tv News Al Jazeera April 15, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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no safe haven he said and you can get a great deal deal more on our website, that is al, the irhinian vows to end the air strikes it says more on that marching to the nation's capitol. justice for what they call police brutal tailty workers walk out why they say $15 an hour is the bare minimum they need to live. and desperate for help, as saudi led air strikes rain down hospitals say they simply cannot keep up. their calls for international aid.
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this is al jazeera america live from new york city, protestors are heading to philadelphia at this hour for a afternoon rally calling for police retomorrows. the demonstrating against the recent string of police shootings that have killed unarmed african-american men. today's action part of a 250-mile march to the nation's capitol. joins us now thomas, this seems to be a coordinated effort with all the demonstrations all over the country. >> it is, and it is getting stronger in 24 hours there are more than 24 protests the latest scheduled for 3:00 p.m., thousands of protestors taking to the streets this week. they are calling for more action pushing further debate about the use of deadly force by police against minorities. >> at least 20 with five demonstrations across the country on tuesday. stretching from california to
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new york. protestors want accountability, and they want transparency. in chicago about 200 people gathered at the daily center, demanding reform within the police department. five people were reportedly arrested. in oakland california holding signs that read plaque and brown lives matter, hundreds of president hadi test ever thes march blocking traffic on interstate 88. in los angeles the protests continue with many carrying signs and banners, 15 people were arrested, after blocking a commuter train at a downtown intersection. >> meanwhile, in new york city several hundred demonstrators march towards police head quarters with reports of dozens of people being arrested for blocking traffic. police also say an off duty officer was assaulted by two protest ever toes heading home on the brooklyn bridge. the suspects apparently fled. these protests come after string of high profile cases a black man losing their lives to the hand of white police officers.
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including the shooting of a man in tulsa oklahoma by a reserve deputy sheriff. and last week, way with saw video of a south carolina police officer, shooting and killing a black man who was running fromming the officer. today's philadelphia rally is part of a march to justice. a nine day five state march it kicked off on monday on new york stanton island that will wrap up next week in the nation's capitol. the group says it plans to deliver proposals for legislative retomorrows to congress when it arrives in washington, d.c. once again the philadelphia rally one of several planned for today. before wrapping up in d.c. on tuesday. now the group is also calling attention to the so called school to prison pipeline saying more attention needs to be placed on education and less on incarceration. wohl, dramatic new video showing a different kind of confrontation. police there deliberately ramming an armed suspect with
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a squad car. >> one round just went out. >> officers were tailing a suspect back in february as he fired his weapon into the air seconds later this. one officer slamming his squad car right into the man. he survived and now faces felony charges accused of invading a home and stealing a car and a rifle, earlier that day. investigators are saying the officer likely saved the man's life because he probably would have been shot and killed. >> iran's nuclear capabilities were a key issue today at a meeting of some of the world's biggest powers. john kerry met with his counter parts from six nations earlier this morning. they are discussing the conflicts around the world. as al jazeera reports ukraine's conflict was high on the g 7 agenda as well.
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the host of the summit has been briefing the press. the communique, the drop communique which the foreign ministers have agreed upon, and ukraine is right at the top. it makes reference to ukraine and says it called on all sides to implement their commitment under the minsk agreement, but there is strong wording here for rush are sha. and the communique says it expects in particular rush are sha to use it's considerable influence over the separatists to meet their minsk commitments in full. well, that is something obviously we all know, that the g eight used to include rush are sha. russia is not here, and without russia participation what value can people pat on this on this meeting of the seven. that's something that the foreign minister and mr. kerry talks about the important of coming to a resolution in
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ukraine and the fact that it is at the top of in communique demonstrates how importants to the g seven. dominic cane. >> tens of thousands of minimum wageworkers are on strike, and around the word. fast food workers are among the many who are walking to picket lines in their fight for raises. today will be their biggest day of protests with demonstrations planned in more than 200 cities and 35 countries. protestors want $15 an hour. that's more than double the current u.s. federal minimum wage. meanwhile in seattle workers at one tech company will be getting way more than $15 an hour the c.e.o. there has now made the minimum salary at his company, $70,000 a year. for some employees that's more than double their pay details on the extraordinary decision. >> so when was the last time you got a raise without even asking for it?
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that's something that is happening to a lot of folks at this seattle company which processes credit card payments. advantage price the c.e.o. decided that everybody here should make a minimum wage of $70,000 this was the scene when he sprung the announcement on his workers. >> does anyone have any questions. [applause] about 70 employees will benefit and get bumped up to that level. 30 of them will be doubling or more than doubling their current salary. just like that, and that includes haley in marketing how wild is that. >> it is completely wild, my jaw dropped. i am still trying to wrap my mind around it. >> do you have more flexibility now. >> yeah, definitely, especially in seattle where it is unard toble to live, and my -- i have student loans, i am 24, and it is going to change my world. >> some dr. t maic changes for the people, dramatic for the company as well, why is c.e.o.
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doing it and how will he pull it off? those answers and more tonight. allen shoff her, al jazeera seattle. >> and the resumes are flowing in you can watch this tonight at 8:00 eastern. >> a new law to fix the way medicare pays doctors is on it's way to the president's desk. the senate passed the bipartisan measure create as permanent payment structure for doctors that treat medicare patients. doctors have faced pay cuts annually unless they pass the last minute doc fix. african leaders in the white house this morning to discuss progression being made in the fight against ebola the president praised the response calling it good news, that the number of cases are on the decline. >> now we are focused on a shares goal, and that is getting to zero, we can't be complacent. this virus is unpredictable
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we have to be vigilant. in a partnership with three cases until there are no cases in these countries. >> more than 10,000 people have died of the virus. see year yeah leyon has started testing a vaccine on doctors nurses and other whose are at risk of catching the disease. the program is funded with a $5.4 billion package from congress. now to the war in yemen. saudi officials say their air strikes against houthis rebels are working. coalition members say a ground invasion is still a possibility. we have the latest. >> despite almost three weeks of air strikeses saudi arabia have not been able to defeat the militia and the forcing fighting alongside them.
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it controls the skies but the saudi led coalition hasn't controlled the troops on the ground. it is relying on popular groups. they have gained some ground, in yemen's second biggest city adan and other areas in the south. >> we tell the houthis get out of here, we are sick and tired of you this a message to them and to iran, you will never be welcome here. >> here on the western entrance into adan, vehicles speed away. >> traveling in the opposite direction ambulances head towards the fighting. but can't get very far. >> there are injured people over there, but the houthiss are targeting our vehicle. they shot at us, we can't reach the injured. hospitals have been badly hit some like this one have no
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electricity. air strikes continue to target the main airport. there are reportses weapons and reinforcements are being flown in for the houthis. the saudis say this is one of then ares it is taking so long to defeat them. >> this is a war over control of yemen. control on the ground is crucial. >> al jazeera. >> the united nations is warning against a potential humanitarian crisis in yemen more than 100,000 people have been displaced and more people are fleeing by the day. that part of the story. they land tired but relieved after a dangerous journey.
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we are not refugeed but refled the war we came this way. >> they brought what they could carry, but they don't know what fate awaits them. >> knives the capitol and it was pretty intense fighting. throughout the day there was bombing and it cut off completely. one day before we got here. >> the u.n. refugee agency says that all those the number of those are small, they are expecting many more soon. people are escaping nearly three weeks of saudi air strikes on the rebellings and their allies and they are also going hungry. the country is facing food shortages for decades and now experts aren waying that the poorest arab country can also face a food crisis. the rate after which things are deteriorating at this time we expect there to be a
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very serious food security problem with a lot more people facing emergency situations. >> so far almost 600 people have died and more than 2,000 have been wounded in the fighting which shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. al jazeera. >> coming up on al jazeera cheers in cuba today after president obama moves to take the country off the terrorist list. but some in congress say it is a bad move. and convicted former nfl star preparing to head to prison for murder.
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hernandez's fiance. former new orleans mayor now in prison in texas is launching a new bid to get out of prison. asking a federal appeals court to throw out his corruption conviction on grounds a jury instructions were wrong. he is serving a ten year sentence on bribe charges the appeal also claims some errors by the former trial attorney cuban leaders are praising the decision to remove the nation of state sponsors of terrorism. the terror designation was a major bone of contention in the effort to normalize relations. but as reports some members of congress are voicing opposition. the u.s. and cuba have been at logger heads for more than half a century. historic hand shake now given real substance by the announcement that the u.s. is
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to remove cuba on the list they say are are state sponsors of terrorism. i think it is very good, it was time that it happened. raul and obama united for the sake of the piece. it is the most important step yet between the two countries. >> the the caribbean island was added to the list 23 years later the u.s. accused havana of aiding arms rebels cuba's welcoming the decision saying it should never have been on the list at all. >> we are not terrorist ever arists quite the opposite, we are supporters of peace and tranquility and good things for all. this implies development. everything. it is great that this has happened. but it is not a done deal yet. they must get approval from congress which is 45 days to
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consider the decision. the terrorism six made by the white house is a terrible one but not surprising, cuban is a state sponsor. who kill add police officer in energy, over 30 years ago also the country that is helping north korea evade weapons sanctions. they should have remained on the list, it send as chilling message that this white house is not serious about calling terrorism by it's proper name. both cuba and the u.s. agree
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to disagree this latest move puts them one step closer to leaving the cold war behind. regulators are also looking into whether the operating system is anticompetitive. economic worries where officials reveal growth is starting to slow. the lowest it's been in six years. it is not stopping the. booing stock market. >> china calls calls this stage the new normal, but there's nothing normal about the stock market. there's much more red than green, in china red means gain. the markets now at a seven year high, and novice traders don't want to miss it.
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even though i know very little about stocks and the economy i think the stock market has a right future. >> in one day this month more than $250 billion worth of shares were traded. who spends up to three hours a day buying and selling shareses by his mobile phone. it should drop soon, so i want to wait for a while. many are ungoverned space experienced leaving them vulnerable to sudden shifts in an unpredictable market. >> we have to worry about the
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small investors we have to remind them of the real risk, potential risk, but right now i see no signs of stopping them. where there is now a chronic oversupply of new homes so the stock market is the only realestic that is worth more than $50 million. >> the main reason for this market is the huge amount of money that's been flooded into it since the middle of last year. and all that money is driving the index. >> this year it has been making headlines for other reasons the mother of a 21-year-old man who crashed his sports car while racing against another has said her son paid for the vehicle with money he made on china's accelerating stock market. al jazeera, beijing. >> next on al jazeera america.
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coming in the southern part of the state. that board provides water to much of southern california. >> a new analysis finds that california drought has not caused major damage to the state's economy. the state legislature says the drought has devastated agriculture, but that industry only accounts for 2% of the state's gross domestic product. the drought is exposing a big split between rich and poor. some have plenty of water while others have next to nothing. >> with the california
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drought, something that a lot of people don't know, is that water is not being distributed evenly across the state. there are some that get a lot and other places that are very short on water. now our teams that been covering the drought for the past 18 months we have shown you plenty of reservoirs that are half full, and you can see that water mark where the water used to be. we spoke to officials to find out why that is the case. >> a lot of information that is coming out about california is looking at the snow packet, and the customers depend on that. we are not part of the state water project or the central valley we are a unique system that as a local supply. and that's unique for california that a water agency would have a supply that is so local marin county is one of
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the richest counties. and so in many ways this could be one of the haves and have notes with the haves having enough water. but it isn't just that simple, it is also the luck of mother nature we will talk more about it in a report later tonight. you can check out the full report at 8:00 eastern. a los angeles judge ruled against donald sterling awarding his wife $2.6 million. shelly sterling claimed her husband stole their property to buy a mansion luxury cars cars and other gifts for another woman. sterling lost his team after an audio team surfaced of him making racist comments. some play saying race
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relations in hockey just now improving. few were rougher than value james. one of the few african-americans to play in the hockey league, his flailing fists were feared on both sides. but a constant barrage of taunts from fanned helped send him into early retirement, and turn his back on the game that had been his life. i couldn't watch hockey for ten years and i just couldn't enjoy the game. >> he talked about the aingeer and fear he experienced as the target of that. but the books turning point james reclaiming his hockey past visiting where he plays. we all have a choice, you can
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choose to be the crazy man the die that is going to make everything feel like a piece of crap, or choose to uplift and empower everybody. i choose to uplift as many people as i can. >> the first black player was a canadian in 1958. 11 years after jackie robinson broke baseball's color barrier. even today just 4% of nhl players are black. >> there is progress being made there, i am not sure we will get to a point where you will see the league -- the 700 players in the nhl split down the middle between white or black players. >> few in number yet still some of the top stars of today's game are are black or nonwhite. p.k. subban of the canadians is one of the league east best defenseman. his two briers also are nhl players or prospects. they have experienced racism, but not enough to slow them down.
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i tell my boys and two girls that that is a distraction. and if you allow it, to distract you if you give it permission to be a distraction to you you will never ever achieve your goal in life. >> the brothers may have had very different experiences but it is clear that racism is still around in hockey, even if only on social media and very occasionally among fans. playing at the very top of their game. al jazeera toronto. well,ic too a journey of $3 billion but we have the first color photo of pollute toe. shot this image that small fuzzy object you see the trip began nine years ago the craft is set to arrive around pollute toe on july 14th. thank you for joining us. the news continues next, live
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from london. >> hundreds of migrants feared dead in the mediterranean as the number approaches 10,000. >> welcome to al jazeera. i'm david foster. coming up in the next 30 minutes. houthi attacks in yemen saudi arabia and yemen talk about large-scale exercises. and google abusing it's market dominants. and why dark matter may not be
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