tv News Al Jazeera April 14, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. talk to al jazeera. only on al jazeera america. on the frontline in yemen we talk to tribal fighters vowing to defeat houthi rebels. ♪ ♪ from al jazerra's headquarters in doha, i am sammy, also ahead iraqi forces battle to take more territory back from isil as the prime minister heads to the u.s. to ask for help. not forgotten. nigeria marks one year since 200 girls were kidnapped by boko haram. plus once the powerhouse of ecuador's economy the oil
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industry is no longer pumping up the president's policies. we'll tell you why. ♪ ♪ first, to yemen where saudi arabia is boosting security along its border, moving in tanks, artillery units and border guards. for almost three weeks now the kingdom has been pounding height targets right across the country. the saudi-led coalition has continued its bombardment of aden the southern port city becoming major battle ground against the houthis. military planes have also hit targets in ib robins, a sports stadium was hit there causing major damage, it's one of yemen's most dentsly-poll lated areas. sanaa absolutely defiant. the response to saudi arabia's actions will be decisive.
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mohamed adow has the latest from the generally-saudi border. >> reporter: it's very clear that saudi arabia is not willing to take any chances in this war they want to protect their border because to them one of the main objectives of the campaign in yep sen to make sure saudi arabia is not affected by the conflict in generally. of course, aside from helping the legitimate president mansour hadi return to power and expelling the houthis from sanaa. the officers showed us the artillery units they showed us the heavily machinery but they are still amosing across amass ago cross the board, they this is a 1,800-kilometer bored. it's a bill challenge to protect this border. we have seen incidents even more than two weeks after the beginning of the air strikes on the are houthis those strikes that were supposed to have destroyed all of their infrastructure and their capability of attack, we have seen incidents across the board
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never which saudi soldiers were killed. >> the united nations security council is ready to discuss. they are expected to vote tuesday on a resolution put forward by jordan. it demands the houthis stop fighting and withdraw from their positions. it also calls for an arms embargo and new sanctions against the rebels. but russia's demands for a ceasefire from all sides have been reflect go rejected. the fighting has hill hit the oil and gas industry. it says they will have to stop production and evacuate staff. further north local tribes are trying to stop the advance of houthi rebels they have inferior weapons but are vowing to secure their territory for motter what. >> reporter: tribal fighters just 500 meters from the houthi frontlines. thousands of local men have been on high alert since the rebel
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says captured sanaa in september. there have been almost daily ask skirmishes here for months. >> translator: we will win. as you can see we are everywhere on the front lines our situation is solid and our low kaeugz are strong. because we have the support of god. and the will of the brave men here. >> reporter: they call themselves popular resistence committees and they support president mansour hadi. so far the houthis haven't been able to take control and these fighters want it to say that way. it's home to the bulk of yemen's oil and gas resources and control of the region with be would be a significant are you victory for the houthis and their allies. >> we are defending our land and our families. we did not exercise aggression against anyone, but our enemies did against us. they will be defeated. >> reporter: the tribes are backed by the yemeni army and the saudi-led coalition, but
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they say their weapons aren't as good as the houthis who are said to have looting are yemeni army camps . >> we need to increase problem it'spressureon the huge you in the south and on every front. there are volunteers like us in other places. >> reporter: the fighters move off to protect another section of their frontline. but there are fears any escalation in violence here could damage vital oil and gas supply lines. pushing yemen even closer to economic collapse. alexi o'brien, al jazerra. to iraq now where security forces are trying to take back territory from on isil fighters in the country's largest province. both sides are claiming they are making gains. omar al saleh is following developments for us from the capital baghdad. pentagon reports say that isil is losing ground there what are you hearing?
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>> reporter: well, sammy in fact anbar which is iraq's largest province in terms of size remains 70% of that province remains under isil's control. including parts of the provincial capital romadi as well as the city of fallujah. the gains in that report were as a reference rather to little advance by the iraqi army in an area outside of romadi. however, that small village rather remains the city center of it remains under isil. sammy, i have to tell you that the iraqi government is trying to capitalize on the successes they made in tikrit where they cleared it from isil. so now they want to quickly take on isil in anbar and also think
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about mosul. however, the americans are telling the iraqi government to stop and not to rush things because anbar and mosul are totally different battles and the iraqi forces are not ready for it. >> now the iraqi prime minister will be asking for help for weapons from the u.s. has he made the kind of reforms though which the u.s. president called for when, of course, isil first swept through iraq last year? >> reporter: well, in terms of those reforms to reach out to the sunnis and the kurtz are cureds are not fully implemented. the different is when the the kurds however with regards to the forms the sunnis demands including things like forming sunni forces in sunni area to his defends themselves against isil and others.
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there are other differences now, i think that the prime minister will have to answer in his visit or in his meeting with the united u.s. president including the role of the shia paramilitaries the so-called popular mobilization forces and their role in atrocities in areas that isil have controlled. so tough questions. now, also prime minister will be asking for the speedy delivery of weapons iraq had bought from the u.s. including f-16s there are also demands from the iraqi government on the u.s. side to supply the government with drones and apache attack helicopters. i think the americans are holding a break on that because they want to see if those shia fighters which are backs and funded by iran, sammy. >> all right thanks so much omar al saleh there from baghdad. in the u.s., a former black water security guard has been given life and three others 30
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years in jail for killing 14 iraqi civilians in 2007. the case triggered international outrage and raised sear yeah questions over the role of security contractors in war zones. >> reporter: men were sentence today 30 year old in prison. the sniper who first opened fire was sentence today life. their armored convoy had been approaching the road junction in baghdad in 2007 when the sniper shot at a small white car he killed the occupants aiyegbeni an iraqi medical student and his mother the car was then blown up. the others in the convoy opened fire with machine guns and grenade launchers, 17 people killed several shot in the back. some 20 seriously injured. all those killed were civilians. the four men say they were actioning in self-defense and expressed no remorse or acceptance of responsibilities. >> at any other point in history, these men would be held up as heros. but instead they are being imprisoned to what amounts to life sentences for defending
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themselves and teammates in the most dangerous place on earth. >> reporter: that's why the department of justice said it was pushing for the judge to impose harsh sentences but as president obama has expanded the war a terror it's remain aids boom time for military contractors. those sentenced on monday worked for black water now called academy which is estimate buying a huffing tonight post stud toy received over a billion dollars from the state department since the shooting. their record keeping is murky. some argued that the jailing of the four men does not mean there is sufficient transparency, oversight and accountability for military contractors. >> even though the sentences have been handed down, the government won with some novel legal theories in terms of aiding and abetting. they didn't actually prove their case in terms of individual culpability. and it's quite likely that might be challenged in an appeal. >> reporter: and the four men have appealed their convictions. al jazerra washington. u.s. prosecutors in the
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state of oklahoma have charged a police officer who shot and killed a black man during a botched arrest, a police video of the incidents has been released showing what happened. >> on your stomach. now! [ gunshot ] >> i am sorry. >> ouch. ouch. ouch. he shot me. >> stop fighting. oh my god. >> oh, he shot me. he shot me. he shot me. you. [ beep ] you hear me. [ beep ] >> oh, god. oh he shot me. i didn't do. [ beep ] he shot me, man. oh my god. >> you didn't do. [ beep ] >> you hear me. i am losing my breath. [ beep ] your breath. >> the sulpha sheriff's officer says the reserve officer mistake
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enly pulled out his handgun instead of a taser and shot eric harris the officer has been charged with second degree manslaughter the victim's brother says he doesn't believe the shooting was racially motivated. still ahead al jazerra politicians in the u.s. push back on obama's executive power to lift sanctions against iran. and the sleeping stairway, find out what happened to an airport worker who took a nap in the cargo hold.
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>> weeknights on al jazeera america. >> join me as we bring you an in-depth look at the most important issues of the day. breaking it down. getting you the facts. it's the only place you'll find... the inside story. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". weeknights, 11:30 eastern. on al jazeera america.
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♪ will can think back let's recap the headlines, saudi arabia is boosting security along its border with yemen as it continues to hit targets across yemen. military planes have been bombarding targets in aden and ibb province in the south. in iraq, security forces have stepped up attempts to take back territory from isil fighters in the western province of anbar both sides are claim that go they have made gains in the strategic area which borders syria, jordan and saudi arabia. a reserve police officer from the u.s. state of oklahoma has been charged with the second degree manslaughter after he shot and killed a black man during a botched arrest. he mistakenly fired his handgun instead of a taser. in the past year, 800,000 children in nigeria have been forced to flee their homes because of boko haram. the findings come from the u.n. children's agency uncief. it's released a report marking the abduction of over 200 school girls in nigeria a year ago
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another report by amnesty international says at least 2,000 women and girls have been abducted since the start of 2014. it adds that children are being forced in to marriage and sexual slavery and being trained to fight. the report claims 5,500 civilians were killed as boko haram swept through villages and town as cross northeast nigeria last year. despite this uncief says it receives only 15% of the 26 1/2 mounts need today its human tear 10 operations needed in in nigeria this year. campaigners are demanding the return of the girls kidnapped. they put tape over their mouth during a silents march. meant to symbolize the silent voices of abducted school girls working with the consultancy firm as political risk analysis, she joins us now live from
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london, good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> why is boko haram focusing so much on children, on kidnapping children? >> i mean, if you look at the trends with, you know, group that his have operated in similar criminal fashion across africa recruiting of young children mean that his it's easy for them to actually mold them in to the ideology that they want them to promote across the areas that they operate. and i think this is certainly no different in nigeria certainly for girls, i mean, i think it's effectively using, you know, girls as a weapon of war. it's a way to destabilize communities . >> one of the many i should say saddening things about this situation in the uncief report is that it says two and a half thousand children are separated. this is in addition to those that evened up kidnapped. two and a half thousand children just separated from their parents. what happens to them? is anyone helping them?
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what is a separated child? they are just running from place to place? >> you know, this is the difficult thing but i think a lot of people are talking about in nigeria is the fact that the government has not set up an independent inquiry panel to look in to these issues so it's really -- effectively it's left the public to speculate on what has happened to a lot of these kidnapped children. and in some cases we obviously have taken evidence from the leaders of boko haram suggesting that in the case of the girls that he's converted them to islam and sold them off as slaves, so, i think all of these accounts and the public speculation has increased the psychological suffering that the parents are experiencing. >> one of the things that is really disturbing here is that it says that some of these kids are displaced multiple times. how do kids get displaced from village to village to village? where are the security forces?
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>> if you think about the fact that, you know, what has been happening effectively over the last six years is boko haram has attacked a group of towns and villages and what tends to happen is that, you know, when people get attacked they move in to a neighboring village that village quite quickly comes under attack from boko haram and security forces with the exception of the last two months have really been on the back foot. and so effectively, i mean, a lot of families have been forced to move repeatedly overtime. >> the reports talk about which about the anniversary of the abduction. but that sort of abduction is being replicated, it says on an epic scale. tell us more about just how big of a problem is child abductions in nigeria. >> yeah, i mean, i think the girls have obviously served as an important reminder i think to nigeria and also the international community. but, you know, this level of
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barbaric act happen on his a widespread scale. now, while the girls have certainly been the center of this campaign, we certainly know there have been cases because there are cases where children have actually been reunited with their families talking about the the suffering that they have had to deal with, while under boko haram captivity. so this is an issue that we know is happening but the -- it's very difficult to actually verify the numbers because there has been no independent inquiry in to this issue. >> all right thanks so much for your thoughts on that. >> thank you. the u.s. senate committee is set to discuss legislation which, if passed could prevents the white house from lifting sank on his iran. president obama has threatens to veto the bill, though. but if there is enough support congress could override him. kimberly hal halkett explains. >> reporter: president obama
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doesn't neat the approval of dong lift sanctions imposed on iran and that's what the republican majority on capitol hill wants to change. so senator bob corker chair of the sen al foreign relations commit is a pubbing the iran nuclear agreement review act of 2015. if passed out of committee and later out of the house and senate could delay or potentially limit white house power to lift sanction on his iran. president obama says that won't happen, bow congress could override a presidential veto with a 2/3 majority. to get that. republicans need the support of at least 13 democrats in the senate and roughly 40 from the house of representatives. it's not an immaterial impossibilities given that many december was have taken i stuff stance on iran in the past. the former m.i. it. nuclear physicist led
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negotiations in iran in switzerland, now he's contacting both republican and democratic senators to provide technical details of the framework deal. the white house is pushing hard to convince capitol hill lawmakers to vote against the legislation, that would allow them to reject the iran agreement but it is not just the white house lobbying the halls of congress. kelsey davenport from the washington based arms control organization is also meeting with senator to his convince skip tinges the framework deal puts real limits on iran's nuclear program. and boosts national security. her challenge is daunting. >> there are those that made up their minds about the agreement before it was reached many people in congress say we can't get a deal with iran because they can't be trusted for them it doesn't matter how good the
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deal will be it won't be good enough. >> reporter: for now the lobbying continues that's because if the unwielding iran nuclear review act becomes law it could give congress 60 days to weigh in and change history. the final agreement may have taken years but it could all be undone within weeks. more protest nurse guinea. police opened fire on demonstrators on monday and at least eight people were shot. protesters are calling for the president there to step down, they are angry over the timing of elects and the lack of security in guinea. kenya's refugees camp is one of the largest and oldest in the world. education is a luxury denied for more than 100,000 children who live there. since kenya asked the u.n. to move the camp back over the somali border their future looks even more bleak.
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muhammad adow is there. >> reporter: for the past 23 years he has lived in one of the camps for refugees in northern kenya. arrived here when he was just three years old. despite the challenges of life as a refugees, mohamed performed well in his secondary school examination. but he is yet to be admitted to university. >> translator: i waves hopefully going to university after finishing secondary school. i have visited the u.n. offices regularly asking for assistance to get higher education. four years later i am still waiting. >> reporter: higher education and training opportunities remain illusive for most young refugees who remain confined to the camps. for them the camps are nothing more than open air prisons. lack of opportunities is a great concern for many people here, unable to get jobs or access for their education, many of the refugees youth have been forced to return to somalia and join the groups fighting in their country. the campses some say have been recruitment ground for groups
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including al-shabab. >> translator: i will not deny that al-shabab has been recruiting at our camps. these are global groups that are getting recruits from all over the world as far as iraq and afghanistan. there is nothing that will stop 100 jobless young refugees from joining them. >> reporter: some of the idle young people have also turn today drugs. [ inaudible ] with cut that they love to chew a freight. >> reporter: others have been involved in criminal actives making the camps david. her son was killed just days ago. >> translator: i sent him to the shops when he met his killer, they shot him eight times in the head. we don't know why he was killed and who killed him. >> reporter: the recent al-shabab attack in nearby garissa town has meant life in the camps is more difficult. the kenyan government wants refugees relocate today somalia within three months it, has also suspended issuing special travel pass to his refugees going to
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garissa for medical or educational reasons. we met 14 of the only 20 university students. sponsored by the u.n. hcr. with a semester exams just days way, they don't know if they will be issued with a permit in time that their example exams they are worried about missing them and being forced to drop out of school. japanese court has blocked the restart of nuclear reactors in the west of tokyo over safety concerns local residents pushed for the injunction against the electric power company. they say plan to his restart the plants failed to meet tougher safety measures and won't be enough in another earthquake struck the prime minister wants to be back to using nuclear energy despite the 2011 fukushima disaster. in brazil, thousands of dead fish have been washing up on the banks of a lake in rio de janeiro. rivers and lakes in the area are
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polluted can sewage and garbage but a local environmental official says this latest incidents is because recent rains cooled the water. olympic rogue and canoeing events are meant to be held on the lake in 2016. oil has been the backbone of ecuador's economy for years but now as global prices fall the economic bonanza the country has seen might come to an end. >> reporter: the oil pumps along ecuador's pacific coast don't workday and night. reaching deep in to the earth to extract what had for decades been liquid gold. and more recently, a valuable tool in ecuadorian president's economic and political policies. until oil prices dropped and put a powerful break on government plans. >> it's a difficult situation for ecuador. and so ecuador what it's doing
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because there has been too much public expenditure before is trying to limit that. first limit public i can pen did trues, then they are borrowing from china trying to get more income instead of oil. >> reporter: intensive public spending has been at the heart of the president's popularity. large inning from infrastructure projects hike highways and new airports have put thousands in jobs and pumped cash in the to system. but things are changing and not only because of the oil market. but the price of oil is actually not the main concern. ecuador's economy is pegged to the u.s. dollar. and as the dollar strengthen globally it makes ex-doerr's exports more expensive. meaning it's harder for government to attract more cash. when the president took office seven years ago he declared a moratorium on the country's foreign debt and decided against keeping a stabilization fund to hedge against drops in its
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exports. coupled with low oil prices those decisions are coming back to haunt him. >> translator: low prices mean change. and the government has to find new sources of financing evening though the traditional sources are closed due to its own policies. >> reporter: ex-door is borrowing heavily from china and implementing higher tariffs on hundreds of consumer products. the government announced mid and high level public employees would take a 10% pay cut. but many people on the street are wonder figure they won't have to face cost-cutting measures themselves. scheyer reminder to be careful where you take a nap now. an alaska airlines flight had to make an emergency landed in seattle just four attorney minutes after taking off. the pilot heard banging coming from we next the plane. avalanching a worker was discovered trapped in the front cargo area where he had fallen
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sleep. he was taken to hospital as a precaution though the cargo area is pressure iced and temperature controlled. if you want to get more on toe a al jazerra way sleepies and other stories you know where to go, al this is techknow. this is a show about science by scientists. tonight, techknow journeys into the jungle. this is one of the iconic animals of costa rica.
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