breaking weapons sales to saudi arabia from the u.s. >> thank you. and the pakistani prime minister is calling on iran to join the debate on security in yemen. he made his comments to pakistan's parliament on the second day of debating whether to join the military campaign against the houthi rebels. they refeeled on monday that saudi arabia had asked the support of its land sea, and air forces. we'll have more on the conflict on yemen a little later in the program. now the u.n. security council has called for humanitarian access to the
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palestinian refugee camp in syria. most of the camp is in ruins after being overrun by isil on wednesday. they suggested they consider emergency measures to evacuate people. thousands of refugees have been forced to flee and are staying at a temporary camp. hundreds of kenyan university stunt -- students have been calling for better security after the attack last week. they want compensation for the victims, construction of a memorial and tighter security on campus. they stopped at the office of the president to present their demands. the united nations says more than 140,000 children have been forced to leave their homes because of the crisis in eastern
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ukraine. some are now even living in underground shelters, and their familiarries are struggling to feed and clothe them. andrew simmonds reports. >> reporter: children should haven't to live like this. an existence underground with little food. it's always the poor who suffer most at times of conflict and there's no exec shun in the self declared republican of donetsk. places like this answer the question is there any confidence in the ceasefire? families living underground in musty, damp conditions and here there are 28 children trying to get by. many families refused to give up their space here because they are convinced the fighting will resume. some of the children have foster parents who can't afford to clothe and feed them. this woman used to get a $100 month allowance for fostering 4
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year old anton. she was advised by a welfare worker to put anton into an orphanage. >> translator: how could they say this? he is mine. he is mine. i won give him away never. never. do you love your mom? >> reporter: under the nearest orphanage, rebranded with a flag of the pro-russian self declared republic there is a depressed mood. >> translator: ukraine should supply these families are support. >> reporter: but ukrainian welfare payments aren't being sent here. the break away republic isn't paying them either and hasening
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paid staff salaries since december. institutions like these are a throw back to the soviet era when parents couldn't cope children were placed under the care of the state. they would sometimes develop mental health issues and go into adulthood without being given the chance of independence. the self declared republic couldn't tell us when it will part making foster payments. the fear is if things get worse, more children will have to go into state care. andrew similar mondays al jazeera. the latest parliament has approved a controversial anti-terrorism law. the new law reintroduces indefinite detention without trial, a policy that was revoked three years ago. it was passed hours after 17
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people were detained. take you life now to reed a, where we're getting the daily press briefing from the spokesman from the saudi-lead coalition fighting the houthi rebels in yemen. he's listen. >> translator: i would like at the very beginning to talk about some important points. first of all, i would like to stress that the command of the coalition are on continuous contact with the relief agencies and the countries that are willing to evacuate their citizens from yemen. some statements are made today from the people of the red cross regarding the cooperations and the flights that are planned to go there, yes, indeed. yesterday i planned one there, and evacuated some of the red
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cross members. today we -- few minutes ago, rather we have authorized a ship that will move towards aden carrying humanitarian aid and carrying individuals also from red cross, and we have mentioned at the very beginning that their relief is quite important matter of the campaign, and the safety of the people is very important and the organization -- the proper organization is also important only to have the proper conditions to make sure that the medical staff are safe and we have finished the matter of the authorizations. that has been done with the red cross and the other organizations. the evacuation of the citizens in yemen is going well.
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flights are there. times are scheduled. there are some difficulties regarding providing enough flights that can carry all of the people on the ground. we have made some evacuation through the sea. in general, i can say that since the very beginning what have been said by the coalition and the capabilities offered by the coalition are quite good in achieving the goals and the safety. although regarding the situation aden i would like to make the picture very clear to everyone of you. now we have the map of aden. the map of aden here says that there are fighting between the popular committees and some good members of the yemeni army
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on one hand against the houthis militias. and the rebels on the other hand -- saleh on the other hand this fighting is taking place in this part of aden. the other part of aden are stable and without problems. today the red cross i mentioned in a statement through the spokesperson of the organization that a situation in the city of aden is under control and -- the practices of the houthi's -- militias are also monitored. the houthis militias targeted the hospitals, the ambulances the houses of the civilians, and this means that they are not targeting military locations. they are sporadically targeting
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civilians and other innocent people. the coalition forces are trying to isolate the houthi's militias in the city of aden. the continuous support is there from the popular committees and the brave people of the city of aden and these things made by the houthis will be decreasing day after day, and the city will -- and be in a safe position. regarding the aerial targets, we are concentrating on sharing the camps, the military camps, and the convoys of the houthis, all of the convoys of ali abdullah saleh, the former ousted president of yemen, these have been targeted directly in sana'a in ta'izz in ibb, and
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in every location where we find such convoys. the coalition forces asked the commanders of the yemeni army who are willing to go back and support the legitimate regime in yemen, we have asked them to be in contact with their colleagues who are now supporting the legitimate regime because we need not to destroy these locations, and we need not to put the lives of the officers or the soldiers in danger this is not our goal. now we need to make sure that all of the forces supporting the houthis militias will be targeted. we know about their movements. we know about their weapons too.
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that's why we ask them to stop and we ask those army commanders to go back and support the legitimate regime in yemen, and we need to put an end to this matter because the houthis militias are doing every wrong thing in the conflict. those commanders of the army will be safe if they cooperate with the good people of yemen, with the coalition forces and to support the legitimate regime. we have targeted the weapons stores and you cannot imagine how big and how massive are some of these weapons store because lot of weapons were taken from the yemeni army and were stolen by those who were opposed to the
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legitimate coalition -- regime. the coalition forces are on a daily basis destroying these massive quantities of weapons. that's where the coalition will achieve their goals. there are some movements as we have mentioned yesterday. these militias and the ones who support these militias have only two things either to stay hidden in their location and the arab forces will destroy them, or to move as you can see now, towards their units in -- on the way to aden or towards the saudi borders, and in these cases they will also be targeted and destroyed. now there are few members of them. they are losing a lot.
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they are in a state of chaos. they are not well organized anymore. and the coalition forces will continue their destruction operation against them. these as you can see are very isolated. this weapons store is here [ inaudible ] city and some of the remains of the houthis militias and the brigade there, and they were targeted yesterday also by the coalition forces. the ammunitions through here you can see how big is the explosion in this part. we have found more than 11 weapons stores and you can see the big explosion. this is the second explosion by the way, and this is not the first explosion. another site you can now see the volume of the explosion and the ammunition there.
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this store is near to the saudi borders, and it was targeted yesterday. the military base is now almost not working and the militia houthis came yesterday and tried to enter into the military base but they were directly targeted and the base now is under the full control of the popular committees in the region in the area. a town that is quite isolated but targeted so as not to be used again by these militias. as i told you there are from time to time some moves to reorganize their members and fighters but the coalition war planes are there 24/7 under
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yemeni air space and we will hit everything. we got information regarding some of these groups in this area and they were also targeted so as not for these militias to take anything from the base. ammunition stores and you can see the big explosion and how -- how big is that explosion. this is some rocket locations in the city of aden. the location was targeted so as not for these groups or these militias to take the missiles inside it. now the southern borders of the kingdom are quite safe.
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the ground forces are doing the job in a perfect way, and they target any movement from the other target directly. there are some groups who are really isolated. there are some individuals that are also isolated and we deal with them according to the action plan and the borders are quite safe and secure. welcome to the navy movement. as we have mentioned, the maritime operations are being done properly and our ships are doing the job properly in cooperation with the country's -- and they were there in order to protect this area and to prevent any trafficking and the job is being done very properly in order not to allow any trafficking from the yemeni
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border. before moving to the questions, i would like to say that the coalition forces asked for the last time when it comes to the cooperation of the -- and the evacuation of the citizens to use these numbers that we have published and the email of the [ inaudible ] and now is the time for you to ask any questions if you have. [ inaudible ] thirteen days since they started shelling in yemen. what are the consequences in all parts of yemen? as i said during the briefing now the coalition forces are working on the main target which is to safeguard in
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particular the city of aden and to protect the city and to -- not to allow the houthi militias to terrorize the people and the city. we target any movement on the roads, and also as i said the army forces that are supporting ali abdullah saleh, and the houthi forces are trying to [ inaudible ] the presidency in aden and we have targeted these camps like a [ inaudible ] camp and [ inaudible ] camp and the [ inaudible ] camp. these camps were hosting people supporting saleh and the houthi militias. we have targeted them. we have also targeted locations for the central police not for the sake of attacking the centers, but because these centers people are trying to
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change the presence of the forces there, and regarding the other locations targeted as you have noticed through the videos there are weapons -- those big and massive weapon stores and we mean big and massive, as i'm telling to you. these weapons, some of them were taken from the yemeni army but you know the houthi militias have taken also these weapons at a time when they were in domination of the airport and the ports in yemen. they have imported a lot of -- of weapons from so many other places outside of yemen, and they have put these weapons into stores so this means then they were intending to hit the country and the citizens. you are listening to a press conference with a spokesman for
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the saudi-lead coalition fighting the houthi rebels in yemen. he has been accusing the houthis of targeting civilians, hospitals. he said they are trying to isolate the civilians in aden. we're also listening into that press conference was our correspondent who joins me live from doha. any spokesperson did address the humanitarian issue. he talked about the authorizization of a ship -- welcome to al jazeera america. i'm randall pinkston in new york city. the republican race for president is heating up today. you're looking at a hotel in downtown louisville kentucky where senator rand paul is expected to announce his bid for the 2016 presidential election.
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he is in his first term of office but conservative straw polls have put him on top of the pack of 2016 -- contenders. there has been a lengthy, lengthy pre-presentation. let's listen in now to senator rand paul. >> i have a message -- [ cheers ] >> -- a message that is loud and clear, and does not mince words. we have come to take our country back. ♪ >> -- they use washington as their personal pig give back. the special interests that are more concerned with their personal welfare than the
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general welfare. [ applause ] >> the washington machine that gobbles up our freedoms and invades every nook and cranny of our lives must be stopped. [ cheers and applause ] less than five years ago, i stood just down the road in my hometown of bowling green and said those same words. i wasn't sup -- supposed to win. no one thought i would. i have a vision for america. i want to be part of a return to prosperity a true economic boom that lifts all americans, a return to a government-restrained by the constitution. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> a return to privacy, opportunity, liberty, too often, when republicans have won, we have squandered our victory, by becoming part of the washington machine. that's not who i am. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's not why i ran for office the first time just a few years ago. the truth is i loved my life as a small-town doctor. i woke up and felt lucky to do the things i loved. i was blessed to be able to do things that made a difference in people's lives. i never could have done any of this without the help of my parents who are here today. i would like you to join me in thanking my mother and dad. [ cheers and applause ] >> with my parents' help i was
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able to make it through long years of medical training to become an eye surgeon, there is nothing that compares with helping someone see better. last august i was privileged to travel to guatemala on a medical mission trip. we operated on more than 200 people who were blind or nearly blind. i was grateful to be able to put my scrubs back on and focus on the task at hand. to take a surgical approach to fix a problem. a man arrived and told me i had operated on his wife the day before. his wife could see clearly for the first time in years, and she begged him to get on the bus, travel the winding roads and come back to our surgery center. he too was nearly blind. after his surgery the next day his wife sat next to me as i unveiled the patch from his eyes, it was a powerful moment for me to
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