tv News Al Jazeera April 13, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ welcome to the news hour i'm live from headquarters in doha and coming up in the next 60 minutes escaping violence in yemen and hundreds of refugees cross in saudi arabia and also ahead election day in sudan and expected to extend his 25-year rule and the opposition at the poll. relatives of the victims of turkey's worst mining, disaster arrive at the start of trial where 300 people were killed
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last year plus. andrew thomas in australia and at a facility that could revolutionize the way the sun eastern eastern -- sun energy is used to make electricity. ♪ let's start with yemen where tribal forces have taken control of three military camps in the southeast of the country. the camps belong to forces loyal to former president and meanwhile saudi-led planes intensifying raids on houthi rebels in targets in the city of aiden and the second strait day they targeted the presidential palace there and we have a journalist with the providence and explains what is happening on the ground. >> the ground offensive and no action on the ground against
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houthis and forces and have been in control for almost four days. >> reporter: and we have a consultant fellow at the oil united services institute and joins us life from live from the british capitol and are we hearing an about turning point where we hear forces are gaining ground? >> it's a turning point at the moment but it remains to be seen and to and fro on the ground as air strikes make life difficult in certain areas and open up opportunities for the malitias and other forces on the ground in other areas so we will see gains and we will see losses as this thing progresses. >> who are these tribes let's clarify who they are, to the rebels or to the president? >> it's a little unclear at this stage, but it seems as though
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that they could be loyal to their tribe but ultimately to the ex president but it's not entirely clear who is fighting for who right now. i'm sure that on the ground too there are factions that are not entirely clear who they are fighting against because it's a very confused situation on the ground. some people are fighting for survival and fighting for their own ground because this is not a two-horse race and it's not houthis versus the rest. there are extremists there are i.s.i.l. or i.s. forces and al-qaeda forces and there are others who are just fighting to survive. >> on that point what of the reported connections with al-qaeda par particularly in the providence? >> al-qaeda gets people affected
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from tribes but some tribes support al-qaeda because sometimes they believe in al-qaeda and sometimes because it's the best option for them given the other options that have been arranged against. so, yes, there will be al-qaeda connections with these tribes but, again, it's unclear to what extent these people are closely affiliated. >> is there any effort underway in order to train and better coordinate these tribes the pro, if we can call them that supportive of the president, have a better chance of holding the ground? >> there doesn't appear to be a real effort at all, the situation is very confused not just for us observers but as far as we can tell on the ground itself. it will remain that way until we
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get ground forces in. now, this is the problem that the saudi coalition is facing. they want to avoid ground forces but they can't really make any meaningful change on the ground using air power alone. that is a lesson that the west i think has learned in just the last decade and i'm afraid the middle eastern forces and saudi forces are only just beginning to confront those difficult choices. >> all right, thank you so much for your analysis of that. and polls opened presidential and parliamentary elections in sudan, the vote is expected to return 71-year-old president bashir back to power and ruled 25 years and up against 15 little known candidates, almost all mainstream parties are boycotting the poll and feel the general election has nothing with what is detained and 15
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million people registered to vote and many want an end to internal conflict which plagued the dafur region and the blue nile and want better u.s. relations and the lifting of economic sanctions, sudan's economy suffered after south sudan succeeded and cartoon lost resources and we go to catherine live in cartoon and start with the turn out and does it look more busy with regard to voters catherine? >> in the last one and a half hours with this going around the city to getting feeling of the polling stations in border town and sammy still low key and most people we are seeing who are voting we have not seen many young people and some people will stop to say the reason they are not voting is they think their vote will not make a difference and like you have
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said the opposition has been asking people not to go to the polling station but that said sammy, this voting exercise is going to take three days and the sudan people have a way of waiting to the last-minute to cast their ballots and cartoon does not represent sudan, it's a big country with 18 states and 11,000 polling stations so it's really very early days but a lot of people that we talked to since we came here say they want change and they don't think that president bashir will do anything different than what he has done in the year he has been there but of course his supporters will have a different opinion. some young men have lived as long as bashir has been president and he said he will not seek reelection but it's almost certain he will likely
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win election. a 25-year-old university student from darfur and most of his family has been displaced by conflict there and he blames the president for failing to keep the peace. >> translator: he always makes promises and after he wins he doesn't keep them and his government continues to kill people. he is a liar. >> reporter: president bashir indicted by the international criminal court forward crimes in darfur and under his watch rebels from states in the mountains took up arms against the government, many people have been killed and millions displaced from those regions. sudan's economy suffered for years because of sanctions and international isolation, it's one of the most corrupt countries in the world according to transparency international and ruling officials say his achievements are many, at the top of the list the creation of south sudan.
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>> i'm ready to challenge anyone to come and talk to me and let us make comparison of what i did since the time of sudan and what bashir did in education in health, in industry in social system. >> reporter: in his campaign the president has promised to deal with the security problem in part of the country for the national dialog. process of rewriting the constitution. when you walk around cartoon most campaign posters are of bashir and the only one who is campaigning but saying the resources, state power and government silenced voices with crack down arbitrary arrests and doesn't matter who is at the top, her concern is how her life
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will improve. >> translator: no difference between the old and the new government, i just want my business to be good for my children and i. >> reporter: do you have a vote? >> no. >> reporter: he and his friends tell me if they were registered voters they would not vote. >> no i do not. >> reporter: they say there is no one to vote for. much -- before we go actually catherine tell us a little bit about the international monitoring there has been quite a controversial topic thus far and how did it shape up in the end? >> absolutely. it's important to note some of the western countries and bodies you are talking about have not had observer missions here and the u.s. and uk and eu and there have not been observer missions here and talking to senior officials at the ruling national congress party headquarters who say that all this, the
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international community has said it's disappointed with the election and saying this elections are not credible at all, they were hoping there would be a national dialog ahead of election but the officials we talked to say this is just western rhetoric that the elections must be held and a constitutional right and also these officials that we talked to also talked about the opposition here that is calling for election saying that this is just a fraction of opposition parties, a fraction of many opposition parties who are participating in the election and say this opposition group just side shows by the opposition group to remain relevant. >> thanks so much for that. and much more to come on the al jazeera news hour. >> anything is better than humor, anything we want anything. >> reporter: tens of thousands take to the streets of brazil against president dilma
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rousseff. safe haven for fleeing violence and refugee camp under threat we will hear from people actually living there. and in sport we will have reaction to record breaking win of jordan spieth at the masters in augusta. ♪ in turkey 45 people standing trial over the biggest mine disaster in the country history and 300 people died last year from carbon monoxide poisoning after an explosion and we are hearing reports of some protests over the trial, are people satisfied with the way the process is going so far? >> members of relatives and victims of the disaster gathered
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outside the court this morning to attend the trial. in fact, it has been adjourned the rest of the day and they will resume in a couple days' time when eight of the defendants are brought before the court. at the moment they are appearing before the court via video link but lawyers for victims' families want to see them in the court and the judge has agreed to that. those 301 miners died when they were overcome by toxic fumes and smoke after an under ground fire and 800 people were under ground at the time and only those on the edge of the mine shaft at the edge of the pit were able to escape alive and subsequent report said the mine failure to install carbon detectors and bad gas masks and bad ventilation and lawyers for victims' families say the working conditions were worthy of
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slavery, sammy. >> any sign the government's role in this disaster will be investigated? >> well the only people on trial are those connected to the private company that ran the mine. eight former managers are actually charged with murder which is very unusual in an industrial case here. nobody from the government is on trial. there is a separate government investigation going on into the inspectors who allowed that mine who gave that mine an operating license and about a month after the disaster the government pushed through legislation to try and improve worker safety but this remains the most dangerous country in europe in terms of work according to turkey's own counsel and more than 350 people have died so far this year in work-related deaths so this country has a long way to go in improving worker safety sammy.
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>> thanks so much. now bombs exploded outside of libya capitol and no one injured in the blast in tripoli and it was inactive and hosting u.n. backed talks to try and find political solution to the libyan crisis. sunni muslims say they are frightened of shia malitia now they have driven i.s.i.l. out of the area and accuse the fighters of looting kidnapping and attacks and we have more. >> reporter: this family lives in a camp on the outskirts of the city. their hometown was under i.s.i.l. control since june but three months ago iraqi forces backed by shia malitia recaptured it and they are sunni and say they are scared to return. >> translator: we are afraid of the malitias. we are afraid may may kill us and our families.
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>> translator: we don't have weapons to defend ourselves if they would storm our home and we would be dead just like the victims of the massacres. >> reporter: thousands of iran started to capture them from i.s.i.l. and iran leader and predecessor are every where. the providence on the border with iran and the influence is evident. this border crossing was closed for 30 years. now it's wide open. [applause] the popular mobilization force and shia malitia are the power here. some analysts fear the victory over i.s.i.l. may have strengthened the shia fighters. >> translator: after the liberation we witnessed increase on attacks on sunnis and this
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phenomenon is disintegrating the fabric and tearing apart the people and changing the providence and there is a sectarian and ethnic strife taking place. >> reporter: the spokesman for the popular mobilization force say fighters are only defending their country. he denies any wrongdoing. >> translator: the talk of changing the demography is not true and sunni politicians accusing us of doing is defaming the reputation of fighters. >> reporter: fight against i.s.i.l. is not over and growing fears of more attacks. prime minister took over command of the popular mobilization force to curb, he says the criminal activities of a few members and also warned against the force which is now the main power fighting i.s.i.l. i'm with al jazeera, baghdad. >> reporter: south korea president is being linked to a
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massive political corruption scandal and over a so called bribery list discovered after the head of a major construction company committed suicide last week and eight names are high profile figures close to the president and harry faucet explains. >> reporter: this emerging scandal has potential to be damaging for the president and centers around one man who is the head of a major construction firm here in south korea and was being investigated over his dealings with the president parks' predecessor and energy resources project that he was involved in. now, last week he gave a news conference which he denied wrongdoing in that and the very next day, thursday he took his life but not before he wrote a list of other senior politicians he said he made illegal payments to and gave a newspaper interview which he made similar allegations. the key thing is all of these eight men have close links to
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president and two are former chiefs of staff and one is current chief of staff, one of them is the current prime minister. as well as that perhaps more intriguingly is he also said he made a payment to her campaign manager during the 2012 election campaign. he said he paid him $180,000 u.s. dollars and used for president parks' successful presidential campaign. now we have this very worrying scandal for her and says she will support the investigation that justice must be served and men involved have been saying they will cooperate with investigators. top official who ran china petroleum is charged with taking bribes and the former chairman of the state run national parent company of petrol china and it's the largest oil producer and in the target of a widespread target investigation.
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hundreds of thousands of brazilians held protests across the country and angry against government corruption and economic problems and blaming the president dilma rousseff and reports from south palo. ♪ many groups, many voices and one message dilma rousseff must go and tens of thousands of the street and wore yellow and green of the team and stretched more than two kilometers and angry at an economy and corruption scandal that implicated politicians from dilma rousseff's party. >> anything is better than dilma rousseff rousseff. >> to the end but it's very important for us to show we are not happy, we are not happy with the government. >> reporter: large protests elsewhere in the country but not as large as organizers reported here and drawing hundreds of
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thousands and not as large as protests last month. a survey says 63% of people would like to see dilma rousseff impeached and removed from office but that also shows the 29% of brazilians believe that will happen. the president is touched by corruption scandal at the state oil farm and alleged politicians took bribes in return for construction contracts, most politicians belong to the president's workers party and allies. and dilma rousseff was chairman but nothing suggests she did anything wrong and says the president is not in immediate danger of losing her job. >> huge mistakes were made but i think that there is no evidence that could lead to the president's impeachment at this moment. of course, that may appear. >> reporter: the protesters right to take to the streets has been defended by the president herself and making changes but
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the outrage remains and no sign it's about to go away. al jazeera, south palo. hillary clinton officially launched 2016 u.s. presidential campaign and the favorite to win the democratic party nomination and hit the roads heading to the u.s. state of iowa for the traditional first stop of the presidential hopefuls and tom ackerman reports from the state capitol des moines. >> reporter: announcement without cheering crowds or spot-lit stage and message in a glossy two-minute video featuring middle class americans voicing their personal hopes for the future. >> everyday americans need a champion and i want to be that champion. >> reporter: clinton's first campaign stop is the state of iowa to win the democratic party's popular caucus there. it's where up start barack obama beat her in 2008 with a grass root effort that showed her route to the white house should not have been taken for granted
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and before arrival parents watching children says hillary ought to do better if she doesn't campaign like the inevitable winner. >> she has to act like a second-tier candidate and play it hard if she wants to win it. that is going to be her challenge if she really wants it, she is going to have to show it. >> reporter: this time clinton will frame message through more intimate home style gatherings focusing on women's issues and narrowing disparities and hopefuls who consider clinton probable ap pointment are attacking her vulnerabilities. >> i think the thing about the clintons is there is a certain sense they think they are above the law and also this grand hypocrisy is they have a war on women and hillary has taken money from countries that rape victims or publically lash.
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>> reporter: may face this in the democratic primary campaigns but so far no major candidate emerged to formally challenge her. with the state's caucuses more than nine months away clinton backed more times to nail down a win with or without a serious opponent. tom ackerman des moines iowa. >> reporter: the favorite for the democratic nomination and republican presidential contender contenders are u.s. senators ted cruz and rand paul and both won a small role for government and want to repeal many of barack obama's policies and competing in a crowded field, florida senator rubio is likely to join the race as well as jeb bush the former brother of former president george bush and wasted no time in attacking her record and senior advisor to rand paul is one of those taking aim.
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>> look at her record as secretary of state. she set out the syria policy which turned out not done well and set out the policy in libya that didn't turn out well and secretary of state when she refused to offer the embassy in libya the requested aircraft months in advance and failed to come to the aid of our embassy so we want to return on her experience and her experience is a very poor record and remember this is the secretary of state who said that she needed to reset relations with the soviet union and brought a gimmick reset button and can anybody argue that our position vis-a-vis the soviet union or russia today is better? it's not. >> reporter: if you wonder like me entering a sand storm in this part of the world we have rob here to tell us about the sand and weather heating up what is going on?
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>> contrasting temperatures that produces violent things stand storms or thunderstorms and it's in qatar but in the next day or so we will see that reduced and quiet down. the temperature has been interesting, friday and saturday about 35 sunday was up to 41. which is pretty high for qatar at this time of year and average it should be 33 and 39 and average temperatures and so maybe a month ahead of average but that was knocked on the head as satellite shows a streak of cloud in the middle of saudi arabia and coincided with change of wind direction and drop in temperature and dust that is up. and a thousand meters and has been much worse than the last one and forecast of dust in the air takes mostly north and saudi and jordan or iraq in the next 2-3 days and the sun will shine and the temperatures will drop and it's 31 on tuesday for doha
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and in india premonsoon heat has early if any big showers and an example of a huge one, 61 but twice that in sla -- sri lanka and it builds in areas and it's a repeatable process, sammy. thanks, rob. a team of scientists in australian developed a technique to revolutionize solar production and game changer for the industry and could use the sun is used to drive power stations instead of gas and andrew reports from new castle. >> reporter: looks almost like an act of worship but this is science. mirrored panels known as heliostats turn in unit son to a power and direct a powerful glow
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of sunlight and this could revolutionize the way the sun has electricity and the latest front here for solar power. >> these types of projects are really where you can push the boundaries a little and also demonstrate exactly what the potential of the technology is. >> reporter: the technology works by concentrating sunlight on a single point. liquid there is heated to extreme temperatures almost 600 degrees and creating super critical steam that drives a turbine at high speed and high pressure to create power. the steam and turbine part of technology is not new, it's the use of the sun's energy to create it to power it that is. >> 90% of world electricity comes from the hot fluid and expanding it through some sort of turbine, what we do is changing the front end of concentrated sun to make the hot fluid, replacing the normal heat
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production which normally comes from coal or gas or even nuclear. >> reporter: potential is enormous and wouldn't take huge areas of sun-baked plant for big quantities of power. this is a prototype but hope is to come could be fields of mirrors in deserts all over the world, one 50 by 50 could provide enough electricity for a quarter of all australia's needs. at the moment the technology is very expensive and resent fossil fuels do not have green solutions competitive but in the long-term it could represent the best chance for solar to play a big role in an electricity production. andrew thomas, al jazeera new castle australia. stay with us on al jazeera still to come the parents of more than 200 school girls taken a year ago hope the new
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forces loyal to former president. meanwhile saudi-led planes intensifying raids on houthi rebel targets in southern city of aiden. in sudan polls opened for presidential and parliamentary elections, almost all opposition parties are boycotting the vote long time leader bashir expected to hold on to power for another five-year term. 45 people are standing trial over the biggest mine disaster in turkey history, over 300 people died last year from carbon monoxide poison after an explosion in the coal mine and more on elections in sudan and we have professor of politics at center of study of democracy at the university of westminster and is live from cambridge and good to have you with us and human rights groups documented a serious of abuses and political
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oppressions and how is the environment right now for the free and fair election? >> well i think this is one case where the government could have had more legitimacy before election than after it because nobody other than they have the genuine election and no offer on the table for the president to stay in power with the consent of the opposition and the blessing of african union and the community for maybe two or more years while a dialog should be conducted to have a new constitution and tryout some of the differences. so i think this is an election which is probably short on credibility. >> are you saying opposition called for a boycott impacting this election so far?
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>> we have yet to see and but i think the government has a record of let's say put it with the figures and i'm sure that at the end of the three days of this election they would probably show a high turn out, the opposition the major opposition parties are all boycotting but not every opposition party is boycotting the party, one of the major parties is taking part and there is a 44 other minor parties including the former people in darfur taking part in some of the elections. there are 16 presidential candidates, most of them nobody has heard about. so there is a kind of mini
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contest going on especially in the parliamentary seats. the government has abolished election of government and hotly contested part of the elections. but the up to now we the attendance at the polls are low but not too low but we will have to see, there are three days of elections in a very vast country and the monitors from the african union have finally come in but they can't have all the constituencies so we will have to wait and see. i don't think there is a high turn out. >> what do you think of the approach to sudan? there seems to be some degree of conflicting dynamics in sudan relationship with western
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countries. >> well i think the international community and african union as a whole has been engaged in to some kind of dialog and president bashir has made a significant gesture last year when he offered dialog with opposition. at that time all the opposition parties have joined that dialog and that give the international community some kind of early assurance that things are on the right track and put pressure on the armed groups in darfur and in the blue nile to join this dialog. they accepted with some conditions. there was actually a major meeting in berlin for the opposition about last month and also earlier this month there was supposed to be a meeting in
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which the government and all opposition was supposed to come the opposition came up, the government used to send people and said they will not send anybody before elections, that was a disappointment because they have under taken to do it so there is a conversation going on, a dialog going on international community. the government has been responding to it but on pace and it's own terms. >> leave it there and thank you so much. and commission declared the people's democratic party winner of the river state governorship the party of outgoing president goodluck jonathan and lost the resent presidential elections and will stand down next month and voting extended to sunday in oil-rich places after irregularities.
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200 school girls abducted a year ago by boko haram and despite a global campaign for freedom most are missing and many hope the new government will bring them home and we report from abuja. >> reporter: this boy is three years old and all he seems to understand is school girls were kidnapped by boko haram a long time ago, his parents are not far and meeting almost everyday for a year with other concerned nigerians and do not want the girls forgotten. >> something terrible happened in nigeria and we should unite and demands for rescue of the girls and our children look at us and know. >> reporter: in april last year boko haram fighters attacked a government school in the northern borno state and abducted 200 school girls and every girl taken wanted to achieve something in life and that is why they went to school
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even though boko haram for bid western education. attack led to a global campaign to free the girls with the hash tag bring back our girls trending around the world. mohamed will be sworn in as president in may and some hope new administration will do more to find the girls, others are skeptical. >> the government that is going to use an army that the former government have used and there are many in the army. >> reporter: a year is a long time, slowly reality is sinking in for some families. even if some of the girls are found alive the parents do not know what condition they are in, how many are pregnant or already have children or how many of them are sick. president goodluck jonathan's outgoing administration kept telling nigerians the girls would be rescued soon but for
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this father brothers and sisters and it turned into weeks, months and 365 days. >> translator: they have been kidnapped, you know. [chanting] many in nigeria have not given up hope of finding them alive and asking the world to keep up the pressure and not abandon the school girls. i'm with al jazeera, abuja. now violent protests in the west africa country following the death of senior opposition leader and died on sunday in cameroon and 57 and about to be president in 2009 and witnesses say the government poison eded the body. bangladesh is taking a hit because of blockades being
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imposed by opposition and allies to try and force early elections but delays deliveries and overseas buyers are cancelling thousands of orders and we report from central bangladesh. >> reporter: here at the giant glue factory thousands of workers hurry to fill an order and it's what they have to do to survive. these days once an order is finished instead of being delivered it could end up sitting around in storage. that is because of violence like this. bangladesh's opposition wants elections and it called for a transportation blockade to press their point. that led to violence that killed more than 100 people this year. buses and trucks have been burned. the government blames the opposition who deny their involvement. many of those dead are drivers of buses and trucks. >> translator: my vehicle is insured but so what if i get
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killed on the road by a bomb then will the insurance bring me back? the insurance can buy a new car but cannot bring me back to my wife and won't stop my children from becoming orphans. >> reporter: drivers afraid to work the garment industry has suffer d suffered. >> translator: if a shipment is late what is the buyer supposed to do? the clothing industry is seasonal and if my order doesn't reach the market on time then they are no longer of value. >> reporter: many brand-name companies are getting set up as it enters the third year of violent political instability. >> trying to not take morrising so -- more risk and not putting all eggs in one basket. >> reporter: none as significant as the garment industry and accounts for 80% of
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bangladesh's exports with all these boxes sitting here waiting to be shipped out, that is valuable foreign exchange that is not coming into the country. this is especially bad news for the millions of people who see the industry as a way out of poverty. while the world is finally paying attention to their often dangerous working conditions they are now having to contend with a new threat to their livelihoods, i'm with al jazeera, bangladesh. stay with us here on al jazeera, coming up in sport top cyclists in a firing line with a near disaster with a train and standing by with details. ♪ >> i think we're into something that's bigger than us... >> that's the pain that your mother feels when you disrespect
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♪ welcome back people living in refugee camp are asking the government to shut it down and given the u.n. three months to relocate the camp in shelters half a million refugees fled the civil war there. >> reporter: this is a camp in northeast kenya and part of a complex for refugees near the kenya, somalia border and the refugees fleeing from civil war in somalia, and continued existence of these camps now remains in doubt. kenya government wants all refugees located within three months. opposition supported by leaders of kenya call themselves ethnic somalis. >> security forces cannot enter
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the camp and what we have said is we had enough and want them to look at 7 kilometers on the other side of somalia. >> reporter: deny accusations that al-shabab is in the camp and meant for just 90,000 people received waves of refugees fleeing conflict and drought and pushing the populations in camps to half a million people and top conditions here most refugees see them as a better alternative to life in somalia and met the refugee community at a crisis. >> translator: going back to somalia is not an option for us. even leaders of the somali government are not safe and have to travel belonging to peace keepers, if kenya is sick of us we ask the community to say to us in their country. >> reporter: not the first time
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kenya government called for somalia refugees and agreement has already seen more than 2000 refugees in the past year. the latest call by the kenya government is the biggest so far and the threat that kenya will force to move them if u.n. doesn't have the refugees worried most and have a warning from the kenya authorities. >> translator: if we return then thousands of young men others with al-shabab and no option but to join the group. the only thing to give them a way. >> reporter: impossible to close the camps and any move to locate refugees must be agreed upon by kenya and somalia authorities, i'm with al jazeera, refugee camps in northern kenya. joined by professor of history and international
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relayings at the u.s. international university in nairobi and good to have you with us and what will happen to refugees? there is a lot of conversation back and forth about whether it's logistic to move that many people in the timeframe and what do you think will happen to them in the end? >> well they need discussions about movement of the refugees and it will not be done in three months in reality but talking point has to be started and to find modalities and ways of maybe setting up new camps within somalia that are not threats to the kenya situation. the reality that some of the people in those refugee camps are not with kenya but people in the neighborhood and this of course has raised concern given
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the reason attacks kenya has been experiencing and also the concern that kenya bears an unfair of looking after refugees and should be a collective international responsibility but appears as if it's only kenya that has to deal with it so there is a feeling that kenya is being left alone to suffer the consequences of having to be generous to people who need the help. so everybody else there to focus on this issue and i think that is the main point that is being met that discussions must be serious. and if there was agreement their commission that was supposed to be set up in 2013 between kenya, somalia and u.n. there refugee high commission it has not grown very much in terms of dealing with that and the question is why that is and kenya says they think the u.n. has been remiss
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on commitment to get this thing done. >> can i jump in? it's interesting that you characterize the refugee camp as something that has become a threat to kenya, let me tell you what human rights watch told me yesterday on this show and she said we have not seen any evidence presented to any kenya court linking these refugees in the camp to any al-shabab attack do we know or evidence to suggest they are and the refugee camp is a threat to kenya? >> well there are some connections and lines of proliferation and tax related or linked to some of the refugee operators and these are things that are very clear. it is true as you say, that some have not been taken to court as such and does not negate that they are doing that kind of thing. as has been pointed out the camp
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is over flooded with people who are not maybe having the best intent of the country and the concern of the host country is that it is under threat. >> thanks so much for your thoughts on that. time to catch up on sports news and robin is here for that. thank you very much. young jordan spieth describes winning the masters as one of the greatest days of life and better than phil mickelson and equaling tiger woods of the lowest score in augusta and rally reports. >> reporter: a year ago he was runner up to bubba watson on debut and jordan spieth is the masters champion. >> congratulations we are very proud of you. >> reporter: in the final round he had a full short lead playing partner rose and the englishman birdied the polls for a
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thrilling final around battle between the pair and after losing out on the masters by three shots last year no denying this time as he would win by four shots with a 18 under par score of 270. >> this was arguably the greatest day of my life and to join the club that is the green jackets and to join masters history and put my name on that trophy and have this jacket forever is something that i can't fathom right now. >> reporter: three time champion phil mickelson needed more than this chip in to eggel and had a 69 and a share of second place with rose. >> i need to shoot something in mid to low 60s to have a chance and just didn't do it. i just didn't play the exceptional round i needed. >> reporter: world number one
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mcilroy had a 66 and a fourth place finish and northern irishman did not get a grand slam and matched with a name for the future 23-year-old also got a 66 to cement fifth place and the japanese player third top ten finish in a major. tiger woods hopes of charging up the leaderboard were almost over after he injured his wrist on the ninth and tiger still holds the record for the youngest winner at augusta but has to share the lowest score seen at the masters with golf's newest superstar and if he continues to play like this weekend spieth may continue to rewrite the record books, kate riley, al
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jazeera. jordan spieth is the youngest on record and joins tiger woods was 21 104 days when he won the masters in 1997 and comes spieth getting himself in the history books and misses out on the record though by 155 days the texas yanukovich is 21 years and 259 days old and third place comes the late great and of course picked up the first of two green jackets age 23 years and 4 days old and finally we have another great and jack nicholas who was 23 years and 76 days old when he won the masters and won five more. and set to formally bid for 2024 olympic games after council voted in favor of the move on monday and join the french president and national olympic committee in supporting the bid
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and paris last hosted olympics in 1984 and had successful bids and september 15 is the official deadline. and dozens of professional cyclists broke the law after a near miss in the events and part of the breach is crossing the one-day race through northern france and many choosing to take the risk with a high-speed train approaching and filed a lawsuit and say the riders sent an irresponsible message to hundreds of viewers worldwide. love affair with the spanish champion had a hat trick and started from poll position and fell behind first term and covered five to eventually take the checkered flag and finished two seconds ahead of the other.
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returning baseball star rodriguez helped the new york yankees avoid the worst start and hits a double as they smashed seven runs against the boston red sox and 38-year-old is 5 home runs away for the all time list that would trigger $6 million bonus clause in his contract but a legal threat saying the they will not pay it following the drug ban and new york had a massive 14-4 victory denying the red sox series sweep. tennis player and partner who has twice come out of retirement are the new world doubles number one and won the family circle event in chelsea and won tournament in miami and indian wells and called up to play doubles in the swiss cup team for the first in 17 years and
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the first indian woman to top the rankings and a tough and extremely tough day at the office for runners in the north poll madison world's coolest madison and one of the most grueling races on the planet and 50 competitors from 19 countries also have to run under the cover of snipers who kept polar bears and dangerous animals at bay and on the borders of the frozen arctic sea and all but three finished the minus 50 degrees race. >> it was more than running but scoring through the deep snow but amazing experience. >> reporter: enough for me and more later, thanks. that is the end of the news hour and we have another full bulletin of news coming up in a couple of minutes so do stay with us here on al jazeera. ♪
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♪ escaping violence in yemen and hundreds of refugees cross into saudi arabia. ♪ from al jazeera's headquarters in doha i'm sammy and ahead election day in sudan and president bashir expected to extend 25-year rule and opposition boycotting the poll. >> anything is better than dilma rousseff. >> reporter: tens of thousands take to the streets in brazil against president dilma rousseff. andrew
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