tv Weekend News Al Jazeera April 26, 2015 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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me multi-planet species. >> every sunday night... >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping... inspiring... entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". tomorrow, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> tears and prayers. as rescue efforts continue in earthquake-hit nepal. 1800 have died so far.avalanche at mt. everest base camp. hello there welcome to al jazeera, live from dna. i'm shiulie ghosh. also on the program. thousands march in baltimore to protest against the death of an
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african american man in police custody. plus we bring you an aerial view of the destruction caused by volcano calbuco in chile. more than 1800 people are dead in nepal after saturday's devastating earthquake. and that figure is expected to rise when relief teams finally reach more devastated portions of the country. many of the injured spent the night outside fearing that it was the safest place. 17 climbers have been found dead at the mt. everest base
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camp. how the avalanche swept down the mountain kimbu ice fall, and others have been stuck between camps. ali mustafa reports. >> he filmed these pictures when the rescue effort got underway. >> they should have also tents but they cannot get off everest. >> reporter: pictures from everest south side base camp. show rocks scattered around. one climber posted a desperate appeal on twitter. alex gavin wrote huge disaster,
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help victims through debris area. many dead, much more if not hel heli ap. >> to facilitate the medical care required and to try medivac people out there is going to be extremely difficult extremely bad weather there. helicopters can't fly in and out of base camp. so the situation at base camp will be pretty desperate. >> late april is peak climbing season. the avalanche couldn't have hit everest at a busier time. ali mustafa, al jazeera. >> secretary-general ban ki-moon said in a statement report of the devastation is still coming in and the number of people
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injured and affected by this earthquake continue to rise. it is clear that very much very many lives have bebeen lost. the united nations is supporting the government of nepal in coordinating the search and rescue and prepared to mount a major relief effort. countries around the world have offered help to nepal. the u.s. has pledged $1 million in initial aid with more expected as the magnitude of the disaster becomes clearer. norway has pledged $1.8 million and neighbors india and pakistan have pitched in with military aircraft. let's go live to liddy dutt, take us through what it's providing. >> that's right. well, as of saturday evening
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cpg,there were four air force planes landed in nepal with four tons of relief aid, as well as experts from the national disaster relief force who will be working with the nepalis what we've already seen this morning is several choppers have already departed india for nepal again to be involved in the operations that will be ongoing there. the head of the national disaster relief force is also expected to pay a visit to nepal to see how high the damage is to nepal as well. forces who have had relations in nepal and worked there and seen it firsthand they say that the indian around nepalese armies
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share forms of operation particularly in the critical hours to come and the next few days. as time is of the essence in finding survivors and helping those most in need. >> a fair number of individuals were caught up in the disaster and tell us about the impact of that. >> that's right. well, there are hundreds of indians that are waiting to be evacuated out of nepal. we saw two flights land late last night around 10:30 local time was the last time the flight arrived witnesses talking about horrific scenes in the capital and just being very grateful and relieved to be home. states of behar and oto predasia feeling the effects total of 58 deaths confirmed in
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india, behar having the highest count at the moment. authorities saying that death toll is expected to arise as well and damage is continuing to be assessed in the state of behar in particular. in terms of the anyone allies states a busy flow ofthe nepalese states,that is something we should be watching carefully. >> liddy dutt explaining the impact of the earthquake in india. now in other news, saudi led air strikes have again taken place, in the southern district
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of darsad. victoria gatenby reports. >> fighters loyal to yemen's president in exile. abd rabbu mansour hadi trying to rescue him without being shot. houthi rebels along with forces loyal to former president ali abdullah saleh have been trying to push their way into this area and these forces loyal to hadi are trying to keep control. street battles continue in the center of the city, trying to force the houthis to retreat or surrender. further north in ta'izz, the birth place of the movement which ousted saleh in 2007.
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humanitarian situation is only worsening. there is a lack of fuel as well as essentials like food and water. after a month of bombing most people in yemen want the war to end. what they describe as a houthi coup call for the implementation of the united nations peace plan. despite saudi arabia indicating the aerial bombing is over, air strikes have continued on the cities of aden, ta'izz and sanaa. the capital people say they're too frightened to stay. >> there used to be 54 houses with 75 households living in them but after the air strikes nobody lives here. >> saudi arabia and its partners have repeatly said they will not stop their military attacks
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until president hadi is reinstated. victoria gatenby al jazeera. >> activists say rebels are taking control of a city in northwestern syria. in idlib province captured after 48 hours of fierce fighting. it had been named as the capital of the province after the fall of idlib city last month. continuing its advance in nearby towns. still to come here on the show. >> i'm robin forrester walker in kazakhstan for a presidential election will it be democracy or theater? >> and businesses in malaysia, southeastern asians discuss the region's future.
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future. >> the head of america's space agency charles bolden. >> we take science fiction and turn it into science fact. >> addressing nasa's critics. >> we are the best nation in the world when it comes to exploration. >> and mankind's next giant leap. >> we can become multi-planet species. >> every sunday night... >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping... inspiring... entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". tomorrow, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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>> fall of saigon, forty years later. >> we have no idea how many were killed. >> unanswered questions, a botched withdrawal lives lost. examining the impact that still resonates today. a special report starts tuesday, 10:00 eastern. on al jazeera america. >> welcome back. i'm shiulie ghosh. a reminder of the top stories. the number of the peep killed in the nepal earthquake continues to climb. at least 3910 people are known dead. the scale is expected to rise as the entirety of the situation is clear. quake triggered an avalanche
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at the mt. everest base camp. killing at least 15 people. bad weather is preventing recovery. asea group. >> made in malaysia, all you need is a smartphone app. it allows customers to order a cab without the hassle of haggling or flagging down a taxi in the street. it's all the bright idea of two former harvard business school graduates. >> safety, affordability and fast means of transportation. and there was a common drum across all six countries that we
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work in. when we created a solution to solve that problem it basically took off. >> every day more taxi drivers sign up across the region. the app's been downloaded on nearly 4 million mobile phones. seven bookings are made every second and more than 75,000 drivers have registered in asean countries. taxi driver joined more than a year ago. >> most customers are happy with this skin because they only have to call my taxi, and taxi will be available for them. >> they feel safe and secure? >> yes, of course. >> reporter: and customers steam feel the same way. >> i think it's a good platform for people to actually find a taxi in a safer manner. >> asean recognize that people
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need help. >> the general points of asean being a huge market, young market consumer boom. you can tick each of those points against what my taxi has done is doing and will do. >> but the story of the small business enterprise doesn't stop here. it's an example of what can be done in the asia pacific market pmg sahil raman, kuala lumpur. >> called an early vote he's ruled the country ever since the independence from the soviet union in 1991. robin, good to have you with us,
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why is the election being held so early. >> hi shiulie. he considers himself a bit of an international statesman a player in the world stage trying to raise his country's profile, trying to give it a bigger role, hosting peace negotiations building his exap capital out of the steppe as you can see behind me. in which his country faced difficult choices and indeed it does. the economy here has really been hit hard by falling oil prices. it is dependent on oil revenues largely, has a lot of other mineral reserves too. the russia ruble collapse has hilt hard, and what has been
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happening in ukraine another neighbor of russia's, the kasaks are easily things went wrong for ukrainians and basically he wants this election now to hold it now to reassure everybody that he's still in charge that he has a mandate to gofn take this country forward to introduce reforms political and economic. he's even talking about introducing something of a parliamentary government, whether that will actually happen. yes, the capital behind me it looks space an and modern and that's how he wants his country to look, but really the rest of it lots of industrial centers in decline and always the potential for strikes for unrest. so without him no clear succession plan unless he can come up with one and introduce
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political reforms. this country is looking a lot less fragile-a lot -- a lot more fragile than he would want. >> thank you. third term in office hoping to win again although local election observers say the election will be close. has ruled since 2005 taking over from his father who was in charge for the previous 38 years. nigeria has recalled its ambassador to south africa, after a spate of xenophobic attacks. thousands have been driven from their homes. a group of russian bikers are on their way to germany despite a warning from poland they won't be allowed to cross
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their border. a route of the soviet army is provocative. rory challands reports. >> they sport the look of outlaws, born to be wild, not these days, now they ride for russia and christianity. >> it is orthodox religion. >> leader of the pack is alexander, aka the surgeon. he is on a u.s. sanctions list for involvement in russia's takeover of crimea. at the clubhouse he shows me his favorite bikes and articulated his beliefs in a secretive force attempting to control world affairs. >> there is a new technology now which can destroy almost as much as a nuclear weapon, called controlled chaos.
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we see the consequences in iraq, libya syria and now ukraine. this is the great meaning of russia. russia isn't the salvation but probably the salvation will come from russia. >> orthodoxy patriotism, the commitment to control the country, it's easy to see why the night wolves like vladimir putin and vladimir putin likes the night wolves. others find the union worrying. >> this is part of a more general campaign to pit the conservative majority against anybody who would not pledge allegiance to the state. >> poland also has concerns. it says 20 night wolves who plan to plot the soifts soviet flight to
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berlin won't be let in. the wolves say even if they are stopped at the polish border they'll still find a way of getting in. they are not hinting how athey'll do that, but suggest they split up through italy and different border posts. that the country is so nervous of a few russians on motorcycles, a leather clad biker organic is one of the government's staunchest allies. rory challands, al jazeera moscow. freddy gray followed a broken spine following his arrest two weeks ago. gabriel elizondo reports.
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>> people here are angry, there are so few answer he about the death of freddy gray, they let out frustrations against a history of police mistreatment. several people were arrested. it got ugly for a brief period at the end of the day and parred an overwhelmingly peaceful protest. unlike the others who were mostly made up of african americans in the street a wider cross section of people are joining in. >> what happened with freddy gray and across the country, it is not a new problem it's a very old problem as old as the country. and as long as that problem has existed there's been a movement against it. >> they have the police protecting and serving. the only thing they serve now is disaster and death.
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>> reporter: they want the officers to be charged and an end of commonplace police brutality. police are admitting it was a mistake not to get freddy gray medical help when he was screaming with pain and not to secure him in the back of the van. police are on paid leave during the investigation. >> they need justice which needs to be served. >> there is no database of deaths while in police custody but there is unofficial count of 120 in the past 15 years. he has fired more than 50 officers because of wrongdoing but this death of freddy gray show him problems still exist.
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>> gray will be buried on monday. the call for justice doesn't seem to be in a city where everybody seems to be losing patience. gabriel elizondo, baltimore. set up to police the vast wilderness as daniel lack reports from canada, icy relations between the two could complicate discussions over climate change. >> the united states is now in charge and secretary of state john kerry has laid down an ambitious agenda addressing climate change, maritime safety and economic development in the north. >> all of us come to this council with different experiences and different perspectives. ultimately we all share one arctic.
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and we have to do everything that we can to ensure that the interests and the future of this vital and sensitive region are protected. >> reporter: overshadowing the council's soft power agenda and decision making by consensus concerns about member state russia's involvement in the ukraine and military operations in the arctic. that could cast a shadow over american leadership of the arctic council. >> how will the americans be able to take actions against the ukraine and at the same time, interfering with the arctic council. maybe they can find a way to do it i'm not sure how you do it. >> then there's concerns about the sea bed of the arctic ocean canada u.s. and russia are all look beyond their 200 nautical mile limit, to the store of vast
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oil and gas reserves that lie underneath. as the northern sea ice melts those reserves could become accessible. that could increase warming that is already twice as fast as elsewhere on the planet. cooperating against climate change may be taking off but some say it's too little too late. as well, the distractions of geopolitics come at an inconvenient time for the pressing work that lies ahead. daniel lack, al jazeera. the calbuco volcano isn't likely to erupt again but it's still pushing out ash. lucia newman got a close up look at the volcano from the air and saw how it's affecting those nearby.
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>> a magnificent closer view of a volcano eruption. continuing to spew millions of tons of volcanic material. this is the closest they've come to the crater since the volcano first erupted late wednesday. what you see is not smoke but semi pulverized rock and ash. you can smell the sulfur. >> that's why the column is so black. >> reporter: a column that is causing havoc as it heads straight towards neighboring argentina and uruguay. down below the rivers are boiling from the hod rock and ash, covering the town ofence of
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ensetada. they have come to see what's left of their home . >> we're afraid looters will come to steal the little we have left. >> while the ash is not contaminated it can provoke respiratory problems and skin rashes. chile is a country prone to natural catastrophes like few others. in the last month alone there have been freakish floods and deadly mudslides in the desert. there have been forest fires from an unprecedented drought. and volcano eruptions from not one but two volcanos, many people are joking in fact that the only thing that's missing now are the locusts the people are determined ostay. >> i was born here, i'll stay with or without the volcano. >> reporter: a volcano showing no signs of relenting nor of
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allowing families to return home. lucia newman, al jazeera ensenada chile. >> the address to go to: town. there's a hitch - he wants you and your neighbours to find the bill for the shiny new luxury boxes and expressway exit and doesn't want to pay much rent. may not sound like a great deal, but over and over cities are muscled into municipally funded sports facilities over threat of leaving town, or promising a new team.
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