tv News Al Jazeera April 29, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". sunday, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> this is aljazeera america live from new york zee and i'm tony harris, taking to the streets, thousands of protesters in baltimore and other cities now. police practices another curfew is hours away and we'll talk to another key player in the after nath. help for napal remote areas in the earthquake region. and more help is needed. and method of execution. arguments over one state's use
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lethal injections. >> large crowds have gathered again in baltimore and now in other cities for another night of protests over the death of freddie gray. from baltimore where hundreds of people have gathered outside of penn station. the latest demonstrations are taking place as baltimore tries to return to normal. but the tensions that led to this week's riots remain. let's go to paul, and paul, can we agree that the stage is being set right now for another long tense night in baltimore city? >> reporter: well, tony, i certainly hope that it's not
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going to be another long, hostile night. there's tension in air and i'm here in pennsylvania, watching over the last several days, traffic is flowing, there are people withdrawing and it's a of different situation than we have seen in the past two nights where we had riot police cordoning off the intersection, and we had a huge national guard presence. they have not made their way into this part of to be. but the mayor is concerned about vacations for the week. but the governor is saying that last night's night of relative calm was a turning point. after days of unrest that have broiled the city, the governor said that it's time to get back to normal in baltimore. >> we think that people should be getting back to their business and there's no question in my mind that the city is now safe. >> there were signs on this sunny day that the city is
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righting itself. open schools and open tourist attractions like the national aquarium. and even a free outdoor concert downtown courtesy of the baltimore symphony. but another camden yard, a slightly different picture. fans outside of the ballpark. and inside, they played to an empty stadium. some fans saying, come on, it's only a game. >> there's a lot of civil unrest that outweighs what we do on the field. >> on the streets the city still on edge. thousands of police officers and national guard members on patrol heading off the violence, but religious leaders who marched to city hall this morning saying that it's just a band dade, not a solution. >> it's working because it's pressure and force but how long can you deal with the force without dealing with the underlying reasons that caused you to have this force? >> baltimore police say that 35
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people were arrested since the curfew took affect, in contrast to the 135 arrests. >> as ever this afternoon we don't have any arrests and we have not had any major or significant incidents connected to the city. and we continue to have officers spread throughout the city, ready to respond. >> but the city is still holding it's breath. now l. there is still a lot of anger and frustration here, and it has been wildly speculated that on friday, the police were going to release some kind of report from their own internal investigation of the circumstances of freddie gray's death. but that's not what they're going to to do. they're going to hand over their findings to the state's
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attorney with their own investigation, and that's going to last far beyond friday. there's no deadline for that. and there may be a sense of mounting frustration and then the report, which everybody has been talking about is not going to come out. >> paul, thank you. and we're also watching the streets of new york city. hundreds of protesters have gathered city's union square to protest over the death ofy gray. and i believe that we have melissa chan and describe that scene for us. >> the protests in new york city in december, and they expect 4 or 5,000 responding this evening. and we don't have those numbers yet, people are still coming in but we have spoken to? protesters, for example two african-american women who brought their toddlers out here, and they say that they're here because they believe this
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is a pivotal moment in american history. and they want their children to be present today to see it, that this is part of a national movement that's happening. another protestor we spoke to, very angry at the police saying that there's a need for accountability and of course a lot chaptering the slogans black lives matter. >> melissa i know that you'll keep an eye on that for us, melissa chan in new york city. and there were clashes between the police and protesters last night. in ferguson, missouri, several dozen demonstrators threw stones at patrol cars, and authorities say that three people were shot and are in stable condition. demonstrators briefly blocked traffic and sent dumpsters on fire. in los angeles the message from the police brass to the department was very clear hours after the clash began in baltimore, they sent a
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department-wide message to be on alert. and the l.a. times reports that they ordered more uniformed officers on the streets to be aware of any signs of trouble and avoiding all unnecessary confrontations. of course los angeles has it's own history of race related violence. 23 years ago this week, the city erupted in violence after four l.a. police officers were acquitted in the beating of rodney king. milton grimes, the attorney for rodney king, joins us from los angeles, and good to see you. it's a pleasure, to sew the riots that were started and sparked after the beating of your client, rolled knee king, as you know, resulted in 53 dead, 2,000 injured and i have to ask you, what has changed in the relationship between african-americans and police in los angeles in those intervening years? >> the order that took place in
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1992 after the simi valley verdict, caused a lot of pain to people. and lives were lost. i think very little has changed to the core problem of what caused that civil disorder, and that is the culture and the makeup of law enforcement. they still highland behind and cover up their actions they hide behind the cold of silence, there's no transparency in the way they go about their work, and they're still killing young black men on a weekly, daily basis. so not a lot has changed. there has been a lot of talk, there has been some band-aids done and they have changed the police chief. but they're still killing young, unarmed black citizens across this country and especially here in los angeles. >> i need you to crack the code for me, and i need you to speak
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straight to me. why? why hasn't the code of silence been broken? why is it still the case 23 years on that so little in your opinion has changed? >> cornell and others are more articulate in the history of black people in this country than i am, but this is not a recent code. this code has been here for hundreds of years and it started bark when the police were organized and formed to catch run away slaves, and they didn't have to answer to anyone for what they did. and there was no need to say i fear danger or i saw a weapon. you just killed him. he was a black man. so now have the law says we're equal, and we are deserving of some consideration and so some excuses happen. i see too many cases where the police have said, x happened.
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and when you look at the evidence, i just finished a case where an officer said that my client had attacked him a female. she had attacked him and he thought he was going to lose his life, he was going to be killed by her. thankfully, there was a video that showed she did not attack him. her hands were behind her back, and he shot her in the head. so this cold of silence and this continued lying and culture and cover up has got to stop or we're going to continue to have these eruptions and explosions. >> i want to get to how it stops. how it happens and how we reach critical mass. in 1992, there were pockets in los angeles, up in arms, and as you know, that was 23 years ago, and milton, we're still saying that we have to have a conversation with police in the communities. >> we have to punish the culprits just like you punish
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anyone who commits a crime. not protection of this person. we should have an answer about what's happening in baltimore. you had 6, 8 officers involved in the incident. they sit down and write a report and there's an investigation, how did this young man get killed? there's no mystery. >> why was he chased, milton? can we get an answer as to why he was even chased? >> i hear you. but how he was killed shouldn't be complicated. you have six or eight officers sitting down, and someone should tell the truth out of six or eight officers, and we have to wonder what happened. and we may never find out what happened unless we change this culture in the police. >> changing the culture we have been talking about this for years, isn't it clear? >>clear? isn't it clear that america
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just doesn't want to have that conversation? can't handle that conversation, because it would require this nation to unpack issues linked to the jim crowe period of violence in this country and slavery, and america doesn't really want to unpack those issues. isn't that true here? >> well, you better unpack it, or we're going to have some real serious problems continue. >> but to my question, you're in the middle of this. you were there 23 years ago and you were representing rodney king. if you're telling me that little has changed, it's because enough people in enough positions of power don't want it to change. am i wrong here? if it not correct me. >> i was optimistic and hopeful that the rodney king verdict and civil verdict and coone and powell were convicted in
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federal court and awe we're finally going to stop this brutality. it did not change, and i've watched it over the last 23 years, 20 years. it's the same. it's the same. they brute lies and they lie. they cover it up and go on. >> have you given up? >> no, that's not even in the mix. i'm asking that we continue to fight n. one day we'll do what they have done in other places. i read about it in norway. they changed the penal system. you only get so much time in prison. they don't lock you away for life and brag about putting you in solitary confinement and driving you crazy. people look at incarceration more human than we do here. we have to keep fighting the way the law is enforced and the
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way that we treat the police officers who violate our civil rights. >> milton, good to see you milton, thank you for joining us. and freddie gray's death brought tension problems that we have heard so many people talking about this week, and del walters you spoke with the former mayor about the situation, and what does she have to say? >> well, as you know, she'll al dixon has always been outspoken f. today in her tv interview she said this is a problem that's decades in the making, and it will take decades to fix, and for those who want a quick fix get over it. she points to the city battling heroin addiction for 60 years
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and it's just now getting the attention that it deserves, and she takes exception to the language that is used to describe protestors. >> what i would have done differently in the case of the incident of freddie gray and the people coming out and protesting in reference to having justice is i would have tumcome out with them on mount street gilmore homes in front of city hall, and try to share with them that we're going to do everything in our power to make sure that justice is served. and the information provided for the people, that this is not going to happen again and i would have also given them a plan of things that we'll be doing to make sure that this doesn't happen again. they're not thugs. they were agitators and they were young people that were hungry for -- to steal because
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that's what they were doing and to take advantage of the situation. >> she said that the plan that you see here tonight unfolding once again the volume is increasing not only in baltimore, but in washington d.c. and too little money here and not even on the radar to washington d.c., and whether she considers herself to be a credible violence in the debate, she said yes and in fact she plans on running for mayor again and she may make that announce. sometime in june. >> does she offer any ideas on how to fix the problem? >> tony, in a word, education education, education. she points to the national statistics as so many here have said. across the nation. 80% of people who are in high school graduate. in this particular part of
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local victims, each gets a few meters and it's not enough. every family will find a way to use it. >> at least they should [ unintelligible ] it's already late. people are getting sick. we are [ unintelligible ] . >> while the public is grate for anything that the authorities can provide there's great disquiet that more needs to be done, and done soon before it spilled over into anger. >> we require peace and we require help for them. and in some places, done on time. and that's why the people.
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>> a ge bait at the supreme court turned heated today after the constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. the justices heard architects over lethal injections. >> it was a very pesky session at the court. both liberals and conservatives split on where they stand on this. the issue whether a new combination of drugs used for
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executions. attorneys for three convicted felons in oklahoma said that they violate the ban against cruel and unusual punishment. >> this drug formula is cruel and unusual because the first drug will not stop the prisoner from feeling the severe pain and suffering from the second and third drugs. >> states have changed their drug formula because they were using this other formula to render prisoners unconscious but manufacturers said that we don't want it used for executions anymore. so oklahoma and others have turned to a different drug, a sedative and oklahoma argued that this is perfectly acceptable. >> throughout the country, this is not unique to oklahoma. facing a difficult task to find the drugs necessary to carry out under law. our selection of medazalam is a
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drug that passes the review. >> inside of the courtroom justice sonya soda mayir said that nothing is going to make me believe it. death penalty opponents have pressured the drug companies not to provide the more reliable drugs for capital punishment. he called it a guerilla war against the death penalty. 15 executions have taken place in the u.s. using meldazza lamb and three of them were quite painful order deals and that's why the court is now being asked to decide if this drug cocktail is in fact constitutional. >> fascinating stuff lisa, and what happens if the court decides that this drug combination does violate the
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constitution? >> some states are looking beyond justice because it's so hard to get the drugs that they want. returning to the firing squad if need be. nitrogen gas and. >> doug hughes flew a gyrocopter to the capital lawn, and when radar detected the aircraft officials were unable to tell what it was or if it presented a threat. >> other objects if it could
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detect things like vehicles on roadways, or weather balloons, or kites and balloons. on april 15th it appeared on the radar as one of those small unified elements, indistinguishable from other radar tracks. >> mr. hughes was arrested, charged with flying a restricted aircraft over restricted airspace,. baltimore orioles came upswinging and nobody was there to see it. >> it's going to be small versus big oil. more just ahead.
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middle of that. and someone is being chased, and that's getting rough, at least in that particular shot. we have a demonstration in minneapolis on the right here, and protestors are demanding justice in the death of fred fred. so we have a demonstration in minneapolis in support of baltimore, and there you see that. it's happening right now. i'm not sure what part of the city that is in minneapolis but there you go. i'm not sure what's going on in baltimore. but my apologies, that's new york city. okay, this is baltimore. this is new york or baltimore. i'm a little confused here, and i'm told now that this is new york city, and we have at least one person who is being arrested. we understand that that demonstration, this is the same location as union square as in new york city. and melissa chan is following
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that, and we'll reach out for that situation but at least one arrest there in new york city. we have a live picture from new york city, and we have one from paula and so we have demonstrations breaking out in minneapolis in support of what's happening in baltimore and we have a demonstration in new york in support of what's happening in baltimore and what's happening in baltimore right now? >> well, tony, as you say there's a mixed picture. and that's a good way to characterize what's happening in baltimore. we had a police convoy and tactical vehicles rolling through, and this is in pennsylvania the last several days and i don't know if it's on the way to the other demonstration, but things happening here and it's still tense a city on edge. the news that we got, 100 people held since monday night's protests have been
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released from city jails because they were not charged within the 48 hour window. we're told that the police will still be reviewing social media and any video or close circuit camera images of the protest to see if additional charges might be filed. but that's the word we got here. released on monday in relation to the violent deaths. >> paul, let's see if we can talk about where we went in the last 24 hours. yesterday, we had images of a band and we had cheerleaders in all kinds of merriment right? any of that going on today? >> that's right well, there was really a festive atmosphere here in this intersection duringent day yesterday. and today, it has really turned into sort of a platform for a lot of street preachers. i don't know if you can hear
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the coke off knee. over my right shoulder, the nation's only unprison cell. and they're playing very loud music, and dancing on that side of the street. but this is the center point of the protests, the police and the national guard still deployed around the area, and they could be waiting in the wings in case the tempo picks up here. but right now the city righting itself, and returning so normal and concern about what might ham later in the week the protests and demonstrations that were planned for friday and saturday. >> gotcha. >> but right now the governor saying that a turning point has been reached here in baltimore.
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where the baltimore performs, it's close to penn station and i'm sure that the police will be looking at that area. paul, we want to get you back to the streets of new york city right now and we understand hundreds of protesters have gathered there in union square in support of what's happening in baltimore. the demonstrations there over the death of freddie gray. now, there were pictures earlier, and we'll try to sort this out. and again, i'm not sure of all of this, but we saw one person being arrested in the gallery and help me on that, would that lead to the demonstration that's going on right now in new york city? it's all in new york, and we saw one person being arrested earlier, and it looks like this demonstration is on the move. is it around the square or is this a demonstration that's on the move to other parts of new york city in we want to
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keep an eye on this situation and as soon as melissa chan -- we're close to having her and we're standing by waiting for melissa chan. if i pause for a second, can i hear what they're chanting? let's pause and hear what the demonstrators in new york are chanting. [ chanting ] okay, i don't know if you can exactly make out what they're saying, but you canner certainly take a moment to read some of their signs. melissa chan is there in union square, and melissa described the scene, and i don't know what the demonstration is to the parts of the city, or if they're circling union square. >> it's unlawful obstruction of pedestrian traffic. >> and we lost it.
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just like that. okay. we lost it. so can we go back to the live pictures? and we'll see if we can get her back. can we get the live pictures back up? there we go. new york square in new york city again this demonstration started maybe an hour and a half, 45 minutes ago growing in size here, and you can see a couple of the signs but it's in support of demonstrations going on in baltimore right now, and demonstrators there are obviously wanting answers of what happened to freddie gray why were the police chasing him and what happened in the 45 minutes between the time that the police arrested him and the time he was taken to the hospital. so we'll keep an eye on the situation, and there were demonstrations as well. we'll follow all of it as well. in other news, nuclear negotiations with iran on capitol hill today. the senate is debating giving them a say in any deal. michael shore is in washington
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for us, and good to see you. it's safe to say that we're going to hear a lot about this issue in the next three days, correct? >> yeah. the next few days, tony t. on internet week, they thought that they were going to be able to wrap things up a little bit earlier, bob corker and ben cardin the sponsors of the legislation, managing the bill in the senate. but what happened, amendment after amendment after amendment were tacked on to the legislation. they call them the managers and today they had to manage. today, marco rubio came to the floor to talk about his amendment. >> but let's have a vote on it. if you don't want to vote on things, don't run for the senate. if you don't want to vote on things don't run for office. be a columnist. get a talk show. >> that's marco rubio and what he's trying to do, tony, is get
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an amendment to the floor that says that recognizing israel's right to exist is part of this deal. >> why is senator rubio doing this? what's behind this? >> . >> first of all it may be something that he wants there it's very different from the underlying bill. but remember, marco rubio is running for president and trying to be the darling of able son the casino mogul out of las vegas he went to see him this past weekend and it's very important to be on the right side of israel with sheldon able son and what he's trying to do mechanicically in the 14th is making friends. they think that will this would be a poison pill amendment. and cardin, one of the men from maryland one of the managers, had this to say about it. >> and the president must see
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that, and you're negotiating u. the more you're putting on the table, the most important point, making sure that we have a strong agreement that iran can never become a nuclear amendment state. that's why this amendment will accomplish just the opposite. yes, it's a poison pill, and yes, it will defeat this bill, that also happens to be true, and yes, it will mean that it's almost impossible for the president to negotiate a nuclear agreement which are an. >> yes and they're saying that there's no way that the president will do it. people are watching it less than the beloved or yells orioles in this part of the world. >> i guess you can get a ticket to see the nets. saudi arabia's new king.
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one that changes his successor to the throne and ushers in a new generation, all as the king tries to deal with problems. >> this is saudi arabia's new crown prince, replacing his uncle in a major reshuffle. benaya is also minister of interior, and the chairman of the council for political affairs, threats facing the kingdom. the new crown prince has strong ties with the u.s. when he was in charge of the fight against al qaeda. and he's the man likely to play a role in the future of the oil rich kingdom. the king's son has been appointed the new deputy crown prince and he serves as chief of the royal court shakeups in
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saudi arabia are closely monitored by the world. the country is the biggest oil producer. >> there were questions about the succession, and all of them being very old in their 70s and 80s. and now we have a second generation, fairly young, in their 50s and they are experienced. >> saudis face mounting challenges like the growing instability neighboring yemen. against shia houthi rebels. accusing iran of using the houthis to destabilize the region. and this is the man to seek international support for saudi foreign policy. saudi ambassador to the united states of america has been appointed minister of foreign
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affairs, which was led for four decades by the prince. >> in the past, we were patient and it would we lost our patience. things are happening too fast for our taste. and we believe that the strong government should take action timely and strongly, and send the right messages to people that saudi arabia is going to deal with everything. >> valued saad is an important player in the middle east. it provides significant support for the syrian opposition, sunnis in iraq and lebanon and saudis political sway spreads across the arab world. in 2001, they were behind an arab league initiative offering peace with israel in exchange from a pullout of the areas controlled in 1967.
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aljazeera. >> california governor, jerry brown, announced an ambitious new plan today to sharply decrease the greenhouse emissions over the next years and looking to europe over how to implement them. >> reporter: tony, the new executive order from gary brown, makes california the national capital of the fight against climate change. already, thanks to the prior governor, arnold schwarzenegger, a plan is in place for an 80% cut below 1990 levels by 2050. and this is going to kick it in the butt forcing the state to do half of that by 2030. the governor's office didn't provide any guidance on how to make the cuts, he's just the decider, and it's up to state
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to do this. this is what the eu has promised to do. so let's look at california and want eu side by side. california with $1.9 billion is rival to nations of the eu. it's bigger than spain and italy, but if you line it up, 37% of emissions come from transportation cars opt road or planes in the sky and the eu has shrunk that to only 19.7% over the last years. technologies difficult and expensive to buy and maintain a car in europe, and even though rail and maritime keep going up in europe, cars have fallen, and that's one way to do it. bowing the eu and california generate a lot of carbon from agriculture, and they have managed to reduce it by reducing fertilizer, and by using landfilled gas capturing
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for energy and heat. there are a couple of pilot programs too and more of that could be a small way to go, but energy is the big problem. a difficult knot to untangle. in california, 21% of emissions, and 31% in europe. europe has been trying to shutter it's reactors, and it's terrible in terms of emissions but the europe union is willing to adapt alternative energy, going after wind and solar energy and california could do the same. it's not clear again how exactly california is going to take a leading role in reducing carbon emissions but if it wants to be known around the world for it, and certainly this could make it around the world, watching the eu could be the way to do it. >> shell oil is planning a major oil exploration project this summer in seattle. and it will serve as a hub. but protesters are meeting and
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greeting and drilling as close as possible to the rig. what kind of greeting are protesters planning for shell oil? >> tony, they are hoping for a huge greeting. they have put out a call to boaters all over the west to come up to the bay and join n shell is planning to bring in a couple of arctic drilling rigs. and there will be provisions and prep here on the seattle waterfront before heading to work above the arctic circle later on this summer. the major machines, this is one of them. the polar pioneer 30 feet from top toll bottom. and it will take place in the seattle terminal. and the opponents have sued over the $13 billion deal, saying that it's not appropriate use of port facilities, but the bigger issue is with arctic oil drilling itself. they want to stop it, and they say that the seattle waterfront is the perfect place the perfect stage where they can
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take a stand and create a dramatic image. a picture of floating kayaks, and they're calling themselves kayaktivists. facing off against big oil. >> you're calling this an opportunity? >> yes, this is an opportunity to connect the dots, and to give regular people a chance to make a real difference. >> what does it bring to the city? >> hundreds of jobs and economic benefits to the city of seattle. and it's in an area that generates high middle class jobs that everybody is looking for preserve being, and it maintains the flow of commerce through our properties, and that's a benefit to the city too. >> now a shell company spokesperson tells us that they have no intention of changing their plans at this point. but the state of washington, and the city of seattle have been great business partners in the past. and they expect that relationship to continue. tony there's one ship already
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here, a vessel, an ice breaker parked at terminal 5 because those two rigs are going to be accompanied by the other vessels that will support them in their efforts toward the arctic circle. >> we should talk about safety. and how are the organizers approaching that issue? >> yeah, safety is going to be a real issue and everybody is talking about it. the coast guard has put a 500-yard limit of how close you can get while the rig is in motion a 100-yard limit when they're parked. they say everybody come out here in kayaks, but be safe. it's not like a protest on a city street. it's water and it's cold and dangerous, and they want everybody to stay safe. >> wanted vietnam veteran's memorial, one of the biggest sights visited in washington d.c. but it was almost never built.
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>> tomorrow marks the 40th anniversary of the end of the vietnam war. a long, costly conflict that took the lives of nearly 3 million vietnamese and 60,000 troops. the legacy of that war seen through the creation of one of its last being monuments. >> my name is jan scruggs and i decided in 1979 that there should be a national vietnam memorial. >> jan scruggs describes his 12 months in vietnam as mostly unremarkable mostly firing mortar but he did get shot up. and as a corporal, he didn't accomplishment. but it was a civilian, nine years later he left an indelible mark. >> i started an organization with a lot of people including graduates from harvard business school, we found out how to
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build this and with he did it in three years. >> it required $3.4 million, all from donations land, some of the most valuable in the u.s. on the national mall. and it the design. the design almost killed the dream. >> the vietnam veterans memorial design was controversial because it was black. they said all of the other monuments are white and why is this black? what statement are you making? >> the winning design was an amateurish drawing from an architectural student myelin. they saw it as an ugly gash in the ground, an open wound on the national mall. concept, let's say wasn't immediately clear to a lot of people, including scruggs. >> i have seen the original drawings and they don't look like of. did you love it right away? or did it have to grow on you?
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>> it had to be explained to me by a group of highly experienced architects. once they explained it to me, i understood that it was going to be brilliant. >> aljazeera washington. >> the fall of saigon 40 years ago saw more than 6,000 americans airlifted to safety, following the end of the war and many south vietnamese allies were left behind or killed by the invading forces. the story of one cia analyst who remains haunted by those who never made it to safety. >> i climbed to the rooftop and we had beaten the vietnamese, so i could get on the chopper. >> the final moments before the fall of saigon. seared forever into the memory of frank one of the last americans to leave vietnam. more than five dozen military
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choppers took part in the operation. fearless pilots flew over 600 flights, airlifting 7,000 people out on that final day including 900 from the u.s. embassy alone. ales world got out that the americans were leaving thousands of south vietnamese swarmed the embassy gates desperate to flee. many worked directly for the u.s. mission in viet nam and were considered high-risk. >> during the last day we played god. we determined who would be saved and who wouldn't. and it was heard rending. you would get one person in the family but not the child, not the father, not the mother. we separated families in a wink because we had not planned adequately. >> it's estimated that close to 800,000 vietnamese fled their homeland as a result of the war. and many of the refugees settled right here in orange
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county california. where some 200,000 vietnamese americans live in and around the neighboring cities of garden grove and westminster aka, little saigon. what specifically hurts you the most? >> the opportunities lost to rescue people, to help people out. we could have done it. and we so often failed in that. >> a failure snepp believes, the state department and the u.s. embassy could have prevented. the fall of saigon had been coming for others, but u.s. ambassador gram martin, wouldn't talk about an evacuation. in 1977, graham published a controversial memoir, revealing that sensitive documents had been left behind in the rush to exit sighing an, and cia operatives were all named in
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the files leaving them vulnerable to arrest, or worse. 40 years after the fall of saigon frank snepp spends a lot of time here, exercising the demons that he brought home from the war. >> you can watch michael's full report on "america tonight" at 10 p.m. pacific. for a look at what's coming up at the top of the hour, john ig sig is here. >> coming up be tonight the arrests, tens of thousands of people on the streets of american cities, and my conversation with sheila dixon on what's next in race relations, and stopping big oil with kayaks. kaikayakakayak. and barney frank talks
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about his new back on same-sex marriage before the supreme court decision. >> if the court decides that it is illegal for a government to deny to people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity anything that is given to people, that will be a major break through. >> plus, he expect more than a year of his life in jail. peter greste talks about being imprisoned if for a crime that he did not commit. >> it's a mistake but the memories are all strong. it was a tough experience, and i wouldn't go through it again in a million years but i don't feel traumatized by it. >> those coming up in less than three minutes. >> a russian cargo spaceship is spinning out of control. it was carrying food and fuel and supplies to the international space station when it malfunctioned shortly
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>> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america i'm john siegenthaler. beyond baltimore. large protests, heavy police presence and an empty stadium. is this a turning point? the urgency in nepal. first the earthquake, now the growing desperation. no indictment. a mentally ill plaque man shot to -- black man shot to death by police the response to the grand jury's decision. plus ruby bridges. as a child she
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