tv News Al Jazeera May 1, 2015 7:30am-9:01am EDT
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consumer replace sales assistant celebritys and news readers in the future say it ain't so, reminder keep up to date with all stories we brought you today going to our website that is al, al and do keep it here. >> new reports into what may have caused freddie gray's death as baltimore's prosecutor begins a new phase of the investigation. >> may day protests in south korea turn violent as workers demand better treatment across the globe. >> the death toll rises in nepal. the biggest threat now is the spread of disease after the earthquake.
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>> this is aljazeera america. good morning. live from new york city, i'm randall pinkston. baltimore is waking up a of the a third mostly peaceful night under curfew, the focus on the prosecutor investigating the death of 25-year-old freddie gray. there are no reports today about what may have been behind the injuries gray suffered while in police custody. john tarret is live in baltimore. there are reports now several saying that gray may have been heard inside the police transport van something known as a rough ride? yeah, that's right randall. good morning from baltimore. local a.b.c. affiliate reporting this morning that it has seen part of the medical examiner's report which suggests freddie gray may not have died from injuries he picked up during the arrest protest but from striking
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his head or back of his neck on a bolt in the police wagon. now of course no one is speaking about this openly. we're just going to have to wait and see for the medical examiner to actually publish his report. in the meantime here in baltimore, it was another quiet night in the city last night. >> day three of baltimores 10:00 p.m. curfew and another quiet night. protestors out early despite heavy rain cleared out as the hour approached. there was tense in the air after a surprise announcement by baltimore police. >> at 8:50 this morning our task force charged with investigating the tragic death of mr. freddie gray turned over the contents that have investigation to the state attorney's office. >> while not making the report public he did reveal that the police wagon carrying freddie gray made four stops not three as previously thought. police learned about the fourth stop from a private
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security camera along the wagon's route. an anonymous law enforcement source said the medical examiner's report contained evidence that gray suffered a massive head injury while riding inside the van an injury matching a bolt inside the compartment where gray traveled. gray family attorney bill murphy spoke with al jazeera's del walters. >> here's what i'm sure of, that this man was complaining of pain when he was put in the van. that may or may not mean anything but after he was put in the van he died and he died of a catastrophic injury while he was in police custody. he was refused medical care. the police have admitted that. >> state's attorney marlin mosby will weigh the evidence and decide whether to bring charges against the six officers involved all of who are currently suspended with pay.
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she is one of the countries youngest state attorneys and one of three high profile african-american women involved in the case, something baltimore's mayor pointed out. >> if with the nation watching, three black women at three different levels can't get justice and healing for this community, you tell me where we're going to get it. >> mosby's relatively new she took office in january with all eyes turning on her office, the gray case promises to be a defining moment for a rising political star. those three african-american women are the head of the national guard the state's attorney and baltimore mayor. and we should mention u.s.
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attorney loretta lynch. we don't know wipe the police stopped freddie gray and don't nope the cause of death. anybody about the autopsy and when it might be released? >> we don't know for certain. what we do know is that medical examiner's report could take up to 90 days to produce. the governor here, the new republican governor has asked for the report to be expedited. we also know what wjla is reporting this morning and on top of that are told that the medical examiner is going to brief the gray family on how freddie gray died sometime in the next 24 hours. randall. >> thank you. >> several hundred people gathered near philadelphia city hall to protest the death of fred dough gray. the march on thursday was entitled phillie is baltimore. some protestors tried to push their way on to an interstate highway. at one point demonstrators threw bottles and objects at
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police officers. two were arrested. >> in ohio, about 300 people marched through downtown cincinnati. police escorts helped close streets at crowds gathered outside headquarters. at least one protestor was cited by police. >> protests in baltimore have focused on freddie gray about how he died. many men are killed on the streets of baltimore every year. so far this year, the city's homicide rate is up 25%. drugs and guns are a big part of the problem. >> i had to hold my handled and walk down the hall to see my child lay on the table. >> in february of 2005, she lost her son to violence. he was gunned down in a drug-related robbery. >> i couldn't understand the grief, i couldn't understand my loss. >> this is a photo of her other
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son standing next to his brother in may just two months later on mother's day he, too was dead. he had heart problems. his mother says he died from a broken heart. >> so your son's heart couldn't take it. >> he couldn't take it, no. couldn't take it. it was too much. >> her third son died weeks later. he was stabbed to death. >> another one of my child. my child is gone. >> a mother's tears highlight a city's grief. to the outside world these protests happen in west baltimore. in reality, it is a problem that knows no borders. charles renanal is mourning the loss of two of his sons, both of them gunned down. >> people that say you can separate the drugs guns around violence what can you say? >> there is no separation. if you're involved in drugs there's no safe place to be. >> there i also more to the story than tears. the story of better than net
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mcfadden is the story of a mother trying to win. she was once homeless but at the time of her death all three of her sons were in school for headed there. all three sons had dreams. >> the day he had died, he got accepted at the college. >> these are the faces of those who raised the money to bury her sons. >> doesn't matter what race you are, what color you are, you are born in this life, you are a human being. >> when these images of freddie gray were broadcast, she was among the mothers marching to protest his death. freddie gray to her is somebody's son. >> my reaction to freddie gray was like that's my baby, that's my child. >> you felt that much of a connection to freddie gray. >> i said that's my child. >> del del walters, al jazeera
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baltimore. >> accusations of police brutality will be part of may day today. in seoul police used pepper spray to stop a standoff. we have more from seoul. >> the union's organizations behind today's event are protesting what they see as an attempt by the government to further deregulate the labor market here. in particular, they're opposed to company's dismissing workers. someone can be on a fixed term contract before becoming a member and also pension system. they want to see a near doubling of the minimum wage to $10 an hour by the end of the year. this is far from the first big mass protest in recent weeks. there was a general strike april 24. there were a series of protests linked to the first anniversary of the ferry disaster and the government's handle of that, as
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with those events, there is a big police presence on the streets today, 15,000 officers, we're told. >> now to indonesia where thousands marched on the streets of jakarta calling for better pay and working conditions. protestors say they are only paid half of what it costs to live. >> may day in athens, thousands of workers walked the streets after unions called for a 24 hour strike. they were protesting austerity measures being demanded by international finance leaders. >> a strong earthquake has struck paupau new guinea after a 6.9 tremor on thursday. there are no immediate reports of damage or injuries. a tsunami warning was issued, then lifted. >> in nepal thousands unaccounted for survivors living in camps by the thousands, the big fear, the disease threat.
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there is very little clean water and the a severe shortage of toilet facilities. we are live in cad man do. how bad is the situation for survivors where you are? >> >> it's hard to tell if there are survivors left. 72 hours is the chance to find people alive but two people, one boy, 15 years old and a wham in her 20's were pulled out of the rubble alive. that has brought. >> i to people here. it's a little good news we have. people are still scared here. we are still searching, you can see the clean up going on. there is still the threat of disease as you mentioned. the other issue is there are over 13,000 people officially injured in this earthquake. these are only official in connection as we make our way into the remote areas these numbers are only expected to go
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up. >> are you seeing much being done to provide temporary shelter? i just saw images while you were talking of portable toilet facilities. i can imagine that there are many more a need than you have available there and what about tents and food and water for the people who did manage to survive that earthquake? >> we are getting a little more relief now than before. as many people here complain, help is coming far too slow. this is the capitol of the country. you will expect aid to come the soonest and be most effective, but people sleeping in tents there is no shelter for them. it was very cold here last night and it's really not enough for
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people. we learned that 67 people were found alive in an area 100 miles out, so while there is good news, people are hanging on to any bit of good news they can. >> it's estimated that it could cost $2 billion to rebuild. what is the government doing to help survivors and to accumulate the funds to do that? >> well, so far they've offered a compensation of approximately 1,000 u.s. dollars for each victim. now the death toll has been climbing every day. the problem is this isn't a rich country to begin with. they are getting aid from several countries but the estimated cost of rebuilding nepal is approximately 20% of their g.d.p. they're going to need a lot of national-international help to rebuild, not just rebuild their economy but to get their people back up on their feet. >> thank you very much for your reporting in katmandu.
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>> in two days, facebook users have raised $10 million for recovery efforts in nepal. users have been able to donate using a button on their front page. 100% of the donations are going to the international medical core which is working with first responders. facebook itself is donating $2 million toward relief efforts. >> taking education into their own hands. parents trying to take over a california school from the teachers. and sharp shooters tried to kill thousands of birds to save fish, causing a big debate.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. taking a look now at today's top stories, saudi arabia is restructuring its official oil company, which is the world's largest, now separated from the official oil ministry. >> incredible video out of china, these landslides in the country's northwest left people without power. no one was killed, but it will cost millions to repair the damage. >> tesla unveiled a battery that can power your home or office. c.e.o. elon musk said the power pack will wean the world off oil and gas. the basic model will sell for
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$3,000. you will be able to buy one later this year. >> a california law allows a community to take control of a school. parents can pull the trigger if they feel teachers aren't getting the job done. we are introduced to a community standing ready to do just that. >> 20th street elementary school in south los angeles is failing its students. that's the word on the play ground according to a number of parents. they say students are falling behind in math and 60% can't read at grade level. lupe's daughter is in the fourth grade. >> this is first and second grade work. >> is this easy for her? is it challenging for her? >> well, this is easy for her. it's just one digit. >> she's not challenged. >> not at all. >> this is an example of a fourth grade math assignment that amy brought home and this is an example from another los angeles unified elementary school. it calls for calculating equivalent fractions.
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amy's course work is simple addition. we looked at the curriculum. it suggests students should be working on more complicated math problems including full plying fractions and basic geometry. >> if we don't do something now it's going to be too late for the kids. >> she and other parents are doing something trying to take over the school. in early april a group of parents sent this letter to the head of l.a. public schools. it informed the district that parents are invoking california's parent empowerment act, commonly referred to as the parent trigger law. it gives parents the ability to effectively take over a school and make sweeping changes including turns it into a charter school. >> we have the date locked in. >> gabe rose is with parent revolution an l.a. based non-profit that works with parents during the parent trigger process. >> if the district doesn't they it's a crisis when only 43% have
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kids are reading at a grade level, if the district doesn't think that's a crisis, that's a problem. >> we're going to begin with what we call an inclusion. >> in a move to try to avoid a takeover the school district met with parents. in the school cafeteria we sat down with roberto martinez, a regional superintendent. >> shouldn't all the students at the school be able to read at grade level? >> absolutely. >> forget the percentages if any student are not reading at grade level they're falling behind. >> absolutely. >> that's not acceptable, is it? >> it isn't. that's what we do. we look at data. >> data the district says isn't public but does admit since 2013 there has been no standardized testing in math and reading at 20th street. >> what grade would you give 20th street elementary school. >> a c., c. plus. >> c.?
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is that acceptable? >> that's why we're here tonight. >> conversations between parents and school district are expected to continue into may. if the district fails to meet parents' demands, they are prepared to pull the trigger on california's law and take over the school. >> the australian government is taking. >> what are you saying to your daughter about what's happening at her school? >> well, my daughter knows what we're doing. she supports that. quite often she says thank you mommy for doing what you're doing not just for me, but also for the other kids. >> do the children know? >> they know. they know. they know that they're going to be so far behind academically that near not going to be able to catch up. >> jennifer london, al jazeera los angeles. >> sharpshooters teams of them are headed to the coast of oregon hired to kill more than 10,000 birds. they are supposed to help the
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fishing industry, but the move enraged animal activists. we have today's environmental impact report. >> we are 50 yards offshore from east sand island, right at the mouth of the columbia river. we're not allowed to go onshore and shoot video this is federal land owned by the army corps of engineers. they told us we are not allowed to go onshore. they are about to begin a culling program here. in this case, culling does mean killing. there will be federal teams out here soon armed with rifles and shotguns shooting from boats and from blinds on the land during the day and nighttime hours using night scopes and they'll be trying to kill some of the birds here who eat salmon and steel head every year. it's all about protecting the baby fish. >> it's wrong. we're trying to control mother nature. that's like trying to put a cap
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on a volcano. >> it's not ok. no. they're living creatures. >> 11,000 birds in your mind, that's just something we have to do. >> that's a drop in the hat yes. >> we could kill more? >> yeah. >> the auto ban society of portland oregon and four our conservation groups have joined to file a lawsuit asking a federal judge to stop the killing. this is a very complicate and very emotional issue for all the stake holders involved. people who lovebirds people who love fish and people who appreciate the challenges of wildlife management are in a tremendous setting of the columbia river basin. the army corps of engineers say they have no option, they've been told they need to bring the number of birds down to a very specific level. we'll have details on why they've been told that and how they plan to go about it later on tonight. >> you can watch the full report tonight at 8:00, eastern. >> a group of scientists say the
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>> on the science beat, in the face of a rapidly changing climate, scientists are considering drastic measures to cool the earth. one of them is called geoengineering. at least one major government is taking the idea very seriously. >> tornadoes coloring the road. there it goes, look at the house. >> global climate patterns are changing so much, scientists are now considering a once taboo topic, geoengineering. some call it planet hacking literally altering the natural systems of the globe. there are several proposed methods, but because of its cost and ease, the first strike will
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likely be aimed at the sun. 16 top american scientists co authored a paper entitled climate intervention, reflecting sunlight to cool earth. while the paper does not constitute official u.s. government policy, it was requested and supported by key government agencies like the u.s. department of energy, nasa and the u.s. intelligence community, which includes agencies like the c.i.a., f.b.i. and homeland security. in a statement the intelligence community tells al jazeera in part its interest is to better understand the effects of climate change on u.s. national security. >> with the engineering proposals, the earth would start cooling the next year. >> one of the secrets to that bold claim microscopic particles that might one day be used to shade the planet from the sun. according to the theory, if
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particles were injected into the sky high above the clouds, stratospheric aerosol's would spread around the world partially reflecting sunlight. when lands were covered in ash from valley contain know, it injected several tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. global temperatures dropped for almost a degree for over a year. >> cooling the earth just requires a few people with a few billion dollars. >> the effects of global warming are not uniform. there are people who stand to lose but there are governments corporations, even individuals who stand to gain, therefore not everyone's interests are aligned. >> the most severe pain caused by global warming is likely to be felt in developing economyion. >> the more likely scenario is in which china or other tropical
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countries have massive crop failures due to heat stress and they feel we need to deploy some kind of scheme to cool the planet quickly so that we can feed our people. >> it would only cool average temperatures with that some countries could get even hotter. in san diego, al jazeera. >> to sports now. problems off the field did not stop the bucks from picking their first choice in the nfl draft. >> with the first pick in the 2015 nfl draft the tampa bay buccaneers select jameis winston. >> he hopes he can gain everyone's trust. he was accused of sexual assault while at florida state but was never charged. oregon quarterback mariotta went second to the titans.
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round two takes place tonight in chicago. thank you for joining us. stephanie sy is back in two minutes with more aljazeera america morning news. >> every day is another chance to be strong. >> i can't get bent down because my family's lookin' at me. >> to rise, to fight and to not give up. >> you're gonna go to school so you don't have to go war. >> hard earned pride. hard earned respect. hard earned future. >> we can not afford for one of us to lose a job. we're just a family that's trying to make it. >> a real look at the american dream. "hard earned". premiers sunday, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> part of our month long look at working in america. "hard earned".
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>> if walmart doesn't know, it's because they choose not to know. >> "faultlines". >> what do we want? >> al jazeera america's hard-hitting... >> today the will be arrested. >> ground-breaking... >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series. >> we have to get out of here. >> "faultlines: made in bangladesh". monday, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> new evidence in the investigation into the death of freddie gray in baltimore as reports detail what may have caused his injuries. >> health workers fight to stop the spread of disease as the death toll climbs in nepal. the government is revealing how it plans to deal with the crisis. >> fierce fighting in yemen as both sides battle for control of a key airport.
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>> this is aljazeera america live from new york city. i'm stephanie sy. >> another mostly quiet night on the streets of baltimore but there is no tension this morning over what led to freddie gray's death. a police report is being reviewed of what happened to him in police custody and there are new claims over what may have caused his injuries and how he could have been hurt in the back of a police van. we have live in baltimore. john, good morning. what are you hearing about the injuries to freddie gray. >> it suggestion the injuries were picked up not during the arrest process but inside the van when he was said to hit his message or head on a both.
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there were injuries on his body that are said to be consistent with that. we're going to have to wait and see what the medical examiner actually says, but these are the multiple reports this morning. in the meantime, on the third night of the curfew, baltimore was once again quiet last night. >> day three of baltimore's 10:00 p.m. curfew and another quiet night. protestors out early despite heavy rain cleared out as the hour approached. there was tension in the air after a surprise announcement by baltimore police. >> at 8:50 this morning, our task force charged with investigating the tragic death of mr. freddie gray turned over the contents that have investigation to the state attorney's office. >> while not making the report public, he did reveal that the police wagon carrying freddie gray made four stops, not three as previously thought. police learned about the fourth stop from a private security camera along the wagon's route.
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washington t.v. station cited a law enforcement source saying the medical examiner report said gray suffered a massive head injury riding inside the van an injury matching a bolt inside the compartment where gray traveled. gray family attorney bill murphy spoke with al jazeera's del walters. >> here's what i'm sure of, that this man was complaining of pain when he was put in the van. that may or may not mean anything but after he was put in the van he died, and he died of a catastrophic injury while he was in police custody. he was refused medical care. the police have admitted that. >> state's attorney will decide whether to bring charges against the six officers involved, all currently suspended with pay.
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mosby is one of the countries youngest state attorneys and one of three high profile african-american women involved in the case, something the mayor pointed out. >> if with the nation watching three black women at three different levels can't get justice and healing for this community, you tell me where we're going to get it. >> she is relatively new taking office only in january with all eyes turning on her office, the gray case promises to be a defining moment for a rising political star. >> the three leading african-american women are linda sing head of maryland's national guard the mayor, and the state's attorney, marlin mosby and the attorney general at the national level, loretta lynch. >> a lot of attention on that
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special prosecutor right now. >> protests have occurred in several american cities. in fill lee, it was called phillie is baltimore. some protestors lobbed bottles and objects at officers. at least two were arrested. >> in ho i how, 300 people marched through downtown cincinnati. police helped close streets as crowds gathered outside police headquarters. one protestors was cited by police during the march. >> del walters spoke with the attorney representing the gray family. billy murphy said the police are liable for what happened to freddie gray. >> if you have a man in your custody and he gets grievously injured in your custody and you don't give him medical care after he has demanded it repeatedly and he dies in your custody, that's on you and so
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that's enough right there for a case of manslaughter. it's also enough for a case of malfeasance in office. >> a prisoner who was riding in the police van is countering reports gray may have been injured or may have injured himself in the van. the prisoner said it was a smooth ride and said there was not enough space in the van for gray to harm himself. >> three soldiers from saudi arabia have been killed in fighting in yemen. the saudi-led coalition said the soldiers died in an attack at a border post. reinforcements are being sent to the area. >> reaching the border with yemen takes a tough ride up the mountains in southwestern saudi arabia. this hill top overlooks the houthi congress hold. saudi soldiers took is to this site from which they are monitoring the area 24 hours a day. it's a military zone and
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movement on the other side gets a speedy response. sporadic fighting happens on almost a daily braces from here to the east. the houthis were ail on occasion to kill saudi soldiers by sniper fire or mortar shells. the saudi army has destroyed several houthi vehicles that were transporting fighters and weapons toward the border. >> we deal with them from a distance to make sure to spot them before they get close and before they can shoot. we rely on information that we collect through various means including goggles and other surveillance. >> some of that information is provided by these tribesmen. houthi rebels across the border shell areas like these from time to time, so these men come here to prevent such attacks. yemen is right behind these mountains and these men who were born here and lived here all their life tell us they are the best to fight in this area and they are ready to help the
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government. >> the armed forces of our country are doing their job perfectly well, but as citizens, we have a certain obligation. we don't know if we will be asked to help, but if asked we need to be ready. >> during a brief war between saudi arabia and the houthis in 2009 houthi fighters attacked sawed border villages and killed many soldiers. the residents were moved from dozens of those villages for safer areas. saudi rain said it's taken every measure this time around to prevent a repeat of those events. >> off the see coast the saudi coast guard has increased its patrols. >> the type of danger we are monitoring has changed. previously it was mainly smugglers and in fill traitors. now we are looking for fighters and possibly ready to launch attacks. >> saudi arabia said it controls the waters, air space and land borders of yemen and yet the risk of the war spilling into
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saudi territory is still high, which according to the military here warrants continuous vigilance. >> saudi arabia is making more changes in how it deals with the evident. the kingdom is restructuring its state oil company. it is the world's largest oil firm and will be separate from the oil ministry. it comes on the heels of a major shuffle within saudi politics with a new crowned prince and foreign minister named. >> in nepal, more than 6200 have been killed after last week's earthquake. the government warns that number will be much higher once they get to remote areas. thousands are still unaccounted for. a woman in her 20's is the latest rescued alive. she was trapped for four days. the biggest concern now is the threat of disease. thousands of people are living in camps and conditions are poor
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with no clean water and not enough toilets. we have more. >> around the village, locals line up to get treated by a team of doctors. this is the first medical team in the village since the earthquake struck on saturday, destroying most of the houses here. this woman and her daughters have been suffering stomach cramps. >> the water is thick and smelly but we have to drink it. >> many patients have diarrhea and have been vomiting. some in the queue seemed to the dazed. this 2-year-old has skin infection. behind him a 2-year-old stares on. >> he has bad diarrhea. our house to do dangerous to go back too. >> we are providing support so
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one week or more, this support will be continued. with diseases, we need long term planning. >> the collapse of the health care system concerns medical officers working in the field. the army has been coordinating all the international medical teams which have come to help. >> quite a few of the villages, the health force the hospitals have been totally destroyed. now the foreign medical teams here in nepal i think they will start moving out within a week or two. our plan is that other medical teams which can come here and stay for a longer duration, two to six months, so probably we will be sending those teams to those areas where the hospitals and health services have been destroyed. >> back in the village those not physically sick are in shock. many are afraid to sleep. they hope to get some medication from the doctors who will be here for one more day but once
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the medical team leaves, they will be left to fend for themselves once again. >> even at the best of times the health system in nepal has been rather poor. for this village the only health post is half a mile further up and the only things they have is this. >> not everyone has toilets and people defecate in the streets. water has been contaminated in areas like this, increasing the risk of epidemics. al jazeera nepal. >> a strong earthquake has struck new guinea. the 6.8 quake happened off the eastern coast of the country. it comes after a 6.9 tremor on thursday. there are no immediate reports of damages or injuries. a tsunami warning was issued but lifted. there were more evaluations in southern chile after the third eruption in a week. the volcano erupted after being
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dormant for more than 40 years. many residents had just returned to clean up only to be told to leave again. >> the u.s. and canada will announce new railroad car rules requiring retrofitting for older tank cars. >> up to 10,000 people are expected to protest today against a goods and services tax. the government said it is a fair way to task. >> serve gal begins scrapping visa requirement on air fairs in a bid to revive tourism. fears of ebola has plummeted in the tourist industry. >> three teachers in atlanta have been facing the harshest punishment for their role in a cheating scandal. a judge reduced their sentences. >> i'm not comfortable with it. >> saying he wanted no regrets after retirement, superior court judge jerry baxter did what a judge rarely does, drastically
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reduced sentences he imposed just two weeks ago. >> 10 years to serve three with a balance probated, 2000 hours of community service, $10,000 fine. >> the three former school administrators had been convicted of racketeering charges for their roles in a widespread cheating scandal. each had initially received seven year sentences the longest of any of the defendants. the judge cut those down to three years. michael pits was one of the educators resentenced. >> were you surprised that there was a resentencing without an appeal? >> i think it's the purview of the judge to make that decision. to be frank i've been surprised about everything. >> that's why you didn't take a plea deal? >> i don't like the way this is going. let's go.
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>> attorney gerald griggs represents angela williamson. she received a two year prison sentence after pleading guilty. pressure was put on the judge to recognition the sentences. >> these people are going to prison for racketeering charges rico usually used for gangsters and mobsters. >> organized crime. >> yes. >> do we have a problem here? >> we have a serious problem when we sentence educators as if they were mobsters organ officers. this was about eraising bubbles on a bubble sheet. this is atlanta georgia this is not the worst thing that's happened. i think the sentences should have been reflective of what actually occur road and allowing these individuals to go back and remediate, not to be incarcerated. >> his client plans to appeal, as does convicted administrator tamara coughlin. >> it has been overwhelming in
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and of itself. >> there's a lot more to this tragedy than the cheating. i mean, the poverty in a lot of these neighborhoods these children are born in these conditions and they need to have all the help they can to get out of there. >> the appeals process accounted take another two years while atlanta schools try to undo the damage from the scandal. robert ray, al jazeera atlanta. >> marking may day. workers around the globe spend this may one protesting and demanding better pay. >> innovation in the car world why ford is hitting the road to silicon valley.
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george washington bridge, he ordered the controversial lane closures two years ago. >> for the first time in 90 years, a case of the playing may have been transmitted from one person to the other at the u.s. the first person to get it in colorado was infected by a sick dog. it's the first time a dog has infected a human with the playing in the u.s. three others have become sick. all have been successfully retreated. >> the university of chicago won the right to host president obama's presidential library. sources say the location won out over colombia university. the university of chicago has not confirmed the news. >> may day rallies are going on around the world to mark international workers day. in china demonstrators took part in rallies calling for better labor conditions. in jakarta workers called for higher pay. they say they are paid only half of what it cost to say live there. in athens, thousands walked the
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streets after unions called for a 24 hour strike, protesting austerity measures demanded by international lenders. >> in seoul may day rallies took an ugly turn. hundreds of marchers clashed with police. officers used pepper spry to stop the standoff. we have more on the rallies there. >> the union organizations behind today's events are protesting against what they see as an attempt by the government to further deregulate the labor market here. in particular, they are opposed to attempts to make it easier for companies to dismiss workers, regulating the time someone can be on a fix the contact and also changes to the public sector pension system. they say they want to see a near doubling of the minimum wage to nearly $10 an hour by the end of the year. this is far from the first big mass protest we've seen in recent weeks. there was a general strike april 24.
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there were a series of protests linked to the anniversary of the ferry disaster and the government's handle of that. 15,000 officers are on the streets today. >> major rallies are planned today across the united states. >> on the money beat this morning, when the recession hit it took a toll on car manufacturing in places like detroit. as the industry makes a comeback, a lot of the innovation even for traditional companies like ford is happening outside the motor city. we have this report from silicon valley. >> the center of gravity in the american auto industry is shifting westward from detroit towards silicon valley. in january ford opened a new palo alto technology center where hardware and software meet. >> being viewed at part of silicon valley is very important for our future. it's important to get the right talent that we need coming into the company and it supports our
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overall efforts for driving innovation for customers. >> cars are designed by virtual reality with ultralight carbon parts, the kind used on the upcoming ford super car with self adjusting height for speed bumps and spoiler to optimize wind resistance. >> ford has traveled down the road to self driving vehicles. at least when it comes to the annoying task of parallel parking. i'm operating the gas and brake but this is entirely steering itself. see? no hands. >> ford is also researching making cars more internet connected and there they're playing catch up with tesla with a dashboard that looks like it was built by nasa. tesla developed a niche in the range. analysts say car makers will look ever more to silicon
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valley, the tree lined home to thousands of experts in speech technology and data management. >> autos are becoming mobile communications platforms. if you want to be on the leading edge of that stuff you want to be where you can incorporate the sort of technology into the auto as quickly as possible. >> that logic is likely to attract other u.s. automakers building and island of detroit in northern california. >> meanwhile a big new unveiling from tesla a battery that can power your home or office. c.e.o. elon musk said the power will wean the world off oil and gas. the basic model will sell for $3,000. you'll be able to buy one later this year. >> one very sophisticated lab in boston is designed to study deadly diseases. it's one of the most secure structures ever built. >> we are all vulnerable to the
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tiniest of enemies viruses. >> all the damage in a big organ, microscopic agents causing really, really big diseases in people. >> emerging viruses cause about two thirds of the newly recognized diseases in the world. >> scientists are desperately trying to unlock the mystery of how these agents i will fill trait us, but to state them, you first need to contain them. the national emerging infectious diseases laboratories, also known as the needle is one of those places. >> here in boston, i'm standing in front of needle. this $200 million facility is known as a bio safety level four lab. think of it as a super max prison for pathogens like the ebola virus. we were granted unique access before it goes hot that is plays host to the world's most
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lethal viruses. >> these are called containment on steroids, because the number of redundant safety measures. >> it's like a building within a building? >> it's a believe in a building. >> it has a 16-inch heavily rebarred concrete floor. it's embedded in the bedrock separate from the outer building. if there were ever an earthquake the two buildings would shake independently. keeping these pat jens secure during research is a matter of life and death. inside researchers wear airtight positive pressure suits, known as space suits and have their own separate air supply. air goes through the hepa filter twice. >> high efficient par particular class air filters filter out
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particles. the needle faced political and legal challenges which delayed the opening. >> one of the things that the community asked for was give us a risk assessment that honestly evaluates scientifically the risks of a facility like this. in the end, it was a risk assessment that says that these facilities are incredibly safe and scour and the chances of even multiple failures leading to a release of a pat jen that would influence the population is next to zero. it's never zero, but it's next to zero. >> you can watch techno this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. eastern on aljazeera america. >> more fallout from the government's enhanced interrogation program.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. it is 8:29 eastern, taking a look at today's top stories. recovery efforts in nepal after the earthquake are going slowly, medical help not get to go those who need it most. officials say the death toll is more than 6200. >> in yemen aden is seeing fierce fighting, the feesest since the war began to get control of the city. further north thee saudi soldiers were killed at a border post attack. >> a third night under curfew in baltimore with no major incidents, but the city is tense
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as details emerge. medical records say his injuries were the result of hitting his head on the bolt in the back of a police van. >> the outpouring of anger in baltimore has resulted in outpouring of a different kind from professional of different athletes with ties to the area. these are two pretty big names trying to affect one of the worst-hit communities. >> they are joined by one of the favorite teams in that area, as well. if you watch any of the footage from baltimore earlier this week it didn't take long to realize that a great many people taking part in the riots were school aged kids, so thursday, stars from pro football and basketball south those kids out to show support and to usually restraint in expressing their anger. >> the stars were out on a sunny baltimore day. there was nba star and baltimore native carmelo anthony marching with protestors, calling for an end to police brutality. >> earlier in the week, answer
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knee used his instagram feed to urge this protest. continue fighting for what you believe in but remember it takes no time to destroy something but it can take forever to build it back up. in another part of west baltimore, ray louis one of thed three local schools. he had been schedule would to broadcast for espn during the draft coverage, but decided it was more important to be in baltimore, trying to help the community he's been a part of since the ravens drafted him 19 years ago. >> we've got black kids killing each other like it's going out of style like it's a video game. we've got to teach them. >> he led a contingent of over 80 players to speak and distribute food at schools including where the students were among the rioters earlier
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this week. ravens coach january harbaugh told the school football team to set the tone. >> just keeping things right around the school, football team right? >> absolutely. >> that's the way it works. no greater catalyst for good than doing things right like the football team. >> lewis implored the students to do things differently. >> in life, sometimes you are going to find yourself going through something and right now we are going through something. it's only going to be the real people to stand up to change their life. over the next 30 days, if you do nothing else, if you do nothing else do everything different than you've always done it if you are looking for different results. >> he said he thought it was important to listen as well as talk. >> if you always talk, you never know what they're going through. every one of them has individual problems. >> the baltimore ravens say they teamed with the maryland food bank to donate 30,000 pounds of food and supply to say families who have to live for now without
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a nearby grocery store or pharmacy. they were burned and looted in this week's violence. we all saw what happened to that c.v.s. >> it is great they are using their fame for good. >> the trial of a cleveland police officer accused in the shooting death of an unarmed couple is coming to a close as bisi onile-ere reports, 13 officers fired 137 bullets into the couple's car. the case led to a federal investigation of the police department. >> i'm bisi onile-ere and i'm outside the justice center in cleveland, ohio where a police officer is standing trial in the 2012 police chase and shootout that claimed the lives of two unarmed black people. cleveland police officer michael brelow is charged with the deaths of 43-year-old and a 33-year-old. russell and williams led police on a high speed chase that ended
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in a hail of gunfire. officers fired 137 times at the pair. brolow fired 49 of those shots. the case led to u.s. justice department investigation finding the cleveland please democratic had a long history of using excessive force. we sat down with timothy russell's sister in an exclusive interview. >> what was your reaction to seeing those photos, to seeing that over 130 shots were fired into your brother's vehicle? >> i just thought it was totally unnecessary. i mean, grant it, he didn't pull over for whatever reason. again, we don't know, because he could have had a valid reason for not pulling over. >> tonight mitchell russell sheds light on the case and explains why she believes the cleveland police department isn't telling the truth about the events that led to her brother's death. >> you can watch bisi onile-ere's full report tonight.
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>> the organization of psychologists may have secretly worked with the bush administration on c.i.a. interrogation programs. in a new report, a group of health professionals and human rights activists claim the american psychological association lend support to bolster legal justifications for what many consider torture. the a.p.a. denies it. a recent conditioningal investigation revealed that psychologists helped develop the c.i.a. interrogation methods. there is little difference between physical and psychological torture. >> torture was a matter of simply inflicting physical pain but in the modern era a terrible sort of pseudoscience created no methods of applying mostly psychological pain. i'm talking about sleep deprivation, mock executions, threats to family members. these techniques have the advantage for the torturers of
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leaving little or no physical trace on the body, which debraves victims and international courts of evidence. researchers who look at the distinction between physical and psychological torture have found that in the end the affect on the victim is largely the same. as the u.n. special examiner took it, a common effect is the disintegration of the personality. the point are torture in an interrogation setting like this is to regress the victim to a place she loses all hope of control, of freedom of intimacy and can do nothing else but comply. here is a final added piece of horror. the intelligence community employs and advisory group the intelligence science board and in 2006, this group put together a multi-part report on terror and coercion.
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it found that essentially none of the interrogation techniques used by personnel have been subjected to scientific or systematic inquiry or investigation. it argues that threatening to use this bucket through the sensation of drowning through this rag or worst doing it to someone has no proven ability to get approval information out of somebody. whether somehow torture is justified, if it's effective let's put that aside for a moment. here's what we do know. u.s. personnel knew how harmful torture could be on their victims and did it anyway and ignored what science also knows that there is no proven ability for torture to get useful information out of anybody whatsoever. >> dr. steven risner is one of the lead writers of the report. he's a founding member of the coalition for an ethical
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psychology. thank you so much for coming in this morning. how big of a deal is the american psychological association and if they did what the report says, provide justification for torture methods after the abu ghraib incidents, how much cover would that really have provided the bush administration? >> the american psychological association is the biggest association of psychologist in the world. there are 130,000 members and affiliates. it's a very important organization of mental health professionals, and the importance of them, of the a.p.a. changing its ethics code in a way that allowed psychologists to participate in these enhanced interrogations actually mailed the program facilitate the program's participation just when it was under threat, just when it had been closed down. it's a huge owe open it's a huge effect that the psychologists
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had in allowing torture to continue. >> the a.p.a. said there has never been coordination between itself and the bush administration. what facts is the report based on? >> well, the report is based on actual emails between an a.p.a. senior official, a c.i.a. senior research psychologist and a white house psychologist working together to coordinate the research effort, the ethical effort having that were all connected with the program of the c.i.a. in doing interrogations. in fact, the c.i.a. psychologist that was part of this group went to work for the two psychologists who actually masterminded the torture program. >> top bush administration officials like dick cheney have continued to say these interrogations were necessary to protect national security. if the a.p.a. did what the report says, can it be argued that they simply did what the times demanded to prevent
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another 9/11 attack? >> well, the professional association, doctors psychologists, we're supposed to have the cool head and an independent ethical standard. when everybody is frightened, you should turn to psychologists to not react in a frightened way. >> but psychology is part of that plays into every day law enforcement and legal interactions with criminal suspects. that can't be argued. where is the line? >> the line is very clear. it has to do with do no harm. we are dedicated to the public good and we -- so when we pervert our ethics to suddenly become the arbiter was what's harm to be the ones who research on detainees to ones who are observing and monitoring how effectively the torture is going to be turned against them,
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we turn into the opposite. we've become the vehicles of harm torture distress, mental distress taking apart the mind when in fact we are trend to help support the mind, the humanity of the individual. we can educate people on how the mind works. we can help interrogators learn what are non-harmful ways of speaking to prisoners but to be responsible and be part of a program that actually puts people in boxes and makes them feel like they're drowning and then tries to prove -- >> it goes beyond the line. very quickly, are you still a member of the a.p.a. >> i'm part of a.p.a.'s governance and trying very hard to help change the a.p.a. and restore its reputation. >> thank you so much for you're insights this morning. >> a louisiana prison guard has been fired after video surfaced of him abusing an inmate.
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the deputy can be seen punching and kicking the prisoner, even allowing a guard dog to bite the man. the incident happened more than two years ago but it was recently exposed when a federal grand jury subpoenaed the footage. >> emotional testimony in the trial of james homes accused of killing 12 people and injuring 70 in a movie theater shooting in colorado. officer justin grizzle described the sights and sounds he welled in the theater right after the attack with victims cell phones ringing and many trying to crawl out of the room after being shot. >> of course the one that i will always remember is the little girl that i had to step over, because i knew she was gone and continue on. it was the hardest thing i had to do, but going back on my training i had to save the ones i knew i could try and save. >> prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for holmes. his lawyers argue that he was suffering from a psychotic
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episode. >> there's been a growing clash over plans to save the rain forest. we have today's environmental impact report. >> here is panama. there is a struggle going on that is a microcosm for what is happening around the world in the tropics those who rely on the rain forest to survivor battling against those whose livelihood dependency on clearing it. there's got to be some sort of collusion in finding middle ground between these two groups. some say carbon trading is one of those last best hopes. as you'll see in this report, it's not that easy. >> it's 6:00 a.m. in panama. tribes from across latin america are gathering to assert their concerns about the threat of deforestation in their ancestral homeland. their very survival dependency on this lush tropical rain forest but the livelihoods of
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cattle ranchers, farmers and loggers depend on clearing this land. slash and burn tree cutting caused the loss of roughly 1 billion-acres of rain forest around the world in the last 40 years. that's nearly half the size of the continental united states. >> for those who depend on the forest for food, medicine and clothing the outlook is grim. >> what you're seeing right here is really the front line in the battle between man and nature. it's a scene that really plays out all across the world but particularly in the tropics. here in panama, this kind of scorched earth is exactly what they are fighting to stop. >> the united nations is trying to help, devising a program called red that would make trees worth more standing alive than dead. red stands for reducing emissions from deforestation and
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forest degradation. countries and other groups are rewarded for protecting the forest with so-called carbon credits which can be traded and sold for cash. >> it's something that finally places value to the standing forest. >> according to son servationists, reducing deforestation is needed to slow the rising seas and rivers that are rapidly closing in on tribes like this. a former secretary of the general congress took me down river to explain. >> he says this is the old village here. it moved back in 2010 because of increased flooding. they had to essentially move the entire village up to higher ground. >> the climate here is changing.
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water gets higher, forcing them to look for new homes. just a three hour boat ride from here on a small group of islands off panama's northern coast authorities are making plans to relocate thousands of local residents. worldwide sea level little are rising by more than 30 millimeters every year. as low lying communities like this islands where they also live, they are slowly being swallowed up. many scientists blame it on the recent increase in greenhouse gases which contributes to rising temperatures and rising sea levels. that's what the u.n.'s red plan to shortstoply limit deforestation is all about. trees are like sponges which absorb carbon dioxide. when they are cut down, they release that gas back into the air. fully one fifth of the greenhouse gases from from carbon dioxide released back
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into the atmosphere when trees are felled. >> the entire transportation sector burning diesel throughout the year, together it does not release as much into the atmosphere as the burning of forest. >> an unlikely opponent is the tribe itself. >> after talking to some people here in this village about carbon trading, one of the things that becomes clear is the idea of assigning value to trees that goes against their culture because you really can't put a price on the rain forest, for them at least. >> there's always a reservation when programs are brought in from the outside. they go against our tradition and what we know. >> in panama, 15th of the one fifth of the country is governed by tribes.
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when it comes to red, they have to approve it. >> unless the project is their own project you don't have a project. >> there is reason to be skeptical. under the red program a country like panama must self police. it can say it's aggressively protecting its forest and receive its rewards but it is not clear if the u.n. would really know that it is, and that is the dilemma of a 21st 21st century approach to ancient forest and ancient people like them. it's a matter of sacred trust. >> obviously there are still a lot of hurdles to overcome. the one thing that's clear is the importance of trees to the environment. the carbon they sequester and how that plays out going forward, it's a challenge for the entire world to take on when it comes to deforestation. >> in our digit albeit, a story
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you'll see only on, residents are worried about a landfill in missouri where radioactive waste was dumped decades ago. the company that owns it is containing the waste rather than removing it, a move the government approved. a reporter spoke to residents. >> there remains no lining between that waste and the ground water, there is no cover between that waste and the surface and the major problem is that researchers and experts point to no one ever categorized or has done a survey to see what is actually dumped there. >> the e.p.a. promise to say continue to look into what's happening at the site and any potential risks to the public. to read the entire story go to and click on u.s. >> mayweather versus pacquiao, the match build as the fight have the currently but will it revive interest in boxing. >> ending with a bang, the
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of allegations that german chancellor angela merkel's government has been involved in surveillance. >> authorities wanted to send a message to poachers and smugglers that they will not tolerate the illegal ivory trade. >> a surprise test flight of a space vehicle the rocket's engine worked flawlessly. one of the reusable parts malfunctioned and could not be recovered. >> it is the end of an era for the nasa space probe messenger. the craft slammed into mercury after years of orbit. its final resting place is the planet it has orbited for years. >> going out with a bang, that's the message nasa tweeted thursday afternoon announcing one of its missions has come to a crashing conclusion. the agencies space probe known as messenger slammed into the planet mercury after running out
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of fuel. >> three main engine start two one and zero and lift off. >> the spacecraft was launched in 2004 and took seven years to reach mercury's orbit. after 11 years circling the planet more than 4,000 times it simply lost steam. after running on fumes for the past several weeks it slammed into mercury at 9,000 miles an hour leaving a crater more than 50 feet wide. the ship sent more than 200,000 stunning photos and valuable data back to earth including discoveries of volcanic deposits and polar ice caps more than two miles thick. nasa celebrate the findings at a recent gatherings where it announced the end of the mission. >> that's absolute genius, to take and use technique to say benefit the mission and more so the science. >> the mercury mission cost $400 million. it was nasa's second trip to the
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planet. the mariner 10 did a fly by in the 1970's. european and japanese scientists are next in line to launch exploration of the smallest planet. >> mercury it's not goodbye perhaps we'll see you again. >> antonio mora, al jazeera. >> the bucks picked their first those in the nfl draft. >> with the first pick in the 2015 nfl draft the tampa bay buccaneers suggest jameis winston. >> winston said he hopes he can gain everyone's trust. the quarterback was accused of sexual assault when he was a freshman at florida state university but was never charged. >> oregon quarterback marcus mariotta went second overall to the titans and jaguars chose
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dante fowler with the third pick. round two takes place tonight in chicago. >> on the culture beat, it's build alleges the fight of the century. i believe we have a live look at the las vegas strip and the mgm grand where floyd mayweather, jr. takes on manny pacquiao tomorrow. they'll both take home upwards of $100 million. vasion could win big from the fight, as andy gallagher reports, the city hopes the match will put it back in the money. >> it's the neon city in the desert a place where just about anything goes, but even here, the buzz surrounding the fight again floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao has las vegas excited. pound-for-pound, mayweather and pacquiao are consider road the greatest boxers of their generation. this has been a fight years in the making, bringing in thousands of fans who between them will spend millions of dollars. >> i need a cab.
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>> at the lucky transportation company, business is booming. the firm has more than 200 vehicles not enough to cope with the influx of people. >> i have been booked solid for the weekend for the fight. >> the company's owner said the fight is one of the biggest events the city has seen. >> this has a huge economic impact. it has also huge impact that las vegas is back and it's going to be economically great for our community. >> at betting shops it's a similar story. it's estimated that $100 million will be wagered on the outcome. bookies say there is more than money at stake. >> i'm rooting for a great fight. a great fight spurs interest for another great fight. if it's a dull fight or something doesn't go right boxing is in trouble. >> for las vegas, it is hoped to
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restore the city's fortunes. >> during the fair ball crisis, las vegas was one of the hardest cities in the u.s. house prices fell and thousands lost jobs, but this is a city uniquely built for larger than life events and this could be a billion dollar weekend. fans are excited for what is billed also the fight of the century. >> look at them go at it. both raring to go, we are raring to watch it. >> boxing may not draw the crowds it once did but this is expected to be the biggest money fight of all time. al jazeera, las vegas nevada. >> coming up in two minutes from doha the latest on the recovery efforts in nepal. the death toll there is now topping 6200. that's it for us here in new york. thanks for watching.
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>> welcome to the news hour from doha. >> medical workers try to prevent the spread of disease in nepal. >> the yemeni capitol tries to recover after a deadly air strike. >> demonstrators around the world mark may day. protestors in turkey are met with tear gas and water cannon. >> floyd mayweather's father said his
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