tv News Al Jazeera April 9, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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i . >> announcer: this is al jazeera. welcome to the newshour. we are here in doha. here is what is coming up in the next 60 minutes. iran's president says there won't be a nuclear deal unless sanctions are listed. >> we are aware of support that iran has given to yemen a halt called for saudi-led air strikes. u.s. warns iran of backing houthi rebels. paying back the loans.
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greece to hand over 51 million to the i.m.f. plus... >> i'm catherine wambua-soi at a checkpoint in garissa. i'll look into why kenyan-somalis feel alienated by the government. more on those in a moment. first, we want to start by telling you about the latest comments from iran's supreme leader. he says not reaching a deal on the nuclear programme is better than making a bad deal. ayatollah khamenei is referring to a framework agreement signed between iran and the world powers in switzerland. president hassan rouhani's warning that his country will not sign a final accord unless i companied by the lifting of sanctions. >> translation: we will not sign
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any agreement unless all economic sanctions are lifted on the first day of the implementation of the agreement a political analyst and journalist joins me with more on this from tehran. a lot coming out from the top representatives of the iranian government. let's talk about the comments from the supreme leader. what do you make of that what should the world read into it. >> he mentioned, as you said that we will continue to hold talks with the west and not walk away from the negotiations. he said the west cannot be trusted. they imposed new sanctions on iran. it makes - it makes perfect sense for us to walk away. they will not do that now. we'll continue and see how they'll stick to their own end of the bargain. at the end of the day it is the
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west that will lose big time not iran. iranians - everyone here backs the government and the deal. the leadership and the parliament. everyone wants to prove to the international community that nothing is wrong with the programme and everything is wrong with america and its allies. trustworthiness, when it comes to international deals. >> you say that the west has a lot to lose. doesn't iran have a huge stake in this as well. all of the evidence is of people suffering as a result of the continued economic sanctions against the country. if that wasn't the case why did they agree to come to the negotiating table in the first place? >> i won't argue with you, you are right. we have paid a huge cost because of the sanctions, not because the programme is not peaceful. the west is no longer fit to do
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international business. last year i did market research in germany, france belgium and the u.k. there, the european market is dead. the consumers are no longer able to buy anything basing foods and the commodities. there are no jobs. there is no market. everybody is just desperate to make ends meet. now, if they have imposed sanctions on us on russia it's not because russia invaded ukraine, or the programme is not peaceful they don't have the money to chase the oil. they are more than happy to by all barrels of oil at $30. that is what tuckey is doing, that's what the greeks are doing, that's what many european countries are doing. it makes sense. why do they bother to buy from us when it's $100 per barrel.
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it's not about you, the united arab emirates in qatar or saudi arabia it's nothing to do with iran's threats and everything to do with the fact that the west is bankrupt they don't have the money. >> you made your point on that. i want to ask you about president hassan rouhani's comments as well. he says that a final accord with the western powers will not happen unless it's accompanied by the lifting of sanctions from day one. clearly go back to my previous point that the economic hardship that iran is facing is obviously an issue for iranian negotiators. if they want the sanctions lifted from day one. >> the government will lose big time if the deal doesn't go through. they'll lose the upcoming parliamentary and experts elections. the hardliners stand to win.
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people will lose unless the council comes to its censors, and signs the fair deal. at the end of the day we want a way out of the deadlock and we are not happy to see the stand off going on with the west. yes, you are right, we are suffering, paying a heavy rite to the programme, we want an end to the hostility and have it ended. if there is a deal they have to lift the sanctions immediately. it doesn't make sense. you don't have the money, come and borrow from us. you can pay us later, but you can't... >> i want to ask you though about the dash what the prospect is for a final agreement on this, due in june at the moment. the general tone coming out of the talks in switzerland last week was one of reconciliation. it was historic a brask
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framework was reached. now we here the comments from the supreme leader and the president saying "wait a mftenlt this has to hap -- minute this has to happen first." what are the prospects for a final deal reached? >> make no mistake no one has the guts to say no to a possible nuclear deal with the west. today iran's leader says i support the continuation of talks, i want to make sure i'm not making a mistake. at the end of the day the west is not trustworthy, if this is the case we have nothing to lose. we return to the programme and continue business as usual. they stand to lose. we stand to lose. the leaders know we'll continue to hold talks. i think they have made it clear that we are here to do one thing
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that the west cannot be trusted, they are here to wage war. >> thank you, joining us there from tehran. thank you for your time in yemen intensifying is taking place in aden where reportedly rockets landed on houses. 643 have died says the world health organisation and 2,200 have been injured. the first medical supplies started to arrive. doctors without borders says some supplies have arrived. president hassan rouhani called for a halt saying countries in the regions should help bring nehmenies to the negotiating table. irani warships arrived. they say it's part of an anti-pirate operation. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry is accusing iran of providing support to the houthi rebels. >> they have and there are obviously supplies that have been coming from iran.
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there's a number of flights every week flying in and we trace them and know those. we are aware of the support that iran has been giving yemen. iran needs to recognise that the united states is not going to stand by while the region is destabilized or while people engage you know in overt warfare across the lines, international boundaries and other countries. >> we are joined for more on this by a former advisor to the last three yemeni leaders. >> i want to start with the comments by kerry, that he is accusing iran of support giving - giving material support to the houthis, your reaction to that and what is the outlook on a diplomatic solution regarding the fate of yemen. >> everything is linked towards
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what came out from iran. iranians aimed at getting something out of the talks in lausanne. and when their allies the former deposed president couldn't get them they were in tatters, they agreed on an agreement, and they are pulling the legs background. and i think this is very much now linked to the position of the americans since yesterday. they said them continue the supply of weapons to the saudis and to the commencement today, that no one could threaten saudi arabia. i think we are just unfortunately - yemen is on this big chest board and i'm very worried that our people in aden will be suffering. >> we are three weeks into the saudi-led operation in yellen how long do you expect the campaign to go on? >> i think it will go on and
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continue to achieve goals, and they are related to the - you know u.n. security council resolution which has been draft drafted. if it passes and pushes the other side to come back to the negotiating table. and forces others to the resolutions, that is a go. >> good to get your thoughts thank you. the parliament in pakistan is debating whether or not to send forces to the saudi-led campaign. the foreign minister zaharie ahmed shah met with pakistan's prime minister on thursday calling for peace talks. let's cross to islamabad, kamal hyder is there for us. them debate in the fourth day. will there be a decision soon? >> well the decision probably
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will come on friday and the parliamentary session will take time. when the parliamentary session started there was a lot of bickering among the politicians. as it wept went along there was serious thoughts pakistan saying they should help. there is a perception in pakistan that the diplomatic way out is the most suitable way to find a negotiated settlement or to attain a ceasefire in yemen. the parliamentarians have been discussing the pros and cons and one of the chairman of the foreign affairs committee had this to say as far as the crisis was concerned. >> yemen is like a quick sand. no one can come out of it. there'll be no winners. we should ask our chinese friends in the u.n. security council, ask for a ceasefire, they should ask for dialogue and
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negotiations and they should ask for national rech on silliation in yemen. pakistan and turkey should jointly cohost. and we should invite the foreign minister of saudi arabia and foreign minister of iran in istanbul or islamabad. >> that was the reaction from parliament. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much kamal hyder, live for us there in cif. >> on the international committee of the red cross and united nations have called for immediate access to yarmouk camp in syria to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid. thousands of syrian and palestinian refugees have been trapped since i.s.i.l. fighters stormed the camp in damascus. at the moment water, food and medication are scarce. >> anwar is extremely alarmed at the sustained hostilities as
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they inflilent unimaginable -- inflict unimaginable pain and suffering to 18,000 syrian men, women and children trapped in yarmouk, surviving under the threat of armed violence and are unable to access water, foot and basic health care. anwar is calling for a pause in hostilities, humanitarian access and the safe evacuation of civilians that want to leave yarmouk. >> russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov said syria's opposition and the west are moving closer to holding talks with syria's president bashar al-assad. russia is hosting talks with the syrian government and some other opposition groups. some groups are boycotting the meeting. more from moscow. rory challands is there for us. the talks have been behind closed doors. do we know about what is going on. >> well they've been going on
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for four days, starting on monday. what we understand is for the first two days of the talk it was the various opposition groups talking among themselves. the government's representative bashar al-assad - sorry, bassar al-jafari joined the talks on wednesday. what were the opposition groups doing for the first two days. they were coming up with a document which they handed now to the government's representative. that document talks about things like humanitarian issues we understand, and as they put it the fight against terror: what we believe it does not mention is the fate of syria's leader bashar al-assad. and it is of course worth remembering, as you said that the main opposition group in syria, the syrian national coalition has boycotted these talks, because it wants bashar
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al-assad to go. that is its precondition for a negotiation, and it doesn't trust russia as an independent mediator. have the changes in the middle east then altered the dynamic of syria's civil war at all. >> well yes, there has been two things that have happened in recent months. one, of course is the rise of islamic states which has replaced well bashar al-assad as the main boeingie man in the region for western powers, western governments. and this has led to a noticeable softening in the kind of language that you hear coming from the western powers like the united states when they talk about bashar al-assad. the other thing that happened recently is of course the nuclear deal with iran if and
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when sanctions against rain are lifted that will enable iran to act as a more powerful regional actor, and so for - and, therefore, it will be able to support allies in the region. one of them is bashar al-assad. so of course what is good for bashar al-assad is bad for syria's opposition. rory challands reporting to us there live from moscow. >> still to come on the newshour the presidential election in sudan is days away but the winner is all but assured. well see how the people are faring as bashar al-assad expends its hold on power. outsourcing giant's founder is guilty in one of largest frauds in indian corporate history. we'll be live from new delhi. and tiger woods nonetheless a rounds of golf with his family.
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robin is here as we count down to the first major of the year. returning to the top story on the war in yemen. we'll take a closer look in the country, saudi arabia of course put together a 10-nation coalition to rescue what it says is the illegitimate government. the separation inguds the gulf nations bahrain, qatar, the u.a.e. and kuwait. you have jordan sudan, egypt and morocco, and the united states is stepping up its logistical role by supplying intelligence and speeding the flow of arms to the alliance. saudi arabia asked its ally pakistan to help by providing combat troops, warships and
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fighter jets. this sparked a debate in the parliament with the opposition united against intervention. the iranian foreign minister zarif is in pakistan this week and says iran and pakistan should cooperate to solve the crisis in yemen. . >> the war forced thousands of foreign nationals to leave. 3,000 indians have left many are from the south. we have a report from there once they arrive home the hardship is not over. >> reporter: they can't forget what they saw in yemen. the mobile phone footage taken shows how close they were to the bombs dropped on the capital sanaa. all these people that had to leave are from the same neighbourhood, and saw the violence first hand. >> i was working in the i.c.u. and every day i saw injuries dead and burnt bodies. the hospital was shaking from
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the bombings we stayed in a bomb shelter and were praying that we'd make it out alive. >> reporter: this woman and her husband made it out of yemen. >> translation: i had to leave everything and come here i have $12,000 in loans. i don't know what do now. if things are better in 2-3 months we'd like to go back. >> it's unlikely the couple with return soon the government focused on removing the people from yemen. >> translation: whatever wants to come back we are helping them. we evacuated people in large numbers and are sending them home. then we'll scale down the operation. thousands of indians returned to worried relatives. while the homecoming is happy, most behind buy goods they can't find in india.
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>> the people arriving are the last to return. many talk about the difficult situation. even though they are home troubles are not over. >> those who have returned from other middle eastern conflict zones say they are struggling. the nurse returned from iraq and says she hasn't been given help finding a job. >> translation: when i watch the people returning from yemen on tv i feel bad for them. i was in the same situation a year ago. nothing so far has happened for me. i don't think anything will be done for them either. >> these people say they want to go back to yemen. >> they are very god with indians, we are afraid there is no government tomorrow. >> after the war there is no nothing. you can't complain to anything. they start looting the houses. >> reporter: as their deaths
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grow the people wonder how long they can survive sitting at home. now, three attacks in egypt's sinai peninsula killed 13 civilians and two soldiers. houses in a town bordering gas e were hit by mortar fire. another landed on a house in another village and a third on a military vehicle. elections in sudan are slated for next week. president riek machar is up against 15 others. many spect him to bin extends his rule. he took power in 1989 in a military coup the last in a series following in depends. under his rule sudan has seen continuing unrest. basheer is accused of war crimes and the deaths of 200,000 there. he led sudan through a 22 year
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civil war in which an estimated 2 million from killed. that ended in 2005. bashir over saw the split from south in 2011 after the people of the south voted for independence. we have this report from the capital khartoum. >> reporter: an activist says he expected his participation in peaceful protests would eventually get him arrested. he describes happened when security forces picked him up last year. >> translation: they hit me continuously. they used their hands, batons and wires. >> reporter: human rights attorney nabeel says the elderly are not spared. they are defending two activists, they are sick imprisoned and facing terrorism charges. >> most of the people do not
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feel anything other than despair. they see the government doing whatever they like. human right activists say since 200 people were killed during protests there has been a chill on the streets, and the government is targetting the media. last month 14 newspapers were confiscated before they were transcripted. >> in order to promote freedom of expression among activists, human rights groups and journalists, some of the sanctions were eased. people can buy american-made products like smart phones laptops and encryption software. the national commission for human rights says getting permits for protest is the law, but admits many are denied. it's points it a variety of the government and independent outlets routinely criticizing bashir and his government.
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>> freedoms are interrupted. we need the government and international groups to come together to solve the problem. >> with the election days away it is not anticipated large protests against the government. he says that's irrelevant. >> translation: the movement to destabilize the gunmen won't stop. activists are beyond the election the founder of a leading indian software company has been sentenced to seven years in prison for one of the largest frauds in the country's report history. ramaling a raju and his brother were convicted of an accounting form. let's get more of that. what has been the reaction to the sentence? .
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>> that's right, it's been a closely watched case over the last six years, particularly the question going forward is ramalinga raju served about three years over the course of this investigation, since confessing in 2009 to cooking the books to $1 billion. the question is - yes, the question is whether, in fact the three years will contribute to the seven this he's been sentenced to today. he's been given a fine of under $1 million. given that it could have been a maximum of 14 going forward, but on the other side the case has come to an end. obviously appeals and, you know a counter process permitting here. certainly a case that is watched closely in india, and eliciting lots of reaction internationally. >> let's talk about the international expect. india is keep to continue and
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encourage foreign investment. what implications will this particular case have for that? >> well if you look at the - let's take is back. this was a time when the outsourcing industry in india was proven to be a global promise. ramalinga raju was described as one of the forefathers of india's outsourcing business and was someone showing the potential of the industry. it had an impact. there was a deal of suspicion on the accounting practices, how they work and business is done. going forward though over the past six years, the securities and exchange board of india stepped in. regulation or stronger parameters have been put in place in terms of accounting processes. in terms of where we go. they'll watch how this sentence
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is if in fact there is gaol time. in terms of wider implications what people were looking for perhaps has already happened. >> all right. that report from new delhi. apologies for the break up in the audio switching gears a bit. let's see what the weather has in store for you. an abrupt end to the cherry blossom festival. >> yes, remember japan had a harsh winter. it's a welcome introduction to spring. let's have a look. two days ago you'd feed the flowers on your hand as they did. this is tokyo we are talking about. 23rd march, now it's in full bloom. on monday the temperatures was high to celebrate it. on monday and tuesday, a cold front went through. there is the shock. we have 23 degrees. kind of normal on monday.
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it's a beautiful, warm spring day. but, as that cold front went through tuesday managed 11. then the cloud rolled up and it rained rather cold rain at that. the cold front never went away. it was golder weather, such that you ended up as a high temperature of 4 degrees. what happens when you rain into 4 degrees, it's frozen rain. that was the view over the cherry blows ums. -- blows ums. it was snow. it was a shock. it all had gone mad. temperatures are rising. more rain on the way at 10 degrees over the next 24 hours. the sun follows, it's not as warm. thank you very much. more still ahead on the newshour. guilty on all 30 count. the civiling boston marathon bomber waits to here if he'll face the death penalty education emergency, why
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lifting of sanctions: there has been a call to the audi-led air strikes. countries should bring yemen to the negotiating table. warships arrived? aden. it's part of an anti-piracy operation. russia is hosting talks with the syrian government, and some opposition figures over the ongoing conflict in syria. russia's opposition is moving closer to holding talks with the president bashar al-assad. now, the greek government has given the go ahead to the bank of greece to repay around $501 million to the international monetary fund as per a bailout agreement. wednesday, prime minister alexis tsipras signed an agreement of economic cooperation with russia. ali velshi is live for us in the greek capital, and ali, we know now for sure that the payment has been made.
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>> that's right, we have confirmation from the greek government that the bank of greece has been asked to make the payment. typically the wires are sent out in the morning. we believe it has been set out. we are awaiting confirmation from the international monetary fund that it has been refused their end. 450 euros, no sigh of relief. they have another big fament due on tuesday. they have an almost billion payment to the if due in may. by the end of may they have 2.5 million due. pensions and salary due in greece. greece didn't thing you could make the payment. there has been shuttle diplomacy, the finance minister was in washington asking for an extension. they didn't get it. the presume was in russia looking for a deal. they signed a better cooperation paper. it didn't mean anything.
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bottom line is greece hardly had the money to make this payment. it's unlikely they'll make the following payments without restructuring. greece is probably in more trouble than a few months ago. >> let's talk about reconstructing. will they be able to do that at this point? >> it's tough. in any case of a creditor that needs to be restructured a debtor that needs to be restructured. they look for tougher terms. the leftist government was released 2.5 months ago on the promise from the greeks that they were not going to raise taxes or tighten the belt. no one will restructure unless they do more of those things from the greek perspective it's understandable they feel squeezed. this has 26% unemployment. youth unemployment is 50%.
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nothing is working well. they cannot function on these terms. greece is between a rock and a hard place. it wants better terms. the only ones to lend money will things possibly a militar imagine how that will go over with e.u. or the united states members. greece is in a crisis greek officials work this week to figure out the potential solutions. none are obvious. questions then about how they'll get more cash together and how this is impacting ordinary greek citizens. >> it's impacting them difficultly. one of the things the government needs to do is raise more in taxes. greece is a place that for decades people and businesses have not paid faxes well. it's had an in -- taxes well it had an ineffective tax regime enforcement. tax collectors are bribed. for the longer term the government set out to combat
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corruption. they have hired, you know the supreme court prosecutor of 38 years to really come down hard on companies. he wants $2.5 billion euros in unpaid taxes over the last couple of years. they are raising taxes, high unemployment low wages, hard to get money. there's a sense that greece prospers in the long term. the problem is greek's debts not long term. the interest payments have to be made otherwise they'll default and from rates will go higher. greek citizens are not happy. they are in agreement that corruption is too great. tax evasion is too widespread and they have to change in greece. pension reform hours that people work. the years before they retire. lots of things have to change. behind me in parliament they are trying to get the changes. the problem is the time line. at the moment if greece does not make payments it doesn't get money, and you have a country in
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default, and a country that could be thrown out of the eurozone creating a new set of problems. >> ali velshi live for us there in athens. thank you. >> now to afghanistan. five people have been killed and 26 others injured in a gun battle in the northern town after two gunmen entered the attorney-general's office there in mazar-e-sharif in north-east kenya an uneasy relationship between officials and kenyans make it difficult to fight al-shabab. they've been accused of racial profiling. we report from garissa, where gunmen killed 147 at a university there last week. >> muslim clerics in garissa. the people they see condemn last thursday's massacre at the university. they talk about peace and the need to work with the government to expose al-shabab fighters
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hiding here and those that help them. here is a problem - many are afraid to give information to the government. i met some clan elders who told me why. >> translation: i once give information to police. they arrested me saying i'm al-shabab. how do you expect people to give information if they feel they'll be victimized. >> reporter: somalis from this region accused police and the military of targetting them in crackdowns. this is garissa's main market. in 2012 when three soldiers were killed by unidentified gunmen just outside, there was a government crackdown. this market was banned to the ground by soldiers. they believe that the gunmen passed through here and blamed the traders for it. harara was shot in the raid. it took her two months and the help of relatives to rebuild her
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store. longer for her wound to heal. >> translation: they shot me. the bullet came out the other side. we had no cars. people had to carry us to the hospital. >> translation: now a curfew is in place, people are complaining about rest. >> reporter: this man says his relative was arrested in a raid. we haven't seen him since. >> >> translation: we found his bloody shoes at the site of the raid. we are still looking. >> reporter: priorities are to win over people we have been told. >> religious leadership is more important, and they promised. to me that gives me an opportunity as an entry point to get into the people. >> he also says somali irrespective of where they come
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from must be screened. at this point. they check documents. this is one set up all the way from the border. they don't mind the checks but they have a problem. they have a problem of racial profiling warring parties signed an agreement that could end the fighting in the central african republic. the deal was signed in nairobi. the deputy and president finalized the deal warning the two sides to stick to theirened of the bargain and avoid being thrown off track. the surviving boston marathon bomber has been found guilty. dzhokhar tsarnaev was convicted on all charges he faced,
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including killing three people using weapons of mass destruction, and conspiracy. the jury has to decide if he'll face the death penalty. >> reporter: the verdict was not in doubt. lawyers for dzhokhar tsarnaev admitted that he was one of the boston bombers, it was him, he said in opening statements. the jury delivered a verdict guilty on all 30 charges. 17 carry the death penalty. one of the victims says the jury's decision doesn't bring >> we are all going to move on with our lives, and get back to some sense of normalcy, hopefully, when this is all done. closure, i guess, i don't think so, only because it's forever a part of our life. >> reporter: the defense knew they'd never clear their client, their intention to save him from the death penalty, they want the jury to see him as someone that acted under the influence of his older brother tamerlan tsarnaev. >> what the defense team has done is allow the jury to build trust with the defense
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attorneys, so after this almost inevitable conclusion of guilt, the jury will be able to work through the evidence and decide whether or not he's actually culpable to the level that he should be, given the death penalty or whether he should be given the sentence of life. >> much of the evidence in trial has not been challenged by the defense. the prosecution's case is that dzhokhar tsarnaev was a violent deadly young man that knew what he was doing. with his brother. they bombed the 2013 boston marathon. killing three, injuring others. the jury was shown pictures of the wounded, and handled the weapons that caused the carnage and were shown bloodstained notes that the deft wrote while hiding during a manhunt.
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a police officer was killed, as was dzhokhar tsarnaev's brother. in cases like this, once found guilty the jury must decide on the sentence. some are concerned the jury waded towards a death penalty. >> if you are opposed to the death penalty and say you cannot impose it, in a case like this, you are excluded from the jury. if you are looking for a jury to express the conscious of the community and two-thirds are opposed to the death penalty most of those jurors will be excused, raising a concern about whether the jury that is empanelled is capable of expressing the conscience of the community. >> reporter: it's almost inevitable the defense will appeal that could take several years before boston can put it behind them british police are investigating the murder of an imam in london. the father of six a critic of bashar al-assad was found in a car with bullet wounds. his community described him as a
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peaceful man in south-western bangladesh 24 have been killed in a bush crash. 22 others were injured the accident say the bus veered off the road crashing into a ditch. the cause is not clear. some passengers said the driver lost control of the because. myanmar's president held talks with rivals including opposition leader aung san suy kyi. they met in the capital to discuss the elections and a detail of a ceasefire deal. a draft agreement with multiple groups was drafted. leaders are expected to discuss maintaining peace. they are pushing for a lift on constitutional ban on the bid by aung san suy kyi for presidency the u.n. released a report on the state of ed-jew sayings
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around the -- education around the world, evaluating goals to make education accessible to all. let's look at some of the reports key findings. a series of targets was set in dakar. one of the goals was universal access to primary education. sub-saharan africa is a success story with 84% of children enrolled in school by the end of the year. 58 million are out of the classrooms around the world. in new education targets are set for the year 2030, and u.n.e.s.c.o. says 22 billion will be needed annually to achieve them. now, indonesia's education minister says the school system there half of the teachers have proper qualifications and students score the lowest in the
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world in reading, mathematics and science. >> reporter: a few hours from jakarta, and schools are in a deplorable state. holes in the roof, buildings half finished - putting children at risk. villagers in java decided to build their own school after the government refused to provide one. money ran out before they could finish it. this person dropped out of school before entering high school. she is now a teacher. >> translation: my main problem is i don't understand it learning material. it's hard for me to explain things to the children. >> reporter: the school's principal said only once a school inspector visited the village, but no funding was provided. >> translation: why do i try, though my means are limited - i really want to help the children. they are indonesians. we have been living in an independent country for years.
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still children are learning and living like this. the government should pay attention. >> reporter: to reach the goal the principal walks every day two hours - a road yet to be built. the school system has been in crisis for many years, this is a reality, due to a lack of school buildings, the professional teachers, the workforce, is the least educated in the region. in the past decade indonesia managed to reduce illiteracy and increase school enrolment. a newly appointed minister a newly appointed minister of education admits the quality of primary and secondary education ais still poor. he says he wants to train 1.7 million teachers in the next five years, facing an emergency he asked parents and business leaders to help. >> i would like to call upon the business community to jump in and help us. the business community is the
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recipients of our education product. the graduates of our schools were going to the private sectors. we are calling for them to jump in. education activists say in. the government should do more to tackle the emergency, they say, and ask president joko widodo to step in. >> translation: our school system is facing an emergency. something needs to be done fast. the government talks about the emergency, what steps do they have to take. >> we need a huge room to fix this, it can't be done sporadically. we need a nationwide effort. >> reporter: many teachers are paid $100 to $200 a month. the government says more money is made available for the salary, but the teachers need to improve their qualities. the future of 50 million indonesian schoolchildren is in their hands.
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still ahead - president obama's visit to jamaica, can he convince the carr bians to re -- caribbeans to reconnect with the u.s. in sport rory mcilroy locks to win his first masters title. we show you why he won't take too many tips from his celebrity caddy. caddy. >> i think we're into something that's bigger than us... >> that's the pain that your mother feels when you disrespect her son... >> me being here is defying all odds... >> they were patriots they wanted there country back >> al jazeera america presents the passion... >> onward.. >> pain... >> it's too much...
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>> ..and triumph... inspirational real life stories >> all these labels the world throws at you, that's what drives me to push.. >> of ordinary people >> i tasted the american dream, i liked it... >> living extraordinary lives... >> if we could multiply this program, we could change the world >> from the best filmmakers of our time >> i give al jazeera tremendous credit, because it's not traditionally what broadcast journalism does >> the new home for original documentaries al jazeera america presents only on al jazeera america hello again. president obama is the first u.s. president in 30 years to
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visit jamaica. he's meeting with the jamaican prime minister miller and other leaders. the u.s. is looking to revive influence in a region where china has been expanding economic alliances. from here he flies a panama to join the summit of americas. he'll meet raul castro for the first time since cuba and the u.s. announced a reuniting two venezuelan officials sanctions by the u.s. have been promoted to the cabinet. nicolas maduro announced they'd be given prime ministerial positions. the u.s. imposed sanctions against 7 venezuelan officials, accusing them of human rights violations and corruption now robin with the sport. >> thank you very much. in less than an hour's time the 79th masters begins in augusta. the sports biggest name major
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winner tiger woods his honouring after a 2-month absence with a back injury. rajjed 111 -- ranked 111. he was in a relaxed movement on wednesday, on the par 3 contest with his children. >> the kids were excited last i don't remember watching the par 3 contest. obviously i was in bed watching it and they - i said "there's an opportunity maybe next year you can to this if you want to" sh they said "okay, we'll see." it was closer and they brought it up jack niklas won more majors 18 victory, and he still has it getting a hole in one in the par 3 event. he was not the only one. dragas and dominges a chilean also achieved that feat victory in augusta was a grand slam for rory mcilroy.
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heem tee off along time 3-time champion phil mickelson. rory mcilroy may not let his caddy take the shots. this is them in the par three contest. one direction singer neal horan ending up with the ball in the lake football - bayern munich through through the german cup, beating bayern leverkusen. the came going to penalties. leverkusen missed the first. bayern perfect in the shoot out. diego back from a year on the sidelines, lapping it up 5-3 on course for the treble. footballers made it nine wins and the 4-point lead intact. the latest victory at the expense. lionel messi and luis suarez among the scorers.
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madrid second, 2-0 winners at rao vallecano. >> play conditions to secure a wembley semifinal giving brendan rogers and go something to cheer about in the wake of their 4-1 defeat damaging their champion's league hopes next season. >> as a team we wanted to you know i'd seen all the bits. it wasn't about seven season. we wanted to compete at the top end of the league and challenge for trophies. we won a trophy that is clear. for us we just need to stay calm in the game and focus back on our performance. >> hugely proud of the team. not just the team the whole football club. the supporters were tremendous as well.
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but there's a hint of disappointment because we have not got through. we certainly pushed them over the two games we pushed them. we had a right good go. there were several good stops over the two games. we haven't acquired enough to the mba, the memphis grizzlies boosted a chance. a second seed for the play-offs with the pelicans. they were flouted, 110 to 74. hitting 15 point. matched by two others. zack randolph making 15, along with jeff green. they are level with houston. houston beaten by raining champions san antonio, a race for the two spots in the east close. boston securing an important win over detroit. brooklyn level with them after losing to atlanta. indiana keeping the pressure on
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both the teams, beating the nicks and trailling by an analogy game washington capitals bet the boston bruins as they continue a charge. it means they start the campaign at home. home advantage for them. they are great against the bruins. john col son with the scoring. matt niskanen with the second. capitals ended with a 2-0 lead. wrapping up the game in the third. markus johansen getting the goal. washington with a 3-point lead over the new york islanders. to the m.l.b. and zimmerman was the start for the washington nationals. they wanted an all-start off with a 2-run home in the first. the performance - zimbabwe as you can see showing off the
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skills. a 2-1 win. another title at the world surfing lead to mcfadyen at bells beach in australia. the defending champion fended off a challenge from brazilian d'souza for his fourth title at bells beach. in terms of wins hoe is level with american kelly slater a former world champion. the surfers head to margaret river in oz. getting under way on wednesday. >> let's hear it for the legend. >> every year on the tour we give it our all. we hope to put on a good show. thank you to everyone coming down supporting the event and w.h.l. and rip curl pro. >> that's your sport. >> stay with us here on al jazeera, another full bulletin ahead. the latest on yemen, iran and lots more.
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>> iran's president says there won't be a final nuclear deal unless economic sanctions of lifted immediately. >> we are live from al jazeera's news centers in doha. >> we're well aware of the support iran is giving in yemen. >> iran's president calling for a halt in saudi-led airstrikes as the u.s. warns iran over backing houthi rebels there. >> paying back loans greece to hand over .500 $1 million top the i.m.f.
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