tv News Al Jazeera April 12, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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>> fierce fighting continues in yemen as the saudi-led coalition promises to help tribal fighters defeat the houthis. >> hello you're watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up: >> hillary clinton! >> the race is on! hillary clinton set to run for president again. a syria government air strike near an aleppo school is said to have killed nine children and teachers. plus: >> i'm on the island in costa
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rica where we'll show you how a woman's collective has worked hard to save these unique mangrove swamps. >> and you had rain carried out more than 1,000 airstrikes in yemen. eight civilians were killed in one of the most recent attacks in taiz. the strikes were aimed at soldiers loyal to the former president ali abdullah saleh. some of the fiercest fighting is in the south where the houthis are trying to take aden. there has been resistance from local tribesman in two provinces. the u.n. estimates more than 600 people have been killed and more than 2,000 injured in recent weeks. saudi arabia said it has killed more than 500 houthi fighters. saudi arabia said it has the support of yemen's tribes and
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will soon provide them with ground support to confront the houthi rebels. >> there's been considerable interaction with the yemeni tribes. they have declared loyalty to the sovereignty and president hadi. they're committed to defendant yemeni citizens and forces and prevent the houthis from achieving their heinous goals. we are providing them ground support so the military operations will have effective outcomes. >> president hadi appointed a new vice president considered popular across feuding parties. it is hoped his appointment will help lead to a negotiated solution to the crisis. he was recently held under house arrest by the houthis. >> the french foreign minister is in riyadh and said his country will support saudi arabia's efforts in yemen. >> until a solution is found that respect it is the
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legitimacy of the government on the ground and ends the bloody conflict in the country so very close to saudi arabia, france i guess available to help find the right solution. >> we are in the border down and says the saudi's may face problems coordinating yemen's tribes. >> they have also been saying if they get the heavy weapons they need get the rockets, they can mount as sufficient a resistance to prevent the houthis from taking more territory inside yemen particularly moving towards the south. the tribes all have historic ties to saudi arabia and have a long border with the saudi kingdom and they are ready they said in many statements, even before the beginning of these airstrikes to help. however, let's always remember that the tribes are not coordinate. they are not united, and they actually exercise or they move separately and with a lot of
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chaos in that movement. i think that if their efforts are not coordinated if they don't have ground support and advisors and people who can unit their efforts there will also be problems in their abilities to confront the houthis. >> this is one of the west kept secrets in washington d.c. but now hillary clinton is finally expected to launch her campaign to be the next president of the united states, some reports even suggest that has already happened. let's take you live now to al jazeera's gabriel outside hillary clinton's campaign headquarters in brooklyn in new york. give us the latest, we don't officially know that she has launched the campaign but all the official whispers are that she has. >> that's right and that comes from an email sent by john poe
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podesto sending a blast email saying she has launched her campaign again. this launch video is to be posted on you tube and hillary clinton is going to tweet that out to her three mill supporters. that has not happened yet but we're told by people close to her that that should be happening within the next hour, so we'll be watching closely. it is the worst kept secret in washington all the political world in the u.s. it is widely expected hillary was going to announce sunday. here at her campaign headquarters in brooklyn, it's been very quiet all day. that's what we expect. her aids who are going to be moving in won't do that until monday tomorrow. we expect that hillary clinton will be making her first campaign stop in the very important midwest state of iowa
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either later today sunday or monday she'll be not having any sort of big campaign rally. they're going to keep it small. they're just going to have very small incident mat gatherings with voters, we're hearing that she will really kick off her campaign with bigger rallies next monthly. the reason she is keeping it small is she is not only a politician but a celebrity. she really doesn't have to reintroduce herself to many of the voters. they are just trying to roll out her campaign on a very small scale initially. that important video of her laying out her case on why she thinks she should be president should come out we're earning in the next hour or so if not minutes. >> she's got the name known and the experience with that the adjustment government. what could actually go against her, though, gabriel?
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>> if there's a mood that people want change, that is not going to help hillary clinton. this is essentially the fourth time that she's going to be part of a presidential campaign. the first two times were with her husband bill clinton who was running and reelected and she ran in 2008 and lost to bay. if there is a mood for change, hillary clinton might find it difficult to be the change candidate, so she is going to play a very difficult role of aligning herself with president barack obama but finding a different way to take the country. the challenge of people just know her so well that opinions are hillary clinton are so strong in this country already there's going to be a very narrow margin of voters that she can go out and try those undecided voters and there's a very small margin because hillary clinton has that spent more than 30 years in the public eye here in the u.s., so many people on both sides either like
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or don't like her but opinions are strongly formed about her already. >> it's going to be a fascinating campaign. live in new york for us. >> this will be clinton's second bid for the presidency. we look at her journey so far and what lice ahead. >> hello maine! >> hillary clinton has spent most of her adult life in the public eye first as the wife of a president then a u.s. senator and secretary of state. now she will once again try for the presidency. she got close in 2008, but lost to barack obama. >> although we weren't able to shatter that highest hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> in this campaign, she's going to have to walk a fine line. she can't be seen as too close to president obama. he's not widely popular but she also can't distance herself too
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much. >> she needs to communicate to a lot of constituencies that are very close to president obama that he has done a lot for them and she's going to do as much or more. she can't distance herself too much from the president because she loses progressives, ethnic minor voters but she also needs to appeal to independents. >> she could have another issue. her name with jeb bush also expected to jump into the race, there are already complaints about family dynasties. >> the presidency of the united states is not some crown to be passed between two families. it is an awesome and sacred trust to be earned. >> she heads into the campaign facing a controversy. she used a private email account as secretary of state and admits she deleted tens of thousands of emails. government records are supposed to be preserved. republicans claim she's covering something up. but she is by far the strongest
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democratic that candidate and she is best positioned to raise the millions of dollars a presidential campaign needs the other thing she is going for experience not just in the white house but in the race for it. she has done this twice with her husband and once on her own. now she's hoping the fourth time is the charm. >> i found my own voice. >> al jazeera washington. >> as we speak about hillary clinton, she has indeed launched her bid to be the next president of the united states. we're hearing that she has said she's running for president in 2016, and wants to be "the countries champion." official confirmation, the biggest secret obviously the worst kept seek writ in washington d.c., hillary clinton that now said she is running for the presidency in 2016 and she "wants to be the countries champion." much more on that in the hours to come. >> let's take you to brazil now
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antigovernment demonstrations taking operation as discontent gross towards president rousseff. her approval rating has hit a low of just 13%. rousseff last month saw people out in the streets in cities throughout the country. the state run oil company had a corruption scandal. >> we are joined live from sao paulo. tell us what's happening at the moment alan. >> you can see thousands of people on the streets. it's been a carnival like atmosphere here through the day. people have been walking listening to the various speakers at various points, some who haven't been able to quite contain their anger. there are groups from all shades of the political spectrum, even some calling for a
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reinstallation of a military government here. most people are very angry calling for her impeachment. she woke up to a new poll that said 63% believe she should be impeached over the scandal the scandal is the state oil company and there were allegations that senior figures there took substantial brakes to steer construction contracts in certain ways. reduce receive who is now the president of brazil was the chairman of the board at the time these allegations were made. there's no suggestion that she knew of any bribery or corruption and no suggestion that she i guess connected but people here believe that shows her government is not doing well that it's perhaps corrupt and needs to be changed. rousseff has welcomed these protests but as a sign of how polarized this country is that on an autumn sunday, you can get
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tens of thousands on the street calling for a change in the government. >> huge demonstration who are the people taking part in this protest? >> >> there is a wide variety of groupings, ordinary people upset by what is happening with the government. she won reelection in 2011, just as the economy started to go uphill and struggle after many years of growth and then there was the issue, excuse me one second speaking to this man on the side determined to get on t.v. since 2011, the economy was in real difficulty, so there was a real problem there and then she won the election just last year, not only and that just heightened the problems many felt for what is going wrong with the economy. it was a polarized country. people are desperate that have their voices heard.
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we thought there would be about a million on the streets within and more than a million across all of brazil. the numbers about half of the protests in march certainly half in brazilia as well and here in the tens of thousands rather than the hundreds of thousands the organizers were hoping. people want their voices heard and they are determined to make sure that they get themselves heard. >> thanks very much indeed. >> we got official confirmation that hillary rodham clinton made her announcement in an on line video to run for president the united states. >> i'm running for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times bub the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. every day americans need a champion and i want to be that champion so you can do more
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than just get by, you can get ahead and stay ahead because when families are strong, america is strong. so i'm hitting the road to earn your vote, because it's your time and i hope you'll join me on this journey. >> well, it really was the worst kept secret in american politics wasn't it that hillary rodham clinton would announce her candidacy to be the next president of the united states and that official confirmation came in the on line video that you have just seen. much more on that, but still to comals on the program we're going to be in the refugee camp where they're urging kenya to reconsider the decision to move that camp into somalia.
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>> a reminder of the top stories here, hillary clinton formally launched her campaign to run for president of the united states. the former secretary of state made the announcement in a video on her web side, saying she wants to be the country's champion. >> the french foreign minister is in riyadh pledging support for saudi arabia efforts in yemen. saudi arabia has carried out 1,000 airstrikes since march 26, destroying houthi air and missile capabilities.
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>> the top news this hour of course is the fact that hillary clinton has decided to announce her candidacy for the presidency of the united states. a short time ago she announced that decision in an on line video. >> for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times bub the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. every day americans need a champion and i want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by. you can get ahead and stay ahead, because when families are strong america is strong. i'm hitting the road to earn your vote, because it's your time and i hope you'll join me on this journey. >> hillary clinton officially launch be her candidacy to be the next president of the beyond. let's join our correspondent
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outside hillary clinton's campaign headquarters in brooklyn, new york, joins us live now. we were talking about what might be the theme of her candidacy. she says the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top of the income ladder, so she's highlighting the theme of economic inequality. >> that's absolute right, you really heard it there in that video from hillary clinton. she's really going to be hammering very hard on the middle class and working class americans. that's really what they are length is and a lot of the polls in 2008, she did well with blue collar working class rural voters and those are who she's really going to be going after. she's trying to reintroduce herself in many ways to people in this country. she was secretary of state so she's well known.
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she's a politician, but a celebrity in many ways, known by many heads of state around the world when she was secretary of state traveled widely around the world and now launching this presidential campaign. now you really see her focusing in on middle america. it's no surprise that outside her campaign headquarters here in brooklyn, there's absolutely nothing going on right now and that's -- there's a reason for that. it's because they want the focus on hillary clinton in middle america right now not in new york not in in mr. that's why we expect her first campaign stop to be in eye with with a, one of the first early states that will be voting in the early state very important state of iowa. that is where hillary clinton will be either late today or tomorrow. clearly it's going to be working class americans her key message, no doubt about it over the next 18 months. >> what is going to be interesting is how much her campaign team are going to focus
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on her efforts to become the first female penalty of president of the united states. >> in 2008 when she lost to barack obama in the primary she did not focus on that that much. she was trying to portray herself at very stately ready to be president. this time, we're hearing it's going to be different. she's going to focus on the fact that she could be the first woman president and also the fact that something that's very different now than it was in 2008, hillary clinton is now a grandmother after chelsea clinton, her daughter gave birth. we're hearing that they're trying to portray hillary clinton as a softer, more gentle perhaps, hillary clinton, because so many people know her already as a former senator, former first lady, and former secretary of state. of course, her political opponents are going to say that that is sugar coating
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everything. they're going to of course come out and start attacking hillary clinton or trying to draw a comparisons with the image that she's trying to portray and what her political opponents say that she really is. it's going to be a very divisive campaign. 18 months before americans go to the polls to choose their next president, but hillary clinton is clearly being the most dominant democratic in the field so far and first democratic that's declared she's running for president. she clearly has the advantage for the democratic nomination. this is a very significant day in that regard. >> feels like the campaign for 2016 has really begun. thank you. >> syria now a government air strike near a school has that reportedly killed five children and four teachers in the northern city of aleppo. aleppo media center and syrian
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otheratory for civil rights say many children were also hurt. this that latest attack comes after rebel shelling and airstrikes killed more than 30 people. >> people living in kenya's dadaab refugee camp are calling on the government to reconsider its decision to close the camp. the u.n. is given three months to relocate, which is one of the largest sheltering half a million refugees who fled the civil war. >> this is the camp, it's part of a complex for refugees near the kenya-somalia border. refugees fleeing the civil war in somalia the continued existence of this camp now remains in doubt. the kenyan government wants all refugees relocated within three
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months. jam today, security forces cannot interest the camp. we want them to be relocated on the other side of somalia. >> the refugees deny accusations al shabab cells operate in their catches. >> a camp meant for 90,000 people have received waves of refugees fleeing conflict and drought pushing population in the camps to almost a half million people. most refugees see them as the better alternative to life in somalia. >> we met elders from the refugee community in a crisis meeting. >> going back to somalia is not an option for us. even the leaders of the somalia government are not safe and have to traveling tanks belonging to the appeals keepers. if kenya is tired of hosting us, then we request the
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international community to resettle us. >> it's not the first time the government that called for the repatriation of somalia refugees. an agreement has already seen 2,000 refugees return in the past year, the latest calm by the kenyan government is its boldest so far the threat that kenya will forcelily remove the refugees if the u.n. doesn't is what worries the refugees most. >> if we are returned then thousands of young men us will join al shabab. they will have no option but to join the group. >> u.n. officials say it will be impossible to move the camps and any decision to relocate the refugees must be agreed upon by the kenyan and somalia
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authorities. >> results from nigeria's state elections are starting to come in. president-elect's party has retained the post. >> turkey has summoned the catholic church envoy. turkey rejects accusations that a genocide took place. the pope understands the losses must never be forgotten. >> in the past century our human family has lived through three massive and unprecedented tragedies, the first widely considered the first genocide of the 20th century struck your
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own armenian people. >> orthodox greeks have been celebrating easter sunday, but the economic crisis is never far away. the government has been giving out free food for hard up families so they can enjoy the festival. >> the flame passed from worshiper to worshiper symbolizes ever lasting life. greeks celebrate the resurrection of christ. this church is in the heart of athens but the same scene is played out in every town and village on every island across greece. easter sunday is a time for feasting. roast lamb, traditionally with family, but this is a different kind of gathering. it's laid on by the greek military and hundreds have come, lured by the offer of free food during hard times. >> this new greek government is struggling to fulfill preelection promises to roll back austerity policies, but it is getting welcome p.r. today
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showing concerns for some of the poorest families caught up in greece's economic crisis. >> a former civil servant now pensioner, a group that's hit hard by falling living standards in recent years. >> we're here to enjoy ourselves and to send a mention to people abroad that here in greece whether we have very little or a lot know how to live. people abroad should come here to learn to live. >> for freaks of all ages, easter celebration are a chance to put aside daily worries. >> you know, it's for every family and especially for the victim of the crisis, the message that the middle of the crisis we remain with all the humanitarian values. ♪ >> after wine and food is
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