tv News Al Jazeera April 20, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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and also visible is the rising sun which sank in 1917. i'm randall pinkston. thank you for joining us. al jazeera is next from london. >> the migrant ship runs aground off greece and two more boats send distress calls near libya. tough eu official calls it a problem all of europe must deal with. i'm david foster here with you on al jazeera. also coming up. a massive explosion of a yemeni missile bases blamed on the saudi coalition bombing campaign. south africa zulu king condemns
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the situation is saying he's not to blame. and injuries in a school in barcelona. european countries migrant crisis together. the assessment of the eu chief in luks luxembourg. boat capsized in the mediterranean 125 kilometers northwest of libya. 950 may well have been on board. on monday, a sailboat ran aground off the greek island rhodes and at least 90 were
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rescued. after the european foreign minister met frederica mogherini presented a plan she said would hopefully address the crisis. >> to solve the crucial elements of one of the ways of access to libya through its southern border. we've talked about other measures intelligence cooperation regional protection programs and also the issue of destroying ships. the second element that emerged as consent yul isial is the duty to save lives at sea. this means more funds more coverage with more links to rescue obligations and to address certain rescue in a more structured long term way. the third element that emerged
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is for sure, a need to share the responsibilities within the european union when it comes to resettlement and relocation of refugees. >> let's talk to dominic kane in luxembourg. a duty to save lives at sea. we heard from it frederica mogherini. have they addressed how they cut back the operation to do just that within the last 12 months? >> no, there was no addressing of that but mare mare no nostrum. took over now the question is
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really, the plan that we've heard here and has been put forward by the commission as well to target people smugglers people traffickers whether on the high seas or whether in north africa is whether the money will be there to actually beef this up. that is something that clearly will be apt for discussion on thursday at the eu leaders summit we suppose will northbound brussels. the will was there for the sound bite but the large contributors whether they will be prepared to do that, we heard from the german foreign minister earlier this morning saying he felt there would be a solution found in north africa, that is telling us something that there's this desire to solve the crisis both in north africa an in europe. >> dominic we'll leave it there.
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thank you very much indeed. barnaby phillips, life in catania, the southern island of sicily. all the nice words barnaby dealing with the situation you and others are seeing there firsthand. >> surely it is a dramatic situation on the mediterranean sea, david. we're expecting before night fall here in catania that some 28 survivors will be brought ashore. the dramatic sinking perhaps as many as 900 were on board 700 different accounts. italian prime minister mateo renzi, giving an account one
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was a dinghy, 100 to 150 on board, and another account 300 to 350 on board. we don't know what happened to those ships. here is what mr. renzi had to say. about >> what we are witnessing these hours in the mediterranean is much more than a ship wrep, we shipwreck but a grave humanitarian crisis, which needs to be addressed and therefore requires a solid response from the entire international community. >> barnaby, is it near to impossible to catch the traffickers themselves? are they merely getting these people into the libyan coast putting them in a boat, saying off you go, and do nothing else, rather than run the risk of being caught themselves?
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>> reporter: there have been examples david where they have been on board boats themselves or they have taken migrants on one boat and then ordered them out in the high seas to dirs embarkdisembark and get on another boat. if those occasions there have been arrests of traffickers. but getting forward, i don't think the europeans have made much progress. the migrants are pretty much pushed off to sea off the libyan coast at night and find themselves out in the high seas come dawn. and when you trace back some of these migrant stories it's very very opaque. they may start somewhere like gaza yemen air tra eritrea. they are put on one boat, then another boat then another boat. by the time they arrive in
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europe provided they do get here safely they are very confused and very frightened and in no position to provide useful intelligence to european officials who might want to get their hands on these gangs. from the point the boats left, i'm thinking particularly libya there are no authorities with whom european authorities can work with now with whom they can coordinate their activities. that's why it's a well, almost impossible task. >> that's why frederica mogherini said she would welcome just about any kind of government to coordinate with. barnaby phillips there. >> now to the war in yemen the capital sanaa since the saudi led air campaign began air
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strikes here hitting a scud missile base in a mountain being used by houthi fighters. people living nearby, as you can probably see apartment blocks there. blowing out windows 46 dead at least we are told, residents there said it was one of the worst things they've heard since it all started. >> translator: we were close by and we heard a bang and after a moment we heard a big explosion. >> when we arrived here to help our colleagues and to the people there was a big explosion and we heard shells over the area. >> munition hit our homes. this is what the cowards used to bombard civilians. >> size of explosions confirmed that the rebels are in possession of dangerous scud missiles.
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>> translator: the coalition air force he yesterday targeted houthis. this includes areas where ballistic missiles were being stored. many of the launchers were destroyed. there are some rockets being stored in caves the size of the explosions sure there must have been scud missiles inside. everyone knows scud uses liquid fuel. from the size of the explosion confirms there were ammunition and missiles. as for the storage of fuel, everyone knows some storage of fuel is controlled by houthi militias and it is natural for us to target those storages and to destroy them. >> a security and intelligence experts, these are very, very big explosions. your sense is they want to get rid of these missiles as early as possible because they're worried about them being fired across the border. >> exactly. >> and possibly into saudi
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arabia itself. >> a long term campaign for the seufdz themselves, iranian supplied missiles, they are believed to have. potentially population centers could be attacked and you could see the size of the explosion secondary explosion blast wave. >> regardless who was taking the pictures it's the blast. >> shows these were fueled up missiles use liquid missiles. they have talked today about their fear of suicidal attackers carrying out missions both on the border and in saudi arabia itself. >> we have talked about the fuel and the scud. scuds. the houthis seem to be perhaps trapped in aden and they may want to reestablish a corridor up to ta'izz.
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>> absolutely. loyalist informs are cut off in aden and then in the north of the country. interesting battle going north of ta'izz, south of ta'izz, a big target for the saudi led campaign. armored forces, two armored britiondz facingbrigades in that region. >> look, spokesman saying, you can bring food in, everybody would love food, but we want to check to make sure they're not hiding guns and ammunition in there. >> iranian ships obviously who the statements are aimed at. very interesting in terms of the way that they are balancing each other. and this humanitarian issue becoming a bigger and bigger issue that i think you'll see
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boat sides use. >> the aid he said stuck at sanaa airport. >> that represents the bigger role that humanitarian issues are playing in all this. obviously much worse result with its interdiction, of supply lines fuel, electricity obviously make things more difficult for the civilian population. >> justin crump, thank you very much indeed. still to come on this program five years after bp's deep water horizon oil spill we're off to louisiana to find the landscape is still pretty rough. and as u.s.-cuba ties improve people from both sides consider how they can make money.
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>> head lines for you on al jazeera, migrant boat crashes in the immediate trainan is a europe-wide problem. calling for more coordination to prevent more death. frederica mogherini was speaking in regard to the issue.yemen's capital sanaa has been hit with one of the largest explosions since the campaign began. scud missile base being used by houthi fighters. at least 46 people believed to have died.
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for those migrants who do get across to europe life can be pretty duff. one man who did make it through joseph's journey made way to ga nah, that boat intercepted by italian authorities in the mediterranean, he went to lampedusa, from there he went to rome and he's been there ever since. al jazeera's phil lavelle caught up with him to hear his story. >> reporter: for the migrants crossing the mediterranean sea it is a journey that represents a new life, a new start. and joseph got that new life five years ago. >> they say you 94 entering italian waters. i was blessed. >> reporter: joseph had to get out of ga nah people smugglers put him on board of a boat for a price.
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destination, lampedusa. >> first i was lucky they say joe you are moving today. i went in and they didn't take me. they said that i'm -- boat is full. so i have to go. they're following in two days time. about one or two days time, i heard the boat had been sank on the sea. all of the people died. >> so you had a mayor poa escape. >> narrow escape? >> yes! 125 passengers people all of them died, all of them sink including the boat. >> reporter: the boat he did board also got into trouble and had to be rescued. joseph still remembers vividly the moment he arrived in europe. >> they were very kind to us, they were happy to receive us. we all happy about them. so they sent us to lampedusa for
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about four days. they check us, medication and everything. they treat us. after that they took us inside plane and we came to rome. >> but life has not been as kind as he had hoped. joseph takes odd jobs where he can. he barely gets by. >> i struggle to get money to feed myself. >> reporter: you struggle to eat. >> yes, struggle to eat. in italy here, especially rome here, the job has been limited. there's little job. whereby people are working, if you are lucky you get some job. if you are not lucky you're just praying one day somebody will call you to come and work for them. >> and he has a message for those driven orisk their lives to get to europe. >> it is better for them to stop
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coming. i would say them the issue stay where they are. >> reporter: the words of a man who's been there. is there now. but words that many will ignore, so desperate are they for that new start. phil lavelle, al jazeera rome. >> the leaders of grease's golden dawn party refused show up at court at a start of a trial. it's been adjourned 60 were arrested in 2013 after the stabbing of a leftist musician. they've been charged by some evidence linking golden dawn to a string of tacks accused of forming a criminal gang. the right wing group says i.t. did nothingit didnothing of the sort. high school student suspected of killing his teacher and injuring other students in barcelona.
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reportedly armed with a cross bow and a machete. >> translator: he didn't have problems but he was ciepts of a loanerkind of a loner. he talked about weapons in previous days. he had a list of people he intended to kill and then he did it. >> russia has killed five suspected fighters in dagestan. the leader of an armed group was reportedly killed in the operation. carettics say russia's tactics in the region are heavy-handed. russia says they are needed to ensure public safety. south africa's king has condemned a rash of anti-immigrant attacks describing them as vile.
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durbin calling for calm, he denies accusations that he told migrants to get out. has been blamed for foreigners being blamed for high crime rate. taken out of context. >> translator: this war i'm calling for today is to protect everyone of foreign origin in this country irrespective of what country they are from. like i have said last week that if these reports about me calling for war were true then this country would be in ashes. >> we hear the words of the king. our correspondent charld charles stratford went to that rally in durbin. >> peace and reconciliation by the zulu king. he called for what he described as a new war a war to protect all foreign nationals in south africa or the huge wave of
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xenophobic attacks here. he called the media as misinterpreting his statements last month which have been blamed for sparking this violence. he says the perpetrators of this violence should be caught and punished and brought to justice. he said its was a are disgrace for south africa to have this happen now . he said the xenophobic violence that happened in 2008 was a case in point and that south africa hasn't learned from that mistake yet. the genocide in rwanda, he went so farce to say that how south africa and africa as a continent was so deeply damaged by such violence. very much a message of peace and reconciliation today. and it's hoped that suddenly the king's speech will do something
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to quell these attacks against foreign migrants from south africa. >> from south africa we go to guinea, whether where there have been 18th government protests. violent clashes demonstrators still on the streets. they responded by firing tear gas back. dunn lynn says training policeman was seriously hurt. election timetable sense of security or lack of it they have about the country. the opposition says three people were killed in protests earlier on this friday. the u.n.'s condemned an attack by the armed group be al shabaab. it was in garaway region. most were employees of the
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u.n.'s children's agency unicef. the van in which they were traveling, bomb went off sheik mahmoud, calls it a direct attack against the country. five years since the worst natural disaster in history bp horizon spewed oil and gas into the sea for 87 days. al jazeera took a tour of the wetlands with scientists from the uh u.s.therefrom the u.s. national wildlife federation. >> we know that recovery takes decades and some things may never recover. so the idea that at five years bp can declare the gulf back to normal is ridiculous on its face. this area of the gulf which got the bulk of the oiling has seen
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a continueed above-normal rate of dolphin death that's been going on since the spill. in addition, they've done studies actually capturing dolphins checking their health and what they've found is shocking. very sick dolphins, some of them dying at much higher rates compared to dolphin populations in parts of the gulf that were not affected. we can't bring back the dead dolphins the dead pelicans, the dead turtles. they're gone. what we can do is improve the habitat, improve the ecosystem so that those populations can eventually recover. ket island is a symbol. they are some of the largest colonies of nesting burts coming nesting
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nesting birds the oil spill came in, eventually killed the man mangrove. >> smothered the plants and they died. as they died, the island just disappeared. it's sad, if you-if you saw what it look like just a few years ago, it's sad. it's sad to look at the graveyard of what it once was. >> last week the u.s. took another major step to normalizing the relations with cuba by taking it off the list ever states that sponsor terrorism. daniel schwindler reports. >> the americans are coming but not in the way that cuba has so long anticipated. these visitors are here from a washington organize to talk about mutual understanding and political cooperation.
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>> while i finally came to the roiftion that look, if you do if samedothe same thing for year after year, maybe you should do something else. we are now trying something else at long last. >> reporter: many on boast sides of the florida straits are anticipating and planning for substantial financial investment. the tourists are already here but this is just the beginning. plenty more visitors will be coming from the united states. but they won't all be following the tourist trail. many are coming to invest and not in a way that cuba has seen for 50 years. but the united states economic embargo, cuba calls it a blockade remains. the restriction was not as it was intended, toppling the government.
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discussions in washington and havana to have it lifted in the meantime preparations are being made. >> translator: they come as tourists, but when you talk to them you find they're lawyers people who are asking about the opportunities available in cuba. >> reporter: the cuban authorities have been paving the way, this container port at marielle west of havana. already well placed infrastructure. >> we're not happy just having foreigners here, we want them to come and meet and mix from cubans from every social background. we as cubans want to create a space where we can talk share and exchange ideas. >> reporter: for many cubans however, not much has changed not yet. with change comes uncertainly about what will be lost as well as what will be gained.
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the americans are coming while cubans wait with great expectation and some fears over what they may bring. daniel schwindler, al jazeera havana. >> and a great deal more on our website, all the stories at >> searching for the missing in the mediterranean. another boat of migrants sinks. and arrest in minnesota and california six people charged with supporting terrorism. and investing in cuba, american and corporate leaders visit havana.
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